All Comments on 'Mr. Nice Guy'

by Blue88

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very good

I'd like to know more of what happens, but I can understand if you want to end it there.

TonyjoeTonyjoeover 18 years ago
Nice closure

You wrote an interesting story: it kept my attention. Nice character development too.

If you haven't done it already, I suspect you have a longer work in mind. Good luck with it, let us know when it's published.

shangoshangoover 18 years ago
You changed Sue's character

Was this intentional? She denigrated her husband, lied about where she would stay and packed scanties. And let's not forget the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" mantra she kept repeating. Now she's sweetness and light? She had all intentions of getting laid. You can't change a character that much unless he/she is bipolar.

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
Normally I love your stories......................

..........but I can't get behind this one though.

Blue, you spin a good yarn. And is normally a cut above the rest. But this one made me feel like I wanted to run for the nearest man hole cover and beat my head against it. I only kept reading because I was curious if you would write the obvious conclusion to this story.

I noticed you let Lou and Jan show intrest in each other, but that was only because both were widowers. Tim, the one who was cheated on, for "two years" lived the life apparently every male lead of a cheating wife is supposed to lead. The life of a celibate monk. Never looking at other women. Never once going on dates. Because as everyone knows once they get married they will never find another woman attractive (long as the current wife is alive, and even then its not a given. He may yet still pine away for her), so sex with another woman is always out of the question, and no other woman will ever find them attractive anyway so why should he bother. They just go from work to home, nothing inbetween, they stop having a life till the day they decide to reunite with their wife/ex-wife in a heart pulling scene that make everyone go "Yea!! They are back together".


Normally I love your stories, but not this one. It felt to me like you were trying to shift some blame on too "high" of an expectations on the part of the husband. That he pushed the wife in to it. While she was wrong for it, that the husband lead her into it. What amazed me was that a "loving" wife would have tried to talk to her husband first instead of berating him. Tried to talk to him instead of dispising him, making up her mind that if something happened on a weekend out with the girl, well it would just happen, that she had no reason to think or feel bad about it because it was all over and done with, lie her way out of it when confronted, and then she loved him so much can't he see that it was partly his fault this happened to them. And during all that, all his friends felt he was more the fool for not seeing that too?

Sorry can't get behind this story. Normally I love your stuff, but not this one. This one felt more preachy to me about how the husband needed to share the blame in the wife's affair. I pretty sure thats not what you intended, but I could be wrong, but thats how it felt in reading. And if you convey that as a feeling, then thats what I'm going to take away from it. I mean I could sum it up as saying "How sorry the wife was after two years and how horrible the husbands life was as a monk without her in it. And how everyone did nothing but work on how to get them back together." Why does almost every cheating wife story have the wife proving her love for the husband by sitting around doing "nothing" but crying and the husband denying himself everything (which makes him more miserable and more aware of the problem) till they get back together? I mean she sure wasn't crying till she got caught. She was enjoying life, but the husband is the one that is supposed to endure and go on. The wife only has to endure once caught. She's having a ball up till then.

Oh well I guess this is the biggest trend in stories lately. Make the husband oblivious to the wife's cheating, give them no life outside of the wife, always find someone for the wife to cheat with, make the husband "pretend" to be strong and leave the wife, give him a monks existance (no love life) while seperated, give him family and friends that are "constantly" working to show him how wrong it was to not instantly forgive the wife, have the husband and wife talk and make the husband share the blame once the converstation is over, and finially stick the husband and wife back together like nothing ever happened for a quickly "Happly ever after" ending.

I kinda label all that in my last paragraph as my big red "Do over button" of Literotica stories. Almost every one of the stories here seems to end that way. >=(

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
Another good story

Another good story! I hope you take this a little farther. There are good characters in this one to take a little past the present ending. I wonder how they will get past her lying when she was confronted with him knowing. To me the lying is the absolute break of love. There is no love without trust. Will he ever believe what she says in the future? How can she convince him she would never lie again?

I am not any kind of a writer but I know what I like to read and you have my full attention. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Liked this a lot!

This story has a lot of depth. The ending was a little predictable... if that was the ending! I assume you would develop the relationship between Lou and Jan.

I like the level of detail. I don't think Jan changed who she was (except for once when she became Janice instead of Janet). She was drifting, got drunk and made a mistake that was life shattering for her, and cost her enough that it changed her life.

This story remided me somewhat of rpsuch's "Wimp." Very different in style but both well written stories.

I think the Navy Seal thing has been overdone a bit... there are other really badass types around!

Nice story, I look forward to your next offering.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good

Another good story from you. It just points up the value of communication in marriage.


wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
Gave it a five instead of a

four, I wish they had a four and half vote. At least you are climbing out of that rut you had fallen into. Good story over all, had a little trouble with the navy seal bit and the physical ass whipping part. Any man high up in business, and both of them were, wouldn’t seek or try to get into physical fights, not good for business or reputations.

Whether anyone has a love life or not and over what period of time is an individual thing. I had an aunt who was divorced by her husband because he fell for another woman. My aunt was a truly gorgeous lady and had several request for dates, and the request started on day one. She really loved her ex-husband and didn’t date or have any form of relationships for ten solid years. That’s what real love can do to a person. When you are truly in love with a person, it makes it difficult to desire anyone else, and true love can last a long time.

Disagreed with “shango”, you didn’t change Sue’s character. She just got bitchslapped by life and snapped out of her self induced state of delirium. Traumatic events can bring about tremendous changes in peoples lives. Mentally waking up to the fact that you had just committed physical adultery in lieu of the fantasy, could be traumatic, it would be for me.

Tim getting bitchslapped by his friend at the end, snapped him out of his doldrums and made him realize that he wanted to go back to her, because he felt no desire to go forward without her, that’s true love. I didn’t agree with his friend’s logic, but you never said that Tim did either. The point I enjoyed was the fact that no matter what the reason, his friend help him to move off dead center. A good read, best in awhile, leaves me looking forward to your next one. A fan always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
does not satisfy

she was bitchy for 2 years, then she bought victoria secret (tags still on) for a secret trip with single women to Vegas, because "what is done it Vegas stays in Vegas." then she gets drunk, and screws around on her husband.

now the excuses:

1. i just needed time off with the girls! and how much time did she spend?

2. i wanted to feels sexy! riight, and you couldn't do it at home? you couldn't buy it before?

