Mister Gabe Ch. 02


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Then, as I pulled the door closed behind me I saw "C" lean forward and drag her tongue across my wife's breast and murmur, "hmmm, good." The door closed.

As I said, the rest of the day was a blur. We got the kid's stuff, and then all of us piled into the car to take them to their departure point. There was a brief hold up as "C" was trying to insist that Jen and Sara stay with her as there was too much to do. I nixed that by simply leaning in and whispering into her ear, "they are still mine today. They come with us."

After dropping the kids off, we drove to the drop in clinic so that Jen could get her prescription. Sara went in with her and renewed hers as well. I sat in the car with a stupid grin on my face thinking that if I was going to continue to use my daughter as a cum bucket then she had better stay protected...at least until she was married to Brock. After that we went to the pharmacy to fill the prescriptions and so that Jen could get some of the morning after pill.

Back at the house, "C" met us at the door. She handed me a package and simply said, "those are your clothes for tomorrow. Have them on and meet me in your kitchen at eleven in the morning. Here is a set of instructions depicting how the ceremony will happen, your agreement with Mister Gabe, and the rules for when you give Jennifer to Mister Gabe." Just like that. Blunt "C". She then pushed me towards my den/office and said that she was keeping Jen and Sara for the rest of the day.

I spent the day playing catch up on the work I had brought home from the office - not once looking through any of the paperwork "C" had given me. The day ended with Sara poking her head into the den to announce supper. Jennifer had a tuna salad waiting on the table, and announced to me, ""C" says that we have to eat light tonight, though that probably doesn't apply to you Dave." I didn't even question that, just nodded and set to eating. Done, we all trooped up the stairs. Jen grabbed Sara's hand as she was turning towards her room and said, "no dear, you should sleep with us tonight. You heard what "C" said."

We headed into our bedroom and then undressed. I found myself staring as my daughter removed her clothes. She was as delightful to look at as her mother was.

As we crawled into bed Jennifer firmly stated, "Sara dear, you lie here between your father and I." We lay down with Jen pointedly turning away from us in bed. Sara rolled towards me and took my hand, placing it on her naked hip. "I love you Daddy," she whispered.

"I love you too David. Please do not ever, ever forget that," came from Jen.

The lights were out.

We went to sleep. Tomorrow promised to be a very big day.


The Wedding

The big day.

I woke slowly and found myself spooning Sara, my morning wood nestled comfortably between her thighs. My arm was wrapped around her cupping her breast. I could sense her smile as she said, "I was wondering when you were going to wake up." She turned over to face me and leaned in to give me a warm kiss on the lips. Her hand traced down my side and gripped my cock, giving it a few gentle jerks. "Can't do anything about that this morning, sorry," she said with a little frown. "Mom got up ages ago." She levered herself up on to her elbow and looked at the alarm clock. "As I thought, we are running late. I'm sure that everybody else is already on the patio waiting for us. You have to go have a shower and shave and put on your clothes for the day. I'm going to my room now to put on my dress and I'll come back here to collect you." She swivelled around dropping her legs to the floor as I stared at her perfect, naked back. As she stood she turned to face me in all of her nude glory - her nipples hard and pointed at me, her lower lips slightly parted with a hint of the delectable dew showing - "don't fart around Dad. You only have half an hour. "C" brought up something to eat and it is on the sideboard for you. Hurry up and get ready!" With that she strode to the door, which I noticed now was hanging open, and headed for her room.

I did what I was told. Shaved, showered, and ate some of the food left for me. Then I discovered the previously unopened bag that "C" had given me yesterday that contained the clothes that I was supposed to wear for the occasion. I opened the bag and dumped the contents on the bed. I stared at them while my mind wandered a bit. I was going to give my wife to Mister Gabe today. I didn't know exactly what that meant, but for whatever reason, it just didn't seem to bother me as much as it had on Thursday. I could hear Jen's voice in my mind telling me that she loved me, and always would, regardless of what happened. I guess I was satisfied with that.

There were only two garments in the bag. I held them up and discovered that they were both made of very thin white linen. The pants held up by a draw string, and the shirt hanging open. Shrugging, I pulled the pants on. They concealed, barely, the fact that I had nothing on underneath them, but I could tell that if I had any kind of erection that I would have no chance of concealing the fact. Just thinking about that caused me to start to stiffen. Hurriedly I pulled the shirt on hoping that it would provide some concealment. It didn't.

