Mister Gabe Ch. 02


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With our robes on, "C" reached up on her tip toes and licked her tongue around my lips and said, "Master will get what he wants, won't he Mister Dane?" She nodded at me, and once again I found myself nodding back. Inside my head I could hear myself screaming "What The Fuck!", but none of that translated out. I agreed with the semi-nude woman in front of me and, holding my hand, she led me out of the martial bedroom that I had just defiled with her, and down the stairs.

Hand in hand, she led me through the kitchen. I could hear slow dance music emanating from the outside sound system as we stepped through the sliding door to the patio beyond. I stopped outside - Brock and Mister Gabe each had on a robe similar to mine. Sara and Jennifer were wearing mini-tux's, similar to what "C" had greeted me in. Brock was doing a slow waltz with my wife while Sara was enfolded into Mister Gabe's arms, rocking slowly to the music without moving their feet. Brock looked very uncomfortable, holding Jen at arm's length while he tried to concentrate on the dancing that he was obviously unfamiliar with.

Taking a firmer grip "C" pulled me towards the bar behind the couches. Sitting on the bar were large empty wineglasses and two empty wine bottles - obviously of Mister Gabe's private stock. There remained one partially empty bottle and a fresh unused wine glass. "C" let go of my hands and immediately proceeded to fill the glass - draining the bottle. In the background I heard Mister Gabe say, "well, if it isn't our Mister Dane come to join us." "C" handed me the glass. Closer now, I heard Mister Gabe say, "drink up Dave. As you can see, we've been at it for a while," and I felt his hand rest on my shoulder as I tilted the wine glass to my lips. I paused but "C" whispered, "just drink it all Mister Dane." So I drained the glass as I turned back to the group.

Sara, looking uncomfortable was standing where Mister Gabe had left her. My wife and Brock continued their efforts at dancing. As they turned, Jennifer gave me a beaming smile and then deliberately pulled Brock more firmly into her body. She winked at me as my jaw dropped open. Then I could see that as her eyes fully took in both my attire and "C"'s, her gaze changed and her smile became something more salacious and she pointedly rubbed herself up against the boy.

Mister Gabe, with his hand still on my shoulder, gently guided me towards the couch and then with a wave, "have a seat Dave." I sat back into the couch and looked up at him. He grinned down at me, and in a booming voice, "I see that "C" was successful in relaxing you", and he pointedly looked at his lovely concierge who was standing beside him, dragging his eyes down from her face to her tits, substantially exposed as her diaphanous robe hung partially open, and then further down to her legs. She was standing with her feet slightly apart, and my eyes widened as I could see cum slowly running down the insides of her thighs. I quickly looked up into my wife's eyes and followed her gaze to "C" as well. I could tell the moment that she realized what she was looking at as her dancing with Brock stopped completely. She stepped away from the boy and turned her gaze to me. I was surprised to see the expression on her face - a combination of surprise, followed by hurt which immediately turned to that lusting expression that I knew so well.

Mister Gabe bent and drew a finger through a particularly large mass of cum on "C"'s thigh and, straightening, said, "Sara, girl, come here." Sara was startled by the command, but moved over towards the huge man. He looked down at "C" and then at me as he gathered my daughter under his arm, still holding the cum-coated finger in the air. "I can see that you fucked her Dave...and I am ok with that, don't worry, but", and he slowly pushed his finger between Sara's lips. Quietly he murmured, "there girl, lick that up. All of it now. Taste your father. But," he repeated as he turned back to me, "but, what I want to know is whether "C" gave you one of her fabulous blow jobs."

Shifting my gaze from my finger sucking daughter to my wife, I slowly nodded. Jennifer seemed to be breathing heavily as she first watched Sara and then as I nodded. I observed her grin become radiant and her head nod with mine in acceptance and approval. She blew me a kiss as she moved over to bend down to me, whispering in my ear, "have you changed your mind now, my husband?" As I slowly nodded to her, in the back of my mind I could hear a faint voice yelling about how wrong this all was, but it was becoming more and more faint. Jen moved back to stand beside Brock.

