Mia Mine Ch. 12


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"This is all on you! You owe me big time Mindy, and you pay up or more of your kind will be thrown at your feet."

It was no mystery who was behind this horrible act. Pain had finally put action to his earlier threats. He was well aware of Mindy's remarkable turnaround after leaving the scene, his scene, and he was pissed as hell. He didn't want word to get out to the 'girls' there was a safe haven for them to actually become vibrant and involved women in the 'real world'. Mindy's communication with several of the girls had become known to him. She was really trying to get as many as she could over to the Foundation so they could get started on their new and wonderful lives, away from the daily horror they lived in. She was trying to take away some of his money, and no one, no one, did that.

The policeman had turned away and was talking to someone on his communications device.

They overheard a "Great!" as he turned back and walked back over to them. "Luckily these Seattle guys don't realize how small we are over here. Thanks to Jonathan's heads up play of getting the license plate, we got the car and the three thugs inside are now on their way to the city jail to be arrested and booked."

Mindy was elated until she gave Pain's description to the cop and he checked with his dispatcher and none of the three that were arrested fit that description.

"Shit, he just sent his minions, didn't make the trip himself the sleazy bastard."

"Just how much do you 'owe' him Mindy, and why?"

"Well, even though he wasn't officially my pimp, he said I worked in his territory so I owed him a cut of all my liaisons. The amount will change if I give him anything. Right now he's probably talking about two or three grand. But if I pay him that, he will say oh no, that's just the start and it will go up to five, ten, who knows."

"My God! So you can't even pay your way out of this, it will just keep growing and being more?"

"That's the world I came from, that's how it works. They win, I lose, and nothing I can do can make it stop."

Christine jumped into the conversation. "Let's just see what the police can do to track down this Pain fellow and try to find a way to link him to this disgusting act. But I am also going to call David too, for I know when Mia was having her trouble with her ex business partners and then her father, he mentioned knowing some private investigators who were ex Marine's and were very good at getting to the crux of a bad situation, and getting their objective either incarcerated or as they say, just plain gone."

Mindy was at a loss, the medics had told her it would do her no good to go to the hospital right now. Vivian was in very bad shape and was going to be in emergency surgery right away and then probably in intensive care. It would be hours until there was any news.

Jonathan tried to console her as best he could. He tried to entice her into going to get a bite to eat to forget about the horror they had just encountered. She finally agreed, halfheartedly at best, but she supposed it would be better than sitting for hours in a hospital waiting room. Christine agreed and told them to go, she would take care of the rest of the investigation questions, and anything she couldn't answer Mindy could fill them in when they sent an actual detective by.

So Jonathan and Mindy went to a restaurant right by the water and the ferry terminal. It was nice, had great food and service, and a wonderful view of the water and the little dock and moorage section.

As they sipped at their wine Mindy finally broke the silence. "So are you going to tell me the news you thought you wouldn't be able to keep quiet about or what?"

Jonathan loved the smile she used when she spoke to him, it made him feel she just might feel the same way about him as he felt about her.

"Well, I was not too busy at work one day and was looking through the company website, when I saw they were accepting applications for a new search engine type of feature they wanted to try, and saw they were planning on using a lot of photos within the site. So I applied, and they not only wanted to hire me, they want me to be a part of the department heads in charge of the photo work! I got a huge raise and next week off before I start on the new adventure."

Mindy was speechless at first, taken aback at how wonderful Jonathan's news was. She quickly gained her voice and shouted "That's incredible! I know you are going to do a great job and you'll be doing what you love! That is the best news I have heard and it couldn't have come at a more needed time."

She got up and reached for him to give him a huge hug and plant a wet kiss on his lips. Now it was Jonathan's turn to be a bit surprised, but he too regained himself quickly and thanked her for her wondrous support. "So tell me your news too, I want to hear what has been happening to you to explain all these wonderful changes. You are looking more beautiful than ever, radiant really."

Mindy blushed and began to tell Jonathan about all the things the foundation had been able to do for her. "And with all their help, with my name change and sex change on my license, I applied as my new legal name at the local college and will be starting taking classes this coming spring quarter! I was even able to get into a painting class so I will be able to start painting again."

