All Comments on 'Mrs. G Confesses'

by thecarolinadreamer

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grabmyballs2grabmyballs2over 7 years ago
So She Completely Gets Away with It

And so does he. This outcome is totally unsatisfying to me.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 7 years ago
Stop It

When will you people stop justifying this sort of betrayal by pretending that the sex with the husband improved as a result. Why? Give us a break. And in the unlikely event it did improve do you think the husband would choose to make the tradeoff?

Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
Well written, but I have just 3 questions...

Well written, but I have just 3 questions: 1st - "His grandmother had raised him right. He was always well dressed and clean shaven, none of this pants hanging to his ass or dreadlocks below his shoulder blades for him..."! Really? That's what means to "raise a child right"? Since the person dresses well and be clean shaved, it's synonymous of a good person? 2nd - she says her husband would forgive her, but never forget...she doesn't say if he ever again would trust her! 3rd - Wasn't that the young man that was found dead in an alley and evebody blamed the police? Finally she can even confess to the Pope, but while she doesn't confess to her husband, her confession isn't valid and is meaningless...3* for the writing...

looking4itlooking4itover 7 years ago

If the roles were reversed, what would you do, think, feel? So easy to be cavalier about betrayal when you're the one with the secret.

carvohicarvohiover 7 years ago
I fived it but...

Like someone else said she needed to confess to her husband. Not doing that no confession occurred, and she most certainly would never do that because her husband would never understand, and their marriage would slowly unravel as a result.

There are some things a loyal loving spouse never does. When they do they stop being that loyal loving spouse.

Jedd Clamett (carvohi)

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
The Carolinadreamer writes

From your penetrating and lengthy monologues in the comment section, always giving others advice about writing, I had expected to find some literary masterpiece. Instead, a thinly veiled "anti-troll" diatribe, centered around a message that "cheaters are good people, too" surrounded by racist stereotypes. What a pompous ass. Not a story, a badly conceived classroom lecture. One star, of course.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago
And the moral of the story is...

...well, I'm not really sure. Given the lead-in, I was expecting some thought-provoking conclusion. But maybe that was the point? In almost every LW story where a wife strays, there are some type of consequences. Hubby always finds out, and either he's turned on by it or he goes full-on Rambo and burns anyone and anything he can get his hands on. I suspect, however, that 90% of real-life cheating wife stories end the same way this one did: hubby never finds out, and they all live in ignorant bliss.

I gave it a five just to offset that miserable cunt Kimi's score. Imagine the set of balls on her to criticize someone for writing a story when she's never written one herself. As far as commentary goes, CD's long-established trademark is to encourage authors with helpful advice. Kimi's well-established trademark is to offer grade-school-level insults and sneering complaints about every story written by any author outside of her little clique. In the words of our president-elect, she is a nasty woman.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
@SJ Re: Criticizng

I've said this before, what does having written something to do with being a good critic.

I don't believe either Gene Siskel or Roger Ebert ever made a movie, but millions of people put great faith in their movie reviews.

In fact, I would wager that you would be hard pressed to find a professional critic in ANY art form that was even a talented amateur in that field, let alone a professional themselves!

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago
@ sbrooks

That isn't my point. You don't need to be a professional writer to offer your opinion of someone's writing. You can do so, though, without being a miserable bitch. Kimmi is consistently the most miserable bitch on this site.

When she writes something like "From your penetrating and lengthy monologues in the comment section, always giving others advice about writing, I had expected to find some literary masterpiece", do you not see the hypocrisy? No one delivers more "penetrating and lengthy monologues" in the comments section than Kimi. So where is her literary masterpiece?

She will likely never share her immense creative talent with us because she's far too content with insulting every author on this site who isn't a card-carrying member of her little clubhouse. Her act has grown stale and predictable. I can predict exactly how she will comment based on the name of the author.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 7 years agoAuthor

I’d like to take this chance to thank those who have commented and those who are yet to comment. Each and every one of you had something important to say, and even kimi1990 contributed to my slight store of knowledge about creative writing. Thanks kimi.

Kimi, along with at least one other, played the race card. That is total PC bullshit, in my opinion. Yes, this story was fiction; however every character used has a real life counterpart that I used as a model. Leroy was the real name of a very nice young man with a very strict grandmother who raised him and his brothers. BTW all have been very successful thus far in life.

