Meeting Our Daughter at a Sex Party Ch. 04


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Tom was intoxicated by his daughter, watching her on stage about to give a handjob tutorial to a group of guys and girls who were all obsessed with her despite her youth. Women twice her age were here to watch her in all of her glory. She was a natural on stage too, speaking into her microphone with complete confidence, mixed in with some humour and so much flirtatious energy.

When she asked for a volunteer a flurry of hands went up. Tom could feel his dick hardening. Was this a chance to make the next move? Volunteer himself to get jerked off by his daughter in front of a crowd? He didn't have much time to think and he was running out of time to act when she started teasing some of the guys in the audience, so he slowly lifted his right hand and pointed it at the ceiling. Tori held tightly to his other hand, always supportive.

Rebecca met his eyes, and he could see the light smirk on her face. He could feel the energy coursing between them. "You want to come up here?" she asked him, and he was already preparing to start the walk up on stage. Then his daughter scrunched up her face and shook her head. "I don't think so handsome. Maybe next time."

Tom's heart dropped and he turned to Tori who was giggling to herself. "That bitch." he said, leaning into to whisper in her ear. Tori couldn't stop giggling.

"She's fucking with you."

She was an unbelievable tease, but Tom accepted his fate for now. There was plenty of night ahead of them. Rebecca eventually chose Jason much to the chagrin of most of the guys who had begged for the chance. Any of their annoyed booing was drowned out by the screams of the ladies who loved him. Jason sat himself down on a chair next to Rebecca, but the biggest surprise was still to come.

"Now who wants to help me out with this guy? Come on ladies!" Even more hands shot up and Tom quickly realised that though his daughter may be the teacher, she wasn't always hands on. He thought she might be about to jerk him off in front of an audience, but instead she wouldn't be jerking off anyone at all.

Tori's hand didn't go up, but to the surprise of both of them, Rebecca pointed her out anyway. "What about you, Ms. Cheerleader?" she asked. "Interested?"

Tori looked to Tom and he had to compose himself quickly. The tease was still on, and they had to play along. "Go for it." he whispered to his wife, leaning down to kiss her. "Let's play her games."

Tori turned back to her daughter and nodded, and Rebecca quickly confirmed her choice. A few jealous groans filled the room again as Tori left her husband and made her way up onto the stage, and Tom now had the perfect view of both of his girls in front of him, except one was about to give the other a lesson in foreplay using another man's cock. His own throbbed at the thought, and he already began plotting a way to wrestle back control from his disobedient daughter.

"On your knees, gorgeous." Rebecca said. Tom felt his knees buckle at those delicious words as Tori dropped down onto the cushion that had been left in front of Jason. He was wearing a pair of football shorts but his top half was already bare. "What's your name?" Rebecca asked her mother.

"Tori. Victoria."

"You are so gorgeous, Tori. Isn't she?" The crowd erupted and Tom hollered a few times as well. He was so in love with his incredible wife and the reaction she was getting from so many people.

"You're gorgeous." Tori said when the microphone was held back her way.

"I get it from my mum." Rebecca looked to her dad as she said it, and his cock really started to press itself against his shorts. The look that followed between his girls drove him even more insane. "Get those shorts off him."

Tori did as she was told, pulling Jason's shorts down his legs and revealing his cock to her gleaming eyes for the first time. He was already hard and undeniably huge.

"Fucking hell." Tom groaned. The competition here was fierce but perhaps for guys to get the recognition Jason did, size really mattered.

"You should try sucking it." said a lady to Tom's left. He didn't think he would follow through on her suggestion but he appreciated the input.

"I want you to take his dick in your hand and just have some fun with him for a little while. We try not to take things too seriously up here but I will butt in here and there to offer some pointers." Rebecca said, and her mum didn't hesitate. She reached up with her right hand, taking the head of Jason's dick in her palm and started to lightly pump her arm.

It was an incredible view for everyone, but no one could feel what Tom was feeling. He watched his wife explore this new dick, letting her hand fall up and down every inch of it and even massaging his balls briefly. Rebecca offered her mother some lube, before pouring it onto the head of her friend's dick and letting her mum spread it all over from top to bottom. With his dick smeared with lubricant now, Tori's movements became quicker and she really began to indulge herself in his size. His cock started to leak some pre-cum, making things even more slippery.

