All Comments on 'Michael - His life'

by lover1953

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WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

A top story, certainly streets ahead of the cuck garbage that gets served up to readers these days on Literotica. But then again Lover 1953 does write excellent stories.

Thank you author for a wonderful, well constructed story that keep my interest to the end.

Scores a well deserved 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Get your facts straight

I liked your story except for the political rant about Scotland. Scotland is part of the British Isles or United Kingdom so that makes Scots 'British'. If you are born in the UK, you are of either English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh Nationality but collectively British. All of these nations except the English have the right of self determination i.e. their own government but are all still heavily subsidised by the English people. I am English but when I fill in forms I can only say I'm British whereas a Scot has a choice. Who's the oppressed party here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
My issue is with security clearances

If he was having an affair and FIS knew about it, then his 3 letter agency would as well and his career would be over.

That’s the fact Jack

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good story. Thanks for the read.

A lawyer and spook fixer, two morally ambiguous characters not exactly a recipe for a successful relationship or marriage. It was not a matter of if but when the relationship would blow up in a fiery explosion. Except in this case it more or less just died with a whimper.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Why was this so long?

Jeez, 9 pages really wasn't necessary. 5 or 6 pages would've done the job. I was confused as to why he stayed after finding out about the 1st child? It made no sense. she was never faithful throughout the marriage, him leaving didn't slow her down at all. She was still banging a co worker. I liked the story but it was kinda mundane. It was 9 pages of too much. Why did monica go to London? What was she there for? It couldn't possibly be to get her husband back when she hadn't even stopped spreading her legs. I was confused about her going there.. this story was just ok. I don't see me reading it again.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago
Twist and Turns

Enjoyed most of the story. Kinda knew they were doomed from the beginning. For someone being smart, Amanda displayed a lot of stupid. I suppose they had a unofficial open marriage as long as they were discreet. Would like to have Charles manage my money.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 3 years ago
This was testing.

I, and I am sure many others, skimmed huge chunks of this story because of the irrelevant and needless filler. There were so many things which had no bearing on the plot, such as it was.

Then there was the plot. Two successful, attractive people meet and get married but screw everyone in sight. He dislikes that she not only screws others, but gets pregnant. For some reason, that is beyond acceptable. He divorces her and marries one of his lovers. DNA proves he fathered their child. Now he is happy. We don't know if they screw around or not.

The other thing which always seems odd to me is when I read a story about Americans doing shit in America and around the world, is how there are words with "U" tossed in, like neighbour and favourite. (Word is telling me those words are misspelled.) All of a sudden I am taken out of the story and realize this American soldier tough guy really isn't.

PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

It wasn't a very enjoyable story because none of the characters were particularly likeable.

I had nothing but contempt for Michael just putting up with his wife's multiple affairs. He knew all about her screwing around behind his back, then just blindly accepts that he's the father of her baby? WTF? Instead of getting it DNA tested immediately, he waits until she's knocked up with a second bastard? What a dumbass!

Then when he finally realises that she's turned him into a complete cuckold, he sets up trust funds for her bastard kids? Why? They aren't his children and financially he doesn't owe them shit. I hate when writers do this kind of thing to make the protagonist seem like a nice guy, when it really just makes him a simp paying for her lovers' kids.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Great tale and I really enjoyed it! I would have like him to deal little retribution on the two "fathers" of the children. Maybe a letter to their wives with the DNA results telling them who the mothproof their husband's child was...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Enjoyed the story, but ....

The Scots aren’t trying to escape british rule.... they are british! Just as british as an Englishmen, a welshman, or a cockney (like me) for that matter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This had elements of an interesting story, but not at all believable.

I have enjoyed Lover1953's stories so far. This story had enough elements to be a very good one, but it fell apart on behavior and the characters seemed one dimensional.

I trust the author takes these comments positively, because some tweaks could have made the story compelling.

First, ambitious female Lawyers I know are paranoid about unplanned pregnancies. The idea that Amanda allowed not one, but two pregnancies, from two different men simply is unbelievable, for a woman in NYC big law.. If the implication is she was having sex with Michael and other men very close together, otherwise, he would know they were not his kids. Did she view the pregnancy just as a tool to get him home for sex? She was willing to take that risk, and then did it again?

