Ms. Consensual - Round 02


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"DICK PIC-DICK PIC!!" He shouted from the other side of the door as I fumbled around in my pocket getting out the keys, shakily unlocking it. I threw my shoulder into the door, nearly knocking him over, making a horrific observation.

Juan had his pants and underwear down midthigh with my phone aimed at his own junk.

"Oh, Dios mío, ¿qué coño te pasa, hombre?" I was horrified.

"Hey man, she wanted a dick pic." He shrugged as I snatched my phone back walking back to the counter fuming. My phone started ringing halfway down the first aisle to the front counter. The floor in front of the elevated platform was littered with candy and various knickknacks.

"Mierda Juan, te equivocas para eso, hombre."

"She wanted a dick pic, man." He explained again, still shrugging as I shot him a look while the phone was ringing off the hook.

I didn't want to answer Phoebe's call in front of him.



"ANSWER THE PHONE, BRO!!" I was close to lunging at him and beating on him like a bongo but refrained distracted by the incessant ring of the phone.

"SHADDAP!!" I shot back, torn between my nosy friend Juan and Phoebe on the other end of my phone as I turned away answering the call.

"Better answer that call, bro." I glared at him picking up the call.

"Uhm, hello?"

"PUT ME ON SPEAKER PHONE!!" Phoebe shouted so loud; my ears were ringing. I drew back looking over at a smiling Juan who shrugged a third time.

"UH, well...I." I waffled verbally as Juan snickered cupping a hand over his mouth at the look on my face.


I hit speaker without further word.

"¿Eres el dueño de lo que parece un pene de siete pulgadas? ¿Eres la mierda que me envió esa foto de polla?"

"Yeah." He was way too amused with himself partially chortling as he answered Phoebe.

"Hey, people usually send a pic of an erect penis, dickwad; what, you gotta problem getting it, up fuck face?"

Juan's face dropped at the pillow softened voice that just ripped into him assaulting his manhood, then caught himself forcing a chuckle.

"What, you want another pic?"

"Nah, you keep that shit; I don't wanna get a little boy's hopes up and I definitely don't do make a wish for the designated wingman who's looking for scraps off the table. Uncircumcised and hirsute down there, skinny from the outie belly button with a bit of a pouch; is dad bod the thing for eighteen-year-old pups, or are you that fucking lazy? Don't answer the rhetorical because I'm already one second past I don't give a fuck." Phoebe tore into Juan savagely as he shot me these incredulous glances intermittently staring at the phone in my upturned hand.

"Hey little lady, we're all friends here so you don't gotta be so mad, okay?"

"Well, I would be just peachy keen about it all if some little shit wasn't sticking his fat nose in my closet. This is a private party and last I checked you ain't invited, bruh." Phoebe went verbally street surprising me in tandem with bringing up questions about her identity. Juan looked out of his comfort zone not expecting the reception he was getting after being boorishly impulsive.

"Hola hombre, ¿quién es esta chica? ¿De dónde es ella, Charlie?"

"No me ignores, perra entrometida: ¡soy de tus sueños húmedos y tus peores pesadillas, gilipollas!" Phoebe went to town on my friend in two languages making him reel from the audible burn.

"Hey lady, I didn't mean no harm; I was just fucking around, playing. I apologize for what I did; can we start over?"


"Huh?" Juan's brows raised.

"Why would I wanna talk to you when I've already decided that I'm going to be fucking the shit out of your boy Charlie, here? Now maybe you can do the math and figure out that three's a fucking crowd."


"¡Quédate en tu carril, chico perra!" Phoebe ended the call emphatically leaving behind an atmosphere that felt like aa tornado had rampaged through it. I don't think my best friend realized that he was visibly breathing after being put through his paces as we exchanged glances.

"Hey man, she a midget?"


"I'm just saying, bro; she sounds like a fucking Oompa Loompa." Juan shot back trying to assuage his bruised ego.

"They had deep voices; and she don't look like no fucking Oompa Loompa, bro."

"What's her name?"

"Not telling."

"WHY, IT'S OUT IN THE OPEN NOW!! WHAT'S THE BIG SECRET, HUH?!!" Juan's façade broke reminding me of some of the times we'd clashed in the past, even coming to blows. I suspect Phoebe hit him where he lived by referring to him as the designated wingman. Juan was hypersensitive about his looks.

"It's not about that, man."

"She ugly or something?" He sneered, staring pointedly at my face.

