Men in the Mountains Ch. 05

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The backpacking trip continues, and things get interesting.
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Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/10/2023
Created 12/01/2022
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As I lay in silence next to this man who had so quickly become one of my closest friends, it was all I could do to keep myself from turning and kissing him. I wasn't completely sure why I resisted the urge, either. I had already kissed Cooper, so it wasn't a big deal to do it again. I knew that it wouldn't stop with kissing, though, and part of me worried about how far I would let things go if I started. The other part of me wanted to find out.

I almost gave in an reached for Cooper's dick more times than I can count. Every time, it was like a voice in my head started screaming at me about how wrong that was. That voice kept winning the battle in my mind until a new thought occurred to me. Who ever decided it was a bad thing to want a cock in my mouth? It hadn't been me. Maybe it was a bad thing, but how did they know? If I couldn't trust myself to decide what was right and what was wrong, I definitely couldn't trust someone else to make that decision.

And right now, in this moment, I knew what felt right. Slowly, all my reservations faded away. I was done worrying. I wanted to start living. I hoped I wouldn't regret this later. I swore that I wouldn't let myself.

I looked over at Cooper, and caught him staring at my ass. He met my eyes sheepishly. I glanced between his legs, and found his hand cupped over his dick and balls. That sight was all it took to give me an instant, raging hot boner.

Cooper seemed to notice the change immediately. He glanced at my ass again, then looked at me, eyes wide and questioning. He seemed to be asking permission. In response, I rolled onto my back, revealing my throbbing cock. That was all the encouragement he needed. He pounced on me, wrapping my dick in the wet warmth of his mouth. My body shuddered with pleasure.

I propped myself up on my elbows to watch as he went to work. Cooper was breathing hard, sucking vigorously. Without much thought, I placed both my hands on the back of his head, and pushed down until I felt his lips on the base of my cock. I felt his throat constrict as he gagged. He was taking it like a champ, though, so I took that as a sign that I could do some thrusting with my hips.

He didn't last very long with that kind of treatment before he pushed away with both hands, gasping for breath. His eyes were watering, and he even had a tear running down his face, which he wiped away with his muscular forearm. He shot me one of those heart-stopping boyish grins before getting back to work.

Maybe it was the smile, maybe I was just really horny, but I realized with a jolt that I was seconds away from filling his throat with cum. I pushed him off me, my red, swollen cock hitting my stomach with a loud smack.

"I almost shot, bro," I told Cooper with wide eyes.

I was embarrassed that I had reached that point so quickly, but Cooper didn't seem to mind. He just just winked at me and said, "You act like that's a bad thing."

He then bent down again and I felt my dick slide right to the back of his mouth and down his throat in one motion. It was all I could take. I gasped, then let out an animalistic groan. My hands held Cooper's head tight against my crotch as my hot load squirted down his wildly contracting throat. I could just barely hear him gagging through the pounding of my heart in my ears.

He finally pushed away from me, smile on his face. Tears were streaming down his red face, but he laughed.

"That was hella hot, man. I've never done that before." He laughed again, shaking his head.

I finally remembered how to move my body, and stretched my stiff legs. "I've never swallowed a load either, but I guess it's my turn." I had to admit, swallowing cum didn't sound all that fun at the moment, but I figured it was only fair.

Cooper shook his head though. "Nah, I think I want to save my load for now. I want it to be a big one when we... " He went silent, seeming to hesitate. He watched my face, but didn't continue.

I was still in a daze, and hadn't listened to much beyond the initial "nah." I settled my head onto Cooper's chest, and we listened to the rain on the tent. A wave of exhaustion came over me, and I yawned.

"We're probably going to have to stay here tonight. We wouldn't make much more progress before dark even if the rain stopped right now," Cooper said quietly. He didn't sound upset--he was just making an observation.

Chills ran from my head to my toes as Cooper began running his fingers lightly over the skin on my back. His chest rose and fell steadily, and I found myself staring at his perfect cock, semi-hard, not far from my face.

