Mistress Maggie


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Maggie was shaking her head now, as if she wasn't quite ready to deal with the whole topic of our having a 'relationship' of some kind, and certainly not with an 18-year-old summer intern.

"Thomas," she replied, "Y-you can't misinterpret my..."

"Oh no Ma-am!" I interrupted, "I was sure about what I'd seen during the interview... I just didn't understand what we might have in common... you know... to make me feel so very close to you at this point. So I... I did some internet searches. And that was when I found Nona."

Maggie's face suddenly went ashen white. Nothing could have prepared her for the name of the person I'd just spoken of.

"Are you alright Ma-am?" I asked surprised to see such a stunned reaction.

"N-Nona?" she repeated, "B-but how... how could you..."

"Yes Ma-am," I explained, "Nona... it was just one of those weird chances, I'd transposed a couple characters on one of the spider searches, and it found an article, long removed from the news site where it originated, but she copied the entire article into her Facebook account. And she had stored it with the title's text transposed, which is how we met, you might say. Um... anyway, the article had a picture of you in it and..."

"Y-you m-m-met?" Maggie now seemed to be stuttering too.

"Certainly," I replied, "Well, it just seemed to be the fastest way to find out more about you, so I went over to 'Sisters' and interviewed her. Ma-am? Would you like me to get you some water?"

For once, Maggie seemed very different, her shoulder's had slumped, eyes glistened, and I noticed she was simply staring at her hands in her lap.

"T-they said they could remove everything... my God..." she was mumbling.

Now suddenly, her eyes returned to me, but it was a very different look. Confused. I began to get up to get her some water, as her change of attitude was starting to freak me out.

"STOP!" she commanded, which I followed immediately, "Wha... What did Nona tell you?"

I didn't reply for a few seconds, trying to take the most relevant thing she had said and repeat this back, so she could be convinced I'd really seen her.

"She said," I replied, "If they ever come up with a saint of Dominatrix's, I know a lot of folks who will insist Maggie's name be placed first on the list."

I could actually feel the quick intake of breath that came from deep within her, and began to see another change, a very surprising one, in the way she looked at me... as a friend.

"Thomas... I," she was stammering, "But... my dear young man... why? Why have you...?"

I knew it was time to truly expose my need, to show her my obedience and love... forever.

I pulled the collar from my pocket. A black kidskin leather dog collar, holding it for her just above my neck, I collapsed into complete sublimation mode. Falling onto my knees, then bowing directly in front of her, I placed my face barely an inch from her shoes, while continuing to hold the collar over my neck, in the vain hope she would accept me as a supplicant... of any kind.

It was hard to see what Maggie was doing exactly, but by her vocal intonation, I could sense several layers of emotion play out.

"Thomas! Get up!" She hissed, trying not to yell and cause a scene, "Thomas... I'm not going to repeat myself... get up... GET UP do you hear?"

Of course, at this point, anyone involved with BDSM knows there are only two outcomes from this 'collaring' request on the behalf of the supplicant. The Dom will either take the collar, and locking it upon the supplicant's neck, accept their new acquisition, or can simply walk away and ignore them, refusing their request. Within a few seconds, Maggie knew that I knew this.

She reached her hand towards the collar... at first it seemed she would just yank it away and throw it across the patio, she was so angry! Then a serene calm came over her face just as she reached it. Giving a long sigh, she carefully took the collar from my hands, and after what seemed like an eternity... I heard the snitch of its lock, as Maggie enclosed it around my neck!

In a very bold and unwarranted move, I looked up into those gorgeous sapphire blue eyes, tears now streaming down my face... and thanked my Mistress... YES... MY MISTRESS! She looked down at me and gave me the most beautiful smile that would change my life forever.

"Now," my Mistress said, "Get your butt up and into that chair in two seconds, or you'll never be able to sit again!"

I hastened to obey, jumping back into the seat I'd just a moment before inhabited as a nothing to this Goddess, and waited for her next instructions.

"And Thomas?" she questioned, "You have my permission to remove your collar. I will select something later that you may wear in public, for now do NOT wear that collar in my presence unless I specify it, understood?"