3. i was drunk! right, because you went to get drunk and get laid.

4. "what happenes in Vegas....". no, it doesn't, despite what the ads say. stupid.

she deliberately, with malice aforthought (as they say), went there to break her marraige vows and have a fuck with a stranger.

now hubby is supposed to forgive that and reconcile.

sorry, that is too wimpy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good but not complete

Your stories are always well written and this one is no exception, but I thought the ending was a little abrupt. I would have preferred a little dialogue between he and his wife to clarify the entire situaion and to establish a base for a new beginning. Still a fine story, though. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Superb Story!

I believed that given the history between Sue and Tim they got back together. We know all of the facts {how she treated him and the one-night stand with Hurley) so the ending was fine.

One unrealistic aspect was the length of time that his passivity would have resulted in a crisis both professionally and personally. Sue did not respect Tim so love could not exist. Had she gotten away with the one-night fling she would have cheated again if not with Hurley then with someone else.

Most adults know how much liquor they can consume to stay in control. She used the drinking as an excuse (not unusual) for fucking Hurley. Cheating is the ultimate display of disrespect and disloyalty to the loving spouse.

Actually, her friend Janet was more upset than Sue about her fucking Hurley. Sue just seems to chalk it up to a mistake or "it was just sex."

Overall, a super story and I can not wait until the next one. Thanks!


Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Why end here?

Good story but weird place to end it imo. I also think that Tim should stay as far away from Sue as possible no matter what his buddies think. I realise that Im fairly uncompromising when it comes to these stories but I really hate it when the cheated on party starts taking part of the blame. If she hated the shadow Tim so much, she should have left him. Anything else is just weak character on her part no matter how you slice it. Maybe Tim was impossible to live with and drove her to it but by treating him so shitty for years then setting out to have a fling, she kinda proves that she isnt worth the effort imo. If she had told him to shape up or she was leaving instead of becoming a harpy, that would be a different story. That she tried to keep her stable life with Tim while going out and looking for a more manly man, just makes her a parasite and thats worse than being a cheater imo.

Also, I was a bit unclear as to why she started hating him after so long. I was under the impression that he had already changed and was the non-confrontational guy you wrote about by the time she married him. It wasnt like he changed from a testosterone ridden loudmouth into the guy she despised was it? Seems like it was her that changed and not him so how can it be his fault? Change a couple things around and you could have a story about a husband that went from being a nice guy into an abusive asshole. Nobody would say the wife was partly to blame and be sympathetic towards the guy if she left in that case would they?

Also I dont understand why Tim is still hung up on her (or Sue on him really). Love doesnt exist in a vacuum, its not eternal and it doesnt conquer all. Since they were already so far apart by the time of the split and then didnt have any contact for more than two years, it seems odd they would still love each other. Real love doesnt work that way. The very most either could have now would be a case of looking at the past through rose coloured glasses and that doesnt last for two years without fuel unless they were both wired funny (i.e. had some kind of obsessive disorder).

Anyway, its a good story. I suppose that if you had just had them split up for good, there would have been less to write about. You could have went into Tims background and explained the reason that he was so uncompromising and then had him find someone new though. Still would have been a story worth reading and you wouldnt have had to try to explain both their about-faces (Sue from a total bitch into someone who was just so in love with her husband she couldnt take seeing what he had become and Tim from a guy who was conditioned in life threatening situations to value loyalty so highly into a guy who seems to think a little bit of disloyalty is ok as long as there is a good reason for it).

p.s. being drunk is beside the point and shouldnt have been mentioned as a mitigating circumstance imo. Ive been drunk more than a few times in my misspent youth and done my share of really stupid things. The thing is that I never did stuff totally out of character when I was pissed, I just did things that I would have been afraid to do if I was sober. All being drunk does is let you forget about possible consequences for a while. I think that a person can be taken advantage of when they are so drunk they dont function but they cant be seduced into willingly participating in something they dont want just because they are pissed.

patricia51patricia51over 18 years ago
I liked it

You know, it can't be easy being a man nowadays. You all are expected to be warm and sympathetic and understanding, but we don't want you to become Phil Donahue. We want you all to be masculine and capable and strong, but we don't want you to be Ah-nuld either. We want a guy who, in the words of Louis L'Amour's Tell Sackett, wants "a woman to walk beside him". We want you to give us room to be independant and yet we want you to fight for us. We don't want much do we?

To me, the stumbling block in the marriage was that both parties had lost sight of what they needed to be for the other. Each knew what they wanted from their partner, but couldn't see what their partner wanted from them. Once again, it all boils down to communication.

I think this was a very well written story with some believable characters and a good solid plot. I liked it a lot.

By the way, does any SEAL have a faithful wife? Judging from the stories here, not many. I'm glad I married a Ranger!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

what happened ....

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
One MoreTime

KUDO's Author - a very well written and well delivered effort which I and many others appreciated as opposed to the one sided non-erotic unrealistic stuff most often otherwise found here - this kind of story stretches authors and readers alike emotionally - we seek entertaining comfort and understanding in your words and descriptive settings and you are among the best here in many regards (already you sense something coming eh).

I am very pleased that your other half has never strayed nor have you. I say that with comfort because it comes through in your plot path - how things unfold - where the potential cause(s) and resolutions lay - the feelings and introspections detailed. Marriages fail for many reasons of that I am sure as I have been there as have many of your readers.

We read these stories with interest and emotion for that reason as well as to be treated to readers escape for awhile by those talented enough to string words and settings together as well as you and some others here do so well. We also sit in judgement. Confident that our history allows expert status however limited to our own experience and frame of mind (fuzzy and current). Or some readers are those who fear what could happen but have no history thank God.

All this foundation is to say that in my mind many writers here write from a shaky foundation of limited or no experiance about what they write - remember I love your work so don't go away mad - or yet - or hopefully without something.

When a writer sets the stage of marital infidelity / consequence and intends to remarry the parties please don't maim the offended party - just wound them to a reasonably healable state.

How's that you wonder - well from "my sensible and reasonable viewpoint" - if spousie plans then executes thats a full body heart and head wound even if fear and conscience cause it to be but a oncer. It was selfish, malicious and intended wasn't it - hardly an oopsie.

Beyond a oncer only if it was drug induced and a continuous event would a sensible reasonable offended person attempt a reconciliation. Boozed up don't excuse as it 9 times out of 10 was selfishly intended as a facilitor to bypass conscience or avoid responsibility.