"You can use two hands at once, especially at this size." Rebecca told her mother, and Tori listened. She put her left hand to the base and her right just above, wrapping her fingers around the shaft before starting to jerk up and down over and over. "Remember to focus just here." Rebecca said, bringing her hand to her mother's and stopping it when it reached the head. "Squeeze a little tighter here and remember to use your thumb along the frenulum."

Tori followed her daughter's instructions perfectly. Whenever her hands slid back up to the tip of Jason's cock, she would squeeze harder and tease the sensitive areas delicately, forcing groans out of him more and more with each trip. "The closer he gets, the more you want to focus up here."

Jason was soon squirming in his seat and Tori focused her attention on his cockhead, squeezing and tickling at the glans until he started to cum. "Don't let up. Ride the orgasm with him." Rebecca said, now on her knees next to her mother as Jason's cum started to spurt out of his dick, falling down his shaft and covering Tori's hands on the way as she kept pumping up and down through his convulsions.

Tom was in awe of every second of the show and his eyes soon met Tori's as she turned back to find him in the crowd. They locked eyes and she looked insatiable, and it became clear this handjob had only been the start for her. He was going to be busy with her soon, and maybe with Rebecca after she was finished with her teasing of him. Tori finally let go of Jason's dick, which fell back onto his lower stomach. "That was amazing. Come on guys, let's hear it for Tori." Rebecca said, and the crowd erupted one last time before their time on stage came to an end.

Tom trotted over, meeting both of his girls at the side of the stage. "That was incredible." he said. "You're so fucking naughty." He could have been talking to either of them.

Rebecca reached behind a curtain for a towel which she passed to her mum. Tori started to clean up her hands of both cum and lubricant before reaching up her husband, grabbing his face and meeting him in a hungry kiss. They made out tongues twirling while Rebecca watched on, before finally regaining their attention. "I would say get a room but I already got one. Same one you used with Jane and Jeremy last week. I'll meet you there in 5."

"Fuck." Tom said, his cock throbbing. "What do you think we're going to do?"

"Only one way to find out." Tori was so horny, and her hand reached to massage his dick through another kiss before the two ran upstairs and found themselves in the same room they shared with their daughter a couple of weeks ago when her relationship with her mother took a huge step forward.

"I can't believe she teased me like that. I get called out and rejected and then she drags you up there to jerk him off." Tom was completely on edge, unsure what was about to happen but so desperate to find out. His daughter had already taken her revenge for their last experience when he told her what to do, so hopefully they could go into whatever this was on equal footing.

"She's so naughty." Tori excitedly agreed. She was as keen as her husband to see what came next for the three of them. It wouldn't be too long until they found out either, with their daughter joining them and closing the door over. She had a little bag with her, which she threw onto the couch besides Tori. Then she turned to face her dad.

"What are we doing?" Tom asked breathlessly.

"You're doing nothing." Rebecca told him. "Except watching."

"You're really blue balling me that much after everything we said last weekend and everything you just made me watch." He was being incredibly open about the fact that he had expectations and those expectations including him cumming, whether that was in or on or because of his daughter. Here at the party there was no holding back like there had to be at home.

"I'm not blue balling anyone. You can jerk off if you want, but you don't deserve anything else." Rebecca seemed a little ticked off, which came as a surprise.

"What did I do?" Tom asked.

"You were so egotistical earlier. This is not only about you, you know?" Rebecca started to explain. Tori's eyes bulged out of her head as she watched her husband's face drop. He was in trouble and she was eager to know why. "We talked about this being a special family thing and then earlier on when I told you to go and have fun you said I wanted you here. Your exact words were 'you wanted me here' and it's so self-centred. This isn't all about you dad."

Tom was aghast. It was a throwaway comment. He was sure he didn't mean anything by it. "What are you talking about? You don't want me here?"

"I want you and mum here just as much as you want us both here or she wants us both here. It's supposed to be a team effort but you're so focused on your dick that you're acting like this is a fling between me and you and mum is a third wheel. I think it's disrespectful." Rebecca was unstoppable, having made her mind up an hour earlier when her dad made what he thought was a nothing comment.

