Mixing Business & Pleasure


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"Your turn, big boy," Maria laughed as she bent to tuck her top into the blanket roll.

Rico turned toward the water and tucked his thumbs into the waist of his suit. One quick motion brought his suit to his ankles and he stepped out gingerly. "There, free at last," he quipped.

Anita held her breath as Rico turned to face them. His semi-erect member moved slightly as he put his hands on his hips and waited, smiling. Anita knew what he was waiting for and she hesitated. Compared to Maria, her smaller mounds might illicit laughs as they had in her teen years. Anita gulped and slowly turned to Shekhar. "Would you untie my top, please?"

"You're stunning!" Rico sputtered as Anita allowed her top to fall into her husband's hand. "Excuse me, Shekhar, for saying what a lovely lady you have. I could tell they were firm and nice, but they are even better than I thought."

"Thank you for saying so," Anita blushed. "Before, other people have laughed at my little boobs. I've always been self-conscious, haven't I Shekhar?"

"Yes, you have, but I keep telling you that you have a perfect figure. Maybe now you will believe me."

Shekhar looked around. Maria and Rico were waiting for him to bare himself and so were several others who happened to be sunning nearby. "This is what I've always dreamed about," he thought. "Now, it's really happening."

Pulling on each side of his trunks, he dropped them to the sand without delay. His thick cock stood out proudly. Anita bent down to retrieve her husband's trunks. Maria put her hand to her mouth as she took in the sight of his semi-erect manhood.

"There, now isn't that better?" Maria gushed as they stood in a circle ogling each other. "Let's keep walking, now that we're better suited for this part of the beach."

When they reached the end of the beach, all were much more comfortable with their exposure. They noticed the many stares they got as they passed group after group of nude sunbathers.

"Let's stop here for a while," Rico suggested. We can put down our gear and go for a swim. I'm anxious to see how it feels to swim nude."

Shekhar dropped the other blanket and the two men entered the water a few feet apart, near another couple who were holding each other and bobbing around. Maria and Anita spread the blankets next to each other and sat for a few minutes. "I think I'll join them," Maria finally announced. Without ceremony, she stood and removed her tiny bikini bottom, exposing her trimmed pussy. "Are you going to join me, Anita?"

"Like that?" Anita replied gasping.

"Sure, why not? You want Rico to see your cute little pussy, and I don't care if he does. Do you think Shekhar will like to see mine?"

"Uh, yes, sure," was all Anita could think of to say in response.

Maria stepped off her blanket and walked proudly down to the water's edge. "How is it, boys?" she asked, giving them ample time to notice that she was now completely naked.

"Great, come and join us," Rico urged. "You too, Anita!"

Anita stood and walked to the water, still wearing the bottom of her suit. She splashed her way to the others and sank into the water up to her neck. "This is nice," she cooed as Shekhar encircled her in his arms.

"Why didn't you remove the rest?" Shekhar whispered in her ear. "You're the only one with a suit on now."

"I wasn't sure you'd want me to do that," she whispered back. "Maria caught me by surprise."

Shekhar shook his head slowly. "You didn't listen very well last night, my dear. I'm okay with anything, remember?"

"I guess so," Anita murmured. "It's too late now, though."

"Wrong again, Shekhar replied with a grin. He moved his hands down her sides and used his fingers to pull Anita's suit down her legs and off her feet. "There, how does that feel?"

"Oh, God, I can't believe you did that," she cried. Her feet parted and returned to the sand, exposing her naked sex to the water's movement. "Actually, it feels divine right now."

Raising his arm, Shekhar displayed the tiny scrap of cloth that had recently covered his wife's most intimate parts. Rico gave him the thumbs up sign and Maria squealed with delight.

"Now, we're all naked and having fun together!" she laughed. "This feels so good, I want to come here every day from now on."

When they returned to their spot on the beach, Shekhar tossed Anita's soggy bikini onto the sand. "You won't need your suit until we return to the main beach, will you?"

"I guess not," she agreed as she sat cross-legged on her blanket, breathing heavily.

Rico gazed at his wife, then at Anita. "You two are trimmed just alike," he observed. "What a coincidence."

"No coincidence," Anita corrected. "Maria described what she did, and I decided to trim mine the same way the other day."

"Except for a slightly different skin tone, it's hard to tell them apart," Shekhar told them.

