Men in Blue Pt. 02


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"Uh, might want to go home, wash that back eye off and put on some non-hooker clothes," Bob chuckled.

"Crap!" Georgie laughed, looking at herself.

"Officer Sanders, good, no, bull shit. Great job," Bob complimented her.

"Sir, thank you sir," Georgie smiled and saluted him.

He returned the salute.

At the Edwards' home, Ronnie had to admit, he had a better handle on the household chores than he did at the beginning of the week. Both RJ and Sandra were very excited about seeing their mom, which made dressing them a bit of a struggle. It made getting the oat the pancakes a bit of a test as well.

But they were dress and fed and Sandra's diaper was clean when Mommy pulled up to the house.

"Thank you; and you're picking them up on Sunday, right?" Georgie asked.

"God damn, don't you miss me at all, even a little bitty bit?" Ronnie wanted to scream at her.

"Yep, six thirty, right?" he said.

"All right, tell Daddy bye-bye, you'll see him tomorrow night, RJ you have homework for Monday," Georgie said pleasantly.

On the outside, she was being pleasant, cheerful, and upbeat. On the inside, Ronnie's hangdog expression and whining voice made her want to slap him. She had to give him credit; both children looked clean, relatively happy, which was more than she had expected out of him. But his expression and voice told her he still had a great deal of growing up to do.

The minute the van pulled out, Ronnie looked at the mini-squalor that he had to clean up, but decided a mid-morning nap was his first priority.

At her mother's house in Bender, Kaitlin Monroe, the Public Defender that first brought the Men in Blue to the attention of the St. Ann Police department, received a call from ADA William Hunter. Her mother looked on, a little skeptical, as her daughter prepared to go into the office on a Saturday.

Kaitlin Monroe couldn't explain it either. But a little street thug who could barely speak proper English had somehow given her a sense of purpose. Her first thought had been to wiggle and stuff her fat as into a pair of jeans; it was Saturday, after all. But then she told herself, she was going into the office and pulled on a light blue pantsuit.

Once at the St. Ann Courthouse, Kaitlin showed the weekend security guard her identification, rode the elevator to the third floor and punched her code in to enter the hallway.

"Ms. Monroe, speak of the devil," William Monroe smiled as he and Captain Gene Paice sat in William's office, door wide open.

"I hope you mean that in a nice way," Kaitlin joked, also a new occurrence for her.

"Now, how else would he mean it?" Gene asked, smiling.

"Pull up a chair," William offered.

All of this was new to Kaitlin. Working on a Saturday. Joking with others. Pulling up a chair and talking with colleagues. Normally she came in, she did her job, and she left. She was allocated forty hours a week and very rarely surpassed forty hours a week.

"All right, I think we've used and abused the taxpayers' money long enough for today," Gene Paice finally said, getting to his feet.

He smiled, blushing lightly, as he dug into his trousers' pockets, then pulled out a small billfold.

"Ms. Monroe, here, you ever need anything, why don't you give me a call?" he offered, handing her one of his business cards.

"Oh, hang on, let me get you one of mine," the heavyset blonde smiled happily, dashing across the hall to her own office.

"Gene you dog, almost makes me wish I wasn't too smart to be a cop," William teased.

"Oh, you're not," Gene assured the man and the two friends laughed.

At her apartment, Georgie's face was red with rage; her son had innocently asked her what a 'rug munching dyke' was. She'd kept her anger in check, found out that Ronald Edwards was the source, and explained that it was a very ugly word that Daddy should not have used.

"I think I'm going to wash his mouth out with soap, what do you think?" she asked and her two precious children laughed at that idea.

As soon as they went down for a nap, Georgie stepped outside and dialed Ronnie's phone number.

"You listen to me, you son of a bitch," she snarled hatefully into the telephone when he answered.

Ronnie's first impulse had been to hang up, but he forced himself to listen to his wife.

"You're absolutely right, I really am sorry. I should have never said that in front of our kids," Ronnie said when she stopped.

"Wait, who is this?" she asked.

"It's me, the man you promised to love 'til death do us part," Ronnie said, letting his old self shine through for a moment.

"But you are right; I was wrong," Ronnie continued. "But I'm glad you called. I've got a bit of a problem."

"Ah ha!" Georgie wanted to crow.

As usual, Ronnie wasn't really sorry; he was just trying to be manipulative.

"Instead of me picking RJ and Sandra up tomorrow night, could you bring them to school on Monday morning?" Ronnie continued. "I uh, I got to go eat a lot of crow Monday morning."

