Monica and Lisa


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Lisa noticed and said, "Eww, gross. How can you trade germs like that!"

She crawled out and said, "I'll make the coffee and bring it back. You two behave."

My hand was between Monica's legs, rubbing. The pajama bottoms were definitely in the way. I whispered, "We need to get you some nice nighties."

She rolled on top of me, mashing herself on my erection. "No sex until she lets us sleep by ourselves."

My hands were easing her bottoms down so I could cup that delicious ass, and push us harder together. An errant thought came to me. I wondered whether Lisa would like to have a baby brother or sister.

Monica was leaving before things got any hotter. "You can join me in the shower if you want, but lock the door!"

Lisa was at the bedroom door with a tray, grinning at me.

I crooked a finger, motioning her to me. I took a cup and sipped it, giving her my unblinking stare.

She could play that game too, and said, "You've got the hots for my mom, don't you?"

I kept my stare going and said, "Go join your mom in the shower and tell her Jeff wants a date without any almost teenagers around." I smiled.

The stare relaxed and she giggled at me, "Yes, sir. I am underage, sir, and don't understand things like that."

I glared at her and made a motion to put her over my knee. She jumped halfway to the bathroom door and twirled around, thumbing her nose at me.

I jumped up myself, got into sweats and made the bed, pushing temptation away.

When they came down the stairs, with dresses on and hair fixed, I was halfway into cooking the eggs.

Lisa said, "Do we look ok, sir?" Then leapt into my arms and kissed me hard. Monica made a face behind her.

I was glad we were up early. I had contractor meetings today and needed to get back in the groove of making a living.

The breakfast was good. I even got compliments for my cooking. Monica put the dishes in the sink and asked, "What's on for today?"

I made room for her next to me and said, "Believe it or not, I have to work. I need to keep the cash flowing in to cover your expensive tastes. Speaking of which, you should call Anne and set up a time to go over the first drawings of the apartment. She's too busy to deal with Manuel directly, so if the two of you would take that on, I'd appreciate it. Then, if you wouldn't mind taking the older pickup, you could go to Ralph's and get the furniture and appliance order going. He can send me the bill when it's ready.

Lisa was hopping up and down, bubbling with excitement. Need an outlet for all that energy. "If you would like to make some sandwiches, we could meet in the park at noon, go for a run and have a picnic out there."

Smiles all around. I picked up the phone and dialed Rachel. "Hey, Rach, do you think that arrangement you mentioned with Mrs. Anderson is actually going to work?"

"Yes, I talked to her last night when I got home and she is delighted to have her much loved baby grand going to a good home."

"A baby grand, wow. Somebody's going to be impressed. I'll get Monica talking to my mover friend Ben and find a convenient time to get it. Thanks a million for helping Lisa. I think she just got another dose of motivation."

Lisa was in our laps, crying and giggling and laughing at the same time. I tickled her in the ribs and set off another round of thrashing.

"There's one other thing you could do, if you are interested. A few weeks ago, my friend Jack, who is in the pool business, said things were slow, and if I wanted to do something about the plan I mentioned to him last year to put a pool in the back yard, he could make me a good deal. I've been procrastinating because I don't have the time to work out the details. If you two want to be job superintendents, we could put in the pool pretty quickly."

Lisa screamed, "If we're interested! Oh mom, a pool! A pool!"

Monica pinched me and whispered in my ear, "LTD my foot. You louse. You're booking me up for weeks, maybe months! I'm going to get you for this. When we have that date." Her eyes were bright and shiny, the kiss was warm and wet.

Lisa said, "What's LTD, mom?"

"That's a secret, between my new boyfriend and me." She looked at the calendar on the wall. "I promise I'll tell you what it means on the 17th."

"What's special about the 17th? Is that your date night?"

I looked at Monica and said, "Yes, kiddo, that's your mom's and my special date night."

I already knew what was going to happen on date night. I wondered if Monica did.

I looked at them. "So, it's ok for me to call Jack and have him come over tonight to talk about the pool if he can?"

Now I had two sets of lips kissing me all over.

I tried to stand up. "Ok, ok, let me out of here so I can get some work done."

A long day at the office got me almost caught up. There was a lot of bustle in the kitchen when I walked in. Dinner needed to be early because Jack was coming at 7 pm to talk about the pool.

