My Best Friend and My Wife Pt. 14

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My wife decides to meet Adrian and make a deal with him.
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Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/16/2020
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As I reviewed the security footage taken from the night of our threesome, I knew there were a few "hall of fame" screen shots coming up. First up, Sara being taken to heel by Adrian. Dressed in her bridal lingerie, on all fours on a tight leash with that god awful "SLUT" collar. Then to top it off, that doggy tail stuffed in her asshole. I took a screen shot of her coming back into the office with Adrian holding the leash. That made the email list too.

One of the cameras caught her bent over my desk with Adrian butt fucking her. Her bridal panties were clearly visible in her mouth as a gag. Fast forward again and I am on my knees rimming Adrian while my wife blows him in her wedding ensemble. I caught the exact frame when she is raking her manicured fingernails across his muscular black ass exposing her wedding ring. I emailed that one with a shudder.

Sara and I kneeling side by side sucking Adrian's cock wasn't even incriminating enough to make the short list. However, the one of me kneeling before him as he stood upright was enough to finish me in this small tight-knit town. At 6 feet 2 he towered over me as I looked up at him smiling inviting him to come on my face. I emailed that photo fully aware of the potential damage it could wreak on my life.

As I fast forwarded the footage, I started to realize Sara and I had no choice but to follow his every command. Adrian was fucking my wife's mouth now as he straddled her face. I was licking his ass. Oh, shit. This was bad. Until it got worse. I knew full well the horrors that awaited me on my GoPro footage, recorded in the shower room.

As soon as the GoPro recording started I was, once again, astounded at the quality. There was such a contrast between the black and white murky shapes of their interracial encounter, as viewed through the shower enclosure, and the 4K clarity of the GoPro. The wide screen mode captured the shower enclosure in its entirety, and I knew it was going to be painful to watch in its high-definition glory.

The recording began with them entering the shower enclosure holding hands. Adrian was naked and Sara was wearing her bridal garter belt and stockings. The last part of her wedding ensemble that hadn't been ruined! Her veil was on my office floor covered in his semen. Her corset was there also stained with my semen, although I had been forced to lick most of it up. Her bridal panties were hanging from the shower room door handle.

The water wasn't running yet and they were kissing and giggling as they embraced. Sara looked up at Adrian and asked her to fuck him again. He told her she was insatiable but he needed to take a piss first. The SD card recording was much better than lying on the bathroom floor eavesdropping. Even though I knew some of what transpired it was way hotter watching it in high definition color.

They kissed passionately and I heard him thank her for the evening and for checking all of the boxes on his fantasy night. Sara responded "almost all of your boxes" with a devious smile and then knelt before him in her bridal lingerie.

I knew what was coming next but it was still shocking to witness it on the big monitor. Sara looked up at Adrian very innocently and, emboldened by the alcohol, said "Don't you need to take a piss Adrian?" He smiled broadly at her and called her a dirty bitch. Then he took his flaccid cock in his hand and began to urinate on the tile floor just in front of her.

His piss flowed in a steady stream as he discharged the four beers he had slammed in the last hour. Some of it splashed onto her knees and thighs rendering her bridal stockings worthless. Sara slowly shuffled towards him until she had moved directly into the stream of piss. This was the point when I had heard the sound change from my hiding place by the door. It was way more painful to watch on the big screen as it was clearly initiated by my wife.

Sara giggled as she held her tits together and he urinated all over them. She was very close to him now directly in the piss stream. He redirected the flow and managed to piss all over her wedding ring as she clutched her enhanced tits together. Next, she quickly got on all fours and threw her head back so that her long blonde hair spilled down her back.

Adrian started to piss on her ass all over her bridal garter belt. Then in a very slow but deliberate movement he redirected the strong piss stream onto her lower back. Sara arched her back seductively as if to encourage him. He then pissed on the middle of her back wetting the ends of her long hair. Finally, he moved up to the back of her neck thereby completely soaking her long blonde hair. He moved around in front of her and urinated on the top of her head.

Sara looked up at Adrian with an innocent smile and he peed on her forehead and nose. Finally, as his piss stream began to weaken very slightly, she rolled over on her back and opened her mouth. He took this as her willingness to drink his piss and he aimed for her mouth. Some of it reached the desired target but he mostly painted her face and hair with his urine. The trickle of piss slowed and they shared a laugh.