They chatted about all the new things coming in their lives as they tried to eat dinner. But Mindy just couldn't get Vivian out of her mind.

"I'm sorry, I know they said we wouldn't be able to talk to her for several hours, but I just can't seem to relax. I feel I should be there for her, for after all, it's all my fault."

"Now just hold on there, it certainly isn't your fault," Jonathan broke in rather sharply, making Mindy jump back a bit in her seat.

"Sorry, didn't mean to get so loud, but I just can't sit here and let you say what happened to Vivian was your fault. I think people like Pain, the pimps of the world actually have some sort of an inner hatred of women. Then throw in transgendered women on top if it and they feel they have every right to be any way they wish, violent in his case. It is so ironic, for someone in such a socially unacceptable role, to use undue social disapproval of a certain segment of persons as their ticket to inflict as much pain and suffering they can to these poor people."

"Yes, but if I hadn't told all the girls about the foundation, and paid him what he said I owed him, Vivian wouldn't be in emergency surgery right now."

"That may or may not be true, who knows what he is capable of and how he would treat her or any of the girls at any time. He is blaming you to make you feel guilty, when it is he who is really the guilty party here, in so many ways."

"I suppose you're right, and thanks for trying to make me feel better," Mindy said in almost a whisper with her head looking down at the dinner she had only poked at.

"Ok, I can see you won't be at ease until we are at the hospital, let me get the check and I'll take you over there right now." Jonathan waived at the waitress and made the sign for the bill, she nodded and began working on it for him.

"Thank you Jonathan, I am sorry, I didn't want to spoil our date, but this has been such a horrible thing. It's just like I am used to thought, just when I think things are going to get better or be right for a change, BAM!, down comes the damn hammer. I guess I just don't have any right to feel good about myself."

"Hey, stop it Mindy! I am not going to stand by and let you downgrade yourself. Shit happens, bad shit, to everyone. It isn't a sign that you don't deserve the best, it is just the way things work, we take the good, the bad, and work on each the best we can."

Mindy reached and took his hand as they walked out of the restaurant.


Back at the Foundation, Christine thought again about the detective that had come after the kids had left. "Detective Robinson" she said softly to herself. She remembered the little spark she felt as they brushed hands together as he gave her his card while introducing himself. She hadn't felt anything like that in such a long time. It felt good she thought and smiled and almost instinctively brushed her hair with her hand.

She shook her head, a little angry with herself for letting those thoughts and feelings get in the way of the business at hand. She picked up her phone and called David and told him of the evening's event. She told him she remembered he had mentioned some private detectives that could do "special work". She had shared her thought that this might be a little beyond what the police would be able to do.

"I'll make a few calls and get right back to you," he said in a stern voice. He had taken his phone with him out into hall when Christine had told him to so after he answered her call. He was glad he had, for he certainly would not want Mia to see the look on his face and in his eyes right now. He walked around the halls and made a couple of calls. He was able to get through to a couple of his friends and they were both interested in working on the job and would make their way to Seattle and look forward to hearing all the details.

David walked around a little more taking deep breaths to try to calm himself down. This was the last thing Mia needed to hear right now, and he didn't want even a trace to show in his demeanor when he returned to the room. Luckily, Mia was peacefully asleep, so he got into his chair next to her, took her hand in his, and tried to get some rest.


Christine was pacing in the main room of the Foundation. She was worried about Vivian, but was also worried about Mindy. She knew Mindy's new found confidence was fragile at best, and knew her tendency to think the worst about herself was still just a wheatie flake away from the surface. She hoped Jonathan was helping her, and was pretty sure he would be. She liked him a lot now and he impressed her more each time she got to see him. He had shown a kind heart and a loving intelligence. His understanding of the plight of transgendered girls was impressive and she knew it came from his heart, from the love he had for his sister. She kept trying to think of something she could do and finally decided to take the detective's card out and give him a call.

"Detective Robinson here, how can I help?"