A oncer can be only a heart wound if unintended and promptly confessed as a mistake (not lied about) - it becomes much more serious if not admitted or lied about as it appears intensionally contentious and part of a larger ongoing intention. Heart wounds may heal and the attendant stupidity of hiding / lying wounds may heal "or not" but not suddenly or without reasonable time and assisted discussion.

Respect and trust blown away by any infidelity are never the same - for either party and may eat away in time any remnent of the initial caring and comfort of commitment. True forgiveness may be easier then forgeting and trusting at a comfortable level as purgatory is but a temporary lodging (or is it) for those who will suffer through it for any number of what they feel are legitament reasons - children - financial - fear of the unknown - etc. - perhaps it isn't purgatory which implies moving forward at some time but suspended animation - a pause until later decisions and action once delayed for convenience sake.

Golly almost a story in length - please forgive me author (as you aren't just a writer anymore) but to build credibility in your story and yourself when writing real world type scenarios the path must trend towards reality and life as we know it and reasonably accept it - oh sure there are aberations, but thats what they are exceptions for cause - somewhat against the grain but plausible to most.

Out of credibility comes respect for the story and the author. It makes sense doesn't it - so I hope this helps you and other authors see my viewpoint which as I see from the comments must not be awfully different from the norm.

Author - you are appreciated - your talent grows as does your readership and anticipation of new efforts in this theme makes me come back - not for perfection as it doesn't exist - but for entertainment - for reality in some shape and form - thanks again - with High Regard

sherlock40sherlock40over 18 years ago
Another mistake by a cheating spouse.

Ooooh, I made a mistake. I was reaching for the pull lever to a one-armed bandit and mistakenly found a cock in my hand. I didn't realize that I was allergic to alcohol and would have to have a dick injection to cure it. Damn, I hate stories where they say, "It was a mistake, Honey." A cheating spouse makes a decision to cheat, it doesn't "just happen." They realize it was a mistake after they do it, why don't they realize it was a mistake before they do it?

Great story! Thank you for your effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What Average Joe said!

Well written, but Sue went to Vegas with the intention of getting laid, and worse, did it with someone she know tried to humiliate Tim. Lou and Jan should mind their own business. Tim tried to be a nice guy and gets crapped on? Stay the hell away from Sue, go find a good woman!

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago

This was good read. I detected a touch of Rob Conner in the storyline (without the extremes that are normally attendant in his tales). I thought that you ended where their relationship needed to go: to a serious and open conversation. You left us hopeful that they would have that talk.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
thanks, good story

Well written. The whole SEAL pretends to be a wimp thing is a theme we have heard before, but well done here. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A Damn Fine Story


I think you pretty well got it right. I also think you ended it where it needed to be ended, leaving the reader to draw his/her own conclusions while sitting and ruminating late at night with a brandy. Tim and Sue loved each other but each had allowed the love to be buried under the crap of everyday mundane life. Tim's desire to turn away from his Seal training got stretched a bit, but to you who think there are some groups that are as bad as the Seals, I'm here to tell you, 't'aint so. Back in the bad ol days of 'Nam a bunch of chiefs from a Seal team in the Phillipines "adopted" me. They are even scary when they're on liberty. Especially when they wear their dog tag chain with human ears on them. You've told a great story. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very good

I have never given an adultery story any thing but a zero. Until now. This story deserves a top grade. 100 doesn't seem like enough. I hope you have a second chapter. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Anything other than Excellent could have little to add!!!!!!

MinigalesMinigalesover 18 years ago
Okay Story

Very well written, but as usual the end is a bigger challenge than most authors can handle. They should not come back together no matter what. What Tim had done does not warrant the behavior Sue had chosen. She was Too vicious and too stupid.

JDsellerJDsellerover 18 years ago
Good story! You have to protect your own.

This is a good story. I would like to see another chapter. The comparison that I would make is: In a Navy seal team they will fight to the death to protect each other, a marriage is also a fight and Tim didn't fight to protect his marriage, it failed. Just like a seal team that stopped fighting would. I usually hate cheating spouse getting back togather themed stories, but this story is good. There is blame on both sides. Yes, she cheated but he didn't give her much reason not to either. There is a song that states " You have to stand up for what you believe in or you will not have anything left to believe in". This is what happened to this couple. JDseller

AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticover 18 years ago

She has treated him badly for years, belittling him, marginalizing him, cutting off emotional support and finally ending the sex by acting so indifferently to him that he could no long generate any interest in her.

Then she tells him she's going to Vegas, doesn't care if he objects and lies to him about where she'll be so he can't find out about any treacherous behavior there. Why do I think this is the reason? 1) She's off with 3 single girls who will probably be looking for men. 2) She brings along provocative clothing that she won't wear to provoke him. 3) What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. What is she referring to, the few dollars she's going to lose gambling? 4) When she has the opportunity, she drinks to make it easier. She knows she's slipping and her response to that is to drink more so she can finish what she started. And she picks a guy to do it with, guaranteed to exact maximum damage to her husband.

So she treats him badly for years, doesn't just leave for the single girls' vacation, but does it in a humiliating way and carries out a plan to cheat. How much of a surprise was it? Jan warned her every chance she got. So with all of this background, the characterization of this is that she made A mistake. Then she lies about it. Was it to spare his feelings? She had shown no inclination to spare his feelings for years. Why, suddenly, would this be her primary motivation? No, it's to spare herself.

Then, breathtakingly, she is filled with something, but it sure isn't remorse. She desperately wants to get back with him. Why? To heal the wounds she has caused? To ease his life? No. Because she needs him. Who gives a shit what he needs?

And what is the reason behind this change from a loving wife to a treacherous, deceitful user? Because he has changed from the man she married into, the man she married. How dare he be exactly the same guy she fell in love with? No wonder she became disgusted by him. How could he fool her so?

And that business from his friend about the need for loyalty on the battlefield that is only a desire to be loyal between spouses is nonsense. You rely on your spouse to have your back emotionally. Very few have the ability to make it alone. Almost all of us need someone to help us through the really rough patches. Not only that, the way this was written screamed that he needed her for just those reasons. When they separated, he needed it so badly that he couldn't get over it. When he could have used that sympathetic, supportive, "You're a good man, you'll get through this," in the years leading up to this, all her got was, "You're pathetic." We have to think about needs versus wants all the time. Is that big screen TV a need? No. And spousal loyalty isn't just a nice to have.

