Megan's Summer Education Ch. 05


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"Fucking little cock gobbler," Harry grunted, his voice full of aggression. "You'll never go to bed before doing your job again, will you? Know your role and do your job, cunt."

He held her against him as he came in her mouth, forcing her to swallow repeatedly to keep from drowning in cum. When he was finally finished, she sat up wearily. He pushed her aside and wagged his finger at Megan. "Finish the job, whore."

Megan crawled past her friend and dutifully cleaned his cock, coaxing a surprising amount of more cum from his semi-hard shaft.

"That," Harry said, "is your first lesson in Deepthroating and Facefucking 202. Class dismissed, sluts."

"That means shower time for you both," Mick said. "But we don't have a lot of time, so shower together. Have fun washing each other, but no pussy play. No orgasms for you two. Not until you earn it. We'll have clothes laid out for you. Kasey, are you able to stay with us today?"

"I will check with my dad, sir," Kasey said. "I'm sure he will be OK with it."

"I'm not so sure," Harry mumbled. Mick snorted. Megan bit her lip. Kasey didn't notice.

She and Megan had showered together in locker rooms before and had obviously gotten much closer physically in the past 24 hours, so showering together was not that big of a deal. Still, it felt odd climbing in together, their naked bodies touching each other as they huddled under the hot steamy spray. They both had sponges and took turns washing each other's bodies and hair. Their touches were soft and sensual and they giggled at how much fun it was. They were neither one lesbians, of course, but it still felt good to be touched and caressed. Plus, they loved each other, so the intimacy was genuine.

"How are you doing so far?" Megan asked. "That throat fucking is pretty intense, isn't it?"

"It sure is," Kasey said. "But I liked it. I mean, I wouldn't want it any rougher, but there's something about it. I can't explain."

"A strong man wanting you so badly that he can't control himself, he just has to have you. That kind of feeling?" Megan suggested.

"Exactly," Kasey said. "It's a little scary but mostly just really hot. I liked being spanked!"

"Me too!" Megan said. "It made me so horny!"

When they got out and were drying off, Kasey mentioned that she needed to text her dad about staying longer. Megan hated to do it, but she knew she had to tell Kasey the whole story. Better to hear it from her than anyone else.

"So, listen, I told you everything that happened this week so far, but I left out one thing," Megan said.

"What's that?" Kasey asked as she brushed her teeth.

"Well, there was actually one more guy who brought me clothes at that first party and who fed me on my cum diet day," Megan said. "I don't know how to say this. But please don't be mad."

"Who was it?" Kasey said. She was tired and still a bit hungover, so the obvious answer hadn't hit her.

"Your dad, sweetie," Megan said. "I'm sorry. I really am. I just, well, I just did what I was told to do. I never meant to hurt you."

"You... and my dad?" Kasey asked. "I, uh, I don't know what to say. You fucked him?"

"Well, technically I just sucked his cock," Megan said. "But that was the reason he enjoyed that movie so much."

"In the movie theater!"

"He didn't want to risk anyone seeing us together," Megan said.

"Why was he here in the first place? Did you tell them?"

"No, I didn't tell them anyone to invite," Megan said. "They just came up with a list. I'm not sure how. Apparently in the last year or so he started to notice me when I stayed over. I swear I never flirted with him or anything. Maybe it's because he's been, well, you know, your mom dying and all."

"He's not been with anyone since her," Kasey nodded, starting to come to terms with it. "At least not in a relationship. I always worried about him being lonely, but he said he had me, you know. But sex. He needed that at least. Oh Megan, I don't know how to process this, but I don't blame you at all."

"Really? Thank you. I just, I can't believe you aren't mad at me."

"No, actually I want to thank you for telling me," Kasey said. "And for helping me realize that my dad is just a man with needs like any other man. He obviously needed someone and I'm glad he had someone as sweet and caring as you. At least it wasn't trying to take advantage of him. He's so trusting and gullible."

"He's very sweet," Megan said. "I have always adored him -- in a completely non-sexual way. You know what I mean. Anyway, he was very kind and gentle and respectful to me. I just don't want this to change the way you think about him. He's a good man."