Lisa looked at me, "Is it ok if we have a regular dinner tonight? Hamburgers, mashed potatoes and spinach?"

I looked at her with astonishment. "You're willing to eat spinach without a fight?"

"Mom said that I needed to be like Popeye to have the strength for practicing!" All three of us laughed loudly.

Monica finished making two drinks and motioned me to the patio.

I got a warm hug and kiss. "How's artistic concrete today?"

"Believe it or not, we got three new commissions. Are you bringing me good luck?"

I'd hardly sat down when she was in my lap, sipping her margarita and slipping her cold wet tongue into my mouth. "If anyone's lucky around here, it's Lisa and me. We had the best time today. All the projects you gave us are totally under control. I couldn't believe it. And I didn't wreck your truck!"

"When is the piano coming?"

"Day after tomorrow. Your friend Ben is so nice. And he knows Mrs. Anderson and says he won't take any money for the move because it is such a nice thing to do for her."

"Wow, things seem to be going our way." I nuzzled her neck and whispered, "Our LTD project is in real trouble, isn't it?"

She was kissing me hard when Lisa came out with crackers and cheese. "Not more kissy face? Am I going to act like that when I have a boyfriend?" She was climbing in with us and applying her own kisses everywhere.

I said to Monica, "What do you think, mom, will she ever get a date?"

She looked at the two of us, "I was going to say something silly, but actually, Lisa, being a teenager is tough. Lots of kids don't handle it very well. Neither do their parents. That happened to me. I don't want you to repeat that. I hope to be your mom, and your friend, and your backup if you need help."

In a moment, Lisa had her arms around us and was crying her eyes out.

I realized a hard truth. I already had a new family. They were in my arms. I was a lucky man.

In a serious voice I said, "Hey, you're not a teenager yet. You can't have any teenage crying jags for another week." I pulled hair back and kissed her nose and licked away tears on her cheeks.

She feebly tried to punch my arm, and said, "You're bad."

"Yes, you are right, I'm bad. But that's what dads are for sometimes. Being bad."

Now both of them were crying on my shoulder. Happy tears.

"Hey, am I ever going to get some dinner, or are we just going to sit here crying all night?"

Jack showed up right on time and we took him to the backyard. "Not bad, Jeff, I think we can do something real nice for you back here. You folks relax while I take some measurements. Who wants to hold the tape for me?"

Lisa jumped six inches into the air and ran out into the yard behind Jack.

Ten minutes later, he joined us at the patio table and looked at his notes for a few minutes.

"Looking at the three of you and how fit you are, I expect you need a real swim pool, not just a play pool?"

We looked at each other and nodded. I said, "As long as it doesn't break the bank."

"For serious laps, you need twenty-five meters, that's a little more than seventy-five feet. And maybe twenty or twenty-five feet the other way.

"Do you want more than a one meter board? Excavation gets expensive when we have to go down to provide depth for a higher board."

In a few minutes more, Jack looked at me. "Jeff, if you were the new guy in town with deep pockets, I would bid this to you, all inclusive of pool and pump and tile, for $75,000."

Then he smiled, "But, because I might need some of your concrete one of these days, and with business so slow, and seeing as you have two dedicated swimmers already lined up, I'll do it for $43,000."

I decided to twist the knife a little. Four big eyes were looking at me anxiously. "Well, that's about a hundred years of tickets to the public pool, Jack."

Huge disappointment starting.

"But, if I could scrape that together, when would you start? The hot weather is coming."

"The city would be on my case if they knew I said this, but one of my crews is finishing a job tomorrow and could start the day after that. What if you and I went down to city hall in the morning and asked for an expedited permit? Even a 48 hour permit?"

Lisa jumped up and shouted, "Oh my god, you are going to do it! Mom, a pool!"

Jack and I left the women hugging each other and I walked him out to his car. He said, "That sure is a little ball of fire you have in your east coast relative."

"She sure is, do you suppose you can have her in the water by July 4th?"

"If you keep the rain gods away, I can do it."

I walked into the house, needing a shower and a soft bed. Two bodies were waiting for me in the kitchen. Lisa was sitting on the counter with her arms around Monica. They reached out to me and we hugged silently. Now I was the one feeling all teary.

