All Comments on 'Missing'

by Saxon_Hart

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Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
Damn Saxon

I have only one problem with the story, why get them back together at all. Every woman in this man's life was fucked up. I would have stopped talking to my mom after the first few times that she brought Linda and Randy up. George knew from the beginning. Yet they kept trying to push them together. Linda, Jennifer, Tammy, Mom and Randy would all be dead to me. I still don't get how everybody and their mother was fucking Goerge over and yet "he" is the that dies. But over all a good story,

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 12 years ago
The Dogg has a good point.

Why would anyone subject themselves to the pain and stupidity all of these people force on our dead hero. Small wonder he embraced death. If you explain to your mom and friends that you cannot eat peanuts without risking death and they keep trying to get you to eat peanuts, you need to make a decision. Most would decide on life and proceed to live without those trying to kill them. This guy's "loved ones" kept trying to feed him the damn peanuts and he resisted only slightly!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
great job!

I love your writing but wish you could leave some folks alive at the end of the story. I like your reason Marty punched derricks ticket in your last story. Nice save. Hope you get a pc soon and kick out a few more stories.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
Weird ( but quite readable ) !!

A very nice foray into adolescent tumult spilling over into the alleged ' mature years'. JPB has done this to great effect often & now so has Saxon Hart. Giving the narrator a fatal disease also raised the angst quotient.

The actual writing is not of a stainless ' ( D.Q.) Steele ' polished sheen but the pain described is heartfelt & that quality kept me reading to the conclusion.

The author stepped up his game insofar the Loving Wives genre is concerned . This no small feat - excesses were avoided that sent his last story into the ditch. I had real trepidations about giving this author ' a shot '.

If he keeps improving at this rate however ; all the Literotica readers will be the fortunate ones , as they are when authors of the first rank share their tales here. I agree with previous commentators about the dicey Mom bit but can vouch for the fact that mothers do have a knack for lovingly blindsiding their offspring.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 12 years ago
I have to agree with LordSlamDog......Weird.

But you do have possibilities. Keep writing.

x_witless_xx_witless_xabout 12 years ago
Fucking fabulous slick writing - hell of a story.

but let's be honest the protagonist is full of weakness, anger, bitterness and angst. Harsh call in life to lose your pa in such a way, even if he was a pig. It's gonna affect you. And boy it sure did. I feel no affection at all toward George, but the writer is in full control and is no apologist for that. An hour and a half I read that, fuck you Saxon I got things to do..

Thanks for writing - 5* all the way.

nwhalernwhalerabout 12 years ago
Nicely Written

Linda's obsession with Randy - especially given that they were not in touch for long stretches of time seems to be a bit silly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

But why give up and die, his family persisted in going against him by continually bringing randy into the picture so how does rolling over and dieing serve the plot where his family and wife are willing to ignore his wishes on a regular basis? I mean it wouldnt be to hard to track him, there are a finite amount of offices for him to transfer too assuming he didnt quit the company. Wouldnt take 2 years to fake a business inquiry to smoke him out.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 12 years ago
The New Kid In Town...

really fucked things up. There was some Wasted Time and he wound up at The Last Resort. :) You finished Martins story well. You tell it like it is man. I like that. Good story.

FL_GT500FL_GT500about 12 years ago

No way would Linda continue to pursue a friendship with Randy after he told everyone she put out when she hadn't, and no way in hell would she pursue a friendship with him after getting back together with George in college.

As for the mothers actions, as soon as their two babies got together (esp. after all the HS drama) there is no way in hell they'd keep throwing Randy into the relationship or turn a blind eye to him putting the moves on Linda.

I enjoyed the story, but the plot depended on people basically being retarded and/or acting in an unbelievable manner in order to make the story work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
too long

Take the title of my comment as a back handed compliment. If I think it's too long, the voters will love it. You never said why she was so insistent on Randy. Of course, if you had said why she was hung up on him, and damned if I could imagine what it might be, it would have ended the story more quickly. Absent this endless excuse for a plot, the story wasn't much.

That said, and excusing your quaint refusal to use spell check, the writing was pretty good.

Mousse9Mousse9about 12 years ago
The world's buttmonkey

Or at least, of his family and so-called friends. This was an...aggravating, story to read.