So now he's been pounded on and had the strength to take appropriate action. What follows that? He pines for her because, obviously, there is no woman who can live up to the love you get from the woman who betrayed you.

What is his culpability? Did he have to force communication with her to find out that she requires him to change into someone he doesn't like in order for her to retain any respect for him? She has no responsibility?

I don't think at the point where this ended there was anything of any value he needed to say to her. What I would have liked to see is her trying to explain to Jan why she ignored repeated warnings not only about the path she was taking towards betrayal, but her entire attitude toward Tim, whom Jan said many women would love to have. Then she could have shown true remorse. She could have sent out an announcement to all these women that Tim was back on the market because he had been betrayed by the woman to whom he had given his all and that she would like for Tim to find someone to love him as he deserved. That's remorse.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
Fair enough as far as it goes

But I must agree totally with Shango way back at comment #3.

I'll quote it to save you searching back there:

"You changed Sue's character. Was this intentional? She denigrated her husband, lied about where she would stay and packed scanties. And let's not forget the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" mantra she kept repeating. Now she's sweetness and light? She had all intentions of getting laid. You can't change a character that much unless he/she is bipolar."

You fell deeply into the quagmire of digging her into so deep a hole that it really was impossible to get her out of it. Also having the Walt guy as her seducer was totally beyond credibility. This was the one guy who would have needed to have her out cold to get anywhere near her, but you have her go basically willingly - sorry, not at all believable.

If you intend to write a story with a reconciliation, then learn to make the 'mistake' just that - a mistake, AND forgivable, not a pre-planned 'fucking' weekend she is suddenly, and conveniently, guilty about after the event.

This could have been a great story if you had the good judgment to make her betrayal a little less drastic and so believably forgivable.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Very good story to me.

There is so much that could easily be misinterpreted and after reading the comments I see it is. Sue was 'conditioned' by Tim's non-action but she never thought of ending the marriage recognizing she loved the man but some here seemed to read that she no longer loved him.

Traumatic experiences can open many an eye. Hers were opened when he said they were finished.

I do think the story should have been ended for us. We suffered through a long period with them from beginning to their ending and more. We should have be present at the happy ending, NO??

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
A little bit of this, A little bit of that

You have a few well worn clichés and usual Vegas fling. Add in a miraculous personality change and this all seems too familiar. On the plus side it is technically well written with some real emotions portrayed.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

well written good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago


jaggers0053jaggers0053over 18 years ago
almost great

great story until you killed it for me in the end. the phychobabble gets me everytime. Sue's the one the got bitchy over the last few years and she's the one who cheated. so even though Lou agrees Sue has been a naughty girl,before the period is on the sentence somehow Tim is half to blame.

Sue talks with Jan about cheating before taking the trip, buys seductive lingerie,initiates the intimancy with Hugh, thoroughly enjoys a good fucking. Then she decides it wasn't such a good idea,but she's damn sure not going to admit it to Tim. she tries the denial routine,not realizing Tim already knows about her trip.sounds like remorse to me.

i'm all for forgiveness and reconciliation but in this story i'm presented with two Sue's; the beginning Sue who's only thinking about herself and the later Sue who is presented as if we should feel sorry for her.

maybe i'm being too harsh with Sue.if i am i blame it on the phychobabble. i cannot recall a story that i have read where a phychlogical explanation has improved it.Until Lou's involvement i thought this to be a very good story.



don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Almost Boring

As a Korean/Vietnam War Era Air Force vet, I saw a lot of this going on to the extent that some Air Force wives would "go outa town" while hubby was overseas, and come back knocked up by not leaving what was done in Vegas IN VEGAS. A guy could be machismo, manly and not forgive, OR he could be fucking everything in skirts overseas, leaving part of him in some "business girl" overseas to have in 9 months and raise, herself without his help. It takes two to tangle, and actually I got quite bored reading this story.

charleybearcharleybearover 18 years ago
Good Story

I liked your story very much. I believe there are a couple of areas of confusion that have been mentioned in other comments that do make a difference.

The ending implies that she was totally torn up over her betrayal of her husband and that she regretted it very much. But as several people have commented, sexy lingerie, lying about where she was staying, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas comment, Walt being the guy she stays alone with. All these things point to a planned betrayal and not an accident.

I think the ending certainly fit the premise that she never intended to cheat, and an affair that is a one night stand certainly could be forgiven under the right circumstances. The other details make it a little harder to accept though.

Finally, he is not to blame for her cheating. But he is to blame for not being an honest open husband to his wife. Had he shared his life with her, had he opened up and explained what he was all about she never would have had the problems with him she did. And of course she never would even have gone to Vegas alone.

Sad tale about a man who didn't trust his wife enough to tell her who he really was and a woman who lost sight of who she loved and made a mistake that was hard to forgive. Very Sad. Hopefully they were able to work it through and be happy together.

Thanks for your great effort. You are appreciated.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Et tu, Lou?

Did the author intend that Lou conned Tim into believing that Tim shared the blame for his wife's behavior? The rest of the story sure didn't support that conclusion.

fdkmanfdkmanover 18 years ago
Started Great, Turned Out Less Than Filling

This story started out really good. It seemed that Tim was a good guy who tried to avoid conflict but over the years his wife came to disrespect him because of it.

The sub-plot of Tim being an ex-SEAL and wanting to avoid anything from his old life because he feared becoming a killer seemed to make sense as well.

Susan was, to me, the typical wife who has been married to the same guy for a number of years. I don't know what it is but they seem to forget the love they once had for the man they married and let themselves become bitter harpies. Just because Tim didn't get into a fight with Hurley didn't mean he wasn't the same man she married. While I don't believe she went to Vegas with the express purpose of cheating on Tim she certainly wasn't going to turn down the opportunity if it presented itself to her, as it did.

I was right with you until you had his SEAL friend who was also a psychologist blame him for turning into a see through person who pulled away from her and their marriage. What a load of bull. After 22 years Sue got bored with her life and that was it. She bought sexy lingerie to wear there but that was to make her 'feeel better' about herself. Yeah a woman needs new thongs and sexy bra's to go out with her girlfriends, sure she does.

One thing Lou was right about though. A couple in the marriage has to WANT to be loyal and Sue didn't WANT to any more. Tim had NOTHING to do with that and for him to get blamed is baloney.

