Moving On: Alexia Ch. 05


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Lexi smiled and nodded. "Yes, they need me. What was the song you hummed to me?" Lexi asked, curious.

Kwame smiled, "It was an old negro spiritual. The elders in my pack taught it to me. In my pack, the elders would hum it when someone had a bad flashback. It calmed them. One night, I had a nightmare and Ms. Nancy held me. That was the first time I heard it. The men taught me the song and often when someone had an episode, I was called to help them fight the fog. Ms. Nancy was the best, and she was always so proud when I helped someone. She would always tell me I was born for a reason, that I was special. When she left this world, I hummed that song for her. She smiled at me, and then she slept. It's unusual. It's a part of who I am."

Lexi smiled, "It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me." The two chatted a little longer and Kwame returned to help Alexia prepare to leave.

Soon they returned to the alpha home. Everyone greeted them and Alexia retired to her room. Kwame reported to the head beta for his assignments. He reported to work immediately.

That night as his shift ended, he went to the medical center to check on his son. Keon was doing well. He walked over and checked on Bo and Lexi. Bo had been moved and was in a private room. Kwame walked to the door. He heard Lexi talking. He knocked softly. Lexi told him to enter

He entered and Bo was alert. He looked upset, and Kwame didn't want to upset him even more. So he simply spoke and promised Bo he'd be back so they could talk. He bid them both a good night and returned to the alpha home. On his way back to the alpha home, Kwame was stopped by pack members. "Don't think we will forget who and what you are. Deacon and Declan only gave you a taste of what you deserve." They jeered. Kwame pushed past them and just kept walking.

When he arrived at the alpha home, it was time for dinner. After the confrontation, he decided to skip the meal tonight and just rest. At dinner, Margaret realized that Kwame was not there. Alexia ate and she searched for him. Margaret sent that a dinner be packed and she's make sure Kwame got it. She examined her pack. Some of the members were still upset. Although, Kwame had been challenged, she was still not sure he was safe.

Alexia ate and wanted to go back to the alpha home. She was concerned about Kwame. The cooks prepared him a plate and she took it to him. Knocking on his door, she smiled when he said enter,

"Hey, you missed dinner?" This was the first time in days since they had not been together.

Kwame sighed, "I was just tired. I checked on the baby and your parents and just wanted to rest."

Alexia nodded. She knew he was hiding something. "Stop, tell me what happened." She demanded.

"Alexia, what I did was wrong. I should be in jail. You and Lacy should have gone to the police. I'm sorry that I hurt you but I'm not sorry too. I'm not sorry that I finally got to meet you. I'm not sorry that we created the most amazing little boy. I'm sorry that because of me, you will have a hard time trusting people. I'm sorry that I caused you pain." Kwame sighed. "I don't know how to fix what I did. I don't know."

Alexia sat beside him. "I was angry. I was hurt. What you did affected me in ways I cannot describe, then I realized I was pregnant." She stood and began to walk around. "Like I told you before, I was terrified, but I loved my baby. When I learned he was a wolf, it scared me. Then I learned about dark wolves. I am so proud of you Kwame. You've never pretended to be anything but an honest and good man. When you helped my mother my respect for you became solid. You did make a horrible mistake, but I know and you know it was not really your fault. I forgive you, Kwame. Now forgive yourself." She chuckled, "Besides, I will not have my man beating himself up. That's my job."

Kwame laughed, "Your man, huh? I like the sound of that." He kissed her. It was sweet, soft, and so unplanned. Alexia had never been kissed and cherished so completely that she did not ever want it to end. Someone knocked. The two pulled apart. Kwame told them to enter. Deacon and Declan entered.

"Oh no, look you two, Kwame and I are adults. You can't just keep barging in." Alexia started to lecture.

"We know. We know." Dad blasted us about the fight and we know we took it too far. We talked with Kwame already, Lexia, and we're cool" Deacon explained.

Kwame sat, trying to hide his smile. She defended him. "Babe, give us a minute, ok'"

"Hey, are you ok? Look we heard about what happened." They asked.

Kwame greeted both males. "Guys, I'm cool."

"Okay, remember, we got you." The twins promised. Alexia returned and wanted to know what was going on. The guys dismissed it as nothing and spent time hanging out. The four chatted and soon Alexia went to her room. She lay in bed and realized that she didn't like being in her room by herself. For the last few nights, Kwame was with her. She needed him close. So after the twins left, and the house was quiet, Alexia made her way to his room. Kwame lay sleeping when she crawled into bed beside him and was immediately wrapped in his warmth. She could not help but smile when he pulled her close, nuzzled her neck, and whispered, "I missed you." Alexia then dozed off as well.


