Mixing Business with Pleasure


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Juliet was a turnaround expert, and was brought in by my company to reform an underperforming sales function. I was part of the problem, and Juliet had figured out that the fastest way to change my behavior was to appeal to my submissive instincts. It didn't appear hard for her since she was a Domme, and a skilled one at that. She had honed her craft as a dominant as sharp and as fine edged and she did in her business dealings. It was obvious to her that I needed certain behavioral "adjustments," and used my thirst for submission to achieve them.

She left me hanging at the club. She had stoked my fires, then left me there burning, with no relief. She was a contradiction to me -- beautiful and controlling on the one hand, prerequisites for me as a submissive, yet a cold hearted bitch on the other.

Ever since the party I had tried to talk to Ally. She didn't reply to any of my texts and didn't answer any of my phone calls. I was sure that she was somehow involved in Juliet finding me at the club, so her avoidance of me only heightened my suspicions. I had to take care of my two boys on Sunday so I didn't have the time to drive to her apartment complex so I could confront her in person.

We were supposed to be at work starting at 9 a.m. every day, but under our former boss Dan Hogan, that time slipped back to 9:30 or so. Under Juliet, everyone was expected to be there promptly at 9, if not earlier. I dressed for work, planning to be there at 8:30, and perhaps catch Ally first thing in the morning so I could find out for sure what happened between her and Juliet.

Of course, one of my high school kids overslept that morning, and I had to rush to get him ready and drive him to school because he missed the bus. Ordinarily, I would call Dan and tell him I was going to be late and he would tell me it was fine. Juliet ... fuck ... she was going to be displeased and would probably crucify me as an example to others. I tried to sneak into my cube at 9:30, hoping that she wouldn't spot me. Fortunately I didn't see anyone around. I checked my e-mails and discovered that she called for a last minute staff meeting at 9, so everyone but me was in the main conference room.

I approached the glass walled conference room and could see that Juliet had projected a sales summary from last quarter on the screen, and everyone had their eyes trained on it ... that is until Juliet spotted me in the hallway and turned her gaze to me like the eye of Sauron. Everyone in the meeting turned and trained their eyes on me as well, so the meeting had effectively stopped. If I was five years old, I would have wet my underwear.

I sheepishly opened the glass door, and after scanning the room to horrified faces, spotted an empty chair on the other side of the conference room table.

"Why don't we wait for Ms. Barnett to find a seat?" Then, with sarcasm dripping from her voice, she added, "I'm so happy you could take time out of your busy day to make time for this meeting, Karen. Only thirty-five minutes late. That's got to be a record for you."

I pushed past the people between me and my seat, enduring the dirty looks from them as I passed their swivel chairs. I set my coffee down. Ally was sitting next to me. She handed me the packet that Juliet had distributed for the meeting. She didn't dare speak a word, as everyone was watching me.

"Well, now that Ms. Barnett has deigned to bestow her presence upon us, we can continue the meeting."

I kept my eyes focused on the packet and tried to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Now, let's turn to page twelve of the handout ...".

The meeting continued for another hour, and by the end I was mentally exhausted from avoiding the stares from my colleagues. Most had probably figured I'd be cleaning out my desk that morning, and I shared their sentiment. I was still Juliet's bitch, but soon I was going to be her unemployed bitch. I should have been paying attention during the meeting, but my imminent termination blocked out all other thoughts.

When the meeting ended, I expected her to call me to her office. Instead, nothing. Juliet picked up her meeting materials and her coffee cup and returned to her office, not even bothering to look at me or acknowledge my presence. Her ignoring me almost felt worse than her firing me right on the spot. I made the walk of shame back to my cube. No one wanted to talk to me and I didn't want to talk to them. I got to my cube and sat at my desk, staring blankly ahead.

I caught a glimpse of Ally walking by my cube.

"Ally!" I whispered loudly.

She looked to see if anyone was watching her, and snuck into my cube.

"Look, I'm not supposed to talk to you." Ally was uncharacteristically nervous.

"Why not?" I asked, suspecting the answer.

"Juliet told me not to."

She confirmed my suspicion.

"So what happened last week? How did Juliet turn up at the club? You told her, didn't you?"

