Mother Comes to Stay Ch. 03


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"So what did he like to do."

"He loved it if I made him crawl across the room on his hands and knees and lick my feet. That sort of thing, you know."

"And did you like him licking your feet?"

"I wasn't all that bothered about my feet, so I made him start there and work up my legs until he got to my cunt. I liked that!" Both women dissolved into fits of laughter.

"Can I ask, what was the kinkiest thing he wanted you to do?" Darren could hear the excited curiosity in Debbie's voice.

"Hmm. I'm not sure I should tell you that – but I will. He used to like it if I told him to lie down, then squatted over him and pissed on his face."

The mental picture of his parents engaged in that undignified activity took a bit of swallowing, but a startled Darren managed not to look around and just carried on listening.

"What? You mean in his mouth and everywhere?" Debbie was gobsmacked, especially when Jenny nodded.

"And did he do it to you?" Debbie wanted to know.

"No, I'm not into being peed on. I don't mind doing it, but not receiving it."

Darren's image of his parents as staid and respectable members of society was already being rapidly eroded, but this information blasted it into pieces. Like most folk, he had trouble trying to imagine them having a sex life at all, even though he was living proof that they did, and now to learn that they were at least as kinky as the younger generation was difficult to come to terms with. But, he conceded, why shouldn't they be, and her sex life obviously wasn't over as far as his mother was concerned. Perhaps she was still kinky?

Debbie was asking more questions. "Okay, so what about you? What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?"

"Do you mean apart from pissing in my husband's mouth? Isn't that kinky enough?" The pair dissolved once more into girlish giggling.

"Okay then, I mean not with your husband."

"Actually, I was pretty much faithful, with the odd exception."

"Like your black man." Debbie butted in.

"Like my black man." Jenny agreed laughing. "But I haven't done a lot otherwise."

Jenny thought for a minute or two. "I suppose this qualifies, though it isn't particularly kinky. I once had a threesome with a married couple, and had both of them at once."

"Both at once, how?" Darren was glad of Debbie's question, because he was wondering the same thing.

"Simple really, the woman fucked my pussy with a strap-on while the man had his cock in my arse."

"Would you like to do it again?" Debbie asked.

Jenny giggled. "You mean with you and Darren? I wouldn't mind."

Darren could see Debbie's face in his mirror, and she blushed scarlet at Jenny's remark. Clearly she hadn't thought of her and Darren doing it.

"You didn't mean that, did you?" Jenny had also caught on to Debbie's confusion. "I'm sorry; I just assumed you were fishing for an opportunity."

"Don't be sorry, I wasn't thinking when I spoke. But actually I wouldn't mind either."

'Someone will be ordering a strap-on tomorrow' thought Darren to himself.

They were only minutes away from home by this time, but those minutes were spent in total silence. Both Darren and Debbie were trying to come to terms with the things they'd heard from Jenny, while she sat wondering fuzzily if she's said too much and spoiled her maternal image.

As soon as they got home Debbie and Darren headed for the kitchen, while Jenny went upstairs to the bathroom.

"What did you make of that lot?" Darren asked Debbie.

"Could make for an interesting threesome, don't you think?"

"You mean you'd like to 'dp' her?"

"Yep, I mean just that. I'm going to get a strap-on so that we can do exactly what she was on about, if you're game?

"Yes, I'm definitely up for it. Order a dildo and then if the chance comes up...."

They heard the toilet flush and Debbie turned back to making coffee, while Darren opened one of the beers Fergus had sent him home with.

Jenny came back into the kitchen. "Look, I think I shocked you with what I said. So let me just say, it is the alcohol making my tongue wag, and even though everything I said was true, we can forget it. We don't need to mention it again. Now, I'm drunk, so I'm going to my room."

She picked up her coffee cup and went out through the door. Darren stood there shaking his head.

"No, we won't forget it. Will we?" He turned to Debbie for confirmation.