"Yes, Detective, this is Christine Shaw from the Eraew Foundation, you just helped us with that poor girl beaten by those thugs and thrown out of the car in front of our house."

"Yes, of course, how can I help you Ms. Shaw?"

"Christine, please, I know you've arrested the three thugs that committed this horrible act, but what kind of protection can we expect from the police for our house in general, but for Mindy specifically? I know of this Pain guy from stories Mindy has told me, and he is one scary and seemingly very powerful bad guy. I know you have just a small town budget for the force here, but are we going to be able to get more protection here or am I going to have to hire some extra help?"

"I can only advise you of what I and the force can do Christine. I can't advise you about getting your own help. Yes, we do have a small town budget, but all of the dispatchers are, and will be aware that our patrol car's rounds will include several passes by your Foundation during every shift. I can't offer any twenty four hour surveillance or anything like that. I think this Pain fellow will be a bit surprised that his men were apprehended, and I don't think he will be doing anything in the near future. I have been in contact with the special prostitution unit the Seattle force has in place. They are very well aware of his power and his resources. The three men we caught are low down on his chain of command so I don't think he expected much from our force. But thanks to your young man, the description and plate number mixed with the few streets here made it pretty easy for our guys to get them."

"I imagine they'll have them bailed out in no time," mused Christine.

"Probably so, but we will escort them to the next ferry and make sure they get on it."

Christine smiled as she thanked Detective Robinson "thank you Detective I hope to see you soon, er, so we can talk more about the case." Christine was surprised by her forwardness. She found him rather attractive in a different sort of way and was happy she felt that way, for with all the work and concentration on the Foundation, her personal life had taken a very back seat lately. She remembered how much she liked the sound of his "phone voice" so powerful yet with a hint of kindness in it. She thought it might be fun to see him socially.

Detective Robinson was stunned by Christine's remark. "Why yes, um, I was going to come to see you to get more details about the case. Well you and the young lady he threatened". He tried not to let it show how much her remark had affected him. He too had let his personal life wane, and was a bit shaken by this beautiful woman saying she hoped to see him soon. He cleared his throat (again) "perhaps tomorrow after my shift?"

"That sounds wonderful Detective, I will look forward to it, and l will also let Mindy know."


Jonathan and Mindy were sitting in the hospital waiting room, silently, as they awaited any news about Vivian. Jonathan had tried to start a conversation a couple times but Mindy was not in the mood to talk. She did reach for and grab his hand and had been holding it since they sat down. The head duty nurse had promised to let them know of any news at all about Vivian and assured them all the doctors involved in the case also knew they were quite anxious to hear.

They both turned their heads every time an elevator door opened or they heard footsteps in the hallway.

Finally Mindy broke the long silence. "You know, I was working so hard with Vivian, for her to get her shit together and apply to the Foundation. I bet that's why Pain took it out on her, cause she told me she was just about ready. I just get so fuckin pissed at what we have to go through. It's so hard to get a "normal" job without proper ID.

You can't imagine how incredibly uncomfortable and basically downright embarrassing it is to go into a job interview as a woman, but if they ask for your ID which is all male, you can't imagine the response we get. That's why so many end up like we did, working the streets. And then, you get beaten within an inch of your life when you try to get out of it. What a world we live in."

Jonathan sighed, "I'm right there with you Mindy, but things are changing, look at Mia and how far she's gotten. There are so many transgendered girls and women coming out and speaking freely, or at least more freely. The word is going to get out and people are going to have to accept change."

Mindy smiled, Jonathan's constant optimism was one of her favorites of his long list of traits that had swung her heart. She just looked at how concerned he looked, his honesty and care were so prevalent in his face, and she knew, in his heart. 'I love this man' she thought.

Before she could say anything, a young doctor was talking to the head nurse and they saw her pointing their way. They both jumped up and walked over to him.

"I'm Doctor Winthrop and I hear you are friends of Vivian?"

"Yes Doctor! How is she doing?"

"Well, there was quite a bit of damage, but luckily there was no major internal damage. She was beaten pretty severely and has a concussion. We also set her broken arm and dislocated shoulder.