I know some things have to be dramatized to make an entertaining story, but EVERYBODY constantly bringing up Randy made me want to whap them over the head everytime they mentioned him. Especially the mothers were unusually clueless/tactless/uncaring. They seemed almost obsessed with him. Linda herself WAS obsessed with him.

So George, the love of Linda's life, utterly fucking hates Randy. Everytime Linda brings up Randy, George gets angry enough to leave her. It's happened more than once. And what does Linda do? Talk about Randy ofcourse!

Here are some choice snippets:

(Linda looked at the ground sheepishly. "Would you consider adding Randy to you groomsmen?"

"Ok, I'll consider it." I stood there in mock thought. "Fuck no!"

"But it would be nice to have him at the rehearsal dinner." said Linda.)

I don't think Linda understands when George says he doesn't want anything to do with Randy. Or maybe she doesn't WANT to understand. Or just plain doesn't hear it.

("I didn't let him do anything. I love you George and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize what we have. I'll tell my mom to forget having Randy in the wedding party. I won't bring him up to you anymore. I won't stop talking to him though.)

She wouldn't do anything to jeopardize what they have, but at the same time won't stop talking to Randy. That's an oxymoron.

(I am sorry I hid this from you. But I knew you wouldn't take the transfer if you knew he was there. I want to be his friend. I am going down there this weekend to see him. We are going to look more at the houses since you can't make it down there again.")

(I have always gone along with you wanting to keep him out of our lives. No more. I miss having him in my life. I love you George, but he is my best friend and I need him.")

So, she did all that behind George's back, and....wait. She NEEDS Randy?

("If you want to insinuate that I am going down there to fuck him I just might. I have the right to go and you can't stop me. If you love me and trust me you'll understand and go with it.")

So what is Linda saying? She just might fuck Randy, but George has to love, trust and understand her, and go with her cuckolding him?

(Honey, you have to trust me. I want to spend a few days with him. You've had me to yourself for a few years, so what's wrong with him having me to himself for a few days.")

Linda wants to eat her cake and have it. Be with George most of the time, but have Randy occasionally. That's called an affair.

("No I didn't win damn it! I only intended to give you something to think about. I never believed you'd divorce me over it. I realized how bad I had fucked up when I found out you were gone.)

So her going to Randy for a few days, presumably to go househunting, was a TEST? Something for George to "think about"? Ohhh, a lie, on top of her broken promise to be back on Sunday. And EXACTLY as George predicted, Randy whined until she stayed longer, making her break her promise. And why didn't she call?

(Randy had hung around to comfort Linda after George's death. When I read the result that George was not the father, Linda immediately began punching Randy.

"You drugged me you worthless fag! You said I was drunk and you stripped me to make me comfortable. I hope you rot in hell you bastard!" It was a devastating blow for her. Randy left town that day.)

This just flatout jumps into sheer stupidity for Linda. On the one hand, she tells George to trust her when she goes to Randy, on the other hand she insinuates that she's gonna fuck Randy. You'd think she'd be careful, but Randy drugs and rapes her, and the next morning she doesn't realize that anything is wrong? (You'd think she'd be sore.)

By this point, I honestly thought that after Linda finds out George Jr (HAH!) was Randy's, she'd forgive him after a few days. I was actually surprised she did NOT see him after that. So it actually takes George dying, finding out that Randy drugged, then raped her, and the resulting pregnancy, for Linda to not want anything to do with Randy anymore.

......Or maybe it was the other way around. Linda unknowingly gave Randy syphilis, and that might have turned him sour on her. Or, he's had her, and got bored with her. Who knows?

It's a bummer that George never lived to see Linda not wanting Randy in her life anymore...

Yes, this was an angry rant. The annoying characters in the story warranted it. Don't get me wrong, this was a good story, because it made me involved enough to want to punch all the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Well, "sad" ending aside, this was still a wimp story.

Title says my thoughts on this. Long story (too long) to take a man who had developed a backbone into a sorry wimp.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

thru a period of time, distance and relationships. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
wimp story

long wimp story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Beatles Tunes, Mustangs, and now Assorted Rock Bands... Fast Food might be Next.

Eagle Engineering, boss Don Henley . . . a man named Glen Frey.