It was silent for several minutes. I sighed. "Hey Cooper?"

"What's up?"

"Thanks for putting up with all my shit the last few days. I'm really not usually this hard to deal with. It's like my brain is broken lately."

"I understand more than you know." His chest rose and fell a couple times. "The truth is, I haven't minded it all that much. It's strange, because even when I knew I should probably be annoyed with you, or angry with you, I just... wasn't really. It sounds dumb since we've only known each other for a few days, but I care about you a lot. I really just want you to be happy, and I get that you're figuring a lot of shit out."

My chest filled with a mixture of gratitude and guilt, and I teared up a little. I tried to wipe my eyes discreetly. I knew Cooper was trying to make me feel better, but I suddenly felt even more awful about the way I had been treating him.

I lifted myself up and met his eyes. "I care about you too. A lot. And I'm going to try a lot harder to show you that from here on out."

"Your cute when you're apologizing," Cooper said in a teasing tone.

I was surprised to feel my face grow hot as I blushed, and my cock twitched against Cooper's leg. He grinned, then reached his head up and kissed me. If any other guy had called me cute, I would have hated it. But it was different coming from Cooper. He didn't say it to make me mad, and I knew it.

He lay back again, and I put my head back on his chest. The rise and fall of that muscular pillow lulled me to sleep.


I woke with a start. The tent was shaking wildly around me. I reached for Cooper, but he wasn't there. I struggled to make my blurry eyes see as my hearing became clear.

Cooper was outside the tent. "Preston, you've got to see this sunrise man! Get your ass out of bed!"

I groaned and slapped at the side of the tent. "If I wanted an alarm clock, I'd buy one!" I tried not to let him hear the smile on my face.

"Just hurry up and get out here!"

I cast around for my clothes for several seconds before realizing I had left what I was wearing yesterday hanging on the tree outside. I poked my head out the already unzipped tent door, and found my face inches from Cooper's nude backside. I decided that if he didn't need clothes to watch the sunrise, neither did I, and I crawled out of the tent to stand next to him.

"Good morning!" His hair was tousled from sleep, in a perfect sort of way.

I yawned and returned a sleepy, "Good morning."

"Come over here," he said, waving for me to follow.

We left the trees we had taken shelter in, and a majestic view opened up before us. The mountain sloped quickly down away from us, revealing layer after layer of rock- and tree-covered ridges, dotted with the occasional lake. Steam filled the canyons. The sky to the east was streaked with orange and pink, and the retreating clouds helped spread the color far across the still dim morning sky.

A looked around and found Cooper settling down on a blanket that was spread out on the ground. He had two bowls of oatmeal sitting beside him. I just stood there, staring dumbly.

He patted the blanket next to him. "You just going to stand there all day?"

I shook my head, and stepped toward him. I didn't know what to say.

Cooper offered me a bowl as I sat down next to him.

"You made me breakfast." I was distantly aware of how stupid sounded.

He laughed, "Very good, Sherlock. It's just oatmeal--not a big deal."

"Thank you."

"Of course, man," Cooper said, looking slightly amused.

"No, seriously. Thank you."

We sat in silence, watching the colors move across as the sun rose. When we had finished eating, Cooper gently grabbed my hand, and we continued watching the sunrise. The only movement was from the butterflies in my stomach. Every so often, Cooper would break the silence with a little observation. "Look at those birds in the valley down there," or "My mom used to say a pink sky in the morning was a prediction of bad weather. Load of bullshit."

As incredible as the view was, my eyes kept drifting away from it. I was more interested in Cooper than in the color of the clouds. I loved how enthusiastic he was about the simplest parts of nature. I watched him while he watched the world, my hand in his.

Cooper eventually realized I was looking at him, and turned to look at me. I just smiled at him, then leaned in close and kissed him, long and soft. From the corner of my eye, I could see his dick responding to the action, and I could feel mine rising to attention as well.