"I can't tell if you're being serious right now." Tom mumbled, getting moody.

"I am being serious. You are being punished and that means you only get to watch so you ruined your own night by being selfish to mum. Even getting to watch is more than you deserve."

"Watch what?" Tori said, realising she was suddenly the focus of whatever came next.

"You'll know in a minute." Rebecca's tone was almost harsh with her mum too, so she turned back and smiled in apology. "I'm in charge so you get to sit this one out and think about what you did."

Tom was horrified, though his daughter telling him off was sexy in its own right. "How can I make it up to you?" he asked, giving it one last try. Maybe sucking up to her would work.

"You accept defeat and you sit and watch."

Tom fell back onto the mattress. His dick was still hard even as blood of frustration ran to his brain and warmed up his face. Tori was still sat on the couch watching Rebecca who was stood between them. She wasn't going to side with her husband on this one. Rebecca's point seemed fair enough, plus she was about to have something done to her that would change her life forever and she was too horny to turn that down.

"This isn't just about me and you dad. Whatever we both think is going to happen between us isn't the point of all this. It's what we share as a family. Having sex with mum is just as important as if I was having sex with you." She stepped closer to her dad, standing over him on the bed. "So you can wait a little bit longer and think about what you have done and in the meantime I am going to have some fun with your wife."

Tom sat back up, watching Rebecca's hips sway as she made her to the couch, sitting beside her mum. Those last words had driven him crazy. He didn't seem to have much of an argument. He had been a little selfish focused on only his own journey with his daughter and forgetting his wife was going through the same thing. All he could do was sit back and watch, make his apologies and maybe get lucky next week.

"Men, right?" Tori said, and the two girls laughed. All Tom could do was scowl. "What's in the bag?"

Rebecca reached for it and tipped it out between their legs. It was an assortment of toys. "We can maybe use some, if you want." There were a few more nerves in the air now, his two ladies struggling briefly to make eye contact as the tension between them built. It didn't seem like Rebecca had planned this out exactly, but that was likely because until her dad made his silly comment earlier, this hadn't been her plan for the night. She picked up a fleshlight and chucked it towards Tom, who caught it. "You can use that if you want."

There were some vibrators and dildos as well, one of which Tori picked up and held in front of her daughter. "Why is this one so weird?" she asked.

"It's a thruster." Rebecca said, reaching over to flick an on/off switch at the base. Once switched on the dildo began to mimic the thrusting of a real penis, with all three of them watching it for a few seconds before the girls laughed. "It's up to you if you want to give it a go."

"Maybe I will, but I still don't know what exactly we're doing." Tori said, and this time it was her time to tease. Rebecca was a little red faced, on the brink of taking the next step with her mum for an audience that was only her dad.

"I just thought we could mess around and see what happens." Rebecca answered. It wasn't the most confident answer, but that's not what Tori needed. It was time for her to make a move of her own, take the pressure of her sweet girl and show her just how smitten she was with her gorgeous daughter.

"Then let's see what happens. Can I kiss you?" Tori said, and every heart in the room swelled.

Rebecca nodded softly, but that was enough. For the first time in the two months since this started, there was a first kiss. Tori had gotten there before her husband, planting her lips on their daughters with a smack. Her eyes stayed open at first, but only until Rebecca's closed. Then they sank deeper into their growing lust for each other, kissing quicker by the second until their necks were both swaying side to side and their noses were smudging into each other with each pass.

Tom dropped his shorts as soon as they were kissing, putting some pillows behind his back so he could lean back and watch and gently massage his dick to their shared intimacy. In reality they had both already done worse with their daughter. She had tasted his cum on a couple of occasions, not to mention making him cum once through her own hard work. She had also sucked on her mother's nipples before, and yet this felt different. They weren't just caught in the moment making mistakes anymore, this was a real kiss full of love and desire. They wanted each other and if Tom hadn't been so self-absorbed, maybe she would have kissed him like this too.

