Megan's Summer Education Ch. 01


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"That's good. Thank you for shopping with us." The manager left.

"Thank you for covering for me," Megan said to Jackson.

"No problem," he smiled. "So, um, you want me to scan it while you're wearing it?"

"Yes," Harry smiled. "I think the tag is right inside the back waist band."

Megan turned around and Mick lifted up her skirt. Megan was so thankful that the normally busy store was still quiet at this time of day. It was embarrassing enough that Jackson could now see her essentially bare ass. She felt his fingers pull at the band. Then it snapped back against her skin.

"Ouch," she said.

"Sorry," Jackson said. "Fingers slipped." She could hear the nervousness in his voice and wondered if his hands were shaking.

"I'll help," Harry said. Suddenly the thong was yanked away from her skin, far further than necessary, and the top was rolled over, exposing the tag. Her bare ass was visible to him as Jackson held the scanner over her. She felt the fabric digging into the soft flesh of her pussy. She looked up and saw a few customers looking in their direction as they walked by. Luckily, no one was close. She could see they were pointing. Some looked shocked. Some were laughing. She looked back down quickly, waiting to hear the beep of the scanner.

Once the tag finally scanned, her thong was put back in place and she stood up. Harry paid and they headed toward the exit. Megan was blushing and embarrassed, looking around to see if anyone was following them or who might have been watching. She noticed Jackson was grinning from ear to ear.

They got in the car, Mick taking his turn in the back seat with her this time.

"So, did you get the point of that lesson?" he asked.

"That was a lesson?" Megan asked, surprised. "You did that on purpose?"

"Of course, my naïve girl," Mick said. "We always have a plan."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you learn better when you don't know what's coming," Mick said.

"Plus it's a lot more fun," Harry laughed.

"You guys are some pretty crazy teachers," Megan said. "Um, well, what lesson did I miss?"

"You just learned how to get any guy you want by playing dumb," Mick said. He saw the blank look on Megan's pretty face. He resisted the urge to kiss her and continued. "Suppose you wanted that checkout boy. You need to make sure he notices you. Sure, you're pretty and dress nice, but so will all the college girls. How do you stand out? Think he'll remember the hot chick who forgot her panties, bought some new panties but forgot to take the tag off and pay for them, so she just bent over and showed off her ass? Guarantee he'll be checking you out on Facebook or Instagram or whatever the hell you kids use these days. And if it was a college guy or an older man, you wouldn't have gotten out of the store without giving up your number. Naïve, helpless and immodest girls get attention, my dear. And you just got plenty. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Megan nodded, biting her lip. "Do you really think I'll have to do all that to attract men in college?"

"No," Harry laughed as he drove along the suburban streets. "College guys will fuck anything that moves. You can get a guy. But to get "THE" guy, to compete with the other hot chicks on campus, you have to stand out."

"And put out," Mick said. With that he pulled her close and kissed her on the mouth, his hands pushing under her skirt once again. Minutes later, the new thong hung on the driver's outside mirror as Harry pulled up to a fast food drive through window.

Harry didn't ask Megan what she wanted to eat and she couldn't have answered if he did. Mick wasn't letting her come up for breath as his tongue probed inside her mouth and his fingers probed inside her pussy. She was wet and hot and shocked at how easily these unattractive old men were able to turn her on. They knew what they were doing.

"Hey, nice decorations on your whip, man," she heard the drive through guy say. "Hot little thongs."

"What was inside 'em is even hotter," Harry said. She looked over Mick's shoulder and saw Harry jerking his thumb toward the backseat. She couldn't see the drive through window, but pictured some high school kid -- someone else she might know! -- peering in the back window and catching an eyeful of her making out with this old man. She didn't mind the physical contact, but this exposure made her nervous. She just wanted to get home and stay home.

Thankfully, that was their next stop and ten minutes later they were there. They parked in the driveway and Harry and Mick carried the food and other purchases inside. Megan was left to carry her thongs, one dangling off each wrist per their instructions, "just in case any nosey neighbors are looking," they had smirked.

Once inside, Mick ordered, "Top off, heels and skirt on." Megan complied and followed the men out to the back deck to eat lunch on the patio overlooking the pool. Megan knew no one had a view of the backyard other than Mick and Harry from their house, but she was still self-conscious walking outside topless.