As usual the blame for the cheating of the wife has to be laid at the door of the wounded spouse for the sake of a reconcilition whether one is, or should be, possible.

The worst part was the ending where you have Tim call her, like he's the one in the wrong! If anybody should be coming hat in hand with an abject apology it is Sue and I get really peeved when the guy is always to blame, no matter what.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I Hope It is Not One of These "Y'know, I Have,,,

A Down Syndrome son and I love her as much. YOu can just ditch her just because she makes some mistakes, beyond her control, and started fucking around on you, man. Be man enough to forgive her. She says she's awefully sorry, didn't she?

"What, you gonna tell her she's lyin' to you? I know she's tell you the truth, man; any one with a ounce of intelligence knows she's sufferin'! Look at her: not eating well, not going out, crying a lot, depression,,, all she talks about is you, man!

This "Lou" guy's gonna tell Tim something like that for sure. Not exactly it but something like the Down Syndrome example or not meaning to drive 80 MPH but just happened to stepped on the gas pedal a bit too hard and all of a sudden, there's a cop car in the rear mirror,,, that these cheating spouses are LIKE such situations!

I can't believe writers/authors are THAT stupid, sometimess!

Of course, most readers and writers think such are great story telling lines, lessons of morality, or just plain sexy talks! lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
It needs an ending

I felt the story needed a closure. Tim's changes did not cause Sue to cheat, but the lack of communication between the two did. It is obvious that they still love each other but don't respect each other. Sue did not respect Tim as a man and Tim feels the same toward Sue. I think the only changes could happen with therapy. Thank you for your words (although this story needs more) - I would like to see you write an ending and to write a Lou-Jan story.

louguy35louguy35over 18 years ago
Two Comments

Just two comments. One, Sue set out on her trip to cheat. She packed her sexy lingerie for her trip with her gal pals. Did she plan on a lesbian relationship with on of them? Hell no! She wanted to and planned on cheating.

Like most American women, she thought she had a "right" to cheat regardless of her marital status.

Two, The story is not finished. Where is the ending? Like many of the authors, Blue88 just did not, or could not, write an ending to the story. Whatever happened to the rules for writing a good story? It seems rules do not mean any thing any more. Potentially good stories are left unfinished. Does everyone have ADD?


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
she left home to cheat

she blew it,but the hubby is weak mentally.with his mr. nice guy act, he over did the nice guy act on the job and at home.

shangoshangoover 18 years ago
I re-read this story

And I still don't see what many other posters did. She did go there (Vegas) to cheat! "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"? The sticking point for me is, when she left home, she deliberately lied about where her and her friends were staying. His "friend" Lou must have nailed her at some time in the past and wanted to keep humuliating his "brother". You went for the "Soap Opera" finish: "Dr. Van Tassel, your surgery to re-attach the patients head was spectacular"! And that's how you wrote this story. You can not heal a mortal wound. If she hadn't lied about where she would stay,packed normally or had not (essentially) called him a punk for not earlier fighting Hurley or had slept w/someone she'd just met in Vegas, then maybe that nonsense his "friend" laid on him would have had some foundation. Still, I like your stuff.

Write on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Still waiting for the next chapter.

I really want to read the continued chapter of the story. I really enjoyed it. There were a couple of gray areas. When he quit his job and founded the new company. And the reunion of his Navy buddies. The story is just getting going. Keep it up. Don't let the few uninspired comments upset you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Where is Chapter 2?

I really liked this story and I'm still hoping for a second installment. The only criricism I can make about your stories is that you tend to leave them sort of unfinished - you did it with "Jack Bell Redux", "Charade" and "The Ties that Bind". I think all of these would be improved by another chapter - after all, "Jack Bell" was really another chapter of "Karen". Please, please consider writing a bit more on these stories - especially this one, "Mr.Nice Guy". I see from the public comments that my opinion is shared by some of your other fans.

gasperguy69gasperguy69almost 18 years ago
definitely would like to read more!

the main problem here is the same in most any marriage involving infidelity. the lack of communication. love is never enough. had he thought to sit down with his wife and discuss his fear of her going to vegas? perhaps she would have changed her mind about going. did she ever really try to understand her husband as she felt rather than by what other people viewed him as? they both are guilty as they both chose to abandon any form of dialog between them.

i would love to see a continuation to this story, good or bad. if only for closure on his friends relationship with her friend!

zed0zed0almost 18 years ago
Don't Wimp Out

Good read, hope doesn't wimp out and take her back. I've seen a lot of "wimpy" SEALS taking back cheating wives. Sluts can be a lot of fun, but that's no reason to stay married to them. (zed)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
i like the story,but ended to quickly

you took your time talking about what happen,but how the ended the story so left the ending up in the air.

asiaprofasiaprofover 17 years ago
superbly written!

keep up the good work!

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 17 years ago

I keep finding stories I've somehow missed. Blue this is a fine one, actions, reactions, events, consequences, true friends, loyalty, I don't think you missed a thing. These characters were well developed and very believable. Some don't see the repressed SEAL as real, wrong! Back in the late 70's some of the guys from Littlecreek used to come and train on my Sub regularly. Got to know most of them well and was very impressed. The ultimate professionals, calm, cool, methodical, and the best trained people on earth. Several were concerned about what might happen on the outside and could easily have done what you had Tim do. Believe me those men have the self discipline to do anything they want or need to. That and the will are all it takes and they all have more than enough just to get through initial training. That is the toughest program anywhere. One hell of a good story even if I got to the party late!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
the woman of his dream is at the desk

why deal with a selfish whore like his wife.she get mad and go fuck somebody else.the woman he hired is the woman for thing a wife should ever do is fuck a man hubby don't like or any man.she got what was coming to her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
he is a wimp

many hate the cheating slut, but she was a real woman... he was a lying wimp who cheated the marriage in the first place by not committing himself to it. If he was man enough to be himself, nothing would have gone as awry as it did, and a real woman wouldn't have ever entertained the thought of looking for a real man. What is sad in this scenario is that the woman still pines for a cardboard cut-out of a coward who couldn't give his whole heart out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Tim's a wimp, Sue's a wimp, Jan's a wimp, Joe's a wimp, Sam's a wimp, Ron's a wimp, Blue88's a wimp. THANK GOD FOR WIMPS. WHAT THIS WORLD NEEDS IS MORE WIMPS LIKE THESE. THEN MAYBE THERE WOULD BE LESS CRIME, KILLING AND WARS. Then we would have more money to spend on education to teach everybody to be a WIMP. WIMPS SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH. As always another well written story. Seems all very plausible to me but then I'm a WIMP.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I hate this seal sh* ..Why not be normal, whatever that means :) Anyway, it was one of your worse stories, can't say I liked it overmuch.. sorry.. Cheers Yoron

Titman_72Titman_72about 16 years ago
Where is chapter 2?