"Yes Mistress!" I replied, slowly removing the most cherished thing I owned.

"And one more thing," she continued, "Continue to refer to me as 'ma-am' when in public as well, okay?"

"Yes Mist... er, Ma-am," I said.

"Now mister," she said with a most determined look, "I figured this was the best and fastest way to get some answers, and you better start giving them... QUICKLY!"

"Yes Ma-am!"

"You've gone through ALL of this," she continued, "To try to get me to be your Dominatrix, right? Well, now I wanna know WHY little one... WHY!?"

I began at the beginning, explaining my long need to cross-dress, and linking that to her experience with transsexuals. Then went into the much harder discussion of my bondage fetish and how her links to BDSM seemed to give us those things in common I was looking for. After talking for some time about me, she seemed to be shaking her head back and forth. Finally, she stopped and began staring at me, and I would swear she was looking directly into my soul... as if... well, as if she expected to see someone else.

"Alright little one," she said in a voice barely above a whisper, "But know this, and it's not an option... when it comes to your cross-dressing, bondage, sex of any and every kind... you do NOTHING without my express consent. You will remain celibate and chaste until I deem you worthy of performing these sex acts... do we have an agreement?"

It was obvious her demeanor had returned, the powerful Goddess I'd first seen was back, and it brought my chills back in greater numbers.

"Yes Ma-am," I replied, "I will always defer to you in all matters of sexual conduct."

"Now, as to the rest of our contract little one," she was saying, "I'll be in touch with you as to when and where we will meet for our sessions. When I contact you with specific instructions that we will meet, you will have your collar on for our session at ALL times, unless I specify otherwise. And my dear... these sessions are NEVER optional, and you won't enjoy being tardy. You are NEVER to speak without being spoken to, unless you say, 'Mistress may I speak' or unless I've given you permission. You will NEVER touch me unless specifically told to, and most important, you must respond to any instruction or command I give immediately, to refuse will be considered a breach of discipline and may be dealt with most harshly, MOST harshly!"

There was absolutely NO doubt in her meaning and I had to swallow hard to keep myself from losing every bit of physical control I had, right in front of her.

"Oh," she continued, "One last thing... SSC... if you haven't seen this before, look it up, and understand it, it stands for Safe, Sane, and most important, Consensual. You will have two safe words, 'White' and 'Red'. White will mean a 5-minute break, in case you are feeling a little overwhelmed. There will be two Whites allowed per session. Red, on the other hand, will stop our session completely, I will leave, and you will never see me again. If you cannot speak, jerking one leg will mean White, both legs will mean you want to give the Red safe word. Now... do we have a consensual agreement Thomas?"

"Oh, yes ma-am!" I responded enthusiastically.

"Very well," she said, "In that case we should probably get back to the party, or I guess if the party is over, work. Unless you have something otherwise important to add...?"

"No Ma-am!"


And this, my dear reader, brings us full circle, back to where I left us. In my hotel room on a cold, blustery, September morning. She had indeed setup a session, and this was to be our very first one. Watching my Mistress pacing back and forth after dealing with a run-of-the-mill hotel thief, Maggie had now called the person she was looking for with Janie, her secretary.

"Hello?" She asked, "Paul?"

"Oh Paul," she continued, "It's so good to talk to you again... yes... a very long time. Paul... we've had a run-in over here at the Malvern, and I wondered if you could look into it for me? Yes... Well, we were attacked by a thief inside our room. Yes, that's right, he was dressed as a bell captain I believe. Oh, no Paul... you understand, my work makes reporting these incidents problematic... all right then... we'll meet for dinner, say six-ish? Perfect. See ya then hun!"

My Mistress walked back over to where I was sitting and after a long hug, explained...

"Thomas," she began, "Suddenly... things are making more sense to me... many things. And I think we need to start dealing with your need to cross-dress. I have another room under my name, only this time... we'll put a little more muscle at the door. Now collect all of your things from this room, and we'll move our session over there for a while."

While I was getting all my male clothes into the suitcase that my Mistress had left for me with the female clothes I was wearing, Maggie made one more call, but I only heard bits and pieces of that conversation, something to do with 'strong enough to punch out an elephant'. As I finished my chore, I came up next to Maggie and sat down on the bed once again and looked her straight in the eyes, making her understand I had a problem.