As they ate, Harry and Mick told her a little bit more about the curriculum they had planned for her.

"Today is sort of like orientation," Harry explained. "You get your supplies, your class schedule and we do some pre-testing to see what you know and what you need to learn."

"I like the sound of that," Megan grinned. "I mean, I really appreciate you guys taking this seriously and coming up with an organized plan to teach me what I need to know. I knew I made the right choice by picking older men."

"So, we already did an evaluation of your cock sucking skills and I don't think you'll be surprised to find out that we have rated you a C," Mick said. "You have average skill so far. Not bad, not great. You just need practice, which you will get plenty of this week. Can you tell me the things you will need to do to get an A?"

"Well, I need to be able to deep throat," Megan said, slowly chewing her grilled chicken sandwich. "I need to make sure I always make eye contact. I need to remember to pay attention to the balls. And I need make sure I either catch all the cum on my face or in my mouth and swallow it all unless told otherwise."

"Very good," Harry nodded. "Perfecting those techniques will get you to at least a B. To be an A-level cocksucker, though, you will need to demonstrate a love and lust for cocksucking. You have to enjoy it, to want to do it, not just be willing to do it. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," Megan nodded. "It's like how I love playing tennis. I loved practicing and playing and I got a lot better because I wanted to."

"Good example," Mick said. "I must say, it's nice working with a student who has both looks and brains."

"Thank you, sir," Megan blushed.

"So, before the end of the day today, we will complete evaluations on how well you do certain things," Mick continued, looking down at his notes. "That gives us our baseline and we can see where we need to improve and how quickly we can move on to more advanced slut-level skills."

"Slut level?"

"Just a term we made up," Harry laughed. "Right now you're a barely legal babe. We want to advance you to smoking hot babe and then to full-fledged slut."

"That's pretty derogatory, isn't it?" Megan asked.

"Sure, it can be," Mick acknowledged. "But we're talking about your skill level here, not your personality. You don't have to be a slut to have slut-level skills. The thing is, men don't want a slut, they just want a woman who sucks and fucks and dresses like one. See the difference?"

"I think so," Megan said. She remembered the analogy to a mechanic they had used earlier. "Like my dad isn't a mechanic but he can do some of his own car repairs."

"Sort of like that," Harry said. "So slut level skills will include things like lap dances, strip teases, public sex, multiple partners and bondage."

"Oh wow," Megan said, staring at both men, making sure they weren't joking. "Um, that's some pretty wild stuff. I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"You're definitely not ready for it," Mick agreed. "But you will be. Just trust us to do our job."

"You have to be fully committed to this," Harry added. "We're going to use language you aren't used to. We're going to demand things of you. You need to comply. No refusals. No questions asked. Attitude and trust are everything here."

"Yes, sir," Megan said. "I trust you both. I am scared, but I won't say no. I won't be offended by any language. So long as you don't hit me or hurt me, I'll do whatever you tell me to do."

"We won't hurt you," Mick said. "Never let any man hurt you. Being submissive and compliant doesn't make you a victim. Any man who abuses a gift like you is a fool and coward."

"Thank you for saying that," Megan said. "That makes me feel better."

"Good," Mick said. "Now, we've been calling you 'honey' and 'sweetheart' and things like that so far. But you will also answer to names like 'bitch' and 'slut' and 'cocksucker'... you get the idea."

"Of course, sir," Megan said. "I'm going to be all those things for you, so you might as well call me what I am."

"Great attitude," Harry said. "I hope you still feel that way by this time tomorrow."

"I will," Megan said confidently.

They finished eating their sandwiches and Megan slurped the last of her soda.

"Reach in the cup and grab two pieces of ice and rub them on your nipples," Harry said.

"Yes, sir."

"Your nipples should always be hard," Harry said as Megan rubbed the ice on them and beads of water started to drip over the swell of her breasts. "You need to be aware of that at all times. If they aren't hard, you pull them, rub them or put something cold on them. If you have to be told to do it, it's already too late."

"You have to be ready to tease and please 24/7," Mick added. "There's never a time when you're off duty. Your man wakes up at 3 a.m. with a hard-on, you better wake up fast and take care of it."

"And those pretty nipples better be hard and that pussy wet," Harry said.

"You expect me to be ready to fuck even when I'm sound asleep?" Megan asked.

"Are you questioning us?" Harry challenged her.