I just looked at him and went back to working at my register unwilling to answer. There was no way I was going to cop to anything about the married pregnant woman I was hooking up with who'd just told the room she intended to go further with me.

"Yeah, she's ugly; is she a butter face; she got big tits, huh Charlie? Probably got some pruned out raisins on her chest and ten rows of love handles. Fess up, it's that weird old Asian lady that comes in here with her kid in a stroller, right?"

"Ms. Kim is that girl's grandmother, and no."

"YOU GOTTA GIVE ME SOMETHING, BRO!" Juan was on the verge of a tantrum.

My phone started ringing again almost as if on cue with Phoebe's number again. It appeared she was coming around for another pass like a great white.

"Hello Phoebe?" I already put the phone on speaker letting the chips fall where they may.

"He's still there, right?" I glanced over at Juan, who timidly approached the elevated counter peering over it at my phone.

"I'm here?"

"Did you ask Charlie about my titties yet, loser?"

"Hey now?" Juan raised a hand sort of defensively while I held back a chortle knowing Phoebe was about to gut him again.

"Did you ask about my tits, huh?"


"THEY'RE FUCKING HUGE BITCH BOY!! HUGE AND JUICY AND YOUR FRIEND'S LIPS AND DICK HAVE BEEN ALL OVER THEM!! I'VE NEVER SEEN A MAN NUT SO MUCH ALL OVER MY FUCKING TITTIES!! GOT THAT, EH?!! ¡Charlie no puede mantener sus manos fuera de mis grandes y malditas tetas! ¿Cómo te sientes al respecto? ¿Quieres verlo follarme para que puedas tirarte, perdedor?!! quiero ver a Charlie enloquecer por todas mis enormes tetas, eh culo limpiar?!!" Phoebe destroyed him in dual languages.

Juan just stood there looking out of it and lost for words.

"Did you cum?"

"Eh, uh." He mumbled incoherently.

"If you did, send me a pic of that shit so that I can laugh my fucking ass off, limp wad." Phoebe hung up again.

Both of us were collectively shook for a good ten minutes afterwards just kind of facing each other before a few folks showed up to shop snapping the spell. I went back to work behind the counter while Juan continued processing. It was the first time I'd ever seen my best bud, flabbergasted.

"You fucked her tits, man?"

I tucked my chin trying to ignore the question.

"They bigger than Mari's?" My shoulders tightened up at the mention of my ex-girlfriend as I realized I hadn't "debriefed" Juan on the dissolution of that relationship either. I was also reminded of his further prodding in that regard, getting a bit annoyed with him in the process.

"Uhm, yep." He stood there with his arms outstretched, looking blasted.

"Bigger than a D?"

"Mari was a large, C-cup; but uh, yeah man."

"I'm out." Juan walked out of the store leaving me there as I glanced over noticing a few customers giving me the stink eye.

After ringing them up and getting a light admonishment from this old Latin lady, my day pretty much ebbed by leaving me to ponder everything that had been occurring along with Phoebe, herself. She was still cute beyond compare, but decidedly toxic leaving me sort of ashamed that I popped wood thinking about how she yelled at me for storming out of her place, followed by the blistering sexual encounter afterwards. Just thinking about Phoebe caused my cock to throb and I found myself wanting more, but conflicted due to her status and condition. I knew that Juan must never know about Phoebe in detail.

My phone rang sometime around eight in the evening with her number, and I answered almost instinctually.

"How's it going, Phoebe?"

"Oh, is that how you're going to answer the phone after putting your pregnant jump off on blast?"

"I didn't do anything; Juan snatched the phone out of my hand when your text message came in; he did that shit all by himself. I didn't know he was gonna do that stupid shit; I think he was just trying to get a rise out of me and it went too far. I wouldn't do you like that Phoebe. I REALLY WOULDN'T!!"

"Geez, dial it down; don't fucking cry on me Charlie. So how would you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Me." I straightened my back looking around the store like somebody was watching cupping both hands to the phone.

"Uhm, that's a uh, question you want answered?" I gulped instantly picturing her pregnant body feeling the shame despite what we'd already done. Phoebe's glib sounding laughter filled my ears.

"Damn Charlie, you're so funny; can I ask you a question?"

"Huh?" I stumbled verbally continuing the dynamic between us.

"Can I ask you a personal question; did you hear that shit? DID YOU HEAR THAT SHIT, CHARLIE?!!" She shouted into my ear aggressively. It was startling how fast Phoebe could go from one end to the other.


"Yeah, you heard that shit, or yeah, I can ask you a personal question?"