"Oh noooo!" She agreed. "But it looks like we might need to make the chance arise."

When the pair went to bed about an hour later they noticed that Jenny's door was left ajar and her light on, but neither of them was sure if it was an intentional invite or a drunken accident. When they got to their room they discussed it.

"I think she wants a threesome." Stated Debbie flatly, after a few minutes talk.

"I'm not sure, but I know what I think we should do. I think we should go in and find out." Replied Darren, conscious of an enormous erection that had very little to do with Debbie's breasts jiggling invitingly close to his face.

"Okay, let's go." Debbie was out of bed and on her way to the door. Darren climbed out behind her.

As they got to Jenny's door they could see that the light was still on, so Debbie put her head around the door.

"Hey Darren." She whispered. "Just take a look at this."

Darren joined her looking into his mother's room. Jenny lay on the bed, curled up on her side facing them, and fast asleep, but the interesting thing lay under her hand. It was resting loosely on a large black vibrator, next to which was a tube of lubricating gel.

"I bet I know what she did before she went to sleep." Darren grinned.

"I bet you daren't put it up her while she's asleep." Debbie's devilish streak knew that daring Darren to do anything would simply make him go ahead.

He went into the room, followed by Debbie, and gently eased the vibe out from under his mother's sleeping fingers. Then he went around the bed to slide it quietly into her pussy from behind, with the idea of suddenly switching it on when it was fully inserted.

"Bloody hell, Debs, look here." Darren hissed excitedly to his wife.

Debbie went around the bed to look what Darren was pointing at, and there, poking out from his mother's sleeping rectum and nestling in her crack, was the bar of a butt plug. They both stood there, transfixed, and wondering what to do next.

"I wondered why she wanted lube just for a vibe in her pussy." Whispered Darren. "Now I know why she needed it!"

"See if you can put the vibe in her as well, she said she liked a dp." Debbie was still game to carry on.

Darren leaned over and placed the head of the vibe softly against the entrance to his mother's pussy and began to gently push, trying to slide it inside her, but meeting unexpected resistance. He tried again, caught between the need to push harder and the likelihood of waking her. Still no entry, Jenny shifted slightly in her sleep

"It won't go in, Debs."

"Put some lube on it, she's probably gone dry." Debbie whispered her advice, and passed him the tube of gel.

Now slick with lube the vibe was returned to Jenny's pussy and Darren pushed just a little bit harder. In it went, abruptly sliding deeper into her pussy than he had intended in one push and surprising him with its ease of entry. Jenny jerked and moaned as the vibe entered her, but Darren held it still for a moment and she soon settled back down, her eyes never having opened.

"Is it in?" Asked Debbie.

"Yes, it went in just like that as soon as it was slippery."

"Switch it on then, quickly, on full." Debbie was giggling wickedly but quietly. Darren twisted the control.

This time Jenny jerked awake, sitting up in bed so suddenly that the vibe was pulled from her pussy.

"What the fuck...?" She looked about her, startled. "Oh, it's you Darren, God, you made me jump, what did you do?"

"Just filling a vacant space, that's all" Debbie did the answering.

Jenny's eyes landed on the vibe still in Darren's hand and she began to understand.

"You bastard!" She said. "If you want to do that, I'd much sooner be awake, if you don't mind." There was an undertone of irritation in the sarcasm.

"I was going to use your other hole, but it seems to be occupied." Darren lied to regain the initiative.

"Oh fuck," Jenny's hand flew around and felt for the end of the butt plug, leaning herself on her other elbow in order to reach. "I must have fallen asleep with it in." She said, innocently stating the obvious. "You weren't supposed to know about that."

Jenny began tugging at the plug, wriggling it from side to side to help ease it from her bottom. She winced a little as it slipped from her, and Darren and Debbie could immediately see why. It was not one of the very biggest ones, but even so it must have measured nearly three inches across at its widest point, quite an arseful in anybodies language.

