Monica 45: PALM SUNDAY


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The songs led off with something cheerful and energetic, calling the congregation to clap along with the choirs enthusiasm. Thea's mom took charge with the song This Little Light of Mine. Monica had no clue how energetic until the choir backed her up. Catching her off guard she looked first to a grinning Thea then a fast study of those around her. With the boys behind her dancing along with everyone else she followed as best she could. The guys behind her weren't really singing or humming even. They were making crazy eye contacts with Monica. Knowing they were flirting Monica realized that with the people dancing in front of her that nobody could really witness any bold moves she might make. Slyly she bit her lower lip trying not to be obvious toward Thea as she decided on her mischief at hand. Reaching behind her she slowly lifts her choir gown until her bare ass came into view. It became a series of flashes at first making the boys salivate. If Thea so much as glanced peripherally Monica would drop her gown. The boys loved it.

As the song ended and another began it was even more crowd pleasing. Hooping and hollering to praise the Lord. Selfishly Monica went further still, hiking the gown to let them view her bottom but this time attempting a twerk. It was out of character but in the madness of the moment it was all she had. The boys behind her reached out to touch her. Feeling hands on her butt she shook it even harder. It was then that Thea busted her. A swat to Monica's arm made Miss Gift behave. The boys were impatiently unhappy with Thea.

Three more songs faded fast and the choir took their seats on the stage. At the pulpit Abraham King began his sermon by welcoming new visitors. Monica jumped up waving, her tits bouncing about in her vigor. Again Thea yanked her back into her seat before anyone spoke up. Laughter was a given. Even for Abraham who smiled and condoned her youthful exuberance with a loud "Praise Jesus". If he knew it was on purpose that might have been another story.

The Pastor's sermon started off simple discussing an important topic amongst we lowly humans. The sins of all things Lust. Monica instantly swallowed dryly and shivered. Thea had zero clue of her Father's sermon content until that very moment. Lust cut like a knife throughout the crowd.

Toward the back, even Darius Howard sitting with his girlfriend Cheyenne felt the need to remove his hand from her knee. She rolled her eyes at him. Glancing back at his ex girlfriend Thelma, Darius found her less willing to comply to the Pastor's words. A single finger teased her nipple through her dress as he viewed her. It took Thelma's father to turn Darius away. He went so far as to slap his daughter's hand which hovered over her breast. Thelma winced as his wrist grazed her other tit without intention. He was merely enforcing their good behavior in the house of God.

Sadly, Cheyenne sat unamused by her boyfriend's flirtation. She knew an erection when she saw one. It certainly wasn't due to her. Of course it was for Thelma, the two had a very sexual history throughout high school. Taming the Jock would never be easy. He did settle down as the sermon continued.

For the next thirty minutes Abraham King led a fire and brimstone speech on the sins of man. Monica felt cheated hearing that. What about the sins of women? She was a sinner. To her misfortune Monica Gift was proud of that fact. The poor girl had so very much to learn about right from wrong. Maybe when she reached her 30's. Until then...WOOHOO! There would be no amount of preaching that would calm this hellion. The question many followers would join her? The numbers right here in this building were adding up. Deaf ears Abe. Nice try. Sinner take all.

As she squirmed in her seat Monica felt Thea's hand holding hers for comfort. Appreciative Monica smiled and tried to keep her own faith. Thea knew her buddy was struggling. It would take more than her Father to purge the sin out of this girl.

While sweating it out Monica looks toward the back of the pews at the boys holding her dress captive. Seeing her look their way one of them cautiously lifts the dress to his nose sniffing her scent from it. That made Monica all the more soaked between her thighs. The observation was swift so as not to be caught. It was enough to stimulate Monica into a whirlwind of vile inspirations. Certainly unbecoming of the location.

Fidgety she looks around the auditorium and locates more drooling eyes. Was anybody even listening to the sermon? Even Deacon Flye sat using his handkerchief to dab his forehead of perspiration as he stared at Monica. That dabbing led to his lips. Poor guy. Monica loved it. As she sat there shivering with an intense rush, one of the boys behind her leaned forward and nuzzled her ear. She turned partially to face him but found a tongue licking her cheek. Offering an expression of awe she grins at his boldness. Rubbing her wet cheek on her gown she winks at him. He smugly glared at her with lips mouthing, "I want to fuck you."

