Mixing Business & Pleasure


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Shekhar rose from the bed and closed the drapes, darkening their room. He returned to look at his naked wife still sprawled in the middle of the bed. He used his tongue to lick her sticky cunt, enjoying the aftertaste and the feel of her swollen nether lips. Then, he slid alongside Anita and pulled the sheet off of her pretty face. Anita's eyes opened slowly as he leaned in and kissed her deeply. "You make me feel so good," she murmured. The couple napped naked and entwined in each other's arms for the next several hours.


Later, they took another quick shower. As he dried himself, Shekhar thought briefly that he would tell Anita about their voyeur and about the other earlier couple, but he decided to wait until a better time. He didn't wish to upset his wife on their first day of vacation. Perhaps tomorrow, he rationalized, and the thought of their blatant exhibition caused his flaccid cock to rise.

"My, this place seems to have worked magic on you, my husband," Anita chuckled. "Your buddy is more active than usual, I think. I wonder if it's the water?"

"That may be, my dear," Shekhar countered. "You are also more amorous, I believe. Is it the water, the mirrors, or simply thoughts of the freedom we have to enjoy ourselves in more adventurous ways," he hinted broadly.

Anita shook her head and her dark hair shimmered in the dim light. "I can be a tsunami in the bedroom with you and still be a proper lady in public, you know. Somehow, I believe you would like for me to act like a wanton slut in front of the other guests, but I don't think that will happen. I'm afraid your fantasies must remain just that, Shekhar."

"We'll see, we'll see," he replied cryptically as he pulled on his pants and tucked in his shirt. "All that exercise made me hungry. Let's go over to the main restaurant and check out the menu. We might as well try the resort's best food first. I could use a cocktail too."

Anita chose a nice skirt and a scoop neck knit blouse from the closet and stepped to the chest of drawers to select some underwear.

"This is a casual resort, sweetheart," Shekhar began. "Surely, you don't need a bra just to go eat. Why not forego the bra for now."

Anita looked over sharply. "Without a bra, my nipples might poke out and people would notice," she retorted. "You also forgot, dear, that my boobs also sag a bit anymore."

"I love the way your breasts look when they're not penned up in a bra," he smiled. "You have such a cute set. You should display them more and do so proudly. I enjoy seeing people look. You can humor me and still be a proper lady, can't you?"

Anita was still feeling warm and tender after their lovemaking. She knew that her nipples would surely make dimples in her blouse unless she wore her bra, yet she also felt a strange urge to please her husband during their vacation. Reluctantly, she tossed her bra back into the drawer and pulled her knit top over her head. At that moment, her nipples were soft and didn't actually show, so she was happy. Anita opened the second drawer and chose a pair of thin black panties.

Shekhar decided to try again. "You'd be a lot more relaxed and comfortable if you left your panties in the drawer too," he began. "I'm not wearing any briefs under my pants but you can't tell."

"But, I'm wearing a skirt, silly," she barked. "If I don't wear my panties, someone might see right up my skirt. You're weird, you know that?"

"I'd be the only one who would know that you are bare under your skirt. All you would have to do is remember to keep your legs together. You're pretty good at that, I can assure you."

Anita shook her head slowly. "Well, you can go naked under your pants if you like, but I prefer to wear my panties. At least you will be the only one who knows what color I'm wearing. That should make you happy."

"Suit yourself, dear," Shekhar replied with a shrug. "I can't push too hard or she'll really get uptight," he thought to himself. "Maybe tomorrow, or the next day."


The resort's main restaurant began to fill up as the couple approached the door. "Ah, hello again," Joe said in greeting. "I hope you are comfortable in your cottage. Welcome to our dining room."

"I see you handle several different tasks here, Joe," Shekhar said as they were led to a table by a large window, overlooking the water.

"Yes, I have many duties, sir. Most of them are rather boring, but some are quite stimulating for me."

Anita smiled as she gazed out on the water. "You find some of your work stimulating, Joe?" she queried. "For example, what do you find so stimulating?"

Joe smiled at Anita and winked at Shekhar. "For one thing, seating attractive couples like you here in our dining room. I get to see so many friendly people in this way. I suppose another favorite job is providing massage therapy to many of our guests. I have studied massage techniques in Europe and in California. Guests often like a relaxing massage in their rooms after spending time on the beach or on the golf course."