Joe, I’m not sure I was trying for a moral—I observed the ‘greeting/hugging’ scene one night while enjoying a Wendy’s burger and fries, and the what if section on my brain kicked in. I started wondering what if there was more to this action than what appeared on the surface. From there a story started forming in my dirty mind and you see the results.

I fully realize many readers want to see every woman who breaks her marriage vows burn in hell or worse, while obviously I believe in forgiveness. I do so because I have so much I’ve been forgiven of, and I rack up more sins each day.

As far as the story not being real, I beg to disagree. The cheating cases that sticks in our minds are the ones involving a lot of drama—big blow up and divorce or very public knowledge of couple putting it behind them. Think back about your friends over the years. How many couples have you known where one or both cheated occasionally but they stayed together without any apparent blow up? If you don’t know of any, you probably haven’t been very observant. As far as confessing or not confessing goes, when marriage vows are concerned, confess to God; don’t hurt your spouse even more by trying to soothe your conscience.

Once again I thank ALL who took time to comment. The dreamer AKA The Pompous Ass. LOL

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundover 7 years ago
There is

actually a site called "black cuckoldress" where it's the white guys with the big cocks and the black guys with the small cocks, and it's the black guys that get cuckolded. But that wouldn't be Literotica would it? I saw the author's protestation that there really was such a guy called Leroy, well at least it's a change from Jamal.

And the description of the husband as a "redneck" -- that's ok is it? I mean it doesn't have pejorative racial connotations, now does it.... ?

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
No, Mr. Dreamer, you played the race card.

For what purpose was the character black? It was to further inflame the issue. PC bullshit has nothing to do with it. If you introduce the race of a character to make the cheating more inflammatory, you display your racist mindset. Cheating is worse if it's with a black person, right? Because, after all, everyone knows black people are subhuman. That makes the cheating worse. Giant dong, dreadlocks, baggy pants, it's hard to present more racist stereotypes than that. You write racist crap, you're a racist, as simple as that.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
Story mostly stayed in lowgear from start to finish, but the journey undertaen was ultimately worthwhile

I liked it, that's my bottom line. No this didn't reconfigure the conventions of Loving Wife fictional conventions. It was low-key subversive in terms playing against stereotypes : the extramarital liason was 'one and done', Leroy was black/Afro-American but was a cut from a suave version of Will Smith rather then Superfly or Issac Hayes.

A credible job was done ( to me ) with female POV. So many stories have foundered on that undertaking alone. The buildup to tryst was paced nicely. The description of the carnal clinches was hot but had a underlying bittersweet core of " we will never pass this way again" because the two principal ( but for that solitary night unprincipled, lol ) parties are at very different ages, backgrounds and responsibilities. For one night , the usual rules were in abeyance.

I think the author has grander ambitions , but restrained himself like a boxer in first round. Some opening jabs were thrown but thecarolinadreamer is pacing himself for now, content to win that premeire round on points rather then 2 page literary KO. I thank the author for sharing.

I meant to 4 star this , but upon further review and relative consideration of other stories in this genre submitted today, seem to have talked myself into escalating my initial evaluation.

Full marks * * * * *

TeamEquipeTeamEquipeover 7 years ago
I liked it ...

I rarely comment on stories that I read on here but this time I feel just in the mood.

I liked the story. To me it came over as a simple tale about a woman succumbing to lust. It was well written and I found the description of the sex good.

Then I read the comments.

Jeez, what a load of puritanical, small minded morons some of you are! I have now reached the conclusion that there are a number of you out there who like nothing more than to be confrontational seemingly just for the hell of it.

Kimi - the racist card. Really? So what if he was black. Would it have suited you better if he was Chinese or Polish or Australian?

As Carolinadreamer says; he found the character from observation of real life. That's how my stories tend to get started but living in an area with few blacks (or Chinese or Australians for that matter) all my characters are white. Maybe I should make them all WASPS!

Oh, hang on, am I now being anti PC by not making some of my characters Catholic?!


All black men wear dreadlocks - no of course not but some do. So what if that was mentioned in the story. Does it detract from it at all?. Does it make it a better story if he was shaved bald?

