Mother, It Is Really You...?


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Bella put her tea-cup in the small table at her side and wringing her hands looked Sandy's eyes and......

"Sandy, I'm a lesbian, and I have fallen madly in love with you, I love you so much it hurts, please don't say anything now, I don't pretend you to be in love with me, but at least let's be friends ".

"Bella, yes, we are friends, good friends, and I'm very fond of you. I don't love you, yet, I need time to think and understand everything has happened today. It is right with you?"

"Yes my love take all the time you need, and decide with your heart"

They talked about the day, the beauty of the park and lake, and then Bella said good bye and took her leave from Sandy's home.


The next several weeks Sandy and Bella, Bella and Sandy phoned the other everyday, the conversations getting more and more intimate from one day to the other, opening to the other about what pleased or displeased them. As the days went on Bella got even crazier about Sandy, she loved her, lusted about her, and wanted her in her bed. And to her amazement she started, for the first time in her life, at forty one years old, to have wet dreams and to masturbate with thoughts of a young woman she hadn't even saw naked.

Bella was continuously in Sandy's mind. She didn't consider herself a lesbian, she liked only Bella, other women let her cold, she was attracted to the older woman in a way she didn't understand, nothing similar had ever occurred to her, not with men, boys, girls or women. She thought she was in love with Bella and that had nothing to do at all with gender, at that moment.

It was irremediable, again one Friday, Bella took the initiative and asked Sandy to enjoy the week-end with her at her house, as her guest of course, and if she was available she was most welcome. Bella knew Sandy's summer vacation was at and end and her plans were to go back to college in the east and finish her education. Sandy answer was a euphoric yessssssssssss. Without knowing it, one of Bella's most cherished dreams was going to be made true, one of her children was going to enjoy her house and the pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and the other commodities.

Sandy was so excited to be going to spend the week-end with Bella she could not wait; she was restless looking her wrist- watch every few minutes, she put on her usual informal attire of jeans and cowboy boots with a chequered shirt. Finally Bella arrived in time, as usual, and everything was perfect again to Sandy. She took her small flight bag with the few necessary things for a week-end, a change of lingerie, bikini, and few personal things more and went to Bella's car and sat on the passenger side with a big and contagious smile. Bella then pulled away from the curb and started the drive to her house.

"Good evening, my love, ready to enjoy a sunny week-end by the pool side"

"Oh Bella I'm so happy and excited. I love being with you. I've waited for ever to go with you and......"

"Me too my love, I thank the fairies for meeting you and now get the chance of knowing directly more of you, and in an undertone, if possible in the biblical sense""

The rest of the ride was uneventful, except for a little small talk, Bella said very little. Sandy's demeanor was obviously quite ebullient and masked her nervousness, so Bella decided to give her some time to relax; when they got to the house, Bella parked the car and brought in the bag. After a while Sandy went to freshen up. There was something so beautiful, so thrilling, about having with her a fresh, lovely, nineteen-year old young woman even if it was for a short stay in her house. She loved her lightness and brightness, the vitality and feminine presence she brought with her.

Bella's house; was a beautiful, spacious home on a secluded, wooded lot near the beach. At forty one and financially secure, she tried to enjoy a quiet life, after so many years of sacrifice and hard labor. Now, however, to Bella it was the end of the week, and in other aspect it could be the end of a long searching journey, time to relax and let the hair down, meaning, trying to forget work and drink a glass of wine leisurely in the company of her new found love. But a doubt marred in part the happiness of the moment. She was in love with Sandy with all her heart, ¿ Did Sandy love her?

Later that evening, under a deep dark blue sky full of stars, and after a romantic dinner in the patio, compounded of cold meats and salad and a very good, very cold white chardonnay, both a little tipsy, Bella asked Sandy if she wanted to dance, the astonished young woman only nodded her fuzzy head assenting and Bella put on some romantic slow music, then she walked slowly up to Sandy, whom she had been lavishing with affection for weeks, and tenderly taking the girl into her arms she began slow-dancing with her, both of them looking profoundly into the others eyes.