Cmon bro! Dont listen to these negative comments which are probably from wimps.Give us chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Wonderful writer-extreme story

I admire your writing skill, but in this story ,in my opinion, your portrayal of Tim was too extreme. You made him such a doormat that even his bosses treated him that way. His wife may have been weak and stupid, but Tim.s wimpish attitude contributed to her lack of respect.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
The wifes attitude getting her into sex ended the

marriage. Them being psycho forced back together makes no sense at all. Trash is trash, a slut is trash, always throw out the trash. ALWAYS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good one


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
How about a continuation

to this

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well written

But still just so much bullshit. Typical JPB storyline where the wife does whatever she likes and is only remorseful after getting caught. Wimp husband pouts for awhile, then ends up begging her faithless whoring ass back. Just doesn't make for a pleasant story somehow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

"Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe she wanted to feel feminine, sexy, desirable?" See, that's the reason she cheated, she was forced into it and it's all the hubby's fault. BULLSHIT. Money and position and all the other bullshit in life mean nothing without loyalty and honor, which hubby has and wife has not. He'd be a fool to take her back...the cheating would happen again, for some other pathetic reason, and spun to look like his fault. Just doesn't make for a plausible story, and I'm not into wimps and sluts anyhoo.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
not sure

the fact was her behavior became was it was to him, with contempt for the person she said she loved. inconsistent behavior i would say. the last straw was las vegas.

if she was so unhappy, and so little sex, then she did not take responsibility for herself.

he made a choice and others had their sense of him, wrongly.

perhaps enough to forgive, but forget?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Same Ole Same Ole

Same ole Blue 88 bullshit. Get em' back together at any

cost. Some people can't face the facts of life. Check the divorce rate. Another Grimm's fairy tale, they lived happly ever after.

Simple49erSimple49erabout 15 years ago
She deserved to suffer

for her betrayal and the interesting thing is you put us in her mind and also showed how others saw her afterwards suffering. She understood her betrayal. He had contributed to it as you explain it. I really sympathize with him: he really wanted to be a good man and non confrontational. I get that. I too try to be that way because my temper can be lethal. So sometimes when it is not important, I let something slide. People think that I am sometimes too easy going and they can continue to use me. That's OK as long as they do not cross a line I have in the sand that hopefully they get. But sometimes they cross it and boy are they surprised by my explosion. So I sympathize with his self-control, but he had no line in the sand and he did let everyone walk on him and hid his whole self from her: he lied - equivivocation is a lie where everything stated is true, but not everything has been stated. He left too much of himself be hidden from her. He needed help. She should not have betrayed him, but he should not have betrayed her with his equivocation. She deserved to suffer; but he also deserved to suffer for not coming into their relationship with honesty and openness. So if they were to get back together HE needs to try to help her understand who he is and he needs to forgive her and she will need to forgive him. HE needs to listen to his psychologist friend.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
some story

some story are just dumb and this is one of them.You just don't tell a good story your characters are silly and the way you think is foolish you would be better off writing kid's stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I liked the story, but the biggest hole in the plot is when he discovers the sexy underwear in her bags and still lets her go without challenging her intentions. Yet, he immediately hires someone to watch her and gets money from a friend to get away from his wimpy job status. I mean, he has a good idea that she might fuck around in Vegas but still lets her go unchallenged? Why wait until after the fact to repair his marriage? Why wait until the damage is done to demonstrate a pair of balls? Oh of course, we would not have had a story then...right? And oh yeah, a killer Seal that deliberately becomes a peace loving wimp that won't stand up for one's self for 22 years? Sure... Still, a decent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Author threw in just about every military cliche he could. Wife was looking to cheat from the get go and was hinting at it to her friend constantly. Alcohol is not an excuse....roofies or GHB is an excuse. Why did she lie about which hotel she was staying in?? Navy buddy/psycho analyst was a douche bag at the end....wife was so regretful and guilty that she lied consistently to her husband when she returned from the vegas trip. Story started put pretty good but just went to shit about halfway through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
the rest of the story

would like to see another chapter to this story. would like to see the relationship end up positively . for both sue and tim and maybe put sue's and tim's friends together also.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
You had a good one up till the end!!!

Wedding vows are til DEATH does them part not till they are unhappy!!!

Another thing that I found funny Lou told two women that what he was going to say could never leave the room. There are three ways to get a message out...Telephone.....Telegraph....and tell a woman!!!!! No way that a woman keeps a secret of a man. They can barely keep one for another woman!!!!

jiminabjiminababout 14 years ago

First to the author...liked the story very much. The ending is still not the ending. Liked that. To Patricia51, your comment about marrying a Ranger just split me up. LOL Thank you both. Jim

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
BlueBalls .. enough!

Enough of the "mental" BS. She cheated and now it's time for the ..... "Husband too pay" .. imagine that!!! How about a different ending ... Sue behaves like a bitch, cheats like a cheap whore, attempts to lie ( obvious m.o. of this slut ) gets thrown to the curb, loses her friends and co-workers respect since they recognize what adultery does to a marriage ( not to forget, her husband kept his vows ) and ends up paying for her "little" mistake by losing everything. Wow .. now there's an ending where the man actually has a set ... I know, I know .. wishful thinking on a site where so many "wanna be" cuckold writers exist. Well it was worth a try!