Rico nodded and laughed. "Yeah, I wonder if you and I could tell them apart in the dark?" he hinted.

"Interesting question," Shekhar replied to Anita's dismay.

"All you would have to do is feel a breast. You'd know the difference real quick," Anita retorted.

"There you go being sensitive about your boobies again," Shekhar scolded. "You heard Rico say that he loves yours and I'm sure he meant it."

"You bet," Rico quickly agreed. "I'd love to get my hands on them sometime."

Maria poked her husband in the ribs. "You horny devil. Apologize to Anita this minute!"

"Sorry, honey. Sorry everybody," Rico chuckled, "but it's the truth. I'd really enjoy playing with hers, just for fun, and feel the difference."

"Then, you would have to let Shekhar play with mine too," Maria suggested. "You'd be nice and gentle, wouldn't you Shekhar?"

Feeling a surge into his groin, Shekhar turned over onto his belly. "I'm always gentle," he mumbled. "No offense, Rico."

"None taken. Let's just keep those sexy thoughts in mind for the present. After all, this is a public beach, even if it is a nude beach too. The other people might get annoyed if we played our games right out here in the open. We'd need a private place...like your cottage."

"Hush, Rico," Maria scolded. "You're making Anita and Shekhar uncomfortable with such talk."

"No problem," Shekhar responded as he looked over at Maria with a smile. "The idea intrigues me to be honest."

Anita stood. "That's enough, you guys, stop it. I'm going to get wet again."

Rico and Shekhar watched Anita amble back down to the shore. "Go calm her down, Maria," Rico suggested. "I think we had better take it easy for a while."

Shekhar eyed Maria as she swayed down to join Anita. "Were you serious about wanting to play with Anita's little titties?" he asked Rico.

"I hope you aren't angry, my friend," Rico replied. "I've been fantasizing about her since we saw you in your cottage the other night. I don't think my Maria would mind wrapping her lips around that thick shaft of yours either. After we watched you and Anita, we went back to our room. We sucked and fucked for at least two hours. I've never seen her so aroused."

Shekhar nodded. "Knowing that you two saw us got me very excited also. Maria's been on my mind a lot. She's a beautiful pixie and she has such perfect tits."

"Maybe we should get together for drinks at your cottage again tonight. By then, maybe Anita, with a little wine, will be in a more agreeable mood. What do you say, Shekhar?"

"Let's wait and see how it goes. Maybe Maria can raise the idea and see if Anita will agree. If I push her, she'll just resist even more. I've told her over and over that I'm okay with whatever she wants to try while we're here, but she is still reluctant to spread her wings. You know how it is."

"I do, indeed," Rico nodded. "It's taken me quite a while to get Maria to loosen up. Now, she's ready to live a little, I think. Did you really mean what you said to Anita? That you are okay with anything?"

Shekhar looked at Rico and saw that he was asking a serious question. "Yes, I really meant it. I just don't think she is ready to take me up on my offer yet. Actually, I think we'd be a stronger couple if were to experience more of life's pleasures."

Rico thought a moment. "Then, you won't mind if I test Anita's limits a bit while we're here together, right?"

"No, that's fine, so long as you aren't overly possessive with Maria. Like I've said, she's captured my attention just as Anita has captured yours."


"Hey, Anita, don't get all uptight, okay?" Maria asked as she joined her friend in the water. "The guys were just acting macho and teasing us."

"I'm not so sure," Anita countered. "I think they both want to do some things that might not be just teasing. Like letting Shekhar play with your boobs and maybe more, and my letting Rico touch my breasts like he was suggesting."

Maria splashed water on her face and looked back at Anita. "It was all just talk and some adult fun. After all, we're all here to have fun, now that those silly meetings are over. We're a long way from home and a long way from people we know. Why not relax and enjoy our freedom? I know you excite Rico, and I'll bet I excite your Shekhar too. It's just normal in a setting like this. Here we are, playing around on a nude beach together, knowing that whatever we do will stay right here."

"That's what Shekhar says, but I'm afraid that this could all get out of hand. One thing could lead to another, and..."

"And what?" Maria prompted.

"Anita took a deep breath. "Are you prepared to sit by and watch Rico fondle me and maybe try to use his mouth on me, or even something even more intimate?"

"Actually, I might really get excited to see him fooling around with you. We've had fantasies about that, I must admit."