"Um, sure, yeah, that gives me a whole 'nother night with them," Georgie said.

"I'll bring RJ's school uniform and his book bag over, what? When's a good time?" Ronnie asked.

"Uh, any time, I mean, tonight when they wake up, I was going to take them to McDonald's, the one on nineteen with all the playground stuff," Georgie said. "But any time after that is fine."

"And Georgie, really, I really am sorry I said all of that," Ronnie said.

It seemed Ronnie'd had an epiphany as he was cleaning, trying to coordinate which chore to do first, where to start first, where all the equipment to do these chores would be in the modest sized house.

Georgie did this all the time. And still managed to have the children, occupy their time, supervise them, cook their meals, wash the clothing, and even cater to his every whim.

The second epiphany he'd had was as he glanced at the small stack of household bills. That stack was small now, but it was going to grow each day. And at present, he had no money coming in.

Elizabeth Coutre might be a bitch; Ronnie really did not know her. She might be a very sweet person that had to assume the role of manager. But she had tried to give him a dignified out when he'd blown his top and quit his job.

On Monday, he planned to eat crow and beg for his job back.

Then Georgie had called and reminded Ronnie of a moment he'd just as soon forget.

Ronnie knew there was some sporting event on television right now; it was Saturday.

But, would whomever emerged victorious help him clean the house? Would a winning record help pay his bills? Would the final score feed him his supper tonight?

Chapter 9

Georgie blinked back the tears as she unbuckled RJ from his car seat and let him out at St. Joseph's. A few blocks further, she got Sandra out of her car seat and brought her into the daycare center.

From there, she went to Shapes and had an hour long work-out on the free weights, a good massage and cool down, and a refreshing shower.

Cindy said Shaley had not been back to Shapes since that last time Georgie had seen her. A quick text was blocked, so Georgie shrugged and left the facility.

Then she drove home and allowed herself to have a good cry.

At Young Insurance, Jacy Kay smiled warmly at Ronnie Edwards and nodded her head toward Elizabeth Coutre's office.

"Mrs. Coutre, first off, please let me say I am truly sorry for my immature words and actions last week..." Ronnie started.

"So, how was your vacation?" Elizabeth interrupted, brushing her thick curly hair back. "Ready to get back to selling insurance?"

"I uh, thank you, Mrs. Coutre," Ronnie said, humbled. "I sincerely appreciate..."

"Ronnie, next time you're overwhelmed, why don't you come and say something first?" Elizabeth asked softly. "Maybe I can help, maybe I can't, but we'll never know if you don't let me know what's going on."

"Yes ma'am," Ronnie said.

In her Algebra 101 class, Rayanne could barely keep track of the lesson. She was giddy with excitement, anticipation. She even had a new black lace bra and black lace panties to wear, along with black garter belt and thigh high stockings.

"My pink skirt," she said out loud, then blushed when she realized she'd spoken out loud.

"And my green sweater; they go perfect together," she said to herself.

When class was finished, Rayanne dashed out, grabbed lunch at the cafeteria, shoveling it down, then raced to her next class, as if her being in a hurry would inspire everyone else to also hurry. Then, being thirty minutes too early, she sat on the floor outside the classroom and studied, or tried to study.

A young white male flopped down about four feet away, then tried to engage Rayanne in conversation. Even four feet away, though, Rayanne could smell the cigarette smoke imbedded in his clothing. With a furtive look around, the young man finally worked up the courage to ask her on a date. Rayanne wondered whether or not to inform him that she was gay, but decided to go the safe route.

No offense, Brad, it's Brad, right?" Rayanne said and almost felt bad when she saw his face fall. "No offense, man, but I don't date smokers, okay?"

"Yeah, no, I get it; been trying to quit, man, wish I'd never started this habit, you know?" Brad agreed.

After the class, Brad smiled at her and gave her a friendly little wave. Rayanne scurried out, feeling pretty good about the whole incident.

And finally, Rayanne was able to scamper home.

Inside of Apartment 2B, Georgie was cooking down the onions and bell peppers and garlic. Once the onions were clear, she gen added the crush tomatoes to the pot and began mashing them in the searing hot pot.

After adding the water, she reduced the heat to simmer, adding the herbs and spices, then she began on her meatballs. She used a pound of ground chuck and a pound of ground pork for taste and texture.

She giggled; she was preparing the meal while wearing nothing but an apron to protect her skin from any splatter. She could never cook like this with Ronnie around; he would be grabbing and pawing at her. She would never cook like this in front of the children; it just wouldn't be proper.

