Mistaken Identity Ch. 02


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"You haven't shaved her. Is she smooth?" the Countess asked.

"She's pretty smooth. She was only shaved yesterday but I'll do it again if you want. Do you want to have a feel?"

The Countess came over and ran the tips of her fingers over Sue's mons and then down between her legs, pushing them apart. Idly she toyed with Sue's nether lips, examining them.

"No, that's fine," she commented. "I guess they did a pretty good job when they prepared her for auction. Of course, I'll get her properly waxed when we get back to Venezuela. And, as for this lot," the Countess reached up and tousled Sue's hair where it hung down limply from her head, "this will have to go as well."

"Perhaps you would like me to do that now, Countess?" Trixie asked.

"Would you? Slaves look so much neater with their heads shaved. If you were mine...." the Countess tousled Trixie's hair playfully.

Sue was horrified at the idea of having her head shaved. "Please, Countess," she half whispered.

"What is it, little Rosalita?" the Countess asked. "Is something bothering you?"

"My hair... do you have to cut my hair?"

"Have a care, little Rosalita, have a care. It is not for you to decide how my slaves shall look. You should rejoice that I want to make you pretty."

"Yes, Countess, of course, Countess."

All the while Fiona was watching the client carefully. This was all in the script; head shaving had been specifically requested by the client and, backstage, they had a wig waiting for her to wear when it was all over. However, Fiona was aware that this was a massive step to take and was making sure there were no second thoughts. However, she hadn't heard the safe word, or even the go-slow word so, despite the client's obvious anxiety, she must actually want to follow this through. Fiona decided to give it one more try.

"So, little Rosalita, when I say that I want your head shaven, what do you reply?"

Sue remembered her resolve to appear compliant and fought back the tears that were threatening to start.

"Please, Countess, it is my delight to be however you want me," she said. "Forgive my nervousness; I am so new to servitude."

"Then you had best learn quickly. My patience will not last forever. Show me that you're happy; give me a smile, that's better. Now put your head back, come along, all the way back. Let Trixie do her work.

While Sue and the Countess had been talking, Trixie had fetched scissors and a small kick stool, which she placed behind Sue. Trixie got up on the kick stool and Sue felt her first combing out and then cutting off her still damp hair. Then, when the scissors could do no more, Trixie swapped them for the razor and shaving foam. While this was going on the Countess stood in front of Sue, reached down and fondled her sex. In some ways this was the most surreal it had been since she had been captured. She could hardly imagine anything more bizarre than dangling by her wrists whilst her head was being shaved and her 'owner's' fingers played with her pussy. And, to add to the unreality, she could feel herself responding. It wasn't just the Countess's fingers; far more it was about the way she was, once again, being 'prepared'. Something as drastic as having her head shaved really brought home how she was a possession, a plaything, a toy, and, whether she liked it or not, something deep in her psyche loved every minute. The feeling as the razor slid over her scalp was fuelling the fire within every bit as much as the Countess's fingers playing in her pussy. Each stroke of the blade, every strand of hair removed, seemed to strip her a little more bare, to take away one more of her defences. She had never in her life felt so naked; she had never in her life been so naked. Part of her wanted to cry out "Take me, just take me. Why don't you take me?"

And then, suddenly and all too soon, it was done. Trixie put down the razor, unclipped the showerhead and used it to rinse off Sue's scalp. Now that it was over, Sue leant her head forward to keep the water out of her eyes and, as she looked down, she saw the last remnants of her hair disappearing down the drain in the floor.

Trixie turned off the water and pulled the cord, which lowered the hoist holding Sue's arms. She led her out into the centre of the bathroom and, using soft white towels, which she picked from a pile, dried Sue off. As she did so Sue caught sight of herself in a mirror and she couldn't help but stare. It was as if a complete stranger was staring back at her. She looked like Natalie Portman out of V for Vendetta or Demi Moore from GI Jane, well, except, she had to admit she hadn't got quite their film star looks. However, she was going to turn heads in the street. And then, with a jolt, she wondered if she would ever again be in any streets to turn heads.

"Does my little Rosalita like how she looks?" the Countess had noticed her stare.