"I did. But I didn't have a choice. She met with me last week and told me that she was going to fire you. I'd heard from some of the club members that she had visited there and I put two and two together. She's unquestionably a Domme."

"Did you know that she found me at the club?"

"What?" She was genuinely surprised.

"She found me. She dominated me. I told her I was going to be her bitch."

"You're fucking kidding me."

"No ... I'm not."

"I didn't point you out. I didn't even tell her you were a slave."

"I know."

"So how did she figure out which person was you? All the slaves were hooded and there must have been at least a hundred people there."

"I don't know," I answered, now completely befuddled how Juliet figured out that I was slave number 8.

"I've got to go. If Juliet finds out I've been talking to you I could be fired too."

She slipped out of my cube. I waited expectantly at my desk for the other shoe to drop.

* * *

Hearing nothing from Juliet, I regained my composure and started compiling the sales report I was supposed to turn in that day. Dan was usually slack with deadlines, but I had to turn over a new leaf if I had any hope of staying. I worked through lunch, and my breaks, and about finished with the report right before the end of the day. The report had a bit of favorable news. I was able to close on a couple of the new targets on our pursuit list, and my numbers were finally starting to improve. I doubted either of those facts would save my job.

I usually left promptly at five, but decided to stay a bit longer to put the finishing touches on the report and hit "send." I don't know why I felt compelled to work late since my head was clearly on the chopping block, but working took my mind off my latest colossal fuck-up.

It was close to six when I started cleaning up my desk. I thought about packing up my things and putting them in a cardboard box, but thought better of it. As I was closing my computer a new message appeared.

Juliet Andrews:I see that you're still here.

That creeped me out. Was she watching me? Was she watching me the whole time?

Her message seemed to call for a reply.

Karen Barnett:I am.May I help you?

I waited a minute. Then two. Then five, waiting for her reply. I was starting to get antsy, wondering if we were done. I told the boys I was going to be home in thirty minutes to make them dinner.

Right when I decided to leave, a new message appeared.

Juliet Andrews:If you're still here, come to my office.

Shit. This was the moment of truth. I made a quick stop at the restroom to pee and checked my hair and make-up. I had to look good for the firing squad. I walked the last mile to the other side of the building. I could see that Juliet was sitting at her desk, reviewing some printouts on her desk. She looked as fresh as she did at the morning meeting.

She looked up when she caught me out of the corner of her eye. I froze, still outside her office.

"Come in Karen."

She called me by my first name. She did that at the club too, when she was establishing that I was going to be her bitch. Her face was expressionless.

I walked into her office. I had a hard time making eye contact. I was sure she could tell that I was nervous.

"Close the door behind you."

I did. I didn't make another move.

"Go ahead and sit down."

I did. She looked as cool and powerful as ever, in her natty business attire. At the club I'd seen her nude. I'd eaten some man's cum out of her pussy. Yet fully dressed she looked even sexier to me. My mind was racing with the possibility she was going to hand me my pink slip. My body was telling me something else. I cursed it. I was getting wet.

She opened a desk drawer and pulled out a neatly folded brown paper bag. She unfolded it slowly, the crackling of the stiff brown paper sending shivers through me.

"Put all of your clothes, and your shoes in this bag." She pushed the open bag across her desk.

I looked at her for just an instant, but her expression said she meant business. I didn't question her request. I started with my blouse, unbuttoning it, folding it carefully, and placing it in the bag. I followed with my skirt and my shoes. Surprisingly, she went back to reviewing a report on her desk, using a yellow highlighter to mark a column of numbers. I took off my bra, then panties, so I was fully nude, standing in front of her. I must have stood there for another five minutes, wondering if someone was going to come in the office and see me. My pussy was now sopping wet. I couldn't believe that my body and mind were completely disconnected.

I handed her the bag and returned to my position, standing on the other side of the desk. She leaned over to put the bag back in a desk drawer. She reached in her purse to retrieve a key and locked it.

"It seems like your numbers are looking better Karen. I just reviewed your latest sales report."

Then she laughed because she could see that I was a bundle of nerves. It wasn't a friendly laugh, and it sent another shiver down my spine.

