Monster Girls: Fox Without a Shrine


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"Ohhh..." He moaned sleepily and she almost screamed. She only barely managed to bite her tongue and keep herself from crying out. She withdrew her hands, her face burning as she realized she'd been caught groping him in his sleep.

"S-Sorry... I just... I can't... you were so..." Ishiko stammered in quiet embarrassment. She bit her lip and said, "You were so hard, it felt uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable for me! That you might be... Ugh... S-sorry."

"Ishiko. Don't be sorry." Thomas said, his voice heavy with sleep and horny desire. His hand slid up her back and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "You are cute. This is far from the first boner I've gotten because of you. Since you caused it, I'm certainly not going to argue if you want to use it."

"R-Really?" She whispered hopefully.

In response, she felt his hand slide down and cup her ass. The daring move made her heart skip a beat and she squeaked softly. He groped her and said, "There... we're even. Whatever you want to do next, go for it."

Ishiko blushed in the dark and her tails twitched eagerly under the bedding. She looked at his face, his steady eyes staring into hers and she nodded, "Okay."

Without another word, she shimmied a bit further down in bed until she could comfortably get both hands around his throbbing shaft. His breath quickened as she squeezed him in both hands and started to feel up and down him. He was not too long, but she was right in thinking he was incredibly girthy. Her pussy was quivering with anticipation and the wetness had seeped completely through her panties to start wetting her thighs.

"Would you like it if I used my mouth?" Ishiko asked, her hands still slowly sliding up and down him.

Thomas huffed, "You are asking if I'd like a blowjob from a cute fox girl? What kind of answer do you really expect?"

"I just want to make sure! I don't want to mess this up." Ishiko grumbled, turning under the bedding to lay opposite him in the dark. She curled one hand around his enormous sack again and held his dick with her other. Mouth watering, she put her lips to his head and tasted him.

Musky and salty, heady and rich, the flavor of his cock filled her mouth and made her head spin. She could barely get her lips around his head and her tongue wriggled eagerly against his urethra.

"Ohhh, you are certainly not messing up a thing." Thomas moaned, reaching out and sliding his hand up her bare thigh beside him. His hand moved around her thigh until he was reaching between them and his finger pressed into the oozing wetness of her underwear. He gave a soft laugh, "You're as eager as I am."

Ishiko released him from her mouth and said, "Of course I am! I haven't done it in years and you're..." She swallowed and barked out, "You're really hot, okay? I've been thinking about this since yesterday!"

That response made Thomas's finger rub harder between her legs and she groaned loudly. Electric fingers of pleasure were crawling up her belly and making her legs tremble. The heat under the bedding was growing too much and her head was starting to spin. She forced herself to let go of his cock and try to ignore the ocean of thick masculine arousal filling the air around her. Her hands shook as she grabbed for the blankets and pushed them off their bodies.

"Ahhh!" She gasped loudly and shook her head, "S-Sorry... I couldn't breathe. So warm..."

"I'm getting rather hot myself." Thomas agreed and let go of her leg. He reached down and pushed his briefs the rest of the way off before rolling onto his back to let his dick stand up, thick and twitching.

"Oh my." Ishiko breathed as she saw the silhouette of it in the dark room. She shuddered and grabbed for her shirt. It peeled off and cool air washed over her sweaty chest. She shuddered and took a steadying breath. Then, with trembling hands, she went for his dick again.

"Ohhh, that's good." Thomas moaned as her mouth took him in again.

On her knees beside him, she was even more aware of the wetness drooling down her thighs. His hand explored up her body again and groped at her butt before slipping between her legs. His fingers felt big and strong as he rubbed at her underwear again. She gave a muffled moan around his dick.

With the pleasure of his hand and the taste of his cock, Ishiko threw herself into sucking him off. The lust blazing inside her was hotter than she'd ever felt in her life and she wanted this man to share it with her. She forced her mouth further down his cock until he was pushing into the back of her throat. His girth was strangling but from the sound of it, he was in heaven from this.

"Ishiko! Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum!" Thomas moaned loudly. He twitched and spasmed under her hands and mouth, and he gasped out, "Oh god! No woman has done this in years!"

