My Best Friend Regrets It Pt. 03


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"Jesus, Svetlana, I had no idea," I said truthfully.

"Things are different there," she explained. "We had no cell phones, we didn't even have a landline at our house. Even if we had managed to contact the police, they would have cleared it with the local crime lord, before they responded to the call. I knew I had to slow things down, so I offered myself up as payment."

"What did you think would happen?" I asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

"I didn't have time to think, I acted," she responded. "To stop my dad losing his hand."

"What happened next?" I asked.

"When I stepped out of the shadows, dressed as I was in my pajamas, I felt the gangsters undressing me with their eyes, and my immediate concern was that my dad would resist them and end up getting us all killed. That is why I invited Igor upstairs to watch me pack. It defused the situation, and bought us all some time."

Svetlana told me that Igor insructed her to pack a small bag of personal items, and a few clothes. Apparently, she grabbed some jeans and sweaters before he intervened and made her bring her best dress, the one that she wore to church every Sunday, and her High School Cheerleader Uniform. Grab the pompoms too, he had instructed her.

Svetlana may have been an innocent eighteen year old when Igor snatched her from her family home, but she was not totally naive. She knew exactly why the older man had ordered her to pack her Cheerleader Uniform. Three hours later, as she adjusted to her new reality in Igor's home in Prague, she was mortified to be forced to perform her Cheerleader routine for Igor and three of his henchmen. The four men watched her intently as she danced and posed for them, the suggestions becoming increasingly lewd, the more vodka they drank. Svetlana was forced to perform a seductive strip-tease for them, and ended up giving them all several lap-dances. Two of the older guys wanted blowjobs but Igor, as the senior member of the crew, made her lay on her back naked, allowing the three of them to masturbate on her instead.

After the goons ejaculated on her, they left and Igor threatened Svetlana, giving her a clear-cut choice to make. Either she could submit to his every whim and be his sex slave, or he would turn her over to the Bratva (Russian Mafia) brothel in Moscow, where she would be forced to service upwards of twenty men per day, seven days a week.

Svetlana was not stupid. Even at the tender age of eighteen, she was able to suppress her idealism and recognize the gravity of her situation. Either way she was destined to be a plaything for an older man. It made sense for her to submit to this one, and remain within fifty miles of her family. She had envisioned Warsaw or Budapest as her final destination, both of which were close enough to home that it was not completely out of the realm of possibility of seeing her parents again. However, Moscow, within the borders of Mother Russia, was twelve hundred miles away, and much harder to access without permission.

Yes, she reasoned, Igor was the right play for the moment. Svetlana needed to get her hooks into this man, fulfill his every need and desire, no mater how depraved.

She knew exactly what was expected of her at this juncture, and she performed admirably. She took a shower to cleanse herself of the thugs' semen, dressed up in her Cheerleader Uniform, complete with the pompoms, and offered herself to the older man. She had given a few of the High School Football players blowjobs dressed as a Cheerleader, but so far her virginity was intact. This was apparently going to end this evening at the hands of Igor.

"I thought I was the first man to make love to you in that uniform, Svetlana," I said interrupting her story.

"I couldn't tell you or Adrian the truth about Igor," she admitted. "In truth, Igor took all my firsts."

My heart sank as I tried to process what Svetlana must have gone through at the hands of this gangster. Svetlana broke my train of thought as she continued her sordid tale.

"Igor took my virginity that night," she said with a wavering voice, "vaginal and anal. After he came in my ass, he fell asleep. I sat up all night in the recliner, still dressed in my High School Cheerleader Uniform, too scared to join him in bed. For the first three weeks of our relationship, he fucked me five or six times a day. It was as if he couldn't believe I was his, and he wanted to use me as much as possible before he lost me. I begged him to let me finish High School, and in exchange for total compliance in the bedroom, Igor granted me my wish of an education. His only caveat was that I learn Russian, as he thought that I might be able to help him in his dealings with the Bratva. He was very controlling, and would drive me to school and pick me up. His henchmen beat up a couple of my classmates just for talking to me, but soon after that the guys at school would avoid me like the plague."