We kept kissing, growing more passionate by the minute. I lost track of where his tongue ended and mine began. As we kissed, I reached down and stroked his cock, which was already rock hard in my hand. He groaned as I squeezed it, and kissed me harder. His hands ran up and down my body, but I noticed him pausing to squeeze my ass with both hands more and more often.

I finally broke the kiss, and descended on his cock. It felt so right as it slid between my lips. I felt the head slide across the roof of my mouth before coming to a stop at my throat. I tried to open it up to give him access without success. I could hear Cooper trying to coach me along as I struggled.

"Breathe deeply through your nose. Yeah, just like that. Now try to relax your throat. You're trying to force it. Just let it slide back there."

I tried to follow his instructions, but I couldn't convince my throat to relax. I gagged repeatedly, and tears filled my eyes. I realized I was holding my breath, and I pulled away, frustrated. I was filled with a desire to have all of him inside me. I looked up at Cooper, almost pleadingly.

"Don't worry, man. We'll get there. You just need a little more practice."

I stroked his cock slowly. "I want it all so bad."

I felt his cock throb. "Just take it slow. You'll get there."

I grunted, brushing away my frustration, and took him in my mouth again. I squeezed my lips around his pulsing rod as tightly as I could, then moved up and down, moving my hand in a twisting motion around the lower part of his dick at the same time.

"Fuck... that's amazing! Where did you learn to do that shit?"

I just smiled around the cock in my mouth, but didn't stop. I could feel his hands running up and down my back, going lower and lower with every pass. I shivered as I felt him reach the top of my ass. Without thinking, I arched my back, trying to get my ass closer to those exploring hands. Cooper seemed to get the message, and I felt a finger slip into my furrow and caress my hole.

My dick responded by getting harder than it had ever been in my life. It felt so strange, I had to reach down and touch it. It was so engorged with blood that I could feel my heartbeat in my fingertips as I touched it. It stuck out from my body, straight as an arrow, so stiff that I could barely move it. It had become incredibly sensitive as well.

Meanwhile, Cooper's finger was circling my asshole, skillfully brushing the sensitive skin around its opening. I moved my knees apart, hoping to give him better access. I was disappointed for a moment when he took his finger away and shoved it into my mouth next to his cock. I gazed up at him, confused.

Then I felt his finger on my hole again, wet with my saliva. He circled the pucker a few more times before placing his finger directly over it and applying pressure. Apprehension fluttered through me as I realized what he was going to do. But I didn't want him to stop.

As his fingertip slipped past my sphincter, ever so slowly, I stopped sucking his dick. I was too afraid to move. My cock was throbbing like it never had before. He moved slow--almost painfully slow--as more and more of his finger disappeared inside me. I could feel my hole randomly gripping and ungripping his spit-lubricated finger. Just when it began to hurt, he stopped. I looked over my shoulder and discovered that his entire middle finger was in my ass.

I looked up at him, and he smiled proudly. "You're doing great," he said softly. "Are you feeling ok?"

I nodded and laughed. "Feel my dick if you don't believe me."

Without removing his finger, he reached underneath me to see what I was talking about. He whistled softly.

"Damn, you're loving this!"

Without letting go of my dick, Cooper began moving his finger in my ass. I couldn't breathe. I had never felt anything quite like it. The motion of Cooper's finger continued, and then he began moving his finger in and out of my hole before removing it entirely.

He picked me up with no apparent effort and set me back on my hands and knees, facing away from him. I looked over my shoulder in time to see him spread my ass with both hands and spit on my asshole. He then returned to massaging it with his finger, grasping at my dick and balls with his other hand. I had never felt so much pleasure, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

"Dude, you're hole is crazy tight! I think we're making progress though."

I wasn't sure if having a tight asshole was a good thing or not, but Cooper sounded excited about it. I knew he was right that we were "making progress," though. His finger no longer felt like an intruder. It seemed to belong there.

