All Comments on 'Mid-Life Crisis'

by CharlieB4

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I really think that this is some of your better work. Not too long, not too short. Lessons to be learned, and true love triumphs over temptation.

Thank you very much. 5*s (for what they are worth!)


sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago
Close Call

A reasonable close call for some confused people. He should have stopped it the first time. That would have made it simpler. Fucking around with the bonds of marriage and the integrity of the family is just stupid and clearly no where near worth the risk of what they had to lose. Unfortunately, it was believable because their are so many stupid fools out there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
My problem with this mess?

Is that I think that Diana is lying. I think she was lying about whose idea the birthday threesome was. I think she was lying about not doing it with Steve. I think she wants to swing and that she's fired up from the attention she's been getting at work. She's not satisfied with her husband. And she's being pushed on by her slut friend. The story simply failed to convince me that she wasn't just another cheating slut and would continue to be one. The story itself was well written but the ending was awful. Not good. Not good at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The sex was hot, there was real tension, but we had a loving conclusion. Good story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 8 years ago
so just because the wife is fucking another men in a different room she it not into swinging?\

Let me see if I have this right this middle aged married couple goes on a diet which works for them. They feel better. Their sex lives are much better. And all much healthier. So naturally the wife decides to engage in bondage and swinging without ever talking to the husband?

oh up my god. In other words the transition in the story from going to increased married sex to bondage and threesomes and fucking other men is way too short

Even worse is is the defense of the wife by the wife friend. It is absurd to the nth degree that Cindy is actually arguing... That just because Diana is another room fucking some of the guy in doing so without the husband approval ... That doesn't mean she is into swinging.

Even worse is that even though the husband is stunned by the changes in the wife's behavior it never occurs to him to think that maybe Diane is lying about his idea of the bondage and threesome and about fucking some other guy ......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A decent plot and an encouraging ending.

As always, adultery is not the problem, but the symptom. Why would a self-respecting wife share her husband with another woman? What kind of birthday gift is it to send a clear signal to your husband that your sex lives are no longer exclusive, or special, and that you need other sex partners to really have great sex? No woman worth being married to is that stupid, or short sighted. If a threesome is a birthday gift for him, then what does she want on her birthday? And for Christmas, if you really love her you will fix her up with a gang bang with the Harlem Globe Trotters. Just too lame and unrealistic. But I have to thank you for not having their marriage implode through neglect and stupidity. It ended well enough.

Thanks for your time and effort.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
I agree with @sugna...

I agree with @sugna...It was a close call to the end of their marriage...1st - When he accept another woman with them, I thought: "What if the wife had brought another man? What would be his reaction?"...2nd - The following question was when he arrived to the friend's house: "Has his wife being in the bath alone, or with the friend's boyfriend? It seems she was alone...3rd - When the friend's boyfriend came and began to grope her, she allowed and was at easy with it...why didn't he react and stopped it? Why didn't she stoped it then and there? 4th - After all that and after having gone to the room with him and being there groaning loud, and thinking her husband was fucking her friend, why would she stop the action? But in the end all ended well...Just for that 3*

Pappy7Pappy7about 8 years ago
I agree with those who said the wife was fucking around with the other couple.

Don't they have showers and dressing rooms in health clubs in Australia? Also the wife was too comfortable with the other woman initiating sex with her and not sorry at all that the husband was blind sided. As for her being so pissy leading up to his birthday, she wanted to bring her new found bisexuals bent and her swinging out into the opening. He was just so off balance his mind couldn't catch up to what was happening or he would have realized that the blow jobs and the fondling and the moaning from the other room meant his wife was into pussy and boyfriend fucking. But when her girlfriend gave the signal that he wasn't going for his part she shut it down and faked reluctance. I hope he checks her cunt and her asshole when he gets home, I bet there'a a load of come back in one of them.