The unspoken 'not since my wife' was there but Ishiko wasn't bothered by it. There were no secrets about their pasts. She was damaged goods and he didn't expect perfection. In the same vein, he'd been very open about his passionate love for his wife. She would've been an immature child to expect anything else. What was important was that he was here with her now and she hoped he was going to love her just as much.

"Fuck, you're making me cum! Ishiko!" Thomas cried out and his hips jerked. Ishiko nearly choked as his cock thrust against the back of her throat. She jerked back as a blast of hot semen filled her mouth. His cock came free and it painted up one side of her face and down the other. He moaned loudly and twitched as his cum jetted out of him. It splattered her chin and a few strings stuck over her hair and ears. The scent engulfed her, a more concentrated and intoxicating bliss than before. She swallowed and licked it down as he lay panting.

"So delicious..." Ishiko mumbled, licking her fingers as she wiped some off her face. She sighed happily and sat back, waiting for him to catch his breath.

He lifted his head from the pillow and said, "Ishiko... that was amazing!"

Ishiko blushed and smiled, "Glad you enjoyed. If you want... now we can..." Her eyes flicked back to his cock.

"Oh I do want. But not yet. I'm sure you're dying for something and I want to help you first. Please, lay down and let me indulge in your body how you indulged in mine." Thomas said, pushing himself up. He scooted aside to let her lay in the middle of the futon.

Naked and vulnerable, she hugged her tails between her legs. Her face was burning and she said, "S-Sorry if I'm still a little... laying here with everything spread is... it's so embarrassing!"

Thomas knelt properly in front of her and touched the hand that she was hugging around her tails. His smile was sweet and understanding, "I'm in no rush. This is all a delightful treat to me as it is. I was already prepared to go at your pace."

Ishiko smiled at the adoration and understanding he spoke with. She forced herself to let go of her tails and flop them flat on the bed. She lowered her legs and spread them, exposing the sloppy wet crotch of her panties. Thomas reached down and slid his hands around her thighs. His fingers took hold of her panties and started pulling them up. He lifted her legs together and took her underwear completely off, tossing the sodden material to the side before letting her legs settle back on the futon.

Her pussy was small and lovely, with lips glistening pink. Her bush was a fuzzy golden and relatively thick, growing wild over her entire crotch. Thomas made no comment but instead just gently moved her tails to either side so he could lay down in front of her.

Her face burned as she watched him get so close to her crotch that she could feel his breath on her wet slit. She shuddered and dug her fingers into the futon to keep from moving. Then his tongue pressed into her and nothing else mattered. Bliss filled her mind and body like warm light touching every nerve.

Thomas's tongue was strong and fearless as he pushed it deep into her. The aggression with which he assaulted her made her head spin and she fought the urge to wrap her legs around his head to grind her pussy against his face. He gripped her thighs and dragged his tongue up in a powerful motion that brought it pressing hard against her clitoris.

"Waaahhh~!" She cried out, her back arching sharply and her eyes going wide. The sudden jolt of pleasure had made her muscles spasm and she collapsed almost as quickly. Thomas gave a soft laugh and pushed his tongue back into her with a more forceful depth this time.

Her body simply melted, muscles giving out and all dexterity sapped from her. She laid limp, mouth hanging open as her body tingled and buzzed all over. Thomas's tongue was good. Really good. The way he pushed it in and explored all the right spots. When it curled it back and then licked around her lips before rubbing it teasingly close to her clitoris. Her breath hitched everytime his tongue neared it again.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity of both blissful pleasure and agonizing anticipation, he moved his tongue back up and pressed his mouth more forcefully to her pussy. His tongue flicked rapidly over her clitoris and all the tension that had been building was released. She howled and grabbed his head in both hands. Her pussy clenched up and her muscles spasmed all through her middle. Her body thrashed and she went completely limp. Her limbs were tossed about on the futon and her body was slick with sweat. She panted and stared blankly up at her ceiling.

Was sex always this good? She couldn't clearly remember the last time she'd had any but she couldn't recall it completely demolishing her reasoning like this. It felt like someone had put her body through a full body massage, electrified every nerve, then dumped her in a hot spring to completely dissolve. It was a fight just to keep her eyes open and catch her breath. A stitch had caught in her left side and her lungs burned. A thought passed through her head as she felt that; she must really be out of shape if a good orgasm left her this winded.

