Morena and the Matriarch Ch. 01


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She had, indeed, gotten two young Wildermen, though not quite beardless. Close, though – she put the older one in his early twenties, the other in his late teens. Both were dressed in the deerskin tunic and breeches common to this area of the Wilds, favored by the hunters of the tribes. She noticed some beadwork on the tunics and concluded these were Lauren Sylvani, nomadic hunter-gatherers indigenous to the area and very good at avoiding capture. It was rumored that these people had the purest untainted lines since the Devastation, and hence had high trophy value.

"Zu pah Zirren?" she asked them. She wasn't about to admit she knew Sylvanese. They were obviously startled to realize she was female, but both shook their heads "no". Alyssa decided to try another tack.

"What about Lowland Common?" she asked. The older one nodded his head slightly and told her, "some."

She walked up to the older one, who was eyeing her with extreme suspicion. She undid the drawstring to his breeches and lifted them up off his manhood. And a rather impressive manhood it was, a healthy bit above average by her estimation. She took him in her hand and began kneading and stroking him. He stayed silent, but he steadily became erect.

She fondled his genitals, assessing length, girth, firmness and so forth. Pleased with what she found, she began massaging him in earnest and it was not long before he gave out a low, involuntary moan and shot a copious load over her shoulder. Even better.

Leaving him hanging there, detumescing, she went to the other and did the same thing. He was hung even more than the older one. And came faster and harder.

"Good," she told them. "You two have just had a career change. You will be coming with me. It can be pleasant for you, or it can be painful. Or both, depending on your cooperation. I will be taking you with me. If you fight me, I will hurt you. I will kill you, if necessary, but I'd rather not. You are worth more to me alive. If you cooperate, I will try to keep you reasonably comfortable. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," the older one nodded.

"What about him?" Alyssa nodded toward the younger one. "Does he understand?"

"Yes, ma'am, I do," the second one answered. He was looking at her like he was imagining what was under the Ghillie suit. Depending on their attitudes, these two could be fun.

* * * * * * * * * *

"We're screwed," Morena muttered, looking at the lab results.

"Bad?" Stella asked, standing across the workbench from Morena.

"Bad," Morena stated, tossing the sheaf of notes to Stella. "At best, I can deliver on half of my quota. A quarter, if I want to maintain my usual standards. If I don't hear from that Alyssa woman soon, I may have to go ahead and beg for an extension. I sure as hell don't want to ruin my reputation by delivering substandard product."

"I don't suppose you want to consider concentrating the high-quality product we have, using evaporative cryostasis, since we're already freezing the product for storage and delivery as it is?" Stella asked, glancing at the notes. "We've got twelve here that are still AA-rated yield, and they're on five-day rotations. We could knock them down to three- or maybe two-day rotations to get the volume we need."

"And probably dilute the product in the process," Morena sighed. "No, I don't want to try cheating our way out of this one."

"Well, then, my Lady," Stella sighed as well, "I suppose you should start warming up your butt-kissing technique."

"It isn't her butt the bitch will want kissed," Morena observed. "I need coffee..."

* * * * * * * * * *

Alyssa pushed the older one ahead of her, into the cave opening, making him skinny forward on his back. It made sense, since she had their hands tied behind their heads, their ankles trussed with short hobbles and a line with testicle clamps on either end connecting the two men. Belly crawling would have hurt. A lot.

Once inside, she stood the two men up and dusted them off. Then she went and lit a couple of the oil lamps she used for general illumination. She finished up by rolling a fairly good size rock in front of the entrance, then returned to the men, leading them to the cage at the far end.

Alyssa wasn't a particularly cruel person. She really did try to treat her captives decently. The cage had several bunks and the bedding was kept clean. There were a couple of chairs and a table, and she provided simple entertainment, like cards and dice and so forth. And besides, because of Doctor Dan's infatuation with her pussy, she had a much better solution to the trust problem.

She uncoupled the two men from each other, then pointed to the older one.

"You," she asked, "what's your name?"

"I am Gann," he replied. "Son of Tor."

"Okay, Gann, I am Mistress to you. Come here and sit down." She indicated one of the chairs in the cage. Gann obeyed. There really wasn't any other option.

Alyssa brought out a wooden box with two syringes in it. One she used to inject a small capsule under the skin of Gann's left forearm.