Second, if kinds and family were that important to the couple, Michael had the money necessary to change his job. Couples have those kind of discussions when they have resources. People with money spend it to get what they want. Unless Michael was a miser and told her, I won't spend the money. Add that to the dialogue, or it's not believable.

What you describe is two people addicted to their jobs not as a family unit. Not really characters you want to identify with.

Finally, Environmental law types tend to be very ideological, on a mission to save the earth, it's another religion. Many law firms are working on behalf of governments and NGO's to try and sue big oil, mining and other firms. If your point was to show Amanda and a rich dilettante, who chose Environmental law as trendy, fine. But big oil hires law firms to do EL work to influence legislation and/or defend against law suits, not to jet set to conferences. They have lobbyists and PR people for that.

Given that Micahel is to be the voice of morality, some conflict between him and her, over her job would have made some sense.

These little things could have made the story very good and we could have identified with the characters. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good not Great Story

More like a formulaic plot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
tooooooooooo much!

too much fill and no sub-stan-a-ness. LOVE slap hapy papy #9

thunderfoot1959thunderfoot1959over 3 years ago
Unsympathetic characters and repetitive scenes ruin a good effort

This has the potential to be a good story; therefore, three stars. Unfortunately, all the main characters are unrepentant adulterers, making none of them particularly sympathetic.

The allusions to (espionage) tradecraft, diplomacy, and even radical investment strategies would be potentially fascinating if fleshed out in their own narrative. Remaining allusions, they become repetitive and ultimately forgettable.

Michael's brother is potentially the most interesting character. Described as both honest and wily in finance, he has a wife and children in what is presented as a traditional, long-term, and faithful relationship.

Having tossed a couple of broadsides, I'll finish up with some nitpicking. I have yet to see a Lit author use the word "discreet" with its correct spelling. "Discrete" is a different word with a different definition. Also, one "ekes out a living" unless one is squeaking while doing it, in which case "eek" may be appropriate. Proofreading for homonyms is one task you do *after* a MS Word spellcheck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The Scots fought The English at Culloden. If you want to play Nationalist cards, get your Nations right. I suppose the" clever" reference to the wife Windsor means you intended her to be English. The Scots are British too, you chump.

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

Can a lawyer really be so stupid that she believes she can still save her marriage despite two cuckoo children? The story is told in a very entertaining way. Maybe a bit lengthy sometimes. But in the end good!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 3 years ago
Good ending

I was afraid he would go back to her. It would be very easy for him to find out who the fathers were. He knew she had affairs, he must have had information, at least names on who they were. They both need retribution. He won't have real closure until they get the punishment they deserve. Amanda will know but not be able to prove who did the punishing and she will have to live with that. Her two kids will grow up without dads and that is on her as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

He is a cheater. She is a cheater. I found myself not caring. I just don't care about a story if no one is likeable.

jezzazjezzazover 3 years ago

It does need a content editor, for sure. Well written but so much local color that when you strip that away, there’s not that much story left.

The thing is though, there people see each other for a few days a month? What kind of marriage is that? I would say that sleeping with others is almost inevitable in that situation. If you are only going to see each other a handful of days a year, what’s the point of marriage in the first place?

GrimmerGrimmerover 3 years ago

Good story if it was a bit dry - felt kind of. ... British.

The one aspect I felt pulled from the story being really enjoyable was how controlled, almost unemotional Michael was. He seemed more robotic than human.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This was good. I think

But trying to wade thru 9 pages was too big an ask. You had WAY too much stuff in this that just wasn't relevant to the story. Why try to pack this with unnecessary information? Next time you feel the need to run on at the mouth, get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good However.....

Very well written however, incredibly PREDICTABLE.

That's the difference between a 4 or 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Excellent story

It was not rushed but it did not drag either

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 3 years ago

I made it to page 3 and then stopped. I’m not interested in a story where EVERYONE is cheating on each other. What’s the point?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Pretty good

Unlike HDK, I think the detail was appropriate and helped develop characters. I have two problems with the story:

1. Michael knew from the beginning that Amanda was narcissistic, controlling, and a something of a slut. It was so obvious, that it's not plausible that Michael would marry the cunt.