Anita lowered her eyes. "We played out a fantasy like that last night. Shekhar pretended that Rico was with us and all," she admitted sheepishly.

"Did that arouse you, Anita?" Maria probed gently.

"The fantasy along with being tied to the bed, yes, it did get me very excited."

Maria leaned back in the water. "Oh, my, that does sound exciting, sweetie. Tell me more about it."

"Well, first Shekhar opened the patio door and drapes. He pretended that Rico was watching us while I was blindfolded and tied up. Later, he invited Rico into our cottage and let him see me all spread out and wet."

What did my husband do to you in your fantasy, Anita?"

Anita turned away from her interrogator. "He touched me all over and sucked on my nipples. Then he used his fingers on me and licked me down there. Finally, Shekhar let him make love to me while he watched him," Anita admitted. "I had several strong orgasms. Then, Shekhar and I made love for real and it was incredible."

Maria hugged Anita closely. "Thanks for sharing your fantasy with me. I will now be able to dream of it also. Just hearing you tell me made me very aroused. Please don't feel guilty or anything. Rico and I like to play games with each other also. It is harmless fun and very sexy. "Would you mind greatly if I let Shekhar play with me a little while Rico keeps you company?"

Anita slowly shook her head. "I know that Shekhar would like for me to try new things. I wore my bikini today just for him. Now look. My suit is in the sand and I am swimming around naked. He keeps telling me to do anything I want...anything at all, and I know he means it. Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm just a prude and I need to live a little. But it's such a big change from what I'm used to being."

Maria agreed. "It's taken me a long time to come around to that way of thinking too. I know what you mean. Until I met Rico, I led a very sheltered life. Now, I'm finally learning to let go of the old taboos and really enjoy myself. I may be a bit ahead of you in that regard, but you can catch up, you know."

"I won't take the lead, Maria," Anita finally stated. "I've played along to this point, so I guess it won't hurt to keep doing so, as long as Shekhar is with me and approves of what we do. I guess I'm both prudish and submissive at the same time."

"That's my girl," Maria gushed as she hugged Anita again and gave her a quick kiss. "Maybe we can get together later this evening and experiment a little more. I'll make sure things don't get too far out of hand, okay?"

"I'm trusting you all the way on this, Maria," Anita told her friend. "It's been fun so far, really. I never dreamed that I would be doing any of this, but I think it's addicting to a degree."

Three nude young men strolled by as Anita and Maria exited the water. They stopped to admire the women, then noticed Shekhar and Rico and quickly moved on smiling.

Maria sprawled on her blanket next to Rico and melted into his arms. "I think Anita's okay now," she whispered as she fondled his balls.

Anita sat on her blanket next to Shekhar and took a drink of water.

"How was the water this time?" Shekhar asked.

"Great!" Anita answered with a laugh in her voice. "I'm having fun, are you?"

"Yes, I'm enjoying myself immensely," Shekhar replied. "I'm glad to see you in a festive mood. I hope you continue this way from now on."

"Sure, why not? I love the way the sun and the water feel on my body, and I love the nice company we've met on our vacation."

"What a nice thing to say," Maria responded. "We feel the same way. Warm sand, perfect water, great friends, no worries, just the right combination."

Rico piped up finally. "Let's all get in the water one more time while it's still warm. We'll need to head back to the resort pretty soon."

The two couples waded into the water and bobbed around close together for another half-hour. There was more touching this time and nobody seemed to care. It was the first movement in what might later become a symphony of arousal and excitement for four very sexy people.

The two couples returned to the beach to roll up blankets and prepare for the hike back to the resort. Nobody bothered to don suits until they reached the sign that signaled the boundary of the clothing optional section.

Anita shook the sand from her bikini and slipped it back on. "Ouch, my suit is soggy and it still has some sand in it. I can't wait to get to the cottage and enjoy a nice long bath."

"My suit's not much more than a couple of strings and triangles, and it's still dry," Maria commented. You've got the right idea, Anita. I'm going to enjoy our big tub too."

Rico agreed. "The tub's big enough for both of us, honey. It will feel great to rinse off the beach. They're having an outdoor luau-style dinner party tonight, so we can go native."


That evening, the two couples, along with the other guests, enjoyed the fancy dinner on the lush lawn. The girls ordered tropical drinks and they had several apiece during the feast. They listened to the live band and danced a little, changing partners frequently. Shekhar suggested that they go back to the cottage before the band stopped playing.

