Mom and I XXXmastime Ch. 02


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Angie shrugged. "As you said, the older triad and the two younger couples are partly camouflage, but mostly who we would be with if we couldn't remain a group. You certainly can't form a public triad with Derek and me. Being publicly linked with Tommy and Jess is almost as much trouble, since he's our cousin. It's the reason why we kept the three of us a secret for so long, before I dated Derek. In fact, your DNA match to Tommy is a couple percentage points closer than mine, although still in the first cousin range."

Pat said, "Yeah, but it would at least be legal to be with Tommy. And I do have a six-week assignment coming up in Chicago after New Years. Is it okay with you, Jessica, if I keep your fiance company while we're both there? It could establish a basis for the three of us to be a trio. If that's what we're agreed upon."

Jessica asked, "We're jumping about a dozen steps ahead, don't you think, Pat? I've had sex in your bed, but only when you weren't home. Maybe we should try sex together, before making any major decisions? Spend some time together and see if we even have chemistry? Maybe tonight, either at your place, or my mom's house? Since I think this house might just wind up a bit crowded tonight."

Mom said, "Don't jump to conclusions about what the kitchen group has in mind. It could just be kissing, with no intent to go further, especially since that would mean incest for Bridget with either Oscar or Jake. I do want some more soup, so I'll check on them."

Once Mom was out of hearing range, Dad turned to Jilly and asked, "Just how badly does she want to get back in bed with Hank, do you think?"

Jilly said, "It ranks up there with wanting to be with Derek and Tommy, for sure. She loved him before you and might just love him most of all, Stan. You blocked her when you got engaged, but now it's Bridget's permission she needs, since I don't think Hank has ever learned how to tell Marcy no. His turning down being in our group wouldn't apply to being with her, if she gets Bridget's permission. I almost expected Bridget to give it to him, this morning."

Hearing that made me feel jealous of my grandfather, where I didn't feel that way towards Dad or Tommy. Why was that? I realized that I was a generational mirror to Grandpa, younger than Mom instead of older, but just as incestuous, where Dad would always be her legitimate mate. I couldn't compete against Dad on that basis, so I didn't feel the urge. But would I have to compete against Grandpa for Mom's attention, now? If she loved Grandpa more than Dad, did that mean she loved me less?

At the same time, I realized that the relationships I had with Mom and Angie were an echo of where Mom had been 25 years before with Grandpa and Dad. I loved both of them, but knew that marriage and children with Mom were impossible. Where it differed is that Angie not only wasn't making me choose between them, she had pushed Mom towards me by fucking Dad and then set up our initial foursome by expressing an attraction for Mom. What would I do, if Angie ever asked me to choose between them? Was that even the thing to fear most, if Mom turned back towards Grandpa and away from me? I had imagined all kinds of reasons why Mom and I might need to stop being intimate. Grandpa hadn't been one of them, until then.

Then there were Jessica and Jilly, providing me extra opportunities for love and sex. Maybe Pat now, too. Could it all hold together, if Mom was being pulled in a different direction? And what if Jake or Pat wanted Angie to join them? Could I lose both of them?

"Earth to Derek? Come in, Derek," teased Angie, noticing my pensiveness. "Where did you go just now?"

I admitted, "Oh, over-analyzing our relationships, playing insecure what-if games with the future."

She whispered, "Worrying about Marcy preferring Hank, I expect."

"Partly," I said. "It's not like there are any relationship guides for this incestuous-polyamorous mishmash we're in."

"Maybe you should write one. Change the names, the places, fictionalize some of the details and publish under a pseudonym."

I asked, "Who would believe that all of this happened?"

"Publish it as erotica fantasy fulfillment, then," she said. "At least some people will read it. Maybe help someone else see the ethics in what we're doing."

Mom came back into the dining room, shaking her head back and forth in a sign of disbelief and saying, "You were so pranked, Derek. Those six butt-nuggets staged the kissing for the benefit of whoever came into the kitchen next, to trick us into thinking they were going to form a separate swapping group. And we fell for it, didn't we?"

"It sure looked like they were having a good time, to me," I said. "If that was faking, it was great acting..."

Mom chuckled, "It might have started as acting, but I wouldn't be surprised if something grew from it, mainly depending on Bridget. When they confessed, she wasn't blushing at all about having kissed Oscar."

To Jessica and Tommy, Pat said, "Even if that was just a joke, I still need to take a break from Dad and Wendy, if you two want to keep our little chemistry test date for tonight."

"Fine with me," Tommy said.

"Yeah," Jessica followed. "We have gifts to exchange, first, then we can head out."

Angie asked, "Maybe you could stay here for your date, instead, if Dad, Wendy and the grandparents are going home? Even if I'm going to hold off on having sex with Pat for a while, we've always slept under the same roof on Christmas Eve and started Christmas morning together. If we can't do it at Mom and Dad's house, here is a good second option."


Grandpa pointed at me and said, "Gotcha!" when he came back into the living room after dinner.

