Mistaken Identity Ch. 02


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Sarah asked Ruth to stop playback and zoom in on the 'client's' face. She already knew what to expect but this confirmed it beyond doubt. There, tied to the auction post, was a woman Sarah had never seen before, and, furthermore, definitely not Jennifer Harris. She couldn't, in all conscience, put it off any longer; at the end of the day she was responsible for the actions of her company and she had to release this woman from her torment. She walked round to the door of the set and went inside.

Sue was in a strange place. As a punishment for failing to control herself the Countess had given her a dozen strokes with the riding crop. The paddle had stung, stung enough to bring tears to her eyes, but it was nothing compared with the crop. Sue had howled, unashamedly and unreservedly, as the crop had left its ribbons of fire not just across her already battered backside but also down the backs of her thighs.

And, if that were not enough, the Countess had decided to reinforce the message by having her Trixie fuck her up the arse with a strap on. To be fair they had used plenty of lubricant but she still felt stretched to the limit as the rigid invader was forced inside her bowels.

But this was the strange part. Her stretched sphinctre, the still burning wheals, the clamps on her nipples, all of them hurt, really hurt, but, between them, they had taken her to a place where she was almost serene, detached, almost as if this were happening to someone else. Now she actually welcomed the thrusts from the strap-on, actually wanted the abuse. During her college years she had dabbled in some of the milder drugs but neither ecstasy nor hash had ever given her a high like this.

She was so far gone she was barely aware of the door opening and the sudden commotion around her. She felt the strap-on being eased from her anus and the cuffs around her ankles and wrists being released. Someone, she assumed Trixie helped her to gently slide back onto her feet, the clamps from her nipples were removed and she was led across to a sofa where she lay down. Trixie went to the door and, reaching outside, fetched both dressing gowns, one of which she brought back and laid over Sue as a sort of blanket, the other she put on. As the mists cleared Sue looked up and there was this strange woman looking at her.

"What now," Sue thought to herself.

"Miss Brown," the woman said, "my name is Sarah and I run an organisation called Executive Fantasies. I'm afraid to say that you have been the victim of a series of very unfortunate coincidences."

"Executive Fantasies? What the fuck?! "

"Miss Brown, as you may know, there are those who have fantasies of being abducted and mistreated. My company provides the means by which those fantasies can be made real. Everything that has happened to you here was actually the voluntary request of one of our clients. Unfortunately, well, as I say, there were a series of unfortunate coincidences and, well, there's no beating around the bush, we got the wrong woman."

As Sue came down from the subspace high her mistreated body started to complain. Her buttocks and the back of her thighs were on fire, her nipples throbbed and her backside seemed to have been stretched beyond repair. Moreover she was beginning to make sense of what this woman was saying.

"So... all this... it's not real... it's just somebody's sick fantasy... and you... you... you got the wrong bloody woman! Do you know what they've done to me! Do you have any idea what I've been through!" Sue sat up, wincing as her buttocks touched the sofa, and got to her feet. She took the dressing gown and wrapped it around her. "So what happens now? What's to stop me going straight to the police?"

"Please, Miss Brown, I do understand your distress and, yes, I do know what you've been through. As for going to the police, I'd ask you to hang fire for a moment or two. My legal advisor is on her way and, when she arrives, maybe we can persuade you not to go. Look, I know you haven't had any breakfast yet. Why don't you go with Angela and let us get you some coffee at least?"

"Breakfast! After all you've put me through you think you can fob me off with breakfast! And who the fuck is Angela?"

"Please, Miss Brown, I'm not trying to fob you off. Really I'm not. It's just that making this right is going to take a moment or two to organise. I'm working as hard as I can to find an acceptable solution and, while you're waiting, I'd like to offer you some breakfast."

"And who's Angela?" Sue repeated.

"I believe you know her as Trixie. And, while we're at it, can I also introduce you to Fiona?"

Sue looked across at Angela and Fiona who smiled back sheepishly.

"So, not a Venezuelan Countess, then."

"Just a girl from Croydon, I'm afraid," Fiona answered.

Sue looked from Angela to Fiona and back again. They smiled back sheepishly and it was getting harder and harder to stay cross with them. Oh, sure, she was still furious at this Sarah woman and her glibness but she was starting to realise that she hadn't got that many options. She was still stark naked except for the dressing gown and effectively trapped in whatever hellhole they were keeping her in. She had no idea what this woman could do to 'sort things out' but she might as well see what was on offer and, in the meanwhile, her rumbling stomach was demanding food.

"OK," she said reluctantly. "And, while we're at it, some clothes would be nice. Maybe you've forgotten that mine were shredded and I haven't got a stitch to wear. What are you going to do about that?"