"Are you a virgin?" It just rolled off her tongue like nothing as I gulped, then got annoyed.


"Come on you can be honest with me; you ain't had pussy since it had you, right? There's no shame in it Charlie, a lot of guys are having sex later in life these days, some not at all. You don't have to lie about getting your dick wet, when I'm in the picture. I think you're cute enough to deflower, and I like that chubby dick of yours." My gaze traveled around the store looking at various odds and ends before I spoke up.


"Okay, don't cry on me, man; I was just curious because you're so awkward around me and shit. So, are you a virgin, or not; I'll understand and we can keep it just between the two of us unlike your fucking douchebag homie with the flaccid seven inches. Seriously, that guy makes me wanna put him in the ball and chain before choking him out in the mounted position. I used to be on the wrestling team when I was a sophomore in high school; nobody wanted to play, though. So, you're a fucking cherry boy, right?"

"I just got out of a relationship two months ago."

"So, that doesn't mean you got any pussy; girl's can be so fucking fickle at your age; she cheated, right?"

"No, we grew apart."

"Yeah, she cheated, Charlie; did she tell you that crap about "Loving You, But Not Being In Love With You", huh?" There was an edge in her voice despite its casual glib tone.

"Look, I don't like talking about it; we just, grew apart."

Phoebe started laughing, hard.


"Relax, dial back the attitude, bruh; geez, you sound like a fucking female, Charlie. Did my javelin pierce your broken heart, huh?" She was openly taunting me making it sound like she knew something I didn't.

"I don't get you."

"That's the point." Phoebe quieted down a bit, still chortling a little.

"No, I REALLY don't UNDERSTAND YOU at ALL, Phoebe! You're so cute, so pretty and sexy as all get-out; but you can be so, uh mean. It seems like you're a nice girl, but I just feel confused, stupid every time we meet. I uh, just don't get it; don't understand at all. You know what I'm saying, huh Phoebe?"

"When was the last time you got your dick wet, seriously?"

I ended the call before my head could explode.

A text popped up half a second later from Phoebe requesting a dick pic again.

I facepalmed.

"You wanna dick pic; I'll give you a fucking dick pic, baby!" My brow furrowed as I shoved my pants and boxers down finding my semi-erect member ready for its closeup. Perhaps fueled by Phoebe's incessant needling, I gave me quote-unquote "chubby" a few rough tugs making it stand at attention before snapping the pic and forwarding it to Phoebe. I felt like we were over before I realized it and just got the memo. Then it felt crazy knowing I'd known her for two days. It was borderline psychotic on my part.

"Soy un hijo de puta loco."

Phoebe had me in the palm of her hand and she knew it much to my chagrin. I kept picturing her adorable features which did remind me of the younger version of Lark Vorhees. This led me to start focusing on her ethnicity ending up somewhere between a Boricua or maybe even a mixed Columbiana. Her wheatish olive toned skin complimented her overall beauty while her huge bust ramped up the wow factor to the ninth degree. Facially she could be the girl next door, but her skill set was off the charts.

I'd only seen a bit of it due to her condition.

My mind's eye drummed up a full body image of Phoebe, large baby belly and all; I cringed.

"She's pregnant, and married." I facepalmed with both hands as my phone started ringing right on cue. I snarkily wondered if Phoebe had somehow installed a camera in Gramp's store.

"Yeah?" I was weary of her at this point, crestfallen at being her plaything.

"Come over at eleven; oh, and park on the side street like you did before. Same rules apply." Phoebe just hung up without further word like it was a forgone conclusion I'd show up.

"Fuck that noise."

[10: 59]

"Maldita sea, no tienes columna vertebral alguna, Charlie hombre. Phoebe llamó; Viniste corriendo como un pequeño cachorro." I scolded myself for being weak while creeping along the side street parking closer to her house than usual, adjacent to the end of the brick wall I was about to jump.

I stopped short just over the fence finding her there half in the open screen door, waiting. The overhead light from the adjacent side alley placed across her features from a distance. She had this somber look on her face appearing to stare across the long rectangular backyard before her gaze settled on my face gradually. I slowed my pace not knowing what to expect as she leaned against the door frame watching.

Phoebe wore a vintage flowing babydoll nightgown that put her charms upfront with a staggering amount of bulging cleavage packed into a deep plunging deocrative neckline expertly sewn to look like satin roses while everything below was sheer putting the rest of her body on full display. Her eyes followed me as I walked towards her chin tucked hands in pockets. Phoebe wore a secondary sheer robe that was obviously part of her ensemble. She had some light makeup enhancing her beauty.


