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I got in my car and drove off leaving her there on the curb crying. I heard a couple of weeks later that she had quit school to go work full time at the book store. A year later, my buddies and I had gone to Montgomery again and went to see the live sex act. Jenny was the main attraction for Mandingo's show. She looked like death warmed over, and was obviously pregnant. She saw me but I couldn't tell of she recognized me or not. I really didn't care, I was in love.

Mom asked me to come home for the summer. I asked her if Tammy was going on vacation and taking Linda with her. She said that Tammy and Linda were going to go to New York over Fourth of July weekend to see her family. I told her then I might come home for the Fourth. But I didn't get to go home for the Fourth.

Three weeks before the Fourth, I was driving home from work when a drunk driver in an old Ford pick up t-boned me at an intersection. I spent a month in the hospital with broken ribs, a broken femur, a broken pelvis, and some internal injuries. My Camaro was totaled. The drunk walked away with out a scratch. The cops actually arrested him in a bar just down the street from where I was trapped in my car clinging to life.

Mom came to Auburn to nurse me back to health. The entire football team came by my apartment to visit me. One Friday evening, mom went away for a little bit. When she came back she was acting suspicious.

"Where'd you go mom?" I asked.

"Oh, um, well I went up to the admissions office to make sure you weren't behind on any of the paperwork to enroll next semester."

I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I also kept waiting for two or three houseguests to appear unannounced. Luckily it never happened and I forgot all about the admissions thing. My cast came off in late August, and before my mom went back to Jacksonville, she bought me a cell phone.

Within a week of having my cast off, I was working for the football team. The coaching staff had me running video cameras on parts of their practices. I would still do my statistician job, I was now the head student statistician, I reported only to the head statistician in the athletic department.

On the day before our first game, I went home to pack my stuff so I could report to the team hotel on time. There was a girl sitting on the bench in front of my apartment building when I got there. I didn't really even pay any attention to her. I just went inside and got my stuff. Ten minutes later I was waiting in front of my building for my ride to the hotel. We all car pooled to the hotel before home games, in order to save parking places.

As I was waiting the girl turned and left. I thought there was something familiar about her. Just as I was starting to contemplate it my ride showed up and I left. I slept well that night and got to eat with the team that next morning.

ESPN's College Game Day did their show from our campus and I got to work with their stat people, and I got to meet Lee Corso. During the game I was given a director's head set so I could feed information directly to the ESPN crew.

We beat Georgia Tech and there were celebrations all over campus that night. I always enjoyed going to the bashes, but since I had no car and my leg still bothered me I ended up going to only a couple of parties near my apartment. Around midnight I went home.

As I approached my apartment building, I saw a female form leaving. For some reason I thought back to the girl who'd been outside yesterday when I left. From where I was it looked to be the same girl. She was nice looking as far as I could tell, well built any way.

When I got inside there was an envelope taped to my door. I pulled it off and went inside. I opened it and there was a note that said "Call Me." and had a phone number. At first I thought Jenny was trying to get a hold of me. I really didn't care to talk to her any more. She was supposedly living in Montgomery now. Maybe I had been mentioned on the game telecast today and someone wanted to tell me. I didn't know. Out of my own curiosity I called the number.

"George? Please don't hang up." I heard Linda's voice answer the phone.

"Um, who did you have put that note on my door?"

"Please don't hang up George. I put the note there. Can we meet tomorrow for coffee or something? I have really missed you."

"OK look. Meet me out front in five minutes and I'll hear you out, but I get the feeling I have heard it all before."

"I'll meet you in five George. And George?"


"Thank you."

I don't know what made me decide to meet her. Maybe it was a need to see a friendly face. Maybe I needed to hear her out and move on.

She was waiting on the same bench as she was yesterday. I cleared my throat and she turned around.

"George?" She rushed to me and threw her arms around me. "Oh George. I was so scared when I heard about your wreck. I wanted to come see you but your mom said I'd better not." "Way to go mom!" I thought to my self. "She said she was more interested in you healing. I have been in hell all summer and now I finally feel like I am alive again."

