Mud and Magic Ch. 08


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"I don't have time to deal with you," Rhys growled. "You have started-" He fell silent. Reason won't work on men like him, Rhys thought. Force is the only language they understand. He quickly shifted Lishaka's weight to get one hand free and gathered whatever energy remained close by, channeling it through his foot and right underneath his attacker.

The sudden groan of buckling wood was the only hint he ever got. A moment later, the floor boards around him gave way and he crashed into a hole as his own body weight drove him downwards. He was quick enough to throw out his arms, ending up like a cork in a bottle. Rhys quickly looked around. The inn was almost empty save for half a dozen revelers who miraculously had avoided most of the brawl and the unconscious forms of those involved. He tried to avoid looking at the smoldering ratkin corpse but couldn't. His gaze was drawn to it time and time again.

A large, meaty hand closed around his shoulder. Rhys spun around, earning a pained grunt from Lishaka. The half-orc dancer grinned at him. "Yer friends went out back," she said, pointing at the palisade outside. "If ye hurry, ye might be able to catch' em afore the others."

"Thank you. I'm sorry about the carnage."

She snorted and shrugged, setting her ample breasts aquiver. "Nah, they had it comin'. I'll tell Farook it wasn't yer fault. Now scram before I keep ye all to meself." She afforded Rhys a wide, tusked smile and shook her hips invitingly.

Rhys muttered a quick word of thanks and dashed out of the inn.

* * * *

"I think you can let me down now," Lishaka said softly. "Not that I want to but you seem likely to fall over any moment."

Around them, the elven woods were alive with the noises of nighttime critters. Some luminescent fungi growing in the forks of branches shed an unearthly, blueish-green light which even allowed Rhys to navigate by.

He stopped at a tree stump and let Lishaka slide off his arms. "How do you feel?" he asked.

A long, drawn-out sigh was her answer. "I wish you would put your hands on my ass when I'm not hungry, tired, magic-drained and almost bled dry," she remarked. "Please tell me you have our belongings."

Rhys shook his head. "Last I saw it, Chassari had all the gear. Any pain?"

"Aw, crap. She and Borna could be anywhere." Lishaka fingered the bloody mess near her collarbone. "I'm fine. Sticky, gross, bloody... but whole. Thanks to you." She fixed him with a soulful look. "Thank you."

Rhys sat down in the grass. "How did you manage to nearly get killed?" he asked.

"While you were busy saving Borna's plated butt, Chassari and I tangled with those mercenaries. The ratkin probably didn't like me kicking his dwarf buddy in the balls." Grinning, the goblin raised the hem of her robe. Steel-tipped boots appeared. "I mean, he had it coming. Threatening to make kakel bakel out of me!"

"I've heard Galdor call you kakel something behind your back too. What is that?"

Lishaka slipped off the stump and snuggled up to Rhys. "He has? Well, fuck him and his chances of ever seeing me naked again." She growled. "Kakel bakel is a traditional dwarven meal, some kind of stew. The recipes I have seen had all kinds of horrible meat in it -- troll ham, goblin fingers, that kind of stuff."

"That's disgusting!" Rhys shivered. "Who eats something that gross?"

"According to Idunn, some dwarven clans think devouring parts of their vanquished enemies grants them a portion of their strength." Lishaka chuckled. "And now I'm really hungry."

"How fortuitous that I found you instead of some angry mercenaries," Borna whispered, her head directly between Rhys' and Lishaka's. She raised an eyebrow. "You didn't even flinch."

"Too tired," Lishaka said. Rhys reached up and tousled Borna's feather-like hair. "Glad to see you're in one piece," he said. "And even happier that you found us."

"Well, the scent of goblin blood was pretty strong," she said, coming around the tree stump. She sat down across from Rhys, her tail curling around her legs. "I would have come sooner but I needed to get rid of the mob screaming for my head. Remind me to wear a belt or the like next time."

"Did you kill them?" Rhys asked. He waited for the inevitable rush of guilt to hit him but there was none. The ratkin deserved what he got, he grimly thought. He had no qualms about killing Lishaka in cold blood. I simply reacted. He sighed. Next time, I should probably try something nonlethal instead.

Borna shook her head. Rhys once again marveled at the sharp contrast between her angelic face with its porcelain skin and the feather-like hair and the crimson armor plates covering her from the neck down. She had taken a beating during the brawl. Gashes and cracks were everywhere on her armor, along with that horrible crater between her breasts where a spell had hit her.

