All Comments on 'Monogamy: It's Complicated Ch. 04'

by AmateurBard

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MaFreplerMaFreplerabout 7 years ago
Nothing true about this

Just because you write that they stayed married doesn't make it believable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

fag cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
having lived thru that time and scene I can truthfully say very few marriages lasted

3* for a story with a happy couple, swinging is and does work for a while, the duration depends on the actual couple

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
All gone!

They were gone at that moment:

"I'll be back in a little while," she said, making it sound like she was asking for permission to leave.

...and no opinion makes it different!

For these of you with single digit IQ: That was the moment when it stoped being

their fun.... and he was not included any more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good story

BS on the "stats". We've been married 40 years and been an open marriage for 37 of them. And I know a lot of couples with a similar track record. The secret? None of of is wasted our time with kids. Juggling kids and and an open marriage doesn't work well

This story was well written and could easily have described one of our evenings. More please. Don't let the jealous guys in sad marriages deter you.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Good story"

I'm not jealous, nor am I in a "sad marriage," nor do I have anything against open marriages.

The ONLY problem I have here is the title. MONOGAMY isn't complicated, it's simple.

This should have been titled, "Polyamory: It's Complicated,"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Where have all the real writers gone

Literotica has turned into a fag cuck cum eating bunch of want to be writers pushing a homo agenda. Femdom and cuckold lifestyle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
The only thing the statements

condoning swinging prove is that people can write a lie on paper or in cyberspace easily and never have to prove a thing. infidelity may be tolerated once and forgiven, let it happen twice and the marriage will end. Sorry to say that includes "I was just getting even." so liars swing and swingers lie... how do you think they recruit?

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years ago
@ amateurbard

Congrats on your 40th. My wife and I will be celebrating our 25th this year. Amazing how marriages can survive "alternative monogamy."

These anonies with their phony statistics are tiresome. I've known hundreds of people who have been in open/swinging relationships and only two couples divorced (for reasons unrelated to sex.) Countless others that I know have divorced and (as far as I know) were never in "the lifestyle." Of course, that's only anecdotal evidence. There are many studies proving that swinging doesn't lead to divorce, but the anonies would never be convinced otherwise. They'd much rather live in ignorance, as it's far more comforting for them.

All of that aside, I enjoyed this tale, although I found the constant shifting of perspectives a bit annoying and unnecessary. I've also never understood why authors submit their first chapter without having the entire story already written. What's the rush? The long delay between chapters made me forget what happened before.

I hope that you continue contributing to this category, AmateurBard. We need more writers to break the monotony of boring stories about divorce.

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyabout 7 years ago
The title should read

Relationships are complicated. Whether poly or monogamous relationships are complicated in their own way. It's hard to stay faithful. Before you disagree with me look at the divorce rate .

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years ago
@ sbrooks

Should we now get into a week-long debate over the meaning of the suffix "amory?" LOL.

Marcie clearly had no "amorous" feelings for George; therefore it wasn't "polyamory" by any stretch of the term.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
how about breaking the monotomy of boring swinging stories

Better have another look at what's being posted daily "swingerjoe". 90% most likely start the tags with "hot wife", "cuckold". Where did you get the idea that most stories are about divorce? Kind of stretching the truth aren't you, but then that's normal for this category.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 7 years ago
Tryst was quite fine but . . .

. . . there are still possibilities for an affair that would be equally interesting. I enjoyed the way you developed the story, Bard, the bouncing back and forth between characters didn't bother me whatsoever. I loved the notion that you had Marcie make a late night trip to the guest room for a second round with George on her own as a couple while leaving hubby and threesome sleeping in their bed. The possibility of an affair, longer term even if random and sporadic, was set up by Marcie slipping out in the middle of the night. It could have been further cemented by Marcie waking George with kisses and passion before coming back to husband a second time to wake Bill.

I do think one more chapter would complete this saga. That chapter should be a discussion between Bill and Marcie exploring their feelings, expectations, desire after consummating Marie's first extramarital affair. One of the things I have learned about telling erotic tales is that the why was it so good; how did you feel now; and where do we go from here are important questions to answer finishing off a story.