"Mistress, may I..." I tried to ask quickly before she interrupted.

"I know, little one," she somehow managed to interrupt anyway, "even though you've done an excellent job dressing yourself as a female, and you have by-the-way... you don't feel you can pass right now without makeup, and therefore you're worried leaving this room dressed as you are... how'm I doin' so far?"

My nod and blush gave her the answer she was looking for.

"Don't worry," she continued, "my room is just down at the end of the hall, and I would never do anything to humiliate you, good enough? Oh, here let me get that off for you, just in case."

I once again acknowledged her with a simple smile, and a nod. Then she rummaged around inside her huge leather coat, producing the keys for my collar, she quickly unlocked and handed it to me. After that, she got up, made a quick walk around the suite to see if I'd forgotten anything and once she was convinced the room was 'clean' of our belongings, picked up her own canvas bag and motioned me to follow her. Once in the hallway, we were about halfway to her suite door, when the elevator doors dinged open, expelling two familiar men, each checking their surroundings carefully, and taking positions on each side of her suite's doorway. As we reached her suite, the closest man spoke up.

"G'afternoon Ma-am," he said, then recognized me by raising his eyebrows and winking!

Maggie smiled back to me as she swiped her card across the reader, unlocking the door as she pushed it open. Then with an 'after you' motion of her arm, I passed by her, and into the room.

"Thanks boys," She said to her two 'Sisters' bouncers, "We apparently have some nasty folks wandering around hotels these days... if any of them attempt to enter my rooms, or even look like they don't belong here... bag 'em first... ask questions later... we clear?"

"No problem Maggie," The first one again responded, "It'll be a privilege!"

A moment later Maggie walked in behind me, but I never noticed. This was sheer opulence! I thought such rooms only existed in places like Las Vegas, or New York...

"This is," she began, "or rather was, my 'regular' suite at this hotel, and I have had similar suites specially built in hotels located all over the world."

She dropped her canvas bag in the hall and we moved into what appeared to be a living room roughly 30 by 18-20 feet in size. At one end was the largest salt-water aquarium I'd ever seen outside of Sea World, taking up one entire wall. In it were small manta rays, sharks and enough other varieties of salt-water fish to keep any botanist busier than a one-armed paperhanger!

"C'mon," she said, smiling at my stunned expression, "I'll give ya the nickel tour."

There was a full kitchen, not anything resembling some 'en suite' kitchenette... Oh no... this could have been used by any 4 star professional chef, and looked as if it had... recently. The dining room was off to one side of the kitchen and looked out onto the golf course about 3 floors down. On the other side of the kitchen was an office with a large desk and extensive computer system. Multiple 24-inch touch screen monitors were on computer desks along the far wall.

"I imagined you might be most interested in this room," she said with a chuckle, "but I suppose I could be wrong? ...c'mon ...c.mon little one!"

Slowly coaxing me from the various computer systems, we went down a small hallway that curved around gradually to the left. Opening the first door that came up on our right, she stepped inside. Peering around the doorway, she snapped on the lights, making me flinch for just a moment. It was a beautiful bedroom suite, with a central living section, then two bedrooms on each side and an adjoining en suite bathroom.

Leaving that set of visitor's bedrooms, we moved farther down the hall, to a set of hand-carved double doors that must be the master bedroom. As she walked into this area, lights turned on silently, coming up to their programmed luminance gradually, in a stunning display of technology. Easily as large as the living room, this bedroom suite had the largest waterbed I'd ever seen, taking up about a eighth of the back wall, and surrounded by huge picture windows on either side. Off to our left was a single doorway for the master bedroom's bathroom. On either side of the bathroom door were huge walk-in closets. With a small nook built into "hers" that had a make-up station, with special track lighting all around the make-up mirrors built into the walls.

Walking into the master bath area was another wild experience. Toilet and bidet sat up front, then a huge, four-person Jacuzzi appeared on the right behind a low glass block wall. Another toilet was around the corner from the tub, then most of the last half of this huge room was dedicated to a walk-in shower that was beyond description, having a voice activated shower-jet system that was pre-programmed for various experiences. Amazed at the technology once again, Maggie now gently pried me away, and led me to another door. This was set back, had a fingerprint lock and... in an all white bathroom... was painted a striking pink.

