More for Mom


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We went to Mike's and my bedroom and climbed on the bed. I wondered what Mike would say. I looked at Austin and paused and said, "I don't think either one of us knows how far we want to go so why don't we just have some fun and drive each other crazy." I took off my top and reached back and unhooked my bra and took it off.

He took a nice deep breath and let it out slowly. My nipples were hard and my tits still held up reasonably high. I figured he was entitled by now but more than that my breasts turned into tits the moment we both were on the bed. I always liked tits play.

I said. "I thought you might like the light on. I don't have pants on so let me get a pair." I got a very extra thin but higher in the top pair. Lots of room in the front. Not tight to the skin at all and full on my buns. The legs and top hem would stretch from here to Cleveland so he could get down in easily.

I got behind a bedroom chair and put them on, and got my shorts on again. I got back on the bed facing Austin with knees bent and open so he could see right up my thighs, sitting on my heels. I helped him off with his top. I brought my legs around and went over on my back. He was nicely between my legs. I said, "Why don't you take my shorts off." I kept my eyes on his and got out a nice but a little shy smile. He seemed to really like those shy and sly smiles.

He hooked and dragged them right down and off. No delay. I think I would have teased more. Austin was one sexy looking thing. He had boxers on. I said, "How would you like to start off in the 69 position." With boxers on I had the advantage. I wanted him to get in my pants all by himself. I knew I was as much as drawing a map.

I got some wetting of the lips and he twisted around. I shifted over and down at an angle so he had ample room. We both were on our sides and when he was right about crotch level and came right in close I slowly lifted my left leg up and opened. I felt his hand running down the top of my pants on my backside, all the way down. He lightly ran his fingers right up the center of my ridges.

About that time he got some fingers on my clit and pushed down and pulled up. It was amazing he was able to stay out of my panties. Everything was right there. Except my lips and tongue and tits and nipples but they're secondary considering. I was so engrossed with his progress I forgot all about him in his boxers. If I got to him I would have to do it through his boxers in front. If I went in the top or legs he would respond in kind and I wanted it to be his idea.

I felt his hot breath just above my clit. I opened wider and got my hands on his dick, flat and wide. I got it mapped out and zeroed in on about the middle and got my hand around it and started working up and down. We played with each other about ten minutes. Sometimes he went down to my pussy with his mouth and I felt his tongue probing and pushing my pants.

I very slowly worked his dick so the head was about the center of the opening and then out just past the head. I pulled him back in and then out again so it got to be normal. About five minutes later I let my tongue touch the head. Not much. I don't think he knew it was my tongue. Could have been a finger on my other hand. Then I did it again and waited and some more so it got familiar.

I think there was a point it slowly penetrated his fog what it was but by that time he was used to it so I slowly got my lips to touch the head using the same slow routine. That turned into sliding my lips down until I got the whole head in. It must have taken twenty minutes but we were there and highly turned on and comfortable with it.

He slid my panties down off the back of my buns. They stayed up in front mostly. My tuff was out and he ran his nose through it a lot. It was important for him to do that. I started slowly jacking him up and down and, with the head in my mouth, pulling his foreskin up and down. I waited until he started thrusting. He tried to stop several times but came back each time.

I squeezed my lips when he thrust and when we had a nice rhythm I sucked ever so lightly a couple of times and skipped a couple and did it again with my tongue playing with the head. Not hard, it could have been my tonsils for all he knew. I could feel him getting a little more ridged so I worked the sucking higher and jacked a little more and pretty soon it was perfect and felt very familiar.

I got a hand under his balls and jacked and sucked and ran my tongue into every place I could find on the head and underneath. I was as smooth as I could be. He stopped mouthing my clit and pussy and had his head in my crotch and started some nice 'here it comes' sounds and it did. It was one of the best dick blowouts I can remember. Just Mike and a couple of college guys before that. Austin thrust and held it and kept going.