Whilst your at it you might like to comment on other stereotypes. Here a few to help you get started. I'm sure you already have a massive list so I apologise in advance for any duplication.

All people in the Southern states are red-necked bigots - no they're not.

All Californians are blond haired surf-boarding hippy's - no of course not.

You haters need to relax more. After all, it's a work of fiction, nothing more, nothing less.

Rant over.

TeamEquipeTeamEquipeover 7 years ago
My favorite Anon has deserted me

I see that you Carolinadreamer are now his Number 1 writer with a *

It's such a pity that he still can't fully express himself without using acronyms though.

So for those of you who have a tough time unraveling the mystery as to how he really feels about this and other stories he likes to comment on, allow me to enlighten you.

CUCK - cock utterly completely knackered.

SHIT - so hot it's terrific.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago

What a fucking fool she is. It's okay to describe the color of a character's eyes or hair, the height or weight, size of the breasts/cock, etc. But if you dare mention a character's skin tone, then Kimi will insist you're a racist.

You know who focuses and obsesses about skin color? Racists. Kimi is a bigger racist than the guy(s) who use the N-word in their comments.

266xxyz266xxyzover 7 years ago
racist shmashist.

She made a choice to cheat...period. "Knows" her husband would forgive but not forget. 50 yrs would even make it hurt more. They may stay together out of habit or convenience but the worm has turned and it will never be the same again. I can understand the keeping of a secret to avoid hurt but she is a cheater by choice and decision. That's the way it is. Much easier for her to forgive and forget and forgetting is something she clearly hasn't done. Tho I realize it is just a story I can neither respect that kind of woman nor any of her choices. Liars are liars and cheaters are cheaters. If it were a mutual thing it could be different but it wasn't but the husband never really entered into the picture and apparently they had discussed the loving wives and cheating. I don't think they agreed

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
An inoffensive little tale?

But those who insist on taking offense will undoubtedly do so.

As LSD said, it stayed in low gear. A period of interest, becoming a little more intense, followed by an opportunity taken, then consciously consigned to the past. Maybe a bit of guilt, but as far as possible that guilt suppressed.

I suspect that describes a lot of adulterous episodes in real life.


sugnasugnaover 7 years ago

What this story says is that cheating is "okay" if you don't get caught or confess and hurt your spouse. Unfortunately, that is not an accurate assessment of the facts. Adultery is in fact a sin. It is a breach in the moral code recognized by of most of the people on this planet. That means it is an offense against God and not to be taken lightly. There are consequences for violating these laws. Even if only two people know about it, there is a price to be paid. It starts breaking a promise to your spouse and family, it continues with the lies of omission if not outright lies. It means that the cheater must live a lie. Who respects a liar? Who respects someone who will not keep their word? That's right, self respect goes right out the window. Along with maintaining the lies comes the stress and mental fatigue of having to remember them. (unless you are a sociopath) Staying in the marriage becomes a daily gauntlet to be run. Constantly having to remember what could be exposed. Does this sound romantic or sexy? Cheating is foolish, most cheaters are stupid or fools or simply do not care if they are caught - or all three! So if you read this story and you think it is okay to cheat - make sure you are a sociopath first so that the consequences will not affect you as much.

droogedroogeover 7 years ago
TeamEquipe Your Comments Are On The Money...

An enjoyable story... Well written, non-confrontational, and interesting and unusual story line as the author, thecarolinadreamer, set the scene.

The story that followed. was well pace and which didn't let up until its logical conclusion... I gave the author 4* which I thought was justly deserved. Thank you for sharing your story.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago

No, pretty sure your characters usually start with a good rape. All women, after all, enjoy a good rape. So the rapey bastards defend the racist bastards. Good, you make good company for each other. I'll leave you to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Does Kim ever shut the fuck up?

She is the most arrogant, immature, and pettiest person on this site. That's saying something. All she does is complain, never has anything constructive to say, and constantly picks fights for the sake of hearing her voice. She is the textbook definition of a social justice warrior. Then she has to nerve to claim that other people are here spreading agendas.

Kim, can you take your dumb shit and go back to high school? It's not cute, or endearing. It's just annoying. Let the adults have some peace and quiet.