"Through this door, " Maggie was saying, "is the playroom... and although we will visit this room rarely, when I tell you to come here, you must go immediately, open the door and access the room of your own free will. If you don't feel you can do this... it will be the same as saying your 'Red' safe word... the session stops, and you must leave. Do you understand little one?"

"Yes Mistress," I whispered.

Maggie brought my hand up to the lock mechanism, allowing it to 'learn' my prints, at which point it asked me my name. Surprisingly, Maggie brought a small piece of paper up to my eyes that had one word, a female name... Tammy. Once I spoke the name, apparently my name, the door beeped that it had learned it... and linked it to my fingerprints.

Suddenly the door opened with a slight whoosh that suggested a change in air pressure, and triggered another chill down my spine. Again, as with the master bedroom, the lights gradually increased luminescence over a couple seconds, showing what was obviously the scariest, as well as the oddest, room in the suite. Although extremely modern in its 'furniture', it could only be described as a dungeon. There were no windows and it was obviously soundproofed with my high heels barely making a noise on the soft tiles under our feet.

Once a few steps in... I stopped... and ever so slowly started to walk backwards. I knew I probably did NOT want to be here. The images to support that feeling were everywhere... several chains hung from motorized gizmos in the ceiling, small barred cells, the size of one person, shiny chromed stands of varying types and sizes, all with leather strapping and all adjustable... Padded boards with more leather, and behind these, leather sleeping bags... but no zippers, these were all laced closed with padlocks at the ends.

As I stepped back, I found Maggie had already intercepted me, at first grabbing me fast to make sure the images were locked into my memory, she then flipped me around to face her, massaging my shoulders and neck. Once I'd turned, I saw two huge closets on either side of the door we had just passed through, with racks of clothes, mostly fetish latex, but other types as well. And finally, in front of the closets, were racks filled with sex toys, torture devices, and even surgical tools of every type and description. Seeing my reaction, Maggie gave me a reassuring smile.

"Quite a room," she was saying, "Do you remember our agreement little one? Now... you may speak, ask any questions you wish, but it will be the only time this will be allowed here."

"Yes my M-Mistress," I replied, my stomach turning backflips, "W-what will... why would... what's this room to be used for?"

"Very good question," she explained, "Think of it as an exploratorium... I don't think you remember our agreement we made that day at Janie's birthday party. Because it had little to do with anything in this room... remember what I said about consensual?"

"Oh, yes... I remember now," I sighed hoping this was all just part of the tour.

"Well, also remember," She continued, "What I said about following my commands and instructions to the letter, or you would be disciplined? That, little one... THAT is what this room will be used for, at least as far as you are concerned... and you will need to give me reasons to send you here, won't you?"

Her eyes became much harder now, watching my reactions.

"Y-y-yes Mistress," I tried to respond, not exactly sure what she wanted, "I-I... I mean"

"Have you been celibate and chaste?" she asked.

"Yes Mistress," I replied.

"Very well," she said, sighing loudly, "This will be your last chance for the truth Tammy, have you remained sexually celibate and chaste as per our agreement?"

My eyes were tearing, I couldn't tell what she was wanting, of course I had, why ask?

"Alright," she now continued, "remember I asked and gave you your chance, of course if you have done as agreed, there's nothing to worry about... but if not... well, we shall see."

My knees were weak, and I hoped whatever test she had to prove or disprove my sexual behavior, was a valid and exacting one, so she could be sure I'd done as told. I was certainly hoping to never be sent here... ever.

"Come... Tammy," Maggie was saying in her soft low voice, "Its time."

I looked into those sapphire blue eyes and I knew I was hers, for what else can love be built upon but trust, and I knew I trusted her, as long as I could look into those eyes and see that trust, I knew I would always love this woman. We left the dungeon... or playroom as she called it, and walked back to the master bedroom. She steered me around to the little make-up nook, and had me sit on one of the round stools in front of the mirrors.