Shekhar nodded, a thought flying across his mind. "Yes, Joe, I can see how some parts of your job are quite enjoyable and stimulating. I'll keep that in mind."

Anita felt Joe's eyes on her as she stood in profile staring at the shore. Her thoughts caused her nipples to harden involuntarily and she turned to face the window to hide her unwanted arousal. "I can't let Joe see my nipples get hard," she thought. "I'll wait until he walks away to be seated."

Joe gently touched her arm and she jumped. "Oh!"

"Sorry, Missus, but I have your chair. Won't you be seated?" Joe stated.

Anita backed into the proffered chair and placed her arms across her chest. She still felt Joe's eyes scan the tops of her breasts as he leaned over her to move her chair to the table. "Thank you, Joe," she managed to say without looking around.


Dinner was delicious. They had a salad, local seafood with rice and they shared a fancy dessert. Their waitress, Elena, was very attentive and the service was also excellent. Anita managed to get through the meal without the least concern about her missing bra.

"Hello, are you folks new arrivals?" the man asked as he stood next to Shekhar's chair.

Shekhar looked up and immediately recognized them. They were the couple who peeked into their cottage door earlier in the afternoon. They must have recognized him, Shekhar thought, because he remembered that Anita had her back to the door as she was sucking on his cock.

"Uh, yes, we just arrived here today. This was the first meal we've had and it was delicious," Shekhar added a bit nervously.

The man was of medium height, handsome, well built, with dark curly hair. His wife had long, dark hair, dark brown eyes, and she was very attractive and rather petite. "She can't be much over five feet tall, but she's got large boobs," Shekhar mused as he quickly survey the couple standing by the table.

"Yes, the food here is outstanding. We know the chef. He does wonders with the local dishes. Pardon me, I am Enrico and this is my wife, Maria. My friends just call me Rico," he continued with a broad smile.

"I'm Shekhar and this is Anita," Shekhar replied, nervously wondering whether Rico or Maria would mention seeing them earlier.

Maria turned to Anita. "We will be here another week, so I hope we will see you often. We are here for a conference, but we decided to take a vacation at the same time. Rico is a surgeon back in Lima and we like to take advantage of opportunities to travel to conferences together, especially when they are at beachside resorts," Maria informed them.

"Shekhar is also here for a conference, perhaps the same one," Anita responded with a smile. "He is involved with medical technology back home. His business is global in nature these days."

"How nice," Rico smoothly replied. "

Anita glanced up at Rico and noticed that he was looking at her rather intently. His smile was genuine and she was somehow drawn to him. His eyes twinkled and the creases at the corners made him look quite handsome. She looked up at him. She felt her nipples harden and they began to poke at the thin fabric covering them. "Oh, how I wish I had worn my bra," she thought. "A doctor would certainly know that she was aroused."

Shekhar noticed his wife's erect nipples and grinned. When he looked up at Maria, it was also obvious to him that Maria wore no bra. Maria had rather large boobs for her petite size and she made no attempt to hide or disguise her charms. Shekhar could actually discern two small dark areas under Maria's white blouse. "Big tits with small nipples," Shekhar mused to himself, then dropped his gaze lower. Maria wore a very short black skirt with a silver chain that accented her slender hips and perfect rear. When he looked up, he saw that Maria had followed his gaze. She knew he had been checking her out, but she just smiled sweetly at him.

Impulsively, Shekhar turned to Rico. "Would you two please join us for an after dinner drink? I'd like to hear your opinion about the opening conference topics tomorrow."

Rico nodded his assent and motioned for Maria to take a seat. She moved next to Shekhar and Rico sat next to Anita. The waitress noticed them and returned to take their drink orders. Soon, the two couples were chatting amiably. Shekhar and Rico exchanged medical and technology jargon while the ladies spoke more about the resort.

"I love this resort," Maria gushed. "The beach is so clean and nice. They come around often to ask if you want refreshments or fresh towels. The sun feels so good and the water is just the right temperature."

Anita listened with interest as Maria described the beach scene. "Shekhar tells me that part of the beach here is designated clothing optional," she ventured to test Maria's reaction.

