Mom Sent Back to School Ch. 14


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Pretending to be her eighteen-year-old daughter, Janice, had turned her world upside down.

Concentrating on holding on to the bike, she gave no thought to showing off her panties when the skirt blew up. She felt something tugging at her, and looked over her shoulder. No one was there, and with the bike wiggling, it ensured she looked straight ahead. Downhill was both exhilarating and frightening. Halfway down she realised what the tug to her skirt was, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Going downhill fast she dare not take a hand off the handlebars, and trying to brake wasn't doing much good. The skirt was up around her waist showing off her panties. As soon as she reached the bottom of the hill, she'd have to do something, as her panties were on show, though thankfully no one was around to see.

Slowing down, she felt the skirt pull, and was relieved it had fallen down to cover her. Then a sharp tugging was felt. When it suddenly stopped she looked down at herself to find the skirt gone!

'Damn it! Oh! Shit!' she yelped.

Nothing of her lower half was covered, so she was cycling, or at least hanging on for dear life, in her underwear! With deep gasps of breath, she managed to only just control the bike. Squeezing the brakes with all her strength, she managed to swerve onto the sidewalk.

The trail through the park met a busy road, and she was cycling beside it wearing panties and nothing else on her bottom half. It was highly embarrassing, especially when cars hooted at her.

A car drew alongside, and a young guy smiled at her through the open window.

'I'll give you a push if you like,' he laughed.

'I'll push into you if you like,' the friend said.

'Concentrate on your driving, not me!' Rose told him.

Rose ignored them. The indignity of the situation had her mind closing down from it. The need to distance herself from where she was didn't work. It was tempting to climb in the car, for protection, but who was going to protect her from the young guys.

She was a mature woman, not some kid on a bike. Thinking of herself as a schoolgirl cycling to school was a help. Somehow it was less of an indignity for a schoolgirl to be in her underwear. The guys thought she was a fellow student, and offered to help, though the offers were indecent.

Not daring to go through that ordeal, she continued to push the peddles with all her strength. Knowing how worked-up she became, it wasn't safe to get in the back of a car with boys. She'd promised her daughter that she would be a good girl, and keep away from boys. Already aroused by the humiliation of being out in her underwear, their personal attention was stoking her up.

'Leave the dirty bitch alone, Jimmy. She's obviously doing this for attention. She's an exhibitionist slut. Look how sexed-up she is,' a girlfriend told her boyfriend.

They drove on, after innumerable horns honking to speed them on their way. One torment had been relieved, only to have others leering at her bottom, and slowly passing. The traffic had backed up behind her, as this was a popular route to school. The guys admired her ass, and told her so as they passed.

Damn it to hell! The word would go the rounds at school. The scene would be embellished, until she was on her bike, naked. If she hadn't been pumping the peddles so hard, she might have had an orgasm right there in front of everyone, while they drove past in their cars.

In school she quickly ran to her locker and pulled on a pair of sports shorts. They were a bit tight, but it was all she had. Keeping a low profile, hiding from teachers, was easy enough. Hiding from the boys was less easy. Thankfully she didn't run into Jimmy and his nasty friend. Others made comments, but didn't touch her up.

The class break arrived and she ran to the sports hall, to rummage around in the lost property box. Finding a skirt that fit her waist was a relief, so it didn't matter how short it was.

Rose wished her friend Feebie was here to talk to about what happened. The girl hadn't gone off to college yet, and was working in a store. She called in sometimes to chat, while pretending to buy something.

A girl sat next to her and grimaced.

'Hey! You okay?' Mindy asked.

'I guess you heard,' Rose said.

'Yea, they're all talking about you riding to school naked. What really happened?' Mindy asked.

'My skirt caught in the wheel, and ripped off. I'm not used to a bike, and I just kept on. It was so embarrassing, I could have curled up and died,' Rose said, looking very sorry for herself.

'Don't worry, they'll forget about it when there's something else to talk about,' Mindy reassured her.

'I guess. Until then I'll have to put up with exaggerated stories,' Rose said.

'There's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about. Oscar Wild,' she said.