Tori had made the first move but Rebecca made the second, reaching out one hand and placing it on her mum's thigh. She began to tickle her mum with her nails, edging inch by inch up her thigh. She then slipped her tongue into Tori's mouth and they jostled for control of the kiss, tongues twirling as gentle moans escaped both of their lips.

The kiss only broke for the first time when Rebecca went to the hem of her mum's crop top and began to lift it up and off her. Tori was braless and quickly exposed, her nipples already so hard. Rebecca explored both breasts with her hands, squeezing and then pinching the nipples before starting to kiss down her mum's jaw, onto her neck and upper chest. Then she took them back to a couple of weeks earlier and wrapped her lips around one nipple, sucking firmly. Tom had been watching his wife's legs open ever so slowly as Rebecca' hands explored further up her thigh and he could see her knickers now. He was jerking himself off as slowly as he could manage, making sure he was ready to last as long as this did.

Rebecca sucked and licked and kissed her mum's tits over and over, before Tori dragged her back into another kiss. Her left leg was now sprawled over the arm of the chair, and finally her daughter's fingers found her panties, pressing into a damp patch of the fabric. Tori's thighs tensed up a little and she wanted to trap her daughter's hand in there, but she kept control and leaned back into the couch. She was freeing her body up to whatever Rebecca had in mind for it.

Rebecca stood, moving in front of her mum and flicking her skirt upwards so it rested over her belly button, out of the way. Then she dug her fingers into Tori's hips and hooked them under her knickers, which she quickly pulled down her gorgeous legs. She turned back to her dad, watching him almost twitch with desire as he moved his eyes from one of their bodies to the next. "Use the fleshlight." she told him as it sat on the bed beside him.

"I will." Tom said. "I don't want to cum yet."

"What do you want me to do with your wife?" his daughter asked, and his cock pulsed once more.

"You should use that dildo. The one that fucks her." Tom had been as keen on the thruster as his wife, and Rebecca wasn't going to complain. Tom wondered how often his daughter had experienced something like this. There was nothing like incest but he found it hard to believe this was the first time she had fucked a wife in front of a husband.

Rebecca took the thruster dildo and began to rub it over her mum's pussy, which was soaked long before her panties ever came off. She was gentle, sliding the tip up and down between her pink lips and teasing Tori, who bit her bottom lip and began playing with her own tits simply to feel even more pleasure. When she was ready, she inserted the head of the purple dildo inside her mum who moaned in enjoyment and even anticipation of what else was to come.

Once the dildo was a few inches inside of her mum, Rebecca hit the on switch and watched as the shaft began to gyrate back and forth, mimicking the pumping of a cock. Tori began to push against the contraption so Rebecca inserted it deeper again. "Do you like that?"

"I love it sweetie." Tori's voice was dry so Rebecca lifted herself up and onto the couch again, allowing her mum to hold the dildo herself and falling into another sloppy kiss, swapping spit hungrily as Tori moaned into each lap of her tongue. With Rebecca leaning over her mum's body her skirt rode up the highest it had yet and Tom took as good a mental picture he could of her arse, because the moment was fleeting and she was soon back on her knees between Tori's legs.

Rebecca found a wand vibrator and placed it in her mum's other hand, before reclaiming the dildo for herself. "Use it here." she said, motioning to her mother's clitoris, but Tori didn't need a lesson in this. She switched on the vibrator and placed the head against her hood, before tilting it to meet her clit as well. She was gentle at first before pressing down firmly. Stimulating now from both the vibrations running through her and the fucking of the thruster she began to writhe a little more, her lower half grinding into the couch as Rebecca kissed her inner thigh and gleamed in excitement at the pleasure of being between her mother's legs. "You look so good mum."

Tori's cheeks were red and she was so warm and her body was riding wave after wave of pleasure, but nothing felt better than looking into Rebecca's eyes as all of that happened.

Tom wasn't sure how long he had been sat here jerking off. He just watched his girls sinking into their worship of each other. He could feel the energy from his spot on the bed, and the affection between them drove him wild. He didn't even get to share in all of it with Rebecca facing away from him, but he could at least enjoy her skirt riding up occasionally. The look in his wife's eyes though was indescribable. It was a level of love that only they could feel for their daughter, and he prayed he would get to chance to prove that one day.