"No. I wasn't watching you in your carrel. I knew you were here because I got an automatic notification when you submitted your sales report."

She was having this conversation with me as if I was fully clothed and seated. I was neither.

"Honestly Karen. The numbers are promising and I'm encouraged that you signed two of our new targets."

"Thank you Ms. Andrews." I didn't know what else to say. What do you say when you're literally and figuratively standing naked in front of your boss?

She paused for a moment. I knew I made a mistake.

"Let's get something straight Karen. When you're in my office and you're naked, I'm Mistress Juliet. Is that clear?"

Ahh. Now the future was becoming clearer. She's wasn't going to fire me.

"Yes Mistress Juliet." There was more life in my voice.

"Good. Now I may choose to call you something else when you're in my office. Bitch, whore and slut come to mind."

Her statement didn't call for an answer.

Then her bright green eyes darkened. "I enjoyed my time with you at the club on Saturday."

She waited for my response.

"Thank you Mistress Juliet. I enjoyed it as well."

In truth, even though she was a cold hearted sadistic bitch, it was the most alive I'd ever felt. Maybe it was because she was a cold hearted sadistic bitch.

"You really are a slut. I didn't have to ask you twice to eat a man's cum out of my pussy. You enjoyed licking my pussy, didn't you?"

"Yes Mistress Juliet. I did."

She looked at my thighs. The juice from my pussy was now starting to dribble down them. I could feel it and I couldn't stop it. I was embarrassed, and that made me even more excited.

"In fact, judging from your wet pussy, you're enjoying this conversation, aren't you Karen?"

My mind wasn't, but my body was. That was an undeniable fact, and she was seeing the physical proof of it.

"Yes Mistress Juliet, I am."

"Well, Karen, I must say you're full of surprises. In my meetings you're belligerent and disrespectful, and your work for the most part has been substandard. But you excel at pussy eating don't you?"

"Yes Mistress Juliet. I think I do."

I started to shift my weight back and forth between my feet. I remembered I told the boys I'd be home soon. I was going to be late. She must have picked up on my anxiety.

"Need to be somewhere Karen?"

"I told my boys I was going to be home soon to make them dinner Mistress Juliet."

She thought for a moment. "Is it possible to make other arrangements?"

As a single mother, I always had a back-up option. A neighbor of ours had two boys who were about the same age as mine. They hung out a lot together so it wouldn't be a problem for them to eat dinner there and do their homework.

"I think so. But I have to make a call, and I don't have my phone."

She smiled. I think it was the first time I saw her smile. She reached down into her purse and retrieved her phone. She used her thumb to unlock it. She slid it across her desk.

"Go ahead and use mine. I can wait."

So standing there naked, with Juliet watching, I tried to remember Janet's number. It finally came to me and I punched it in. Fortunately she answered. I told her I had a work emergency and asked her if she could cover for me. No problem, she said, and the conversation was over.

"I need to call my son now Mistress Juliet."

"That's fine. Go ahead."

I called him. He was actually happy that he got to spend more time with his friends. He told his brother while I was talking to him.

"I think I'm all set Mistress Juliet."

"How late can you stay Karen?"

"Probably until nine."

She looked at her computer to check the time.

"That'll work. I've got a whole stack of reports to review before my management meeting tomorrow. I've got some good news for them, including yours. I'm going to turn this department around ... with your help. You do want to help, don't you?"

"Of course Mistress Juliet." I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I felt certain I wasn't going to be fired.

"That's good. Now why don't you be a good little slut and lick my pussy while I go through these reports." She pushed her chair back away from her desk.

I got the picture. She wanted me to crawl under her desk. I didn't have a choice, but I didn't want one. It was precisely what I wanted to do.

I circled around her desk. She stopped me right before I went under her desk, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I'll bet you're wondering how I knew it was you at the club."

Her face was so close to mine I couldn't talk. Her perfume swirled around my head and made me want to swoon. I nodded.

She sniffed the air next to my neck. It made me shiver.

"I could smell you. I can always recognize the smell of a slut."

That cagey minx. I remembered the first time I was in her office she stood inches from me. She was a predator.

I surrendered. I got under her desk and she pushed her chair forward. She opened her legs. She wasn't wearing any panties. She must have planned everything out with cold hearted efficiency, and I was just a small part of her master plan.