Lacy slept in her room. Randall needed fresh air. He went outside. He stood on the balcony and listened to the quiet. It wasn't long before he found himself privy to a private conversation amongst the vampires.

"The angel wants to mate with Lacy. Well, he's human now. I wonder can he be changed into a vampire?" The first guy asked.

Randall paused. This was something he wondered about too.

'Dermic will never agree. He wasn't human. Don't get me wrong, because he's not an elitist. It's just that he has issues with cross mating even though many clans have crossed mated. You've heard of the Svennick's and Caspian's right?" The guy asked.

"Yea, they actually had a war in Scotland a few decades ago. The pack alpha is mated to a dragon. Look, Lacy deserves to be happy. If this guy is her mate, then Dermic should not block them" He stated.

"I'm so happy you two feel you have the right to discuss me and my family issues. Since you are so opinionated, tell me what happens if for some reason the mating is not viable. Not all creatures should crossbreed." Dermic stated.

"But isn't Lacy sterile?" The guy asked. Wrong moved, Dermic moved so swiftly and grabbed hm. He knew his life was forfeit. Unable to remain silent, Randall gasped, alerting the vampires to his presence. He quickly returned to his room. Within seconds, Dermic vanished into his quarters.

"How much did you hear?" He asked.

Randall sighed, "All of it. Mr. Valdemore, be honest with me. Are you going to agree to let Lacy and I join?"

Dermic sighed, "Can you become vampire?"

"I think so. I am human now. I have no special gift, or anything lingering from my old life." Randall replied.

"Your father released you. What happens if I reject you?" he asked.

Randall stared out of the window. "I live out my life as a man. But sir, Lacy is an adult. I'm an adult. In all honesty, we really don't need your permission to join. Out of respect for you as her father, make no mistake, you are her father, I will try an honor your wishes. But if your decree hurts her, I am taking her with me if she chooses to go." Randall explained.

Dermic wanted to be annoyed, but he wasn't. Before him stood a man that gave up his mortality for the woman he loved. "I really want to hate you. Lacy, well, I planned on choosing her mate. She'd love the guy and I could control him." Dermic chuckled. "I should have known better. Out of five daughters, I never learn."

Randall waited. "I love her. I never thought this would happen and then I met Lacy. Please don't ask me to walk away from her."

Dermic had to try once more. "If you can't become vampire, how will a union between you work? I mean, I thought angels were not born with certain appendages?"

Randall laughed. "Mr. Valdemore, I am a man. Believe me. I have all of the parts."

"Oh OK. If you hurt her, I will end you angel." Dermic declared.

"If I hurt her, I'll punish myself." Randall replied.

Dermic stood, extended his hand. "Welcome to the Valdemore Clan, Randall. I agree to sanction the joining."

Randall smiled and sent a silent thank you to the heavens. The angels rejoiced. If anyone deserved happiness, it was Randallem.

The Creator of All smiled. He nodded and sent his blessing to his young creation. Lacy slept and he gave her a special gift. She and Randallem would join the next day, and the one secret desire she had would be granted.

Lacy woke the next morning to Randall sitting beside her bed.

"Good morning, what a nice way to wake up." She whispered as he leaned over and kissed her gently.

"I want to walk this morning. Come with me." Randall asked.

Lacy frowned. It was early, but if he need to get out, she'd gladly join him. The couple walked admiring the beautiful landscape. Randall stopped at the garden. Lacy loved the garden, and they walked around admiring the morning blooms. Randall asked Lacy to sit. "I had a talk with you uncle this morning." He stated.

Lacy froze. "He said no?" She asked.

Randall did not react. "What would you do if he did?" he asked.

"Lacy smiled and gently stroked his cheek. You are mine, Randall. I would hate to be at odds with my family, but I refuse to live my life without you. Join with me, and we can deal with uncle Dermic later."

Randall kissed her ever so gently. "Love, that's what I needed to hear. You and I are one Lacy. Join with me, become my wife?"

"Yes, Randall, Yes" Lacy exclaimed. The two shared a passionate kiss.

Lacy began to frantically remove his clothes. Randall stopped her. "Babe, not here. I want to love you properly."

Lacy groaned. "Next time, we can have a bed, music, anything you want, but now I need to feel you Randall all of you."