"No need to pour more fuel into the fire. People already think I'm a monster. Killing those poor misguided idiots would only make things much much worse. Whenever possible, I evaded them. Some I had to slap around a little but they'll be fine in a few days. I touched this before the dance begun." She plucked at the leather strand hanging around her neck. Something clicked ominously in the small bag dangling from it.

"A Disjunction Stone? Why would you purposefully limit your abilities?" Rhys asked.

Borna's tail uncurled until the deadly stinger rested uncomfortably close to Rhys' crotch. "Because, dear mageling, your prediction didn't come true. Within three hours, my claws sparked negative energy again as if they never had been doused."

"I'm sorry," Rhys said. "I thought..."

The tail retreated and Borna placed her hand on his thigh instead. Rhys flinched but there was no deathly chill cutting into him. Borna squeezed fondly. "Don't be. You don't know anything about me and still try to help. That's more than most offer. Three hours of respite are better than none."

"Oh, Ssstorytime! May I join?" Chassari slumped onto the grass.

"How did you find us?" Rhys asked. "Oh, and welcome back."

"Finding you was easy." Chassari sighed. "All I had to do was follow the moonlight."

Three pairs of eyes stared at her. The serpent-woman shrugged. "At first, there were two beams of light, one smaller and one bigger. And suddenly there was only one. I followed it and there you are. My, Majo-chan, you look terrible." Chassari pulled the shabby sack off her back and dug around in it. "How about it, I'll wash you while Borna and Rhys set up the tents?"

Lishaka's eyes lit up. "I have a better idea."

* * * *

"A bit lower," Lishaka purred. "Please."

Rhys wrung out the sponge and soaked it anew with warm, sudsy water. In the center of the small clearing they had chosen as their resting place for the night both tents had been erected while he had carefully dealt with all the blood on both himself and Lishaka. If the goblin was freezing at all, he couldn't tell. She stood naked, beaming widely, in front of him while he dabbed with the sponge -- another of Chassari's seemingly infinite tool belt surprises -- at the area around the knife wound. The healing potion had worked flawlessly, leaving only an area of freshly grown skin behind which looked a bit lighter than the green surrounding it.

"I think I got everything," Rhys said, swabbing her shoulder. "Let's get you into a bedroll before we freeze to death out here." He reached for a towel from his satchel.

"But I'm not freezing," Lishaka murmured. She cupped her small breasts. "My boobies are just so happy to see you."

Rhys chuckled wearily. "If I were Hilgrun, I'd happily do you right away," he said. "But little ol' me is much too scared still to feel anything but dread." He gently removed his hand from Lishaka's crotch where the wriggling and grinning goblin had placed it.

"But... we can cuddle, can't we?" Lishaka asked, a tinge of disappointment in her voice. "Don't shove me into Chassari's tent. After all, you saved my green butt."

"I will not, for two reasons. First, we only have one enchanted bedroll," Rhys said. Lishaka's ears flopped inward and a disappointed noise escaped her. "And secondly, it has indeed been too long since we've cuddled."

"Yay!" The goblin hugged him and smooched a hungry kiss onto Rhys' lips.

"I said 'cuddle,'" he repeated.

"But you will carry me to the tent, won't you?" Lishaka murmured into his ears between nibbles on his earlobe.

"Sure, why not. I could use the exercise," he quipped. "But first, let me clean up."

Lishaka slid off him and watched as Rhys washed the sponge and cloth he had used to treat Lishaka and himself with. He then upended the pot into the bushes, dumped the items into it and carried it to the fireplace where he put them to the other parts of the cooking set. He returned for Lishaka and went to one knee. "Hop on," he said. Grinning, the goblin hugged his slender frame and crossed her legs behind his back. Rhys slid his hands under the towel and lifted her up. "See?" he asked. "Hands on butt." He squeezed her firm buns while carrying the purring goblin across the clearing.

He ducked into the tent. Two bedrolls awaited them, along with trail packs and the infinite water bottle. "Just so we're clear," Rhys said, gently lowering Lishaka onto the enchanted one, easily recognizable by the leaf-and-sunrise motif stitched into it.

"Yes, yes, I know what's next. You will not carry me everywhere, even though I like your hands on my butt. Or your fingers in me," Lishaka whispered hoarsely, her eyes glinting.

"Which I didn't put there," Rhys said, unwrapping a trail pack. "Yet."

Lishaka snatched up her ration and tore the cover off. "A girl can dream, can't she?"

"Here's hoping those dreams are more pleasant than the last time we slept together," Rhys said, without malice.

"Oh, absolutely. There's some wriggling and moaning involved but no biting and clawing, if that's what you're saying."

