Mature Teacher Pays for Her Mistake


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Charlene dropped to the floor to show Wendy what she was talking about. Carl could see the difference in Charlene's floor show. She was showing everything, but you know that you can only look and not touch. Charlene although completely exposed, had an innocent expression on her face. Wendy could see this also, and dropping to the floor following her instructors lead practicing with her. It took Wendy an hour to have some semblance of her instructor's movements and facial expressions, when they stopped.

"You're doing great Wendy." Carl said.

"Wendy you are getting the hang of the dance routine, but we need to do something about your grooming. Tomorrow I will bring my grooming gear, and take care of it for you, if you want." Charlene said.

"I don't want all of Wendy's pubic hair gone. I like her blonde bush, if you remove all her pubic hair she will look like a little kid." Carl said

"No Carl, I am only going to trim around her bottom and her labia, so it will be prominent, when she spreads her legs, the guys love to see pussy lips without the hair obstructing their viewing pleasure."

"Don't I have a say in this?" Wendy stated.

Both looked at Wendy, and then Charlene smiled at her, while she said. "Of course you do, but I want you to be the hit of the party, and show everyone that a teacher can also be, pretty and sexy."

"I don't want all my pubic hair gone, just trimmed up would be Okay, and you can do it for me tomorrow.

"You're doing great; we will go through the whole routine tomorrow. You are a great student, who said you can't dance." Charlene said.

Carl said. "We have another meal coming today Derrick is bringing it over. Do you want to stay Charlene?"

"I will stay but we will have to go to the door as we are."

"I'm fine with that." Wendy stated as she sat on the couch with one leg under her, thus exposing her pussy to Carl, Charlene and anyone happening by outside.

"You're getting the hang of showing off Wendy. I love it." Said Carl, walking into the living room and seeing his wife's love tunnel exposed, his pecker was so hard, and it felt like he was walking on three legs.

While sitting and chatting, Carl did not know where to look; both women were trying to outdo each other, for Carl's attention. Charlene spread her legs very wide, lightly stroking her pussy. Wendy seeing Charlene's action with a smile on her face, Wendy is inserting her fingers in her pussy, pumping her pleasure palace intensely, while looking at the others in the room. The ringing doorbell put a stop to Wendy's exhibition, reluctantly removing her fingers from her quim. There was a noticeable odor in the room of sexually stimulated females, when going to the door.

Wendy, opening the door to find Derrick with another young man with him, Wendy recognizing the other young man, as Shaun another of her former students, panicking she went to her brief case, extracting two non-disclosure documents.

Derrick, explaining to Carl and Charlene, "This is the friend I was talking about," while Wendy was out of the room.

Wendy coming back into the room and handing the documents to the two young men along with pens, Wendy said. "I need you to sign these for me."

Shaun not knowing why asked. "Why do we have to sign these?"

"So both of you can stay here to have dinner with us, if you like, the rest I will explain after you sign the document." The nude woman stated.

Not believing their good fortune, both young men signing the documents without reading them, as the two nude women are more interesting than any legal document, for the two relatively inexperienced young men. They have never been in a place with women totally on display and one being a former teacher that they thought was very modest.

"Now that you signed the document I will tell you the rest of the story. I am dancing at a private party at the gentlemen's club in Whately on route Five and Ten the corner of Christian Lane, do you know where that is?" Wendy stating, thus is giving more information to the young men, and explaining further. "Both of you are invited to the festivities, if you like to cum? The nude woman is stating, while using a double meaning in her last statement, which went right over the two young men's head.

Carl and Charlene caught on immediately, starting to laugh at Wendy's pun.

"Let's eat before the dinner gets cold." Wendy said as she went to the cabinet and retried two more place settings.

The group sat around the, table the young men happy about their good fortune, Carl happy that his wife is adjusting to a new life style, and Charlene happy with the good fortune of meeting this older couple.

When dinner was complete Carl said, "Ladies I will clean up and the young men will be able to leave for more deliveries." knowing the young men will volunteer to help.

"We will help you clean up Mr. Grant." Shaun is saying, hoping the older man will let them stay.