'Err, like, maybe. It won't help me get a boyfriend,' Rose moaned.

'I thought you were with Paul,' Mindy said.

'He's taken a prep class in college. I don't think he'll be interested in me now. Not with those college girls around him,' Rose complained.

'Well, you won't be long getting a boyfriend, especially when you're advertising like that,' Mindy laughed.

Rose couldn't help joining in with her infectious giggling.

'You going to the dance on Saturday? It's at the warehouse club, an over eighteens night. The old warehouse, so no adults. It's a good night to pick up a boyfriend. They'll be all over you,' Mindy said, and looked meaningfully at Rose's chest.

'I think I'd better go there. I need a boyfriend to calm me down,' Rose giggled.

At lunch time they sat around outside enjoying the freedom from a classroom. Rose couldn't even try and keep the skirt down, so she had to sit carefully. On the grass it was impossible to keep the sports shorts covered. It looked as though she were showing off her panties.

When she'd been to the girls room earlier, she noticed the bra was a problem too. She needed a size bigger, as her breast were breaking out of the bra, yet again. The boys hadn't commented, though there were looks and stares.

Rose hadn't noticed the girl, but Andrea had noticed Rose. Andrea's boyfriend, Ronny, had been chatting to Rose, with only one thing on his mind. Rather than make a fuss, Andrea went along with it for awhile. The two of them were discussing bands, and singers. Who was better than whom, and how he liked an old band called the Who. Rose named a couple of tracks from her favourite album, and he was pleased to find someone to share his enthusiasm.

Andrea couldn't stand anymore of his flirting with Rose. A touch to his arm with a smile while mentioning a third track, set Andrea off. Rose was sitting on the grass when the girl grabbed her hair. Before Rose had a chance, they were rolling around on the grass.

Rose got the girl's hands out of her hair, but Andrea didn't give up. Andrea grabbed at Rose's blouse and the buttons popped off. Losing her grip on Rose, she grabbed the skirt. The Velcro ripped up the side and was lost. Andrea was in full fighting mode, while Rose was in defence.

Andrea was laying into Rose with a crowd around them, encouraging the fight. Mindy was a only slight, without much weight behind her. With the help of Andrea's boyfriend they pulled the girl off Rose, and held her down until she regained her senses.

Someone handed Rose her clothes, which she held against herself, trying to hide from the ring of youths around her. A teacher was coming over to see what the fuss was, and a couple of girls shielded Rose while she dressed. Safety pins were produced from nowhere, and Rose gratefully hid among the group.

'Andrea's okay now, sir,' Ronny said. 'She fell over someone, and banged her head.'

'Better take her to see the nurse, just to make sure she's alright,' he said, looking suspicious, as he always did, as though expecting to be tricked in some way.

Rose was grateful to the other girls, and thanked them for their help. They all agreed to meet up at the warehouse bar, and told her to be careful the rest of the day. Mindy walked with her to their first class, trying to make fun of what happened.


The day passed without too much being said about her cycle ride, or the fight in school. Once home, she breezed in, singing something out of tune, without knowing the words either. There had been plenty of cat calls on the way home but she had become used to that. In any case, what could she expect when wearing a skirt hardly covering her thighs.

'Hi, Mom,' Rose said, not even having to think about it.

It escaped her mind that she was a mature woman, as she was so used to thinking and behaving like one of her classmates. Being among eighteen-year-olds all day, and mothered by her daughter at home, it was inevitable that Rose thought of herself as the daughter. Predictably, she talked, behaved, and thought like a schoolgirl.

Because her mother was acting like an irresponsible teen, Janice had to keep a close watch on the woman. Janice enjoyed checking up on her, and punishing her mother when she was a naughty girl. It gave her a feeling of power and superiority. As she was the developing teenager, it helped give her confidence to work in an office, pretending to be twenty-six.

'You'd better go to your room and get on with your homework,' Janice told her mother.

'Okay, whatever. I'm going to the club on Saturday, so I'll need some pocket money,' Rose told her daughter.