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
No, Tweety, we all have our agenda

If you tell Kimi to shut up, you also have to tell me, Joe, Sugna, and lots of others to stop pushing the barrows we all trundle through the comments lists. Boring and repetitive to you, maybe, but we all get our entertainment from it.


silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Well to answer the question.

I am extremely territorial. I am also not averse to violence in the right setting.

While I wouldn't physically harm my wife if she cheated, I would shame and divorce her.

The moron that was stupid enough to step in my territory would come to regret being born.

His best bet would be to disappear.

I have zero respect for the whore in your story here. She is a pathetic wife lacking dignity, honor and class.

If she would have confessed and owned up to her bad choices, I would have respected her.

It is easy and lazy to be a cheating slut and never own up to it. It takes true strength of character to face your bad choices.

Not a poorly written tale about a piece of shit loser.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

She could learn a thing or two from you. Being gracious to a person who would never lower herself from her high horse to do the same for you is kind of sweet. No, she would bash you and try to make herself look superior by saying dumb shit like "why are you talking to me? I don't even like you."

Kim. Learn something.


luedonluedonover 7 years ago
OK Silentsound, but consider this:

Her husband didn't know about her infidelity. He remained blissfully unaware. How would he have felt if he knew? Is it better to not know if your spouse has had an adulterous affair? Could the marriage continue happily 'til death do us part' so long as he never finds out?

For an intelligent exploration of this dilemma, see Amischeifmaker's LW story 'If A Tree Falls In A Forest'.

It warrants thinking about.


luedonluedonover 7 years ago
Ps: Sorry, Silentsound

I note that you have already commented on the tree falling in the forest. But it's an interesting question, nonetheless.

Lue (again)

mark73107mark73107over 7 years ago
Lack of morals.

You don't deserve your husband. SLUT

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
Still here, asdewaea32easdada

Just noticed your friendly comment.

Still alive and kicking, sweetie. Hell must wait.


ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 7 years ago

I get that you are a couple and have an open relationship or whatever, however the husband in this tale didn't get the opportunity to accept or decline that type of relationship. She has so very little respect for her husband and is basically laughing behind his back every time she thinks of her affair. Leroy was laughing at the husband every time he gave the wife one of those hugs. If he ever found out, he would throw her out and she would be a very lonely old hag as the young studs would no longer be interested. Her disrespect is the real issue and not just the sex. She still feels no remorse and deserves nothing.

Obo1Obo1about 7 years ago
So what could have been

a situation that they learned from and became stronger because of years ago has now transformed into something far worse. And it's now being dragged back into prominence by looking at these stories. And she's having to lie to him again. To use luedons analogy, the sound from the tree is still echoing. If she's lucky I guess he'll never hear it, but you can never be sure.

asfdrre65hjljkasfdrre65hjljkover 6 years ago

for TheCarolinaCocksucker and his wimpy DUMB cuck SHIT.

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 6 years ago
How sweet.

The kind of wife who when she died you'd piss on her grave.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I like the carolinadreamer, from personal contact, but I don't like this story. A lying, cheating wife who is slave to the bbc. I know he can do better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Need more stories like this

5 stars.

notredame43notredame43over 5 years ago
sorry but no if it was the man who did this females would be yelling

Divorce him hes a POS etc etc. loyalty is a big thing with me when you earn it, and unless the spouse somehow fails(neglect to their wife/hubby), just saying no more sex, neglects how they look, becomes a shrill harpy or bastard. There's no excuse and tbh in most cases no forgiveness. They cheated and for no reason. thats it done and dusted time to part company, Trust is gone. You cannot cheat on someone you love AND respect. no point in going on together from there.

clarkgarbleclarkgarbleover 5 years ago
Interesting Racial Politics

Privileged white woman satisfies her racial and sexual fantasies by seducing a very young black man, but only after dehumanizing and objectifing him to fit her stereotype of the savage, sexualized Black "other." Then she threatens him with racist violence (her "redneck" husband whom she, of course, just betrayed) if he forgets his place as a throwaway piece of meat.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

This should be in interracial first. And second, I understand this is your first submission, but what's the message? If you cheat on your husband and get away with it you have warm memories? Lies are a good thing? Marriage is only important until you get time and opportunity with another? You mentioned you were annoyed by comments that explain; 'what I would have done...' yet I think if this woman were discovered, the first thing she would have said was, "I'm sorry." For getting caught yes. Anything else would be a lie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Best part?