"I can assure you I hadn't forgotten. If you'll just go with Angela she'll show you the clothes we keep for exactly that reason. You'll find we have a number of items in a number of styles. Please feel free to choose anything you want with our compliments. Now. If you'll excuse me, I have much to arrange. Angela, perhaps you could take Miss Brown to the debriefing room. Fiona, do you think you could arrange some breakfast?"

"Whatever you're arranging it had better be good," Sue said to Sarah before turning to Angela. "Come along then, take me to this debriefing room."

The "debriefing room" turned out to be a lounge with an attached bathroom. On one wall there was a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a dressing table. The first thing Sue noticed on the dressing table was the three mannequin heads, each with a wig. This brought back to her that she had had her head shaved and she went to the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "Look at the state of this."

"I'm sorry," Angela started. "If we'd have known...."

"Do you do this often?" Sue asked, stroking her bald head as if she still didn't believe she had been shaven.

"Quite a bit. Well, not so much the head shaving, that's a bit special, but the general gist is mostly the same."

Sue gave Angela a long hard look as she fully took in what she was saying.

"And you, you don't mind being...," Sue wasn't sure where this question was leading.

"I think of myself as an actress," Angela replied. "We act out the client's fantasies, make them come 'real'. OK, so it's not the sort of job you tell mum about but the pay's good and, to tell the truth, the job's not so bad either. I mean... well...," Angela gave a shy smile, "I get to fool around with lots of attractive women. I probably shouldn't say this but I thought we had quite a bit of fun together. You have a talented tongue and I enjoyed showering with you...."

Angela's shy smile was infectious and Sue started to see the humour in it all. Her frown turned into a smile and then a giggle. It's hard to feel mean towards someone with whom you have had extreme sex only minutes ago and, after all, Angela was not the guilty party here.

"So, what happens now?" Sue asked.

"Well, the bathroom's through there and we have clothes and a selection of wigs all set out for you. Of course, the sizes may be a bit out as we bought for the original client but we'll see what we can do. If necessary I guess one of us can do a run to the shops for you."

Angela and Sue went over to the chest of drawers and sorted through the underwear. There was no doubting that it was all top of the range stuff and all brand new. Unfortunately, when she tried them on, the bras were all the wrong size so Sue had to compromise with a chemise top and matching panties, both in pure silk. She put these on and was just searching through the wardrobe when Fiona arrived with the breakfast trolley. She'd brought enough for them all so she stayed to chat. Sue took a break from the wardrobe and started off with some much-needed coffee. The smell of freshly warmed croissants reminded her how hungry she was, so she had one of those as well, with a pat of butter and some little scarlet strawberry preserves. Now that they were all out of role she found that Fiona was just as friendly as Angela and the three of them were getting along fine. They had made serious inroads into the breakfast trolley and were still chatting when Sara and yet another woman entered.

"Ah, Miss Brown, I do hope Fiona and Angela are looking after you OK. Please let me introduce Francine, my legal advisor. Why don't you take a seat? We'd like to talk to you about what happens next."

"I'll stand, if you don't mind," Sue said firmly. "I'm not sure I'm going to be sitting comfortably for quite a while."

"As you wish. I hope you don't mind if we sit," Sarah replied as she and Francine sat down. Sarah nodded to Francine to start.

"Miss Brown," Francine began, "whilst Executive Fantasies cannot admit any liability they wish to express their sincere regret over the unfortunate circumstances which have brought you here. Furthermore we wish to reach an agreement satisfactory to all parties.

"I gather from my client that you are considering legal action, in short that you wish to go to the police. There are a number of reasons why this is not seen as a satisfactory outcome and, without going into details, if you insist on persisting in this course of action, Executive Fantasies will be forced to do everything in their power to ensure that your knowledge of their personnel and this location is kept to a minimum. I might also mention, at this point, that Executive Fantasies has a number of influential clients and, if necessary, would use every method possible to discredit you and the meagre information you already know.

"However, we sincerely hope that it never comes to that. We'd be far happier with a more amicable outcome. Perhaps you would like to cast your eyes over this offer." Francine opened her briefcase and handed Sue a file. Sue opened it and the first thing she saw was an official looking piece of paper with a large sum of money printed on it.

"What's this?" she asked.

"That is a banker's draft. It's a bit like a cheque except you don't know the name of the payor. That is the sum Executive Fantasies is prepared to offer in consideration of any inconvenience you may have suffered. However, before you make your mind up, you should also read the attached contract."