She looked like a goddess to me. It was all I could do not to act like a fool and slobber all over. I had been in love with her for as long as I could remember. "So what brings you to Alabama?" "So what brings you to Alabama?" I thought to my self. Did I really just fucking ask her that? This bitch tore my heart out and the first time I see her in three years and I ask a lame ass question like that?

"I got enough transfer credits from the JC I was going to and I was able to enroll here. You're not mad are you?"

"I don't know. Hell I don't feel anything anymore. Do you want to go grab a coffee?"

We went to a little all night diner. Several of the football players were in there and they all greeted me. "Well aren't we popular?" she said in a mocking tone. "Isn't that the football team?"

"Part of them. I work with them a lot."

The grouchy ass old bat waitress brought us our coffee and acted like we were putting her out. "Sorry we made you do your job lady." I said under my breath. "So what did you want to tell me?" Linda looked up at me with a smile until she noticed I wasn't smiling.

"My life sucks without you in it." She said.

"Oh well. You do have randy to keep you warm. You guys married yet?"

"Not in a million years. It didn't take me long to realize that the only thing that made Randy tolerable was you."

"Well that didn't stop the two of you from fucking him after prom." I said bitterly. "I don't know if he ever told you, but I was deeply in love with you. He knew and went behind my back and asked you, and you didn't have the decency to talk to me before you went bopping off into the sunset to pick out corsages and cummerbunds."

"That bastard. George, I know you probably aren't going to believe this, but we didn't do anything after prom. I felt sick that whole night and had him take me home before ten thirty. Mom told me I was feeling guilty for mistreating you. She was right. I wanted so bad to just go see you, but you were always somewhere else.

Randy lied about us having sex. I got to school that Monday and heard all about it. I got pissed off and told everyone that he had a needle dick. We repaired our friendship within a week. He told everyone that he lied, which I give him a lot of credit for. Of course he might have only come clean to clear up the rumor about his small cock. I danced with him, I know he isn't hung."

She had tears flowing pretty well. Either she really was sorry or she was one hell of an actress. "Every time I had a bad day, or had something neat happen to me I wanted to tell my best friend in the world. But my best friend wanted nothing to do with me. I still don't know how you got into Auburn when none of us applied here."

"I got accepted to Alabama too. I put in at the beginning of the year when Randy bragged that Auburn and 'Bama were looking at him. So when I got the letters, all I had to do was choose. I knew you two were staying in Florida, so it was a no brainer."

"You hated us that much?"

I thought it over for a moment. "Him I hate. He knew how I felt and then he stabbed me in the back. I can't say I hated you, but I didn't want to be anywhere near you."

"Do you remember what you said that Saturday when Mom and I came over? You told me you had been in love with me. Never knew how you felt. Mom told me I messed up, but your mom was sure you'd come around. I wasn't so sure. We had always been close. When you walked out that day I felt an emptiness in me. I was never sure that you would forgive me. Randy acted like you were just being a baby. I'm so sorry George. I never wanted to hurt you."

We finished our coffee and walked back to my building. By time we got back I was hobbling badly. Linda helped me up to my apartment and helped me into bed. "I'll let myself out. You just rest and get better."

"Thank you for helping me Linda." I gazed at her and wanted so bad for things to be like they used to be.

"No problem. Can I come by tomorrow? I'll bring lunch." A big part of me wanted to say no. If she was here, how much longer until Randy popped up? But I had to admit that there was a chunk of me missing that she could put back.

"That sounds fine. What time?"

"I'll be here around noon if that's ok." With that she kissed me on the forehead and left.

She came for lunch on Sunday. She brought fried chicken and potato salad. We ate and then went for a walk. She stayed with me until late in the evening. On Monday I helped her locate her classes, and the important buildings.

As the weeks started to roll by we spent more and more time together. A few times her roommate Michelle came along but mostly it was just us. Michelle did come enough that I became friends with her as well. Sometimes Michelle even seemed to be flirting with me. I always thought she was out of my league so I never really acted on it.

One Saturday Linda came over after the game and she was in a foul mood. We went out to eat and she was quiet through most of the meal. I remembered moods like this from our younger days that she'd spill her guts sooner or later. Sooner if it was something that I had done or said.

Finally she looked at me and asked, "Do you like Michelle?"

