Mister Big


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"You're not mad at me for taking off my shirt are you Bobby?" She asked in a worried tone.

"I could never be mad at you Angie." I said, the huge smile that suddenly appeared on her face was enough to melt my heart.

"I'm so glad Bobby I don't want you to be mad at me. I want to make you happy." She said and suddenly she didn't seem so childlike to me.

We spent an hour in the water splashing and dunking and having a great time. The fact that she was topless didn't even cross my mind until we went back to the beach blanket and sat there drying. Several people had walked past and stared and I could completely understand but none had stopped nor done anything to bother us. It was a fun time and our comfort with each other had become even greater. She didn't want to but didn't complain when I suggested she put the shirt back on so we could walk back to the house.

"It's one thing on the beach, people might expect it but here in the neighborhood it's probably not appropriate for you to go without a shirt." I said, she understood and didn't complain as we walked back. Inside the house she again took off the shirt, looking at me with that smug smile as she asked me "I can take the shirt off in the house though can't I?"

"If you want to go without a shirt in the house, feel free." Yeah, I had a real tough time saying that.

"I know you like looking at them." She said with a laugh, she came over and hugged me for the first time. I didn't notice any sexual overtones in her demeanor but I could feel the beginnings of a tingle in my own suit, something I desperately wanted to avoid.

We seemed to have crossed some sort of boundary, as I said we were a lot more comfortable with each other. Angie rarely wore a shirt in the house and would even go out on the back deck & sun topless although she was visible to several other houses in the neighborhood from there. It never bothered her when I mentioned it she just laughed and said if somebody wanted to look it didn't bother her. She would come into my room or the bathroom when I was showering without concern, soon it seemed pointless to even close doors and our life together was becoming even more casual and carefree. We often went to the beach and swam in the ocean, we each enjoyed it and although Angie didn't know how to swim I soon was able to teach her and we were able to spend even more time in the water. During the day we would wander the island and see the sights, at night we would sit out on the deck and look up at the stars as we enjoyed the warm ocean breezes blowing across. It was a wonderful time.


Several weeks later I had finished shaving Angie's pussy again, I had taught her how to do her legs and underarms with the blade but she insisted I always do her pubic hair for her. I wasn't going to complain even though I thought she was fully capable of doing it herself. I had been doing this every few days in order to keep her smooth, she didn't like the stubble as it started to grow in so it became necessary to shave her maybe every third day. I don't know why but after I had finished shaving her and wiping down her crotch all decorum left my head as well as any of my good sense. Without thinking I plunged my face into her crotch, searching with my tongue as I started licking and probing.

"No! It's dirty! I pee..." Those were the last intelligible words she uttered, soon she was sitting there moaning and trembling as her body shook with the feeling she had never before experienced. She had tried to close her legs around my head but after a few seconds of probing with my tongue her legs went limp and I was able to push them apart and soon she had them open as wide as she could possibly be. I licked and sucked and totally explored her pussy with my tongue. Soon her juices were flowing and my face was a wet mess.

It didn't take long and before I would have expected it, she was screaming and whimpering, I was sucking her clit into my mouth and she was involuntarily humping her crotch into my face. Lynn had never been big on oral but judging by the way Angie was thrashing about I would suspect she would not have those same reservations.

"I'm sorry Angie!" I immediately apologized as soon as my brain let me know what I had done.

"What did you do to me?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry!" I tried again, I didn't know how to explain to her what I had done.

"I've never felt anything like that. It didn't bother you to have your face down there? I feel warm and tingly all over. Is that sex?" Angie was confused but didn't seem upset.

"It's sort of sex..." I started.

"What is sort of sex?" she asked as she was becoming more coherent.

"What I did might be considered part of sex, but it isn't all there is to it." I tried explaining.

"You're going to have to do a better job than that." She said with a giggle.