"That," she explained as she picked up the other syringe, "is a neurotoxin which will slowly release into your bloodstream over the next six to seven days."

"This," and she injected a clear fluid into Gann's right bicep, "is the antitoxin, to keep the other one from killing you. It will wear off in a little over a day. Therefore, if you want to live, I need to stay alive to give you the antitoxin daily. If I am incapacitated or dead, you die. Painfully. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mistress," he nodded, very, very seriously.

"Good." She drew her knife and cut his bonds. "You..." she indicated to the other one. "Come here."

He did, without hesitation, and received the same treatment.

"And what's your name," she asked as she was giving him the injections.

"Roe," he told her. "Son of Tor."

"Brothers?" she asked, not terribly surprised that they'd be hunting together.

"Yes, Mistress," they both answered.

"Well... hopefully the two of you will get to stay together," she told them. "By the way, the rest of the antitoxin may be here, or it may be hidden nearby, or it may be on the path to my base. Just so you think about how hard it may be to find it before you do something stupid to me." She walked over to the bundle of their gear she had toted along and brought it into the cage, throwing it in the corner.

"You can have your stuff," she informed them. "I used to have to lock my stock up and keep their weapons and stuff, but with the poison in you, I won't worry about you having your stuff. I will lock the cage door to keep you from rummaging around in my stuff, except at meal times. If either of you is a good cook, I'd volunteer, if I were you. I hate cooking and it tastes like it."

"We can both cook," Gann told her.

"But I'm better," Roe put in. "I'll do it."

Alyssa nodded her agreement.

"Then get comfortable, gentlemen," she told them. "I'll be back with some fresh meat to go with the stuff in my larder in a bit." She then locked the cage door and exited the cave.

* * * * * * * * * *

"What do you think, Gann?" Roe asked his brother. He was sitting at the table while Gann inspected the contents of the cage.

"I think we're fucked, brother, and we're never seeing home again," Gann told him.

"Yeah, I was afraid of that," Roe admitted. "But she's not too bad looking for a Mistress, though, is she?"

"She's just a Procurer, bro'," Gann informed him. "Her job is to deliver us to one of the Ranchers. If we test out well, we'll spend the rest of our lives donating sperm. If we don't, we're fertilizer. This huntress might fuck us, or she might not. That's her choice. But it won't be her we're staying with, and wherever we go, it won't be fun."

"How do you know that, Gann?" Roe seemed anxious. "How do you know what she's gonna do?"

"I don't know what this one's gonna do," Gann admitted. "I know what's happened to others of our tribe that disappeared. You remember Old Toad? Disappeared one day, then comes back more'n ten years later, all wasted looking? Well, he told some tales that'd make your hair stand up. He got caught by a Procurer... like this huntress... and sold to a Rancher, who kept a stable of men that got 'milked' on a regular basis. And not a fun milking."

"Somethin' went wrong with him, at some point, and they decided to get rid of him. Sold him to somebody called Pasture, runs a kind of recycling business. Well, Toad saw this Pasture guy selling men to Amazons... scared him shitless, he says. Says the Amazons are real, and they're cannibals. So he managed to escape. Didn't say how... just that he was desperate. And made it back to us."

"And that's the shit we're in, little brother. Right now, I got no reason to doubt Toad's stories."

"And if we try to escape," Roe iterated, "we die. So we're doubly fucked."

"Until the toxin's out of our blood, yeah," Gann agreed. "So me? I'm gonna cooperate until I get a much better opportunity."

"Yeah, me, too, I guess..." Roe added quietly.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alyssa came back with a wild turkey... enough for today's meal and some left over to salt. The gods were being kind today. Two good specimens and a clean kill on a big old Tom. She realized she was actually starting to feel horny.

Wonder if they work well together? she mused as she slid into the cave. Being brothers and all... haven't had two together for a long time...

She walked the turkey over to the sideboard, rolled the stone back into place, then opened the cage.

"Okay, Roe, meat's on the sideboard. Pantry's on the left, got various dried grains, fruits and vegetables, spices and stuff are in the cabinet over the sink. Wood's in the bin next to the stove, chimney goes outside but try not to make a smoky fire. Make sure you wash. You and the food. I'm gonna get a shower. After, you can, too, if you want. You, too, Gann."