I halted on command without hesitation standing on the grass just a few feet away from her rear patio.

"Charlie, I want to know what you think this is going on between us. I really need to know ; just be honest with me and I'll be honest with you, okay?" She sounded somber.

"I don't know; I think I like you."

"That's unfortunate Charlie; obviously, things are complicated. Baby on board you're obviously trying to ignore and I'm okay with that. It's really none of your business and you've come to terms with me being married, so I thought you just wanted to fuck me. I was uh, hoping you were a perv, if that makes any sense, Charlie. You're looking at my face and my boobs, but you can't see me; I've seen that look before if you can believe it. I uhm, just wanted to confirm things; uh, hear it from you directly."


"Don't say another word, Charlie; it's been kind of hard for me...all the raging hormones, the mood swings and urges. I've been kind of...holding back, but that's not an option anymore. I can't stand it anymore Charlie, I need something from you. I want something from you even though I can't have it."

"Phoebe, what're you telling me?" She looked crestfallen averting her eyes for a second before regarding me.

"I uhm, think it's time for another test of faith." I glanced down finding the silken sash she'd used the first time we'd hooked up. Phoebe looked at it, then at my face weakly smiling.

I offered my hands, wrists turned upward as she wrapped the sash this time tying both leaving a lot of slack. She grabbed the sash in the middle staring intently at it before looking up into my face somber.

"This is so you can't get away from me."

"Why would I wanna do that?"

Phoebe tugged lightly on the middle of the sash backing carefully into her bedroom taking me with her. Her bedroom was dark with the only light coming from the muted television. I glanced at the screen finding the movie that had been playing on my monitor when we first met. Tommy Kirk and Annette Funicello were tooling down pacific coast highway singing this whimsical flirty song. It was all so innocent as I looked from the screen to Phoebe's face, then at her mattress noticing something new.

"It's a uhm, full body pillow for uh, maternity. It's supposed to help you sleep, but that's not why I bought it Charlie. I got a lot of big fluffy pillows off of amazon, too; look, I know how fucked up this is, but it's not you, it's me. Like I was saying out there, I've been trying to hold back. But I can't."

Phoebe's hand slid up under my t-shirt along my abdomen to my right pec pinching the hardening nipple there as she started rolling her fist bringing my ceremonially bound wrists together. Phoebe went up on the tips of her toes just long enough to brush her lips against mine. It wasn't a real kiss, but a beggar wasn't choosing as she raised my shirt going after that nipple sucking and nipping it. There was this hungry aura about her person that was always staggering to behold and feel. Her moans excited me.

My package was cupped from underneath in the palm of her hand as she gave it a hearty squeeze huffing little bursts of heated air on my half-exposed chest. Her nimble fingers had my belt unbuckled zipper down already inside my boxer briefs in custody of my endowment. This woman knew how to touch a man massaging, squeezing and playing with my package almost making me cum on the spot. Precum was flowing freely from my crown as she found the opposite nipple vacuum sucking it.

"Charlie, I've been holding back." Phoebe huffed making a slimy mess of my nipples as she roughly started beating me off.

The dam burst as I climaxed all over her hand in several bursts while she tugged, jerked and twisted beating me off. Her tiny hand was glazed over, but Phoebe kept it up jacking me off with extreme prejudice. She harvested several ropes out of me filling my boxers with cum working her hand back and forth as our labored breaths intermingled. Her lips were on my sternum now slathering saliva all over my chest. It felt like we were turning some corner sexually as she rubbed and massaged that junk into my package making it a sticky mess. I took the initiative using the sash behind her neck brining us closer.

This time I pushed my tongue into her mouth getting a breathy reaction as she went up on her toes again responding in kind. Phoebe's tongue took a tour around my mouth swirling and coiling. She really knew how to kiss making my cock pulse and throb in her slowly jacking fist. It felt like I would cum again.

"That's what I've been waiting for, Charlie." She huffed wetly licking her lips kissing me again.

Phoebe's hand went into overdrive jacking me over the precipice again as I exploded in gooey fashion adding to the mess there. We were kissing passionately as I let go floating on cloud nine not realizing we'd drifted to the edge of her bed until she took me whole audibly slurping and sucking my cock like there was no tomorrow. Phoebe cleaned my fattened prick expertly encircling my cock at the root with my oversized balls bulging over that mean right hand. I didn't hesitate fully copulating with her mouth.