Mind and Matters


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I relaxed. Again she corroborated the theory that I held some kind of power over her. I wanted to know all about it, and managed to say, "You take as long as you like." After a few moments of silence, she sat back on my lap, my shrinking cock still buried in her ass, and her head resting beside mine, I had to ask, "Can you tell me what just happened?"

She hesitated, but said, "You have a gift, Charlie Demming, a gift even stronger than mine."

She fell silent and I let the words sink in. "I don't know what to say." The last time I was at a loss for words, airplanes had just crashed into the World Trade Center.

"That's ironic." She said with a smile.

"Oh?" I asked.

"You don't need words. The gift you have is to communicate without them." Her voice was transforming back to clinical. "You convey your thoughts. You put your thoughts in someone else's head, leading them to believe the thoughts are their own.

"Don't we all have some form of that? I mean, just shaking your head communicates "no" and "yes," doesn't it?" I tried to join her, but not in the belief in mental telepathy.

"This is much more than that, Charlie. You were here all of a few minutes and we were suddenly doing exactly what both of us wanted most. How did you tell me you wanted me in your lap? Or you in my ass?" She wiggled her ass on my limp dick as if to remind me she wasn't through with me yet.

I had no response, other than a few stirrings down below. I could not explain what had happened. I had never bedded a woman in such a short time. I felt, but could not yet believe I was talking to her through our eyes. I felt my will flowing across a bridge and into her mind. Later, once eye contact was broken, I still felt the contact, and was still able to impose my will. It was confusing.

"Your thoughts came to me, and melded with my own, which in this case were similar." She said quietly.

"Really?" I asked, "How do you know you wouldn't have gotten right to it on your own? You must have wanted to do this too, no?"

"You're very observant, cynical but observant. Like hypnotism, the transfer of your thoughts cannot force an action in someone else, only stir the opportunity. If I didn't want you, I could have resisted." She was barely whispering in my ear. "Your power can serve you well, but it can be a curse too, and even cause harm. You have a terrible responsibility, now that you know what you have." She turned her head toward me and continued, "Charlie, you must promise me, right now, that you will never use this power to hurt anyone, including yourself. Do you promise?"

I was about to speak, but tried the will power flow once more. "I promise," I said through my thoughts, looking directly into her eyes.

She smiled and placed a hand beside my face. "I know you mean that, Charlie. Thank you."

She was quite a woman. She may be goth or bondage, or somewhere else on the outside, but she was wise and wonderful on the inside. I maneuvered her left leg to push her heel up against her thigh and swung it between us to turn her 180 degrees to face me. My shaft had exited her ass and was now stiffening along her crack. We stared once more each other's eyes and spoke silently of things we wanted to do. My pre-conceived notion of hypnosis disappeared, the entire concept a farcical memory. I was living an experience that rewrote that book in my mind. We talked, some aloud and some through our eyes. She explained that this heretofore hidden power I'd just discovered lies within us all. It takes only the right set of circumstances to bring it out and recognize it. She talked about déjà vu being a common manifestation most people experience as a sign of the power wanting release. There were other signs that we all failed to recognize, like that feeling of the hair rising on the back of the neck, or the ominous foreboding of calamity when we just know something is wrong.

"These are very elementary signs however, and most people, well, nearly all people fail to pursue to their root capabilities, the very capabilities you have discovered today." She leaned in and put her arms around me to hug and lapse into blissful comfort and warmth.

I accepted this show of affection, unconcerned about future implications. I felt no threat of possession from her, no desire to rope me in and capture me in some relationship I wasn't prepared for. I asked aloud, "How did I make that leap and find that power?"

"You didn't." She leaned back and looked me in the eyes and said silently, "You felt so many things at once, Charlie, and yet all so highly focused, the power found you. You are now one in millions. What's more, you recognize it. That makes you one in perhaps billions. So very few ever come to such a base understanding of this capability built into all our minds. It is such a small group, we aren't likely to ever know another so enlightened soul."

And we both smiled broadly. We may be the only two such people in the world who knew there was another like us, let alone one who could be so close. "Have you ever met another? Besides me? I asked.

