Monica and Lisa


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I had carefully placed Monica across from me at the front of the booth. In a moment, I was on my knees and holding her hand. I was afraid we were both going to cry.

"Monica, my dearest, would you consent to be my wife?"

Lisa's piercing scream brought every eye to our booth. "Mom! He's doing it. Oh my god. Say yes. Please say yes!"

Monica leaned over and kissed the top of my head and said, "Yes, Jeff, I will marry you."

While this was going on, musicians and a photographer appeared and everyone joined in a round of cheer. Lisa crawled over me and jumped for joy, kissing everyone she could, shouting, "My mom's getting married, my mom's getting married." The photographer got the couple arranged together and our eyes wiped so he could get his pictures. We got Lisa in the middle for a family shot.

Nothing was very calm after that. It seemed like dozens of my friends were in the restaurant and coming over to extend their congratulations. My new fiancee looked more beautiful than ever. Lisa was a belle of the ball, dancing around the musicians. She even sat with the piano player and did a four hand duet.

It seemed like hours later, the three of us were in our nightclothes, sitting out on the patio sipping some soda. The single patio light was shining into the deep hole for the pool that had just been sprayed with concrete that day.

I said to Lisa, "Was that an ok surprise?"

Arms around my neck, she said, "Oh yes, yes, yes. That was the best surprise ever."

She leaned back and looked hard at me, "You knew before today, didn't you? That was cruel."

I picked her up and started for the stairs. When the three of us were in bed, with Lisa still in my arms, I said, "You know what happened today, in addition to your Mom saying she will marry me? Today, I got the nicest, smartest, prettiest, most talented daughter in all the world. I love you, Lisa, and I want us to be really good friends, always."

All of the anticipation of the day flowed out of us in a few tears and then we were asleep.

Monica and I were snuggled very close together when Lisa brought us coffee and announced there would be a special breakfast downstairs later.

She added, unhappily, "I guess now that you two are going to be married, I need to find my own bed."

Monica looked over my shoulder and said, "Climb back in here, we need to talk." She snuggled in front of me.

"How long have you and I been sleeping together?"

"Forever, if you call it sleeping together. There were a lot of bad places."

"How long have you and I been sleeping with Jeff?"

"About two weeks. It's been awfully nice."

"And what's the main problem about that arrangement?"

"You don't want to have sex in front of me because I'm underage... and might not understand." She giggled.

"And what's the solution to that problem?"

"I learn to disappear when you want to be alone with Jeff."

"Now ask your almost dad if that's ok with him."

The snuggler turned on her back and looked up at me with serious eyes. "Almost dad, can we still sleep together if I disappear when I need to?"

"Almost daughter, it's not going to be long before you want your own room with all your special stuff, but until then I'd love to have you in here, especially if I still get coffee the way you do it in the morning."

I added, "And if you can take a hint about you know what." She danced around and dashed out to do breakfast.

Monica was rubbing her front on me, saying, "I want you, but I don't want a quickie. How do we get a whole afternoon to play?"

I reached up and pinched her nipples gently. "I'm feeling different about you this morning." I looked at her seriously.

"What do you mean? You've changed your mind?" Her eyes had that 'oh no' look.

I sat up against the headboard and pulled her close in my lap. I was nice and hard and guessed she was good and wet by now. My hands caressed her buttocks, nudging them up and forward. Our eyes were staring hard at each other. I positioned myself and then my hands were pushing down instead of up.

I folded her head into my shoulder and just let us adjust to each other. She squeezed me gently. I flicked up into her, gently.

"You're sending me a message, Jeff, but I'm too dumb to know what it is." She licked my collarbone next to her mouth. My hands now kept her tight against me. We could feel each other breathing.

"I don't know what happened with you and the guy that made Lisa, but when I thought I was in love with my first wife, it wasn't anything like this. We've got something deep going on, and in my head it has all these colors. There is red Monica, and blue Monica and lime green Monica. And I'm in love with all of them."

I was still hard in her. A soft wispy moment, but I'm also an eager male. Strangely, the thought went through me that she and I needed a baby together. Would that work after all her years of trouble?

She laughed and asked, "What about feisty Monica that you invented? What color is she?"

"She is a rainbow of colors, all feisty."