"Thank you for saying that," Kasey said. "It does change things though. Now I know why he might not want me staying here. He knows what you and the guys have been doing and he might be worried that I will become a student at the School for Sluts too. And he might be worried that I would find out about you and him."

"I guess he would be right to be worried," Megan laughed. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to tell him I love him, that I understand, that I don't judge him and that I very much want to stay here," Kasey said.

"I think he will like the first part of that," Megan said. "Not so sure about the last part."

"Me either, but I'm an adult. It's not like he can stop me. I just want him to be OK with it."

Kasey sent the text and they both held their breath, awaiting a response. It came a couple of minutes later.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to. Megan was very sweet about it. Thank you for understanding. As far as you staying there, well, I'm not a fan, but I don't think I can stop you. Nor should I. You're a bright young woman with your own mind and dreams. I want to protect you forever, but I can't. So, if this is something you want to do, all I ask is you be very careful and let me know if you need me to bring you home. Just watch out for that Blackmon guy. He's a creep. But I trust your decisions and choices and I love you always."

Both girls cried when they read his response. "Your dad is awesome," Megan said.

"I know, right?" Kasey said. "Think your parents will be like that when you get back?"

"You've met them, right?" Megan scoffed. "I love them to death, but they are so, so..."


"Yeah, vanilla," Megan said. "They won't understand this. They won't be able to comprehend."

"Don't worry, it will be OK," Kasey said. "I have your back, remember?"

The girls hugged, wiped away their happy tears and got dressed. Their outfits matched this time. Megan didn't remember seeing these during the party, nor would they have been matching -- she got several of the same items, but always in different colors. These outfits had been purchased separately. How had the guys known Kasey would stay? How had they gotten them so quickly? Their planning and creativity was impressive.

The outfits were racing themed and were designed like a professional cheerleaders outfit. The shorts were spandex, cut high on the crotch and low on the waist and hips. They were cherry red with an inch and a half wide strip of a black-and-white checkered pattern around the waist, similar to a racing flag. Underneath they wore white thongs. The top was also spandex. It was white, sleeveless and had a collar that fit tightly all the way around their necks. The top was skin tight and stopped just below their breasts. A zipper ran all the way from the neck to the bottom. Their legs and bellies were bare. They wore red, open-toed shoes with black heels and straps around their ankles. Naturally, the sizes of the outfits was too small, forcing the girls to squeeze their tight bodies into them. They had to help each other with the zippers on their tops.

"I can't believe you've been dressing like this all week," Kasey said, sucking in her already flat tummy as she looked in the mirror. "I have to lose weight if I'm going to keep doing this."

"The one-day cum cleanse helps with that," Megan laughed.

They looked each other over one last time, decided they were ready and headed downstairs, not knowing what fate awaited them today.

"Hello, sluts in training," Mick grinned. "You both look very hot. Like the outfits?"

"Yes, daddy," the girls said in unrehearsed unison.

"Look at that, they finish each other's sentences and blowjobs," Harry laughed. "It's nice to have a new student joining the class. But Kasey, you are quite a bit behind Megan in your studies."

"Yes, daddy," Kasey said. "She has told me a lot about what I missed. I will do my best to catch up as quickly as I can."

"Good, then you'll understand that a big part of Megan's training has involved more than just me and Mick," Harry said. "And it's involved more than being in the privacy of a home. It's time to get you out there and teach you how to be just as much of a slut in public as in private. Does that make you nervous?"

"Yes, daddy," Kasey said. "But I'm ready to try."

"Good," Harry said. "So, I received a text from your dad and I understand that he is not going to stand in the way of your training. I assume you understand his involvement in Megan's training?"

"Yes, daddy," Kasey said. "Megan told me everything. It was a shock, but I'm just glad he was happy and I know Megan treated him well. It's weird, but I understand it and am thankful everyone has been honest with me about it."

"And you won't have an issue if he's involved in future training exercises?" Mick asked.

"No sir," Kasey said. "I mean, not with Megan."

"What about him seeing you dressed like this?"

"It will be awkward for both of us, but I can handle it," Kasey said.

"Good attitude," Mick nodded. "I just like to get these things out in the open now. We aren't here to harm either of you or force you into anything, but once you've agreed to certain things, there's no stopping in the heat of the moment. You don't want to ride the roller coaster, that's fine. But once you're on and strapped in, we aren't stopping until the ride is finished."