"I'm heading for the shower. Can the three of us still fit in that bed?"

As I folded myself into the middle of the bed, Lisa said, "Mom told me the LTD project is over. Is that bad?"

I hugged them both to my chest. "Well, kiddo, LTD was an idea that never really got off the ground. Too limited in time and scope. I think your mom and I have moved beyond it. But I am hoping she will still go out on a date with me on the 17th."

Lisa peered anxiously over me at Monica, who was holding my hand to her chest.

"Lisa, you better look the other way, I'm going to say yes and kiss him."

Lisa turned over, saying, "You two are bad." The kiss was soft and lasted a while. I was asleep when she pulled away and closed her eyes.

In the morning, Lisa had already dashed off to do the coffee when my eyes opened to find Monica looking at me. "LTD wasn't much of an idea, was it?" she whispered quietly. She moved closer with one leg thrown over mine. My hardness was up against her thigh. My hands found their way inside her pajama bottoms and pulled her tightly against me.

Her lips were close to my ear. "We've only known each other a few days, but I feel so secure in your arms, Jeff. No man has ever paid the tiniest bit of attention to taking care of me. I don't know how to handle that yet. Living the dream is still alive with me. I want you to know that."

Before I could say anything, Lisa arrived with a tray. "Ok, lovebirds, here's breakfast. I'm going to go practice now if that is ok?"

I said to Monica, "The baby grand is going to fill the house with sound. There's no off switch. Are we going to survive that?"

Monica had more important things on her mind. "Lovebirds? Jeff, I'm not sure you knew what you were doing last night when you said that Dad thing. But she grabbed onto it. She is so starved for having a father figure around, she's a little crazy."

I took the tray from her and put it to the side. Then I undid her top and eased the bottoms off.

"Are you going to do what I think you are? What about the door?"

I locked the door and pulled off my own t-shirt and briefs.

I put her on top and pulled up the sheet. "If Lisa is going to have a father figure around, then I have to ask you something."

My cock was up between her legs and she was squirming on it. I played with all her back muscles down to her hard ass, which was moving around looking for a way to get connected with me.

"You can't do that to me and listen at the same time."

"Do we have to talk? This is awfully nice."

"I guess I better hurry up and get this over. Will you marry me?"

She froze in my arms. Rigid as a board. Raised her head up cautiously and looked at me, eyes wondering if I was joking. Wondering if she could trust a guy after all her disappointments.

I turned her over on her back and kissed her, trying to tell her with my lips that my offer was real.

I put my finger on her lips and said, "If you think you might accept, don't say anything, just listen to me. Blink your eyes if your answer is yes."

Lots of eye blinks.

"Ok, here's the deal. We are going to dress up on the 17th and go to a nice restaurant where I know the owner. I'll tell him it's a special occasion. At the last minute, you are going to tell Lisa that you and I have changed our mind, and the three of us are going out to celebrate. When she says what are we celebrating, you tell her it is a surprise. Just before the dessert, I am going to get down on my knees and ask you to marry me and give you a ring! Do you think you can keep this a secret until the 14th? Give me your feisty best between now and then? And no sex?"

This was too much. She was bawling and shaking. I pulled up the sheet over her head in case Lisa showed up, and gently rubbed her back.

She hitched herself up to my neck and whispered, "You sure know how to give a girl a shock. This isn't some dream I will wake up from and find Lisa and me back on the highway, like I had the other night?"

My fingers played with her hair and I said, "It's for real."

She added, "You are also very devious. Lisa is going to jump out of her skin at that dinner."

"After you tell her that she is going along, I want the two of you to go down to Sara's women's shop and pick out something that makes you, and her too, look like very beautiful, very feminine women I'm honored to take to dinner."

Her hand had a hard grip on my erection. "And you and I are going to keep our hands off each other for ten days? And pretend we are not sure anything is developing between us?"

Our eyes were laughing at each other. The playing stopped downstairs and Lisa's voice shouted up, "Get a move on up there, we've got work to do."

I locked the bathroom door so we could shower together without giving everything away. Monica's soapy nipples were hard, I was hard, and the urge to mate was very strong. She pressed me against the tile and said, "Remember, I'm tough and feisty."

As we toweled off, I asked, "Tell me something. Somewhere in all that chatter, did you agree to marry me?"