"Did you graduate that particular school?" I asked, captivated by her story.

"He allowed me to graduate with my High School class, although it was Igor who attended the ceremony in the parental role."

"Did you go to college after that, Svetlana? Was that also in the Czech Republic?"

"I persuaded my new Daddy to allow me to attend college. Obviously, Igor wasn't going to let his latest fuck-toy actually go to Prague, so I enrolled online, and did my studies from home."

"How did you persuade him to let you enroll in college?" I asked.

"The same way I persuaded him to do anything," she responded, "through sex and a lot of begging. I also made him believe that I loved him, and that I enjoyed being his plaything. That elevated his level of trust in me, but it came at a price."

"In what way, Svetlana," I said softly.

"When I started school, the physical abuse increased," she began. "Igor was drinking heavily by this time, and his sexual demands got more depraved as he noticed I never gave him any pushback. I was focused on getting my degree, as I knew it was my way out. Igor wanted sex more frequently and with a greater degree of submission on my part. He would tie me up and fuck my ass without any lubrication, often causing my anus to bleed. He would make me have threesomes with other women, and beat me without provocation. He sterilized me before I turned nineteen years of age, removing the decision to have children from me. Igor made me get his name tattooed on the inside of my labia. Once he was informed that it was a very painful procedure, he decided that I would endure it without local anesthesia, and with an audience. Six of the new Bratva recruits were invited to watch, as the tattoo artist branded me with Igor's name and a disgusting pejorative."

"Jesus, Svetlana, I had no idea," I whispered, not daring to ask her what slur Igor had marked her with.

"Later on he tattooed his name on my lower back in Russian, so that other men would know that I belonged to him," she continued, weeping softly. "Adrian covered it with his own marking, which is why my tramp-stamp is so big."

My heart sank when she shared this with me. I always assumed she had enjoyed the college experience in the beautiful city of Prague. I imagined Svetlana and her college boyfriend walking along the banks of the River Vltava, or having coffee in Wenceslas Square as they studied together. Truth be known, Svetlana studied late at night, after Igor had blown his load inside her vagina or anus, and fallen asleep, in a drunken stupor.

"Jesus, I am sorry, Svetlana," I said.

"The abuse made me hate men. When I met you, and I realized that you were being blackmailed by Adrian, torturing you seemed like a way for me to get back at men, for everything Igor put me through. I am so sorry, baby."

In a way I was glad to know that Svetlana wasn't really a sociopath. She had just been subjected to so much abuse, that she needed an outlet, something to punish, and that happened to be me. She was crying again now, and I asked her if she wanted to change the subject.

"This is good for me," she maintained, "it is very painful but cathartic. Some of these things I have suppressed for years. After enough abuse, it starts to feel normal. Once Igor tired of the sexual and physical abuse, he turned to psychological torture. He would keep me naked for weeks at a time. He had parties where he would invite other men into the house, and make me serve them drinks or dance my routines for them naked. Sometimes, I had to masturbate for their amusement."

"Did he make you have sex with them?" I said with some trepidation.

"Penetrative sex, very rarely," she said. "Twice in four years he gave me to someone else to enjoy. They were very senior Bratva guys, and I was given out of respect. One of the guys took me for a month, and my Russian improved greatly thanks to the immersion in the language. That was how I learned of Vlad's position in the organization, and that was what set the ball in motion for my plan to meet, and seduce him. Igor treated me very poorly the last six months we were together and I had some concerns for my long-term mental health, as the psychological abuse increased."

"Do you want to change the subject?" I repeated, as I started to feel uneasy with the direction this conversation was heading.

"Like I said, baby, I have buried this shit for years. It feels good to unload some of it. Igor spent the last six months of our relationship telling me I was useless. He had a new young girl as his lover, an eighteen year old who was the daughter of working class parents, that were indebted to the Bratva. I guess my servitude to him gave him the idea to take a second sex slave, but in the process I got discarded. I was demoted to house servant, forced to wait on him and his new girlfriend. She was a very cruel young woman, and got off on physical abuse of me. Igor would allow her, actually encourage her, to beat me regularly with a riding crop. After she had whipped me into submission, they would make me lie face down on the floor, and watch as several of the young Bratva recruits jerked off on me. At that point, I feared for my safety and hatched my plan to leave."