Looking round, Randall saw a small shed. Taking her hand he said, 'come."

Soon the two lovers were naked before each other. Lacy was nervous. She worried that after what she had gone through, Randall may not want her after all. Randall stopped. He looked at her, and tears formed in his eyes. "Lacy, you are perfect. I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my years of existence.

He disrobed and Lacy was enthralled. "Randall, I'm afraid."

Randall pulled her close. "I love you. You do what you need to feel safe. You're in charge." He lay back and allowed Lacy to explore him. Soon, he needed more. He need to be buried deep inside of her heat. Lacy was nervous.

"Randall, I need you. I need to feel you inside of me." She whispered.

"Climb on me and take me deep within." Randall whispered.

Lacy slowly lowered her heat onto his rigid frame. Randall groaned. "Baby, stop. Please, wait."

Lacy froze. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, baby. I need you so badly, I'm afraid I won't last long. Next time, I promise to take my time, but... Ahhhh," Randall groaned.

Lacy's body moved, and he could no longer hold back his screams. Lacy never felt so full, so complete. Randall fit her perfectly, and the feel of him deep inside of her made her need to taste him grow.

"Randall, I need to taste you." She moaned.

Randall groaned, "I'm yours, Lacy. Take me." She drank from him. Randall's eyes closed and swore he soared to the heavens. When he opened his eyes, a very satiated Lacy lay still joined with him as he drank her blood.

Releasing her, his fangs retracted. "Well, Mrs. Braxton, we must talk with Uncle Dermic soon."

Lacy laughed, but stopped suddenly. Something was wrong. She felt a sense of pure happiness. It filled her entire being.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Randall asked.

"You need to speak with your Father. He needs to know that we are married now." Lacy whispered. Randall frowned. How did she know?

"Lacy, I will let him know my decision." He whispered.

"I think he already knows. Listen." She whispered.

Randall was silent, then he felt it, a new life. A new life had been created between him and his Lacy.

"Wait, Lacy, this is a miracle." Randall whispered. "We must make plans. You aunt, your uncle, we have to tell them."

Lacy kissed him. Randall, it's OK. We're having a baby. I'm going to have a baby." She cried.

In the heavens the Maker of All had to send one more message. Randallem, be happy. You chose wisely son. Then he was gone.

Randall looked heavenward and sent a silent thank you.

The young couple returned home for breakfast, and Dermic met them with two glasses of warmed blood. He knew the instant they joined.

Francine walked in and froze. "Lacy, Lacy," she smiled and hugged her niece tightly.

Dermic looked confused. Then he noticed the sly smile on Randall's face. "Congratulations, son! May you have a beautiful daughter." Randall groaned.


Alexia returned to the medical center to spend time with her family. She visited Keon, and was overwhelmed with love. She stayed in the nursery for what seemed hours. When she left, she went to her father's room. She'd visited every day since shed been released and with each visit, Daddy seemed stronger.

This time, though, something was wrong.

Lexi was there and when Alexia walked in, she hugged her, but she seemed hurt. Daddy lay in the bed just staring. Alexia didn't like this.

"Momma, can I have a few minutes with Daddy?" Alexia asked.

Lexi smiled, but Alexia noted it wasn't genuine. "Sure, I'll go spend time with Keon. That boy will be a heartbreaker one day." Alexia laughed.

"Daddy, what's wrong?' Alexia asked.

"Baby girl, nothing is wrong. I just hate being in the hospital." Bo stated.

Alexia didn't believe him. "Daddy, Momma changed because she wanted to stop being a burden for you." Alexia stated.

Bo huffed. "Lexi was never a burden. She didn't have to change, to become someone else." Bo looked away. He'd loved Lexi for a lifetime, but since she'd changed, she was someone he did not know. How could he explain that and not sound like a selfish bastard. "I told her I wanted to think about it and she goes and gets changed without even considering how I feel."

Alexia stopped. "Daddy, you almost died. The doctors didn't even want to explain to her. They talked to me, Uncle Lakota, Aunt Margaret, even Aunt Tia, but they treated momma like a child. But just because they didn't talk does not mean she did not understand how sick you were. She did what she had to do because she truly believed it was for the best. You need to try and understand that daddy. Momma loves you. Why would she risk losing you like this?"

Bo was silent. Tears spilled from his eyes. "I love Lexi. But that woman is not truly Lexi anymore. The wolf is always in control. She pretends to allow Lexi to be free, but she censors her. She says exactly what she thinks I need to hear, but I want to talk to my wife, my Lexi. I need Lexi to come forward and tell me the truth."