"Thank you, Countess, I look wonderful," Sue gushed and, although she was putting it on for the Countess there was more than a grain of truth in her words. It was as if this woman, this thing, this bizarre doll staring back from the mirror wasn't really her. Along with her hair had gone her sense of self; she had, indeed, become the plaything of the Countess and that was very liberating. Just as this thing in the mirror was no longer Susan Brown, but had become Rosalita so, what ever she did or was done to her would be done by or to Rosalita. She hadn't, she wouldn't, lose her identity altogether but she would lock it away in a box inside her, ready for when the time was right and, right now, she had become Rosalita, completely and absolutely. Being the dutiful slave, being totally obedient, would come naturally to her now her physical appearance had been changed so much. She turned towards the Countess and gave a little curtsey.

"Thank you, Countess," she said again, "little Rosalita loves her new look."

"Excellent! Now come along, let's do your make up."

The Countess led Trixie and Sue back into the bedroom and she was told to sit on a stool in front of the dressing table. The cuffs were removed from her wrists and she was ordered to clasp her hands behind her back. Then, working together, the Countess and Trixie set to applying make up. Sue was reminded of a toy she had had as a child. It consisted of a head and shoulders in some sort of rubbery plastic and she was supposed to brush its hair and apply the make up that was supplied with it. Well, this 'toy' had no hair to brush but, apart from that, the Countess and Trixie were treating her in just the same way and she had as little say in the outcome as the toy had had. The make up was just as much part of the transformation as the head shaving and, in its way, just as liberating.

"There, perfect!" the Countess said at last. "Now, what did we do with the nipple bells?"

"Here we are, Countess," Trixie said as she opened a jewellery case that had lain on the dressing table. Inside there were a mixture of gold and silver clamps in. The Countess rummaged through until she found a pair of clamps, each with its bell. They were joined by a chain just longer than the gap between Sue's nipples. Although the bells and chain were golden the clamps themselves were a harder metal and had quite sharp teeth to hold them on. Trixie bent down and, using her lips and teeth, teased out Sue's nipples until they were sufficiently prominent and the Countess could attach the clamps. Sue couldn't suppress a little squeak of pain as they gripped.

"Too tight for you, my little Rosalita?" the Countess asked.

"They're...." Sue saw the trap in time. "They're perfect, Countess. I love them." And, to reinforce the point, she wiggled her chest making her breasts bounce and the bells tinkle. "Just perfect."

"And do they make little Rosalita nice and passionate?"

To answer her question the Countess reached between Sue's thighs and used her fingers to probe between the lips of Sue's sex. Sue wasn't that surprised when they slipped in easily. She, or rather little Rosalita, had been aroused ever since the head shaving and she actually moved her thighs apart so as to make access easier. The Countess pushed her fingers a little deeper and used her thumb to stimulate the clitoral hood, sending electric tingles right through Sue's body. She threw her head back and, as she did so, the bells hanging from her nipples jingled. The little tweaks from the clamps only added to the mix.

"Oh, look!" the Countess removed her fingers and held them up in front of Sue's face, "little Rosalita is flowing with passion. Lick."

She held out her fingers in front of Sue's mouth and Sue licked them clean.

"Very good," the Countess purred. "It is good that you are passionate and you should endeavour to remain that way. An important part of your duties will be to entertain me and my guests by showing off that passion. Let's see how well you perform. Go and kneel on the bed. Give me a show, make it good, let me know just how much passion you really have."

For a moment Sue was non-plussed and then she realised what was wanted. Part of her duties was going to be acting as some sort of erotic dancer. Sue, in her previous life, would have been horrified, but Rosalita was a horny little slut who would just love the opportunity to show off how sexy she was. She stood up from the dressing table, sashayed over to the bed and got up onto it. Facing the Countess she knelt up with her knees wide apart and, looking the Countess straight in the eye, reached down with her right hand and started to rub in sensuous circles. Now, as Rosalita, she was freed from any constraints and could indulge her wildest exhibitionist fantasies and this was thrilling her to the core. If the Countess wanted a show then she was damn well going to get one! As her right hand played with her sex so her left hand played with her breasts, making the bells dance. The little jolts of pain as the clamps tugged at her nipples didn't so much hurt as seem to be wired directly to the core of her pleasure. The tinkling of the bells echoed a tingling of her senses.

