All Comments on 'Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 14'

by mondotoken

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CreeperclawCreeperclawover 2 years ago

Well, that was largely cathartic for a bunch of reasons. There are still quite a few folks in his life I'd hesitate to call friends anymore. Quite frankly a sane person would call the cops on some, ghost the others and just walk away but I guess the mc is too nice to do that. Also still an idiot, how is this guy still getting led around by his dick? Renee should've been a wakeup call, Yoli and Vicky should've been stark reminders and given what happened in the beginning of this chapter you'd think he'd resolve to live like a monk for at least a month... but I guess that'd be boring in a series like this. The whole Ms. Hate thing was begging for trouble in Hindsight, it was almost exactly like showing up to Renee's salon, both equally nuts.

Now we have our mc reunited with a former coworker completely unguarded and wearing near nothing... an immature and petty person with a clever mind might think up an epic/lucrative prank to play on her that'd make the pants incident look like child's play, but I suppose he's still too nice to do that. Even though she totally has it coming.

Looking forward to the next chapter Mondo, my authors submissions have been pretty dry for a while and this was excellent.

KossykolzKossykolzover 2 years ago

Really loving this series, can't wait for more to come, keep it up

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

Creeperclaw ,trust me.

BTW regarding this MC's actions and "being led around by the dick? What is the name of this series?

What is the name of this site and what is it dedicated to my friend?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Catherine Brennan anal story next? 👀

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1over 2 years ago

@Mondo: The answer is Badonkadonk! It's all about big booty and getting off despite the awesome plot, characters and action.

And that's great with me. Love an awesome story with a great storyline, shaggable characters and a lot of shagging. Do what you have to do create more avenues for plot building and unforgettable shagging.

DarthAmonDarthAmonover 2 years ago

This man does not miss lol

I’d been checking once a week for a new chapter and you delivered bruh. I wonder what his version of happiness will be at the conclusion of this story and more importantly how epic will the revenge be against renee

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1over 2 years ago

Carlie sounds like a chocolate lavender tribute. Hot. 😁

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

by OgbaNcha1 on 5 hours ago

Carlie sounds like a chocolate lavender tribute. Hot. 😁



FYI: Not saying the name of the next chapter.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

After reading this chapter twice. One of my questions has been answered. Yoli was not the one texting the MC. When the MC texted his job address who he thought was Yoli but it wasn’t. Renee found out and blew that situation up with her cousin. Renee is either in love with the MC or just crazy wanting to keep tab on him. A sane person would have distance themselves from this crazy situation. We will have to wait to see how that works out. In the meanwhile there is a storm brewing that Renee doesn’t see coming.

Although you might think the MC is being led around by his dick but you would be right and wrong. He is finally playing chess not checkers. He is clearly going into each situation alert and understanding the consequences. I have seen his growth. Say what you want about Renee she was a good teacher for him. She taught him how to handle women but she just did it in a fucked up way. He is much more confident around women then he was at the beginning.

Well MS. Hate got what she deserved. Enough said about that situation. Still have more to say but will finish this post later it’s getting to long.

@Mondotoken you find a way each time to leave me speechless. You put together another masterpiece. I truly can’t wait till chapter 15.

@Ogbancha1 Bentley is beating your girl back out lol.

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1over 2 years ago

I actually mentioned Chocolate Lavender because of Carlie's hair at the beginning before getting to the part with the actual Chocolate Lavender! It was great seeing her return and I loved it.

But I will not lie, I don't know about the ending. Was interested in a few more scenes with the MC because...she's the OG Chocolate Lavender! Oh well... I guess that's the end of her arc and that of Tressie's. I loved her and the MC too and wanted more of them too but I guess she had to move on to something real, she isn't getting any younger as they say where I come from.

Phoebe and Bentley...grrrr...not a fan of that lil mofo but it is what it is. Lol... I love Charity Gilbert but if there's anyone I would let MC let go of if it had the power, it is actually HER.

Another awesome installment and if I may be allowed to be selfish, even at 21 pages I didn't want the story to end. 10/10 on the sex with Carlie. You are the GOAT, Mondo. No caps. 🙌🏾

(PS: Abayomi is a Yoruba name common in my home country lol). Looking forward to the next story.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

Responding to OgbaNcha1about

Sir, a lot of balls are still up in the air and please it up to me to bring this season to a close regarding character arcs. Chocolate Lavender is a player overall, and served as a mid-level boss here. She's had a very long tortured life ending up in the church before she was deposed in this chapter.

I hoped the reintroduction of Charity Gilbert would show the character's multiple layers of personality. I feel her relationship with the MC humanizes her to some degree with the reading audience while still retaining her malevolent past villainy in Hope, Charity & Faith. I feel there are still a few more leaves to strip from the artichoke of her personality in this story or another.

Phoebe still has a story to play out...

MC looks one way to you guys, but his growth has been steady. Whether anyone realizes it or not, he's being torn between two worlds with the threat of those dueling lifestyles mashing together like the clashing rocks of Greek mythology.

I like to think MC caught Carlie in her rebound period between Officer Douche and Abayomi (Rebound Guy with a mind of his own.). What started pout as trolling on the MC's part ended u in a sexual duel progressing into a mini-fling which was what Charity pointed out before more of her own human foibles were revealed.