"Yes, that's true," Maria confirmed with a nod. "Quite a few of the women sunbathe topless all over the beach, but at the far end clothing is completely optional. I, myself, have not been down there yet. My culture in Peru is very conservative and you can't find beaches like this back home.

Anita nodded. "It is the same in India. The culture there is also conservative. No ladies go topless, or even wear a skimpy bikini. This environment is completely new to me also."

Anita paused, thinking about Maria's earlier comment. "Maria, you said that you have not been there yet. Do you that mean you plan to venture down to the clothing optional section at some point?"

Maria laughed. "I don't think so...at least not alone. I would be afraid to go there by myself. I haven't even had the courage to remove my top on this beach yet. The European women seem perfectly happy being topless, but it seems like such a big step to take. Rico teases me, of course. He is much more open to trying new things when we travel. He believes in the old saying, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans.' In fact, he bought himself one of those tiny Speedo bathing suits yesterday at the resort. I don't know if he will be brave enough to wear it on the beach. It leaves very little to the imagination."

Anita glanced over at Rico. An image of the handsome man, now sitting by her, walking toward her in a skimpy Speedo flashed before her. A tiny shiver coursed through her, causing butterflies in her tummy and a tingle between her legs. "I've seen pictures of those suits," Anita said, "but I've never seen a man wearing one. Do they really reveal so much?"

"Rico tried it on for me in our room earlier," Maria confided in a whisper. "It revealed quite a lot about his private equipment. I could even tell that he was circumcised through the stretchy cloth. In that respect, it is like the thin fabric of your top. I can easily see your nipples when you move your arms."

Anita felt herself flush with embarrassment. Maria had also noticed her hard nipples! "Oh, my. I told Shekhar that I should wear a bra under this top, but he convinced me to leave it off today. I'm so sorry."

"No, no," Maria quickly replied. "I didn't mean that as a criticism at all. Rico asked me to go without my bra today also. I need one, but when we travel, I sometimes like to enjoy the freedom. I hope I'm not being to immodest."

Anita noticed that she could detect Maria's dark areola through her blouse, but only vaguely. "I don't think so, Maria. A person would have to look very closely to see anything. It does feel good to be natural and not trussed up in a bra doesn't it?"

"Yes, especially when you move about. Mine sway quite a bit when I walk," Maria giggled nervously. "It makes me feel very sexy when I go natural. My blouse touches me and gives me some funny feelings, you know."

"I've had some of those same funny feelings while sitting here," Anita confessed. "This whole resort thing has just started, but Shekhar and I have done some things that we would never do at home. I can't really say more about that," she added with a sly smile.

Maria smiled back knowingly. "Yes, believe me, I can imagine. This place has had a similar effect on us. This is our second day and we have been behaving like newlyweds on our honeymoon. I love to make these trips with Rico, and this has been our best one by far. Rico is all business during the conference, but in the evening he is my Don Juan."

Maria let her mind wander back a few hours when she and Rico saw a naked Shekhar through the patio door being sucked by a dark-haired woman whom she now knew as Anita. They hadn't actually seen anything except Shekhar's bare chest and Anita's bare back and rear, but it was obvious what was happening in that beachside cottage. The recollection made Maria's small nipples harden. At the same time, she felt wetness between her legs and squeezed them together tightly. "Damn you, Rico," she thought, "why did I let you talk me into coming to dinner without my panties?"

Desperately, Maria began to fear that her arousal might leak onto her skirt and show. "I need to visit the restroom," she whispered as she rose stiffly.

Anita sat quietly, listening to the men discuss a new method for scanning tumors and waited for Maria to return. She looked at her husband, then glanced at Rico. Shekhar was explaining some point. Rico was listening, but was looking directly at her. Anita looked away, but when her glance returned, Rico was still looking at her. Their eyes met and he held her gaze for several long moments. Again, Anita felt a tingle as her erect nipples poked out against the confining fabric of her top. "What is happening to me?" she thought as she finally looked down and saw how noticeable her breasts had become.

Maria returned to the table. Anita saw that Shekhar's eyes followed her movements as she crossed the stone floor, her heels making little clicking noises as she approached them. Anita also noticed the way Maria's breasts swayed inside her loose blouse. "Shekhar likes the way she walks too," she noted as Maria slid back into her chair.