"Good" came that booming voice again. "Then I believe it is time for a family lesson in that extremely important skill. Come here Brock, and sit down beside your father-in-law to be." Brock moved over and I could see him trying unsuccessfully to cover the boner tenting the front of his robe. I realized at that time that my own was back as well - creating an obvious tent above my lap as I sat there. Mister Gabe then sat down on the couch on the other side of Brock. He then deliberately pulled the sash on his robe and spread it open on either side revealing his completely nude body for the first time. We had all already seen him in a swimsuit, so his toned upper body and impressive musculature was no new surprise. Now revealed to everybody was his equally impressive cock. Sporting only a semi-woody, it lay upon his thigh stretching halfway to his knee. It was long, and thick, and did I say impressive? I am very happy with my own equipment, but Mister Gabe was obviously in a class by himself.

Both my girls, Sara and Jennifer, gasped at the unveiling, and looking up I could see both of them staring wide-eyed. Mister Gabe stated, "everybody is wearing too many clothes for this exercise, and he boldly reached over and pulled Brock's robe open revealing his healthy erection to the world and then waved his hand at me to follow suit. I found myself pulling my robe open and baring myself as well. Then he continued, ""C", help Mrs. Dane please." "C" glided over to my wife. She slowly started to unbutton Jennifer's tux top. As it came open I knew what to expect as I had so recently seen "C" remove her own outfit for me. Obviously Brock didn't, and I could hear his gasp as Jen's top was pushed from her shoulders leaving her marvelous bust barely covered by the ruffle. I saw Brock's cock jerk as "C" pulled the ruffle off completely baring my wife's upper body to him. "Leave the collar on "C"", commanded Mister Gabe. "C" nodded and gliding her hands down my wife's arms, holding them at her side, "C" slowly sunk to her knees in front of Jen and began working at her shorts. Quickly they were pulled to her ankles and "C" helped Jen step out of them. "Quickly girl" came from Mister Brock.

"C" bounced to her feet again, shedding her own robe as she did, and moved to stand directly behind my daughter who was still standing in front of me. She reached around Sara and took a firm grip of either side of her mini-tux and with a sudden sharp movement, yanked the top apart in front of me. Sara's tits sprang into the open, with the ruffles having no chance of providing any concealment. I sensed Mister Gabe's nod of approval as "C" threw the ripped tux to the ground and tore the ruffles off. "C" then pulled the button open on Sara's shorts and yanked them to her knees. She put one hand on the small of Sara's back and pushed her towards me, forced my daughter to bend at the waist and catch herself by putting a hand on each of my thighs. "C" pulled the shorts from my daughter's feet and then "C" pulled her down so that she was on her knees, between mine, with her hands continuing to rest on my legs...one on either side of my rampant cock which was now straining towards my lovely, panting, totally naked 18 year old daughter.

"Very well done "C"", complimented Mister Gabe. "Very well done. Now girl, bring Mrs. Dane over here." He paused in thought for a moment glancing down at Brock's hard dick. "Hmmm," he murmured, "we cannot keep tormenting the boy, can we. "C", right here." He pointed in front of Brock and "C" guided my wife to between Brocks spread knees and then gently pushed her down so that she was kneeling in front of him as Sara was between mine. Brock couldn't tear his eyes off of Jen - her breasts swaying as she lowered herself to her knees and the trimmed and glistening thatch between her legs. Finally, "C" grabbed each of Jennifer's hands and firmly placed them upon Brock's legs causing his prick to jump once again at the sight.

"Now, "C", come here," Mister Gabe directed. "C" quickly moved over between his massive legs and dropped to her knees. We could all see his tool start to stiffen more, and slowly raise its head off of his thigh. He reached out to "C" and twisted the fingers of one hand in her hair. Turning to us, he looked directly into Brock's eyes and stated, "you must have a firm hand with the lady in front of you. Remember that as she kneels she has given up all of the society's rules about how to treat a "lady". She has agreed to be your whore." Brock's eyes went to Jen's face. "Pay attention boy!" sharply from Mister Gabe. "She is your cunt, to use, to abuse, to take pleasure from. While she is naked in front of you she is absolutely nothing else." With that he pulled "C"'s face to him. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and inhaled his cock as he dragged her face down his shaft.