He lubed me up with spit again, then carefully added a second finger. He spoke softly to me as I adjusted to that new addition, and then to a third. I hung my head between my arms, and was astounded at the deep purple color of my cock. It was so sensitive now that even the slight breeze was stimulating to me. As I watched, a thick drop of precum dripped to the ground.

Cooper carefully removed his fingers, and leaned down over me, kissing me on the neck. I turned my head to the side, and we kissed deeply.

Without warning, he picked me up and laid me roughly on my back. He pushed my legs apart with his knees, and pinned both my hands above my head. I felt our cocks rub against each other several times, and then, still holding my hands out of the way with one hand, he spit in the other. He rubbed spit on his dick, then moved my balls out of the way and spit on my hole too.

He placed his cock on my hole, and began applying pressure. It was all I could do to not push down on it to hurry things along. I wanted him inside me so badly.

Then, inexplicably, he stopped and pulled back, just as he had by the lake. He shook his head and released my hands. He ran his fingers over my chest and stomach, then met my eyes.

I gave him a confused look. "You can't stop there, man. Just fuck me. Please. Don't make me beg."

He looked pained. "I probably shouldn't."

"Don't you want to?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I want to. Look at you."

"Then stick it in. I mean it, Cooper. I want you inside me." I grabbed my thighs and rolled back, putting my ass as close to his face as possible.

He looked down at my exposed hole, and that did the trick. He got that look in his eye that I had seen a few times before, and he had my hands pinned down again in seconds.

Before I knew it, his cock was pressed up against my hole again. This time, he leaned down and kissed me as he began to slide in. I let out a yelp as his head popped inside me, and he stopped to let me adjust before slowly continuing.

The pressure was the strangest feeling. At first, it was painful. Even though it hurt, I wanted more, so I didn't stop him. And I was glad we continued, because the pain went away, and was replaced by twice as much pleasure.

I suddenly realized that we were both moaning loudly. I could hear our moans echoing across the canyons and back to us, making it sound as if there were more than two men going at it in those mountains.

Cooper wasn't holding anything back anymore. He was slamming into me with his full force, moving my entire body with every thrust. I reached for my aching dick, but knew that if I wasn't careful, I would finish then and there.

Cooper pushed my knees up above my shoulders, forcing my ass high into the air. From this elevated position, he angled his dick down and fucked me hard from above. That sent his dick slamming into my prostate with every thrust, and the pleasure I was feeling spiked to levels I hadn't thought possible.

"I'm going to cum," I managed to say between moans.

"Hands free?" Cooper sounded surprised.

"I--" and then it happened. I went totally deaf. I couldn't hear anything as I sprayed myself with more jizz than I had ever produced. It fell in ribbons across my chest, face, and the blanket beneath me.

My hearing came back as quickly as it had gone. Cooper let out a strangled "FUCK" and slammed into me one final time, right to the hilt. I could feel his cock spasming inside me, and a warmth filled my gut. It felt incredible. The pulsing in my ass slowed, and Cooper slowly withdrew his inflamed dick, slapping it against my asshole twice before letting my legs drop to the ground.

He crawled over me and wiped a thumb across my lips. Then he kissed me before rolling onto his back beside me with a thump.

"That. Was. Incredible." He was still breathing hard.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love the outdoor sex and hot cock descriptions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Totally smoking hot. Loved this chapter. Not entirely sure why Cooper paused and acted like he wasn’t going to fuck him, but the follow-through was stellar! Seems like there is more to this story.

Exluke1Exluke1over 1 year ago

Preston is really so much more stable now. I liked his gratitude and guilt feelings as he seriously apologized. Romantic sunrise first time they will remember and these 2 seem like a good boyfriend material too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So freaking hot…Loved the description of him looking at the tip of his own cock as his lover fingers his tight ass…the intensely purple tip…the precum starting to leak…just white hot…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Awesome. Give me more...

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