"Poppa, Momma and the wolf are the same person." Alexia tried to explain.

"No, they are not. I must give the wolf credit. She tries, but Lexi is buried within her." Bo insisted.

Lexi had returned from the nursery. She heard his last words. She closed her eyes and called to her human. Her human was still curled into a ball, hiding. She used her memories to try and be there for the family this girl loved so dearly.

Lexi, Bo knows I'm a fraud. You need to get up. You need to speak. Hira stated.

No, he's angry. He hates me for what I've done. He won't forgive me. Lexi whispered.

Hira stopped. Why did you do this, Lexi?

Lexi topped crying. I wanted to be able to take care of my family, but I'm too weak. I'm not strong or smart like you.

Hira sighed, You always do this. You always doubt yourself. Lexi, I'm stepping back. You deal with your husband, or you will lose him. I can't be you. I'm here, and believe me, I'm not leaving. But, Lexi, you must fight now. You must live. Your Bo needs the real you. Stop being afraid and talk to him. We are one, let's be one.

Lexi entered the room. Hira, true to her word, abdicated control. Lexi faced her Bo, noting his tear streaked face. She knew somehow she hurt him. Alexia held his hand but Lexi knew this was something she had to fix.

"Alexia, I need to talk with your father. Can you come back later?" She asked.

Alexia looked at her mom. Something was different, softer. "Of course." Alexia hugged her Mom. "Love you, Momma."

"You came back. Are you still pretending?" Bo asked.

"Stop it. Stop it, Bo. I love you, but I won't stand here and let you treat me or her like this." Lexi explained.

"Treat you like what? I've dedicated my life to taking care of my wife. You can't just take over and think I won't notice." Bo yelled.

Lexi froze. "You resented me. You resented having to care for me, but felt obligated to do so." Bo stopped. This was Lexi. His Lexi, he never meant for her to know the truth.

Lexi stood and walked to the window. "I'm not surprised. When I was eighteen, I came to you. I latched on and you've spent over thirty years caring for me. What did you give up, Bo?" She paused. "What did you really want to be doing?"

Bo paused. He wanted nothing different. He wanted his Lexi the way she was before. This Lexi did not need him. This new, improved Lexi could walk away and he'd be left alone.

"It doesn't matter. It's the past. What's done is done." Bo mumbled.

"No, no, no, it does matter. I know now why I was so afraid. A part of me knew you hated it. You hated being needed so much. I'm sorry, but now I can take care of myself. You can have the life you deserve without worrying about me so much. You don't need me around." Lexi stated. Her body shook, she hurt. She'd never hurt this badly. She never believed Bo would be the cause of her pain.

"Lexi, what do you want from me? Am I to pretend that this is normal? Am I supposed to act like you are not different?" Bo accused. His heart rate increased. Lexi stepped back.

"Calm down, I'm leaving. I'm the last person you need around you right now. I'll be back later." She left. Bo stared at the door, stunned that she just walked out. Lexi wasn't the problem, he was. He needed to wrap his head around the fact that his wife was now more than what she appeared to be. He needed to do something, or he would push her away.

"Hey, I saw Lexi leave. Is everything ok?" Tia asked entering. She was on call, but often she'd check in on Bo and Keon.

"Yea, she needed some space. Tia, I..." He looked away. Tia sat. She already suspected that Bo had an issue with the new Lexi, but she prayed that things worked out for them.

"I bit her. I changed her." Tia confessed.

Bo was not even surprised. "I already know that. She told me."

"Well, what's the problem?" Tia asked.

Bo sighed. "She knew I was not sure. She knew I wanted to wait."

Tia sat for a moment. "You wanted to call the shots. You wanted to be in control. She took that control away from you."

Bo started to protest, but realized Tia may have a point. "For the last thirty years, I've made all decisions where Lexi and Alexia are concerned."

Tia smiled, "Don't you think she knows that. She loves you, and you're hurting her. Bo, stop it. One day, you might push too hard and Lexi won't come back."

Bo huffed, "Right, where will she go?" he muttered.

Tia looked at her friend. Bo really didn't know what he was saying. She found Lexi sitting in the waiting area. "Hey, have you had lunch yet?" She asked greeting her friend.

Lexi smiled, "No, but I'm not hungry. Tia, will you make sure Bo is ok. I'm stepping back and giving him some space. He needs time."

Tia froze. "Yea, sure. Go home and get some rest, Ok."