She has a couple of cracked ribs, and a bruised kidney. Since there wasn't major internal damage, she wasn't put under as deeply as we at first thought we would have to. So she also won't have to stay in intensive care. You will be notified as soon as she is moved from the recovery room into her hospital room and you'll be able to see her there."

"Thank you Doctor! How long do you think she'll be in the recovery room?"

"I don't think more than forty five more minutes or so, but the nurse knows to alert you as soon as they begin to move her."

Mindy sighed a huge sigh of relief.

It seemed like forever, but finally, they were shown into Vivian's room. She was quite heavily bandaged, had her arm in a cast and her shoulder was strapped to her chest. She managed a little smile when she saw Mindy.

"Oh Vivian, I am so, so sorry. I had no idea what was going on with Pain, and am so sorry he took it out on you." Mindy was crying as she bent down to kiss Vivian's cheek.

"Hey, it's ok, the doc says I am going to be fine. Do you think I can just go right into the Foundation after I get outta here?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way, there is no way I would let you go back over there after all of this. I'm sure Christine is probably getting your room ready right now. You deserve the best care and that is what you'll get there. I can't even list all the wonderful things they can do. You'll love it and I'll love having a friend there with me too!"

"So, this must be Jonathan?" Vivian asked with a little lift to her voice.

"Yes, Jonathan, this is Vivian, my very best friend."

"Nice to meet you Vivian, I sure wish it would have been on better terms, but I agree with Mindy, you'll love the Foundation and Christine. They'll have you up and around and building your new, exciting life in no time."

Vivian's eyes gave Jonathan the slow once over, "Man Mindy, this guy is definitely a keeper!"

Both Mindy and Jonathan blushed.

Mindy and Jonathan both jumped a bit at the officious tone of the nurse entering the room. Nurse Villeneuve by her name tag, was a rather plump woman with a sort of jovial face that was completely overridden by her take charge voice, "Ok you two, it's time to say your good nights, this poor girl is going to sleep for the night, so we're going to have to ask you to leave."

"Don't worry, she is in very good hands, and I will personally make sure she is given the very best care. My heart goes out to her, for no one should be treated like this." Her jovial face turned very warm and Mindy knew Vivian would be in good hands.

Mindy walked over to the bed and bent down to give Vivian a kiss, "Ok Viv, we have to go but Nurse Villeneuve has promised to make sure you are given the very best care. We'll be back in the morning, luv you!"

"Thanks for everything Mindy" she turned and looked at Jonathan, "you take good care of this girl, she is the best!"

"I know, I think so too, good night Vivian, it was nice to meet you, and we'll see you in the morning."

Vivian gave Mindy a little wink and a smile as she waved with her one good arm as they left the room.

"Amazing how they were able to patch her up so well, she looked so scary when we first saw her," Mindy mused as they walked down the hall. "You sure have spent your time in hospitals today, I'm so sorry about all of this. I just want to thank you again for being with me Jonathan, you can't believe how much having you with me means to me."

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else Mindy, you have become such an important part of my life now, and I hope an even more important part."

"You certainly know how to get right to a girl's heart, Jonathan. I feel so lucky that I didn't lose you during my little "weird period" adjusting to all the effects of the hormone changes and the emotional roller coaster the new meds brought on in me. I have to tell you, it took some getting used to. It sure made me wonder about what was in the street drugs I was taking, it must have been mostly baking powder or something, because I never went through anything like what I have been going through with this new regimen. There were times I didn't want to be with me let alone try to be with anyone else, especially someone I care for as much as I do you."

"Thanks Mindy, Christine sorta gave me a little explanation about what you were going through and to try to give you some time to adjust. She told me you would be talking to me about it when you were ready. I do have to say it was hard Mindy, I got to know how much I care for you though, missing you so much. But I do have to say, even though the emotional changes were difficult for you to go through, the physical changes are remarkable. I was attracted to you right at first, I saw something inside you, a spark if you will. But the subtle changes to your body and the radiance in your demeanor now make you absolutely gorgeous!"