"I could use the help, but the real reason is that you want to see more of two naked women?" Carl said while smirking.

"I-I g-guess t-that is a- another r-reason." Stammered Shaun hoping Carl will let them stay until needing to do more deliveries.

Wanting to have some fun at the two guy's expense, Carl hollering to the two nude women said. "Do you feel like entertaining two young gentlemen a while more?"

Charlene addressing Carl said. "I think the young men should come in here and ask us if they can stay?"

Derrick and Shaun walking into the room, finding both women sitting in chairs with their womanhood on display, the young men have never been in a place where the women are so complacent with their total exposure. Charlene they could see being less modest but their former teacher is surprising them.

Shaun was the shy one, so Wendy looking at Shaun and asking. "Would you like to stay and chat for a while?"

"Y-Yes, Mrs. Grant we would love that." Shaun stammered without taking his eyes off his former teachers honey pot.

"I am sitting here with everything on display and you're calling me Mrs. Grant. I think you can call me Wendy, as you have an intimate knowledge of me presently, don't you think? Usually when I am speaking to someone I look them in the eye, what is so interesting down there Shaun". His former teacher said teasing him and looking at the tent in his pants with a satisfying grin on her face, that she can still turn on young men.

I-I can't believe how lucky I am to see two beautiful women naked, as the day they were born in front of me." Shaun babbling as he takes in the sight of the older women continuing. "Charlene you're beautiful and Mrs. I mean Wendy you are a MILF and I mean it in a very complimentary way."

Charlene said. "Thank you Shaun, I appreciate the compliment from a nice looking young man as you."

"Shaun I am grateful to you for expressing your appreciation of my draped body and for the fact that you I have help me overcome my embarrassment of being nude in public and by totally exposing my body to all here." Wendy said with emotion.

The group sat down all the men in position to view the lovely ladies and conversed about many topics. They are sitting in the Living room, as you may remember, is in the front of the house with large picture window, so anyone walking by can see into the room, and with the women facing the window, their intimate areas can be seen, as it is getting dark.

At nine o'clock Carl said "Although we are having a grand time with all of you. I think it is time to say good-bye, so we can get ready for tomorrow, as it is a work day and if I am not mistaken Derrick you have class at U mass tomorrow."

Picking up the conversation where Carl left off Shaun adding. "I have to go to class tomorrow also we ride together. We can be here by about six thirty."

With an embarrassing look on his face Derrick asking. "I don't have to work tomorrow night can we come over here and watch?"

"It is up to the ladies." Carl stated.

"I have no problem with that." Charlene stated.

"I don't either, but who is going to bring us our dinner?" Wendy stated.

"I will buy for all of us if you can pick up the meal on the way here Derrick." Said Carl

"I can do that and will call in to get a discount for you Carl seeing your wife and Charlene are proving the entertainment." Derrick said.

With that said, Charlene put on her skirt and top, Carl, Shaun, and Derrick watched. Wendy remained naked and escorted the three to the door. She stood in plain sight, as she watched them leave for the night. Before the door was shut, she was at her husband's pants to get his cock out, she needed something to nibble on she was so horny. He didn't last long with her oral ministrations blowing a load into her mouth, but that was just a preview of what was to come.

Wendy is taking Carl to bed leading him by his cock. She lay down on the bed; spreading her legs and rubbing her pussy, while watching Carl remove his clothes. Lying between her legs, he is starting to kiss her at her knees, and slowly up the inside of her thighs to her pussy. He could smell her arousal, and this is causing him to become erect again. Carl gives her lovely pussy a lick and goes to the other knee and starts on the inside of her thigh kissing his way up to her pussy again.

"Please stop teasing me and lick my pussy I need to come." The excited High School Teacher said to her husband.

Carl is tongue fucking his lovely wife. She is moaning and pushing her pussy into Carl's face trying to get his whole head in her pleasure palace.

In a very short time Wendy is screaming her orgasm. "Ah-ah-ah-ah Carl, that feels so good, why haven't we done this more often, we lost so much time that we can be doing this" Wendy said then went into an orgasmic comma.