Looking over my shoulder now for a Pizza, a Dominos, and Fat, too.

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago

The whole problem is that once she knows that he is a liar and a whiner, she continues thinking of him as her best friend???? Also, the mother's were amazing. You would think that they would be interested in protecting the couples happiness.

Basically we can never resolve the conflicts of the story, just leave them as possibilities that someone suggested in a story. Personally I would have considered the marriage over when she flew out to Tampa and filed immediately.

I guess he wanted to make one more throw of the dice.... It is a very old plot line,

but Saxon_Hart brought new life to it

energystarenergystarabout 12 years ago

thank you

LamwayLamwayabout 12 years ago
Poor ending

So she disrespects her husband for years, he suffers and dies, and she moves to Denver, marries again and lives happily after. I enjoy both good BTB stories, and good reconciliation stories, but I lie to see some semblance of justice come out in the end. I think most readers do. I thought the ending was both abrupt and inadequate

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
loved it

I spit wine all over my Nook when I figured out George purposely gave Linda syphilis and asked her to fuck randy. Great story by a talented writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Very, very good!

I read this story, and it touched me, very much so.

My life, his life, although different here and there, seem to develop in the same way.

Makes me sad, very sad.

trite_readertrite_readerabout 12 years ago
Hmmm... Read Mousse9's comment,

And you'd understand exactly what I would say here regarding this story.

A wife that is so mildly obsessed with crushing her husband? He's longed for her all his life, and she wants to keep hurting him? His and her mothers' attitude though was just something out of the Twilight Zone. Seriously, a couple of half retards there, not at all interested in their children's happiness.

Dunno, too many people in this story not behaving realistically. I mean, they don't behave that way around here anyway. Maybe in the US this is all reasonable. I dunno...

BelgiumBelgiumabout 12 years ago
Dark story

A very dark story. I also can't understand the stupidity of the wife and both mothers. It's clear he didn't want anything to have to do with his ex-friend and they still kept pushing the issue... in the end the wife clearly paid the price: she lost her husband and was raped and impregnated by the so-called friend. As to Jennifer: what the heck was she thinking? She clearly ruined her life by performing with Mondingo. The women in this story are clearly off their rockers. Their that dumb, manipulating and arrogant, that in real life it is unbelievable. But in literature all's fair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
i liked it.

At least there weren't any stupid fucking mustangs in this story. You will rank highly in lw Saxon!

racoon1174racoon1174about 12 years ago
I liked it but the epilog ruined it for me

I loved it up until the epilog. For some reason that switch into such a dispasionate naration voice threw things off for me. I'm sure you will be a great talent here hopefully cranking out more like this just a bit faster. Thanks for the effort and sharing it with us.

TheEndBeginsTheEndBeginsabout 12 years ago
Good story

I realize you don't want the same ending for all your stories, but I'm a bit surprised he didn't just kill Randy since he would die soon anyway. Syphilis is a bit underwhelming as revenge for screwing up the love of your life. Aside from that, I could find no fault in the story and thoroughly enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Yep you definitely needed an editor

Not harping on your story but you could have resubmitted the story and waited for a few weeks or if the editor you had before flaked out, you could have gotten another. Sometimes I'm tempted to edit stories myself but I don't have the time to do it justice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

it would be good if he marry jenny then Linda because jenny fuck for money and linda is like to hurt him. who want a mother who dont care about her son ????? ( even when he dont want randy as friend she wanted him to be friend with randy maybe she was fucking randy it only resone i can think about if there is other then say it )

u make him unrealistic . because there r no one who will marry someone who wanted to friend with ur enemy .

NorbertrichardNorbertrichardabout 12 years ago
Did you read what you wrote?

I can't beleave that you think a guy would put up with the shit that they tried [ forcing Randy on him ], and Linda being fool enough to think she could pull a week away, and still have a home let alone a husbond, when she finally got through playing. Then how many years later did Jen have his kid, after all the big black cock she was getting? As in Merry LIttle Christmas, your endings seemed rushed, with little thought, and left a lot to be desired.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Sorry, I can't

suspend disbelief about him continuing with her after being treated with such disrespect and contempt. If your purpose was to irritate the hell out of me over his spinelessness and over the others' contempt for him, you succeeded.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
it sucks being george

your main character should have blown the bitch off from the get go. you never did explain why the rapist was always included. why linda always sided with randy or why when he was dying he did not off randy and be done with it. let's face it randy took his girl, fucked her, made a cuckold out of george. so why did george marry her? but what the hell - i over analyize everything. u get a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

That was some twisted strange crap. It started off really well and suddenly went south, north, west, east, up, and down all at the same time. No one but the victim paid any price at all!