He knelt by Sara's head and she took his cock into her mouth and swallowed the last few drops of his piss. He had consumed four beers in the last hour and ended up urinating for almost a minute. I was rock-hard watching this and my breathing was ragged. Then the shower was turned on and after a few seconds Adrian began to hose my wife off as she lay on the shower floor. He was laughing now as he sprayed Sara clean.

Once Adrian had hosed her off, Sara stood up and faced the shower wall. She was still wearing her white garter belt and stockings, although some of the bridal innocence was lost by the fact that Adrian had urinated all over her. I am sure that Sara's mother and sister had not anticipated that, when they had purchased this ensemble for Sara's wedding night.

Adrian entered her from behind and as he thrust into her I could see that her tits were squashed against the shower enclosure. They fucked for a few minutes before he pulled out and ejaculated all over Sara's tight little ass. She excused herself, and left the shower enclosure with his semen dripping from her butt. Moments later she returned with a towel and kneeling before him, she dried him off.

Once Adrian was dry he turned and left the shower, returning within a few seconds with the anal stimulator. Sara bent over and parted her legs inviting him to insert the egg back into her asshole. He scooped up the remains of his semen from her butt cheeks and coated the egg with it as a makeshift lubricant. The egg slid in to her anal passage with ease and he gave her ass a quick slap. That resolved any questions I had about when he had reinserted the sex toy into her asshole.

I wanted to review the very last part of the driveway footage to see what Adrian had said to my wife just before he left. Sara was kneeling next to the rear window of the limousine with the magic egg humming away in her asshole. She was close to orgasm now and grabbed his arm to steady herself. A few moments later she let out a loud wail, as she had a powerful orgasm on her knees.

She slumped against the car door and looked completely satisfied. Adrian handed her his Apple Watch and told her to enjoy her new toy. The last thing he said to her was "give your husband a sloppy wet kiss from me. He loves the taste of my cum. I left him a gift on his pillow." His window closed and the Town Car pulled out of my driveway.

As I switched the security footage off, a couple of things occurred to me. Firstly, I wished I had watched this tape the night of our threesome. I could have saved myself the indignity of laying down in the pool of semen he had deposited on my pillow.

By now I had washed my pillowcase and removed his come from my reading glasses, Sara's wedding ring and the "SLUT" collar. However, there were still semen stains visible on my custom upholstered headboard. I would need to hire a professional cleaning company to remove them.

Secondly, it was a kick in the nuts when I realized that the only photos I had of Sara in her full bridal ensemble, were lewd screen shots from the security footage. I had been too shy to ask her for some photos on our wedding night. It seemed kind of creepy at the time. Although now it would have been great to have one innocent picture of her in her veil instead of the disgusting collection I had.

Of her kneeling in front of Adrian's blood engorged cock. Or of her sucking his cock while I rimmed him. Or of her on all fours being walked on a leash like a dog. Or of her getting butt fucked across my desk. Or of him ejaculating all over her veil before coming in her hair. Or now, finally of him urinating all over her in her bridal lingerie. Fuck!

My last thought was the most disturbing. I realized that Adrian had enough compromising footage of Sara and I to ruin us. If we got away with "date night" once a week we should count our blessings.

Sara was next. She smoked some pot, poured a large glass of wine and unbeknownst to me, stuck the vibrating egg in her asshole on its lowest setting. When she came into the office her eyes were glazed over and I wondered if she had taken some ecstasy to take the edge off.

I was worried about her recent use of drugs. However, the "live and let live" nature of our relationship did extend to alcohol and drug use. She was naked except for her Apple Watch and her "SLUT" collar. Sara knelt on the floor and asked me to get her dog leash from our bedroom.

I felt sorry for her as she was in a lot of pain and was obviously dealing with it by punishing herself. I returned with the leash and Sara held her head up so that I could clip it onto her "SLUT" collar. I knew what she wanted without her asking me. I wrapped the leash around my fist the way Adrian had taken control of her. Tugging her forward so that she fell onto all fours, I walked her over to my desk and tied her leash to the handle of one of the drawers.

I adjusted the huge monitor so that she could see it from her kneeling position. Then, I cued up the first tape and warned her that it contained some pretty graphic images of both of us. I even told her that I had taken screen shots of the worst parts. That way, if she didn't want to watch it we could just survey the damage together.

Sara seemed numb and said she wanted to watch it all in real time. Even the shower scene! She needed this to feel like punishment for her sins. I pondered what Adrian would do in this situation. Then, I walked over to Sara, put my hand under her chin and roughly pulled her head up to meet my gaze. "Stay" I said with a condescending smirk just before I left the room.