Eyes flaring she nodded back her affirmation of feeling the same. It took Thea to scold the boy and literally grab Monica's chin and tilt her gaze forward. A threatening point toward her friend made Monica straighten up. How long that would last remained to be seen. All this reprieve did was give Monica time to visualize what might happen. In all reality sex in Church was not on her itinerary. She came here as a friend. She wanted to leave as a friend. Teasing maybe. Sex no. Of course, after Church might be a different story. Monica couldn't help but giggle and hide it.

Toward the end of the sermon Abraham asked his congregation if anyone needed to be prayed for. Thea points at Monica playfully and nudges her with her shoulder. Monica used both hands to point at herself. Further inspiration from Abraham called forth participants needing to be prayed over. The elderly came first and foremost. Watching Abraham and Deacon Flye joining forces to lay hands upon them in prayer made Monica nibble her lower lip. Should she? What would the Deacon do? Temptation forced Monica to swiftly abandon her seat and escape Thea's grasp. Racing behind the tiered stage she comes in on the Pastor's blindside just as they finish with an escorted away woman utilizing a walker. Looking impish toward the Deacon, Monica knelt on the steps before them. Abraham smiled brightly at his daughter's friend. Thinking her to be seeking the Lord was his first mistake. The second was to even lay hands on her.

Hearing the congregations verbal worship added to their own prayers Abraham crouches before Monica and places both hands on her head. Ordinarily, Monica knew that meant she might be face fucked therefore she leaned a bit forward before catching herself. Her mind was reeling with sexual thoughts. Once Deacon Flye added his hands to Monica's back she trembled, one on her shoulder blade, the other the lower part of her spine. Even in their sealed eyes the men felt a presence. More younger men flocked forward to join them. Hands on her ribs, arms, even her abdomen. Oh yeah! Monica loved the hands. Shaking like a leaf at their swarming Monica didn't even have to touch herself. Her hormones were spiking. So wrong. So very, very wrong. Only the Pastor maintained his thoughts on the real job at hand. The others just wanted to touch the white girl.

Toward the back Darius Howard had to get up and run for the restroom. Not to pee but to mask his laughter. Gift was too much. Cheyenne while amused hadn't noticed Thelma slip away. Her own prayers for Monica to stop this farce before things got further out of...hands left her with eyes closed to the world. Her mistake. Thelma's gain. That restroom led to a serious blowjob. Darius took it like a...Man.

Up front, once the prayers ended Monica was helped to her feet. Deacon Flye dared to let his palm caress her bottom while out of the field of direct view. Monica quaked and flared her eyes at him. Once consoled by Abraham, he suggested that the Deacon show Monica where to change for the baptism. Hearing of Monica's wish, the Deacon grew even more eager. With an assist from a few members of the congregation to remove the lid from the baptismal pool at the left of the stage, Abraham returned to final thoughts on the sermon at hand, before excusing himself to change clothes for the baptism. He requested the choir sing in his absence.

Seeing Opie Flye guide Monica back toward the changing rooms Thea burst from her seat, forcing her Mother and Auntie to share a concerned gaze during mid song. What in the world was going on? Their worry would come to haunt them. Regardless their songbird voices never missed a beat.

In passing the restrooms, Deacon Flye heard a loud male grunt coming from within. Concerned at first until he spots the door open and Thelma stepping out wiping her mouth on her wrist. Monica chuckled and gave her a thumbs up until she spotted Darius zipping up. OH BOY! Poor Cheyenne she thought. Mums the word. It did remind her however of her best friend Ryan's situation over his girlfriend April. Did April really suck off Brock Quinones without his son knowing it? Lipstick on his cock was certainly incriminating. Shaking her thoughts off as Deacon Flye scolded the couple leaving the restroom he zipped his lip. Exactly! So did Monica.

Thea emerging in the hall stopped cold at seeing Darius and Thelma. The expression on their faces made Thea sad. With a cold point back to their seats the couple left separately, Thea's scrutiny a force to be reckoned with for a 4'11 little lady. Once they had vacated the hall Thea stormed the Deacon.

"I'll get her ready to be baptized."

It then became a tug of war that the Deacon lost. He knew he had better get a grip on reality. Leaving her for Thea, he himself stepped into the restroom. Getting a grip on reality meant another bit of tug of war with his erection. DAMN IT WHITE GIRL. Even Thea called her by that term. Monica merely laughed it off.


"I'm not really trying to." Monica was pushed into a supply room. There they found neatly folded t-shirts on a metal unit of shelves. Before procuring one Thea rolled her eyes at her friends lie.