2. The "male ego and pride" trope, which you use, is a fetid relic of feminism designed to transform matters of justice and good and evil into matters of "feelings". It's corrupt and false and an unfortunate sign of feminized thinking.

baulloyder68baulloyder68over 3 years ago
There was one

Yes only one likeable character in this story and that was Charles, Michael's brother. All the others were cheating lowlifes. I did read it all the way through and that was a waste of time. TWO**

lujon2019lujon2019over 3 years ago

pg one - he already knows she is a lying cheating slut, why should he feel sorry for some one dumb enough to stick his dick in a bear trap?

pg three - he is nothing if not a realist? they why does he get pissed that the cheating hore that he KNOWS to be a cheating whore IS a cheating whore?

pg three - this guy was a Major in the US Army in charge of overseeing a half dozen companies, upward of 1500 soldiers, and then went on to work for the CIA, and he doesn't have the wherewithal to stop his future mother in law from spending HIS money on a one day party he doesn't want?

pg four - so a foreign intelligence agency was able to discover in less than a day his wife is a cheat? You know that even having a close relative who could be blackmailed kills damn near everyones security clearance, right?

pg six - international man of mystery and top notch intelligence agent cant do simple math using less than all ten of his fingers?

pg seven - why are all these smart women so fucking stupid, the Brit wants him, but doesnt want to be the messenger, Jesus Christ, slip the info to a third country's agency so they try and black mail him and he is forced to confront it with out her being the heavy, and do it before the whore has another bastard

pg seven - "I worked very hard to control my anger when I confronted Amanda with the DNA evidence that both Michael Jr. and Emma were fathered by other men"

But, but, he was a realist who knew from the moment they started dating that she was a lying cheat, why would he be mad that a lying cheat, who he KNEW was a lying cheat was indeed a lying cheat? Not very 'realist'

pg eight - "Since I brought my investment portfolio with me to the marriage, we would only share the proceeds of the profits that might be made while we were married. It meant that I kept about 80% of what I had invested with my brothers' firm."

Uh, no. Brought in 4 mil, according to brother it is now 9 mil, meaning 5 mil, half split of 2.5 mil, leaving him with 6.5/9 which is roughly 70%, given what was reveled a few paragraphs later about selling the condo and adding it to a marital asset fund, said fund now being 22 mil, that is 18 mil to split leaving him with 13/22 mil, or 60%, unless adding the proceeds from the sale knocked the original 4 mil into play leaving him with 11/22 or 50%.

Minus the cost of the NYC apartment they bought together, minus all her savings, minus the money he is leaving to her kids, plus the half a mil pay out, plus paying off the rest of the mortgage

so LESS than 50%, not 80%

pg eight - Christ for a woman who wanted a man so badly why did she wait over two years to pull the trigger

pg eight - the slut wife wont even put in the effort to TRY to save her marriage for the sake of her kids

pg nine - "It took a few days of back-and-forth between my lawyer and Michael's lawyer but eventually I did get an address,"

bullshit, there is no way in hell an agency lawyer would EVER give up the details of where an active operative was, even if all they are doing is acting as an info conduit

pg nine - again I fail to comprehend how a "realist" who marries a lying slut is upset that she is a lying slut

I really have no idea why this story pissed me off so much, aside form all the stupidity

Probably the authors expectation that we should feel bad for the dude given he married a whore, but he knew she was a whore before he married her - so why should we feel bad for someone who gets pissed when given EXACTLY what they asked for

He wanted the lying slut, he got the lying slut, why should we feel bad he got what he wanted?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story

Great story but a tad to long. I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the great writing sir.

pepepilotpepepilotover 3 years ago

My only comment for the author is that I enjoyed it, but I do think that 9 pages were a bit long, but I chose to read what I consider being a decent story. I am very comfortable with the 4 stars that I gave.

However, sometimes I find it more amusing to read the comments than the actual story. People, I hate to tell you this, but this is a fantasy place. No one ever tried to claim that this was a true story. The facts don't have to be the truth, nor do the facts have to make sense. The only question in my mind, do the facts fit the story that I am enjoying. If not, then stop reading and go someplace else. The author spent time and effort to write a good story for you to enjoy, it's your choice if you choose to enjoy it or not. If I was the author, I would choose to ignore about half of the comments.

patilliepatillieover 3 years ago
That was a lot of work

and maybe a lot of research, unless the writer is so familiar with the different geographies in this story. The thing is it was a bit cold, unemotional, a telling of a tale rather than feeling it. Lots of concepts re loyalty, hard work, displine, sense of entitlement, etc were gone over many times. Not bad, just not geat either.

ribnitinribnitinover 3 years ago

A bit long but quite enjoyable

GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonover 3 years ago
Good work.