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

and both were not loyal as he wanted. TK U MLJ LV NV

lancewmlancewmalmost 12 years ago
Started off great, really good

And then you had to turn everyone into shit... what a waste of what could have been a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
good story

but your ending sucked. Im pretty sure cancer doesnt make you a wimp like it did to this guy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
you had me going untill you killed the end

this story was going good untill this author had to kill it. after reading the 7 pages what a bummer for an ending. linda was a loose cannon who didnt see her sick ways could only destroy there marriage and george getting lukemia was treatable and he could not move from his past love of linda. so poor and ending i want to puck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
could have been great but the author killed it .bad ending

look can really write, you get the characters into the story and it works to a point but you really had me going for 7 pages posted here until the end. Randy was the good guy who gets screwed by Linda &George.linda never could see what she was doing wrong and has two babies by screws over his best friend early in life but linda doesnot see his point of view. he divorces her, and is not able to move on with his life .so the author has him dying from lukemia,he gives up living, with some weak revenge only to be doubly fucked. too many holes like swiss cheese. and a very disappointing ending..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Enjoyed reading this tale

An interesting adjunct to the original story, this second story was different enough to warrant new interest. I personally though it was believable up until Linda left to be with Randy even though she was married to are hero and even though he strongly warned her for her foolishness. Our hero was well aware of Randy's prediliction to be sexual predator and most oddly Linda who claimed he was her best friend was not.

How in reality could Linda have been so stupid as to put herself in harm's way. As it turned out her folishness caused her to get drugged and impregnated by Randy.

How fucking naive was she ? The author errored in the story when first the hero was Linda's best friend and then after she married Randy was her best friend. Personally I would been strongly tempted to lose the Auburn defensive line on Randy especially after what he putted in the restaurant after graduation. as much an ass as Randy was in the story, LInda was not far behind-one illegitimate baby, adultery and destroying a marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I agree with Huedogg2 and HDK on this

everyone fucked him over and you kill off the hero. His mom, wife, family and the whore he married are all fucked up but he is the one you fuck over. Over all a great story gave it *****'s

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
hates fags but

guzzles jism like a drowning queer, total geek... ---> Gay Male that way sicko!

snakes454snakes454almost 12 years ago
burn the bitch with the clap

Can't say I agree, but it is original.

phd70phd70over 11 years ago
Illogical, negative, Lousy ending.

Author, find another hobby. Waste of reader's time.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

try to settle up...even die-ing alone....and buried happens,,,TK U MLJ LV NV

SleeplessinMD4SleeplessinMD4over 11 years ago
What a terrible ending!

George get fucked over repeatedly and then he dies. First, there are his best friends Linda and Randy. In the end we find out that yes Linda did fuck Randy during her visit which led to the divorce hence her first son. So even on George's death bed she lies to him about Randy. Then his mom try to bring Randy and Linda back into his life when it is clear that they are bad newa. Linda loves Randy to keep him constantly in her life even though it costs her marriage with George. Jenny even after hearing about Linda's betrayal whore herself out but she shows up to pick up money for her daughter. Even George's revenge for Randy fails since he is done in by a crazy wife.

I read this story to find out about Marty and what happened to the 1.4 Million he took but other than brief appearances not much of an update.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Too much

This story, with the mountain of disrespect and contempt piled onto George by Linda, Randy, Tammy, and his mom, requires way too much suspension of disbelief for me to accept that he didn't put a stop to it years earlier than he did. The biggest wimp in the world would have ended it years earlier. I started off being angry with George for not manning up. I ended up angry at the author.

bobby9909bobby9909over 11 years ago

did they all insist so mightily about including Randy? I know for a fact my mother, my wife's mother and every mother I can think of, would NEVER have done that. Why?