"Really? You had my Dad lay hands on you. Five other men."

"They were only there for support."

"You weren't there to be prayed over. You were there to be preyed upon. KNOCK IT OFF."

"FINE! I'll turn down being baptized." Monica pouted.

"You can't. My Dad is preparing for it as we bicker. Just do it then get dressed. Promise me you won't do anything too..."

"Dirty?" She holds a now unfolded white t-shirt reading the front, before turning it to show Thea. It read, "Lest the filthy now come clean." Both girls let the words sink in before giggling. Disrobing Monica stood nude before Thea who found herself even admiring Monica's beauty. A playful slap to Thea's cheek turned her away. "Are you sure you don't need to be cleansed of your sins too?"

"SHUT UP!" Thea chuckled with her back now to Monica. Putting the shirt on Monica turned Thea for her approval. "Seriously? You chose a small size? How did you even get that over your shoulders?" Monica's entire lower half was still uncovered. Their laughter continued as Monica struggled to remove what she had strained to put on.

"A little help here. Not talking about your size Squirt." Monica snickers unable to effectively get the shirt over her head. Thea scowled tugging on the garment until it abandons Monica. Thea then selected a 3X tee that once worn crept down over Monica's knees, "Better?"

"Stop with the nipple hard on. You can't go out there dressed like this. Put three more shirts on. White is too see through."

"Try telling that to your Dad. He bought these right?"

"Good point. I'm going to have to have a talk with him about that." Thea found that revelation unsettling. She had worn these shirts herself. Of course she wore underwear and shorts. Monica didn't even have shorts, let alone underwear. After three shirts were donned Thea quickly grabbed a fourth and forced it upon Monica.

"Ooooo! Fourplay. You dirty girl. "Monica teased her friend. Thea merely grit her teeth and showed Monica a fist. A knock on the door by Deacon Flye changed the atmosphere to deadly serious. Thea pouted at Monica knowing this could go very badly. It took Monica to open the door and face the Deacon. "Time for me to get all wet for you Dickin Flye." Her seductive voice sent the Deacon shamelessly back to the bathroom. OH MY GOD indeed.

Thea walked Monica to the back of the pulpits secondary entry point. Hearing her Father now returned from changing clothes discuss baptisms, and what they meant made Thea take a deep breath before guiding Monica out on to the stage. Seeing their arrival Abraham sized up Monica's appearance. For the first time he realized just how scantily clad the girl was even in four t-shirts. He however presumed it was only her modesty to wear multiple shirts. The entire auditorium went silent to stare at her.

As the proverbial pin hit the floor like an atom bomb Monica waved at everyone. Kicking her pumps off beside the baptismal pool she playfully dipped a toe into the pool and feigned a cold chill. Thea hit her bicep to get her to stop. Throat cleared Abraham chose to embrace Monica's spunk.

"A lovely young lady ready to be cleansed of all sin and embrace the true adoration of our loving God."

Nodding playfully Monica bit her lip. Seeing the male population drooling like crazy only made her that much more ready to get transparent. As see through as four shirts allowed that is. Thea wanted to cry. Her emotions made her Father hug his daughter thinking her to be happy for her friends choice to be baptized. Pride always Abraham had practiced toward both of his children. In the crowd his son Theo finally took notice of Monica. He knew this girl. His friend Dalton had showed him pictures of her from the park. HELL YES. Theodore King had to break out his cell. The guys at his dorm were going to love this.

Her Father ushering Thea away, she returned to her seat in the choir, her Mother consoling Thea over her emotions. Not as naïve as Abraham the sisters knew better. Monica was trouble. Regardless neither would embarrass Abraham by objecting to the baptism. He would be very cross with them if they did. Outspoken the ladies may be, they respected the man.

However unconventional as it was, Abraham kicked his own shoes and socks off and did as Monica had by dipping a toe. With a "Brrrr!" that warranted laughter he eased down into the pool first. Wading with microphone in hand carefully, Abe finished his speech on the specifics of John the Baptist. By now Deacon Flye had made his way on to the stage to back up Abraham. Accepting his microphone to allow Abraham to call Monica down into the water, he held it extended so that Abraham could continue talking unrestrained by its hindrance.

Monica cautiously stepped down into the water her t-shirts riding up under her. Deacon Flye watched her skin reveal ever so slowly until Monica herself pushed the shirts down to avoid her lower half coming into full view. The white t-shirts absorbing water gradually clung to her belly. Even four shirts covering her the tint of flesh was evident, her tan assisting in its appearance. Abraham hadn't even noticed it. A good man wouldn't.