I enjoyed reading this. I think I would have shortened it by removing passages where a character (usually Amanda) explains something that's already been explained before, in very similar words. That said, your three main characters are very clearly drawn, and their actions all seem to be in character. Well done.


ribnitinribnitinover 3 years ago

Upon reflection, I note that despite the contrast between Michael and Amanda (one in control, one not despite pretensions), both committed acts of infidelity. The difference is that Amanda's infidelity had biological consequences, by virtue of her being a woman. It was those consequences that Michael couldn't forgive her for. He was as dishonest as her in concealing their infidelity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You write well but unfortunately the story was very slow and pretty boring.

clarkgarbleclarkgarbleover 3 years ago

good if very very long story. 3 points here. The first is, I think, a big hole in the plot. Any real world Amanda would simply have aborted those 2 pregnancies. That would've solved her problem and saved her marriage. Being constantly gone, Michael wouldn't know unless Rebecca (the most despicable of the characters) found out and ratted. I'll say again Literotica is the most Catholic site on the web. Its characters would rather destroy their own lives and those of everybody else instead of having an abortion. Gimme a break.

Second, far too little was made of Michael's lying and infidelities. Hypocrite much! And he refused to have anything to do with the kids he nurtured? What a bloodless swine.

Finally, this is a tale of 2 imperialist assassins and an arrogant and vicious corporate lawyer raping the planet for pleasure and profit. Wrecking each other's homes, spying (quite illegally) on each other and leaving the messes they leaved behind for others to clean up. None of them suffered enough.

clarkgarbleclarkgarbleover 3 years ago

My comment is being reviewed before posting??? What in the name of the high holy fuck for? Am I on some form of porn site probation? What for?

SouthdownSouthdownover 3 years ago

"Scottish are still fighting today for independence from the British." IS TOTAL BULLSHIT, You need to read more! Some nasty selfish and greedy SNP people are trying to rule Scotland but MOST of the Scottish people are content to be British like all of the countries in the United Kingdom! As a proud Englishman I respect Scotland and it's people but people like you who are ignorant of things in the World and spout lies and ignorance freely make me sad for the nasty attitude you demonstrate. I hope you can grow up and start READING something about the World around you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

lujon2019, you try writing comments that mean something and fail. you have no stories of your own, another fail. go back to your basement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Too much at the front, too little at the back.

Thank you for writing this story.

I didn't care for it but it wasn't the worst I read today. The train wreck could be seen from page 1 but it took forever and a day to arrive. I found myself stopping and restarting the read, more as a curiosity than a distinct interest.

The hero/protagonist is barely human with maybe one flaw and all of the women are self serving. You're not MGTOW, are you?

Then, after the affairs are exposed, the story really starts.

Going overseas to get away from it all? What formulaic fantasy.

The unrepentant woman keeps her lover(s) because of her delusional weakness.

The lady in waiting gets sick of waiting and pounces.

The children are blissfully ignorant and unharmed.

Have you thought of doing it in reverse order? By that I mean getting the infidelity out of the way quickly and then spend the rest of the story dealing with the scenario that the characters didn't die the day after eating, drinking, and being merry?

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Far too long,a nine page story that could have been told in five maximum.Also why does he need his brother to keep up the investments to upgrade the estate?.He had twenty two million at the time of his divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Cool, uncaring, unwilling-to-change leads who make sure that a marriage will not work. And no consideration for the kids.

Liked the honest storytelling in this three-way tale. The two main characters Michael & Amanda were so self-absorbed and unconcerned about all their time apart. No wonder they both were having affairs. Our UK rep Rebecca was also a cool operator, only moderately better. She and her hub were both having affairs; but when he gets another lady preggers, she ditches him. All three had their affairs while married. Michael knew about Amanda's affairs, but she did not know about his. Was not especially bothered about her affairs, until he learns the children are not his biologically. But hey, they are not anybody else's; he's the one raising them and presumably loving them. He just turns that off? The kids don't deserve this. What did they do? Well, in this tale the line crossed is having a child or children by or with someone else. Curious. Even disturbing. Anomic. Uncaring. Aft divorce, he and Rebecca settle down and have kids and a committed life together. Nice. The diff? They took care to make necessary changes and adaptations to make it work. Could Michael and Amanda do the same? Probably, if they had bothered....