"Another who knew the power they had? No." She said, almost sadly.

I reflected on that and went clinical on her. "Then how do you know all this? How do you know that one in a million ever finds out? Or that one in a billion finds out and knows how to use it?

She laughed aloud. "I'd like to tell you I can see the future, but I can't I can only see inside someone and reflect their thoughts and wishes and capabilities on themselves. I read, Charlie - books. There are accountings throughout the ages of people with this power alive and working in them. Most people look at these as heresy, or witchcraft and the powers therefore invalidated. We tend to disbelieve what we cannot conceive."

More reflection was followed by, "What's stopping me from using this badly? I mean, don't get me wrong, but what..."

"Some have," She said. "It is believed that Hitler and others throughout history have used this power, most unknowingly, to achieve their nefarious goals. In the end, such people usually fail. I'm not sure why, but I believe it has something to do with the fact that the power is based on the same fundamental goodness that humanity is based on. And though humanity is capable of terrible things, the general goodness of it also prevails. Fortunately, most of the bad examples probably didn't know they had the power. They read too much of their own press and believe they are actually superior, not merely exercising something we all have."

She was far too wise to be a hypnotist in a dark cubby hole on 34th Street. She had also rolled with me in the hay with scarcely a few minutes of introduction. This was all getting very confusing. I felt walls closing in on me.

"Don't fear it, Charlie. You will get used to it. Use it. Enjoy it. But never hurt anyone with it." She said.

"That's easy for you to say," I responded. "I feel like I should fix the world with this! What am I supposed to do?"

"I try to put it in perspective, Charlie." She wiggled her ass on my lap and my cock sprang through whatever hoops it had still not cleared on the way to total readiness. "Your life is your life, and everyone else's is theirs. You were born with the same capabilities in all of us. The fact that you recognize more of them than someone else does not obligate you to fix the world. The way I see it, you aren't a preacher with a mission to enlighten others either. That is a calling that comes in different forms. Yours is but to enhance your existence, and increase the quality of life for those around you. You are not the pied piper." She wiggled again as if I didn't hear her calling me mentally to get on with filling her up again.

I must admit, the next hour of sex went in one hole and out the other. I was so wrapped up in my new discovery, I could scarcely keep my mind on the most important thing, that moment in time when I was enriching another's life, not to mention my own! I awoke from my trance and fucked the blessed woman silly.

Chapter Two

Denise was not a loose woman. But as horny as she was, when the right set of circumstances arose, she would not hesitate to let all her pent up emotions gush out like a busted dam. That was what I gathered from my eye to eye with her in the office cafeteria.

She was a prima donna to some, the seemingly unreachable-so-bad-mouth-her-instead type. To others, mostly men, she was the wet dream. Still others considered her too good to be true, and just tried not to think about her. To me, with my new found power, she was a challenge, a draw so strong I had to keep reminding myself of my obligation to improve the lives of those around me. I had already formed a rule for myself, that if I found an unwilling, or even hesitant partner, I would forego the opportunity, in gentlemanly style, regardless of my desires. I wondered if I'd be able to pull that off if Denise put me to the test.

"Do you mind?" I had asked when approaching her sitting alone.

"Not at all," She'd said, indicating the seat across from her.

I took it, laid my tray on the table, and leaned forward as if to tell her something in confidence. This was my first attempt to use my new power, excepting my having not thought about a cigarette in three days. It was then that confirmation, hard and real, came to me with even more excitement and anticipation than I had ever imagined. She leaned in too, and our eyes locked.

"You are beautiful," I said aloud, stumbling.

"Thank you," She answered, aloud.

"I want you," I shouted silently through my eyes, prepared for just about anything.

"I know," Was all that came back, also through our eye to eye contact. It was working?

"If I were King," I melded, "I'd have you instead of my harem." Where the hell did that come from! I felt foolish, embarrassed. I wanted to bed this woman so badly my cock would soon be lifting the table. And yet I could not get directly to the point! It was confusing and frustrating.

