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I panicked and tried to get home anyway I could. Mom got me a ticket to fly back on Thursday. I got a cab home and I found the house empty. I didn't see anything missing so I figured I was safe. I went in to change clothes, I was going to dress sexy for you and I saw your closet was empty.

Then when I went to puke, I saw your phone in the toilet. I knew I'd never see you again when I found your ring on the table. Two days later when I was served with the divorce papers, I realized what a stupid thin I had done."

Hearing her talk about it made me hurt all over again. We were well into Oklahoma by time I was too tired to continue. I got us two motel rooms. Hers was on one side of the U shaped edifice on the top floor and mine was on the bottom.

I showered and crawled into bed. I wondered again if I shouldn't have flown to Florida. I felt crappier than I had in weeks. I just hoped I didn't die before I got where I was going.

The next night we got adjoining rooms. Around midnight I felt my bed shift as she climbed on. "George, can I sleep with you tonight? I miss cuddling up to you."

"Yeah. Just watch my hips, I have sores from the tests the doctors ran on me."

"Your hips? That's where they test you bone marrow. George what do you have?"

"We'll discuss that when it's time. Please I am dead ass tired."

The next day Linda drove. I was in no shape to argue, besides if things happened the way I thought they might, I'd need my energy for the night. When we stopped for lunch, she looked at me long and said something I hadn't expected to hear. "What if I told you that you are a father George?"

"As much as I wanted to have children with you I'd have to doubt your story very strongly. We really hadn't been trying very long when you left."

"Well you are a father. I had a baby boy just nine months after I went with Randy."

I felt a flood of emotion come over me. She hadn't been pregnant when she left. She was just fertile around then and we didn't make love at all that week. I shook and fought back the tears that wanted to fall. I hadn't cried at all up until that point and I had no intention of crying then. "So. You and Randy have a kid. I should have just let you fly back and moved on by myself. How stupid was I to think we had a chance."

"No George. It isn't like that at all. Randy and I didn't do anything. It is your baby. Your son. I named him George Jr. I only wish you had been there for his birth."

My mind was spinning in a million different directions. I didn't trust her. That was the base of all of my thoughts. I wanted to get my revenge over with and go in peace. "If we are to have any chance at all, you have to tell me nothing but the truth. And I have a few requirements."

"Anything baby. I'd die for you sweetheart. I'd kill for you."

"But you wouldn't ever forsake Randy for me. I just don't know what I can believe." She started crying when I said that. She looked like I had slapped her. "It's true. If you would have forgotten him, we wouldn't be here."

"I know. I was stupid. I threw away a good loving man for an old fling."

We finished, or I should say she finished lunch in silence. I didn't have any appetite what so ever and I couldn't force myself to eat. Linda was worried, I could tell by her mannerisms. I could see that she was searching my face for a clue. I just hoped she couldn't read my doom there.

We got back on the road and I fell asleep almost as soon as we were moving. I awoke sometime later and looked at Linda. She was, or had been crying. "What's wrong Linda?"

She acted startled. "Where do I begin?"

"Just tell it all. You'll feel better."

She took a deep breath, "Well, I feel like I have no chance of getting you back. I am scared to death that you are sicker than you let on. I know you have questions and I am afraid the answers will push you away from me again. I am sick over the time I lost with you, something tells me your situation is more dire than you let on and I can't have all of the time I want from you. I slept wonderfully last night cuddled up to you. But I could feel the shivers that ran through your body.

Damn it I just wish I could go back to high school and tell Randy to fuck off so my souls mate could take me to prom. Then we could have all four years of college together. I would have never been away from you then. There is just so much to make up for and deep inside I feel you don't have a lot of time."

I looked at her and realized she meant it all. "I don't know what to say. I know you are hurting Linda. It hurts me to know you hurt. I just have a hard time getting past everything. I still want to ask something, but I am afraid of the answer. I am sure I know already ...FUCK! There's just been too much to just look past."

"I know what you want to ask. Yes I have slept with Randy." My heart was crushed even though I knew already that she had. "This past New Year's Eve I had a bit too much to drink and we had sex. I made him wear a rubber. I only want your sperm in me. Even though we're divorced, I still couldn't handle him cumming in me. We also had sex on Valentine's day."

I closed my eyes and tried to fight off the head ache that hit me. I really had no cause to be upset. We were after all divorced, and I had figured they had slept together. I didn't think it was only twice though.

She cried and apologized over and over. I told her to stop worrying and I went back to sleep. She woke me when we stopped for the night. We were in Louisiana; this was to be our last night on the road.