Delicious, forbidden excitement coursed through Sandy's body; as a young woman just learning about sex, she had never thought being in Bella's arms could feel this way. Sex, shrouded always in shame and hushed whispers was never discussed back in her father or grand-parents home, not to mention the nunnery where sex was a heinous sin, When ......she had explored herself, her desires had always been drowned out by that other voice, the voice of her subconscious, the voice instilled in her by the nuns. Sinner, sinner, sinner.

"You're so pretty," Bella breathed against Sandy's silky-smooth neck as she gently rocked together with her as the music surrounded them.

Bella's hands gently stroked the girl, as though she were a little girl in need of the calming hands of her mother. She pulled her close and let her face come into contact with Sandy's; cheek-to-cheek she could feel the younger woman trembling in her arms and a little soft cry of pleasure escaped the beautiful teenager lips.

Bella proposed Sandy go up to the house terrace and letting the sound of music flowing, she took Sandy' hands and pulled her to a tiny elevator. Opening the door Bella flipped open the top button of Sandy shirt as she backed her toward the little car. And as she nudged her inside the car she said

"I love this job", then brought her mouth down to Sandy's.

And she is good at it, Sandy though, as the older woman hands got busy with her clothes and her pulse jumped to a gallop as she felt the kiss take her under, and was already sunk deep when the elevator doors reopened and her shirt hit the floor. As the cool air whisked over her naked skin; her eyes blinked open.

Bella backed her toward the roof terrace where the glass dome was open to let the night air in.


Then the expert mouth took hers again, and she could feel her brain dissolving, void of any thought, registering only the sensual passion of that mouth.

"We had a walk outside, dinner under the stars" Bella pressed Sandy back into the stone rail. "We'll consider this a hat trick".

This night was about kindness, tenderness and subtle caresses of love; this was a night of full conquest.

With a laugh she flipped open Sandy's bra -–the simple white cotton she preferred and that in the future will never fail to allure her—and toyed with a cameo she wore on a chain and for a moment she thought she remembered it.

"Now I feel I should come up with something very clever to say about your puck, but everything that occurs to me sounds very crude"

Bella skimmed her hands over Sandy's breasts; small and firm with, in-between, the cameo she was sure had seen sometime before but couldn't remember where or when. She felt the thumping of Sandy's heart under the soft and smooth skin, and the warmth of the girl spread under her hands. However clear her eyes, however much humour in then, Bella knew she was as aroused as her. Then she turned her, eased her down on the edge of a wide, padded chaise.

"Boots" she said, and lifted one of her feet. Sandy leaned bask on her elbows, watching as the mature woman stood in front of her pulling off, first one boot then the other.

Bella's hands moved to her breasts and massaged them gently, then still staring into Sandy's blue eyes, Bella moved her hands over Sandy's belly, caressing her hot skin and drawing gasps from the willingly young woman beneath her.

"That feels really good....." Sandy mumbled.

Bella straddled Sandy and for the briefest of moments, she pressed herself into Sandy's mound, drawing a gasp from her mouth, before slipping over to her other side. Sandy opened her mouth to object when Bella slithered down next to her and covered her mouth with her own, effectively smothering any objections. The reason for the shift became clear when Bella started moving her left hand slowly down Sandy's brown stomach to the top of her jeans.

"Left-handed, huh?" Sandy smiled up at her.

The only answer she got was a quick "Uh-huh..." before the hand busied itself undoing the jean top button then yanking at the side so that the other buttons all popped open. Still looking Sandy in the eyes, Bella slid her hand underneath the cotton of Sandy's panties, hesitated slightly when her hand came into contact with the small patch of soft fuzz she found there, and then slid her hand over the mound, cupping her sex. Sandy breathed heavily, then feeling a strong desire to watch that beautiful hand with its long, slim fingers, she finally broke eye contact with Bella and gazed down, transfixed by the sight of Bella's hand tucked into her jeans, under her panties. Everything started to take on a slightly surreal quality for Sandy.

Almost imperceptibly, Bella's hand began to caress, her fingers slowly opening her labia, then the index finger dipped, finding the top of Sandy's vulva and making her way down between the swollen cuntal lips; Sandy gasped loudly, her breath starting to get rough. So slowly were Bella's fingers touching Sandy vagina she thought she might be imagining it, the finger made inexorable progress down, down, down until... Bella's eyes widened.