'You don't tell me what you are doing, you ask permission, girl. Hurry up and get your homework done, the food will be cooked and I don't want to warm it for you,' Janice scolded her mother.

'Okay, like, really, mom. Please, can I go to the club. All my friends are going,' she whined.

'I'll think about it. If you're a good girl, you can go. So do as you are told, complete your chores, and your homework, then I'll think about letting you go out,' Janice told her mother.

'Well, okay, whatever you say, mom,' Rose said, sounding bored and dispirited.

Janice turned from the food preparation, to say, 'Don't be like that, I'm sure. . . Wait! Come back here!' Janice ordered.

'What?' Rose complained.

'You've been to school dressed like that! What did your teachers say?' Janice heavily stated.

'Oh! Yea, well, like it was an accident. I kept out of the way of teachers. My skirt got ripped off on the bike. So I took this from the lost property,' Rose explained.

'What about your top?' Janice angrily asked.

'Well, like, I fell over at lunch time and ripped my blouse, yea?' Rose lied.

'Take a good look at yourself, girl! I warned you didn't I! You've been behaving like a slut, now you're dressed like a slut. You've got a cleavage deeper than the grand canyon. Everyone must think you're a tramp!' Janice grumbled at her, all the while trying to keep calm.

'Like, really, it wasn't might fault, honest, mom. I can't help my breasts outgrowing my bra's,' Rose said, and began to tear up.

'Oh! Hell! What am I to do with you? Come here, honey bun' Janice told her mother.

Hugging her, she said, 'Don't cry, honey. I'll go buy you some new underwear tomorrow, and you'll look and feel much better. Bring that boy round later tonight, and I'll make sure he's okay for you. You can both go to the club on Saturday, if he's suitable,' Janice told her mother.

'Thanks, mom! Like you're an angel. It all happened by accident, and some of the girls helped me out. They were really nice. The girls in class hid me at the back of the classroom, away from the teachers. I've made friends with a nice girl, Mindy,' Rose babbled, recounting all that happened that day.


On the phone to, Tommy, Rose sounded shy and uncertain.

'Oh! Go on, Tommy. Like, mom will be okay, really. She's cool, honest. We can go to my room and you know. No! Not that, not yet, like I mean, well, maybe. We can kiss and play a bit, nothing too much,' Rose said.

Hearing her mother talk to a boy on the phone like that, was amusing. It was tempting to make fun of her. With her mother dating a boy from school, what did she expect.

Returning to the lounge she waited for Rose to appear.

'So, is he coming or not?' Janice asked.

'Sure, he'll be here in half an hour,' Rose beamed at her daughter.

'Well, don't get too excited, I might not approve of him. You'll have to find another boyfriend then,' Janice teased.

Rose didn't bite, as she was on her best behaviour, from being dependent upon her daughter's good mood. It was important that her daughter approved of this boy from school, or she would have to find someone else.

'You'd best get changed. Try on that new dress I bought you,' Janice said.

'Mom! How can I possibly wear that! Like, no way, he'll think I'm a young teen!' Rose complained.

Try it on to see if it fits, and I'll decide if you can wear it or not,' she heavily told her mother.

Rose reluctantly walked into the lounge looking upset.

'You look lovely! You look sweet and cute. Give it a twirl, girl,' Janice told her mother.

The dress ballooned up under her breasts, showing off a pair of kids panties. They were too tight, and fit like a second skin. If she became slightly excited, they would show off a camel toe.

The doorbell rang and Janice smirked at her mother, keeping her anxiously on tip toe, doing a little dance.

'Alright go and change while I let him in,' Janice said.

'Please don't say anything embarrassing, mom, please!' Rose said, and scooted off to her bedroom.

In retaliation, Rose was wearing a skirt her mother had bought for her, only it had been shortened to high up her thighs. The crop top was a bit extreme too. Janice was surprised to see her mother dressing like a slut for a schoolboy. Knowing it had been done to wind her up, made her smile.

'Janice doesn't usually dress like this, she's just being a naughty little girl. You need to behave yourself, girl. I'll talk to you later. You know how to dress, so take the skirt and top off,' Janice told her mother.