"I had a steely resolve to have a better life than what the Czech Republic could offer, and I graduated from the University of Economics, with Honors and top of my class. I received multiple offers to pursue my Master's in Accounting, including two in the United States, that were completely paid for. After much consideration, I decided that I wanted to attend USC, in Los Angeles. There was no way Igor was going to let me leave his bedroom, let alone the Czech Republic, but I had a plan, and at the first opportunity, I put it into action."

Svetlana went on to tell me that a few weeks after she had graduated, Igor was invited to a wedding of a regional crime boss. There was going to be lots of Czech Republic Mafia guys there, and some high level Bratva guys. Law enforcement were there also, doing surveillance, so most of the gangsters brought their girlfriends, in an attempt to legitimize the ceremony.

"Tatiana, Igor's new girlfriend, was very sick when the important Bratva wedding came around. Igor was in a difficult position and he decided to escort me to the wedding, over Tatiana's objections. I had to borrow a dress from her, because Igor had given her all of my nice clothes, as he kept me naked most of the time. Even though Tatiana was bedridden, she threatened me with sustained and escalated abuse as soon as she got better. It was at that point that I decided I needed to leave Igor's house as soon as possible."

Svetlana was a truly stunning woman by this point, a total standout among all the female attendees, and she caught the attention of all of the men, even the married ones. Svetlana was polite and demure as the men vied for her attention, as she didn't want to inflame Igor, if her plan didn't come to fruition. It wasn't long before she was approached by Vlad, one of the senior Bratva guys, someone who was a decision maker within the illicit organization.

Svetlana was very skilled in the art of seduction, and she turned on her charms as Vlad showed interest in her. Normally, Svetlana acted demurely when approached by men, but she had limited time with this man, and she knew that he was in a position to help her.

Svetlana sucked Vlad off in the wine cellar, as two henchmen stood outside the door, standing guard, to protect this influential man. She hung all over him like an infatuated schoolgirl, as he recovered from his orgasm. As they chatted, she presented him with an opportunity to advance his business interests. She told him that she had recently graduated top of her class and had been offered a scholarship in the United States. While her perfect English and innocuous background would enable her to blend in whilst in Los Angeles, her prodigious math ability would enable her to find a safe haven for some of the ill-gotten money, that the crime family currently hoarded in safe houses. Svetlana's plan was to find a renegade investment broker, who blurred the lines in search of increased returns.

Even though Vlad thought the plan had promise, he was non-committal at first. He told her he would think about it. Svetlana knew she only had one shot at him, so she changed her tactics.

"Please," she begged him, "at least take me home with you. Igor is very jealous and he will fuck me up, when he sees I have fallen for someone else."

Her choice of words flattered Vlad, and it appeared that her manipulative manner had won him over. However, just to make sure, Svetlana allowed Vlad to fuck her tight little ass over the countertop in the wine cellar. She faked multiple orgasms and professed her undying love for him, as he ejaculated inside her anal passage.

"That was the night I sucked Vlad off for the first time," she confessed. "When I offered him my ass to fuck, I made sure to remove my dress first. It would have been more likely for a man of his stature to bend me over something, rip my panties off, and sodomize me. However, I wanted him to see my bruises and whip marks from the riding crop, so that he would believe that I was fearful for my life, and rescue me."

This was the icing on the cake, and Vlad took Svetlana home with him that night. He sent a couple of his goons to Igor's place to pick up her personal things, and apparently Igor got aggressive, and ended up getting killed in the ensuing gunfight.

"Vlad snuffed him out because of the liberties he took with me," Svetlana told me with a grin. "Igor would never have fought back against a Bratva man."

"That was also the night that I would learn the meaning of the expression, out of the frying pan and into the fire," Svetlana continued, "as Vlad was just as sadistic as Igor. Years later, after experiencing Adrian's dominant streak, I came to realize that the unfettered sadistic abuse was situational, rather than embedded in the individual man's personality."