She pulled away. "Get out of there, Lisa has breakfast waiting."

Across the kitchen table from them, I asked, "When do the two of you think we should have the wedding?"

Monica asked, "Where do we have the reception?"

Lisa said, "Can I make a suggestion? I know it's not my place to tell you what to do."

"Go ahead," her mom said.

"What if we have the wedding and the reception here? There is going to be a beautiful pool, and the new kitchen to serve food from, and we can fix up the lawn and have a tent?"

She didn't like our silence. "Well?"

Monica and I smiled at each other, "Good idea. But there is one condition. You have to wear that pretty dress you had on last night and you have to play two respectable pieces of music on Mrs. Anderson's piano. She will be one of the guests."

Lisa banged her head on the table. "Oh my god, how can I do that? I just started!"

Monica said in her feisty tough voice, "Looks like you have a challenge, young one. No music, no wedding."

Lisa did her best imitation of a Monica hard stare. "Now I know you are really cruel. First, you didn't tell me when you decided to get married. Now you are putting this terrible trip on me about the piano."

She paused, and continued with a smile, "You better look out or you are going to have a rebellious teenager on your hands."

"We are not afraid of you." She got our stares back. My arm around Monica tightened into a kiss.

"I guess we are just crazy in love, Monica almost Fredericks. How can we survive a teenager?"

With the long days of summer, we were up early and having a family council each morning. Monica and I made a show of ignoring Lisa's approaching birthday, randomly talking about things that needed doing that day. We could see her get more and more agitated, but pretended not to notice. On the morning of her birthday, Monica and I woke in the dark and stole downstairs to work on breakfast and her present. We were sitting at the counter in the first sunlight when she came wandering in, rubbing her eyes and asking what was going on.

I gathered her up and lay her legs across our laps. "You don't have any chores on your birthday, Miss Grownup Teenager."

We sipped our coffee as she opened her birthday card envelope. A piece of paper fell out onto the floor. She jumped down and picked it up, reading the words. "Award Certificate. Good for One Bicycle of Bearer's Choice at Rudy's Bike Shop."

"Oh gosh. A bike all my own?" She looked at us. "I can pick it out myself?"

Smiles and tears and hugs and kisses. Arms around my neck and Lisa asking if I will go along and help find the perfect bike. Monica saying, "By the way, Dad is taking us out to dinner again tonight."

More kisses. "When do we go to the bike store?"

"I'll call Rudy and ask for an appointment. But it's too early to call right now."

Monica and I were getting dressed a few minutes later when Lisa came screaming into our room, "Look, look, look!"

Her nightie was in one hand and in the other was a tissue with bright red blood on it. "It started! On my very birthday! Mom, what do I do now?"

I rolled my eyes and Monica hustled the newest member of the women's monthly club down the hall to find a pad.

When she came back, I got a hug and a whispered, "Mine is going to start today too. What about that?"

"Oh no, two hormonal women at the same time?"

She punched me and said, "You better be nice. There wouldn't be any babies if we didn't go through this."

"I've been meaning to ask you, is there another baby in your future?"

She grabbed my hand and looked at me sharply. I mumbled, "Well, I was just asking. People do get married sometimes with children in mind."

That remark got me an armlock and an aggressive voice in the ear, "So, this is all about knocking me up?"

I tossed her into the middle of the bed. "Yup, this is just a plot to give you a big belly."

She lay there, eyes tearing up. Hands reached for me and I was pulled down for a long wet kiss.

The eyes were sparkling now. "I'd love to have a baby with you. Do you want me pregnant at the ceremony?"

I sat on the edge of the bed, put her over my knees, and swatted the sexy behind. Lisa appeared at the door and asked, "What has mom done wrong now?"

Monica turned over and kissed me. "He asked me if I wanted to have a baby with him, and I asked if he wanted me pregnant when we got married."

"Mom! You're not supposed to do that, are you?"

I was late for work but rolling around on the bed with my women was lots more fun. Monica had Lisa in a tight grip. "I guess now that you can get pregnant too, this is a good time to talk about it. Have you read about protection in that looking around the net you do?"

"Yes. It says a lot of women go on the pill. But there's other stuff like IUDs and diaphragms."