She stared at me. "Stand still." As hard as she could, she pounded on first one bicep and then the other.

"Don't get too sure of yourself. You haven't taken me to dinner, you aren't on your knees, and I don't see any ring. Is this a serious deal or what?"

She ran into my arms with a full naked body press. I pulled her head back and said, "You're right, Monica, anything could happen between now and the 17th. I guess we're still dating for now."

My tongue was tracing her lips. Her whisper was at my ear again, "You are torturing me, you know. I have never had to pretend to not be happy. This is all new. There is something you have to do for me. Every time you see me looking like this can't be true, I want a hug. Lots of hugs. I'll tell Lisa that it is just part of dating."

We sealed that with a kiss and went downstairs.

I thought ten days of abstinence was going to be really hard. Turned out it wasn't. With two big projects going on at home, lots of new commissions at work, two women in the house to get used to, and other distractions, I fell into bed every night with my eyes already closed.

The morning routine was very nice. Lisa hopped out to do the coffee. As soon as she was gone, Monica's hand was in my briefs helping my morning erection along. We pretended we were dating, and my roving hands got all kinds of pushback.

"Jeff, we are just dating. Get your hand out of my bottom. My mom will kill you if she catches us." One morning she said that too loud and Lisa heard us as she came up the stairs.

"Why are you going to get killed, Jeff? I'm not sure that is a good idea."

I decided to make it a light hearted moment. "When a couple of young people are having a little loving, sometimes the guy is doing something maybe he shouldn't. The girl tells him her mom or dad will kill him if he is caught molesting their daughter."

Lisa looked sceptical as she put down the tray. "What if the girl likes what he is doing and just pretends he shouldn't?"

Monica handed the tray to me and took Lisa into her lap. "That's part of why dating is such a confusing business. What is he really thinking? What is she really thinking? How far can they go?"

Lisa said, "But you two have already gone all the way, so why are you still dating?"

Monica said, "Can't the grownups have any secrets? Maybe we like dating. It let's us tease each other, and flirt."

"What's it mean when a girl is flirting?"

I growled in her ear, "It means she is promising more than she intends to deliver!"

"But how can Mom flirt when she already has delivered?"

Monica took charge. "You, young lady, need to leave sex to the grownups right now and concentrate on your piano lessons and getting your brain ready for school in the fall."

She looked up at me and frowned, realizing the implication of what she had said. Fortunately, Lisa hadn't and scampered away to the piano. Her playing was filling the house with wonderful sound and we didn't mind at all.

Monica nestled into me and complained, "That kid is just too damn smart for her own good sometimes."

My fingers were rubbing between her legs and I asked, "How many days before you are not off limits?"

"You know darn well it is the 17th and you have two days to go. Now stop that."

On the 15th, while I was at work, Monica and Lisa went on their dress expedition. When I got home, Monica was smiling and Lisa was practicing.

"I told her if she said a single word, I would make her behind red for a week. She is going to be meek and well behaved, I hope!"

On the 17th, I came home for a meeting with Anne in the new apartment space. It was nearly done, with only the painting and finish electrical and appliances to go.

I looked at Monica and Lisa, "What do you think, should we have a little celebration? Will you join us, Anne?"

"I'd love to, but it's our anniversary and Bob is taking me out to dinner."

My women made happy noises and kissed Anne on the cheek. She went off to Bob, and we went to get dressed.

Lisa didn't want to be in the back, so Monica let her have her lap. They looked radiant in simple lavender dresses with pleated skirts. Lisa even had two inch heels on, and looked years older than she was. In a small voice, she said, "Is it true I get to know what the surprise is?"

I looked at her, tension written all across her face. "Yes."

Monica and I held hands, and then found Lisa wrapping her marvelous long fingers around ours. She was obviously desperate to know when she got to learn the surprise, but Monica and I said nothing.

Alec, the owner, led us to a corner booth with a nice view. I had rehearsed with him what was going to happen and we had our act together, I hoped.

The entree was poached salmon with asparagus. The salad greens had vinaigrette and a sprinkling of feta on them. Everything was divine.

Afterwards, Alec and the waiter approached with a scrumptious looking apple tart topped with whipped cream. He looked at me and said, "Jack, did you want to say anything about this special occasion before we serve the tart?"