MormonJackMormonJackover 3 years ago
Hell yes! Good choice, Michael.

5 stars from me.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story. However, I didn’t care for having characters, especially Rebecca, repeat themselves. Even as streams-of-consciousness, the repetition was tedious. As for the characters, their depth was only in areas that -most- defined them: Michael’s focused compartmentalization, Rebecca’s patience, and Amanda’s dysfunction: arrogance, selfishness, and impulsivity. Otherwise, the only backstory was that Amanda’s family had money; Michael had a brother; and Rebecca expected fidelity.

So I’m saying the story would benefit from removing repetition; increasing the dialogue; and building more backstory.

OBSunSeekerOBSunSeekerover 3 years ago
My Bad

I accidentally gave it 2 **s – with this being a cheaters marathon I should have only given 1* - my bad.

The brother (Charles) is the honest dependable family member a good story could have been written about him.

I agree with many of the negative comments. To many cheaters Amanda and her lawyer lovers; Michael, Rebecca and her husband/nurse. The story was too long, if the trigger to end the marriage was one of Amanda’s lover’s fathering a child “Why didn’t the marriage end after the first one?” Amanda was not only a cheater she was a whore using sex to further her career - just a despicable woman.

Michael couldn’t find out who the sperm donor was for the children? Really? Michael had millions he could have found out without a lot of effort. The children’s DNA and Amanda’s travel schedule would provide enough clues. Rebecca could have given him the gift of the names of the sperm donors. Story might have been more interesting to see what Michael would done once he knew who the sperm donors was. I ground through to the end of the story . . . not sure why I read past page four.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

You stories are well-conceived and interesting, but after reading at least six of them, your plots all seem to hinge on common plot-devices: smart, motivated, driven women who forget/neglect birth control while cuckolding their husbands. Moreover, the strong, empowered, smart women never take the Plan-B option or an abortion, though women of these kind are some of the biggest users of these options; the "sperm-donors" walk away scot-free in most of your stories. It's easy to get stuck in formulaic, reliable plot devices, especially when your stories are created to evince that senses of emotional outrage, hurt and jealousy in the reader. While all fiction requires some suspension of disbelief, the fact that you meticulously attend to the details that a story eminently more readable, indicates that you need to trend away from your comfort zone of these plot devices that hurt the credibility of your story. You first-rate characters deserve better. Love your writing.... Please take this constructively.

SKHPSKHPabout 3 years ago

Too long, too many cheaters, no likeable character!

The storytelling was OK. Some errors, but one made me laugh: "public hair" instead of "pubic hair" - fits for a promiscuous slut!

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

I hate this story.

Granted your stories are mostly FANTASY fiction, with a bit of military jargon thrown in for good measure.

I believe that everyone gets exactly what they deserve and you reap what you sow. It has been my personal experience - that military guys rarely get the fair maiden and to live happily ever after. No we usually get the shitty end of the stick and a divorce. Exactly what happened here and to myself as well - no surprises.

NitpicNitpicabout 3 years ago

Why does he need more money,twenty two million is a lot of bucks,it would buy half of Scotland ,not just an estate.Plus,if he is still doing two contracts a year,he is working,so why the comment about he did not know what he would do if he had to find work?.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I stopped reading after page 4. Both selfish assholes and both deserve to be miserable. Pointless story.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

This was a good plot but wayyyy too freaking ling and frankly quite anticlimactic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Come on don't give up. Keep those stories coming. 5/5 all. Thank you

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Write shorter stories because I think quite a few of us reading this garbage feel cheated. I went through 5 pages before I realize this is a pointless story about two self-absorbed characters.

All full sprinkled of banalities like "I need a feel of man inside me" . Jesus, what a crap.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

I skimmed through this lengthy story and whoever wants to know, there is nothing going on. There are three characters, cheating wife, cheating husband, and second rebound woman that is scheming.

Fantasy about superagent Michael who is god given gift to women (I guess the fantasy of the writer himself).