"Wow!" I heard the exclamation coming from the doorway and I turned around to look. Sara whistled softly and strode towards me. She was wearing something that looked like a combination toga and dress. It was also of very thin linen...almost transparent. The top wrapped around her body and was tied by a single knot on her left shoulder, covering her upper body with a single layer. At the waist was another tie on her left hip that cinched the garment tightly around her waist. I could clearly see her breasts hanging fee under the top, her nipples hard as rocks. The flow of the bottom obscured the apex of her legs and the treasure located there. Her hair was up, held by a simple comb. She looked beautiful. I could feel myself rising as she came up to me. She grinned, looking into my eyes as her hand found my cock in the too thin pants and squeezed. "Is this for me kind sir?" she laughed. She gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and still holding me by the cock, she pulled me towards the doorway. "We have to get going Dad, they are all waiting for us on the patio."

Sara let go of her hold on my hard on, switching her grasp to my hand, leading me down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Finally!" came from "C" who was waiting for us in an outfit identical to Sara's but in black linen. The colour did little to hide the sway of her full breasts under her top. She quickly lifted two large glasses of wine off of the counter and handed them to us, "you ate? Good, drink that up. Quickly now, you have to come outside to meet the others that Master has invited." Tapping her bare foot on the tile floor, she pulled the empty glasses from our grasp and taking us each by an elbow she started pulling us to the door. I could feel her glance at my cock, causing it to briefly stir once again from the semi-woody it had reduced to.

"C" pulled open the patio door and then ushered us out to the patio. Things had changed out there. The normal patio furniture was pushed to one side, in front of Mister Gabe's side of the house. In its stead were a number of new pieces.

First there was a small dais, with a short kneeling bench placed in front of it. To either side there was a wide, backless divan. In front of that set up were two low backed couches - obviously placed for people who were just 'viewing' the ceremony. I didn't immediately get what the dais or divans were for.

And there were people there - most of whom I did not recognize. They were all wearing outfits similar to those that Sara, I and "C" were attired in - some in black linen and some in white. There was an older black gentleman who looked to be about 60 or so years old. He was dressed in black, and after a moment I could see that he had a clerical collar around his neck. He was talking to a younger couple. The younger man was big - almost as big as Mister Gabe, and black. Tall and thickly muscled which the white linen clothes that he wore did little to conceal. I could also clearly see that he was sporting a semi that hung down his left leg. The woman, or girl, beside him was a light brown colour, and short, barely over five feet tall. She was in black linen which did nothing to conceal her breasts which looked to be larger than average, or at least larger than any others I had seen recently. Still her face indicated her youth, and her tits didn't seem to sag under her top. I could also see Brock, also in black linen, standing to one side sipping on a glass of wine. He seemed to be uncomfortably trying to conceal the fact that all of the free swinging tits were having an effect on him.

"C" dragged us over to the threesome. "Mister Dane, Sara, I would like to introduce you to the Reverend. The Reverend is one of Mister Gabe's oldest friends and he officiates at all of Mister Gabe's weddings. Reverend, this is Mister Dane - who is giving his wife to Mister Gabe today - and this is their daughter Sara." We shook hands and murmured polite greetings.

"C" turned us towards the couple. "This is Mister Gabe's daughter - from a previous marriage - Stephanie...we all call her Steph." Steph smiled broadly at "C". "This is Steph's husband, and Mister Gabe's favorite son-in-law, Drew." Again we shook hands, and I noticed Drew slowly cast his eyes up and down Sara.

"It will be nice to get to know you Sara," he commented quietly. He was interrupted from saying anything else by a squeal of delight coming from Steph. We all turned to follow her gaze as she bounced on her toes - her hands held up in welcome in front of her as she exclaimed, "Father!" Mister Gabe, in white linen, was striding from his patio door towards us. He quickly shook the Reverend's hand, thanking him for coming; briefly shook mine while mouthing "thank you" to me; and shook Drew's hand. Then he folded Sara into his arms and kissed her thoroughly before standing her, slightly breathless, upon her own two feet again. He held her back at arm's length and cast his gaze up and down her. Briefly he cupped one of her breasts in his large hand and squeezed gently, "I am so happy you are here dear girl." I found myself growing just a bit bothered, watching this greeting. Strange that the events to come seemed to sit ok with me, but having this man openly fondle my daughter caused a reaction.