"And what about the guy's responsibility?"

Lisa looked at me and blushed, "Well, there are condoms, but I read that getting guys to use them is a problem sometimes."

"You're absolutely right. But it doesn't matter right now because you are not going to be dating for a while, and I just told this one here that he can have me anytime he wants without protection because we both would like a baby."

More kisses and hugs. Lisa dashed off and I rolled Monica into me. "You are a minx, offering your unprotected body to me when we both know you are not fertile for a couple of weeks."

She wiggled, "Oh sir, take me, take me. God will make a baby!"

"If Jack has the pool ready by the first of July, we could have the wedding on the weekend of the tenth. That's three weeks from now. If we fuck like bunnies starting just after the first, you could be impregnated by your wedding day."

Monica looked at me. "I have a really stupid idea. What if we pretend our wedding night is going to be the first time and save up all our heat for then?"

"That IS a really stupid idea, but I like it. What makeout privileges do I get in the meantime?"

She stood up, reached under her skirt, and pulled her briefs to the floor. She straddled me, and pushed my hand between her legs. "Definitely nothing below the waist. I'll have to think about the rest."

My finger found her clit and she jumped. "More, please."

I rubbed gently and she caught her breath. I told her, "If you come on my fingers, I'm going to take you right here, promise or no promise."

She pressed her tongue as far into my mouth as she could and humped me. Two of my fingers were way inside her now.

Suddenly, she took a deep breath and stood up. Her eyes were dilated and her breath was coming in pants.

"I'm sorry. That talk about makeout just set me off."

"If Lisa caught me paddling you again, I could claim I was cooling you down from excessive passion?"

She yanked my hand and we went downstairs. She licked my ear, "Is that a disease? What is the cure?"

I could tell it was going to be a tough two weeks.

Lisa practiced like crazy and got Rachel to give her a list of music that might be good for a wedding reception. She didn't know it yet, but I was going to get out the Yamaha and ask her to play the wedding march on it. And then come and stand with Monica during the ceremony.

Monica decided she was a better wedding planner than someone we could hire and dashed around lining up all the caterers.

I backed the contractors on the apartment and the pool and put the landscaping guys to work. There was going to have to be an instant makeover just before the backyard wedding.

It took Lisa about a week to figure out that her mom and her almost dad were getting more than usually tense. On Sunday morning, she brought up coffee and the paper and said, "Hey, what's with the no sex anymore?"

Monica tried to stare her down but that didn't work. Lisa crawled on the bed between us. "Well?"

"If you must know, nosy one, we thought it would be nice to save up for our wedding night."

Lisa's face was an open book. Serious look, wheels turning, giggles starting, then jumping up and down. "OMG, Monica is a virgin again and saving it for her wedding."

I reached out and got a leg and pulled her back to us. I smacked the behind a few times. Monica muttered, "Proper daughters do not joke about their mother's sex life!" Smack, smack. Then we all fell in a heap, laughing.

Lisa hugged and kissed us and said, "That was bad of me. I promise no more jokes about your loving." I pushed her on top of Monica and got my hands on her ribs, tickling away.

"Stop, stop," she screamed. "Mom, he is a terrible tickler!"

I relented and Monica kissed her. "You are such a terrible teaser, we can't help it if we have to get back."

Going down the stairs, she said, "I need to clean up my act. But where am I going to find two teasable people like you, especially if it's about sex? " Monica grabbed her and said sternly, "Young lady, that is enough curiosity for today. In fact, it is enough for the next two weeks! After Jeff and I are married, we might, emphasize might, talk some more about sex."

A subdued Monica ate her breakfast and went off on her new bike with a chore list and a practice appointment.

"Was I too hard on her?"

I kissed my almost wife and hugged her to me. "There is so much bad sex out there, we probably ought to be as open as we can. Assuming we have good sex, that is."

She pulled back in mock outrage and slapped the side of my face. "Well I never. We are not even married and you've decided I'm no good in bed!"

Not letting her go, I reached down and rubbed vigorously between her legs. "Maybe we should legislate a few freebies?"

"You promised to behave." I turned her around and gently kissed the back of her neck. "Ok, I give in. But please don't tempt me too much."