Nothing but relentless banalities in lines like this:

"And then I was gong to take him to bed and fuck him to death." (author does not have a spell check for "going")

" His cock gets hard and before you know it, the man is inside me and making me orgasm."

'I was gasping for air as I whispered in her ear "Do you want me to pull out before I cum?"'

"I take great pride in what I do to protect America and the world from terrorists."

"I love the feel of Michael as he takes me."


and similar nonsense. I don't know whether to laugh or to feel sorry for readers. Some people just cannot write anything but nonsense.

Storm113Storm113over 2 years ago

You aren't prior military are you. We can clean anything and probably have, even officers. If you're enlisted half your career will be cleaning shit. Lol

WoodencavWoodencavover 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this storey, very well written, gave it 5 stars. Keep writing similar stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Cuck shi

What kinda moron marries a slut that openly admits to cheating on her current bf? Some of your writers are idiots. Atleast make the other guy pay. But no, living well is the best revemge. BS. -1

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 2 years ago

Written much better. More realistic and believable. I understand some stories are just that… stories. But some of them are written in a way that just doesn’t allow you to enjoy them fully and completely. This one wasn’t one of those. It was well written and very much enjoyable. I do notice that in most of your stories the AP (all being long term) just gets away with everything. That is one aspect that just isn’t true. I understand that this main character has LOADS of money so he just wants to walk away and live his life. But, revenge… fairness… whatever, would deal a little bit of justice. Just saying. Thank-you for this story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SAV12SAV12over 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

really a good story.

your writing is excellent without much sex.

but one thing i am wondering is why the men character is giving long rope to women and tolerate the infidelity.

may be due to foolish judiciary.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really ejoys your storytelling!! it's the sincerest compliment an author can receive. You are a story teller and are very good at conveying emotion and pain.


Please refrain from casting your male married guy as sooo overwhelmingly patient and so willing

to forgive his cheating wife long after he knows the 'score'. I get it- you're trying to create the necessary tension and drama but even the 'manly man' guys come off as being spineless..

Ocker53Ocker53over 2 years ago

This bloke worked for an intelligence agency and he was that stupid? Give me a break, I have read other comments, who say this was very realistic and I say realistic on what planet? I just found this repetitive and believability none existent.

Your absent nearly all month except for a few days a month and your wife falls pregnant who you already suspect of cheating and you happily believe your the father. Fuck me reality just went out the windows door stupidity just came home to roost.⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Extremely well written coherent with excellent story lane and carry development.

As with many of these characters in these stories I really have a problem with the man being so patient getting so much rope to the cheating wife. International world none of us really allowed that. Also given situation any guy with dirt county dates in the calendar find out when conception took place and where the method kid is really his especially if he knew in advance that his wife was having affairs on the side which he did.

I like the development of characters as fallible people and enjoyed that that a realism.

I can't imagine how anybody would think that a life of complete separation for most of the year would lead to a strong marriage.

It's something that possible not be expected. He was not faithful and Rebecca was not faithful nor was Amanda and it all made sense in the context of none of them had ongoing continuous relationship building time with a significant other. That 1 factor alone spells the ultimate and absolutely of a relationship's failure.

That said I thought this was a fantastic story and couldn't put it down.

This is the 1st of your stories I've read in this series and I'm looking forward to the rest of them. again thank you very very much for a job well done! 5 stars plus.

Larch50Larch50over 2 years ago

Well written, but very, very wordy. Story could have been 1/4 to 1/3 the length and been better. Needs serious pruning.

Lawrie1941Lawrie1941over 2 years ago

Too verbose, I know it is your story but Michael did not get to beat the shit out of the 2 horn dog lawyers. I did enjoy your story but it could have been better you continually go over the same facts as if you feel you need to fill the pages.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

No one to root for.

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 2 years ago

Too long otherwise not a bad read

mordbrandmordbrandabout 2 years ago
Same story as all your others

Why bother? It's like you work from the same outline on everything you post. Just stop and save us the time.

OlFrog14xOlFrog14xabout 2 years ago

This was a pretty good story, but brutally ignorant or unconcerned about female physiology!!

1) A pregnancy with an IUD in place is a _medical crisis_: life-threatening to both fetus and mother! .

2) After the miraculous safe birth of her first child, Amanda gets pregnant AGAIN while her husband is overseas. WTF? No Birth Control???