Didn't like it much, hubby has a lot of spying to do to catch her and shut her down. If she continues to be friends with Cindy and by extension, Steve, he needs to just divorce her ass and get on with his life. He was raped and was too slow witted to stop it from happening. If he had done that to her this misandrist writer would have had him fed to a Great White off the barrier reef.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
Thought at first readthrough , the story was iffy; but with 2nd perusal ....

Some of the nuances that Charlie84 wove into plot fabric were noted and appreciated with encore absorption . The main couple aren't given to flash , they have very solid foundation of trust and respect that sees them through leaps into the unknown.

Jim and Diana stay the course in terms of staying solid in hazard fraught areas of diet makeover and transitioning from absolute monogamy to dabbling in polyamory , a dash of bondage with roleplay to spice it up. In a way , I wonder if broadening the scope and scale of their carnal life isn't compensation for fairly rigorous diet ? LOL.

My two qualms would be this was a humor- lite read. Charlie84 excelled in this area in ' Super ' , so I know he can infuse a laugh or to dilute angst and qualm quotient of both his readers and characters. A quick chuckle is so good at oiling the plot engine and shifting plot dynamics.

2nd quibble ; I wanted a star or diva character to strut on stage raise a little dust and danger. Cynthia ' s character was intriguing , but she stayed mostly in mentor mode. I get that the couple are salt of earth prototypes. God bless them . But what about a scene where Jim and Diane go out and she gets scads of attention due to diet regime ? I wanted to see things wobble in tale just a bit more then they did.

STILL there is a lot to praise in closing this evaluation. Charlie84's carnal scenes have a dash of wonder, excitement and a little fear. Not easy . I liked how he conveyed both main parties' naivete as they begin to explore. He showed how ' the center holds ' , as the saying goes when both parties in a couple communicate, think outside of individual paradigms during forays in unknown.

Lesser authors might have lapsed into parody and tedium think of Lionel Ritchie's more saccharine ballads ) but Charlie84 convinced and entertained me while showing power of life-long commitment getting tested and not just surviving , but thriving. I thank the author for sharing .


chytownchytownabout 8 years ago

For the story,

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 8 years ago
You Idiots

Whose fucking story is this? If you don't like the plot, write your own. The author is trying to make a simple point. Some couples are not made for swinging. They actually love each other. If that makes you feel bad about yourself, well suck it up.

CharlieB4CharlieB4about 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments.

As I wrote at the start I love reading your thoughts. Especially those readers who can not only read between the lines but have the incredible ability to read the mind of authors. Unfortunately they must have got their wires crossed. Take it from the expert, that is, the guy who dreamt up these characters. The wife isn't lying.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well , um , ok i guess

Well I did appreciate the fact that both husband and wife really did love each other, they were just simply Babes in the Wood . CharlyB4 this kind of felt like those mass produced chocolate chip cookies we commented about one time. This was sort of a "comfort food" LW story . I liked it while I was eating (reading) it , but the memory will not stay with me for very long. But it still was pleasing for awhile .



fisheronefisheroneabout 8 years ago
Love over lust

Di willing to share jim for the night was selfless, but it should have been discussed. Bringing a partner in bed is a huge step and a very dangerous one. It could have cost them there marriage, as it was it put doubt, wonder and uncertainty in marriage. I almost got into this situation one time and I am so glad we opted not to later on. The other couple divorced a few years later. You can tell jim and Di love each other, but don't communicate clearly. Jim almost lost it all at the barbecue, he should have got Di and went on home and made slow gentle love. Instead he mentions show me your titts ladies, then the barriers were gone. Jim being the husband is supposed to be Dianas protection, instead he let's Cindy weasel in and separate them for her boyfriend to seduce a drunken Di. Luckily both Di and Jim managed to overcome the seducers, but they need to find some reading material they can share with each other and be comfortable with.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

Well written, intriguing from beginning to end, and perfectly paced. It's an excellent cautionary tale with a purpose and a message. What's not to like?