"How so?" I asked with confusion written on my face.

"Igor, Vlad and Adrian are not evil men," she stated with some conviction. "They were just in a situation where there was no pushback for their behavior. This emboldened them to keep moving the goalposts, increasing the frequency and ferocity of the abuse. If you were given the same latitude, you would probably abuse me too," Svetlana said, much to my surprise.

I offered a half-hearted rebuttal, but I knew deep in my soul that I didn't have the answer to Svetlana's assertion, until I was in that position of complete and utter control of another human being. Svetlana acknowledged my self-awareness and continued with her sorry tale.

Even though Vlad had an even more rapacious sexual appetite than Igor, Svetlana endured his treatment of her, with a smile on her face, until she was granted a Visa to study in the United States. She promised she would fly home every chance she got, and Vlad, under pressure from his bosses to execute the plan, reluctantly drove her to the airport.

"Svetlana, I just don't know what to say," I began. "I am lost for words."

"All I ask from you, is to forgive the way I treated you," the young Czech girl said. "It wasn't you, it was my hatred of men."

"Of course," I muttered quietly, stunned at the depth of the horrors she had endured.

Svetlana continued her story, seemingly intent on sharing all the details with me. Once she was enrolled at USC, she began her search for the right investment broker. There were several retired brokers teaching at USC, and the Ethics Professor knew of a few investment bankers in Southern California, that had reputations of blurring the lines. Svetlana systematically eliminated the married ones, as her way into the heart of the business was through seduction.

Adrian was on her short list. He was single, a rising star in the industry, known for returns that raised eyebrows and elicited all kind of rumors. Svetlana entered his sphere, joining his Gym, frequenting the local coffee shop where he got his morning coffee, and jogging around his neighborhood. It didn't take Adrian long to notice the young Czech girl, and he first approached her at the Gym. Despite her apparent struggles with the English language, as an ex-NFL Conditioning Coach, he was able to offer her legitimate tips to improve her form. As receptive as she was to his advances, it wasn't long before he took her to lunch.

One thing led to another, and once Adrian learned she was going to school for her Masters Degree in Accounting, he took the young girl under his wing. Adrian offered Svetlana a job as his housekeeper, and a place to stay on the weekends, when she wasn't at school. Svetlana used sex to cement their relationship, and before long Adrian applied for a work visa for her. As she was already legally in the United States on a education visa, it was a simple matter of some paperwork to adjust her immigration status, to that of an employee. Shortly after securing her new visa, Svetlana dropped out of school and disappeared out of the clutches of Vlad, who had been expecting her back in the Czech Republic for half-term.

Svetlana had underestimated the reach of the Russian Mafia, but they found her very quickly. Once they were satisfied that she was following the long-term plan of finding an investment vehicle for their illicit cash, they let her operate semi-autonomously. They installed Ivan into Adrian's household, to keep an eye on the young girl. He applied for a job as Adrian's back-up limo driver, and within a few days had access to Adrian's car and house keys.

Once Svetlana was Adrian's lover and employee, it didn't take her long to funnel some cash into Adrian's investment firm, and she started to enjoy tremendous returns on her investment, even though she let the dividends ride, instead of withdrawing them. Svetlana's wealthy "uncle Vlad" sent her thousands of dollars a week for her expenses, and this got funneled into Adrian's fund.

Shortly after this, Adrian, Sara and I had our ill-fated threesome, that turned my life upside down.

I struggled to process the depth of Svetlana's deception. She was a very brave, extremely smart woman. She had duped Vlad, by offering him easy access to all of her orifices before fleeing to the USA with the blessing of his bosses. She had duped Adrian, feigning poor mastery of the English language, and using her sexual allure to get in a position of trust within his house. She had duped me, at Adrian's request, by intimating that we could be lovers if I played my cards right, and turning me in to Adrian and Sara, the second I made my move.

It was almost an hour later when Svetlana finished telling me her story. I felt sorry for her, but it was mixed with admiration at her resolve to find herself a better life. I snuggled in close to her, licking her salty tears away, before I kissed her on the nose.