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 11 years ago

Good story until page 7. With your heart cold as ice and your inspiration in the wood stove you got in hurry up mode and killed off your hero.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 11 years ago
Ah well I thought we were getting a reset

Thought it would he his son and he would get his bone marrow and live for while anyway -

The Syphillis was a very nice touch though - he reconciles with the world on his terms fucks them all and then they have live with what they did - hmm not quite fair - but a hell of a story -

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

The characters in this story (especially the wife) were annoying. I didn't like anybody. The low score demonstrates that many others felt the same way.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

as i said before. it sure sucks to be george.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Pathetic, just pathetic. I'm glad he died, so we don't have to hear about him again in a future story. He should have kept Michelle, but that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

linda got of easy if you love someone should not go after a friend. she should feel more pain because she was the one that sheated the love that was for some else

norcal62norcal62about 11 years ago
Author is raging angry at the world.

He sure likes to kill of people. Story line is same as Merry Little Christmas. Hubby who chose poorly, then mopes around when wife threatens infidelity; not leaving then.

Hope for no more like these two stories.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 11 years ago
Dude cold

Yah didnt hav to kill George off, although I suppose if he lived on longer his annoying "loved" ones would keep trying to push Randy back into his life. The lesbo mom thing was a big surprise tho, oh well. All in all a pretty good story 4/5, but it lacked a happy ending or at least George giving Randy a savage beating so I'd giv it a 3/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

give it 1, wasted my time skimming the tale.

no more reading this persons rambling writing

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Great Plot but ....

The ending was so rushed, so disjointed, it ruined the tale.

Take your time.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Great Plot but .....

The ending was so rushed, so disjointed, it ruined the tale.

Take your time.

Btw ... What little was here from MLXmas could have and should have been placed there.

bigbubba33156bigbubba33156almost 11 years ago
should of endded

His freind Michelle have told Linda a story how a pt that died from a brokem heart and if the pt had a child their would have been hope for a cure. Just to let her live with killing her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

linda did not be allowed to live to be happy that is f--ked up

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Another Day Another Whore

Why do whores always have a feeling of I'll get you for saying NO to me. Linda was nothing but a fucking loose slut who wanted things her way. she manipulated Marty for years ans did her and his slut mother. She should have insisted on being married by two lesbian ministers who would site vows Like " I will forsake no one. I just need you for my feminist right to FEEL secure on one hand but fuck around on the other" She got to live happily ever after. Typical fucken slut. When she dies hell com meth. Can't wait to see the burn marks. This story was rushed but I can say I have actually seen this happen to somone.

JounarJounaralmost 11 years ago

Ending ruined it. Linda had zero respect for George and picked Randy time and time again even after it's proven to her he was a lying scumbag so fuck her for any happy ending or forgiveness. Hell, even after Linda's dumbass find's out Randy raped her she does fuck all about it.

The two mother's in this story ruined their children lives by never stopping their push to get Randy back in the mix and also for never once putting Linda straight about her fucking up. The big question of why they kept pushing friendship with Randy is just bullshit and needed to be answered.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

she did not love him, all she wanted the Feeling of love. Well fuck her. love is one Thing and sex is another

chytownchytownover 10 years ago
Good Read****

Long but a very entertaining read. Thanks for sharping.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 10 years ago
Just read it for the second time

I'll say it again, how can you fuck the main man so fucking bad. Everyone in this story fucked over George and they all came out great. I take that back, you fucked every male in the story. You killed the dad, you killed George, even if he deserved it, you fucking killed Randy. Don't tell me your turning man-hater too, Saxon-Hart, not you to!!!!

SimplyMikeSimplyMikeover 10 years ago

Not too sure about this one either, Sax?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
how depressing

Should have been titled "Loser gets shit on and dies" it was well written and I liked his reaction to the selfish cunt fucking him over the first time, but after the third time it was just pathetic. with a miserable ending.

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

and the cherry tree would never have gotten chopped. TK U MLJ LV NV

saratusaratuover 10 years ago
This story was a loss ,,,,,,,

and the shitty piece from the other story wasn't worth a shit. Minus five.

snakes454snakes454over 10 years ago

When are we going to see something new from you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

AWWW, I wanted Linda to die instead of riding off in the sunset to live a happy that she didn't deserve.

lihplihpover 10 years ago
great story

Pity it had a sad ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You referenced merry little christmas

At the start it would be great if you finished the story as I feel that it is missing an ending.