One nit-pick: I counted at least three times where you used "too" instead of "to." One more once-over by the editor would have helped there.

kaiser27kaiser27about 8 years ago
Interesting story

I take this more as a cautionary tale. Many of the problems the couple had in this story could have been resolved easily if they simply communicated. Specially the husband, since the wife at least made some effort to communicate.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 8 years ago
AUTHOR really?

one of my pet peeves is an author who cant follow his own story. A wife Fucking another man while the husband fucks another women is SWINGING. It does matter what sort of dumb ass rationalization you come up with

and having one spouse set that up without knowledge of the other is deceitful and a manipulation

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 8 years ago
A real "loving wife" story - refreshing

Interesting to read a story about a couple who genuinely love each other even if they don't always communicate very well. Five stars from this readers.

maninconnmaninconnabout 8 years ago
Well done!

I agree wth Gator, she is a real living wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Dear Hary in Va

Please don't push your ideas of what swinging is or your morals onto others. You be you and let everyone else be themselves. I see and understand your point of view. But it's your's, not the author's, or anyone else's. You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to make your opinion the only one that matters or decide for anyone else what their opinion should be.

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
It took a close call to get these two to talk

Now if they can only keep the dialogue open, figure out what works for both of them, and do their experimenting on their own, they might make it to happy ever after together.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 8 years ago
Bit Preachie

But that's OK. I thought that Dian wanted more sexual variety in the bedroom with her husband. Each time she asked him you want a blow job? Would you like to do that with me, he shut her down.. From that perspective, he was the prissy one.

They had developed a lot of bedroom rules, and his wife was curious about the stuff she read about. That she went along with, and greatly enjoyed the FMF thing says while she might not want to stray or swing, she really wasn't all that happy with same old same old.

Of course as your creation, you can say "I assure you she doesn't" which is a statement of your intentions, but the reader's knowledge is based on what they read, and what those tells mean to them.


CharlieB4CharlieB4about 8 years agoAuthor
@ anon

Don't worry about Harry. He and I have a symbiotic relationship. I get my jolly's writing a story and Harry gets his by ranting about them.

KrvnikKrvnikabout 8 years ago

I can't say that any of this is my thing, but God damn, you actually wrote a decent piece of fiction here. Most folks that have one of these premises for their story just chuck reality out of the door and go wild. You? You did well. Congrats on it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The last fight they had was worse than silly....

.....she told him what she wanted and when he gave it to her, she exploded in his face. WTF?

'Course I've had experiences like that my whole married life. It's not mysterious, it's very frustrating, even maddening. I even tried not responding once. Got the, "Don't you love me?" treatment. Horrible way to live.

You seem to badly confuse "to" and "too". Even your editors failed there. It isn't that hard to understand and correct.....why not look it up and work it out, before it becomes your Waterloo grammar issue?

Otherwise, interesting story. I think I might have been tempted to fuck Cindy silly again. That would have forced the story to spin off in a different direction....but hey, it's an option...

Thank you.

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

but the real crisis, is, they forgot their mortality. TK U MLJ LV NV

telboy17telboy17about 8 years ago
Great Story

Those commenters who think who "think" she is lying or cheating or wanting to swing - read the story again because she doesn't according to the author. If want these things to happen, pick up a pen and write your own story and submit it instead of second guessing the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I am impressed! I can see you put some effort into this story. I liked it a lot. Thank you for your work.

VenustasVenustasalmost 7 years ago
Communication, Communication, Communication

as has already been repeatedly said.

The main problem with this naive couple was that instead of answering each others questions they second guessed what they thought the other wanted without even realising they were doing it.

Initially Diane was a bit of a prude and thought many things were disgusting but after talking with Cindy realised she was over reserved and was should try new things. Meanwhile Jim was trying to avoid things that she had previously expressed as disgusting and if truth be told Jim is a bit of a prude himself.. Hence the exchange:

"Do you want to fuck me like a dog?" She asked and she began to roll over but I stopped her.

"No I want to make love to my wife."

If she had said "I want you to fuck me like a dog", Jim could have just done it and judged by her response if was OK to continue - no need for second guessing

and later when Diane asked

"Do you want a blow job?",

she should have just done it.

Of course they are not real people and it is ultimately down to the author.