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 14 years ago
Falls apart at the end

The only reason she respects him now is because he stood up to her and dumped her. Think how this would have played out if he had not known she was cheating, She thought he was a wimp for not standing up to the drunk who was insulting him. What difference would it have made if she had know he was a Seal? NONE! She wanted him to stand up, he doesn't. In her eyes he would still be a wimp. She did not respect his non confrontational philosophy or him. She was bored with her marriage and went out of town wide open to the idea of cheating on him. She would have continued that the next time. It would have been that much easier. She only respected him when he forced her to. Yeah, OK, the marriage had weakened. Rather than work with this man who she "loves" so much she becomes a shrew. His behavior really didn't change that much during the time she knew him. She just got tired of it. That's not really fair. If I get married and my spouse is overweight is is reasonable or fair to become unhappy because they continue to be overweight through the marriage? Sorry, this is all on her. Further, how much of a pushover was he when he quit his old job and established a very successful company. A wimpy guy wouldn't and couldn't do that. So given all the shit she's shoveled over him and finally her cheating now he's supposed to crawl back to her hat in hand? It doesn't fit his personality and flies in the face of all the rest of his actions in the story. His psychologist buddy tries to dump the crap in his lap. No decent shrink would do that. They might introduce questions to get him thinking about where Sue's mind had been but they are not going to assign blame. I don't care if they reconcile. She had a drunken one night stand. That's probably forgivable, although she did work very hard at putting herself in the position to cheat. She was stupid and arrogant. But the reconciliation that was crafted just didn't fit. It feels like he is about to apologize and he actually has very little to be sorry about. she owed him a major apology for her disrespect over the last two years they were married and for her cheating. Stopping the story before that point was very dissatisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
What happens next?

Do they get back together or do they go their seperate ways forever?

I like to know.

I read some of the other comments and am suprised at how narrow minded some of them were.

One said they were confused by his actions. Hello he was an ex-Navy Seal. With that in mind I understood completely all his actions. Even though I was not a Navy/Marine I understood. (Army).

Oviously those comments were made by persons that had never had any connections to the military. These men and women defend this great nation. They are trained to have restraint. Honor and Loyalty also are in their character makeup. I understood why Tim turned away from Walt at that Xmas party. There is no Honor in beating the weak. That is only an act of a coward.

Sue should have picked up on all this. I am amazed she has not until it was blantetly told to her by Lou. I guess she was just too self centered to understand. She barely started to understand when Tim started to act very cold towards her.

Sue best be glad that Lou was willing to listen to her for it takes a fellow patroit of usually the same caliber to talk to another. I know I cant get thru to a Navy Seal if they are in the wrong. They will be able to get thru to me though.

In this story they both did wrong and Lou explained clearly what they both done. She did not really know him and He never really told her. They love each other that much I know for sure. I am interested on what happens from when they finaly talk to each other about what really happened and just who they realy are.

Will they get back together or will they finaly be able to go their seperate ways?


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good story.

Somehow, I can't quite buy Sue reaching breaking point after 22 years of marriage. It's too long. Maybe after four or five years. I would have liked there to have been a full-blown romantic rekindling of the relationship, instead of the rather brusque ending.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago
I would like to see what happens next!

This is an old story, but I would enjoy reading a follow up to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A Great Story

Well developed charaters and a great story would love to see the conclusion to the story

CarcamCarcamabout 13 years ago
Won't wash!!

A well written story, but a 22 year marriage? To long, she would have cheated earlier, a boring, dull marriage with a guy that doesn't argue or fight back - I don't think with her temperament she would have be true that long! But everything was well written and the characters were believable. I have enjoyed some of your other works very much.


abc101abc101about 13 years ago
good story

wow this was great. please continue it.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
I like it...

Good story. Great fiction. I would have to submit that any special forces team is as tough as another. The Seals were underwater teams. Marine Force Recon were exactly that, Recon! Green Berets were advisory teams under extreme conditons, going incountry first to train foreign troops. I never knew any Rangers. Marines have kill teams that go behind the lines and kill enemy leaders as a kill squad, or just as snipers.

Police Swat teams are civilian special forces with snipers. I was recruited as a State Officer in 1967 along with 9 other Marine snipers because of the Black Panther threat against Judges and police officers in Arizona. Trained special forces are trained for certain activities both land and sea. Seals are just the most famous...not taking anything away from them.

Most highly trained individuals don't do what this guy did. Like Lou basically said to took yourself too seriously! Most of us do come back and try harder to be nicer than what we were incountry. Most of us come back and do not like civilians for years because most civilians do not understand loyalty, respect, and trust!

It's not just women that don't understand loyalty or respect...most people seldom live that comraderie that military or even jocks have. People that work and depend on each other as a team to survive....that's what a marriage is supposed to be to me. Two people that help each other as a team and depend on each other to survive.

I thought of Tim as less than a man because he even realized what he had done before she cheated. He could have intervened even before she left for Vegas. It would have made for a better story. Of course it would not have been a cheating wife story. Sorry for the long spiel.

You just touched on my life and I had to say something. My two wives didn't get it either. Lack of loyalty and betrayal is something I expect from most. I am seldom disappointed, but I am not bitter about it. Self-centeredness or narcissism is highly prevalent in this country, especially among the young. I won't even attempt to describe a lot of the pompous commenters.

I too am just a Wimp because I can tolerate someone just being human and making big mistakes in judgement. It happens in combat too, it's just more physical damage generally. People freeze out of fear, fight or flight takes over, friendly fire incidents, suicides, stupid accidents, mental cases, learning to love killing too much, torture of fellow humans, murder, you name it. Is it any wonder some vets come back bothered?

bigguy323bigguy323over 12 years ago
Yet again, one trick pony.

With friends like Lou, he doesn't need enemies.

JLRemoraJLRemoraover 12 years ago
Not Sure

I was torn between two views. By that I mean, I have my own memories and experiences, and like RonRwood, I've a very strong sense of loyalty and trust to those whom I think deserve it. Then again, I've never had to hide my true self behind a facade of some false persona. And that, I had a hard time understanding about the S.E.A.L. character in the story.

I've trained with Marines, Rangers, Paratroopers and a few foreign nationals, and although they might have been merciless in their jobs, few were vicious about it. Maybe S.E.A.L.S. are vicious, I don't know, but I do think that all armed forces members who fight are all of the same high caliber. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the character might have had issues even before he went Navy.