The apartment was filled with the wonderful, earthy smells of the sauce and the meatballs. Then there was nothing left to do, except stir the sauce every now and again, so Georgie did something she very rarely did. She sat and turned on the television. It was still on Channel 12, from the Sunday Animation Marathon the local station ran every Sunday.

"These women married men, not knowing that they were gay," Rodney Prejean said into the camera. "Because these couples live in our community, most have asked that they not be identified...."

Georgie found a game show on a nother station and surprised herself by how many of the Sports questions she answered correctly.

There was a bottle of red wine and Georgie sipped a little of it and relished the warmth that the wine gave her. She resisted the urge to touch herself, though.

At five o'clock, she gave one more stir to the delicious sauce, put a second pot and filled it with water. She then heavily salted the water and started it to boil.

Then she hurried through a shower.

Not for the first time in her life, Georgie wondered if she should shave off her blonde mat of pubic hair, then decided she'd let her lover make that decision.

Then, she dumped a large handful of angel hair Posta to the now boiling water and dried her hair.

She dumped the slippery noodles into the colander, pulled on a simple dress and sandals and gave a final stir to her sauce before turning the stove off.

She applied a little lip gloss, then prepared to leave the apartment to fetch Rayanne.

Both girls burst into merry titters when Georgie opened the door to find Rayanne poised to knock on the door.

"Get in here, you," Georgie ordered, pulled the young black girl in and hugged her tightly.

"I thought about you the whole weekend," she murmured, then kissed Rayanne's full lips.

The soft kiss turned into a duel of tongues and Rayanne could taste the rich red wine on Georgie's tongue. She tried to suck as much of the rich, heady liquor from Georgie's tongue.

For her part, Georgie could taste that Rayanne had already had a Dr. Pepper and she tried to suck the flavor from Rayanne's hot mouth.

Rayanne moaned into Georgie's mouth as Georgie's soft hands traced her small breasts through her green sweater. She gave a soft squeal when Georgie lightly pinched down on a sensitive nipple.

"Oh my God," Georgie panted when they finally broke the kiss.

Rayanne was breathless and leaned heavily against the beautiful blonde.

"If I hadn't worked so hard on dinner, I'd say skip it and get right to dessert," Georgie whispered into Rayanne's ear.

"Oh!" Rayanne sighed and kissed Georgie's neck.

Again, instead of sitting across from each other, Georgie had put their plates at adjoining seats. She pulled the warm bread out of the oven, served up plates of spaghetti and poured Rayanne a glass of Dr. Pepper and poured herself another glass of red wine.

"Oh, this is so good," Rayanne crooned.

"Let me see..." Georgie asked and leaned over and kissed Rayanne's lips.

"Mmm, you're right, that is good," Georgie agreed.

"Want a little more?" Georgie asked when Rayanne wiped around the plate with her chunk of bread.

"No, I'm stuffed," Rayanne admitted.

Rayanne dashed into the bathroom. She looked around, slightly jealous. This apartment had a full tub whereas her apartment only had a shower stall.

"And you ain't paying shit for that place neither best be grateful for what you got,' she reminded herself and flushed.

"Love your tub; mine's only got this little shower," Rayanne said, coming out of the bathroom.

"Oh you poor girl; when's the last time you had a good bubble bath?" Georgie asked and kissed the girl.

"A, I ain't never had me a bubble bath," Rayanne admitted.

"Oh, that changes right now!" Georgie said and stomped into the bathroom.

She started filling the tub with hot water, got a box out from underneath the cabinet and poured about a handful of granules into the water.

Rayanne watched from the doorway and Georgie smiled. She lighted the three candles that sate on the counter, then turned back to the tub.

"And...." she said and turned off the taps.

"Now...." she husked, kissed Rayanne again and pulled the girl into the bedroom.

"Oh, this is just so perfect; I was wondering how to get you naked and a bubble bath is just the perfect excuse," Georgie laughed as she pulled her dress off, revealing her nude body to an excited Rayanne.

"And, give me that sweater, Oh, Rayanne, I just love that bra," Georgie said.

She kissed the girl again.

"God, your body is just so beautiful," she husked and sucked on Rayanne's tongue some more.

"Mine? God, look at yours!" Rayanne said.

And that skirt, oh my God, you are just too sexy," Georgie said and Rayanne modeled the intimate apparel.

"I like you, I uh, I can see you're a natural blonde," Rayanne blushed, looking at Georgie's mat of blonde pubic hair.

"I been thinking of shaving it off; what you think?" Georgie asked, posing.

"Don't you dare!" Rayanne protested.

