Mister Big

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He never thought she would become a size queen.
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This is a revised version of my original story. I have taken the advice of some of the comments and removed some things not pertinent to the actual story. I want to thank those who enjoyed the story and those who offered constructive criticism.

I also had included an admonition that this is a fictional story and if one doesn't understand fiction, to look it up. Apparently there are enough anal retentives out there who don't understand the word and can't bother to educate themselves. This is the exact reason I included the message, I was hoping to avoid the flurry of comments from those with nits to pick who feel literary superiority by posting.

I don't want to make this sound like a whine, I have a pretty thick skin and I do want to thank those who read the story, whether you like it or not. And I don't object to constructive criticism.


I was sitting in the passenger seat of the van going over my notes when I first heard it. Nick was in the back setting up the equipment and I realized he just turned on the parabolic mic we used to capture distant conversations. I wasn't paying particular attention but I could hear a woman speaking.

"... He has a 9 inch dick!" I wasn't sure I had heard that correctly, but it sure sounded like I had.

Not certain of what the conversation was because usually Nick would just point the mic in the general direction as he fine tuned it for the conversation we expected to capture.

"What the hell are you listening to back there Nick?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder into the back of the van. Nick was working on the long lens camera that we would use to capture video and wasn't paying a lot of attention to the audio.

"What do you mean Bobby?" He asked, looking up from what he had been doing.

"Haven't you been listening to that woman?" I asked, chuckling as I could hear the conversation continuing in the background.

"Not really. There are a couple of women sitting at an outside table at the coffee shop across the square but I really haven't been listening to what they're saying." He said as he looked out the open door of the van in the direction the microphone was pointing.

"I swear when he stuck it in me I could feel it push my tonsils out of the way." I heard the woman's voice as she continued. I had to listen more carefully since Nick had only just turned on the mic. I could hear a lot of static and there was some background noise that also made it difficult for me to pick out the words. I knew that before we were ready he would have cleaned up the signal and adjusted the gain so that the conversation we were expecting to hear would be crystal clear.

I'm an investigative reporter with the Washington Defender and Nick was my tech guy. He and I had been partners for the past 4 years and we worked well together. Right now I was expecting to do an interview with Sen. Nathan Smith. My editor had gotten an anonymous tip that the senator was meeting his mistress in the hotel and I was here to talk to him about that. No, I didn't work for one of those sleazy gossip rags but rather a paper that was noted for its honesty, integrity and objectivity. So, you may ask, why was I here to find out about the senator who might be cheating on his wife? Actually an illicit affair really didn't matter to me one way or another. However, the senator was a ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee as well as the Senate appropriations committee. Both of those positions were very high profile and if someone decided to use information about an illicit affair to blackmail him it could become a real problem.

Not only was his position in the Senate important with respect to how he might vote or how he might influence his colleagues to vote but if he was forced to resign that may also change the balance of power in the Senate. If he lost his seat there was always a possibility that the other party might take it over and in so doing become one seat closer to regaining the majority they had recently lost. If that were to happen, the future of the country was again in peril. Another issue that concerned me as well as my editor was the fact that the senator was currently an even money bet in Las Vegas to be picked as the vice presidential nominee in next year's presidential election. With that kind of pressure on him the last thing he and the rest of the country would need was the threat that he was somehow stepping out on his wife.

I had known the senator for about 15 years now. I wouldn't say that we were good friends but we were more than just casual acquaintances. The first time we met he was a newly elected Congressman from Nebraska and I was a young 20 year old college student who was doing an internship with the paper. I say the paper even though the print version was a very small percentage of our readership. In fact, if not for that small but loyal group of subscribers who demanded it we would've stopped publishing a print version several years earlier. The paper had a very loyal base although not nearly as large as some of the other publications in Washington. The readership was very loyal because they knew they could get the truth from us without a lot of the fluff that many other news media insisted on adding to their own propaganda. I say propaganda because many of them seemed to be in business not to just present the news but to present it in such a way that included their own political agenda. The movers and shakers in DC understood that if something appeared in our publication it was factual and accurate. In fact, nothing we printed would appear without corroboration from one or more totally reliable sources. That philosophy had been the hallmark of the paper from the time it began in the mid-60s and continued to this day. Our publication was almost required reading for every politician and lawyer and lobbyist in the city. Some of them may not like what we published but every one of them respected what we did.

"I can't believe you did something like that sis." The woman's voice once again intruded into my thoughts. I really didn't want to listen to their conversation but for some reason I couldn't stop. I know it took more concentration than I should be putting into it because of all the extraneous background noise and static but somehow I couldn't ignore it.

"I can't believe it either, but it just happened. We were in the house and he was showing us around and Will went out into the garage to check it out. Gerald and I were in the kitchen just making small talk when I happened to look across and saw that huge bulge at his crotch. I couldn't believe something could be that big. He saw me looking and next thing I know he had stepped over to me and placed my hand on his cock. It wasn't hard but damn that sucker was big! He started rubbing my hand up and down it and I could feel it starting to swell but then we heard Will coming back. We stepped away from each other and Gerry turned away so that Will wouldn't notice the increased size in his pants." I heard her say. I'm not sure if she realized it but I don't think very many men are going to be looking at another man's package but who can say. I also got a sudden realization from what she was saying. She had mentioned the name Will and I had a brother-in-law named Will. As Nick was starting to fiddle with the microphone to adjust the clarity of the audio I suddenly realized I was listening to my sister-in-law Laura and she was talking to my wife Lynn.