I took the wash cloth and did a better job of wiping the wetness from her crotch and my own face. I led her to the sofa in the sitting room and for the next 3 hours tried to explain sex to her. I went over the anatomy, the biology and the psychology. I tried to explain hormones and emotions, love and lust. I talked about positions and everything else I could think of. I remembered thinking years ago that if Lynn and I had a daughter, her mother would be the one giving her this talk. During the entire 3 hour talk Angie had been naked and I didn't even give the matter a second thought.

That night I was in bed when Angie came into my room. She was again naked and got into my bed.

"Do it again!" It wasn't a request, she demanded it. There wasn't any doubt about what she wanted and I did my best to offer her a repeat performance from earlier. She fell asleep in my bed and we never again slept in separate bedrooms.

"This is your erection right?" Angie asked as she was handling my morning wood as I awoke the following day.

"You remembered what I told you." I laughed as she seemed fascinated by my cock in her hand.

"Will it squirt if I play with it?" What kind of a question was that. I had been celibate for the better part of a month and would probably shoot if a strong breeze had been blowing across my cock.

"Why don't you try and see what happens." I suggested knowing she wanted to play.

She started rubbing and squeezing me, my cock was getting harder by the second. She pushed and pulled, moved it about and all the time was giddy with her new toy. I was starting to feel a warmth building in my balls when she licked the head.

"You licked me between the legs, can I do it to you?" she asked as she stopped her toying long enough to pose the question.

"You can but it won't be long before my cock will be squirting something." I offered as I could feel the impending explosion building.

"Your cock?" she asked.

"It is what people call a penis sometimes. You remember from our talk yesterday that I said there were slang words for body parts. My cock is what you are holding in your hand." I managed to squeak out as the pressure in my balls was getting closer.

Without asking she sucked my cock into her mouth and started rubbing it with her tongue. Much as I wanted to let her continue, I pulled her head away from my organ just as the first of my ejaculate launched itself, the first shot splattering across her cheek and then onto her chest. She pulled back in surprise as she watched the succeeding shots paint her breasts before my flow slowed to a dribble and stopped.

"That is what happens when I squirt. I didn't want it to go into your mouth without letting you know." I offered as she seemed concerned about why I had pulled her away at the last second.

"Is there something wrong with it?" she asked.

"No, but some women don't like the taste. It is the semen I spoke of yesterday, if the man squirts it into the woman's vagina, sometimes a baby is made." Angie was fascinated by the explanation. She had also not let go my cock even as the goo was dripping down her torso.

"Let's get into the shower and clean up." It would be our first shower together but not our last.

Angie's introduction to sex started out slowly but accelerated at an amazing speed. She was curious, totally uninhibited and willing to try anything and everything. During the next month I think we had sex more often than Lynn and I had done in the previous 3 years of our marriage. I didn't know some of the things we tried were even possible, but now I do. I am constantly amazed at Angie's agility and flexibility and I have to work hard to keep up with her. The reward is well worth the effort. Angie is my angel, kind and polite and considerate -- and a total she-devil in bed!


Just as with all good things, something had to come to the fore and try to screw them up. In my case it was pure cold logic. Angie and I were closer together than ever and my life was better than it had ever been. I had been in love before, at least I thought I had, but what I now felt exceeded that feeling by 1000 times and more. I could have told Angie that I loved her and I was certain she would answer in kind to me. That was the problem I faced.

Was my own feeling actually love or more lust. Certainly our sex life over the past month had done a lot to bring us together. And what of Angie? Would she even know what love was or perhaps just infatuation. Would a declaration of love for me really be misplaced gratitude for rescuing her from a repressive lifestyle forced on her by her over-protective father? I didn't know and in truth really didn't want to know.


Angie and I had been together for about 3 months when she broached the subject of letting her father know she was doing well. I guess I hadn't really given him much thought but knowing that he did love his daughter even though he had a very poor way of showing it, he did deserve to know she was well. Angie didn't truly hate him but was pretty bitter about the way he had maintained control over her life, not even allowing her to have any male friends, as far back as her earliest memories. Female friends were screened and routinely interrogated to be certain they remained acceptable and passed Gerry's standards.

