Motel Halloween


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Amanda looks, "Oh wow. I see lots of footprints to our door but then only mine beyond. I swear those chains went the full length."

Jenna looks mad, "This is Stan's work. I don't know how, but he was the only one not here."

Amanda looks at Jenna, "I agree, it's Stan ... but how?"

Nobody has answers. I shower and then am off to buy food for the day. The refrigerator was just plugged in and is still warm. I need to be careful with how much I buy. The place is close enough; we can make frequent trips.

I go to the store and come back. Stan is working in the dining room with Kate. No sign of Amanda or Jenna yet. I am not a cook. My problem is that I can cook a minimal number of items, which seems to be more than anyone else here can. Of all the things to make, breakfast is the easiest. Pancakes bubble when done. Eggs turn a light brown. Toast and premade waffles pop up in the toaster.

Lunch is chicken salad from the deli. I hate the can version of chicken salad. For dinner, I am frying pork chops and making instant stuffing, and I have some ears of corn I can microwave. The fruit salad looked fresh, so I also got some of that. I purchased a bag of ice to be safe and ensure we have ice for our drinks.

Since we have a lot of work to do, I'm making a big breakfast. I got coffee, orange juice, fruit, scrambled eggs, sausage links, hashbrown potato patties, and I'm going to surprise the hell out of them by making easy drop-biscuits from scratch. Mom showed me how to make them last week.

They have a large mixer and cookie trays making it easy to cook. Four ovens and a large grill make cooking a lot of food easy, although it's a lot of running around for me. I check the refrigerators and freezer, and they all work. The freezer isn't a freezer yet, but it's getting there.

Stan appoints me as head chef. He has a list, a membership card, and the business card of a food distributor. I need to get online and place an order. Amanda and Jenna come down when I text them that breakfast is ready.

Immediately, they are barking at Stan.

Jenna, "What's with all the noise last night? Did you think it was funny?"

Stan replies flippantly, "Charlie and I worked late last night. I was exhausted. As soon as I lay down, I was out. I didn't hear squat until the sun rose and woke me up. It was probably the air conditioning. This is an old house. It goes back to the early 1800s. It makes all kinds of noises."

I point out, "I heard a chain outside our door and a weird scream."

Stan seems annoyed at me, "I don't know what to tell you. Nobody dropped anchor on my motel last night. It's got to be the house. We walked on floors that hadn't been touched in decades. Who knows what's been disturbed? I bet it gets better as we move around more. I don't believe in ghosts, so don't go wimping out on me."

Kate offers, "We'll see."

Breakfast was a big hit. Unfortunately, in this kitchen, the cook is also the dishwasher. Ok, it's not that bad. They have an automated system to clean small items. Anything nasty needs to be done by hand, like the frying pans. I'm not going to let his gorgeous silver pans turn black on my watch.

Stan gives me a website URL for the health department. There is a lot I need to do to make sure we pass inspection. I sure hope he has hired a chef. This is NOT what I'm going to do with my life.

After breakfast, people start showing up for the various tasks Stan needs to do. We are back on cleaning the floors and unboxing the rooms of boxes. Many are now laid out in the dining room. Stan has six rooms on each side of the main house. Then he has another eight that go out towards the highway on each side. There is a bedroom, living room, washroom for the manager, and a break room with a locker room for the staff on the first floor, in addition to the dining room, kitchen, and great room.

The second and third stories have twelve and six rooms, respectively. The third floor is all suites. That's forty-six rooms. They have forty-six boxes. Each box has one set of sheets, a comforter, two pillows, etc. As they find things, they add them to the box and mark them off the list that's attached to each box. I'm impressed with their organizational skills.

As a room gets furniture, a box is taken out, and the room is assembled. The house and rooms are being stripped of paint, and then painters follow them, painting the wood with a clean Avocado Green. A dusty yellow called Harvest Gold is the highlight color. The windows have a grid, making the single window appear as eight. The grids are painted a washed-out Tomato red while the doors are a Buffalo brown. I'm not a big fan of the colors. I can't believe Avocado Green was ever popular. What were they thinking? They're putting up paneling in the great room for a retro style. Amanda and her friends can't help but comment on the style. They aren't big fans.