I stayed up with him but he didn't make it easy. He couldn't have gone all this time since my birthday and not had an orgasm but it seemed like it. I played with his dick and lightly sucked until he couldn't stand it and let him rest. He had his eyes closed and just lay there. About that time I noticed I had the front of his boxers down below his balls and quietly pulled them back up hoping he wouldn't notice.

Austin got alive and turned around. He went to the bathroom and got back and lay down facing me. He was staring at my nipples the whole time. I think he forgot about those. He said, "Do you know how good that was? I've never cum like that. And the way you did it. I don't think I've ever been that hard." I was so pleased he had a good time. We went to the kitchen and got something to drink and sat at the table.

He screamed once when a drop of very cold water dripped in his lap. After that we both leaned over the table. That was dangerous. We went in the den holding the glasses out wide and sat for about 30 minutes and back to the bedroom. We played with each other. He was almost fully up and I said, "Would you like to give me an orgasm?" Great big smile.

"I would," he said. "I really would." Now he was fully up. I got his boxers and worked them off then poked my whole middle out and he finally got my pants and slid them off. I don't think he knew if I wanted oral or the normal way, dick and pussy. I wanted dick and pussy so I got on my back and we sort of worked him over between my thighs. He had a little trouble settling down but once there he changed completely. He simply became a lover.

He got his mouth on my nipple and wiggled his hips and spread me out more. He had a lot of pressure against my clit with his dick. Then he started slowly kind of pulsing against it, up and down just that little bit. He started thrusting about three or four inches up and down, his sack occasionally pulling up against my outer lips. His dick was pressing between the top part. My knees were up but my feet were still down.

He got both hands down on my buns and pulled me up hard against his dick, running my clit a little sideways and back. His chest pressed fully down on mine. I thought he was going to do a normal nice intercourse. A son isn't supposed to do his mother like this.

Austin, like Mike, had a big dick. It was long and big, very warm, very alive. I felt every little imperfection and remember every little feeling. It was so erotic I could hardly stand it. The big head rippled down the front of my clit and in the bottom of my pussy well and right across my pussy entrance and up my butt crack underneath.

Coming back his dick hung up on every place that wasn't like a cut hot dog bun. Pushing and cutting loose and banging into the next place. There's always that point where the head runs into the pussy entrance wall at the top and either goes one way or the other. That fuck we're both looking for is just a little pressure from his rounded head at the right tilt.

That's how Mike and I did it the first time but I think I did the tilting. I was on top that time. Mike was half in before I could stop the mass of my hips from moving, not that they're big or anything. We both froze and he was shocked and tried to sit up and his stomach sunk in and his dick came on up all by itself and I just sat down, right where I was at. He was all plowed in and we didn't do another pussy slide for several months. We called it 'the accident'. When we did do the pussy slide again we tried to recreate what happened but wound up fucking each other vowing to try again.

Austin kept slow sliding. I held my breath every time his dick went across my pussy entrance. If I had a needle I would've stuck it in his ass at the right time. He had his arms under my shoulders and his tongue in on mine and when he went back I lifted my feet and his dick hit and went in my pussy. From the start he went all the way in in one push right up to his balls and stopped. I squeezed his neck and slowly started to respond using all those pressure places where he could feel me. I was saying 'Thank you'.

We got totally agreed and I sat about giving Austin the best fuck I could. The best time with me I could. I worked his hips going in and got my heels on his buns and rubbed his ribs and ran my hand through his hair and moaned at the right times. None of that was fake. Austin could fuck. He was big.

We were making the beast with two backs, the big nasty, the good time had by all, bumping uglies. We could play blanket bingo without the blanket or the other bingos. I wanted him on my back and backwards and scissors and spooning and cowboy and in the shower and in the hallway at his college and the library. About forty minutes and I had my first of the evening and soon he had his second. We were spent. We did shower but only that and went to sleep.

That was mostly it. We did tease some, sometimes heavily. Mike was finished with the particular project he was working on. He started spending two days a week at a central complex and the rest at home working on plans. I let him sleep and relax every day when he could. Soon he was fully rested. Austin was into classes and getting back into his routine.