Stepping close to him, I looked him in the eyes and whispered, "Are you going to deny enjoying kissing Wendy?"

He had no answer for me.

Tommy, Angie, Jessica and Jilly exchanged their gifts with Oscar, Hannah, Jake, Pat and Wendy, then our guests left for their homes, except for Pat, who sat with Tommy and Jessica on the couch, talking and getting to know each other better.

Angie and I helped Mom, Dad and Jilly clean up the kitchen and dining room.

"What a day," I said. "Almost twice as many people know about us, now."

Mom said, "Jake and my Dad already had their suspicions. It wouldn't surprise me if Jake shared those with Pat and Wendy. Today is just when those burst open, mostly due to Bridget's realization that Jake is her son."

Angie said, "My dad could have handled it better."

I asked, "What exactly is the etiquette for bringing up that suspicion? This morning, Grandpa was hinting around it until I challenged him to directly ask what he wanted to ask. After the revelations your Dad had just experienced, I think he handled the emotional impact fairly well, but his head had to be spinning. I can understand him blurting it out, even if I would rather he hadn't."

Dad said, "That's the difference. Hank was having a one-on-one conversation with you this morning and would probably have been more direct with your mom, but still just with her. Jake exposed himself and us to the whole group as a knee-jerk emotional response, even if he seemed calm on the outside. He didn't earn my respect, doing it that way. He clearly caught Pat by surprise."


When we were done cleaning up, Tommy, Jessica and Pat were gone from the living room. We assumed that they'd headed upstairs already. As Angie and I reached the top of the stairs, we could hear faint sounds of sex coming from Tommy's room.

Entering our bedroom, I asked, "Do you think they're moving too fast?"

Angie answered, "No faster than Tommy, Jess and I did when we first got together. I didn't know Jess well and Tommy not at all. We went from that frat party straight to Pat's apartment and were naked almost before the door was closed. So, this doesn't surprise me. Now, what can I do to get you to stop worrying? You seem to have been on edge all day."

"Well, my day started with getting caught in the middle of an orgasm by Grandpa. If I had decided to push inside you instead, he might have walked in on us fucking. That surprise turned into him hinting about Mom or Alissa being in my bed instead of you, which led to revealing my incest with Mom when I challenged him to ask directly. As if that wasn't enough, Bridget figures us out by lunch time and then what your Dad did. I haven't been able to escape a feeling of pending doom, all day."

"Well, we survived all three rounds of revelations," she said, wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my shoulder. "Let's not keep worrying about it, okay? Focus on Christmas and being with those we love. I've actually been imagining your grandpa watching us fuck, all day, since you mentioned what happened."

"He definitely got a clear view of your breasts, when the covers slipped down."

"Mmmmmm. That makes me hot, not embarassed. What would make me hotter would be to fuck the way we could have this morning, if you hadn't chosen to hot dog me instead. Then I can imagine him at the doorway."

I stepped back and pulled her sweater off of her body. I wasn't surprised to find her braless and leaned over and took a nipple between my lips. Her hand went to the zipper of her skirt and it hit the floor, demonstrating the same lack of panties as Jessica. She then opened the belt on my jeans and swept those and my boxer briefs down to my feet, as I kicked off my sneakers and stepped on the toes of one sock after the other to get them off. Last, I swept my sweater over my head, just as Angie dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth.

After several bobs of her mouth brought me to full hardness, she backed off and said, "I can still see traces of that green lipstick."

"I didn't have time for a shower," I explained.

"Not a problem, so long as there's no damned glitter there," she said. She got up and climbed onto the bed, taking the same position on the bed as in the morning. I climbed in behind her and we spooned for a minute, as I reached around her to fondle her breasts.

I rubbed my cock through her buns again, but this time pushed my cock down to enter her pussy, finding the fingers of her left hand already there to guide me in and rub her clit after I was inside.

I rocked back and forth, pushing my hips toward hers. Her hand strayed from her clit to grasp my nuts and stroke the underside of my shaft. I waited five minutes before I leaned towards her ear and, seeing her eyes were closed in pretend sleep, whispered, "He's watching, baby."

She clenched inside, in response and her fingers whipped across her labia, telling me she was really close to cumming. I thrust harder, trying to match her. She beat me there, though, starting to shake in my arms. I pinched a nipple and she yelped, "Fuck!" Further ripples inside her finally pushed me over the edge and I shot into her over and over.

We snuggled together for several more minutes before she rolled away from me, saying, "Gotta pee. I'll be right back."

My eyes were closed when she returned to the bed, except the voice that breathed, "Hi, Derek," was Pat's, not Angie's. I opened my eyes and a naked Pat was lying in front of me, the tips of her bountiful breasts pressed into my chest, a leg wrapped over mine. I could feel the warmth of her pussy on my balls. From what I could see, her breasts were the same size as Mom's, areolae similarly wide with thick nipples, but maybe a shade darker.