As their gazes locked she could see that the Countess was just as aroused as she was. This tied directly into Rosalita's exhibitionist streak and spurred her on. She played with the tip of her tongue along her lips and, as she watched, saw the Countess do the same. They might not have been physically touching but they were definitely sharing the experience. She gave a little smile and, again, this was returned.

Fiona stared fascinated at the client. This was far from the first time she had seen this scenario, it was part and parcel of the 'slave training' routine. However, she had never seen it so convincingly done. This client was different, special. It must be something to do with the shaven head, she mused. Few clients went as far as that and it had added a whole new dimension to the game. Ever since then the client had been far more into it. Her state of arousal a few moments ago told its own story there, but, more than that, this display, this dance that she was doing, was genuinely and deeply erotic, far more so than any she had seen before. She thought that she was pretty much immune by now but this was really getting to her and making her all hot and bothered. If she had her way she'd have ordered Angela to join in, and not with the client, either. Angela's tongue working its magic between her thighs was just what Fiona needed right now. However, the script called for her to be the icy Countess using orgasm denial to train her new slave and, if she didn't get a grip, things would get out of hand. For a moment, Fiona almost let the client have her pleasure but she was, at heart, a professional. It was time to call a halt before either of them lost control.

"Don't come without my permission, little Rosalita," the Countess warned, "or I'll have to smack that pretty little bottom of yours." Fiona saw Sue's face drop and it was all she could do to stick to the script. "You see, little Rosalita, you must learn that your performance is for my pleasure, not yours. If I'm not ready for you to come then it would be hurtful if you did. Maybe, if you're good, if you behave, then, if I'm feeling kindly towards you, then I'll let you come later. Now, I've seen enough of you on your own, why don't you do me a show with Trixie? Let's see how well you do with other slaves. Let's see if you can be as passionate with her."

Sue's whole body was in turmoil over her cut-short orgasm. Her fingers strayed a few more times over her mons but, somehow, it wasn't the same anymore. That didn't mean it was over, merely that she was shaken. She looked over at Trixie who was standing up and coming over to the bed. Trixie gave her a big, sexy smile and some of Sue's apprehensions melted.

Trixie got up onto the bed and shuffled over so that she was kneeling next to and facing Sue. She reached out for Sue's waist and, on this bidding, Sue turned round so that, like Trixie, she was side on to the Countess. For a moment or two she and Trixie just looked at each other. Sue couldn't get out of her mind that silly song, "I Kissed a Girl". Her friends had thought it so sexy and daring but it was nothing compared with what she was about to do. Now that she'd got past the 'I'm being forced to have sex against my will' part, this was an exhilarating ride, a roller coaster journey through wild scenarios beyond even her most unrestrained fantasies. She wasn't just going to kiss this girl; she was going to have full on sex with her whilst being watched by her 'owner'. The old boundaries, the limits of what she would or wouldn't do, had gone by the board as she hurtled headlong into her new life as the Countess's slave, doing her bidding and, what's more, getting off on it. Apprehension turned to anticipation as she leaned forward and kissed Trixie on the lips.

Angela, in her role as Trixie, had been here more than once before. Unlike the previous evening where the client was "forced" to go down on her, this time it should be more mutual. However, for many clients, this was another Rubicon to cross and they needed to be eased over into what was often their first mutual lesbian session. The trick was to let the client set the pace, to encourage, even lead at bit, but basically allow the client find out just how bi-curious she really was. This time could not have been more different. Right from the start the client rushed in with a no holds barred clinch and the kiss was no idle peck but tongues and all. Trixie broke from the kiss and hugged Sue close so that their heads were side by side and, crucially, Trixie's head was furthest from the Countess.

"Slow down," she whispered, "make it last."

"That bitch has left me so fucking horny!" Sue muttered between clenched teeth.

"I know, honey, she likes to do that but, trust me, it's better this way."