One evening Mike said, "What do you think of Austin coming over one evening, joining us. He might not be ready for oral from his mom but he could have a lot of fun." I hadn't told Mike about me giving Austin oral, or the rest of it.

"You mean like a threesome?" I said. "That's a little kinky. I could ask."

"If you don't mind let me ask," Mike said. "He may be more prone to say yes if it's from me. I'll try and get us coordinated."

A few nights later, on a Friday Mike said, "Would tonight be ok?"

"Tonight would be fine," I said. "Soft lights please, not bright." I was suddenly hyper. I could hardly sit still. I started making plans then decided to just let everything happen then planned again. They couldn't both do the same thing to me at the same time. I didn't think either one was a guy guy so one could be up here and one down there. As long as I didn't get them into touching necked parts with each other it would be ok.

I knew Mike wanted to see Austin in action. Men always wanted to see somebody do their wife and a son was fully acceptable for that. I caught Mike in the kitchen and whispered to him, "Don't take my bra off until Austin is taking off my pants." Mike stared at me. No smile. No nothing. I gave him a quick kiss and skedaddled. I also had to be sure they didn't wind up in bed together by themselves.

Austin came in, said hi and smiled, and went to his room. He ate out earlier. I already showered and dried and got dressed in my normal summer stuff. I kept thinking, 'Both my men are going to do me at the same time.'. I thought it would be more fun in the pool, and more private, but then Mike couldn't watch that much.

I sprayed a little scent in a corner of the bedroom and paraded in front of the dresser mirror seductively and exercised a little and flipped my hair. Head hair. I forgot all about getting the lube. I turned the lights down a little more. I got on the bed and tried out positions imagining where Mike and Austin would be and worked out two or three that seemed good.

I could already feel Austin's hands, and most particular his fingers, on me after he got my pants off. Also his penis head looking for home. Actually it would be his dick at that point, and my pussy. Two dicks and pussy. I could write a book about that. I could title it 'Two cops and a cat'. Who would know? If I do it right everybody would know what it's about without knowing what it's about.

I shook my head to clear it and got on the bed. I guess I was a little nervous. I could hear Mike and Austin talking in the den. Couldn't hear the words. I took off my top and my shorts. I had the same knit bra on that I had on the first time Austin and I danced, and the same pants. I thought he might like to finish what we started. I pulled the sheet up about middle hips. Seductive view.

Everything got quiet in the house so I got up and turned on a little radio and got some easy mood music and got back in bed. I left room for Mike in front, which was his side, and folded my legs back towards the other side. I was scheming. Positioning the guys. Hoped it worked.

I heard someone on the carpet and looked back over my shoulder and it was Austin. I was surprised but patted the bed in back of me and he got on and under the sheet. He only had on boxers and a really nice smile. I was dying to ask what he and his dad said to each other. I turned over on my back and we got together, his arm over my stomach and thighs against mine.

He kissed my ear and cheek and stuck his hand right down in the front of my pants and started playing with my tuff. No delay there either. I reached down and pulled the sheet up to our waist. I don't know why but I didn't want Mike to see me with my hand around his dick or him in my pants. He was hard already. I was getting wet. I don't think he would be here unless he knew what he was going to do. He was waiting for his dad.

In a few minutes Mike came in and walked around the bed and got on. He was smiling and winked at me and he and Austin smiled at each other. While he was getting on I pushed Austin's shorts down and he slid them fully off, leaving the sheet down around my knees. Mike was against his pillow about half way up the headboard, his stomach mostly down. He was nude in the door.

This was our normal oral position, me doing him. I twisted over towards him and got into position with my hips leaning over towards Austin. I was going to pay attention to Mike and let Austin follow his instincts. I would naturally position myself for whatever he did. Immediately I was following two different actions at the same time. That was new too, and not all that easy.

Mike wasn't usually full up until a little later but he was prime tonight. Hard as Austin. They were close to the same size in all directions and features. I was jacking Mike and starting on the head with my tongue and lips. I had an elbow and arm over his stomach with one boob against his side, one hand jacking, and the other down under his balls, playing with his sack.