Great work

FD45FD45over 10 years ago

This did nothing to close out Merry Christmas. Now, I understand losing a story. This didn't cut the mustard. It was a little add on which clarified nothing and frankly was insulting. Biker finds hot young 18 year old and lives happily ever after in Florida.

You are better than that!

I hated this story the first time I read it. The second...well...MOST of it was well written. This was a stand up guy...but he had his own set of Vagina Monologues where he was frankly a big pussy. "You can have him at the wedding but..." "You can have him at the graduation but...'

I hated the mothers. I hated Linda. I hated Randy. This guy was a straight shooter, but I had to keep wondering WHY he kept in touch with any of that family?

Just applying pain after pain doesn't make the character interesting. There was about a page of whining that could have been cut and made it punchier. There was NO discernible motive why Linda was this way, so I didn't believe in her. BOTH TIMES I read this story, I wondered if good old Randy was laying the pipe in the old women too, as much at they were caterwauling about how he needed to be in the fucking family.

Good writing about people I despised, hated and loathed. It's like putting a knock out pair of tits on a man. What is the fucking point?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
whatta waste

1 star

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 10 years ago
Depressing Story - Well Written but Depressing

I agree with FD's comment. George should have just written off the whole tribe and built a life of his own. Guess the biker from the previous story ended up ok.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

The evil people prospered, and the true good man died.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

very well written , had me enthralled from start to finish .

one of the most sad & tragic tales i have had the misfortune to read.

it's not a story i can envisage myself ever reading again.

truly heart-rending.

after reading it , i feel empty , hollow , unmade.

5 stars for the quality of the writing , the plot , the protagonists .


liked the way you linked Marty into the tale, thats a nice twist .

robinhodrobinhodover 9 years ago
Well written but

as has been said, definitely a once only read. It's not possible to believe that any wife could be that stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

1/5. fucking lame. made no sense at all.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 9 years ago
You know, I agree that a spouse should not force you to dump your friends...

even if they don't much like them...

But if you KNOW absolutely that those "friends" lied and manipulated - um... which part of that makes them a friend...?

"Oh, he convinced me to minimize a date WE had by getting himself included, and he knew how you felt about me then lied about you saying me going with him was ok, but hey, he DID apologize and that's what's REALLY important... Right...?"

And why the HELL does she keep saying Randy is her "best friend" - she'd known George longer, he'd never lied to her, and she MARRIED him... how did she manage to be smart enough to get into college...? Because it doesn't SOUND like she's describing A Friend, let alone a BEST friend.

And way to back up your son, mom... "It happened back in high school. How can you STILL be bothered by it...?"

"Um, because it CRUSHED me, mom...? Hmmm...?"

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

the old "Let George Do It" doesn't seem quite right here. TK U MLJ LV NV

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 9 years ago
Sad Story

Very well written. It really got those emotions going. I can relate to George. Like when you try warning someone you care about that another is manipulating them and they get mad and actually defend the very person you're trying to warn them about. You're trying to help them and they attack you and that you ought to be ashamed of yourself for thinking that way about this person. I would have liked to have seen Linda give George a little more credit at the end when she found out that George wasn't the father of her child. Something like, "George was right about you (Randy) all along. You're nothing but a manipulative low life pretending to be my friend and then drugging me to get me pregnant after I told you George and I were trying to have a baby. And to think I always defended you. God I was so stupid." Something similar from their mothers would have been nice, too. A very sad tale but an entertaining one. Thank you

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago

The bad news is - life sucks! The good news is that it doesn't last forever!

SyrustheVirusSyrustheVirusabout 9 years ago

This was a decent stand alone story, but in no way does it could as a sequel.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 9 years ago

Re read this after a year plus.

Suck ass ending - felt like you squeezed it in just to finish.

Btw - sequel from Xmas tale? So,little and so lame you should have just dropped in the original. A waste.

markranemarkraneabout 9 years ago
Life's a Bitch

Cuz if it was a slut, it would be easy.