Neither Georgie or Rayanne had ever been with another woman before; they just did what came naturally. When Rayanne removed her black lace bra, Georgie fondled the small breasts, then sucked on one of Rayanne's dark nipples. When Rayanne whimpered, she switched to the other nipple.

Then she eased Rayanne's panties down Rayanne's thighs and cupped Rayanne's pubic mound,

"Oh, Georgie," Rayanne moaned as Georgie's middle finger pressed into her wetness.

When Georgie finally had Rayanne nude, she cradled her and carried her into the dark bathroom, lighted by three flickering candles.

Then she stepped into the sudsy water, sat down and put Rayanne between her splayed legs.

"Oohhh!" Rayanne sighed as the hot water and bubbles enveloped her.

The water was oily, almost greasy with the bath oil and Rayanne wiggled in the hot water and settled back into Georgie's muscular chest and closed her eyes. She could feel Georgie's massive arms encircling her and she sighed, happy and content.

"Oh my sweet, sweet baby," Georgie whispered into Rayanne's ear, then licked around the ear.

She took out a washcloth and bent forward to grab one of Rayanne's feet.

Rayanne giggled as Georgie lightly scrubbed the toes, then she sole of the foot, then did the same with the other foot.

She scrubbed the calves, then the knees, then scrubbed Rayanne's thighs.

Rayanne shivered as Georgie subbed the rough cloth over her tight, crinkly pussy hair, and even tickled Rayanne's anus, then scrubbed Rayanne's belly, under her breasts, all the while murmuring words of love and appreciation into Rayanne's ear.

Rayanne let herself be toweled dry, let herself be carried into the bedroom, which was lighted by a single bedside lamp.

Georgie laid the girl in the center of the bed, then stretched out next to her and kissed her on her forehead, then her eyelids, her nose, then her full lips.

Rayanne did moan slightly when Georgie kissed her throat, then twisted slightly and kissed the tops of each of Rayanne's beautiful chocolate breasts.

Rayanne felt Georgie's own breasts graze her face and raised her head slightly and bit down gently on one of Georgie's hard nipples.

"Oh, oh, God, Rayanne!" Georgie moaned, so very close to orgasm.

Rayanne reached a hand up and found Georgie's furry slit.

Georgie had to hold herself up as an intense orgasm welled up and spilled over when Rayanne located her clitoris and thrummed the sensitive nub with her thumb.

Rayanne shivered as Georgie softly bit down on her dark nipples, the undersides of her small breasts, and her soft belly.

She wiggled from side to side as Georgie's hands and mouth graveled over her soft belly.

"Ah, oh shit, oh Rayanne!" Georgie moaned as Rayanne raised her head up and pulled at Georgie's pubic hair with her teeth.

"Ah!" Georgie cried out when Rayanne licked out and swiped her tongue along Georgie's pussy lips.

She bent her head down, used her fingers to open Rayanne's pussy, and licked up and down the dark pink inner lips until she found Rayanne's clitoris.

Rayanne's pussy had a heavy, musky scent and a musky taste. Georgie tried to suck up as much of Rayanne's delicious taste as she could

"Ah, oh God, oh yes!" Rayanne cried out in orgasm.

She again sucked and licked at Georgie's inner pussy lips and clitoris, loving the taste of Georgie's pussy.

"Ah, oh damn it, oh Rayanne!" Georgie complained as another orgasm made it nearly impossible to concentrate on bringing pleasure to Rayanne.

Both women tried to pleasure the other and finally, Georgie rolled over and gently pushed Rayanne's insistent mouth away from her pussy.

"Oh my little sweetheart," Georgie whispered as she wiggled around to hug the girl. "Oh I could so easily fall in love with you, I swear."

They wiggled under the comforter, Rayanne's back against Georgie's muscular chest, Georgie's wonderful arms holding her tight.

"What time's your first class tomorrow?" Georgie asked, just as Rayanne was drifting to sleep.

"Nine," Rayanne mumbled.

In the morning, Rayanne looked around through bleary eyes. She smelled bacon and coffee; she'd recently discovered that she loved coffee almost as much as she loved Dr. Pepper, and biscuits.

The need to pee was maddening and she scampered out of bed.

"There's my Sleeping Beauty," Georgie called out cheerfully.

Rayanne gargled quickly with the mouthwash, washed her hands, and scurried out of the bathroom.

"Hi Sweetheart," Georgie said, hugging the girl tight.

They sat at the table, nude, giggling at their naughtiness and ate breakfast.

Then Georgie picked Rayanne up and carried her into the bedroom and licked and sucked Rayanne to an orgasm.