She went in to see about rooms. She came out and told me that they only had one ready. I figured it was bullshit, but I didn't care. We went in and freshened up and then went to dinner. I was actually able to eat a bowl of soup.

We went back to our room and settled in for the night. Linda cuddled in behind me and hugged me to her. I could hear her crying again, so I turned to hug her. I held her tight and told her we'd be OK.

Before I knew it we were kissing passionately. Our hands were all over each other. She spoon had my cock out of my sweats and was stroking it to full hardness.

"Oh I have missed you George. You cock feels so good in my hand."

"Just wait 'til it's in your pussy."

She slithered out of her clothes and kissed me all over my chest, pausing to use her teeth on my nipples. I thought about eating her pussy, but couldn't bring myself to do it. She started working her way down to suck my cock and I stopped her. "No baby. I just want to be inside you."

She pushed me onto my back and straddled me. Her cunt was poised just above my rock hard cock and I cold feel her juices dripping already. "Oh baby, I have been looking forward to this for so long."

I shivered as she sat down slowly impaling herself on my turgid tool. I knew I wasn't going to last long. Every woman I had fucked over the past couple of years never compared to Linda. Her pussy fit my cock like a glove. I truly believed that my cock and her pussy were tailor made for each other.

I was embarrassed when after less than fifteen minutes I could feel the tingling in my cock. I knew I was going to cum, but I didn't want to. I wanted to last longer. I knew I didn't have the energy for another session, plus I was not going to make Linda drive again tomorrow.

All of the hoping and praying did little to stave off my eruption. It felt like I hadn't cum in ages. Linda came as soon as my first shot went into her. She shuddered and rode for a few minutes longer. She collapsed beside me. "I'm sorry babe. I guess I can't last as long as I used to."

"Hey, don't apologize. I loved it! Besides, we can try again."

"I can't have you drive tomorrow. It's my turn and I don't know if I will be able if we go again tonight."

"You aren't driving tomorrow. Neither am I. I got the room for two nights. I knew you were wasting away and needed rest."

We did indeed go twice more that night. I was so wasted from the effort that I didn't wake up until four o'clock the next afternoon.

We made love once that night and left the following morning. I actually felt better than I had since I left Denver. We got into Pensacola around noon and stopped for lunch. As we ate I told her my final conditions for us reconciling.

"First of course the kid has to be proven to be mine. Second and this is going to seem odd to you but I have my reasons, but I want you to fuck Randy a few times over the next couple of weeks."

She looked at me like I sprouted a second head or something. Tears started flowing. "You just want to get rid of me. You want a reason not to take me back."

"No I want you to get him out of your system. I don't have a lot of time left, and I don't want o spend it worrying about him swooping in again and taking you. So I want you to fuck him, at least five times, bareback, so that there are no excuses later or curiosity. I'll let mom know soon where I am so you'll be able to find me."

"You're not going back to Jacksonville with me/"

"No. I rented you a car so you can go back. My appointment is here in Pensacola. I'll find a place to stay temporarily and let you know in a few weeks where I am. I don't want to lose you again Linda. I couldn't handle that."

"I don't want to fuck Randy. He is lame and has a small dick. Why do you think I need to get him out of my system?"

"You'll understand in a few weeks babe."

She left after a lot of hugging and promises that I wouldn't leave Pensacola with out telling her. I went and talked to the people at a nice hospice home that afternoon and then checked into a hotel.

The next morning I found an attorney to handle my final wishes for me. The law office of Timothy B. Schmidt looked like the office of a PI in a film noire. Cigarette butts overflowed a used piston that he used as an ash tray. The desk looked like it was from the fifties, and had been outdoors since the seventies. Even his secretary looked like she was from a different era.

Timothy on the other hand was very neat and efficient. I was amazed that his teeth weren't the color of smog. In an hour we had set a trust up in case Linda's baby was mine. If not it would go to the American Cancer society after hospice was paid.

After I was done there I went down to the marina to stare longingly at the ocean. In one slip I saw a long haired biker looking guy yelling at a young kid who apparently was a "lazy ass worthless Cuban fuck." His words not mine. The kid, who didn't look at all Hispanic, stormed away from the boat and got in a small foreign pick up and left.

"Fucking wonderful," said the biker guy to no one in particular. "Now I gotta cancel the fucking job. Fucking punk kid."

I looked toward the guys boat, as he was about to dial his cell. He looked at me and asked, "You don't happen to know shit about diving do you?"

"Some," I said. "I used to be certified."

"Can you monitor shit while I do a job?"

"Sure why not?"