"Bloody hell, Jenny, you really do like being stretched, don't you." Debbie was shocked at its size.

"Yes, it hurts a bit going in sometimes, but it's a gorgeous full feeling once its there. I keep thinking I'll get a bigger one." Jenny stopped and looked at them. "So what brought you in here anyway?"

"Well, we thought you might like a bit of fun, but it seems you've started without us."

"That doesn't mean I've finished, though." Jenny was eying Darren's erection, still standing proud before him.

Jenny looked at Debbie thoughtfully, as if unsure if she should say something. Then, as her decision was made... "Debbie, would you like to watch Darren and me fucking?"

Darren's eyebrows shot up at the lack of consultation, but before he could say anything Debbie answered.

"Yes, I would."

Jenny shuffled herself to the edge of the bed and swung her legs out. Then she scooped up her toys and indicated the space left. "Lie down, Darren."

Darren could begin to see why his father became submissive, but he did as he was told, lying flat on his back in the middle of the bed. Jenny climbed back and straddled him, lowering herself until her crack was only inches from the tip of Darren's cock.

"Debbie, will you guide him into me, please, and you choose which hole he should go in."

Once again his mother had successfully left her son speechless. What his wife thought about her instructions he couldn't tell, for she was hidden behind Jenny's half squatting body.

He felt Debbie take hold of his shaft, holding it upright and pointing it at its target, though which target that was he wouldn't know until they made contact. Jenny began slowly to lower herself, coming down tentatively until she too knew where his cock was headed. Darren hoped that it would be his mother's anus, he still had the urge to arse fuck her and he had an idea that Jenny wanted that too.

But in the end it Debbie aimed him at Jenny's pussy, holding his shaft until her mother-in-law's pubic hair brushed her fingers as she lowered herself onto him.

Darren heard Jenny sigh contentedly as she sat right down on him, taking his length fully into her. Then she began to rise and fall on his cock, raising herself slowly until he was nearly free and then coming back down hard and fast, plunging his cock deep into her pussy.

"Can you see?" She asked Debbie

"Oh, yes, and it looks beautiful."

Jenny leaned forward, resting herself on her outstretched hands, her face now only inches above her son's.

"Is that better? Can you see more?"

"Yes, I can see everything."

Darren could hear arousal in Jenny's voice as she spoke and then he could see the lust in her eyes when Debbie answered. She began to pound herself on his cock even harder. He could tell how much exhibiting her incestuous sex turned her on, and he knew that the only person Jenny could ever show this to was Debbie.

Jenny was looking down on her son as she knelt over him, her eyes fixed on his, her hair hanging loose around her face, and a smile playing around her mouth as she impaled herself on his cock. It would not, he believed, be long before she came.

Suddenly Jenny stopped in mid stroke, her eyes shot wide open and a gasp of surprise and pleasure came from her lips. She held herself in place, obviously trying to be completely still, her knees flexed and her arms straight. Then another little gasp came from her and her eyes shut tight. Darren had no idea what had happened to Jenny, but he could see that whatever it was, it certainly wasn't unpleasant.

It wasn't long before he found out though. He suddenly felt something hard press against the shaft of his cock as it lay inside his mother's pussy. At first he thought that something was being pushed into her pussy alongside him, but then he realised that it was actually something entering her anus. Looking over his mother's shoulder he could see Debbie looking at her bottom with a frown of concentration, her hand extended towards the two lovers. She was inserting something into Jenny's rectum, and it couldn't be the butt plug, it was the wrong size, so it must be the vibrator.

His thought was confirmed moments later when intense vibrations suddenly enveloped his cock. Jenny gasped with surprise and with pleasure and began slowly to move up and down once more, now fucking her vibrator as she fucked Darren's cock. Debbie did not need to thrust the vibrator in and out of her mother-in-law, Jenny was doing that herself, rising and falling onto it with obvious enjoyment.