"I understand, daddy," Kasey said. "I'm nervous and a little scared. But I've never been a quitter. I won't quit until whatever job or assignment you have given me is done to the best of my ability."

"That's all we ask," Harry said. "You two really are a lot alike."

"Everyone always says that," Megan smiled.

"We're lucky you're both the same size," Harry said. "But I think we all know that Kasey needs some clothes of her own. Your dad is going to go ahead and clean out your wardrobe and remove all of the items inappropriate for a young slut like yourself. From what I understand, there won't be much left. Are you surprised he agreed to do that?"

"I don't know," Kasey said, thinking for a moment. "Kind of yes. I mean, his text made it seem like he wouldn't encourage or endorse my actions, but him doing that, well, it makes me feel like maybe he's more OK with it than I thought."

"I think you might be right," Mick said. "Doesn't make him a bad father. Just human. He knows his cooperation keeps him in the group, which keeps him closer to Megan and also gives him the chance to make sure you're OK."

"You mean he might see me with other guys?" Kasey asked.

"Possibly," Harry said. "Almost certainly if you continue your training. The benefit for you is he knows what's going on. It will be less of a shock to him than Megan's parents, who don't know what's happening and haven't experienced the, uh, benefits if you will, of participating. Your dad certainly enjoyed it. I don't know what Megan's parents will think, but I don't expect a celebration."

"Me either," Megan frowned. "But I'll deal with that soon enough. I have you guys and Kasey on my side. I'll be OK. My parents will come around eventually."

"We have some ideas to help with that," Mick nodded. "But today, Kasey gets to meet some of the original instructors who will once again help provide a new wardrobe."

"Another party?" Megan asked, smiling.

"Yes and no," Harry said. "Sort of a party, but not like last time. This one will be a fundraiser. You will earn money for new clothes which you can purchase online since Quigley's new store isn't open yet. Then, we will split up the clothes you both have to give you as equal wardrobes as we can."

"To earn the money, we are going to have a car wash," Mick said. "Our invited guests will bring their vehicles and you will wash them in your little outfits while they watch. They will be allowed to take photos, videos, of course. They can tell you what to wash and how to wash it and you will follow those commands. We will not have time for you to properly thank them all today, but show your appreciation as best you can in the time allotted and assure them that additional gratitude will be expressed soon."

"Yes, daddy," Megan said. "This sounds like fun!"

"I'm so nervous already," Kasey said. "What if I'm not sexy enough? I don't know how to do this."

"Oh, you're sexy enough," Mick assured her. "Just let it flow. Follow Megan's lead. Have fun. The guys will tell you what to do and you'll get the hang of it really fast."

"Thank you for me believing in me, daddy," Kasey said.

The girls rode in the back of the car as they drove to the high school. The guys had made arrangements to have the car wash there. Peterson, the school custodian, had assured them no one was around. He had cancelled a couple of contractors coming to do some repairs. He was the only one at the school. They would do the car wash in the back of the school, near the utility building and the concession building used for the school's football games.

They pulled around the back of the school and Peterson was there with a buckets, wash cloths, sponges, towels and a couple of long hoses that were attached to spigots. The buckets were already overflowing with soap suds. He had also brought out a portable speaker and had some rock music playing -- not so loud as to draw attention from the neighborhood, but loud enough to the girls' hips moving.

Everyone got out of the car and Peterson shook hands with the guys and gave the girls big, long hugs. "Good to see you again, Megan," he said. "Get enough to eat the other day?"

"Yes, sir," Megan said. "Thank you so much for feeding me."

"And look at our new guest," Peterson said, nodding to Kasey. "I almost didn't recognize you in that outfit. Good to see so much more of you, Kasey."

"Thank you, sir," Kasey said. "It's good to see you too."

"So, you guys get ahold of everybody?" Peterson asked.

"Most of them," Mick nodded. "We didn't invite Blackmon. A few we haven't heard from. Might have a couple of other guests as well that Megan has met this week. First cars should start coming in about half an hour. I figure that gives the girls time to take care of ours and yours and start getting a little warmed up."