With a half wave towards Brock, who had also observed Mister Gabe's groping of his fiancé, he turned towards Steph. "Ah, Stephanie. It is wonderful to see you. Come here girl." He wrapped his arms around the small woman and lifted her off of her feet and proceeded to give her a kiss at least as steamy as the one he had just laid on my daughter. She giggled as he placed her back on her own two feet and said, "let me see you girl! It has been months!" With that he reached to her left shoulder and deftly undid the tie there dropping her top to hang open. Stephanie had beautiful light brown breasts capped by large dark brown aureole. The nipples stiffened immediately under the stares of everyone watching...and everyone was watching. Mister Gabe grabbed both tits and squeezed them lightly, and then used them to pull her a bit closer. He then moved one hand to untie the knot holding her skirt in place quickly exposing all of her luscious body to everybody.

I immediately noticed that her tummy had a slight curve to it. My initial suspicion was confirmed by Mister Gabe's exclamation, "girl, you are pregnant!"

"Yes Father," stated Steph, and she wantonly reached out to grasp Mister Gabe's cock through his pants, "and I'm happy to say that it is yours." She continued matter-of-factly as she massaged Mister Gabe's stiffening prick, "I am about four months on right now, and just starting to show."

Mister Gabe still had a hand on one of her breasts while he allowed the other to slide down her body - he had to stoop over to reach - ending with two of his fingers curling up into her. Steph let out a sharp breath at the penetration and Drew slid behind her, holding her shoulders to steady her as her father slowly pumped his fat fingers in and out. Slightly breathless she continued. "You'll remember, Father, when you went to see Mama, and I was visiting her because Drew was out of town on business?" Mister Gabe nodded. "You remember being so happy to see me that you stripped me of my clothes and laid me down on the kitchen table? You remember telling Daddy to feed me his white cock, and telling Mama to suck on my tits? You surely remember," and she paused to gasp as Mister Gabe hooked his fingers in her cunt and lifted her bodily from the floor steadied from behind as she was by her husband, "you remember driving this beautiful cock into my tight pussy, over and over again until you came buckets into me?" Steph gave Mister Gabe a couple of hard jerks before she had to let go of him as he lifted her in the air.

Mister Gabe bounced Steph on his finger hold and nodded slowly with a broad grin on his face, "yes baby girl, I do remember that. I will never forget your deliciously tight little cunt." He set her down releasing both his finger hold and the tit he was squeezing with his other hand and then carefully caressed her belly. "Another little one for us. I hope she is a girl and I get to use her before I grow too old," he said with a smile, "having three generations of one family would be a first even for me."

At that moment "C" cleared her throat, "Master, it is time." With a nod from Mister Gabe, she loudly stated, "places everybody." Brock went to the couch facing the right side of the dais and sat down. The Reverend went to stand on the dais. Mister Gabe went to stand to the left of the dais with Drew standing beside him - both cocks were tenting their pants as they did. Steph went to the couch behind Drew and Mister Gabe and sat as well, and Sara headed to stand to the right side of the dais.

I just stood where I was. "C" paused in her movement towards the couch Steph was sitting down on, and turned to me. "Mister Dane?" she inquired. I shrugged my shoulders. "Didn't you read any of the information that I gave you yesterday?"

"Nope...I guess I didn't," I admitted.

I heard a growl coming from Mister Gabe as he glared at "C", "this is your fault C. You will have to direct him through this as I want no snags in the ceremony." I could see the Reverend frowning from his post on the dais. "C" seemed to shrink, and turning back to me pleaded, "please Mister Dane, just do as I direct. We'll get through this ok if you listen to everything that I tell you...no questions." I simply nodded at the visibly frightened woman. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the dais, on the right hand side, but a little in front of where Sara was standing. Then she turned and ran into the house.

I was still reeling from hearing that Mister Gabe was fathering a baby on his own daughter, and caught myself staring at her sitting on the couch behind Drew. She had refastened her skirt so that it didn't drag but left her top open so that I could see her tits. She caught me looking and smiled at me. Casting my eyes around I could see Sara standing patiently with her hands clasped demurely in front of her. All of the men, myself and the Reverend included, were sporting various stages of a hard on. Only Mister Gabe's seemed to have gone down any appreciable amount, though the size of even his only barely stiffy was tenting his pants.