Like is too pliable of a word in this situation. It could be like, as in opposite of hate, or it could be like as in someday I hope to jump her fucking bones and make her scream in Italian. So I chose as safe an answer as I could. "She seems to be a nice person."

"Would you date her?"

"Hmmm." I said buying a moment. Once again a tricky slope here; had to tread carefully. "I don't really know her well enough to date her. I've only met her the couple times she's come over with you." I knew a bigger bomb was on its way. And sure as shit she fired it off.

"Do you find her attractive?"

Ah! Now I know where this is headed. Michelle is 5' 8" tall, probably weighs 120 pounds. She has long black hair and gray eyes. She has a perky set of tits and an ass that won't quit. The times I have been around her I have found it hard not to stare, but I tried hard not to be a pig.

Linda on the other hand is 5' 4" tall and around 130 pounds. She keeps her sandy brown hair about shoulder length and has green eyes. She too has nice tits, maybe a largish C cup and a cute ass, even though it might be considered a tad large. She looks like she's at home at a poetry reading or a library. Her look says "smart" while Michelle's look screams "PARTY and FUCK!"

"There aren't many guys who don't find her attractive." I said. "I don't really look at her that way."

Linda's head snapped up and I knew she caught the fib. "Bullshit George. You'd fuck her in a heartbeat and you know it."

"So what's with the questions about Michelle?" Deflection; I has it! "Why are you so concerned about what I might or might not feel about your roomie?"

"I overheard her telling the RA last night at a party that I knew this hot guy and she wants to get close to him. The only guy I know is you. So I guess if you want to ask her out, you know you won't get shot down."

She looked a little dejected. "Well what if I want to ask her roomie out?"

She got a funny look on her face and said, "I'm her roomie. She doesn't...." Then recognition showed on her face. "You want to ask me out?" I nodded. "You have a shot at Michelle and you want my frumpy ass?"

I don't know why but I had been softening towards Linda for a while. I started remembering what I liked about her back when we were kids. Seeing her sitting there trying to rationalize my position on dating her room mate, I realized that in my heart I had forgiven her. I was ready to move forward. I wanted to play it a little bit safe, but my mouth fired before I could stop it.

"I haven't loved Michelle since eighth grade."

After that night we were almost inseparable. After the semester ended, she moved into my apartment with me. She was disappointed to learn that I wasn't a virgin anymore. I told her all about Jenny and she was sympathetic, but she was happy in the sense that with Jenny gone I was free to be with her.

One of my dreams did come true. I had always wanted to be Linda's first since I knew what sex was. Although I was a bit down that she wasn't my first, I was more than happy that I was hers.

She told me that she had dated a few guys, but all that ever happened was heavy petting. One guy had kissed her nipples, another had fingered her pussy. She had given a couple of tug jobs and blew one guy. I wanted to ask what she and Randy had done, but I decided I really didn't want to know.

Most Sunday's we never left the bed. We'd fuck for a couple of hours and then sleep for a couple of hours. We'd shower at least three times during the day. Even when school started again we spent our Sundays in bed. If the football team had a road game I knew I was getting raped when I returned home Saturday night.

I proposed to Linda Homecoming weekend of our senior year. We told our mothers the next day. I wasn't too happy when Randy called her to congratulate her the following Wednesday. When she asked if I wanted to talk to him I left the apartment for an hour or so. When I returned she was cold towards me.

"Why can't you forgive him George?"

"He knowingly stabbed me in the back. I forgave you because I have always loved you and he lied to you."

"I just wish you'd be civil to him. He misses you too and he's off putting himself in jeopardy for this country."

"It's bad enough to know that he'll be invited to our wedding. I really don't want him weaseling his way into our lives after he is out of the corps."

"I never said I was inviting him to the wedding."

"Your mom will, or my mom will. I personally hope he can't get leave."

"That's fucked up George. Next you'll hope that my mom won' come, or that I won't come."

"Did I say that? If you want him at the wedding as god damned bad, marry his ass!"

I left the room and went to bed. I felt shitty for talking to her that way, but I didn't want Randy within 1000 miles of me if I could help it. She came into the bedroom fifteen minutes later. I feigned sleep as she stripped and climbed under the covers. She slithered across the bed and laid her head on my chest and started stroking my chest.