"No, sir," Megan said, remembering their agreement forged only moments ago. "I will be ready. 24/7."

"Well, that little pill is kicking in, so I'm ready right now," Mick said, rubbing his crotch.

"Me too," Harry said. "But you go first. Just don't cum inside her -- I don't want any sloppy seconds."

"No, that's not where sluts take cum anyway, is it?" Mick said, looking at Megan, eyebrows raised, letting her know he expected an answer.

"No, sir," she said. "I swallow cum. Unless you want to cover my face with it first."

Mick nodded his approval and took her hand, leading her into the house. "I want to fuck you in your bed," he said. "Lead the way."

Mick enjoyed the view of Megan's swaying ass and long legs as she led the way upstairs. He'd watched that little ass in her bikinis, walking around the pool so many times. Now, it was about to be his. His cock twitched in his pants with a desire and anticipation he hadn't felt in years. He felt huge and powerful as blood filled his cock and adrenaline pumped through his veins. He felt 30 years younger.

Megan's room was what you would expect of a high school girl. Yes, Megan was 18 now and mature for her age, but she still had posters of a boy band and a calendar filled with kittens and other cute animals. A laptop sat on her desk and overhead was a collage of pictures of her with her friends. Normally there would be piles of clothes about the room, but she had picked up and everything was put away and in its place. Even her bed was neatly made. Her room had light yellow walls and the room was filled with pinks and yellows and light blues. It was a large room with a walk-in closet and her own full bathroom.

"Nice room," Mick said. He wasted no time taking off his shirt and pulling down his pants and briefs. Megan watched as he sat his thick, heavy, naked frame on the edge of her bed. The mattress squished like she had never seen before. He pushed the covers back and laid his bare ass on her fresh cotton sheets. He put his hands behind his head, fully relax, his cock half erect as he looked at her contentedly.

"I'm ready," he said. "Take off your skirt and turn on some music."

Megan dropped her skirt to the floor and stepped out of it. She opened her laptop. "What would you like to listen to, sir?" she asked.

"Whatever gets your sweet little ass moving," he smiled. "I want you to tease me. Put on a show before you take off that thong."

Megan hit her pop music playlist and, with her back still to him, started swaying to the beat. She was bent over at the waist, legs straight, heels still on. She stood up slowly and turned to face him, putting on her best sexy smile.

"Now, just dance a little and play with that thong," Mick said. He was rubbing his cock now. "Touch your breasts. Pinch your nipples. Show me you want it."

Megan forced herself to keep smiling as she danced awkwardly. She cupped her breasts and tweaked her nipples. She stroked her pussy through her thong.

"Pull it up," he said. "Show me that camel toe."

Megan pulled up on the thong, forcing the soft fabric into the folds of her pussy lips. Mick made a humming sound like he was hungry and was looking at something good to eat.

She danced through one song and by then Mick was almost fully hard. He trusted the pill but still wasn't sure about his staying power these days. It was time to fuck.

"Take off your thong and heels and get over here, slut," he said sternly.

Megan stripped completely naked and climbed onto the bed, her eyes on his, questioning, showing him she was ready for his instructions.

"Now, I'm going to fuck your little cunt," he said, using the 'c' word to see her reaction. If she was offended, she didn't show it. "But most good fucks start with some nice sucking. Get my cock fully hard. Make it wet. Play with my balls. Show me how bad you want me inside you."

For the second time that day, Megan wrapped her pretty lips around Mick's fat cock. Remembering her earlier lessons, she looked up at him, maintaining eye contact as she knelt between his thick, hairy thighs. She worked her tongue over the head of his cock, lapping at the tiny opening at the tip. She kissed along the shaft and then kissed his balls with his cock bumping against her forehead. He was so hard. Harder than this morning, she thought. Those pills were magical.

"Time to climb on," Mick said, his voice thick and husky. "Straddle me and drop down right on it."

Megan climbed atop him, thankful that she wouldn't have this fat man on top of her. She straddled him and leaned forward on his chest as she dipped her hips and touched her pussy to the head of his cock. She closed her eyes as she felt his cock part are pussy lips. She trembled and slowly took in the first few inches. She was wet but he was thick and more than her tight pussy was used to.