When he was really hard he pointed up his body so in this position he was at a perfect angle for my lips and him thrusting when he got close. I could also rub him below his balls and I could get his butt in the act. Sometimes it makes him blow his stack like steam out of a coal train when they blow that whistle. The first few times we did this he sounded like the whistle too. I found out I can't do that and laugh at the same time. Very embarrassing.

Mike was rubbing my hair lightly. Up on his tummy I could see Austin fairly good. He had his hand down in my pants again, on my tuff, and Mike could easily see. I had my knee up and open just a little so I angled it over more. A couple of moments and I felt fingers working on my hood and getting lower. He had the other hand down between us and I felt him push my pants down really slow.

I levered my hips up just enough to ease some of the friction and they slid down my bun and hip about half way. He was using both hands when needed and getting back on my hood quickly. I was starting to get nude too. Mike unhooked my bra and it disappeared. He did wait for Austin.

Mike was staying hard but I thought it was probably from watching Austin getting ready to fuck me. He was usually eyes closed and letting me work him into it during oral. My pants got off both my feet and I opened my legs more. Austin was completely against me, a sea of smooth warm skin. I could feel his dick pushing against the side of my bun down low.

I tilted my hips more his way and he pulled my leg up over his hip and started probing for my pussy. I was absolutely spaced out. I had to force myself to maintain oral on Mike. I felt like turning my pussy inside out. Austin was down more than Mike would have been. I think he may have been putting some distance between being so close to where I was on Mike. He had fingers right on the end of my hood working my clit.

I thought he might open my pussy and go right in but he was probing around, slowly. He got up under my clit like he did before when he was against my pants and thrust up. I started a few moans and got more active on Mike and realized what I was doing and slowed down. No real hurry. His dick pulled back and he slid his fingers down to my pussy and there was his dick, pressing right in.

He pushed slowly and went in to the hilt and kept pushing, not hard. I pushed his ass with my heel to let him know I liked it and he came out and went in again the same. A couple of more times and he set up a full thrust. I know Mike could feel my head being moved up on his dick every time Austin pushed in. He still had his hand on my hair. Besides, he had a higher angle and could easily see Austin's dick sliding in and out of my pussy.

If he wanted to see Austin fuck me he had his wish. I wanted to see it too and watched intently, all the time working Mike's dick and doing a very good job of it. I felt so good about all of this I could hardly contain myself. It was just one of the best times of my life. Austin's dick was the perfect size for me and he was dragging his balls up the inside of my thigh on each thrust. His hand came off my clit and was soon on my nipples. He twisted and squeezed and bent and pulled and flattened both.

Since my upper leg was over his hip my butt crack was wide open and I felt his other hand down under starting to explore and play with me. He got a finger right on my swirl and softly pushed when he thrust, his other hand back on my clit, his dick doing a full in and a full out. He was kissing my back with maybe a hickey or two.

I started working my hips against him and we got into a nice rhythm in a few thrusts. I got it synched with oral on Mike and Austin adjusted. My mind was looking for orgasm signs from all three of us. I could speed up or slow Mike down if needed and maybe do the same for Austin with my counter thrusts to get us close. We had been at this for about twenty or thirty minutes. Not near as long as I wanted to.

Mike was so hard it was almost scary and he started thrusting way too early. He wasn't thrusting that much, about a couple of inches. I usually rode with him until he got close and let him go on in a little more with my lips tight and sucking when he starting coming out. When my lips got to his ridge I rode with him staying there. He never got all the way out that way. Sucking and tongue play kept him occupied.

Austin was thrusting a little harder too and still on my clit. What was it with him and my clit? I mean, I love clit play. In fact I would beg for it if he didn't but wasn't used to Mike on my clit that much so it was different. I usually only had a moving dick to seriously concentrate on. Oral on Mike and Austin fucking me and my clit really fucking acting up was a lot to keep track of.