It was surreal. And it only got more so from there.

Suddenly I could hear the strains of the wedding march softly coming from the outdoor speakers. I heard the patio door to our side of the house slide open and I looked to see my wife Jennifer emerge followed closely by "C".

Jen's dress was different from the others. Whereas the other ladies' outfits were more toga than anything else, leaving their arms bare, and made out of thin linen, Jen's was made out of some diaphanous material that served only to accentuate the nude beauty underneath. There were large scoop arms on it which would show her upper body to anyone looking from the side. The dress itself had two ties - one at the neck and the other at the waist. She made every man there want to eat her up right then and there.

Jen slowly paced towards us her eyes firmly fixed on my face, her breasts bouncing softly to accompany her steps. I couldn't decipher her expression other than to notice that she was flushed. Eventually she came to rest standing in front of me as "C" hurried to my side. Jen reached up on her tiptoes to kiss me softly on the lips and murmur "I love you, my husband." And then softer, so that only I could hear, "for ever David. For ever." With that she turned to face the Reverend.

The Reverend spoke for the first time. In a deep voice he intoned, "welcome everybody. We are gathered here today to participate in this wedding ceremony. We will witness this man, David Dane, give his wife, Jennifer Dane, to our Mister Gabe." He nodded towards "C", who turned me to face my wife. The Reverend continued, "then I will have the honour of joining Jennifer to Mister Gabe, placing her life and happiness in servitude to him." He paused and took a breath, "now, David, please remove the ring that you gave Jennifer when you married her."

"C" gave me a little nudge and I looked down at my wife, who was holding her left hand up to me. The fog was returning to my brain, trying to mask the voice screaming in the distant background. I reached up with both hands and gently began pulling Jen's wedding ring from her finger. "Repeat after me," I heard from the Reverend. So I did, softly saying, "by removing this ring from your finger Jennifer, I remove all rights and expectations that I have had of you. By removing this ring, I renounce our marriage, making you free to belong to another." I could feel my eyes misting up and heard a catch in my voice. Looking up I could see a tear slowly travel down my wife's cheek.

With the ring removed and held in the palm of my hand, Jennifer began, "you have cast me aside David, and so I will seek to be owned by another. This ring will no longer have any say over me, and so, like you are doing to me, I cast it aside," and with that she picked the ring from my hand and threw it across the patio.

The Reverend intoned, "and so it is done. David Dane has cast Jennifer aside."

There was a pause. "Prepare the woman to be given away David," from the Reverend.

"C" placed her hands on my shoulders and standing on her toes began to whisper instructions into my ear. I found myself turning my wife to face the Reverend. I reached around her from behind and untied the knot at her neck, pulling the sides of her gown to the side revealing her nude breasts to the older cleric. He nodded and reached forward with his hand to softly grasp her tits, one at a time, lightly squeezing them and ending his touch at each nipple. He nodded again and I reached around the waist to untie that knot, pulling her gown fully open and holding it that way as the Reverend drew his hand down her belly to her nether lips. He carefully drew his fingers back and forth between her lips and ended by pushing his index finger into her. Jen caught her breath as his finger entered. I held her as the Reverend swirled his finger around inside my wife. Then he withdrew and straightened. He held his finger to Jen's lips and pushed it into her mouth so that she could lick him clean of her juices. "She appears well formed Mister Gabe, and I would guess that she is fertile. She is certainly ready to proceed."

Still listening to "C" whispering in my ear, I now turned Jen to Mister Gabe. "C" nudged my hand and I looked down to see that she was placing two soft leather cuffs in my hand, "put them on her wrists" she hissed. Grasping first one, and then the other arm, I buckled the cuffs onto her wrists. As I did that I noticed that each cuff had a metal loop attached to it, although I couldn't understand why. "C" then handed me another, larger soft leather loop. "Put that collar on her neck," she whispered. Reaching around Jen, I placed the collar on her neck and found that it fit her perfectly. As I did it up again I could see the metal loop - similar to what one would attach a leash to on a dog's collar. Finally I again grasped each side of my wife's gown and pulled it apart, displaying her openly to both Mister Gabe, and to Drew who was standing behind him.