Sue tried to read through the contract but it was full of the legal gobble-de-gook and totally impenetrable. She could, however, understand the gist of it. If she were to divulge any knowledge of Executive Fantasies to anyone then she would be personally liable for a sum considerably greater than the one on the banker's draft. She looked again at the sum being offered. She would have to work several years to earn that much and here she was being offered it on a plate. Evidently there was good money in Executive Fantasies. No wonder they were so keen to keep it a secret.

"I need some time to think this over," she said. "Maybe, if you could leave me alone for a while. Anyway, I need to finish getting dressed."

"Of course," Sarah answered. "By the way, here's your handbag. We've kept your mobile phone, for the moment, if you don't mind."

"And even if I do," Sue said with a laugh. Sarah gave a rueful smile.

"Just knock on the door when you're ready. Angela will wait outside and she'll come and fetch us when you're ready to talk again."

And with that they all trooped out. Sue stared at the banker's draft. It really was silly money. Then she went over to the wardrobe. All the clothes were, as with the underwear, top of the range stuff from the best West End stores, stuff that would normally be well beyond her means. She wondered about the real client. How rich would they have to be to afford all this? She chose a trouser suit in navy blue and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked fabulous. If only she could afford clothes like this.

And that was when the plan started. Well, the initial seeds had been sown by Angela, but that was when it started to make sense. Sure, she'd accept the banker's draft, Executive Fantasies were going to have to pay, but there would be more to it that that. She went to the door, knocked on it and, when Angela answered she told her that she was ready to talk. Two minutes later Sarah and Francine were walking back into the room.

"I have a slightly different suggestion," Sue started. "One that might suit both of us..."

Six months later

Sue, her hands locked behind her back, shuffled across the floor on her knees. Fiona, as ever, looked magnificent as she stood over her in her role as the Countess. Beside her, also on their knees, were the two other 'slaves', Angela in role as Trixie and Jennifer, today's client. Sue had only glanced at the script. She found it easier to stay in role if she didn't know exactly what was coming and, ever since she had joined the cast after that fateful weekend, she had grown to trust that whatever was meted out would be thrilling and fabulously sexy. But, even though she didn't know the details she knew that before the weekend was over she would be getting as good as she gave. Not only would her tongue be well used but she would also be on the receiving end.

Right now, though, it was time to play her part. She leant forward and kissed the Countess's toes. She felt the riding crop tracing the outline of her naked buttock and, even before the first blow, she felt her juices flow. All this and a fat paycheque at the end of the day. This was real job satisfaction!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I do wonder if there was a tinge of dissapointment when Sue got home that night and slept in her bed instead of with her owner or her sexy co-slave, but then she had the excitement of her new job to look forward to the next day!

I would certainly like to buy her and have her run around naked as a little slave girl for my girl friend and l. Very sexy thought!

Very enjoyable read, and i feel certainly worth 5 stars. Thank you Miss Jones.

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 4 years ago
A Reasonable Adjustment

Executive Fantasies appeals to the adventurism of the upwardly mobile professional - managerial caste wiling to spend money for the excitement of unusual experiences. Enter Jennifer after careful vetting she's selected for a wish fulfillment to be kidnapped, enslaved and sexually abused. Given a fake identity as Susan Brown, Jennifer is to meet her captors on the corner of the High St and Station Road at six thirty on Friday.

Unfortunately, Jennifer is hit by a car rendered incapacitated. At the appointed time, inopportunely the real Susan Brown, a clerk in an insurance concern, finds herself at the corner at the appropriate time.

Stripped, displayed for auction and sold to the countess according to script, the real Susan Brown is in for a wild weekend of head shaving, padding and caging. What was intended to be fun for Jennifer may not have amused Susan. How will ExF deal with Susan when they realize that Susan is not their client?

The Mistaken Identity presents a delightful story of serendipity and misadventure working as book ends. The erotic elements support these contrary themes.

verbicideverbicideover 7 years ago
Pretty good

I liked it alright and gave it 4 stars. The only thing that kept it from being a 5 star tale is in the end, "Executive Fantasies" paid no price for their misdeeds and I'm a big believer in karmic justice. I guess I'll just have to imagine that lawyer being smacked by a lorry.

maddictmaddictalmost 8 years ago
I'm delighted

I would of dumped Sue in some hastly hatched escape, causing her a life time of fear and more.

Your wonderfully composed compromise is far superior to my run away as fast as i can approach.

Sue was lucky to have been shown her unknown delight in her forced "O", and can now enjoy her dark and nasty orgasms with some dvree of satisfaction.

I'm also glad you have continued to contribute to my sic pleasure found in these posts. Glad no one came to actual harm

johnnyjonesjohnnyjonesover 10 years ago

... "quite"... *sigh*

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