Sandy smiling sheepishly commented, "I think I may be a little wet..."

The statement moved Bella like nothing ever had and was suddenly caught between two emotions, she wanted to smile and at the same time she wanted to cry, both from happiness. But before anything could be said, Bella took Sandy's mouth in another hot sensuous kiss as she cupped her face in her hands; it was so soft, Bella slowly licked and kissed her way down Sandy's chin and neck them to the breasts where she snatched the right nipple into her mouth. Sandy sucked in a deep, hissing gasp as Bella suckled her for the first time, the first time anyone had; her head was spinning and spinning madly, she could feel her nipple distending and on the verge of popping in the warmth and wetness of Bella's gifted mouth.

Sensually Bella moulded the left breast with her left hand as she pleasured the right with her mouth, then she drug her tongue in a long sensual lick from the right nipple, down the slope, through the valley and up the left where she sucked the other nipple just as hungrily as she had the first, while changing hands the right went to the right breast to twist and twirl the nipple.

Continuing her descent, licking and nibbling down Sandy's body, she found herself stopped by the last vestiges of Sandy's clothes, her opened jeans and the modest white cotton panties, looking up to Sandy's face and pulling her by the hand she told her:

"Ok baby, stand up, we have to remove something that stop me in the way to paradise"

In her knees Bella teasingly pulled down, first Sandy's jeans and then the panties, something delicious wafted up to her nostrils that made her lust go mad with frenzy. When she looked up, she suppressed a gasp when she saw the patch of soft silky blond almost white pubic hair. Her salivary glands started working overtime.

Once again down in the wide padded chaise, Sandy, at Bella's request lifted her widely spread legs to accommodate Bella's still fully clothed body as she slid down on the mattress, suckling and savouring the skin of her belly. Those beautiful hands cupped the backs of her thighs, spreading the legs wider, bending them at the knees and pushing them into a v-shape as she kissed the creamy flesh of the inner thighs, Bella slowly worked down Sandy body to her sex and exhaled a deep breath of warm air directly onto the pulsing sex and then inhaled deeply of her exotic scent..

Her hand moved down once more over Sandy's tummy, rubbing it with loving care, the girl moaned again when she felt the soft caress on her blonde fur and Bella said as she touched the wetness, already seeping out of her vagina:

"I love you so much, baby" and immediately Bella's finger entered her.

Sandy could hardly keep still when Bella penetrated her with her finger. All her pent up and suppressed emotions exploded when Bella's finger began to move in a fucking motion inside her slippery channel; it was a first time for her and she lost control of her body, her knees coming down as her vagina squirted a stream of her juices onto Bella's hand.

"Oh god, oh god, oh mother ...of god" she groaned in complete submission.

Bella's hand held her firmly by her waist and with her finger still inside her; she slid down her body. Pulling out, she laid Sandy completely down on her back over the chaise-long and lifted Sandy's legs onto her shoulders. She then spread her legs wide open again and her mouth descended onto her mound intoxicated by the sweet odour of Sandy's secretions, she kissed her opened cuntal lips like the lips of her mouth. She made love to the softness of her vaginal lips, occasionally taking her clitoris between her lips, suckling and nipping it as she inserted her tongue deep inside her.

Sandy bit her lips, and was unable to contain herself as waves of multiple orgasms coursed through her body,

"Yessssssssssss, Yyyyeesssssssssssss, more please more, Oh Bella, Bella, Bella I loooove you" and tears of pleasure run down her cheeks.

Quivering in need and desire, she moaned out, "Fuck me....please, please, please fuck me."

Bella, unable to stop suckling and fingering Sandy's clitoris and cunt, inserted a second finger in the tight pussy and pistoned them faster making her ejaculate more and more squirts upon her wondrous ravishment of her womanly opening.

Tired, Sandy let her head fall down on the cushions and Bella slithered to the floor, the stars having witnessed the hot and amorous scene through the crystal dome of the terrace. Bella pulled herself up and lay next to Sandy, holding her in her arms as the two lovers lay in post-orgasmic bliss. Content, but tired, they drifted off to sleep.


Later in the night both women awoke from the deep sleep in which they had fallen after their long lovemaking session. First Bella, the discomfort of her position on the floor had cramped her muscles; after, she shook Sandy slightly and whispered her to wake.