She was facing me now and kissing and tonguing my lips and whispering, "Hey, rules are made to be broken. If you want me before the ring goes on my finger, just say so."

It was a tender moment and we stood there in each other's arms, swaying quietly.

Arriving pickups broke up the loving and we grabbed cups of coffee to go out and greet the contractors for another busy morning. With five days to go, the pool pump house was on the schedule for today and a trial filling of the pool to check for leaks. Freshly painted and with the tile surround in place, it looked wonderful. But the dirt beyond was still a mess and the sod for the lawn area wasn't coming until tomorrow, so that the landscape people had one day only to lay pavers and prepare the soil under the sod.

As I was talking to the landscape foreman, Monica's caterer for the tent showed up and looked glum about the site. He had expected some extra lead time to make sure everything was perfect for a wedding and it looked like he would be lucky to get one full day. I thought to myself that being a caterer meant one crisis after another.

In fact, Monica's and my day turned into a waterfall of crises, each of which required patience and a ready smile and assurances that extra costs would be covered.

Over lunch, I accused Monica of being a more successful den mother than I was Boy Scout leader.

"We'll see, won't we, whose part of all this is still screwed up on Saturday." She laughed and gave me a hot, wet kiss.

Lisa came running in, "I saw that. Is kissing allowed?"

"Yes, kissing is definitely allowed. You better watch out or I'll give you one of those gross kisses too."

She jumped into Monica's arms. "Save me from the ogre!"

Her mouth full of sandwich, Lisa told us about her morning. "The store said it was a terrible imposition to have to bring the tables and chairs on Saturday, but I cried on his shoulder and told him about the pool and the sod and the tent, and he gave in."

After a minute for munching and drinking, she continued, "Practice was really good. I've been scared about the music I am going to play at the reception, but Rachel is so encouraging at the same time she is being tough that I guess I am going to be able to do it without disgracing myself."

I said, marveling at the determined talent in front of me, "Kiddo, you are going to mow them down."

She giggled and leapt into my arms, "You mean the new grass is going to need cutting by Saturday afternoon?" She buried her head in my shoulder and laughed some more.

By Friday morning, we were down to one page of hot items, each of which was underlined in red and had a name next to it.

After a very late, take out dinner, we sat on the patio and surveyed the incredible transformation before us. The pool was full of crystal clear water with tiny ripples from the evening breeze. The tent was flapping quietly in a corner of the yard with magnificent green sod all around it. Protective mats were down so the tables and chairs could be arranged in the morning without destroying the new grass. Monica and I were holding hands and Lisa was curled under my other arm.

"Is there someone getting married here tomorrow? I wonder who it could be?"

I felt the same way. We had been so completely immersed in making the event happen, it was hard to imagine the three of us all dressed up tomorrow as the hosts and honorees, with a big crowd of friends present.

I didn't need to suggest an early bedtime, we hardly made it upstairs.

At 4 am, all three of us were turning over in bed and realizing we were awake. Giggles broke out on both sides of me in the dark. Monica snuggled up under my arm with her head on my chest. Lisa matched her on the other side. My bride said, "Lisa and I can't believe how lucky we are. Six weeks ago, he found us drowning in the rain by the side of the road."

"Luck works both ways. Six weeks ago, I found two wonderful people who have made my life so much better."

Lisa chirped, "Mom, you can't cry now. Tears of happiness are only allowed after the ceremony!"

Monica kissed me and cried anyway. Lisa asked, "Is it too early for coffee?"

She answered her own question by climbing out and going downstairs without turning on the light. Monica whispered, "I really want you." She rubbed herself on my thigh. I turned her off my chest so I could attack her wanting boobs under the nightie.

"Keep doing that. Remember that talk about pretending I'm a virgin? It's no virgin lying here. Just a wildly horny woman who needs that big thing of yours jammed into me."

I pinched her nipple and said, "Better not let the teenager hear you talking like that."

Lisa appeared with a tray and did the light on her way to the bed. The flowered nighty she wore was very pretty and her face was bright with anticipation. "What am I not supposed to hear?"

"I was telling your new daddy that I love him very much.

Lisa did cartwheels across the room and front flips back to us, landing on the bed.

"Jeff, there is no use pretending to be modest with this kid. She and I have been naked around each other forever.