Eh, I guess Zoya Berhan didn't leave much of an impression ...

One of my favorite mini-scenes was Sister Jacobs / Chocolate Lavender facing off with and calling out the hypocrisy of the other female church elders.

Glad I didn't catch any flack for having the MC literally whup Tressie Fisher bare assed in the alley behind his house.

As always, thanks for reading my content and I appreciate all comments from the audience. They really do stoke the flames of creativity. Keep looking for new content, because I'll be putting it out.

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1over 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for the response. Far be it from me to even suggest the arcs. 😁 Just typing my thoughts.

The way I laugh out loud and mention names from your series and folk would be like, "Dude what TV series is that?" 😄

We will always keep looking out for your new content. I have followed you across multiple platforms over the years man. I mean what I said, you are the Goat.

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 2 years ago

@Mondo, Tressie had the MC ambushed, kidnapped, terrified the almost literal crap out of and then almost definitely shot dead all over a mistake on her part... a little spanking in a semi-public place was the LEAST she deserved. If it was me the crazy b*tch would be locked up in prison right next to her cousin.

Also I don't much care for Bentley either(never thought I'd say that, I loved the guy from The Jeffersons). I guess her character has had a pretty sorry sex life until recently but it's still daunting that she'd turn against the mc so quick now that she's got a new boy toy, she's known him longer than Charity and should know that if he's pissed at someone there's a good reason.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondo the Tressie scene was interesting. I took it was the closest thing to beating her up he could do. As crazy as it might seem they both was turned on. I think if it was a guy it would of went differently.

Charity has evolved since being in high school. You can still see some of her old ways but not as much. The chemistry Charity and the MC have is electric. In a previous chapter she mention she has feelings for him but it scares her. The MC is the only guy she can be herself around. In high school she was to busy being the alpha like Renee. Not saying it should or it would happen. It wouldn't shock me if her in the MC end up together.

I went back and read the origins of Chocolate Lavender. She has quite the interesting story. If you haven't read it. Please do because it is a must read to understand Chocolate Lavender. I don't see how I missed it.

Phoebe and Bentley is a unique relationship. I never thought the MC and Phoebe would work long term. Bentley seem to be the right fit for Phoebe. Even if their relationship only last for a season.

Zoya reminds me of the Indian intern story you wrote.. I am still waiting for more info on Zoya and Steven. They seem to have a story of their own trying to pull the MC into.

The weird thing I actually like Carlie with the MC. Even though he was trolling her but they had amazing chemistry together. I am also curious to see how are all of these situation going to turn out. You created yourself a nice problem to have. With so many plots you can use. I honestly can't wait to the next chapter to drop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

@gydeon after he sends his school's address, he says "It was hiding something in plain sight basically." this man is taunting us. you figured it out

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

i really hope we get a Pregnant Karen Frakkes story

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Synopsis: ???

Progress Report: Under Construction (That's all I'll say.)

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@mondotoken I know you said you wasn't going to drop the name of the next chapter. Will you be willing to give us a update on the progress?

By all means there's no rush on my part. I totally understand this might not be your full time gig. I was just doing some wishful thinking. Hopefully we will be granted with at least one more chapter either before or during the holidays.

I expect you probably would take some time off during the holidays just a educated guess. Besides you have wrote some amazing work this year. If you put it all together you wrote a few books.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken fair enough will check back in sometime

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

need a Catherine Brennan story asap. read up on Peteh57's stories they're really good GILF stories, imagine a rough Anal scene with her

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

Anonymous about 2 hours ago

Inquiry: need a Catherine Brennan story asap. read up on Peteh57's stories they're really good GILF stories, imagine a rough Anal scene with her

Answer: I have serious plans for Catherine Brennan and her granddaughters; she will be appearing in a series as part of an ensemble featuring Capri Johnson, Courtney McIntyre & later, Karen Frakkes. BTW. the MC of that series will have an actual name.


(Excerpt from untitled story)

“Would you like me to have the driver pull over grams; there are some bushes you two can use on the side of the road.” Capri said flatly, expression letting us know she meant every word of it.

“CAPRI, HOW DARE YOU!!” Catherine gasped, shocked at her granddaughter’s candor.

“Please, the house smelled like a stable when I got home last night. You two must have had a really good time; ain’t that right, lover?” Capri smiled sarcastically cupping my chin, but I batted her hand away remaining silent.

“Capri, why I-I uhm..” Catherine’s words trailed off as she glanced at me. Capri’s palm collided with my cheek in a blur reverberating throughout the back of the vehicle.

“Don’t feel bad lover; you know Granny really couldn’t help herself.”


mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Synopsis: ???

Progress Report: Still Under Construction, nuff said.

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1over 2 years ago

I've always been a fan of the Brennan woman. Especially the older ones. Definitely looking forward to a new series with rhem. The excerpt already looks juicy hehehe.