"Was this your idea or Angie's?" I asked.

"Angie's really into sharing and says this family is, too. I can switch back, if you're really not interested in me. Or we can just sleep."

I answered by kissing her, soon followed by grasping one of her heavy breasts. Her left hand caressed my face, then began making its way down my neck and shoulder to my arm and eventually my hip, where it hesitated for about 20 seconds before reaching between us to grasp my hard cock. It was a bit sticky from the sex with Angie.

Pat said, "I need to taste Angie, even if it's second hand," before she slid down my body and started licking the mix of Angie's juices and my sperm that still coated my shaft.

She turned and presented her pussy to my mouth, the brown hair above it shaped in a triangle. She had apparently washed when she was in the bathroom, as I didn't taste Tommy's sperm on her prominent crimson labia, although there were traces deeper inside her. I had been exposed to Tommy and Dad's cum enough that the taste no longer bothered me much.

I tried to devour every drop of her tangy juices that I could reach with my tongue, nibbling her long labia with my lips. Despite Angie telling me to stop worrying, I couldn't seem to avoid wondering what the future might hold for Pat becoming a member of our loving family. Had she hit it off with Tommy and Jessica, or was her presence in my bed due to things not going well with them? Recognizing my pessimism was getting a bit out of control, I tried to suppress my questions and focus entirely on being present with Pat. Instead of feeling doom, I wanted to recognize how fortunate I really was.

Pat was sucking my cock deep into her mouth, not trying to deep throat it. Her tongue was doing amazing things, though, making it hard to think anything beyond licking her so we might orgasm at the same time.

Before we got there, she pushed me onto my back, saying, "We can come into each other's mouths some other time. I want to ride you, little brother."

"Roleplay?" I asked.

She answered, "You'll be my brother-in-law soon enough. Ignoring the in-law part just makes it hotter." She was climbing onto my hips as she said that, dropping onto my cock at the word "hotter".

I could only think that the adjective was accurate, as the warmth of her pussy folds surrounded me and we began to fuck each other with fervor. I thrust my hips upward and squeezed her breasts and plump nipples as her muscular legs flexed and her hips rolled at the bottom of each stroke. She accompanied that with internal squeezes on each push of her legs, that were nearly milking me.

"Fuck, Pat, you're amazing!" I cried out, as my arousal soared higher.

"Gimme your come, brother. I want all you have left." She upped our pace, as I shifted my hands onto her hips to leverage my thrusts into her. We slapped together, as I watched her boobs jump on her chest. She had one hand in front of her, rubbing her clit. The other braced herself on my chest.

"I'm there, sis!" I said, playing along with the fantasy. "Oh, fuck!"

"Fucccckkk me!" she screamed, just before she began to clench my cock shaft inside her, even harder than before.

I thrust three more times before my cock jerked and began shooting semen into her.

Pat collapsed onto my chest, her body shuddering, as I drove harder into her, while pushing downward on her hips to meet me.

When both of our orgasms ebbed, she whispered, "So sweet, Derek."

"Thank you, Pat. I hope that becomes a frequent thing, whatever happens regarding your family or mine. Even if it's just seeing you at Jilly's club from time to time."

Pat pulled off of my cock and rolled over as I reached down to pull the covers up, spooned behind her and was asleep in a minute.


Sometime in the night, Angie climbed into the bed behind me and snuggled into my back, with Pat still spooned in front of me.

Which made Debra McDougall screaming "What the hell is this?" from my doorway all the more trouble.


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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

‘Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all’

You have an amazing imagination and a great writing style. You lost me in chapter one and wove an impossibly complex list of relationships. Keep it up.

LeenysmanLeenysmanabout 2 years agoAuthor


I'm guessing you did not start reading this story at "Mom & I Get Even", which is the starting point? Because, if you had, you'd recognize that the first half of the page for this entry is almost entirely recapping past events which you should have already read and I don't reveal anything new until Bridget arrives. It's why I have Grandpa Hank show up without her.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

Can anyone follow this convoluted story,I was lost half way down the first page.?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, I loved the story, but I got lost somewhere in the DNA tests matches....

But then I'm not much for a generation gab incest stories, more for brother/sister... Which makes it all a lot easier to iunderstand...

LeenysmanLeenysmanabout 5 years agoAuthor

The DNA tests are mainly used as a plot device to increase how many people are involved in incest, starting with making Jessica incestuous with Stan and Derek and eventually Jilly, so that it's not just Marcy, Derek and Tommy. In a series of events, Jake's connection to Oscar leads to Bridget's revelations, but it's the events which follow that which matter more to the plot going forward - Jake's sudden confession, Pat's reaction to that in deciding to spend the night at the Rosetti's leading to getting caught by Debra. Oscar and Hannah thinking they might be related was brought up mostly to explain their acceptance of incest, but also to prompt Pat's brother-sister roleplay with Derek later. And since I knew I could disprove that belief based on what I'd already established, I did so as briefly as possible.

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