She giggled inwardly, her body as seen by those around us, not moving. By now some of those were getting curious about our leaning toward each other too. I didn't have much time. "Will you meet me after work?"

"Yes," She said silently.

I was so flabbergasted with her acceptance, I leaned back abruptly and nearly went right over backwards in my chair, bracing myself at the last second. I heard some laughter around us and figured a few people had seen my hasty retreat, thinking I'd just been shot down like all the rest who had tried to get into Denise's pants. But my confidence meter registered a ten out of ten when Denise suddenly rose from her chair, slipped a napkin under one of my hands, and carried her empty dishes to the window.

I was afraid to look while a growing group of male workers were beginning to laugh out loud. But I finally picked up the napkin as if to wipe my mouth. A message on it read, "167 Magnolia, 7pm."

I muttered, "Laugh you losers."

Chapter Three

Following my walk around her, and disrobing to my shorts, I plopped down in a large arm chair in her living room. I began to ask Denise to turn around for me, but she was already turning like a model. The brain waves were working, preceding my verbalization.

She asked aloud, "Do you like?"

"Are you kidding? You are gorgeous, Denise, perfect in every way." I was not exaggerating. I began to mouth my next thought, but she must have once again heard it coming and walked toward me. In front of my knees she turned away and bent over to grab her ankles, just like I had envisioned. She presented her ass to me in full view, her crack creasing the French cut panties, double creasing them near her vulva. This was a perfect specimen of everything that was good about a woman's body. And my new found power had enabled me to communicate with her in such a way that no man, myself included, might have ever been able to do otherwise. She was not in a trance, nor doing anything but that which she was wishing she had a chance to do all along.

I thought she should rise up, and she did. She turned and leaned over me, her hands on the arms of the chair holding her arched back up, her hair dangling over my head. This presented her breasts to me in optimal form. They were magnificently formed, pushing slightly over her bra's lace, bulging beautifully under its smooth surface. I could see the areole perfectly, not only in shadow behind the semi-transparent material, but in texture and form through its sheerness.

"Please do," She said.

It was as if I'd just said, "May I suck them?" I had thought it, and that was enough. Raising my hand to cup the glorious melons from underneath, I leaned into her and opened my mouth wide to accept a mere fraction of the mass of one inside. They were more firm than I had anticipated, and that was fine with me. I managed to pull the nipple between my teeth and gave it a gentle bite. I was getting the picture with the power bit. I was already anticipating what I had in mind was okay with her because she knew it before I did it. She didn't object. On the contrary, she squealed then purred behind the gentle pain, pushing her breast harder into my mouth.

What had happened to my life! In two days I had gone from a typical horny male to an atypical, satiated yet looking for more man. Could life really be this good? Forever? Had I stepped that deep into the "Luck Pool?"

Denise pulled back, pouting. I had informed her, simply by thinking it, that she should, though she seemed to have been enjoying tantalizing me beyond my self control. I rose from the chair and just had to hold this magnificent woman. Her head fit perfectly into the crook of my neck, and her hair smelled sweet, and so very personal, such intimacy with no strings attached. It was exhilarating. I ran a hand down through her silken mane, and then both and arrayed the silky falls behind her. With one hand I pulled her head tight and slid my tongue into her mouth to her throat. My other hand began moving up and down from her back to her ass, then around to explore. She demonstrated her approval by tonguing me right back and grinding her loins into my right thigh. I felt the heat, and even a bit of wetness on her panties. I wanted to hold and play with this woman for days, even without fucking her, just to be sure that I had explored every facet of her body.

"I'm all yours for as long as you like," She purred.

She'd heard my thoughts! It had never occurred to me that anything beyond what I wanted to impart would get through the thought meld process. Well, no harm done I guess, but I decided to be more careful. "Then let's take this very slow, and very easy," I said aloud.

She leaned her head back and smiled her approval. Her hands were roaming too, all over my back. I suddenly had the urge to have her hold me and before I could relish the thought, she pushed us slightly apart and slipped a hand into my semi-bikini briefs.