MartyMBMartyMBabout 9 years ago
Seems so weird

So weird that everybody ignored George's hate of Randy. Its not like George ever waffled or was unclear about the back-stabbing. Also strange was Linda visiting Randy (unaccompanied and long after being married) for much longer than she told George. Especially bad was that she didn't tell George where she was and why. She was one messed up girl.

SplitAcesSplitAcesabout 9 years ago
Excellent description

Of how sorry life is for a pussy. None of the shit in his life would have happened if he had confronted Randy and Linda when he should have. Hard to feel sorry for him. Did like his last line though.

Seeker1107Seeker1107almost 9 years ago
don't know if I have posted on this as yet

If I have then bear with me. I always wondered why George never asked his mother a few simple questions. First would be why is she fighting him so hard to forgive Randy? Second since she knew he hated to be called Georgie why did she insist on doing that? Third did she ever really love him, because if she did she sure had a funny way of showing it. It doesn't matter why he hated Randy it's enough that he did and everyone should have respected his wishes. He also should have laid it on the line for Linda, no ambiguity, "If you love me and want to be with me as my wife then you have to give up all contact with Randy!". No ambiguity in that. If she fought or pulled the same shit then dump her and move on even to the point of taking out a POP. Neither she nor Randy should be allowed to contact him in any way shape or form. If his mother tried to intercead on their behalf then cut off contact as soon as she starts & let her know that if she wants contact with her only child this is how it has to be. She will get the point soon enough. In any event it is all moot.

Now here is the kicker, you keep writing YOUR stories as you see fit. Let nobody tell you differently. At the end of the day it's your story to tell so ignore the flamers and all that. You are the author not me or anybody else. Thanks for the offering & keep writing!


chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 9 years ago
Superb writing

Yeah yeah bitches about characters. Come cancers can be beat, some not, but sometimes the time treatment buys does not outweigh the trials of chemo. If you haven't had at least a few days faced likely death, whi I I have, or faced certain death in a few months...well it changes your perspective.

He got to plan his departure, helped his bloodline, punished his enemy's, in clouding his wife, and died at peace.

A powerful ending worth deeper consideration by thinking readers.

First Rate


tO1kmhq5apoPRPwxtO1kmhq5apoPRPwxalmost 9 years ago

so they crap all over him, he dies and they all live happily ever after? in the end only Randy got what he deserved.

his wife and family's actions all seem pretty irrational to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Impossible to like a story where no character is likeable or act like a normal person.

George hates Randy, but marries a woman that repeatedly tells him that she needs Randy. Linda agrees that Randy is a jerk but is obsessed with him anyway. So does George's mother. Jenny loves George but fucks Mandingo as a job...

Does any of this sound normal?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
5 for a good LW read and for pissing off the brain dead annoy

Like the story and since it's a porn site I don't really try and understand it . Annony maybe you should pull out your little cock and jerk off while reading it. Then you might like something , God you must be a asshole like everyone saids you are.

QuietlyLurkingQuietlyLurkingover 8 years ago
Ask for a refund

If I hired a PI that took years to find a guy that didn't even change employers when he disappeared I would be beyond pissed.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 8 years ago

The author should have had a little more patience and gotten this edited before uploading, or at the very least have bothered to do so at some point in the years after.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

great writing, but this is soooooo depressing a story.

This guys life was shit and everyone did the crapping on him.

Except michelle.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 8 years ago
Well, I am depressed by this story. My Dad died of cancer at age 49.

They can't always be sweetness and light, life intervenes. Linda did not deserve to end up happy and with George's child, oh well. Thank you for writing but I think that George got screwed by the women in his life and by life itself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I'm Young and WHITE and Over 21

And the relevance of being white is...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
An absurd epilogue

Just beyond belief.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Significance of "White"

"I'm free, white, and twenty-one" is a very old saying, A very old RACIST saying. It means that the speaker can do anything that they want because they are not enslaved, that they are not hindered by Jim Crow laws and that they are legal adults. Hence, there are few restrictions on their behavior.

The significance to this story is only that it shows that Saxon_Hart has, at some time or another, read a fucking book or two. Unlike some

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What to say about me. I typcally work over 10 hours a day. After I put my dogs to bed I sit for two or three hours writing down the random thoughts that prattle around my brain all day. Usually I load Carcass, Pantera, Trivium and a few others and pound out a yarn or two....