Peteh57 is an old fave of mine too.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken one of my favorite characters no one tend to talk about is Malaya Padilla. I love when she appears in one of your stories. Wishful thinking again I would love to see her in some of your upcoming stories you put out.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

Question: gydeon about 10 hours ago

@Mondotoken one of my favorite characters no one tend to talk about is Malaya Padilla. I love when she appears in one of your stories. Wishful thinking again I would love to see her in some of your upcoming stories you put out.

Answer: Malaya Padilla will RETURN!!

(Fleshing out her universe on the low. None of my regular readers will realize it until its happening.).

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Synopsis: ???

Progress Report: Still working on it; this will probably be longer than the last chapter guys.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor



Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken thanks for the update on the story progress and Malaya. I am looking forward to both.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This guy has had no actual discernable growth oh wow he can calm down AFTER getting his panties in a bunch and still smashing bitches who DONT respect him it'd fucking pitiful just once tell a bitch No and MEAN IT. Fucking simp

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So long as we are talking about our favorite mondo stories, I'm always hoping for another part to Big Butt Japan. Oshiri ga ookii.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

COMMENT: Anonymous about 1 hour ago

This guy has had no actual discernable growth oh wow he can calm down AFTER getting his panties in a bunch and still smashing bitches who DONT respect him it'd fucking pitiful just once tell a bitch No and MEAN IT. Fucking simp

ANSWER: Why don't you write a fucking story and show me how its done motherfucker?

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1over 2 years ago

@Anonymous: The irony of saying our favorite MC has no discernable growth then you use the word, "bitches" and the childish term kids these days use, "simp". I'd say you are the one that has refused to grow up and that's you can't notice the growth and maturity in others. Work on yourself, kid. Work on yourself.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

I don't take any anonymous comments serious. I tend to skip over them. They are people hiding behind anonymity. Most of the harsh comments come from anonymous users. They throw rocks and hide their hands.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"

Progress Report: STILL IN PROGRESS!!

Note: I will posting some alternate content for my fans while I continue working on this story.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@mondotoken Looking forward to it. I can't wait to see what you drop.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"


KossykolzKossykolzover 2 years ago

Still anticipating the conclusion, love u mondo

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 2 years ago

The wait for chapter 15 is killing me!!!

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@CreeperClaw I know the feeling.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

@CreeperClaw &gydeon the incoming supplemental material, trust me.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken when can we expect it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sheesh this 2 month long wait ain’t it this man mondotoken got mans starving waiting for the next release

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

QUESTION: @Mondotoken when can we expect it?

- gydeon about 3 hours ago

ANSWER: First chapter submitted.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken I am a little greedy please forgive me lol. Can we get a status update.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"


Question: Would you guys like a short story to ease the wait? And if you do, let me know the subject matter, but the BAD MILF series is off limits because I've already plotted out the future of a lot of those characters.

MEAN GIRLS of MAPLEWOOD (And Cupid Effect) are being held hostage by a phalanx of blue check feminists with corroborated threats of doxing.

If you want the grab bag option, I'll give you the bag.

So in conclusion, more content is on the way.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken replying to your last post. Under the guidelines you posted. I would only like to read this series and Tig Ole Bitties. Meaning I can wait till it drop. I could of named some other series but everything is secondary to this one. So in short doesn't matter what you drop I will read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really want a update to maximum badonkadonk or big ole titties but a continuation of she’s all that or my big fat azz summer would also be highly appreciated

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@mondotoken you should call Malaya Padilla to help with your world building on this series. Malaya and Renee are crazy sexy and cool my 2 favorites you created..

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

Mondotoken request:

QUESTION: Name your favorite characters and why from my catalog. I was just curious because the bulk of comments I receive these days are requests, not any true commentary on my story outside of a few of my loyal readers (Thank you guys very much.).

PROGRESS REPORT: Maximum Badonkadonk Chapter 15-STILL IN PROGRESS (Very Long Story guys.)

KonstantenKonstantenover 2 years ago

I think the Ms. Hate part is your best work here! Totally enjoyed it.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor



Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"

Status: Over one hundred pages.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken thanks for the update can't wait. @Mondotoken I got a question for you. What is your top3 favorite females you created? I can get an idea what fans might think but not yours.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor

@Mondotoken thanks for the update can't wait. @Mondotoken I got a question for you. What is your top3 favorite females you created? I can get an idea what fans might think but not yours.

Sorry gydeon, but I'm going to have to keep that close to the vest.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@mondotoken cool... well I guess I will assume lol. Over 100 pages can't wait to read it. It will give me more to read besides work and school material.

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken, catalogue?

Like a list of characters from a specific story series or a lost of favs in general?

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Am I taking your comment out of context, or are you throwing shade at me?

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken, Context.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You took it out of context

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Progress Report: Finishing up.

Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"

Status: 140 pages and rising.

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken Rubbing my hands and screaming lets go lol.

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Progress Report: Finishing up.

Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"

Status: Mini-Novel in Editing right now (02/10/2022)

gydeongydeonover 2 years ago

@Mondotoken rubbing my hands

mondotokenmondotokenover 2 years agoAuthor


Progress Report: COMPLETED / SUBMITTED 4 PUBLICATION!! (02/24/2022)

Synopsis: "The Educated Simp"

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How long does publishing usually take?

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