With that "C" began demonstrating her cock sucking skills to my wife and daughter. After the initial dive, she pulled herself from Mister Gabe's hardening cock and, using her tongue, coated the entire length with her saliva. She bent lower and lavished his balls with spit, and tried to gather them, one by one into her mouth as well. Both Sara and Jen were beginning to breathe hard, and I found it increasingly difficult not to touch myself as I watched the lurid scene unfolding beside me. "That should be enough," rumbled out of Mister Gabe as he pulled her head off of his balls, and turning to us, he said, "now watch this closely boys." Taking a brutal grip on "C"'s hair with both hands, he violently pulled her face onto his cock which had by now grown to its full length, and huge girth. She didn't fight him at all as he pulled her down. Her angle was not exactly right and his cock stuck about nine inches into her mouth. "C"'s eyes were wide and staring up into her master's face as he loosened one hand from her hair and swatted heavily onto her ass, "move girl". She immediately adjusted her body, laying down more upon his legs and straightening her throat. "Now," Mister Gabe bellowed as again with two hands he dragged "C" all the way down his cock. In a second his whole length was buried in her throat. We could all see the bulge as her neck expanded. I quickly glanced at my wife who was sharing her gaze between "C" impaled upon Mister Gabe and Brock's prick standing up just inches from her own face. My gaze moved to Sara who was flushed and breathing hard as she closely watched "C" in action.

"Boys," from Mister Gabe, ""C" is a practiced and expert cock sucker. I have taken pains over a long time to ensure that she is as good as she is. Now watch while I hold her here." We all could see very quickly that "C" could not breath, impaled as she was. "This is the absolute best part of owning a cunt for your pleasure," Mister Gabe continued, and he put one massive hand behind her head to hold her firmly in place and began to strike "C" on the ass with the other. Over and over and over.

"C"'s ass quickly turned bright red from the beating he was laying on her, and her body began to twitch as it began to cry for the oxygen she was being deprived of. Soon the beating stopped as "C"'s body began to spasm wildly and Mister Gabe needed both hands to hold her in place. Finally, we could see Mister Gabe's abs and butt start to clench, and with a loud yell it became obvious that he was emptying himself down her throat. Suddenly "C"'s body went into a final spasm, and then went completely limp. Breathing heavier than normal, Mister Gabe held her in place for a moment looking back at us, "the moment at which she is losing consciousness is the time when you want to shoot down her throat." With that he pulled the unconscious "C" off of himself. He paused to wipe his cum covered cock off with her hair, and then he slapped her briskly across the face eventually forcing her into a ragged breath. As soon as he could see that she was breathing again, he pushed her away forcing her to fall onto her back so that she ended up lying at his feet. He placed one foot on her breast and turned slightly to face us.

Mister Gabe motioned with his hand at Brock, "your turn son." Indicating my wife, he said, "you have a naked cunt in front of you." Looking at Jen briefly he commanded, "you just watched an expert. Open your mouth whore and service the male meat in front of you."

Hesitating, Jen looked at me. I found myself nodding slowly at her. It was taking too long for Mister Gabe as he lunged over to grab a fistful of Jen's hair and pulled her face onto Brock's cock. "Open," he barked at her. Jen opened her mouth and allowed her soon to be son-in-law's cock to enter - all the while staring up at me. Master Gabe clipped her lightly across the back of her head and declared, "look at the man you are servicing whore - no one else! You," he commanded Brock, "grab her hair! Pull her down on you. You saw the way I did it. Get to it boy!"

Brock reached up and entangled his fingers in my wife's hair and, tentatively at first, but with more authority as he got past the fact that Sara's mother had her mouth around his prick, started to pull and push her face up and down his cock.

I looked down at my daughter. She was panting heavily and must have realized that I was staring at her. Her eyes came up to mine and then she deliberately opened her 18 year old mouth and brought her lips to the head of my cock. She bent lower with her tongue out and started to bathe my cock in her spit. "Dave" I heard, and tore my eyes from my daughter's to look at Mister Gabe who was motioning with empty hands the gripping of hair and pumping motion. Then he waved his hand at Brock who was well into fucking my wife's face. I was grinning broadly (if somewhat stupidly) as I turned back to Sara and thrust my hands into her long hair. Quickly I joined Brock in controlling the mouth in front of me as he was doing to Jen. I saw Mister Gabe reach over Jen to smack her solidly on her ass. Then he reached under Jen's heaving upper body to grab and twist her right nipple.

The wrongness of all of this had completely escaped me and he took a hand off of Sara's head to hit her ass. She groaned as I did, so I continued.