"Ishiko? Are you okay?" Thomas's face entered her vision. He was crouched over her and his eyes were wide with worry. He looked down and said, "I went too far, didn't I? Sorry, I just got so excited."

Ishiko shook her head and swallowed. She blinked and tried to push herself up on her elbows. Everything felt heavy and sluggish. She took a breath and said, "N-No... It was great. I'm just... It's been too long."

Thomas smiled and laughed. He took Ishiko's hand and helped her sit up before sitting back on the other side of the bed. His own body was slick with sweat and Ishiko couldn't deny how appealing he looked in the dark. The shape of his body wasn't overly athletic or muscular, but he had those broad shoulders and his chest just looked big.

"You're not wrong." Thomas sighed and said, "I'm the only one who's touched me like that in years. I haven't had a woman since..." He coughed and trailed off, seemingly embarrassed by his slip.

"Your wife?" Ishiko finished with a small smile. He nodded silently and she reached out to take his hand. "Don't be scared to talk or to mention a past love. Look at me. I'm the last person that's going to pass judgement on you. I'm a self-centered ball of sadness and depression with a thick coating of angry bitch. I am constantly amazed you're still here."

Thomas laughed and squeezed her hand before ruffling her hair. His face was bright, "Ohh Ishiko. That's part of what's kept me from another woman until now. I've been so paranoid that I'll slip up and talk about her and they'll think I love my dead wife more than them. It's never been like that, it's just she was such a big part of my life. Losing her is..."

"A part of you that you'll never get back. Believe me, I know that feeling." Ishiko sighed and scooted closer to him. She put a hand to his chest and leaned up to kiss his lips. "We're a couple of broken people with a few too many missing pieces. I want who you are now, and that includes everything you once were."

His arms wrapped around her and held her close. Strong fingers worked into her hair and brushed her ears gently. His voice was thick, "You need to stop calling yourself a bitch. I want who you are too, and I don't think you are really as mean as you think. You're making my heart happy again."

Ishiko smiled and nuzzled his chest. How as it possible for someone as despondent and jaded as her to actually feel this happy?

After a few minutes, she pulled out of his embrace and got to her feet. He looked up at her and she smiled, "I think I have a few beers in the fridge. Let's share one and then we can fuck properly. I don't know about you, but I'm a bit parched."

He smiled and nodded, "That sounds perfect."

Ishiko turned and walked into the kitchen. She could feel his eyes watching her naked body as she walked and she was sure to flick her tails teasingly over her ass for him. Her legs were a bit shaky and she felt the tingling after effects of the orgasm still playing through her body. She could've fallen asleep happy with just that, but more than anything she wanted to be with him right now. She wanted to give her body to him and feel his passion.

The fridge was blindingly bright and she squinted against the light as she pulled out a beer. She cracked it open and walked back towards the bed, taking a long refreshing pull from the can before handing it to Thomas.

"Ohhh that is so much better." She sighed and sat down beside him again. Her tails flicked about happily and she curled them up against his naked back.

Thomas took a large drink of his own and passed the can back. He sighed and nodded, "Normally I hate waking up in the middle of the night... but I think I could start to enjoy it a lot more if this is what happens."

Ishiko laughed and took another chug. She shook her head, "I swear, I wasn't thinking. I just felt your dick down there and just... Fuck, I've wanted you in the worst way since last night."

"Well feel free to wake me up anytime." He smiled and finished the beer off.

That brought a smile to her face as well and she put a hand on his chest. His heart was beating hard and she could see his dick twitching between his legs. She pushed him back on the bed and crawled on top of him. He set the can to the side and put a hand on her waist to steady her. Her legs spread and she straddled him. His cock felt massive against her ass and she wiggled her tails against it, engulfing it in warm fuzziness.

"You don't want to give me this kind of opening. I might get addicted and then you'll never sleep." Ishiko said with a wide grin down at him.

"Threaten me with paradise." He snorted and then he gave a little wince, "Your tails really tickle."

She wiggled them before raising her hips and sliding back. The heat pouring off his hard dick was really impressive and she could feel it all across her inner thighs. She reached down and held it steady as she lowered her fuzzy pussy onto it. Her wetness slicked the way but she still groaned as her pussy stretched. It had been quite some time since she'd had any dick and his was certainly thicker than she ever had. It made her spine quiver and her belly tense up. She slowly lowered down onto it until her butt settled against his lap. Her shoulders slumped and her clenched her hands against her sides.