Concerned that he did something to cause Wendy to faint, getting up, and standing with a Hardon that hurts, wondering what he can do to revive his comatose wife. He didn't have to worry as in a few minutes Wendy came back to life, with a happy smile on her face.

"I need that in me Carl, Please." Wendy said pointing to her husband's erect man meat.

Lovingly getting between his lovely wives legs, Wendy grabbing his erection, rubbing her quim with the head of his manhood to get it wet, she finds her pussy and Carl pushes in her gently but that didn't last. Wendy on her part is pushing up to meet his thrusts and that is causing him to push harder and in a short time, they are driving in an out like a locomotive going full steam down the track. Carl held back long enough for Wendy to reach her orgasm first, clamping down on his cock causing him to blow his load deep inside his wife's pussy, coating her cervix with his seed. Rolling over together staying connected in after orgasm bliss, until he fell out of her pussy. Falling asleep spooning they awakened in that position in the morning having wonderful dreams all night.

Friday Wendy knows she is loved and Carl is so thankful that Wendy is his wife. They did their morning regiment and went to work. Carl accomplished a lot during the day. Wendy couldn't wait for the day to be over. The last class of the day went well all the young men in the class just kept starring at their English teacher, in disbelief that she will be dancing tomorrow.

The bell rang and Wendy dismissed the class, as she thanked them for their attention today. She was walking out of the school and went to the time clock to punch out when the Principal approached her.

"Did you get all the documents signed? The principal asked.

"Yes I did." Wendy said.

"Can I have them, so I can send them to Mr. Wentworth?"

"Sure let's make a copy for my records." Wendy said as they went to the copy machine, in in a few minutes the principal had a copy and Wendy kept the originals. She put them in her brief case and was heading for the door

"Are you going to dance tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have been practicing and the instructor says I am doing a good job and I am having fun."

"What does your husband think of you dancing?"

"He thinks it is great, I found out that he likes to show me off, so that has let me let loose and enjoy the exposure." Wendy stated, confiding in the principal, because he can't tell anyone or risk a law suit.

Carl was home when Wendy arrived. She stripped off her clothes and brought them to the laundry room. Carl was behind her rubbing her snatch as she loaded the clothes into the washer. As she put the soap in the washer he put his cock in his wife, fucking her while she was bent over the washing machine. He came after he made sure she did and just in time because the doorbell rang. Carl zipped up and went to the door, Wendy followed.

Opening the door and Greeting the new comer Carl Said. "Hi Charlene, how are you doing today?

"Doing well, Hi Wendy I see you are ready for your grooming." Charlene said entering the house with a case she is pulling behind her and removing her clothe, as soon at the front door was shut saying. "It would probably be better to do the grooming on a bed, it would be more comfortable for you."

Charlene followed Wendy and Carl carried the case for the younger woman.

"We need a pan of warm water and some towels, do you think you can get that for me Carl." Charlene said.

"Sure, where do I find a pan for water Wendy?"

Wendy, lying down on the bed, put her knees up, and spread them, waiting for the towels "Down in the laundry room you will find a pan for water." Then reiterating, "Charlene, I don't want my entire pubic area cut, just do as minimal a trim as you can, I don't what to have a little girl pussy on show tomorrow."

"You need to have the area around your labia and bottom free of hair that is what I will be trimming; the rest can stay as it is, if you like." Charlene said and then sniffing the air close to Wendy's pussy said. "I can smell a satisfied woman, Wendy you just had sex." Charlene laughing at the older woman's embarrassment and seeing the evidence of her copulation running from her pussy.

Carl came back with everything asked for; Charlene put the towel under Wendy and wet the hand towel, with the warm water and put it on Wendy's labia. After a few minutes Charlene lathered up around the older woman's labia and started to remove the hair. Carl was intrigued the way Charlene removed his wife pubic hair; she had her fingers pulling his wife's lady-lips taut to shave them and her fingers in her vaginal opening, within fifteen minutes Charlene is done, grooming around Wendy's pussy

"Can you turn over and get on your knees, so I can finish your grooming you Wendy."

Wendy did as instructed and Charlene went to work on the older woman's back door. Putting the warm towel on first, and then carefully shaving around her pretty brown-star, it only took about five minutes to be done back there.