Alyssa walked over to the corner she had cordoned off for her bed and the shower stall she'd built, fed from a fresh water cistern up the hill a ways. Only as warm as the sun got it, but this time of year it wasn't bad. Winters she'd just sponge bathe with stove-heated water. She started stripping off the Ghillie suit and it was obvious to Gann, who had wandered over behind her, that she didn't wear anything underneath it.

He was standing in quiet admiration when she looked over her shoulder and said, "yeah?"

"Sorry, Mistress... or ma'am, or whatever," he told her. "You're very pretty. Sorry to be starin'."

"Sorry to be caught, you mean," she told him, turning to face him. And Gann was very surprised.

She had no pubic hair. Smooth as a baby. But she was obviously old enough to have some pretty impressive tits. He was confused.

"What's the matter?" Alyssa razzed him. "Never seen a woman before?"

"Not one with big tits and a bare pussy," he told her honestly. "You got some kind of mutation?"

Now it was Alyssa's turn to be confused. "Mutation?" she asked. She was pretty sure she didn't have any genetic defects. Neither did her family, as far as she knew.

"Yeah," Gann told her. "You got a woman's top and a baby's bottom."

Then the lamp lit for Alyssa. "Oh!," she actually smiled. "I depilate."

"You what?"

"Depilate. Remove the hair. I have an herbal oil mix that I rub on that makes the hair fall out."

"Why?" Gann was really having a hard time adjusting to this. None of the tribe's women did this... or at least, he was pretty sure they didn't.

"More comfortable, less scent retention, easier to keep clean," she told him. "Was there something you wanted?"

Alyssa counted several heartbeats between when she'd asked what she now realized was a stupid question and the end of Gann's struggle to keep it to a civil answer.

"I was just wonderin' if you wanted your back scrubbed," he told her.

She smiled to herself. Yeah, that's probably part of the truth, she thought. Aloud, she said, "why don't you take a shower with me? Wash off some of the grunge."

Gann figured she'd already seen him cum... made him, actually. So an accident wasn't likely to surprise her. He started disrobing.

"Why don't you have Roe join us?" Alyssa asked Gann. "Before he gets into the cooking. Use less water, and eat healthier."

Gann managed to keep a cool exterior, but inside his mind was racing. How can she read me and my brother so easily? We haven't done anything even remotely overt. But this would be Roe's chance to get fucked by a real woman... they really needed to not screw this up.

"Sure, Mistress," Gann told her evenly, then turned and called over to Roe while Alyssa was stepping into the stall. "Roe! Our Mistress requests you come join us in the shower. Before you start cooking."

Roe looked over and saw his brother standing naked by the woman's bedchamber and beckoning him. And he thought he saw a fleeting glimpse of the huntress moving behind Gann. They weren't going to have to ask him twice. He started pulling off his clothes as he headed their direction.

Alyssa had the water trickling as first Gann and then Roe joined her.

Wow, she thought. Buff and brothers. And well hung. Am I confident they won't hurt me? Yeah, pretty much... the toxic seed does a lot for cooperation. So let's see how I can work this...

"Soap's here, boys, and the sponge is there," she told them. "Gann, you offered to scrub my back. I'll take you up on it. Roe? Want to wash my hair?" She noticed with satisfaction that Roe was already half-erect. Must get excited easily, she decided.

"Perhaps both of us?" Gann suggested. "If my Lady would kneel?"

Alyssa smiled to herself and complied. One of the few luxuries she allowed herself from the Cities was shampoo and soap – real, sodium lauryl sulfate-based shampoo and potassium hydroxide based soap, not the cheap sodium hydroxide lye stuff which just ate away at the hair and skin. It was expensive, definitely a luxury, but she felt she was worth it. And she was definitely not into the bear fat look where some of the Wildermen would just lather their hair with bear grease and keep it plastered down. To her mind, it smelled horrible and felt worse.

Roe moved in behind her and took the water hose to soak her hair. She kept it medium long, to the middle of her back, where she could put it up easily but still could let it loose... she liked the feel of her mane flowing freely around her shoulders. In this case, once Roe had her hair completely wet, he poured shampoo out into his hands and began gently working it through her hair.

Gann moved in front of her and started doing the same thing, massaging her scalp with the shampoo and his strong but gentle fingers. She just about came on the spot. They were doing an excellent job.