* * *

An hour passed by, maybe two. Juliet was getting her work done. I could hear her shuffling papers and occasionally scribbling something. Every once in a while I could hear the clatter of the keys of her keyboard. I was diligently eating her pussy. It was neatly trimmed, and I was licking her at a leisurely pace. She didn't talk to me, but she would occasionally pat me on the head when I doing a particularly good job. I knew I was doing a good job because there were a few occasions when I'd hear her sigh, or her thighs would close around my ears. But I didn't make her cum, and I think she just wanted me to keep her at a slow boil. I was getting used to her scent and her taste. I couldn't get enough, and now I was soaking wet between my legs.

She pushed back from the desk and peered underneath.

"How's my whore doing?"

"Very well, Mistress Juliet."

"I need to take a restroom break. Don't go anywhere." She picked up her purse and left.

In truth, where would I go when I was naked? She locked my clothes in her desk drawer and took her purse with her. I sat under her desk and anxiously waited.

To my great relief, a few minutes later she returned.

She sat and opened her legs for me. I could smell the distinct odor of pee.

"Oh, I'm sorry Karen. The stall I was in was out of toilet paper. I'm afraid I wasn't able to wipe myself. Then I thought to myself that you were a nasty little slut, having sucked a stranger's cum out of my pussy. You want this too, don't you bitch?"

I took a deep breath. She knew exactly how to play me. The dirtier or nastier the request, the more turned on I became. I did want this too.

"Yes Mistress, I want this."

"You want what, bitch?"

Now she was mining the depths of my submission. She wanted me to do it. She wanted me to say it. She wanted me to admit it to myself.

"I want to lick you Mistress."

She leaned over and pulled my hair so I was closer to her face.

"You can do better than that, can't you ... bitch?"

The hair pulling was causing me mild discomfort, electrifying my emotions and heightening our physical connection.

"I want to lick your pee soaked snatch, Mistress Juliet."

She let go of my hair. I drew a deep breath. "You may, now that you've asked nicely."

I licked her. I tasted her pee. It was bitter. But the bitterness was mixed with the sweetness of her pussy, and the heady cocktail made me feel intoxicated with desire for her. I wanted her to know I would do anything for her. I was now enthusiastically lapping at her pussy, like a cat with a bowl of cream.

Then I heard her pick up the office phone.

"Madeline ... It's Juliet."

Shit. It was Madeline Stanton. She was the head of HR for the company. Fuck with Madeline and you'd signed your death warrant with the company. Juliet was treating her as a good friend.

"Yes ... yes, I'm working late as well."

"No ... no ... I didn't do that."

"I'm going to be here for a while."

"Yeah ... the numbers are looking better."

"Listen, about that matter, can you spare a minute? I'd really like to tell you in person."

"My office? Sure. See you soon."

Madeline was on the fifth floor. The executive suite. She was coming to Juliet's office. I prayed that Juliet would give me my bag of clothes and ask me to vanish ... pronto. Instead, she started typing on her keyboard. I was too afraid to say anything, so I went back to eating her pussy.

Not more than a minute later there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

I heard the door open and close. The guest chair was pushed back and apparently Madeline was sitting down. There was only a thin panel of wood separating my nakedness from the head of HR. I'd never met Madeline but I did see her in the hallway on occasion. She was probably in her fifties, and was attractive, her hair having turned a silvery gray. Like Juliet, she was well endowed in the breast department, and until Juliet arrived, was the woman most likely to invite a second glance in the office.

"Madeline, good to see you. I wanted to discuss Karen Barnett's file."

The mention of my name felt like I had been stuck with a cattle prod. I stopped licking and almost hit my head on the top of her desk. Juliet's upper body didn't move, but her right hand went under the desk to find my hair. She gripped it and pulled my head back between her legs. I started licking again, trying to be quiet.

"Yes. Karen Barnett. I expected you to be calling me to tell me you finished with her termination."

Oh my God, I was about to be fired.

Madeline continued while I tried to concentrate on licking Juliet's pussy.

"You know that management has had Karen on our radar screen long before you arrived. Why didn't you go through with it today?"