Taking out a bottle of thick clear liquid, Charlene put some on her hands and gave the bottle to Carl to hold. "I am putting on aloe Vera on your private parts it will keep the area moist and stop razer burn. You can keep this bottle and have Carl put this on you every few hours and make sure you put it on tomorrow before the show, so your pussy will not look raw." Charlene said as she put the soothing liquid on Wendy's recently denuded pussy and helped her student up, she continued. "Put your outfit on Wendy and go through the whole routine once and we will see where you need more work."

Wendy put on her school outfit with sexy undergarments in her bedroom, while Charlene went down stairs into the living room to key up the music for Wendy. When Wendy strutted through the door Charlene started the music. Wendy danced the first song and was down to her bra and panties when it ended.

"You did very well." Charlene said

While Carl clapped after she finished dancing to her first number.

The second number began and Wendy dancing to it removing her bra and throwing it on a chair. Wendy walking around the room holding her breasts as if she was presenting them to everyone there for their viewing pleasure. The last few minutes of the song she is teasing Carl pulling her panties down and then up again a few times, until the very last minute of the song, sliding her panties down catching them on one shoe and tossing them to her husband, surprising him at her nimbleness.

"Outstanding Wendy, your dancing is better this number than the first one." Charlene said praising her student's footwork.

Waiting for the last song to start Wendy is thinking. "It is annihilation time when I finish this song tomorrow everyone will know all my intimate details of my body. I will have no secrets anymore." Wendy thought will walking around the room completely nude, she finally sexily drops to the floor sits on her bottom and spreads her leg. Holding her leg up with her hand and laying on her side to free the other hand to open her labia, so everyone can see her vaginal opening and the pink beyond. She moved around to let everyone see her inner being and by the end of the song her pussy was gushing it arousal along with Charlene. Carl had a hard problem that was very noticeable and hurt.

When the song ended there was complete silence for about twenty seconds and then both observers hooted and clapped.

Charlene went to Wendy helped her up and hugged her. "You are going to knock them dead tomorrow Wendy you did outstanding."

"Outstanding!" Carl said with a shit-eating grin on his face and an erection along with a large wet spot on his pants, to see two naked women hugging is fascinating.

Both women looked at Carl and started laughing hysterically. "I think he likes my routine." Wendy said looking at the bulge in his pants.

The doorbell rang and both women went to the door knowing it was time for their dinner to arrive. Sure enough Derrick and Shaun are at the door grinning at the two lovely naked ladies answering the door. The delivery guys brought the dinner into the kitchen, as Carl set up the dishes and the younger men opened the food boxes. The women sat down and are waited on as if they are royalty, each of the men serving them their food, with smiles on their faces, and erections in their pants.

The men finally sat down to eat, chatting about their day with the women. They can't get over how calm both women are naked in front of them. Wendy is surprising Carl, how well she is taking being nude in front of everyone, hopefully she will have fun tomorrow.

When dinner is over Carl said. "The three of us can clean up, why don't the ladies, go into the Living room and relax.

Fifteen minutes later the men completing cleaning up and entering the Livingroom; both women are on the sofa and nonchalantly exposing their womanhood to all walking on the sidewalks out in front of the house and to the men entering the room.

Charlene says just as soon as the men come into the room. "Wendy is going to do her dance one more time and we will call it a night."

Going to the chair where her discarded clothes are, Wendy retrieves her panties and while looking at both young men she puts them on, next comes the bra putting the straps over her shoulders she hooks it in front. The dress and then the blouse are on put on. The three men never take their eyes off the school teacher as she dresses.

While watching Wendy dress, Carl thinks to himself. "I am the luckiest man alive being married to a sexy woman as Wendy. Too bad I didn't realize before this, so Wendy could have been more outgoing sooner."

The young men are thinking along the same lines, as they watch Wendy dress. "She was my English teacher and I didn't know how sexy she was."

Charlene keyed up the music and Wendy started to dance removing her blouse as she teased all there and then her skirt, all the men had full-blown erections, when the first song ended. Wendy walked around she stopped and smiled down at each of her audience.