On the whole though, Good Job AmateurBard; your first story was a good one.

ps: As I was reading over my comment one lat time before submitting I realized that the final chapter I suggested could be a first chapter for a follow on sequel if you want to use these same characters in a series.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

I think we've both shown that the dictionary can cut both ways.

MY definition, your usage may vary, is that monogamy is an INTIMATE (not loving, not legal, i.e. marriage) relationship with only one person.

When you have intimate, again, not marriage or loving, relationships with more than one person, it is NOT monogamy. Despite the lack of love, in common usage it is polyamory.

Again, you obviously disagree, but as I have stated if you went to any general population and asked "If a person has intimate relations with more than one person, with or without marriage, with or without love, is that person in a monogamous or polygamous (or polyamorous, if you prefer) relationship, the VAST majority would say "poly." In fact, I would wager that most people in multi-partner relationships would define their relationships as poly.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years ago
Niagara Falls?

Slowly I turned. Step by step. Inch by inch...

If you asked Kimi whether her relationship to her "lovers" is polyamorous or polygamous, how do you think she would answer? Polygamy is illegal in the US. Polyamory isn't. Why is that? Because "gamy" LITERALLY MEANS MARRIAGE!

"Monogamy", LITERALLY, means "married to one person."

If you want to argue over what "most people" think it means or what Webster's says it means, that's irrelevant to the point that AmateurBard is employing the correct usage of the word as it literally means.

I think the larger point here is: what difference does it make? The meaning of words change all the time. Up until recently, "gay" meant "happy" and "marriage" meant "one man, one woman." If an author wrote a story titled "My Gay Marriage" it could be accurately titled if the story was about a happily married man and woman!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Encouraging adultery

While I don't personally love open relationships, I can accept and still be entertained by a story with mutually agreed actions. My problem here was that Dede had no imput. Bill and Marcie encouraged George to cheat on his wife. Think she is ok with that?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago
@swingerjoe Re: LITERALLY

I thought we had come to terms that we could parse the dictionary till the cows come home, and we're just going to be going around in circles chasing our tails.

Yes, LITERALLY if she is only married to one person she is monogamous, even if she fucks the entire Green Bay Packers. I stand by my position that most people would NOT consider her to be monogamous.

I won't presume to speak for Kimi, but since I BELIEVE that she loves both partners that would make her polyamorous. I don't know if she is married to either partner, but IF she is, I don't believe that she would call herself or that relationship monogamous. She may very well disagree with me, but I still stand by my position.

As far as AmateurBard goes, his couple may be LITERALLY monogamous, monogamy as it is generally defined, while it certainly has its share of complications, ISN'T complicated when outside extra-marital relationships are excluded.

As far as gay marriages go, once again gay may LITERALLY mean happy, in terms of relationships the vast, Vast VAST majority of people will assume you are talking about a homosexual or lesbian marriage if you title a story "My Gay Marriage," and people looking for a story about a homosexual/lesbian marriage would JUSTIFIABLY be upset if it turned out to be about a happily married straight couple!

While I know you reject calling her relationship polyamorous because she doesn't LOVE her other partners, I give you Merriam-Webster's definition: " the state or practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time." Nowhere is "love" mentioned.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So, Bill and Mary...40 years and counting and still actively swinging? I doubt it...

...but, your characters may or may not have done all the things that you describe here.

Why not also talk about the times it almost cost them their marriage? When her sexual response to someone they picked out was so strong it caused Bill to doubt Mary? Or why didn't Bill ever bring a second woman and have a fmf?....or is that all coming?

I say this, not to doubt your honesty, but to question the realism of what your two characters, probably thinly veiled versions of you and your wife, got involved far did they go? Where did they run into bumps and what did they do to reconcile? What is the shape of their lives and activity now, that they have "matured" in their explorations of the "new monogamy" you purport to be reality?

Yes, I continue to be skeptical.

My experience has been that some women are interested in having another cock, but not to have hubby have another pussy. Most women can, but most will not even consider anything that includes hubby getting intimate with another woman. Instead, they prefer to be monogamous. They see the risks as too great before they even get to discussing how they "might make it work".

Yes, I'm one of those persnickety, pugnacious souls that thinks language is important and that your rather loose and fast "redefinition" of monogamy as something that includes sharing or "variations" is nothing of the sort.