Just before noon, I asked my sister and her friends what they wanted for lunch. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a small child's ball roll across the floor. It was green but not solid. It was like smoke or something. The odd thing is that it rolled along the floor. Both Amanda and I turned our heads at the same time.

Amanda asks with a scared voice, "You did see that, didn't you?"

I reply, drawing out my words, "I saw motion for a flash, and then it was gone. It wasn't solid, more like a mist, cloud, or smoke."

Amanda agrees, "Yeah. It wasn't solid. I could see through it."

Kate hesitates, "This place is getting kind of creepy."

Jenna laughs, "You're afraid of a shadow or a cloud of dust? We'll leave you in your room on Saturday night for the party."

Kate gets mad, "I don't need this shit. I'm going out for lunch. You guys stay here in the spooky house."

She took MY keys and left a cloud of dust as she floored it.

It's back to cleaning for us.

For lunch, I make tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I love the big grill. Typically, it would take three uses of the frying pan or three pans. The huge grill allows me to do them all together.

The day is more of the same for all of us. It takes a long time to unbox and sort. Some rooms are done, only to find something new, which means they add the new item to each box and go back to add it to each previously completed room.

Two more times, I saw something that soon vanished. Nothing scary. No noises. One was a brilliant book on a table. Nothing touched us or seemed dangerous, so I tried to ignore it. However, when you try to ignore something, you end up dwelling on it all day. Soon I was imagining things I didn't see, or did I? Arggg.

By dinner time, progress was definitely made. The floors have all been cleaned. There are days of washroom cleaning to do still. Stan brought in helpers because there was too much for us. The bathtubs and toilets are particularly nasty. Amanda and her friends won't touch them. I wouldn't either.

I stop early to make a pork roast. I have sweet potatoes, sour kraut, and rolls to go with it. After it's in the oven, it's back to more cleaning. I'm on the storeroom and shelves now. They also found boxes of kitchen stuff that needed to be put away.

Just in case you're wondering how a guy who doesn't know much about cooking makes a roast, it's easy; I called mom. I didn't tell anyone else, and mom found it humorous. I knew this was coming, so mom helped me with suggestions of easy meals or ones with minor skills. Setting a roast in a pan, seasoning it, browning it, then throwing it in the oven isn't the world's most challenging thing to do. Mom also taught me how to make gravy.

At 5:00, the extra help was long gone. We stopped at 5:30 when the roast, veggies, and rolls finished. Kate helped set the table, and we now ate at one of the new tables with the new chairs. They're hideous. I'm not so sure about his 60s theme motel.

We planned to go out to a bar tonight. None of us has the energy. Plan B is to see a movie together. No problems, right? Wrong. Amanda and her friends dress up in their club dresses. You know the kind, short skirts, few buttons, a size too small. No way Jenna had a bra on. She is the smallest but moved the most.

Kate and Amanda have large, firm breasts that stay tight to their chests. Kate looks like she has implants from being so round and firm. They didn't wear their heels, but they showed a lot of leg. Once in line, the vultures circled, completely ignoring Stan and myself.

Stan is good enough looking that most girls want to be with him. Add his dad's wealth, his natural physical talent at anything physical (every sport), and he has all the women he wants. In his favor, he doesn't churn through women, he treats them respectfully, and he's a nice guy. He has the money but doesn't use it to buy a woman's love. He'd rather let them think he was poor.

All three women gravitate toward him, which gives me a surprising jealous streak in me. I don't want him fucking my sister. One guy already has his hands on Jenna's arm. She doesn't push him away. If this goes bad, I know Stan can take all three. The dude is a second-degree black belt. Me? The best I can do is slow them down by letting them hit me or trip over me once I'm on the ground—Yup, not much of a fighter.

Since Jenna isn't complaining, I don't say anything, but I keep a close eye on her. She's annoyed with me for watching so close. Amanda allows one of the others to hold her hand. I don't understand her. Amanda is holding a guy's hand yet looks and talks mostly with me. I'm uncomfortable, and she's not even doing it to me. That guy must hate me by now.

OH FUCK. While standing in line for popcorn, she asks the guy for a soda and his wraps around her body. It goes far enough that he grabs her breast. I see she's annoyed but doesn't say anything. I want to kill him. Stan is looking Kate in the eyes, distracting her.