Mick didn't care. She felt so good on top of him. He grabbed her hips and pushed down. Hard. In an instant he was fully inside her. She grunted and gasped as if his cock had somehow pushed all the way up into her lungs and knocked the breath out of her.

"Hot damn you're a tight little bitch," Mick said approvingly. "Now bounce on me."

Megan had her hands on his chest and as she started working her hips and thighs to ride up and down on him. It was a tight fit and with each stroke the lining of her pussy was clamped snugly around his shaft. She was wet and getting wetter. That feeling of fullness was so wonderful. It didn't matter in that moment that he was so much older or that he was unattractive. His cock was working wonders. She was on fire and wanted nothing more than to keep riding him.

He put his hands on her breasts and squeezed and rubbed them firmly. Her nipples dug into the palms of his coarse hands. She looked at him and saw the pure lust and joy in his eyes. She wondered how long it had been since he'd had someone ride him like this. She felt sorry for him in that moment. She was thankful that she could bring him joy. He was helping her but she was glad there was fun in it for him too. A win-win situation, she thought.

Her pussy was stuffed full and she squeezed her vaginal muscles around him even tighter.

"Oh yes, baby!" Mick grunted. "Keep doing that! Squeeze that tight little cunt for me!"

Megan squeezed as tight as she could around and ground her hips, filling herself with his shaft. She was getting close and was pushing for that sweet climax. She hadn't expected to be so turned on, but the whole thing was so naughty and fun and he was pretty damn good with his fat old cock.

"Slow down, slut," Mick interrupted her. He pushed down on her hips, squeezing, stopping her motion. "You're going to make me cum too fast. Always remember to make it last."

"But I'm so close..." she gasped, trying to rock her hips.

"I know," Mick grinned. "But you have to wait. You can cum. I want you to. But this all happens on my schedule. Just breathe. Don't think about your pussy or how good it feels. Slowly now, count to 10."

"One..." she said. He pinched her left nipple as she said it.

"Two..." he pinched her right nipple.

He alternated nipple pinching until she reached 10. Then he said, "Good, I can last a little longer now. Start again. Ride me slow. Build back up to it. Embrace the anticipation. Focus on pleasing me. Take pleasure in that. Don't rush it."

Megan focused on riding him slowly, moving her hips and thighs to massage his cock with her tender pussy. But each thrust stoked her fire and brought her back to the brink of orgasm. He felt huge inside her and the pressure and heat were building to combustion. She couldn't hold back. She started riding him urgently, grinding on him. He didn't try to stop her this time. He grabbed her hips and thrust his cock up into her as hard as he could. She came in a rush as his cock pounded away inside her. She was still cumming as he pushed her off. She rolled over on her back and he knelt beside her face, holding his cock hard at the base to hold back his orgasm for just a few more seconds.

"Open your eyes and close your mouth," he said. She did and he jerked twice, then started spraying cum all over her pretty teen face. Some splashed on her dark hair, a line drizzled over her left eye and a pool collected on the tip of her nose.

"Open your mouth," he said. She did and he put the head of his cock inside her welcoming lips. "Suck the rest out. Stick your tongue in there and suck it all out."

Megan sucked and swallowed the rest of his cum. Then Mick stepped off the bed and grabbed his phone off the dresser. He stood over her and took several pictures of her cum-covered face. Then he turned on the video and nodded for her to speak.

"Mmm, thank you, daddy," she moaned in her sexiest voice. "That was so fun!"

He turned off the phone and motioned for her to get up. "That was good, baby," Mick said. "Now go clean up and get ready for Harry. You've got a 15-minute break."

"Yes, sir," Megan said.

Mick left the room and Megan scurried into the back room despite her wobbly legs. She grabbed a wash cloth and wiped her face, then carefully dabbed at the dots of white cum in her hair. She would need to wash it, of course, but this would have to be good enough for Harry. She used mouth wash to get rid of the get the bitter cum taste off her tongue. As she cleaned up and put her thong, skirt and heels back on she thought about what she had just done. She had just fucked a man old enough to be her grandfather. He was fat, old and unattractive and yet she had enjoyed it thoroughly. It was the opposite of everything she was used to being -- a good girl, obedient, careful, sweet and kind. She had never been so reckless, so naughty. It scared her that she enjoyed it so much. That orgasm had rocked her like no other she'd ever had, and she was ready for another one. Hopefully old Harry could deliver as well as Mick had.