Not to mention how many of the law firm's

associates got abortions ASAP!

No law firm can tolerate anyone that sloppy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Too many words chasing too little content.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good story, but some little thing needed to have happened to the errant that were the bio fathers to the two children. Perhaps to persuade them to have nothing to do with other mens wives. LP

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"You must have a boyfriend, back in NYC, don't you?"

"What if I do? Doesn't mean that I don't want you to me fuck me."

Dumbass! If she’ll cheat with you, she’ll cheat ON you!!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very long. I thought it started well and then seemed to wander around like it wasn’t’t sure how to continue the story and wrap it up. Sorry but just average and not your best work.

usaretusaretalmost 2 years ago

A bit too long for my tastes, but well done.

JusteenKJusteenKalmost 2 years ago

A long story about 3 awful cheating lowlifes.

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Cant believe that having got pregnant once,she didn't make doubly sure it didn't happen again.As to the end,how do you use up twenty two million,especially when you are still working?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Unfortunately, these so called self proclaimed elitists cant even control their own libidos, their arrogant assumption of entitlement ruins their own lives but they still think they're competent to run the country? ruin the country yes, just like theyve ruined every institution, govermental, educational (k-12 and all hier education), all legal institutions, judicial and law enforcement agys. they think "why, now that I know that I'm pregnant, that I'm still having sex with Jake. Well, I wish I had a good answer for that question, but I don't. It's complex and simple at the same time. I'm not a slut. I'm a woman with complex needs and a psychology that drives me to get what I want. I understand power and I understand what drives people to do what they do. I need sex on a regular basis in order to feel fulfilled. It validates me as a woman. The ability to decide who I have sex with validates my authority over my body and my environment." Well yea, that psychobable just means your a slut, that your mind is full of arrogant entitlement woke BS. elites think they shit dont stink, hillary and the bidens proved that democraps dont beleive in the rule of law, at least it doesnt pertain to them. their arrogant self righteousness(pounded into them from the ivy league socialists) leads them to beleive theyre infallible and they continue to beleive that shit even as their uninformed childish "intelligence" decisions bring rack and ruin throughout the country and the world. they never consider much less beleive theyre responsible for the malevolent consequences resulting from their decisions. Of course w/ their power, influence and money, they never feel the effects of their idiotic decisions. Lawyers are the worst of this lot and notice how many representatives and senators are lawyers? i rest my case. rk

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


enderlocke77enderlocke77over 1 year ago

i dont understand why these ppl got married to anyone let alone to each other.

"Amanda's a very sexual woman who likes to take the lead in the bedroom. Sex for her is first a recreational activity, and second a way to express desire and affection." his own words and he marries that lol sorry but what ever happens in that marriage is his own damn fault at that point. too stupid to care about

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 1 year ago

I missed my wife. I missed the feel of her in my bed. I missed her touch. I had to put her out of my mind for a few more days and then I could concentrate on her and only her. The only problem that I had was the woman that was in my bed last night.

at this point in the marriage did he ever thing what she was doing with that high libido (his words) of hers? this is getting funny should have put this in the humor cat

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Geez anonymous below. Little angry are you? Hey don’t get too sloppy with your broad stroking paint brush; although it seems like you’re describing years 2016 through 2220. Infidelity, deceit, ruining of institutions, trashing the rule of law, gluttony, serial lying, malignant narcissism, sedition, rebellion, fraud, Putin pandering, and complete and utter borish clowning. Yep. Sounds about right. Dipshits trying to trash the democracy because they’re losers in an evolving world that’s leaving them and their comfy zones behind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One comment for anonymous 3 below: “lock

Him up.” Hilary sucks, but last I checked she isn’t storing thousands of Top Secret documents in her hall closets, only clothing and shoes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

All of these people are very unlikeable.

Unrelatable to most people in the world.

The stupid bitch wife? For an attorney w/ a juris doctorate in a high powered law firm...she is literally too stupid to believe.

A few times in this story she tells the reader "I'm not a slut." Or "you might think I'm a whore..."

But you are. You admit at one point the reason you are fucking your boss is that not only do you need the sex, but he will help advance your career. That's being a whore. Fucking to get ahead.

The character described is selfish. Justifies her needs being more important than her husband's needs, her children's need for a father and stable home life, and more important than the needs of her parents and other family members. Her need for a regular rogering by randoms over rides every other important aspect of her life. Her career. Her marriage. Her family.