As with many others, including my dad, we learn to deal with the ruthlessness that is provoked and nurtured by the deeds of war. Some of us drink to forget, others are able to set it aside as a distant part of ourselves as we wear the folds of civilian life again. And some of us never get used to it. I don't know. Maybe some guys do hide themselves by being someone else. So hard to say. It's hard enough to walk in my shoes let alone someone else's. Either way, I liked the story, even if I didn't understand some of its more obscure intent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I correct my verdict: this is not even BS but weak runny cow dung.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
a typical blue88 story

everyone of his/her/it stories are all the same. He's a pussy and it shows in all his writings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good and Bad

I'm thinking Tim needed therapy for ptsd a long time ago to find a good balance. He should have nipped her crap in the bud long ago. That said, he was correct in saying buh bye. His friend Lou was full of crap and should have steered him to someone worth a hoot. As far as contacting her, to get back together, screw that!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Write what you know

You can't spend 3.5 years as a SEAL when you have just a 4 year stint. Not enough time. Also, there is a very rigorous selection process that would have weeded out a weakling like Tim within a week.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdalmost 12 years ago
Thought Provoking

So if it makes you think, I guess it must be a winner, even though I thought the tale stopped being interesting about 2/3 of the way through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Total Bullshit, crap--she is a cheating slut, whore, skank. She will always be a cheater--maybe he should have gutted her and that slut janet.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it!

Would have liked more exploration of the relationship between Sue and Tim. That would have added more depth to a terrific tale. The premise if the tale was a psychological exploration. We got that between Tim and his friend, but not so much between the two people that mattered most. Excellent writing.

BTTapBTTapover 11 years ago
I really, really liked this story

Blue88 is one of my favorites, but I'd never read this one before. Wish he was still posting. This was interesting, because it showed; well, it showed what Lou was talking about. The cheating was the least of the problems in this marriage. And, it was the most 'excusable' of cheating: one-time drunken slip, unintended, unemotional, with immediate and continuing remorse. But, it was the straw that broke the back of the marriage. Interestingly, it was probably a good thing for Tim in the long run, as it was the shock to the system that he needed to fix himself. The story is open-ended; they may or may not reconcile/remarry. He may or may not forgive her. But, his calling her at least sets the stage for healing for both of them. I thought is was a particularly effective ending for the circumstances of this story. My quibble is with the revenge on the seducer (who was an almost comically bad guy). It was stupidly executed and Tim would not walk away unscathed legally. An anonymous back-alley thumping would be much more effective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It is true that it takes two to have a relationship. It is possible that he might have been screwed up. It is also true that his wife fucked an asshole. Fucking an asshole certainly does not sound like what a loving wife does to help her screwed up husband. It sounds like what a stupid spoiled bitch does because she wants some excitement. Yes, the Victoria's secret thongs meant she was out for sex. She wanted out of her marriage. She got what she wanted. Too fucking bad for her. He needs to get over it and hook up with someone who is not so stupidly selfish.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
She failed him and he failed her -

Maybe to different degrees and in different ways but failed none the less -

If she can get past his failure he ought to at least try to get past hers and get his shit together and the real person - who ever that is - he ought to be.

What she did was wrong - she did not head out to do it consciously - but the sub-conscious was clear about the risk - she needs to work that out too -

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Interesting layout

A man womradically changes his personality over time and a wife who doesn't see it tll it smacks her in the face. The cheat was a straw ot the cause. Either way they were done.

Any chance of a followup? Be nice to see if hey try and how Lou pogresses.


monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago
cheating author

Im saying the author is a ling and a cheating prick, he just changed her personality 180 degrees WTF not even the same bitch all soft fluffy and no flaws, but the navy seal guy the guy that had a job that only relied on the honor of the MEN around him you fuck with! character continuity read about it.. yeah yeah its just a story but once again it just seems the good guys take the hits from these authors who claim to be male.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Let the guy have a little pride in this. She's a slut cheat and deserves the worse. An excuse by any other name is still an burn the bitch. This is like a Matt Moreau story (king of the clucks).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Another Day Another Whore

You have to be kidding. This is total crap. The bitch cheated because the man she once had was fading away. Another Poor slut story. It's my husbands fault he has changed therefore I should get drunk and screw another asshole. Yeah typical reason the country is so fucked up. MY feelings got in the way of decent thought, like promises, vows, commitments, loyalty. Its a good thing laws are black and white because if they weren't we can go on our feelings and commit any crime, break any promise, fuck anyone over, I am sick and tired of liberal thinking. It is just a reason to make an excuse for a wrong committed on someone else. It is selfish, self serving, and damaging just like this story. Get a real concept and write about it. Stop making excuses for slutty women and more feminization of men,

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


wifes coment any cock will do

FullCircle56FullCircle56over 10 years ago
Nice Story. Thanks for Posting it!!

Nothing personal. An editor or a proof reader would have helped. Some examples are: "Hi Tim, can I can in?"

"Of course, Lou. I'm just surprised you see you. Is everything ok?"

These are just a few examples I noticed. It didn't really have an impact to your story but would have helped in the reading of it. Enough with the English writing police. Sorry about that.

I liked the story. Tim had his "Brothers" and very good friends. Change over time is very subtle. What was it? 8 years since he saw one of them? It happens. But subtle change within a marriage can be more destructive like you wrote about. Your story has opened my eyes. As an author, to have such an impact should be rewarding. So I thank you for writing this. And oh shit could this be me?

5 stars for your story. Thank You for posting this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
More Card Carrying Wimps

Please grow a set! Enough said!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Get slapped with reality!

You are a very good writer,who fills the story with interesting and detailed characters....that said, your endings are annoyingly predictable. The way you ALWAYS end the story slanted sympathetically towards the wife leads me to believe you are really A: A woman who has cheated at one time,and feels the need for some vindication (even if it is only in a story). B: A woman who WISHES she was a cheater (even if it is only in a story)........ or C: A man WAAAAAAAY too in touch with his feminine side for his own good. If your really a woman I suggest you get to know how males REALLY react to these kinds of situations.....and if you are really a man,then I suggest that you get yourself a prescription for AndroGel from a Doctor to help boost your testosterone levels..take it for a few weeks, and THEN sit down and write a story. Sincerely, BGunns.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

People always want to bring up the "cuckold" angle. I think it's more a matter of the lack of respect that he had to live with for 2 years. Understandable he had a right to be upset at the cheating thing, but 2 years of that kind of treatment?

HELL NO!!!! To reconcialtion!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Another fucking unfinished story.


TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 10 years ago

Why is he supposed to ignore 10 years of disrespect? Why does his psych "buddy" feel the obligation to ignore the past history and stick his nose in? Why does the author seem to feel that feeling hurt by an adulterous spouse is unreasonable? Why doesn't the author get his head out of his ass?

rick_ohrick_ohabout 10 years ago
Rated it 5

Because it had very important messages in it.

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