Asking Monica if she accepted God into her life she smiled and said GOD YES. Laughter filled a terrified auditorium. As Abraham ventured to dip Monica backwards he watched her submerge. Deacon Flye above them had to gnash his teeth once her chest went under. TITTIES! Even the thickness of four shirts could not hide the flesh. Nipples poked vibrantly up through the clinging shirts. Every curve revealed. It was then Abraham bulged his eyes.

"OH DEAR LORD." He was heard to say before looking up with an expression of disbelief. Held underwater too long Monica began thrashing a bit. In his shock Abraham hadn't realized his mistake and pulled her up. Gasping she choked and spit up water. Masking her semi nude body with his own, Abraham asked Deacon Flye to get her a towel. He did just that after passing the mic to a fellow parishioner on stage beside him. Towel raised and ready Monica crawled from the water into the Deacon's curious embrace. Wrapping her enough to let her claim the grip over her towel Opie stepped aside in favor of a second towel for Abraham. Monica took a deep breath looking up at the large cross mounted on the wall behind the pulpit. In a brazen move she drops her towel and then falls to her knees as if praying. Her entire backside was in view of the congregation. See through enough to gather both sighs and gasps of shock.

Theo King had caught it all on his cell cam. He chuckled until a man in the pew beside him leaned over saying, "Send me a copy of that video." Theo nodded and kept filming.

In a mad rush to cover Monica, Abraham insisted that she go backstage and dry off. Monica complied, but boldly turned to face the congregation on her way out. Towel unwrapped her full frontal exposed ever so briefly she yells to the Heavens, "I LOVE YOU." As if that would change the minds of those who objected her brazen attitude. GOD HAVE MERCY ON HER SOUL.

Her shoes in his hands she was led backstage by Deacon Flye, once he shuts the door the man chuckled, "Mighty fine."

"You liked that show didn't you Dickin Flye?" She removes the towel and tosses it at him to let him see her imprisoned flesh through skin tight white. His expression was priceless.

"You have no idea." He hisses and encourages her toward the storage room. Turning the corner his desires fell short as the two boys who kept Monica's dress stood there holding it for her. Deacon Flye turned pale having been cock blocked. Although his sexual aspirations were shattered by the involvement of the boys, she did however strip out of her four shirts and traded them for her towel. Letting all three of them watch her dry off nude until satisfied they had huge erections, she claims her dress and puts it back on. Deacon Flye held the sopping wet shirts as she fluttered her fingers at him on the way out. Holding the arms of both boys she steps into her pumps on the floor then shuffles away giggling. She had gotten away with murder.

Sitting out the rest of the service in the furthest pew with her boy toys, Monica was chided by Darius Howard. Cheyenne tried not to laugh but the whole debacle was just too hilarious. Even if her smiles led to daggers toward Thelma. Cheyenne suspected something had happened between her man and the skank. Eventually the truth would set her free.

Closing out the service Thea, now changed out of her robe rushes down to choke Monica from behind playfully.


"I know. Isn't it great?"

Thelma's dad introduced himself charmingly until his daughter rolled her eyes pulling him away. "Not your type old man." Mort wasn't convinced, but let his daughter persuade him into leaving. He at least kissed Monica's hand.

Holding the arms of Dewain and Brandon for comfort, Thea lingering over her shoulder sighing heavily, "Here comes my Mom and Auntie. Please keep it clean."

As Queenie King and Lola Bright venture to Thea's side a scowl toward her led Thea to lower her gaze. Seeing disappointment in her daughters expression Queenie shakes her head. With a decidedly unexpected outcome Queenie congratulates Monica on her baptism. Patting the two boys on the shoulders, both Brandon and Dewain slide away from Monica. Feeling abandoned she folds her arms over her chest and pouts.

Lola frowns at the white girl leaning over her left shoulder, "Relax. As soon as we're gone the boys will move back. Word to the wise? Don't drag my niece into your world. You won't like how the axis gets tilted in our favor." Monica fidgets until the elders leave. Thea sighs and leans down to hug Monica from behind. They needed each other. Even during the embrace both Dewain and Brandon did indeed move in. In the pew in front of them plopped Thea's brother Theo. Introducing himself charmingly aiming for swagger the boy awaits acknowledgment.