The undisputed world champion of the stories here on Literotica, 'the comments section ', wins again!

I like most of the stories from thecarolinadreamer. The author has his own unique style but this one seems to have rubbed many the wrong way for many various reasons.

Your taking heat on this one, some of it justified. You've posted enough stories here to know that when a wife is unfaithful and feels good about it, you're going to catch hell.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You are a disgrace and no amount of deflection will change that.

Your husband probably would forgive you given your along marriage but quite frankly it isnt deserved. You ruined your marriage and you can't even face up to your disgusting behavior and tell your husband. Instead you lie and bitch about trolls. You are a shameful woman and it doesn't matter if it was a one-time thing or that you didn't become a slut. You damaged your marriage and put the happiness of your entire family at risk. You pretend it isnt a big deal but your action state otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

So if she doesn't think a man will back up his words with action, why hasn't she told her husband what happened. After all she claims its all talk. Well prove it, unless she is all talk. Later on in the story she seems pretty certain there will be blood if word gets out, so it doesn't sound like she even believes what she has said herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I read as far as the word..........

........ black.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
That was most disgusting.

The poor husband. Doesn't know his wife's diseased pussy is ruined forever. Too gross for words. Ugh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I am affraid she never heard the last line of the country song

Red nech, white socks and blue ribbon beer...and 30 notches on his peacemaker

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Better to share

Most marriages benefit from allowing the wife to have lovers along the way. If the wife cheats and keeps if from her husband, it’s very selfish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So the slut is this story doesn't think most men will back up what they say they'll do. Why won't she tell her husband about her experience with a BBC??? She's a fucking hypocrite and knows her husband would dump her cheating ass.

zeuspmzeuspmabout 3 years ago
finally a realistic story

I was tired of reading the same old feel good 'burn the bitch' stories. this site is already misogynistic as hell but that has slowly descended into pushing only a certain type of stories to the top. the very existence of this category is a proof that us men are wayy more obsessed about affairs than women yet most of the times it's us who fuck around.

this is how marriages in real life work. people make mistakes. I bet your husband has also had some weak moments and he isn't gonna share them with you either(ever seen how many 50-60 year olds leer at young waitresses).

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

Realism!!!! Human nature. 5/5!

SexecutionerSexecutioneralmost 3 years ago

Funny how this writer (a known impotent cucky boy) wants to take a pathetic shot at those who call him (and others like him) out on his lack of testosterone in the start of this digital pile of shit.

His sperm donor must be spinning in his grave over what he spawned..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

whore move on , and after fifty years marriage ,i'm sure that pussy pretty wore out and he just don't care

jimjam69jimjam69about 2 years ago

All kinds of excuses and explanations but it adds up to the same thing, she is a cheating slut. What she wanted was planted in the back of her mind and when the opportunity arose she let it happen. She says it will never happen again but don't bet your last dollar on it! Leroy plays his cards right and she will be a BBC slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She seems afraid of what her husband might have done if he found out. How strange, after she just got done berating the commenters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

the term 'faithful' must have a different meaning in the states

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

Thats a horrid pile of badly written repression and a written version of a bi/gay man trying to open that closet door.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 1 year ago

What this story has in its favour is that it's credible. The wife does not become a cock-craved slut and the husband does not become an absurd cuck. Deserves better marks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

crap, crap crap on a cracker

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, can't tell him the truth and hurt him but you can be a selfish cheating skank slut and get what you want at his expense. Stop being a lying selfish bitch and tell you husband what you did so he can make his own decision, just like you did yours. Otherwise, you're nothing more than a lying whore. You think you're a good person because you only fucked a guy less than half your age once? What if hubby came home and said, "Sweetie, I bang a gorgeous 20-year-old hot piece of ass, but it was only one time. You'd kick his ass to the curb for cheating. But somehow in your delusion, you think you're OK. Horse shit!

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Its a shame your husband never found out you do not deserve a man of integrity.

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