"I'm sorry baby. I know you don't like him and I shouldn't bring him up. I don't like him all that much so I'll ask mom not to invite him."

"I won't begrudge you inviting him. I just don't want anything to do with him. I don't trust him."

She began working her way down my body. Kissing as she went. One hand started working my skivvies down and off of my legs.

"Can Mr. Happy play daddy?"

"Only if you are rally nice to him. He gets shy when certain fucksticks get mentioned."

She grabbed a hold of my cock and started stroking it. "Hmm, he doesn't seem to be having much trouble coming out of his shell. In fact he's starting to stand tall and proud."

She stroked me up and down for a few more minutes and then she kissed the tip, licking away the bead of pre cum that had formed there. A shudder worked its way through my body. She giggled, "Oh, somebody really likes that." She said as she licked the length of my shaft again, licking all the way down to my balls.

"Hey, I'm getting kinda bored up here. Do you have anything that needs dealt with?"

She flashed me a big smile and moved her body around so that her pussy was over my face. I reached up and spread her ass open and trailed a finger down from the top of her ass crack to her clit. She shuddered when I lightly traced her asshole.

She enveloped the head of my cock in her warm mouth and started working up and down. She has an almost surreal knack for sucking cock. If I just went with it she could bring me off in three minutes easily. Usually I think about school shit or Randy to keep under control. My personal best is fifteen minutes, but I found that when her jaw starts to get tired she'll play dirty. She'll play more with my balls or rub on my taint.

One time I challenged her. I bet her a week's worth of chores that I could last more than ten minutes of her best. She of course accepted eagerly. "Anything goes?" she asked. I guess I should have laid out some boundaries then but I didn't think she had any tricks I didn't know how to combat already.

"Sure. Do your best." I told her with a smirk on my face. I had watched a video earlier that day of stomach turning car accident victims and industrial accidents. The images were fresh in my mind and I figured that I could even stay limp if I so chose.

I was way wrong. I set the egg timer for ten minutes and she started. I didn't fight her getting me hard, not that I wanted to, and within a minute I was hard and she was at work. I kept looking to the timer. At five minutes I felt I was getting close and recalled a few images. I think I overdid it and actually lost a bit of hardness.

She knows I have a vivid recall of images. When I started loosing hardness she redoubled her efforts. The gig was up. At nine minutes she reached between her lags and fingered her pussy. Her fingers came up wet, slick and shiny with her juices. At nine minutes and thirty seconds she stuck her finger in my ass and I felt two things at once.

First I felt pain and pressure. It felt like she had put her entire arm up my ass. Her finger danced around just inside my ass and then I felt the most intense pleasure I had ever felt. I came so hard that my piss hole burned from the force. Even Linda was unprepared for the gush. She gagged and almost lost half of my load. But to her credit she didn't spill a drop.

My calf cramped and stars exploded in my vision. I also felt an intense need to shit. She removed her finger and slowly continued sucking on my cock until the egg timer dinged. She smiled at me and said, "Damn boy. You nearly blew the top of my head off."

"Where the fuck did you learn that?"

"Michelle is a nursing student. She told me that a finger in there would make any guy explode."

I ended up doing the dishes and laundry for the week, but I made her promise that she'd never stick her fingers in my ass again. She wouldn't promise but did say she'd make sure I was ready next time.

Recalling that image almost made me blast off in her mouth before I could even start licking her cunt. My favorite thing about Linda's pussy was its sensitivity. I could make her cum sometimes just by looking at her clit. I loved to circle around it with, my tongue and drive her crazy. I licked each side, being careful not to even accidently touch her little joy buzzer. Soon I had her shaking and dripping juice onto my face.

She came hard when I pushed my finger into her hole. She took my cock out of her mouth and let out a howl that had to wake the neighbors. Not that they should be surprised, Linda is often quite vocal when she climaxes. She jerked my cock a few more times and got off of me and turned herself around. She leaned down and kissed my full on the mouth. "You are so getting fucked mister. Damn I wish I could have your tongue on my cunt all the time."