"Fantastic," Rhys said between bites. He wasn't quite sure what the elven trail pack even contained -- it was a weird mixture of crumbly, crisp and sweet flavors, mixed in with a decidedly vegetable smell. Whatever it was, after merely half of the ration, he felt much better. Gone was the nagging hunger and even his anxiety seemed to have lessened. He polished off the rest of his ration and slipped into the bedroll, wearing one of the replacement robes and loincloths he had in his satchel. He didn't feel any kind of magic radiate off it but it was almost as comfortable as his bed back at the tower and worlds better than the simple sheets and dirt floor he had back at the farm. Lishaka licked off her fingers and joined him after shedding the towel.

"Don't start," she said, smoothing her small body against his. "I always sleep naked."

"Even on a mission?"

"Well, this time I don't have a choice, do I?" she said, pointing outside where their clothes dried by the fire.

"True. Forget I said anything," he murmured, pulling her close. Grinning, Lishaka placed his hand on her breast and rested her head in the nook of his elbow. "Night, Rhys."

"What, not even an attempt at a kiss?" he asked.

Lishaka turned to face him. "What now?" she asked, her eyes sparkling. "You want a kiss?"

"Well... I mean..." Rhys sputtered, feeling himself blush. Much too late he saw the triumphant grin on her lips, just before she smothered his mouth with hers. They kissed for a small eternity, mainly just lips on lips, before Rhys dared to bring his tongue into play. Lishaka responded eagerly, her pointed tongue a tickling sensation on his as they dueled. Her hands slipped into his robe and held on to his butt while she ground her crotch against his rapidly hardening member. Rhys' hands weren't idle either, squeezing and cupping her butt cheeks.

Eventually, their kiss broke, leaving them breathing quickly.

"You sure you don't...?" Lishaka asked. One of her hands slid under his loincloth, expertly caressing along his shaft.

"Not tonight, Lisha," Rhys breathed. He pulled her close once more and kissed her, very gently. That was enough to stop her hand from roaming.

"Okay," she whispered back. A quick pull on a string caused Rhys' loincloth to fall away. Before he could protest, Lishaka placed a finger on his lips and turned one final time in his embrace, until his rod was nestled against the firm curve of her butt. Sighing, she pulled the covers around them. "Sleep tight, Rhyssie."

Groaning, he sank into the cushions.

* * * *

Cold wind whipped around his naked form. Clammy sheets of fog hid his feet and the ground he walked on. The stench of burnt fur and cooked brains wafted his way.

Rhys gnashed his teeth and tried to pull magic energy around himself but nothing happened. Either he couldn't concentrate hard enough or there simply were no power sources he could tap.

A strange, shuffling noise came closer. It wasn't truly dark so he could see the the weirdly shaped shadow creep closer. It stopped a few feet from him, a vaguely humanoid form, the chest region swaying this way and that as if it was searching for something.

There came a sound, a horrid, wet gurgle. And Rhys understood every word.

You killed me. What did I ever do to you? it said, clumps of half-dried blood spattering on the floor.

"You tried to kill my friend," Rhys said, balling his fists. "What did she ever do to you? Before you pulled your knives, it was a rather harmless bar brawl. So don't try to force guilt on me!"

"So much conviction," a soft voice purred into his ear.

Rhys stepped away from it and turned to face the speaker. At first he thought it was Astra'il, the dark elven dancer they had met at the inn, but he quickly realized his error because the face was in constant flux.

"Desire. What do you want? I told you I don't care about your offers."

"Oh, poor Rhys. Do you have any idea what the future holds in store for you? How much pain and suffering still awaits you?" She closed the distance and hugged her black-skinned, hot body against his shivering flesh. Her breath was warm against his neck as she whispered into his ear. "I do."

He snatched her hands and slipped from her embrace. "So what? Whatever life throws my way, I'll deal with it."

"Like you dealt with that poor ratkin over there? Tell me, how does it feel to kill another person? Snuff out his life with a simple spell?" She snapped her fingers and the half-molten shade vanished.

"There was nothing else I could have done," Rhys said. "If I hadn't stopped him, he would have killed Lishaka."

"You know so many other ways to stop someone in their tracks and you went for a killing blow instead." Desire hugged him from behind, her hands caressing down his front, homing in on his crotch. "Don't you feel even the slightest bit of remorse?" Her fingers closed around his rod, caressed him to throbbing hardness. "Or are you enjoying your power that much?"

Once more, Rhys stopped her hands with his own. He pulled her fingers off him and slipped from her grasp. "I was more concerned for my friend than anything else," he said. "I'll probably have to wrestle my guilt sooner or later but right now? I saved someone dear to me and that's all that matters."