Before I blew up, their security saw what the guy did and gave him a warning. His hand backs off. I am a freaking wreck, and the movie hasn't even started yet. Who suggested this idea? I hear a slap and my eyes dart to Jenna. Her man is holding his hand, with a red handprint on it.

Jenna is loud enough, "That's enough. Stay away from me, or my brother will wallop you."

She makes a beeline to me, where I hug her and improve everything.

I ask her, "Soda? Popcorn?"

Jenna smiles at me, "Medium of both, please."

She stays right at my side. Amanda is having trouble with the guy she picked out. He's getting fresh again, and it's clear she doesn't like it. She pushed his hands away three times.

I'm surprised when Stan, who's been talking to Kate, stops to address the guy with Amanda, "Dude. You're pissing me off. Can't you understand she doesn't like your fresh hands?"

Naturally, the guy has an attitude, "Buzz off numb nuts. I know what she likes." His two friends stand behind him on each side. I guess they're trying to intimidate Stan.

Amanda is quick to jump away from the guy.

She then surprises me by yelling, "NO! You do NOT know what I like. What woman wants to be groped by a stranger? You're a PIG! By the way, you need a bunch more friends against this guy. Three just isn't enough. Now, leave me A L O N E!"

She stomped over to me and clung to my arm while the security paid a second visit to the guy and kicked him out of the mall, not just the theatre.

We walk down the hall, provide our tickets, and find an open seat. The movie has been out for a while, so there are only a few others in the theatre. There are ten across seating. We sit in the middle with Amanda in the center, flanked by Stan and myself. Kate sat next to Stan and Jenna next to me.

They play the typical time-wasting commercials between movies.

Jenna leans over, grabs my arm, and says, "Thanks for watching out for me. With just Amanda and Kate, we can't do much. With you and Stan watching us, we can be more open and ... free. Lucky me, I find an asshole on my first try. I admit it was very sexy watching you get mad."

Oh hell. Yup, I blush.

Jenna continues, "You didn't like us with men."

Amanda whispers, "I know, right? I was amazed he cared. It was sweet watching him leer at me for allowing a man to touch me. It was worth it to see Charlie's reaction. He then got cocky and wouldn't stop."

Jenna asks, "How close were you to full-out assault?"

The theatre dims, and the previews start.

I hear Amanda say, "Saved by the movie."

She got that right. That was not a question I wanted to answer.


I am surprised when Kate wants to ride back with me. She was getting along so well with Stan that I figured they were together. I opened the door for her and then closed it after being shown that she did not wear panties tonight. She has a million-dollar grin on her face as she can see the smile on my face as I get into my car.

Kate does the talking, "Stan's a nice guy, but not my type. He is gifted physically, but I need more IQ that he can provide. I noticed you are looking after my friends. They're right, you know. You were cute, burning with rage at the way they were treated. I admired your ability to stand aside when they did not complain.

"Some girls do like that. Some like to flash men as well." She grins at me. "You did well to let them decide. That's not common. Stan and I both enjoyed you getting angry. I thought when that knit wit grabbed your sister; you were going to launch yourself at him. Her acting was fantastic. Never once did she flinch as he tried to molest her. I guarantee you that she had a blast tonight.

"Jenna, I don't understand. I thought she hated you. Now, I think that she is secretly in love with you. I don't think she wants Amanda to know, or maybe she can't admit it to herself. She's hard to read sometimes. I might still be wrong about her, but watching the first show was fascinating. It was much better than the movie. It was so ... real."

Ug. What a horrible pun.

I hold back my anger, "So. I'm just a toy to be played with. I understand now. I exist to amuse and entertain you. Wow, my life is going to be so spectacular."

Disgusted with her, I am silent the rest of the way home. I leave Kate by the car as the others are waiting to turn off the highway and into our parking lot. I call it a highway, but it's four lanes of traffic with a turn lane. It's not much different from a city street other than the 65 MPH speed limit.

I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed. Kate waits for her friends.

When Stan exits the vehicle, he worriedly asks, "Charlie didn't look so happy. What happened?"

Kate replies, "Oh, he thought I was manipulating him with those boys. He was in no danger with you there."

Stan's demeanor changed, not angry but darker, "Charlie's a good guy. Always looking out for others. I have been slow to react twice, and he ended up in the hospital each time."