I was beating my daughter as she blew me. My wife was sucking on Brock's cock while she was getting spanked by Brock and her nipples were being pulled from her body by Mister Gabe. "C" continued to try to catch her breath as Mister Gabe pressed her to the floor with his foot. The scene was beyond unbelievable, and well beyond what we could take for long. Within minutes both Brock and I found ourselves lifting off of the couch as we erupted, cumming down the throats of the women in front of us. I came and came. My balls actually began to ache, I came so much. I didn't pin Sara to me as Mister Gabe had done to "C", but I could see that Brock was trying his best to suffocate Jen on his cock. He didn't quite succeed, but as he finally fell back into the couch and release her I could see that she was sobbing, and having difficulty catching her breath. I released Sara who also had tears streaming down her face. She sat back on her heels leaving a stringer of cum connecting her lips to my cock. It was unbelievably erotic.

We all sat back, allowing our panting to abate. Mister Gabe was softly clapping, and he finally allowed "C" to rise from her back and he positioned her on his lap with his massive cock rising from between her legs. He waved at us, indicating to the women that they should take similar positions. Without a word of protest, and really, how could any of us protest any longer, they arose and did just that. Jen sat down directly on Brock's lap with her back to Brock, guiding his teenage, hard cock up to rest between her thighs. Sara moved to sit crossways so that she could face her fiancé and mother. As she sat down my cock momentarily caught in her cunt lips before sliding between them to stick up between her legs.

Mister Gabe now cleared his throat. "That was well done gentleman. ...and ladies. I am quite pleased with all of you and how all of you take direction. Well done." He again clapped softly. "C" was beaming at us from her perch on her master's lap. "Now we must address the main issue." He looked directly at me, "Dave, I want your wife. I will not accept simply 'borrowing' her from time-to-time, as that is not in my nature. I want her available for my pleasure at all times. I have found that the best way for that to be so is to own the cunt so that there is no question as to who's directions she is following. Therefore I am going to marry her. You will divorce her and then you will give her to me." He held up a hand to forestall me, "no, you will not 'legally' divorce her. That is the last thing that I require. In fact, I very much enjoy the fact that to the rest of the world, including your children, she is at least publically, your wife. You do need to continue to support her in various facets of her life. Besides, this will probably not be forever. However, as I am the predominant male in this house, and for as long as I am here she will be mine. This will have to be formal," he continued, "so we will have the ceremony here. I understand that the children will not be able to participate. Today is Thursday, and I understand that your twins will be leaving tomorrow for a week. So. This is what will happen." He took a breath. I found that I couldn't breathe. "This is what will happen. The children will depart tomorrow. My family will arrive Saturday afternoon and in the evening we will have the ceremony in which you, Dave, will give your wife to me - to have, to hold, to instruct, to abuse, and to pleasure me in any way in which I see fit for as long as I want."

He looked at me, not once shifting his gaze to anyone else sitting there. My eyes, widened in disbelief shifted to Jennifer and caught her staring at me. At the same time I found myself nodding slowly to Mister Gabe's demand. I couldn't stop. Inside I was screaming. Outside I am sure that my face was saying "no", but I muttered, "yes".

Jennifer's eyes widened as she heard me, and Sara's head whipped around to stare at me. Brock, who still had his hands on my wife stopped playing with her nipple and also looked to me with shock written all over his face.

Mister Gabe picked up "C" and placed her on her feet as he stood and turned in front of Jen. He reached down with one hand and taking my wife's hand, pulled her gently from Brock's lap and turned her slowly so that her back was pulled in tight against him, his still rampant cock pressed up into the small of her back. One of his hands fondled her right breast while the other gently turned her head so that, leaning forward, he softly placed his lips against hers. Jen's eyes closed. The kiss was tender and passionate. Jen visibly melted into his hands. Softly, so that we could barely hear him, Mister Gabe whispered, "this is what you want Jennifer. Yes?"

"Yes." We all heard that soft whispered response.

"Now Jennifer, open your eyes and look at your husband, and your daughter, and tell them," Mister Gabe commanded.

Jen's eyes opened and her head turned to me, "yes, my love, I want this."

"No, Jennifer," Mister Gabe softly admonished, "he is not 'your love'. He is giving you to me. He considers you a cunt that he can just give away because he no longer wants you. With that in mind, tell him again."