"Ishiko? Ishiko, are you okay?" Thomas asked, his strong hands gripping her hips. He started to lift her as he said, "You don't have to force yourself. Really!"

"Don't you fucking dare." Ishiko growled, looking down at him through blazing eyes. She clenched her hands as she said, "I'm just trying not to cum already. You're so damn big. I don't want this over in a flash."

Thomas let out a surprised laugh and patted her waist, letting her settle back completely on him. Her head lolled back and her eyes closed again. He couldn't deny that her insides were tight and squeezing in wonderfully around him. Wetness oozed over his crotch and he could feel every little spasm or twitch that shook her.

They sat together with Ishiko's eyes closed and her body still atop him for a minute before he grew worried. He put a hand on her belly and said, "Ishiko? Are you sure?"

Her teeth gritted and she hissed, "I can't feel my damn legs. I can't... I can't move!"

"Ishiko!" Thomas laughed warmly and slid his hands around her waist again. He curled his fingers around her hips and cupped her ass softly before lifting her into the air. Her pussy glided up his shaft and left a thick mess of her juices all over him. She gasped and gave a long moan as he lowered her back down.

"I-It's just... fucking embarrassing." Ishiko murmured as he helped her ride his dick.

"What is? The fact that you're a beautiful and sensual woman finding immense pleasure in my body?" Thomas teased quietly, his fingers fondling her ass. He grinned, "Somehow I think we can deal with that."

She huffed and rolled her eyes before sinking forward on his chest. She grabbed his shoulders and rubbed her face on his chest. In this position, he could more easily hold onto her ass and he didn't need to support as much of her. The different angle also made her insides churn with pleasure. She moaned, "Ohh Thomas. This is everything I've needed."

"Me too. Your pussy feels so good." Thomas agreed as he quickened the pace.

Her voice rose in a sharp chorus of ecstasy and she dug her fingers into his shoudlers. Her body was rapidly becoming overwhelmed and she couldn't resist any longer. Her muscles convulsed and her pussy clenched tightly around his thick cock. Wetness gushed over his lap.

"Ohhh fuck yes~!" Ishiko gasped in bliss.

"T-Tight! Ishiko! You need to-" Thomas moaned and tried to lift her off him. He gasped loudly, "I can't-"

A powerful warmth blossomed in Ishiko's pussy. Her eyes went wide and she shuddered. Thick sperm was pouring into her as his dick pulsed and he shook under her. He lost his grip on her sweaty ass and she sank completely back on top of him. His dick pushed right to her womb and more hot seed poured in to her deepest parts. Her eyes fluttered and she felt her body giving out.

Thomas groaned loudly as the last of his orgasm played through him. What he released was even greater than the thick load Ishiko had drank down earlier. Her insides were filled until it was leaking out of her and running over his lap.

They laid together, sweaty and panting as their minds soaked in the afterglow. Ishiko got hold of herself first and pushed herself up off his chest. This resulted in her hips rolling back and his cock sliding deeper into the mess inside her. She moaned and sighed heavily, "Ohhh fuck, Thomas."

"I-I'm sorry. I tried. I didn't mean to-" He started to apologize but she dropped on him again. Her lips met his and she kissed him with more passion and desire than ever before. Her fingers slid up his cheeks and she rolled her tongue alongside his.

His dick twitched inside her and he put his arms around her. They shared that hot kiss for a few moments longer before she broke it off with a sigh. She stared into his eyes in the dim light and said, "Don't apologize. I feel so good right now. It's amazing."

"But I-" He started.

"I don't care." She shook her head, "If you get me pregnant, fine. Whatever. For the first time in my adult life, everything seems bright and wonderful. There is nothing I wouldn't do to hold onto this. Having your baby would be a blessing."

"I-Ishiko..." Thomas whispered.

She kissed his shocked mouth again and said, "I love you, Thomas."

That did it. He embraced her more tightly and kissed her back. He held her against him and worked his fingers into her long blonde hair. His breathing was heavy as he whispered the words back, "I love you, Ishiko."

After a few minutes, she gingerly rolled off him and flopped onto her back. Her belly felt heavy and warm. She fumbled around blindly behind her head and found her smokes. With a spark of her lighter, she lit one and took a drag on it.