I asked how she wanted to inform him of her situation, assuming a simple letter, but she had another idea. I have to admit I was impressed by her deviousness and was totally on board.

I had the video camera ready as Angie started to speak to her father.

"Hi daddy. I am doing well and just wanted to let you know so you didn't worry. Bobby is taking excellent care of me and I'm happy. He told me you were in the hospital for a while so I hope you are feeling better."

I had the camera focused on her face as she spoke, I would cut a DVD and send it to DC where it would be mailed to Gerry.

"Right now Bobby is going to fuck me. He fucks me every morning and every night. Want to know something? I love it, I absolutely love it. I can't get enough of his cock, and he gives it to me as much as I want. Right now he is ready and I don't mind if you watch. I won't be able to say anything for a bit, I plan to be too busy to say anything for the next 20 or 30 minutes. Enjoy!" she added.

I had panned down her naked body as she started to explain about our plans, she spread her legs wide as the camera got to her crotch. She was wet and ready to go, I had been eating her for the past 20 minutes and the wetness dripping from her engorged pussy lips was obvious. I set the camera onto the tripod and moved between her widely spread legs before slipping my cock into her pussy in one swift thrust. She grunted as I bottomed out before starting to move with a well practiced motion. Initially I had some reservations about performing on camera, but Angie convinced me it would be fun. Not only that, it would be more revenge on her father for how he had manipulated her life for so long. Knowing she was experiencing sex for the first time with the man who had made her father less than a whole man would be sweet. Angie and I told each other everything but I had left out the more grisly details of her father's 'injury'.

We coupled for another 20 minutes, Angie moaning and grunting, sighing and screaming for all she was worth. She had always been vocal but some of her words seemed exaggerated for the camera. I didn't mind, she was still doing wonders to my cock with her pussy. When the time arrived, she was wrapped around me as tightly as possible, performing mouth to mouth as though I was dying and needed her breath to live. She pulled her lips from mine long enough to shout that she was coming.

"I'm there too honey! Where do you want it?" I managed to grunt out between deep thrusts of my quickly swelling cock.

"Put it where it belongs, fill my pussy!" she forced the words but the intent was clear to anyone who might hear the video sound. I did as requested, just as I always followed her requests and filled her to overflowing. I had thought shooting onto her chest might be a nice touch, but Angie insisted that inside her pussy was where my seed belonged.

After a few minutes to calm, it was my turn. Angie unwrapped her legs from around my waist and I pulled out and sat on my knees, looking into the camera.

"If you're still watching Lynn, I am sure you can see that I traded up. Angie is younger and prettier, although each of those qualities is only a bonus. We each love the other and neither of us would ever do anything to betray the other. I am happier than I ever was with you and thank you for giving me the opportunity to find true happiness. I know you got what you wanted and hope you have a happy life. Right now, Angie and I have some business to finish, so I'll say good-bye."

As I was finishing my message to Lynn, Angie had already sucked my cock to full erection. Any aversion to the taste of my semen had never been an issue for her, something she proved on an almost daily basis. Life was good.

I made several copies of our video, I had one sent to Angie's father, one to my wife (were we still married?) and I kept one copy for us. With all the bedroom activity we had been engaging in, up until now the idea of filming something had not even occurred to us. Not that we needed anything to stimulate our libidos but it was a nice reminder to watch on occasion.


Angie and I were sitting on the deck one evening the following week. Angie was impaled on my cock, she was sitting on my lap facing away with her back against my chest. I was cupping her breasts and casually teasing her nipples with my finger tips. We always enjoyed sitting here in the dark and watching the night sky, the warm sea breezes made the sensation doubly enjoyable. Did I mention we were both naked? We did this on the nights when there was little moonlight, Angie would have done it in full daylight but I convinced her that there were others to consider when going naked. There were families in the neighborhood although since Angie never wore a top on the beach other women had started to follow her example. I am sure many of the children had seen bare breasted women on the beach but I drew the line at full nudity.