After a second round of drinks, Rico spoke up. "The conference convenes at 8 o'clock, so we'd better call it a night. Maria and I have some unfinished business to attend to, don't we dear?"

Blushing, Maria quickly rose. "Yes, you will need to be alert and fresh in the morning, Rico." She turned to Anita. "It was so nice to meet you, Anita. I hope we can spend some time together on the beach tomorrow."

Anita nodded. "Just call my cottage when you are ready. It would be so much nicer to have company while on the beach."

"It seems that you have already made a friend," Shekhar said after the other couple departed. "They are very nice. Rico is quite knowledgeable about new technology."

"Yes, and Maria and I are very much alike in our backgrounds, even though we are from distant parts of the world. Like me, she was raised in a very conservative culture. She is also quite stunning. She is so petite. She resembles the pictures I have seen in books of the queens and princesses of the ancient Inca Empire in Peru. I believe you noticed her too, didn't you Shekhar?"

He looked across at his wife, prepared to deny that he was ogling Maria. Then, he saw the sly grin on her face and decided to admit it. "Well, I agree that Maria is quite attractive. I couldn't help noticing how nice she looked. I believe you were rather smitten by Rico too, my love."

"He's very handsome, yes," Anita confessed. "He has such curly hair and his eyes are rather captivating. I always thought surgeons were wrinkled old men with funny hair," she chuckled.

"I saw how your nipples came alive when they introduced themselves," Shekhar said softly. "It was exciting to see the effect you two had on each other. I began to get stiff again just watching you squirm."

Anita stammered, "There you go again with your fantasies! I didn't notice any special effect at all," she lied and her nipples again gave her away.

"Never mind. Just understand that I enjoyed it and that I am not the least bit jealous. You can flirt with Rico, or other men you meet here at the resort, if you like. I want you to have fun and explore the world outside your self-imposed cocoon. I think it is good to experience new modes in a safe environment. Shall we take a little walk and then head back to our cottage? I want to sit on our deck and listen to the water before we go to sleep."


Rico used the plastic card to open the room door and followed Maria inside. "Well, what did you think of our sex-crazed friends, Maria?"

"They were very nice, really. I was afraid that we wouldn't like them based on our earlier encounter, but they seemed to be very much like us. Anita and I actually have a lot in common. She comes from a conservative background and I think this is her first exposure to casual resort life."

"If she's conservative, it must have been Shekhar's idea to leave the drapes open in their cottage while she gave him a blow job," Rico replied with a wicked chuckle.

Maria punched Rico's arm. "I'm sure it was. It was also Shekhar's idea for Anita to come to dinner without her bra. She told me and it sounded just like you and your horny requests. That reminds me, since you suggested that I go without any undergarments, I had to go to the rest room and put some tissue up inside to keep from making a wet spot on the back of my skirt. I'll have to be more careful next time."

"Oh, so sitting next to Shekhar made your little pussy all wet?" Rico teased. "Was it him, or was it the sexy woman talk you and Anita were having?"

"Maybe some of both," Maria countered. Shekhar is a very nice looking guy. You must have seen him looking at me when we were standing there at their table. He was trying to see through my blouse. I wonder what he would have thought if he had known that I wasn't wearing any panties either."

Rico laughed out loud. He probably would have grown a hard cock just like the one I'm getting right now. Come over here and feel it while I undress you. We're going to have a nice warm bath in our big tub, then I am going to make you moan with pleasure and beg for more."

Maria moved to her husband. "Are you going to leave the drapes open like they did? We don't have a cottage this time, but we can see into other rooms. That means others can see into ours if we have any lights on."

"It sounds like you would like that, you sexy woman! I really think Shekhar got your motor running tonight. Let's see if you will really dare." Rico walked to the picture window and pulled the drapes open. Then, he walked back to his petite wife and placed her hand on his engorged prick. As they shared a kiss, Rico began to unbutton her blouse and they both wondered if anyone out there was watching.


The ringing telephone jarred Anita awake at 8:30 a.m. the next morning. "Hello?"

"Good morning, Anita," Maria replied with a happy lilt. "Are you awake yet?"

"You woke me, but that's all right," Anita said as she realized that Shekhar was already dressed and off to the conference.