And that's how I met Martin Fischer. I figured it was better to spend my days out on the water helping him, than sitting around playing "Angry Birds" and waiting to die.

That day when I left he and Tiffany at the marina I had a feeling I was seeing the ocean and his boat for the last time. I think he knew too because he stared after me as I drove to my hotel.

I awoke the next day and could barely move. I had bled all over my sheets that night and I had wet myself. I was able to get my cell phone off of my night table and call Marty. He got there soon and with Tiffany's help cleaned me up as best as they could. Then they loaded me into my Tahoe and took me to the hospice.

A nurse came out with a wheel chair and took me into the building. The place wasn't like a cold, impersonal, businesslike hospital. This place was more like an upscale hotel. I was wheeled to a desk where I signed a few papers, and then I was taken back to my room.

A nurse's aide came in and gave me a sponge bath, and helped me get comfortable in my bed. It operated like a hospital bed, but looked like a bed you might have in your own bedroom.

When the aide left another nurse came into my room with a clipboard. She had black hair that she kept about collar length and striking gray eyes. She had to have been hot as hell when she was younger, because she was a knock out now. She looked at my funny and looked back at her papers.

"George Starsky? From Auburn?"

"Yes, I'm afraid you have the advantage here. I can't recall you, and I'm sure I'd remember you."

"Michelle. Michelle Stanley, well Michelle Branch now. We went to school together."

"Oh yeah. I remember now. You used to have long ass hair."

"Yeah I did. Doesn't work so well with the job. I am so sorry to see you here like this George. You still look good though. I heard you and Linda split up."

"It is what it is. I am at peace with all of this and am not afraid of death. Linda will probably be here before the end of the week." I had planned on not calling anyone, but I didn't want to go out like that. In the end I knew Linda loved me, and I loved her.

Of course my mom would be there, and Marty and Tiffany had already promised to come back that evening. I knew I wouldn't last a week. As soon as Michelle left I would call mom and tell her where I was and to come as soon as they could.

"One final question George and then I'll let you rest. Are there any other health issues I need to know about?"

"Just one. I have syphilis."


Epilog as told by Timothy B Schmidt,

Three days after checking into hospice, George succumbed to his illness. He married Linda again the day before he died and she was by his bedside constantly. He told her about his STD and apologized to her for using her to pass it on to Randy. She got treatment, but she never saw Randy again.

On the day that the DNA test came back for George Jr., Linda and Randy were at my office. Randy had hung around to comfort Linda after George's death. When I read the result that George was not the father, Linda immediately began punching Randy.

"You drugged me you worthless fag! You said I was drunk and you stripped me to make me comfortable. I hope you rot in hell you bastard!" It was a devastating blow for her. Randy left town that day.

A few years later Randy died when his wife caught him with their neighbor's daughter. She drugged him and put him into a bath tub and threw a toaster in with him. She tried to push it off as an accident, but could never explain why a toaster was in the bathroom. She got five years in a psychiatric hospital.

Nine months after George died, Linda delivered another baby boy. This one was George's and luckily there was a trust fund already set up for him. As I was about to send the trust money to the charity, a woman named Jennifer Fields came in with a little girl that proved to be George's. She said that he had never wanted to speak to her again, so she never told him about the girl. When Linda gave birth to her second baby, ad it was proven to be George's I split the trust in two for both kids.

George's mom and Tammy still live in the same house in Jacksonville. They are lovers. They kept their love a secret for a long time, and then came out after Linda had George's son. When the boy was a year old, Linda moved out to Denver where she met a nice man and settled down. She gave him a baby girl, and they are a happy family.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Unfortunately, there are many many insecure imbeciles like George on this planet...

xhunter4uxhunter4u5 months ago

George should have let his D line buddies take care of Randy. Better yet he shouldn't have believed a word out of lying skank Linda's mouth about Randy, but it's not my story, now is it. Love the syphilis ending. Karma.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just brings me back to the knowledge that the human race is god's worst mistake, faulty design and even worse programming.

FaceForRadioFaceForRadio6 months ago

Gave it a 4, partly cause of the update on Marty in the beginning. Got to feel sorry for George, he had no problem kicking Jenny out of his life and he didn’t even stick around to hear her sob story “explanation.” He should have done the same with Linda. I

HD a combination best friend/girlfriend in college who was always looking for greener pastures; took her back twice, but on the third time, I cut my losses and never saw her again. Just a few months later, I met my future wife and we’ve been together over 30 years now! George should have been looking forward, instead of always looking back! (And don’t let me get started on George’s mother!!!)

XluckyleeXluckylee6 months ago

Good story until the end.4 stars from Xluckylee

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