It was cool at first, but as slinky and soft as could be. She slid her fingers over my member and tantalized the underside skin. The tension in the cloth pulled at my waist and ass and transferred some of the lovely sensations over more of my body. My cock was pulsing like it had a heart beat all its own. I nearly collapsed in her arms.

"Mmmm...," She cooed, "I'm glad you like it." She kissed me again and slid her hand up and down my shaft, ever so slowly working to close her fingers around it. Occasionally, the head of my dick would rub softly against the material of my shorts and cause a massive pulse to ripple through me, sending a reflexive chill through the rest of my body. When that happened, Denise cooed again and snuggled tighter and rubbed me some more.

I managed to break my selfish focus long enough to reach down inside her panties, first to her ass, and then down her crack. She wore the satiny material outside her garter straps, a fact I had noted the moment she'd opened the door. They would come off at anytime without disturbing her sexy garter belt and stockings. She'd known from the cafeteria that she would give herself to me tonight, and had not changed her mind in the least.

Giving her a sample of the many sensations a foreign hand working inside an article of clothing can give, I slipped my fingers further down her crack, slowly closing in on her most intimate sexual offerings. She squirmed in anticipation. I felt her breasts being pushed up against my chest and loved it. I pushed down further. This was shaping up to be the sex night of my life and I could only hope it would be hers too.

"Yes," She said, "So do I."

I froze. Was that a response to my thoughts again? Was she hearing everything that was going through my mind! I resumed my movements but could not ignore my concern. What if I suddenly had a bad thought, one of those involuntary lapses of conscience? A million thoughts ran through my mind. I thought about baseball to fog even my current thoughts from her view. I wanted a time-out, go to our corners while I regrouped and assessed my situation. Then I thought about the fact that I was thinking these thoughts and wondered if she was hearing any of the chaos in my mind.

Gradually, and given no outward change in her attitude or actions, I was able to refocus my attention on the goddess in my arms and the opportunity before me. I ran my other hand down her back and slipped it beneath her panties too.

I slid them both to her sides and over the her hips, still under her panties. Then I pulled the sides up, giving her a wedgy that I hoped she would be grateful when I undid it for her. I know I liked a woman messing about in my underwear, and hoped she liked me playing in hers. It was another of those things that seemed to enhance the intimacy of sexual contact, a kind of welcomed violation of otherwise off limits turf. She pulled on the sides of my briefs and did the same to me.

"Ah," I said, interpreting her act to be one of approval rather than retribution. "So you like that?"

She said, "Just as much as you."

Again! She had to have heard my thoughts. And yet, she seemed so far, only to hear certain thoughts, and not others. It was too confusing to address at such a moment. I was playing among the folds and skirts of a most beautiful woman and had little time or inclination to ruin it with thoughts of fear or reprisal. I ran a hand down between her legs to feel he swollen vulva through the skin tight panties.

She put a one handed grip on my cock like that on a golf club, right through my tightened shorts. She was either mimicking my actions, or perceiving my wildest wishes even before I felt them. The sensation was exquisite and I rocked my hips into her to signal my approval. The head of my pole was rubbing on the cotton material, intensely stimulating my most sensitive skin. I loved it!

"I know you do, Baby." She said, leaving no doubt she heard that thought.

We stood there for quite some time, reaching and touching and holding and massaging, exploring each other's bodies as if we'd just been left on an island and there was nothing else in the world to do. Denise mirrored some of my moves, and executed some of her own. When I released the pressure of her wedgy and began to slip my fingers under the front of her panties toward her swollen lips, she grabbed my rock hard shaft right, and held it as strongly as in a vice. It felt so damn good I could have collapsed in a heap.

Chapter Four

After I left the hypnotist's "office," I ambled back to work. It was only a couple blocks, but it took me half an hour. Sure, I was satiated and physically exhausted with two of the best orgasms I could remember, but I was far more excited than anything else. I didn't want to let go of anything that had taken place in there, just in case I needed any of it to retain the strange and wonderful power I'd just discovered. Could I really communicate so, directly, so intimately, so profoundly with another person just by making eye contact?