"Okay, so you played with his cock. How do you get from that to having it push your tonsils out of the way?" I heard my wife asking, she was giggling as she asked the question.

"He took one of his business cards and wrote a number on the back and handed it to me, telling me to call him and I did. We went back to that house later in the afternoon and that's when he bent me over the table and fucked my brains out." I heard Laura responding to my wife.

"You didn't!?"

"Yes I did! It was great! And if you think he was just some Neanderthal with a big dick, you'd be wrong. He knows how to use it and I've had enough dick in my life to know the difference." Laura said and I could almost see the smirk on her face as she was talking to Lynn.

"You're crazy! What are you going to do if Will finds out?" Lynn asked her.

"Will isn't going to find out. And even if he does, he loves me enough that he would forgive me."

"You sound awfully sure of yourself. How many times have you heard the story about the wife cheating on her husband and he finds out, next thing you know they're divorced?" My wife offered to her sister. I was glad to see that Lynn was thinking more logically although I thought perhaps she ought to be telling her sister more forcefully that she had done something wrong.

"Haven't you ever had a really big Dick inside of you? With all those guys you fucked in college you can't tell me you don't know what it feels like." Laura asked my wife.

"I didn't fuck nearly as many guys as you did but know I really wasn't worrying about how long their dicks were. To me, it's more important what they did with them." I heard my wife answering.

"You sound like all the guys with small cocks telling me it isn't the size that matters but how they use it." Her sister said as I could hear her laughing hilariously.

I was surprised at some of the conversation. Neither Lynn nor I had been virgins when we met and although I knew she had been with several other men just as I had been with a number of other women the way her sister was talking several would seem to be quite an underestimate. Still, we hadn't felt it necessary to explain the details of our sex life prior to meeting when we did get together so I guess I didn't really have anything to complain about. Still, it bothered me a little to find just how experienced my wife apparently was.

"Are you listening to this shit?" Nick said, his words interrupted my thoughts about my wife and her sexual experiences.

"I'm trying to go over my notes here but I can't believe some of the crap they're talking about." I said, I really didn't want Nick to know my relationship to the 2 women.

"You think that's what women talk about all the time when they're by themselves?" He said, he was chuckling as he was twiddling the dials and bringing the conversation in more clearly.

"I really have no idea but I think it isn't a lot different than guys talking about women with big tits and nice asses either." I suggested and he agreed wholeheartedly.

"When do you think the Senator is going to show up?" He asked as he changed the subject.

"I'm not sure, but I gave the desk clerk a nice new picture of Ben Franklin to text me when he sees the senator heading for the door. We should have a little bit of advance notice but I really can't say when that might be. I know there's a session later this morning and I don't think he's going to miss it so it probably won't be much longer." I answered as I got back to thinking about my reason for being here.

"So honey, when are you going to take your turn?" Laura's voice shocked me as I realized what she was saying to her sister.

"I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that." Lynn answered, I was relieved to hear what she had to say.

"I don't believe you. You know you want to feel that big cock filling your pussy as full as it can possibly be. How big is Robert's?" Laura asked.

"I don't know, I've never measured it." Lynn answered the question her sister had asked.

"You can bet he has... So make a guess. What is it 2 inches? 4 inches? 10 inches? Surely you must have some idea." Laura was starting to badger my wife.

2 inches? How the hell did she think I was that small. I'm sure she didn't and I'm sure she didn't have any idea but at the same time the idea that she thought I might not have enough to satisfy my wife was starting to bother me.

"I don't know, maybe 5 or 6 inches?" Lynn ventured.

"Okay, so when Robert has it stuck in you as far as it's going to go, Gerald has another 3 inches he can still shove in. Surely you can imagine how much better that's going to feel." Laura said with a chuckle.

"I don't care if it's going to feel better or not, I love Robert and I would never consider doing something like that to him." My wife added, I was glad she thought that way and had made her position clear to her sister.

I was feeling better about the conversation I had been eavesdropping on when my phone chimed and I looked at the text. The senator was on his way down and it was time for me to head over toward the hotel door. The plan was to make it look as though I had run into him by chance and then we would have some time to talk I hoped. I wasn't sure what his schedule was but I do know it was almost an hour until he had to be in the Senate for the first session of the day. I walked briskly across the plaza and just as he was exiting the door I was close enough that I could speak to him without raising my voice.

"Hey Nate! Fancy meeting you here." I said with a smile as I reached out my hand to shake his.

"Morning Bobby! Yeah, it is a coincidence isn't it." He said with a sly grin on his face.

"Okay, so it isn't a coincidence. Sue me." I said as we got close enough to lower our voices to speak normally. He wasn't stupid and he knew that the likelihood that this was a chance meeting was very small.