The look of delight on Jenny's face as she found herself with both holes filled and gorgeous vibrations pulsing through her was something that Darren would remember for a long time. It was clearly one of the most erotic and pleasurable things she had ever felt. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened and she swung her head slowly from side to side, uttering little moans of pure ecstasy all the time.

Slowly Jenny built up the speed of her strokes until she was once again bobbing up and down, gasping from the effort and the sensations, and restarting her interrupted journey to orgasm, except that this time she was carrying Darren with her. He could feel his own orgasm approaching, the familiar tightness in his balls, the deep seated feeling of incredible warmth, were telling him that soon he would be spewing his cum once more deep into his mother's cunt.

Just as he felt his climax getting closer he felt Debbie's fingers close around his balls, squeezing them gently and rolling them back and forth, her cool supple fingers a beautiful contrast to Jenny's hot wet cunt. He knew that when he came, and it wouldn't be long, that his own wife would feel his balls discharge their load deep into his mother, and that strange knowledge brought him even closer to the edge. How many men can claim that their wife helped them to shoot their load into their mother?

It was debatable which of them actually got there first, though Jenny would claim that she came before Darren. She suddenly slammed herself down hard onto his cock, pushing the vibrator even deeper into her rectum, but then instead of rising she twisted and rubbed herself on him, keeping him deep within her while she pushed back and forth, crying out all the time that she was cumming.

For Darren that first hard descent as Jenny rammed herself onto him was the equivalent of his vinegar stroke. That was when his balls let go and exploded into his mother, then, all the time she was rubbing her pussy against him he was pumping spurt after spurt deep against her cervix. The feel of the vibrator buzzing next to his shaft and the unusual feel of Jenny rubbing her pussy against his pubes served to intensify his climax, so that by the time his balls were empty he was himself feeling totally drained, but so happy. The vibrator was now turned off, but he could still feel its hard presence lying in Jenny's rear passage.

As his mother's orgasm receded she flopped forward onto him, locking her arms around his neck and kissing his face between gasping breaths.

"God, that was so good."

For a while nobody moved, until Jenny reached behind her and removed the vibrator from her rectum before sitting up, still impaled on Darren's rapidly softening cock, and holding out her hand to Debbie. When the move was reciprocated, she placed Debbie's hand over her breast and squeezed lightly.

"Thank you Debbie, you made that into a wonderful experience."

She looked seriously at her son and her daughter-in-law. "I can't help but think of what Fergus said about how long will I be here. I hadn't thought of that until he mentioned it, so I must ask. Can you stand having me living with you for a while?"

"This time I'll answer for Debbie as well as me." Darren looked up at his mother. "And the answer is a simple 'yes', for as long as you like."

Debbie then added her bit. "It seem to me that, especially when it comes to sex, we have a good working relationship with far more possibilities than just two of us could ever have, so why waste the opportunity?"

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LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 4 years ago

turned into a cuckhold just like Jenny's husband. Yuk!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Simon ?

Nice of Simon to join in for a paragraph!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What a waste.

I only read the Incest/Taboo stories on these sites and I was doing all right with what you had written until I got to this story. You mentioned anal in the previous story to this one, but you just mentioned it. Then you had to go and introduce anal into this story and that ruined it for me. What a turn off. I stopped reading right then and removed your name and submissions from the list I keep of authors in order to check back with periodically to see if they've written anything new. Like I said, what a waste.

AustreamAustreamover 9 years ago
Great story - any chance of episode 4

Meant to make it 5 star but miss hit :(

I realise you wrote this series a while ago - but another episode would be great! Any chance?

OtazelOtazelover 9 years agoAuthor

To rightbank.

Simon is a pseudonym for that well known person who manages somehow to get into a lot of stories. His real name is Mr Typo. Sorry about that.

It's a while ago now, but I think that when I wrote this story I was also writing one with a Simon as a main character, and I got confused. Or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Hope it didn't spoil your enjoyment too much.

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