I never disturbed Sara and she ended up being in my office for several hours. When she finally texted me to unleash her, I entered the office quietly and walked over to my desk. I could see that she had been crying.

However, judging by the smell of sex in the air, she had also had multiple orgasms. There was a large wet spot on the carpet right where she was tied off by her leash. I could tell it was her juices immediately as her thighs and pussy were also slick with them. I went to unclip her leash but she asked me to leave her there saying "we need to talk."

Watching the tapes had injected some clarity into the situation for her. Sara confessed that the recordings made her sick with worry at what would happen if Adrian emailed them to our friends and family. However, she also told me that she was so aroused by the debasement she had endured, that she had enjoyed multiple orgasms.

She told me she needed a dominant man in her life. That she needed Adrian in her life. That my attempt to be dominant wasn't enough. It felt forced and uncomfortable. It just wouldn't work the same with me. She also confessed that she would willingly compromise anything in exchange for the anal stimulator. She needed that magic egg in her life whatever the cost. She needed them both, Adrian and the egg, whatever the cost.

Hearing Sara say "whatever the cost" twice was bothering me and I had to speak up. I told her that I was really struggling with the number of compromises she was prepared to make to keep the egg in her life. It seemed excessive to me for her to put her sexual gratification ahead of our marriage. We had been doing fine in the bedroom prior to the introduction of that anal stimulator.

I was not expecting to have a life-changing conversation about it but that is what happened. As I continued to ask Sara why she was prepared to give up so much for that sex toy, she broke down and started crying. In between sobs, Sara told me that she had never had an orgasm in her life prior to Adrian inserting that anal vibrator into her asshole. I was dumbfounded and I tried to correct her but she asked me to please let her continue.

Apparently, Sara had tried various ways to masturbate but was unable to climax. She experimented with different massagers, tried clitoral stimulation, tried receiving oral sex and tried penetrative sex in every position, to no avail.

In college Sara had a lesbian relationship to see if she was gay. However, even the softer sapphic approach of her college roommate, still did not result in any orgasms. She saw a sex therapist in her late twenties after numerous boyfriends failed to get her off. After several counseling sessions the sex therapist didn't have any answers.

She even sought medical advice and the diagnosis was an under-sensitive clitoris. The doctor told her that some women just don't get to experience orgasms.

After that, Sara resigned herself to a life without sexual release. She would experience profound sadness after sexual encounters and occasionally extreme frustration. Movies would depict unrealistic love scenes in which a woman enjoyed earth shattering orgasms getting fucked against a wall. Every time she saw something like this she felt inadequate and it would make her cry.

She still enjoyed the intimacy of sexual intercourse and, in an attempt to stroke the ego of her partners, started to fake orgasms. I sat there with my mouth open, dumbfounded that every orgasm I had ever seen her enjoy, was faked. Sara looked guilty but relieved to have shared her story. We embraced and I held her as the tears ran down her face.

When I realized that she had faked multiple orgasms over our years together it made me sad that she would feel compelled to do so. Now, at almost forty years old, Sara was in her sexual prime. She had experienced her very first orgasm, courtesy of Adrian's dominant, borderline sadistic streak and that amazing anal vibrator.

Of course it was a life-changing event worthy of sacrifice to keep them both in her life. I got it. I really did. My first orgasm changed my life. If someone had asked me to sacrifice something, anything, in order to be able to continue to enjoy orgasms, I would have given it. Whatever the cost.

After we viewed the tapes we were shell shocked. The alcohol and that magic egg had numbed us for our respective viewings. However, we both knew we had a very serious problem. We decided that Sara needed to meet Adrian tomorrow and see what he planned to do with those photos.

She told me that she would meet Adrian and make a deal with him. She would cater to his every desire. Make him feel like the most adored man in the world. Figure out his hot buttons and push them constantly. Fulfill every single depraved fantasy he has ever had. Sara hoped to enrapture him sufficiently over time to level the playing field. Maybe he would even fall in love with her seductive ways and let us off the hook.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Hopefully Adrian shows up again soon !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Well done

I really enjoyed coming back every couple of days and reading the next chapter. The fantasy for me was more about being Adrian than the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The Mc should man up and hit hid bf with a baseball bat.

epic31epic31almost 4 years ago

its so funny, people read 14 parts of a cuck story and still complaining with the theme...


please go on; more degradation for both of them :)

RegularGuy2020RegularGuy2020almost 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the constructive criticism. Can see story got bogged down after chapter nine. Am moving forward with next story. Thanks again, your detailed critique was helpful.

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