My cock felt so good in Angie's ass I wasn't sure I ever wanted to take it out.

"I have an idea." She started as I was feeling her settle more closely to me.

"Oh? What is that?" I asked.

"I want you to fuck me senseless for the next 3 years and then we will stop fucking." She said with some seriousness.

"Stop? Why? And why in 3 years?" I wanted to know.

"After 3 years I want you to stop fucking me and start making love to me. Then I want you to put a baby into my belly. I want you to put lots of babies into my belly. What do you think?" she said and I knew there was a huge smile on her face.

"If that is what you want..."

"You know it is. If you want to put a baby into my belly you are going to have to start using the right hole."

"Tell me when you are ready and I will fill the right hole so often and so full you will walk bowlegged. Of course, we will have to get out of bed to walk and I'm not sure that will happen."

Without lifting off my cock Angie managed to turn to face me, soon she was offering me a lip lock that I had seen often enough but never tired of. As I said, her flexibility was astounding. She started moving herself up and down and it didn't take long before I was sending a hot load of my seed deep into her bowels. I would enjoy her ass for now, but once she decided she was ready for motherhood, her pussy would be constantly filled by my stiff cock. The idea of making a baby with Angie was so much of a turn-on that my erection remained and I was soon going at her for another round, her ass would be filled with my hot cream several more times tonight.


So what happened to get us here? Gerry got out of the hospital after a 2 week stay, he was a broken man. He felt anyone who saw him would immediately know he was less of a man. He first tried to reconcile with his ex-wife but she had been in therapy for the previous 3 years and had become much stronger. When he suggested they get back together she told him to go fuck himself. I found that funny, not only the impossibility of doing what she said but the fact that he wouldn't be able now even if it had been physically possible. He withdrew to his house and rarely came out, despondent and bitter.

Lynn was now living with her sister Laura in a cheap apartment. In the beginning after I had left she found she was unable to make the mortgage payments as well as the payments on the home equity loan. I know, I'm a bastard, but in my mind she deserved it. She had no salaried job but soon had to find one. Even then, her job skills were out of date and finding something that paid enough to cover her expenses was impossible.

Will and Laura moved in with her, their idea that this would be closer to the home they wanted for themselves even if they didn't actually own the house. Will had been upset to find that Laura was very familiar with Gerry's organ and from what I heard, they went through some rough times before reaching an uneasy truce. With the 3 of them working they managed to keep the house and other bills current.

Unfortunately, Laura wasn't able to curb her appetite for big cock for long and by now Will had become very vigilant. Once he found she was stepping out on him again, the divorce was quick in coming. Without his income, the house was soon in default and the 2 sisters were out on the street until they found a cheap apartment. Apparently Laura was a closet size queen and had influenced Lynn to join her, they had been seen in bars and other locations trolling for willing guys who had the goods. Word had it that each was now easy and their reputations were in the toilet. I felt sorry for Lynn, but not that sorry. I Know Laura had a lot of influence on her behavior but she was smart enough to make her own decisions. I guess I gave her more credit than she deserved.

Senator Smith was not having an affair. Turns out his wife had an affair at 16 with a married man and ended up pregnant. As was common at the time, she went away to 'visit relatives' and came back about 8 months later. At the same time her mother had presented the young woman with a new 'sister'. All this was more than 15 years before she even met the senator to be.

Nate had offered to take the young girl in but by then her life was set and she only knew that Elizabeth was her older sister. The girl soon got in with the wrong crowd and was addicted to certain recreational drugs. Nate and his wife found her and placed her in the hotel to give her a chance to dry out. They had doctors, nurses and various therapists visit her to keep things more private. They were in the process of finding a quiet rehab facility in rural Nebraska. There was never a general uproar about the rumors but one asshole reporter wannabe asked him about the rumors on camera.