"Well now that we have the pleasantries out of the way we both know that this wasn't just a random meeting, what's on your mind?" He said, he was never one to beat around the bush. I liked that about him, I may not always agree with everything he did but he was an honest and ethical man. The fact that he was a politician didn't help my character assessment of him a lot but I had known him long enough to know that he was one of the most ethical and forthright people I had ever met.

"How about if I buy you a cup of coffee?" I started, pointing over toward the coffee shop next to the hotel.

"Are you trying to bribe me Bobby?" He said with a big smile on his face.

"If you can be bought for the price of a cup of coffee, I think this country is in big trouble."

"I can't, but I can think of a couple of my colleagues who might..." He said softly and a few names came to mind at that comment. I didn't pursue it.

We went over and sat down at the same table which coincidentally had only recently been occupied by my wife and her sister. The busboy had just finished clearing off their trash and wiping the table down as we each took our seats.

"I'll send the waitress right out gentlemen." He said as he scurried back inside.

Shortly a pleasant young woman came out and we each ordered a cup of black coffee before we started to speak. When she had brought the coffee and set it on the table and we had declined the offer of anything else, we got down to business.

"So we know this isn't just a chance meeting and I assume you're working on a story." He started. Like I said, the senator wasn't stupid and he knew the way things worked here in Washington. I had first met him 15 years ago when he was a newly elected Congressman from Nebraska and I was a 20 year old intern just starting with the paper. Once I finished college I was hired as a reporter and at the same time he had been reelected to a second term in Congress. He was just about to run for his third term when one of the senators from Nebraska had a heart attack and died in office. The governor appointed Nate to finish out the senator's unexpired term and then he ran on his own and was elected for a full term. Currently he was halfway through the second full term and had risen in power and prestige among his colleagues in the Senate. He was relatively well respected and I was fortunate to be able to consider him a casual friend.

"No, this isn't just a random meeting. I've got a couple things I need to talk to you about if you have a few minutes I'd appreciate your time." I started.

"And I suppose you're recording this?" He asked although he really didn't have to. He and I both knew that if he asked me not to record it or to repeat it that it wouldn't be recorded nor would it ever be repeated.

"You're right Nate, you're on camera and audio. Are you okay with that?" I asked knowing that if he said no Nick would immediately shut down the equipment.

"No, it's okay I don't have anything to hide." He said confidently.

"Well, I know you and I are going to dance around the issue so I'll just start out with the reason I'm here to speak to you."

"Fire away!" He said, taking a sip from his coffee before sitting back and waiting for me to start.

"My editor got an anonymous tip that you're having an extramarital affair. Personally I really don't care one way or the other but unfortunately there are those who might. You know our policy, we don't print salacious gossip and I'm not here looking for a story just to scoop the National Enquirer. Like I said, personally I don't care if you're having an affair or not but you know that there are a lot of consequences right?" He merely nodded and took another sip from his coffee.

"Something like this can expose you to potential blackmail and I'm sure you understand the consequences of that. You also know that you're never out of sight or sound from a lot of people in this city who have a lot less scruples than I do. I'm sure you don't want to get yourself involved in some tawdry media frenzy, either you or your wife. You know that isn't going to happen with the Defender but you also know there are plenty of others around with very few ethical morals." I wasn't telling him anything he didn't know, but I thought that just reminding him might be helpful.

"I'm not having an affair Bobby, I never would. I know you and your paper aren't the type to spread rumor like that and I know that by me just denying it won't give me the credibility you are looking for but I am telling you the truth." He said as he looked directly into my eyes. I had been doing this long enough that I could read people almost like a book. I didn't see any hint of dishonesty on his face and I was confident he was telling me the truth. Still, someone apparently felt he was having an affair and that person had taken the time and effort to contact my editor. I had to wonder if they contacted us knowing we would find the truth or whether we were just the first of several other media organizations that person might contact to somehow shame the senator.

"I've heard the rumors that you're on the ticket for the presidential race next year." I said as I changed the subject a little bit. It was more a statement than a question although I guess he could take it either way.

Oh? I haven't heard that. You know something I don't?" He said as his face remained neutral. He was a masterful politician and I had to wonder if he had learned to lie as well as I had learned how to read people's thoughts and emotions. Something like this wasn't anything I needed to worry about total honesty but I had the feeling that at this point he didn't know. Of course the election was almost 18 months away and I didn't think choosing a vice presidential running mate would happen that far in advance of the election.

"Well, if no one has asked you yet I certainly hope I will be the first person you tell once that happens." I said, I was always looking for an angle and another story.

"Well, you'll be in line somewhere behind my wife if that question is one I ever have to address." He said, he didn't say directly but I knew he was reiterating his earlier statement that he wasn't having an affair. We each knew I had understood the message and I had to respect him for how he said it.

"Okay, after your wife then but I certainly hope I'm the second." I said with a smile as I finished the last of my coffee.

"Anything else I can help you with today Bobby?" He said and I realized our conversation was just about over.