You are not monogamous. You may be polyamorous, adventurous, selectively exploratory, sharing, swinging and any of another list of veiling euphemisms for mutually agreed, planned adultery, but buddy, monogamy ain't one of em.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years ago
@ sbrooks, one last time (no, really)

Your statement that marriage/monogamy is only "complicated" when another person is added to the mix is absurd. If monogamous marriage wasn't occasionally "complicated," there would be nothing worth writing about marriage, and this category wouldn't exist! There are plenty of stories written in this category where neither partner strays, and yet the marriage is complicated.

I've written several such stories myself: An Old Wive's Tale, The Story of Dan and Denise, Turning the Tables, Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred (Alternate), Fifty Shades of Sheila, etc. No extramarital sex in any of those stories.

(Not to plug my own work again, but I'm more familiar with that than the works of others.)

This is a story about a husband and wife who are deeply in love with each other, and love no one else outside of their marriage, who have enjoyed a FORTY-YEAR-LONG commitment to each other. But because one of them had sex one time outside of her marriage, it's no longer a "monogamous" marriage according to you. As the Brits would say: BOLLOCKS!

AmateurBard wrote a story about a complicated monogamous relationship. The title is just fine.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 7 years ago
Fun Read

While the same group of characters parse words and phrases to hold up their viewpoints, others of us just read the story. Whether it defines or redefines monogamy is of absolutely no interest to me whatsoever. What does interest me in this case is whether it's a good porn story that is fun to read. It meets that criteria.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago
@swingerjoe HOPEFULLY my last time!

As usual, you choose to ignore the parts of my comments that don’t work for your argument. I explicitly said: “monogamy as it is generally defined, while it certainly has its share of complications, ISN'T complicated when outside extra-marital relationships are excluded.”

“AmateurBard wrote a story about a complicated monogamous relationship.” – Yes, he wrote about a complicated monogamous relationship, but he, or his characters if you will, complicated it! Monogamy isn’t complicated, at least no more than ANY relationship between two people is complicated, if you leave other people out of it!

In your example, there was a FORTY-YEAR relationship with ONE slip up. I forget how long Bill and Marcie have been married, but it’s a HELL of a lot shorter than 40 years. They’ve already had TWO incidents, granted only one consummated, and one almost ended in violence, the second involved seducing a married man to cheat on his wife. These are complications NOT of monogamy but of their actions!

Back to your example, of COURSE a one-time extra-marital fling doesn’t make a marriage non-monogamous, and it’s typical of you to use that as a club to beat me up with. A better choice would be Richard Gerald’s “Another Love,” where Karen is married to Robert and has a years long affair with Philippe. Karen was married to ONE man, Robert. She was NOT monogamous!

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 7 years ago
@ Anony re. "Sorry"

98.7% of all statistics you read on this website are completely made up. That's a fact. You can look it up.

Also, 100% of the stats you just referenced were extracted straight from your rectum.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 7 years ago
Some Thoughts on Relationships

I have enjoyed, maybe followed is a better phrase, the discussion over these four chapters mainly between Swingerjoe and Sbrooks103x concerning the meaning of Monogamy. Let me add my thoughts using examples from two lengthy stories that I have posted her on Literotica (also on Lush). The stories are Always Faithful and Still Faithful Always.

The primary characters are a married couple named Laura and Dan. Over the length of the stories Laura adds Greg as primary lover in addition to her husband plus several other male and female lovers from time-to-time. Husband Dan also has several women as outside lovers including one primary lover called Artsy. Both Laura and Dan eventually have a marriage like commitment service with their primary lovers.

Here is the question as it relates AmateurBard's story and the commentary of swingerjoe, sbrooks103x and others. Do the relationships described in the previous paragraph qualify as monogamy? The stories as written are certainly not typical cuckold stories. Most would consider the stories as polyamory tales, mine and ABs. My view is that they are in fact monogamy relationships that the participants are practicing with multiple men or women in parallel.

Many will claim my viewpoint is absurd bull crap, playing with words. In my mind a wife could have a relationship with a lover, a deep and committed love relationship with sex on a regular basis and still maintain that she was monogamous to both husband and lover. If she, in this example, wants to have husband an lover together in a single session, parallel or sequential, that situation would violate monogamy and should be called polyamory.

I'm not sure how well I have made my point but I do not feel that simplistic, moralistic, definitions fit the bill.