Sue got a grip on herself and realised that Trixie was right. Apart from anything else a long slow sensuous session was more likely to please the Countess than her bull-at-a-gate approach. She pulled back, gave Trixie a little smile and started kissing again, this time gentler, more sensually. Trixie responded in kind and, once they had started, it just seemed so simple, so easy. Sure, there was still this aching need that had to be satisfied but it could wait. She could enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

Fiona had, of course, been well aware of their whispered conversation; she was, after all, sitting only a few feet away from them. If she were playing strictly to the script then the Countess would have had to punish both of them for talking. However, she trusted Angela and, if she had felt the need to talk then she must have seen that the client needed guidance.

Meanwhile Sue was discovering just how different, and how similar, it was to make love to a woman. Now they had got past her initial passionate fury they were kissing with a tenderness and subtlety that Sue had never had from any of her male lovers. While she still wanted to be taken, ravished, plundered, she was appreciating that, where her male lovers had grabbed and groped, Trixie would stroke and caress. In particular Trixie didn't make an instant grab for her breasts and groin, nor did she play with her nipples as if they were the controls of a radio and, for that, Sue was grateful. But, for all that this was softer, gentler, than her male partners, it didn't mean that it was any less erotic.

However, as the caresses continued, and the heat between them continued to grow, Sue was beginning to wish Trixie would make a grab for her breast or her groin. The urgency of her need simply wasn't being met by this gentle approach and if Trixie wasn't going to do anything then she would have to. She rubbed their breasts together and this tugged on the clips holding the bells, sending zigzag shafts of pain through her aiming straight for the centre of her pleasure. She did it again and again and then Trixie got the message. She pulled back from the kiss and, reaching for Sue's breasts, started to play with the clips. The pain was really quite sharp but, whether because of the endorphins, the sexual high, or simply the atmosphere, it was one of the most exciting things Sue had ever experienced. She shuffled forwards so that their thighs interlocked further and kept doing so until her groin was resting on Trixie's knee. Now she could really get to work. As Trixie played with her nipples she forced her groin forward, rubbing it up and down, up and down. As to whether this was the 'passionate show' that the Countess had demanded, she neither knew nor cared. She was so close, so damn close, so very....

"Stop! Enough!" the Countess called out.

But this time Sue wasn't stopping. All her good intentions about being the well-behaved slave had gone out of the window. She had one need, one desire, one goal and stopping was not on the agenda. Trixie must have sensed this because she grabbed both of the clips and squeezed. The explosion of pain rocked through Sue's body and, in response, she ground herself down so that her whole weight seemed to be pressing down on Trixie's knee. Great waves of intense emotion wracked her body and she had to hang on to Trixie just to stay upright. The rule of silence was also well and truly broken as, fired by the force of the sensations running through every inch of her body, she cried out, not words but cries, cries mixed with both joy and of pain.

And then the wave broke, she could take no more and, exhausted to her very roots, she slumped forward and would have fallen to the bed had Trixie not held her.

Over Sue's shoulder Angela exchanged a grin with Fiona. This was not strictly according to the plan but there was no doubt that the client had had what she was paying for. The strength and intensity of her orgasm were unmistakable. However, as the client returned back to earth it was time to revert to the script.

"Oh, dear, little Rosalita," the Countess said with regret, "how you disappoint me. You were doing so well but you couldn't control yourself and now I'll have to punish you. Trixie, sweetie, go and prepare the horse, will you?"

Trixie lowered Sue gently to the bed and then slipped off to the main room of the suite. The Countess came over and sat down on the bed next to Sue. She reached out and gently stroked the still shaking body of her 'slave'.

"I'm sorry, so sorry, Countess," Sue replied, horrified at just how wrong her 'be obedient' policy was going. "I just couldn't help myself. My passion... it...."

"Oh, I understand, you have so much passion that you lost control. You're such a pretty little thing, little Rosalita, and you have such a gift of natural passion, that I'm glad I bought you, even if you cost more than I planned to spend. But that doesn't make it right. You disobeyed me and that will never do. I will have to teach you self control; the paddle and the crop will do that for me. Now you must be punished, not a lot, just enough to help you learn. Come, child."