Amanda screams, "WHAT! Why didn't I know about that? He never told mom."

Stan smirks, "Look how you just reacted. Does that seem like something Charlie would want? Do you think he wants his mommy to share our dorm room for a week, making him soup and telling him to wash his face? He would never have had another date. I took care of him just fine. Next time I see you encourage trouble like that again, you're going home. We don't need that shit.

"Charlie can't defend himself. He's too nice of a guy. I appreciate your help, but I'll skip the party to ensure my friend stays safe. He saved my ass one; there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that guy."

Amanda looks at Stan dubiously, "I find it hard to believe Charlie can do something you can't do."

Stan stands his ground. A tear comes to his eyes as he debates if and what he should say.

Without looking at anyone, my eyes faced down, Stan starts his story, "I was a freshman at the time." All eyes are on Stan. "I wasn't the man I am today. My father ruled my life, and my grades were slipping. I was on a watch list; they were so bad. I was dumped because I had no future, and she said I was a loser. I had plenty of confidence issues back then. I was suffering from depression.

"I'm at a Halloween party on a veranda on the tenth floor of some chick's apartment. I'm leaning over the railing a bit too far. It hit me. Just a bit further, and all my problems go away. My concentration is broken because a beer is slowly poured onto my back. It wasn't an accident, where it dropped, oh no. This was poured on me. He did it with the purpose for effect.

"I'm pissed. I lean back, pull back a fist, and Charlie puts out his hand, 'Hello, my name is Charlie. It looked like you needed a distraction.' I did. He drags me to the washroom, where we find a towel, and he cleans me up. He gets us a beer, and we talk out on the veranda again.

"He changed my major to Computer Programming, set me on a diet, and a weight training program. We become fast friends. I gain confidence. The next time my dad yells at me, I get in his face and yell back. My dad responds by hugging me. He cried in my arms because he was so proud of me.

"So yes, I like the guy. I owe him my life. We did a senior cooperative project. We can't do a joint project, but mine needed his, and his needed mine. Did you know that we developed a new way to teach History?" I get three blank stares. "I told my mom how much we sold the idea and website for, and mom says offhandedly, 'You have more money than us now.' I've never seen my dad turn such a deep shade of red from his anger."

Amanda cuts him off, "What? Stop. We? We sold the idea?"

Stan doesn't realize the problem he just created for me, "Well, yeah. He didn't tell you what we developed, got an A+, then sold it to the college? Come on, that was a big deal. Nobody holds that in."

Jenna asks, "Why are you two even working? You could pay people to do everything."

Stan is frustrated and sorry he said anything, "You know. Way too many people say that. Do you think I just want to sit and watch life go by? I need a challenge, a purpose, a task. We want to work and not be changed by money. Besides, it's not like we made a billion dollars; we could easily waste it all. We agreed not to let the money affect us."

Kate keeps a straight face, "You bought a run-down hotel, are doing a 60s theme, paid cash for everything, and paid for people to do most of the work. No, money didn't affect you."

Amanda and Jenna smile.

Stan counters, "This is my plan before I got the money. My parents set aside money to seed me starting out. It's up to me to prosper or fail. I will admit that I can withstand more now. My backing is far deeper. It's getting cold out here. How about we move this inside? I need to find Charlie; he looked pretty upset."

Amanda stops him, "No. Charlie and I need to talk. I need you to stay down here until I call you up."

Amanda climbs the stairs to the second floor and then walks into the dark room. Charlie is still in the shower.


I hear someone come into the shower. So much for privacy.

Amanda says, "We just had a chat with Stan. I would like to hear more about your senior project."

I can play this game, "Not much to say. He wrote software that is like a game. People can roam around a town. The difference is there are no weapons, and the town was back in the 1400s England and 1770s New York. Students walk into buildings, hear a description, and then see what the people are doing. Things like printing, making candles, and being a blacksmith. You can move around, ask questions, and then move to another building.

"It was cool because you could go at your own pace, and each building had something new. Outside you can buy a paper, interact with people, watch a political debate, or do any number of activities. It's a whole lot better than a book. They get to see what it was really like back then. I, of course, did all the artwork. My goal was to use that as an example of what I can do in a game."