Impo_64Impo_64about 7 years ago
Monogamy isn't the problem...

Monogamy isn't the problem...the problem a lot of times is the vanishing of respect for each other. Let's look at one point in this story: When she got up in the middle of the night to go fuck the lover, he also woke up and gave her the green light...what would she have done if her husband didn't wake up? Would she wake him up or would she have gone without him knowing? For me the difference between these 2 situations is the respect that must exist always...And that respect was always present in this story...3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
The aftermath.

George called Marcie several times trying to hookup with her, claiming she was the best fuck he ever had, and complaining that DeDe was a dud lover. Marcie enjoyed the complement but declined the invitations, encouraging George to help DeDe learn to be the lover he wanted. George's last response was that DeDe was about as interested in sex as a Carmelite nun, but he would try to figure something out.

It was less than 2 years later when Bill and Marcie ran into DeDe at a regional mall. When they inquired about George they learned that George had left DeDe a year earlier. DeDe then began to cry and Marcie took her aside to talk. The jist of the story was that George had left DeDe because she would not engage in group sex, nor agree to threesomes and spouse swapping. George started acting distant shortly after his visit with Bill and Marcie, and had started making demands for sexual activity DeDe was not comfortable with. He finally left, muttering about why should he settle for dog food after he had tasted prime steak. DeDe was able to secure a decent financial settlement, but her spirit and self esteem were broken. DeDe was avoiding dating as she simply felt too insecure and demoralized to reenter the dating scene.

Bill and Marcie left DeDe in tears with promises to keep in touch, which they never intended to keep. Bill wondered if perhaps their seduction of George had initiated his breakup with DeDe, but Marcie observed that if their marriage was really strong and DeDe was less inhibited that the marriage should have survived. It was probably a coincidence, but Bill and Marcie never again approached a married person for sex unless their spouse was equally involved.

Bill and Marcie lived happily ever after, never learning of each other's infidelities and affairs. What they didn't know didn't hurt them, but it sure fucked up some other people's lives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Hey, 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐀𝐆, go eat your usual cum treat from wifey's pussy, and when you are done, do us all a favor and go eat a gun for dessert, you CUCK MORON.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
MINUS 5*!!!

Cuck/wimp shit!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Let's agree to disagree.

Monogamy is simple. You dedicate yourself to one person and only fuck them. Very Simple!

Swinging, sharing, poly- , etc. Are complicated as you're adding multiple variables to the situation.

SwingerJoe, Bobnbobbi, AmateurBard all seem to want to change the generally understood meanings of words and split hairs, just so they can justify their choices and lifestyles. The problem is, they don't have to! They're entitled to live however they want!

They are however acting like a gay couple insisting on being married in a Catholic Church. They should just get a civil union. Stop being assholes and trying to force your beliefs on everyone else. Your beliefs work for you, that's great. Many of us don't want to live that way however, so fuck off with the redefining words bullshit. Stay out of my marriage, and I'll stay out of yours!

Tb0918Tb0918about 7 years ago
Keep telling the story

Those that don't like it usually don't like anything. You have laid the groundwork for an incredible 40+ years of marriage. Finish the tale. I find the characters a little over simplified in the explanation of their gut feelings, but I'm sure that depth will develope. My findings are that trust, respect, and communication are the keys to a "complicated monogamous relationship". You have a great start here. Hoping for more.

EzrollinEzrollinalmost 7 years ago
If you don't like "cuck shit" don't read it!

I suspect that those calling this "cuck shit" are secretly yanking their pud while reading it. Then to ease their sense of shame they give it a low score. In fact, this story was very well written and the theme flowed smoothly. While I would probably rate it at about four and a half stars I'm going to give it five!

fifteen16fifteen16over 4 years ago

There are many stories here involving wife sharing or cuckolding, the two things are quite different in my view but equally enjoyable i'm sure. In this genre it has to be the best written i have read. Two people in a secure loving relationship revealing their feelings, having concerns about the wider implications of what they are doing and taking it step by step. I have often said that the rules of marriage are what a couple agree to. Would be good to read more of their adventures.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 1 year ago

I find it difficult to believe that any person, man or woman, who is promiscuous can have any strong feelings for anyone but themselves. The two things are incompatible. This applies inside and outside marriage.

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