"What....what happens?" asked a disconcerted and half sleepy Sandy.

"Nothing my love lets go to bed"

And with that Bella took the naked girl by the hand and carried her to her bedroom, where, after getting herself naked laid down on the bed with Sandy where she took her in her arms in the spoon position. When Bella woke the nest morning, she was in bed with Sandy lying next to her; for a brief moment she thought if she was at home and if everything that had happened with Sandy had been an erotic dream. After letting her head clear for a few minutes, she full realized she was in her house lying in her main bedroom, with her dearest love at her side.

Bella got out of bed and padded quietly her way to the bathroom to relieve her bladder and freshen up, she was naked, but managed to find a nightdress to slip on before she headed off to the bathroom. Sandy was still asleep. After having made her natural morning ritual, she brushed her teeth and combed her hair and then she heard her come up behind her.

Sandy saw with astonishment in the morning light that Bella was almost completely naked, her beautiful naked body was half covered with a transparent, skimpy garment, she was mature and stylish at the same time with turgid and full breasts, pointed nipples and long legs, that turned her on, and discovered with surprise that her pubic hair was a light blonde color, so much like her own, and made it clear that the color of her head hair was not natural. Sandy pulled Bella into her arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was only then that she realized she too was still naked.

"Morning my dear, sleep well"

"Oh yes Bella, I slept divinely, and last night was incredible...,...but I'm deeply in debt with you"

"How so, baby, who says you owe me anything "

"Well, I do, last night you gave me all your love and passion, I didn't give you anything at all". Sandy said.

"You are wrong again my dear, last night was all about you, not me, and I got lots out of you, we make love with out brain, our feelings and sensations are in the brain, and I did enjoy fully making love to you".

"Really?", asked Sandy softly. "That sounds so nice."

"Yes baby, that's what I think, now, first lets go and get some breakfast, then if you are of a mind we can adjourn to the bedroom again and talk about has happened last night"

They wore a couple of robes and went to prepare a hearty breakfast; while they ate they talked at length about what had happened the night before. Sandy argued that she was in debt with Bella, while the latter said no, but if she wanted to make love to her she would not be opposed. Bella was afraid that in the light of day Sandy saw the things differently and that touching intimately another woman's body would be repugnant to her, one thing is to receive pleasure and another one to give it. After breakfast they returned to the bedroom

"Well my love what do you want do today?" asked a suddenly timorous Bella.

Sandy looked her directly in the eyes "I want to make love to you, now, unless you don't want me to".

"Are you sure my love, you have no obligation"

"I know, but I want to"

"What do you want to do, what do I do"

"You do nothing, just let me love you, I would like to caress and suck your tits"

"Would you like to do that to me, honey? Do you want me to be your Mommy? "

Bella didn't know what made her said that, what subconscious feelings made her offer up Sandy to be her mommy. Was Sandy a substitute of her long lost daughter? But daughters and mothers weren't lovers, were they. They don't have sex. They don't make love. Was she sick? Was she so lonely?, so needy of company and love

They lay down on the bed and Bella gently lifted the girl's head and opened her robe just enough to reveal her creamy round breast, her nipple standing nicely at attention. She cupped it and offered it to the girl in bed with her. When Sandy just stared, transfixed, at her nipple, Bella took her other hand and put it behind Sandy's head and guided the girl to her breast.

With an adorable cry of pleasure and surrender, Sandy took Bella's nipple into her mouth and began sucking on it. Bella gasped with pleasure and tilted her head back, her head falling against the pillow that was propped behind her back.

"Oh yesss," she purred in ecstasy. "Oh yesss, Sandy, my baby girl, suck Mommy's sweet breast. You're such a good girl, such a perfect girl, ohhhh yessssssssssss." She didn't know how close she was to the truth

Sandy's cheeks hollowed as she sucked hungrily at the older woman's breast. She was making little sounds of helpless pleasure.

"Does that feel good, honey, do you like doing it to me?"

Sandy simply moaned and whimpered her total pleasure and kept sucking.

Bella laughed gently and told Sandy,"Don't forget the other one, my dear...go ahead, sweetheart, open my robe and get what you want."