'What here, mom?' Rose innocently asked.

'Go to your room! Wait! Yes, right here. It will serve you right for showing yourself up,' Janice fiercely spoke.

Seeing the look on her daughter's face, Rose judged she was in for a spanking. That would be a disaster in front of her boyfriend.

'Please, mom!' Rose tried.

With arms crossed, looking determined, Janice watched her mother strip. The woman looked shamefaced, as she pulled the top up over her head. She quickly covered her breasts, where the bra pushed them into a deep cleavage.

'Get on with it,' Janice said, and held her hand out for the top.

Pulling the skirt down she picked it up, and handed to her daughter. In front of her boyfriend, in her underwear, she felt humiliated. Refraining from crying she stood crouched over, trying to cover her nakedness.

Janice couldn't keep spanking her mother as the woman would become used to it, and the effectiveness of the punishment would wear off. Shaming her was another way of keeping her in place, pretending to be her daughter, and a schoolgirl.

'Now he's here, sit next to him. Sorry Tommy, would you like a drink?' Janice asked the boy.

He was eighteen, the same age as Janice, but she thought of herself as twenty-six, her mother's age. She looked at them together and her mother did look eighteen, and not out of place at all. Out of place? She looked highly embarrassed, and squirmed to be out of there.

'Alright, you'd better put these on. Though I don't see much difference,' Janice heavily spoke.

'Thanks, mom,' Rose said, and stood up to dress.

Janice noticed him watching her as keenly as he had before. There was a lot to stare at. Her breasts were big and she still had a slim waist. Her mother looked top heavy, though all the boys liked the look. If she spoke slowly and in a higher tone of voice, she would look and sound like a dumb blond.

Sitting back down next to him, she settled a lot closer.

'It's alright, she won't bite. You can cuddle her while I'm out of the way,' Janice told her boyfriend.

'Mom!' Rose cried out, sounding hurt.

'It's okay, mom's are allowed to embarrass us, that's their job. If you came around to my house, she would show you baby photos,' Tommy said.

Janice was impressed that he wanted a coffee. He might be able to stay the night after all. Charley didn't approve of that sort of thing. Seeing yet another young guy staying over would bring out some scathing remarks. As he wasn't here, his opinion didn't matter.

Taking them a drink each, she returned to the kitchen to keep busy. Making a shopping list for groceries, she added three sets of underwear for her mother. Whatever it was making the woman's breasts develop, it had to stop, before she looked ridiculous. A school girl with such large breasts wasn't right. It was no wonder she had such a hard time from Jimmy and his friend.

A mental not was made to check her mother had taken the pill this morning. That was one chance they couldn't take. Having a baby would ruin both their lives. Would Rose's child be her grandchild, or a sibling. If they married, she would have an eighteen-year-old son-in-law, the same age as her.

Maybe Charley was right, and letting the boy stay over was a bad idea. She'd better get back in there, and quiz the boy, to find out what he was made of, and find out what his parents were like.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Was that it? The story is great mind you, the whole Paul up and leaving between seasons or chapters in this case didn't feel right. Not to mention this ending? Is that an ending? I guess burn out can happen but I was hoping for something better of a sendoff than this. Otherwise great story.

Anthony1965Anthony19658 months ago

As I’ve read this story several times in the past, I still love it and enjoy it.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for all the positive comments. It couldn't be published if a character is under eighteen, even if they are really way over. I ran out of do-able ideas and enthusiasm. Always coming up with new ideas for new stories and characters. There are other age regression and role reversal stories like Little Sister. Mom pretends to be her daughter's sister and gets stuck in the role. My stories are better edited and completely new stories on Smashwords - Gary Bingham. It wouldn't be possible without the help on Litorotica, the best free site on the internet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I was so drawn into this story. I was hoping that the stepmother would be regressed to maybe 13 and kept there, or dropped back to 9th grade and have to repeat all of high-school again. I was so sad it ended. It will be my most favorite.

Fixitman8267Fixitman8267about 3 years ago

Good story. Needs more. Maybe a junior year and senior year. Then the next phase-- Mom goes to college.

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