"We can have our own party back at our cottage. I'm sore from sitting cross-legged like this for so long. Let's go."

Rico was quick to agree. "Yes, this has been fun, but we can continue the party where we can be more comfortable."

Maria stood up and stretched, signaling her desire to leave, so Anita followed her lead.

"We've got plenty of booze in our room if you need some," Rico offered.

"No need," Shekhar replied. "We have more than enough, I'm sure."

Maria sprawled in a chair and propped her bare feet up on the edge of the bed. "Now, this is living," she said with a slight slur as she rose and went to open the drapes. "You have a big room, a beautiful deck, and a marvelous view of the water." She opened the door and wandered out onto the deck. Shekhar joined her and handed her another drink. They stood together and looked out on the water.

"Remember the other night when you were in your room and we walked by?" Maria asked coyly.

"Yes, I sure do. I'm sure you two were surprised to see us in such an exposed position."

"Rico noticed first. We could see you very clearly because you had a light on. Anita had her back to us, but I noticed the smile on your face as she sucked your cock. Is she good?"

Shekhar glanced at Maria and grinned. "The best I've ever had. Actually, she's the only one who's ever done that to me."

"Rico thinks I am the best for the same reason. We've always been too busy to do any experimenting with others. However, I'm sure that seeing Anita like that made him think about what she would be like."

Shekhar sipped his drink and turned his head toward the bedroom. What he saw surprised him. Anita was naked and in the same position that she had been in before, on her knees facing away from the patio door. Rico's bare chest could be seen as Anita helped him slide his pants down. "She's going to do it to Rico!" Shekhar thought as the reality hit him. "My wife is going to suck Rico right in front of us," he thought as he gasped.

Maria sensed a change and glanced around to see what had captured Shekhar's attention. It was déjà vu for her, except this time it was her husband who was standing in the center of the cottage bedroom having his dick sucked by the exotic, black-haired woman.

"Well, well, they didn't waste any time, did they?" she said to Shekhar. "We fantasized about that scene several times. Now, it looks like Rico's gotten his wish."

"Incredible," Shekhar gasped as he watched his wife's head bob. "She really is doing it. Anita finally decided to take me up on my offer, I guess."

"Are you okay, Shekhar?" Maria asked quietly. "Do you want to break it up?"

Shekhar leaned against the deck railing. He felt his flaccid cock begin to pulse inside his pants. His stomach fluttered and his knees felt weak. "No, hell no," he muttered. "This is so hot. I can't believe it's really happening."

Maria took his arm. "Let's take a closer look, okay?"

She led Shekhar back into the bedroom and to one side, near the bed. Shekhar was now able to view his wife from the side and see Rico's cock as she slid it in and out of her mouth in a slow, steady rhythm. Anita cupped the man's balls in her hand as she continued to minister to his stiff shaft, making little mewling sounds when his cock went almost all the way in. Shekhar could see his wife's saliva glisten on Rico's shaft and his own prick swelled, fully awakened to the lustful spectacle.

"Mmm, Shekhar, you need some relief too," Maria told him quietly. She unzipped Shekhar's slacks and reached inside to extract his thick stick. Without a word, Maria kissed the head and let her tongue loop around it as she searched inside his briefs for his tightening balls. Shekhar looked down and watched Rico's wife lick his dick. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes and smiled. "Like it?" she teased.

"Mmm, fantastic," Shekhar answered and put his hand on the top of her head. "Please don't stop."

Rico noticed what his wife was doing and it caused his prick to grow to its maximum length. He had dreamed of seeing Maria with another man for a long time. Now, he was actually watching his wife as she wrapped her lips around Shekhar's thick cock.

Shortly after, Rico could hold it no longer. He began to pulse and Anita could tell that he was on the verge of squirting his cum into her mouth. She tasted his pre-cum and pulled back just as Rico exploded. His jism flew from the tip. It splattered onto her face and into her black hair, dripping down onto her firm breasts. Some juice spotted the carpet under him.

"Oh, God, yes," he moaned as Anita used her hand to milk the last drops from his manhood and licked the clear liquid off the tip as it oozed out.

Shekhar heard Rico climax and it pushed him to the edge within a minute. Maria felt him begin to move and his balls shrink up. She didn't pull back, but kept sucking. Shekhar filled her mouth with thick ropes of cum and he felt her swallow as she continued to feverishly suck his shaft.