Shit...she might need examination and some prescription medication to control her urges and that itch to fuck...

It's hard to imagine a woman so ignorant of reality...being married to a military man who works in the intelligence industry...that she's impregnated not only once but twice by lovers during affairs. And then tries to pass both bastards off as children of her husband. Kinda seems far fetched to be honest. I mean it seems like he works for the CIA. Does she not realize he was bound to figure it out?

Why wouldn't she terminate the pregnancy if she had doubts about paternity in order to preserve her marriage if she truly loved her husband? The only real reason...was that she didn't really love her husband. Deep down a damaged person like this probably wants to cuckold her husband. Feels superior. Have the upper hand.

Otherwise this character was just the dumbest and most unbelieveable character in this author's list of stories. And he's got some real doozies in his line up of stories, so that's saying something.

Not his worst story. But not his best either.

ei62ei62over 1 year ago

I would like to point out to this ignoramus that Scotland NEVER fought the British for independence. The british isles are made up of 3 countries England,Scotland,Wales and N/Ireland ,scotland fought the English. I know this is a fictional story but hey man what frigging planet are you from

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Culloden was fought by the English against the Scots you muppet Not the bloody British

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You can't even cheer for the MC. He completely deserved what happened to him. He cuckolded another man so him being cuckolded seems fair play.

Also, as the saying goes, if she'll cheat with you, she'll cheat on you. 1 star.

LechemanLechemanover 1 year ago

It does make me wonder why covert agencies are three letters and people simply acknowledge it.

Anyway, regardless of any historical blundering, I enjoyed the story.

I did find it amusing that both were playing around behind each other and yet, he threw a wobbly when she birthed another dude's baby. Yet, she went and did it again without taking additional cautions!

I liked how you portrayed him as a nice guy by doing the right by his Ex although, I did find it strange how Rebecca was so trusting, knowing his track history with cheating.

Still, a good story without any of the usual aggrievances that is usually found on this site for wayward wives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

good story. amanda represents the worst of americas attys, entitled, arrogant, power mad, abusive of their fellow humans, and belief that what they want is good for them and ipso facto good for everyone, corrupt to their core. american attys are to enthralled w/ themselves, their power, their money and the perks they have perfected, and think they deserve. In general they(attys) are the worst part of american society. they misconstrue law for their own ego aggrandizement(ignoring and destroying the reality of equality under the rule of law), lie to everyone/everybody w/ no shame or remorse, have delusional ideas of their own rectitude, sanctimony and righteousness. They and our "political " class are the leaders in/of(?) the downward trajectory of american civility and the lack of trust in all govmnt agencies, from fed to local. rk

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

I just didn’t like it, for me to enjoy a story it’s at least got to be believable on some realm in the universe, even if only remotely but this was just silly⭐️⭐️

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

Sorry but it’s the same story again

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

On page two, but I had to make a comment. You use discrete when discreet is the intended concept. A discreet person is, among other things,careful. Discrete means, basically, separate from. Back to page two now.


FluidswallowerFluidswallower10 months ago

Yet another well-written and thoroughly enjoyable tale though it left me with slightly mixed feelings about Amanda. I felt a bit sorry for her as she had no control over her "needs" but on the other hand she didn't care about that and took advantage of the men she wanted , Michael and her two lovers. She earned what she got! Anyway, thanks for another excellent story.

dob092095dob0920959 months ago

Great story. Liked it.

photogman18photogman189 months ago

You lost me with the Global Warming BS. I spent 18 years at Fort Lewis/JBLM, so I appreciate the descriptive nature of the writing, and I did the Multi-national exercises in Thailand, Japan, and Australia.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too long, and boring

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too long and too slow for me.

RedRaven18RedRaven189 months ago

Where to start , they both cheat regularly. Yet he is outraged that the inevitable happens . ???? The story line regarding the ever growing investment portfolio seemed strange and didn’t really add anything to the story . He left his wife after carrying on pretty much the same cheating life style . Yet he decided to hold her to the wedding vows against her while his activities were ok. Weak

BigDee44BigDee448 months ago

“ But here I sat, in a cab on the way to JFK Airport, …”. Uh, maybe a quibbling point, but I think they were already IN DC.

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