Roe was getting ready to rinse out the shampoo when Alyssa realized Gann's cock had been dancing before her face all along... and not one to waste an opportunity, she leaned forward, took his cock in her hand and went down on him. To give the man credit, he tried to take it in stride.

But going a long time without a woman had affected him, whether he liked it or not, and he was instantly hard and straining against his skin. Alyssa noted he turned a kind of purple color, especially the head, and it was rather interesting. She could feel Roe continuing to rinse her hair as she bobbed up and down on her brother.

Incredible self-control, she thought. I'm pretty sure he's not a fag, though...

She could feel Gann building, despite his best efforts to stretch it out, but she figured if they were that sensitive, they could probably cum several times in any one get-together. So she went for it. Cupping his testicles with her one hand and massaging them while using the other to stroke his cock as she sucked the head got her the desired results.

With a moan like the one in the forest, Gann leaned back, steadying himself with a hand on her head, and went over the edge. Alyssa could feel jet after jet of hot cum spurting into her mouth and she swallowed as fast as she could. She'd heard the endorphins and other stuff in a male's semen had strong anti-depressant effects and she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity. She kept sucking him until there just wasn't any more semen to have, and still Gann wasn't going down.

"Hey, big boy," she smiled up at him, "you taste pretty good. Want to fuck me and drop another load?"

"If you don't mind, Mistress," Gann told her. "I'd rather you fuck Roe first."

That surprised Alyssa. "Why?" she asked.

"Well, not to embarrass him, I hope," Gann told her, "but he's never been with a woman before."

"You're shitting me!" Alyssa was shocked. A good looking stud like Roe and he was still a virgin???

She turned to him as he was just finishing rinsing her hair.

"You're a virgin?" she demanded, rather tactlessly.

Roe flushed red with embarrassment, but managed to nod. "Yes, Mistress," he told her. "I'd never had any kind of sex with a woman before you jerked me off in the forest."

"Gods!" Alyssa exclaimed. Now she wanted to fuck the hell out of the poor S.O.B. even more.

"Have you had any kind of sex? With anybody? Even yourself???"

Roe glanced nervously over at Gann and Alyssa had an epiphany.

"Okay..." she drawled, her mind spinning. "Here's what we're going to do. Screw the shower. We'll clean up later. I'm guessing you're completely comfortable with your brother..."

"Yes, Mistress," Roe admitted quietly.

"Okay, Roe... lie down on the bench. Drag it out a bit from the wall. Like that..."

Roe moved the bench and lay down on it. Alyssa moved to kneel next to him, gently reaching out and fondling his manhood. He was already mostly erect and it didn't take much more than the touch of her hand to bring him all the way up, straining as Gann had done, and with the same purplish cast. Roe moaned as he lay with his eyes closed, on his way to Nirvana.

"I don't usually apologize to my captures," she told him as she continued to gently stroke him. "In this case, though, I will. I'm sorry I didn't know you were a virgin when I checked your viability in the forest. For personal reasons, I would have gone about it differently. And right now, I'm going to try to make it up to you."

Then she leaned forward and went down on him. He almost came off the bench.

Throwing an arm across his belly to keep him in place, Alyssa continued long, languorous strokes on his cock with her mouth, taking him as deep as she comfortably could without trying to deep-throat him, continuing to massage his balls and perineum and twirling her tongue around the head of his cock. And every time she could feel him getting close to cumming, she'd back off and let him subside. Or at least, subside as much as a horny teenage virgin ever could.

His continued moans began to move from pure ecstasy to pure frustration. He was writhing on the bench with the desire to explode, to cum deep in this wonderful woman's throat. Kidnapper be damned, he wanted this woman, bad!

Alyssa had to make a decision. Get him off orally and hope he stayed up enough to fuck, or stop the oral and switch to fucking, in which case he'd probably blow his load in seconds. Based on Gann's reaction, she decided on the former. Increasing her efforts and not backing down when he got close, she drove him to the edge and over.

Just like his brother, Roe ramped up to the orgasm with increasing moans and heavier thrusts of his hips, the feeling of desperation pouring off him. This time, though, Alyssa decided to go for the deep throat – though it would be a challenge based on how hung Roe was. Getting a good breath, she pushed down on him, and kept going – forcing his cock past her gag reflex and deep into her throat. She could feel her neck bulging out, being distended by Roe's huge cock. And he definitely was not going to last long.