"Private show," Peterson said. "I like that. I'll pull my truck up behind your car and they can do their thing."

"Good," Harry said, looking at his phone. "Yelton just texted. He's almost here. He wants to get lots of pictures and stuff. He will have plenty for everyone, he says."

"Works for me," Peterson said. "That man takes some high quality photos, that's for sure. That big lens he's got, you can almost see the sperm inside those wads of cum," he laughed.

"Well girls, time to get wet," Harry said. "And you can get the cars wet too." The guys laughed and the girls grabbed the hoses and started watering down the vehicles. Megan knew Kasey was nervous, so she sprayed her with the hose and started laughing. Kasey fired back and soon they were both soaked and laughing and moving to the music. They didn't slow down when Yelton arrived. He set up a two tripods and carried around another handheld camera and a high-def video camera.

Megan went over to one of the buckets and bent down to pick up a sponge. She saw the guys looking at her. She stopped, smiled and slowly pulled down the zipper on her top until it was half way down between her breasts. The extremely tight spandex pushed her perky breasts toward the opening, revealing her beautiful cleavage as she bent over in front of them. She walked back away from them, playfully swinging her ass to the music.

"Wave that checkered flag!" Peterson cheered referring to the racing flag design on Megan's shorts. She stopped and wiggled her ass for him, looking playfully over her shoulder before returning to the car.

"She has really gotten a lot bolder already," Peterson said. "You guys are doing great work. Kasey is just as hot. What an amazing pair."

"Yeah, I think Kasey will warm up fast," Mick said. "Megan feels like the teacher now, so I think that is making her more confident. Kasey will learn a lot from Megan. She's a very eager student."

"Eager is good," Peterson nodded. "Train them to be hungry for it, eager to please."

"That's the plan," Harry said. "We have been doing it on the fly, but so far, it seems like we're doing something right."

"No argument there," Peterson said. "Damn, what perfect bodies on these two. This is a dream come true. I can't tell you how many times I found a reason to be out on the athletic fields to watch their tennis practices."

"Being around girls like this all day every day, you show tremendous restraint," Mick said.

"Lots of cold showers, my friend," Peterson laughed.

The girls were getting a cold shower of their own and their nipples were hard and pointy. Their tanned skin glistened in the late morning sunlight. The day was warming up fast, in more ways than one.

"Getting a lot of good shots?" Harry asked Yelton.

"Tons," Yelton said.

"I know we all like a good hot photo, but what are you going to do with all these images?"

Yelton told them about his idea for a personal website for Megan. Now Kasey could have one too and then maybe they could have a joint page for events and shoots like this.

"I'm telling you, it could be a gold mine for all of us," Yelton said. "And they don't have to do anything they don't want to do. No actual sex on camera. Not even nudity if they don't want. Just teasing, sexy stuff like this."

"I believe it," Mick nodded, noting that he had enjoyed more than a few pages himself from time to time.

"Anyway, I just want to use this content today to set up some pages and show them what it could look like," Yelton said. "I won't go live, of course, without their permission and without a contract about splitting up profits and other details. I might be a dirty old photographer, but I'm fair and honest," he laughed.

"You aren't that old," Mick said. "35?"

"38," Yelton said. "Still older than those two combined." He nodded at this photo subjects.

The girls continued to tease and play in the water and soap, rubbing on the car and truck and each other. Mick reminded them to bend over at the waist and keep their legs straight. He instructed them to use their breasts and asses instead of the sponges to rub on the vehicles. Harry had them kiss and playfully unzip each other's tops all the way, both girls, holding their hands over their turgid nipples before zipping their tops back up to the nipple line.

They dried the vehicles with soft cloths and then Peterson came over to them. He stood between them and put his arms around their shoulders, getting a good grip on a breast with each hand. They all smiled as Yelton took a photo. He pinched their asses and gave them each a kiss on the mouth. Then he handed them each an envelope. "Use this to buy something skimpy and slutty," he said.

The girls both thanked him profusely and each gave him another kiss and hug. "We can't thank you enough for all you've done," Megan said.

"Probably not," Peterson laughed. "But we're going to have fun trying sometime soon, I hope."

"Plans to be determined," Mick said.

"As long as there are plans," Peterson nodded.