There are comments about Diane bringing a third person into the marriage without first consulting Jim but if you read all of the story you will see that it was just for a massage - even though Cindy had other ideas - Jim could always have shut it down. No need to get cross.

I enjoyed the story 4*

@Pappy7: What happened to you you come across very bitter. You should consider the quote:

"You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one."

fisheronefisheroneover 6 years ago
Pandora's box

Jim should have stopped birthday present before intercourse. What followed almost cost a long term marriage. This couple was slowly manipulated by an experienced swinging seductive couple. Jim letting Cindy get control the first time was a mistake and Diana continuing to hang out with will destroy the family in time. Cindy will continue her assault slowly but steadily.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Already to late. Just a matter of time.

The only thing that would beat her ass to curb would have been her friends ass.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Not sure

Interesting story, but not a direction that I would take my marriage in. Too dangerous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great Story

Well written and well told. Thanks, Charlie. I disagree with the previous few comments. Cindy was the one who pushed Diana towards the threesome, and after Cindy left, all three of them realized that Diana and Jim just weren’t into swinging. I guess Diana wasn’t completely convinced so she set up the BBQ meeting. But after that debacle it seemed certain to me that all four of them knew for sure that Jim and Diana were just destined to be monogamous. Works for me. Like I said, CharlieB4, great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Stupid Stupid Cuck

Of course she cheated on him, thats why she got her whore friend involved - to give her the justification to cheat on him

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Good story, thanks. Shows why communication in a relationship is a must there was nearly a disaster!

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteeleover 3 years ago

Thanks, Charlie.

You write well and tell a good story, mate.

IntuitiveJIntuitiveJover 3 years ago

Good story. They got themselves in over their heads the first time with Cindy. It was good they didn't make a mistake twice. You have to live life according to standards, otherwise, how do you look at yourself in the mirror? As Cindy said, they weren't swingers. Sounds like they could use a little more adventure in their own bedroom, but getting others involved would be a mistake for them.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Whew! I was convinced a loving couple's marriage was going down the tubes. Well done! 5*

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 2 years ago

Good story, well written, but I was disappointed that they didn’t swing with Cindy and Steve - I was so looking forward to a fuckfest. 4 stars.

ibuguseribuguserover 2 years ago

Good one. 5*. Thought for sure the marriage is down the tube.

Barst0hBoyBarst0hBoyover 2 years ago

Wonderful characters with believable motivations and desires. Your technique is flawless and the narrative flows smoothly and enjoyably from beginning to end. 5*!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sad but the reality is neither party trusts the others as to their truthful opinion. There is a very bad communication divide between them. I'm unsure where to start as I went thru a similar circumstance. It all went to shit, even with my baring my soul. Women can't be trusted is all I can figure. We read these tales and men know how to talk to each other. Women hear something and apply different filters than we do. Nothing ends up making sense when they get done.


26thNC26thNC8 months ago

Still a no from me.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I disagree with some of the more sanctimonious commenters. Yes the threesome and his reaction to the slut Cindy, put their marriage on a slippery slope. But it is clear while Di is insecure and wants to please her husband, she does not want others in their sex lives. Nor does she want to be used like a slut. She isn't a swinger. Nor is the MC. Not all communications have to occur on page. They will work it out. Her inability to swap and his lack of desire to be with Cindy again are stronger statement that words. They probably need some counseling. Mostly for her insecurities, but it is more than manageable. Theybpulled back in time.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Close but a save at the last moment. Diana never wanted to be a swinger. Ahe was insecure. Worried abiut what her husband really wanted. Cindy and Steve are not evil just swingers looking for new experiences who unfortunately can make mistakes and destroy marriages. But the whole thing brought some stuff to the surface. Diana doesn't want to be treated like a slut and he doesn't want her with another guy nor does he want her to be his slut. I do agree that they probably need counseling.

NoBullAlNoBullAl3 months ago

Wasted my time with this one!!! This? Just after I started liking most of your writings!!!

Next time post some kind of warning so I can give it a pass!!

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