Desire turned into a shapeless mist and slipped from his fingers before solidifying a few feet away from him. "I have seen your future, boy. It will not be pretty. Are you sure you don't want to join me? You could avert so much suffering. Just say the words and I'll make you my champion."

"Nothing you say could ever sway me," Rhys said, balling his fists. "I will find Faedal and I will end him. I will avenge all the suffering he caused to Dara, Celeste and all the others!"

Desire laughed. "You have no idea, child. Enjoy what little peace you will have. And don't come crying when misery will swallow you. You have been warned." She blew him a kiss which turned into a cloud of inky blackness, swallowing him whole.

* * * *

He was awake in an instant. No surreal dream world this time, just Lishaka and him, sharing a bedroll. His back wasn't covered and the pre-dawn chill had crept into the tent. Shivering, Rhys snuggled up against Lishaka's curled-up body and fixed the covers. The goblin was fast asleep, with a peaceful smile on her face. He snaked an arm over her hip and pulled her close, thankful for her warmth. Smiling, he breathed a kiss onto her neck then he tried to find a bit of sleep.

The next thing he noticed was Lishaka moving against him. He must have nodded off and now felt like a ton of bricks had been dumped onto his head. Rhys forced his eyes open. The goblin had turned in his embrace, her head now resting on his chest. His hand sat on her butt and he could feel her fingers gently caressing his rod.

"Hey," he whispered, his voice rather raspy from disuse. He cleared his throat. "What are you doing?"

Her teeth grazed his skin, sending shivers up his spine. "Trying to wake you up gently," she murmured against his chest. "You must have dreamed something awful, going by your moans."

Rhys squeezed her butt. "You have no idea, Lisha."

"Want me to stop?" she asked, interrupting the slow strokes along his hardness.

Rhys slowly shook his head. "No." He hugged her against his side, letting his fingers slide between her thighs. He found her other hand there, caressing herself. "Shall I?" he asked.

"By all means," Lishaka said, her eyes lighting up. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs invitingly. "I'm all yours. Do as you please," she whispered, her hand going for his member again. Rhys explored her, lovingly caressing her small breasts, down her stomach and over her hairless crotch. There was no stubble, just soft, green skin. She was wet already.

Lishaka grinned up at him. "A few pieces of flint for your thoughts, Rhys. Never seen a naked goblin before?"

He kissed her wide lips. "You know I have, you tease." He curled his finger inward, into her hot slit. Lishaka pushed her hips off the bedroll to meet him. "How come you're bald down there? Too smooth for a shave."

Lishaka placed her hand over his, keeping his fingers in place. Her hot tunnel seemed to suck at his middle finger and she gasped happily. "Chassari has a cream which removes hair quite easily," Lishaka panted. "Without it, it would be a jungle down there." She giggled. The hand on Rhys' rod slithered towards the base and ruffled his pubes. "You could use some of that too, you know?"

"I'll ask her when we're back at the tower," Rhys said, slowly pumping his finger into her. Lishaka squealed suddenly, clamping her thighs shut. Her face was flushed, a delicious shade of dark green and her eyes sparkled.

"Now me, okay?" she asked.

"Hm? I thought you just came?"

"Oh yes, now it's my turn to play with you." The goblin pulled Rhys' hand off her crotch and nudged him. Rhys got the hint and rolled onto his back. Grinning, Lishaka straddled his face, placing her sex over his lips. "I mean, I won't complain if you put your tongue to work but this is mainly for you," she said. A moment later, she wrapped her lips around the tip of his lance, causing him to moan in pleasure. Rhys cupped her butt cheeks with both hands and licked along her labia, tasting her sex for the first time. The faint aroma of apples greeted his tongue as it swirled around her stiff little clit. Probably another one of Chassari's numerous creams, ointments and libations, he thought, hungrily lapping at her while her mouth sucked and nibbled on him. She was enthusiastic, as with everything she did, but careful as well. No teeth, just lips, tongue and a surprising amount of suction. One hand guided his rod between her lips, the other was busy fondling his balls, her small talons an exciting hint of danger which only spurred him on. Rhys gently rolled his hips and Lishaka had no trouble taking him deeper and deeper into her hungry mouth. Much too soon, he could feel his balls boil over and before he could even groan some kind of warning, he erupted, flooding Lishaka's mouth with a small torrent of his seed. She tensed up, pressing her sex hard against his mouth. Suddenly she squealed around his rod and came too, riding his tongue like a miniature cock. The goblin licked and slobbered his rod, swallowing most of his juice. Panting happily, she rolled off him.