My Black Babies Ch. 07


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"What the hell happened?" I said, dialing.

"Maybe a heart attack, but they usually clutch their chest, so I don't know."

The 911 operator got on the line and I told them to send an ambulance to our address, eighth floor law offices, post haste, explaining a man collapsed on the floor, without a word. Chest compressions were started. They said help was on the way, and I hung up.

"Do you have a defib unit?" Joe asked.

"I think so."

"Get it."

I burst back out to Paula's little corner of the world, and asked where the defibrillator was.

"Break room," Paula said, looking at Joe working on Jacob's chest.

I ran down to the break room, found it and rushed back. People started crowding into Paula's office, wondering what the hell was going on, including Brenda and Terry, and their two husbands.

Some of the other big wigs in the office started wandering down, taking note of my slutty attire. This was going to be interesting.

I ripped the shirt apart over Jacob's chest while Joe set up the defibrillator. He attached the four electric pads on Jacob's chest and stomach around his heart.

"No heartbeat detected," the machine said. "Stand clear."

We snatched our hands away and the machine hit him with the juice. There was a whine as the capacitor built back up.

"No heartbeat detected," the machine said. "Stand clear."

It hit him again.

That one seemed to start his heart again, as there were no other shocks. Joe left the machine on, and electrodes on his body as it continued to monitor his heartbeat. The EMT's started carrying a folded cart through the crowd in Paula's office, asking everyone to make way and give them room.

"What happened?" one asked Joe.

"He got red in the face, started to stand, then crumpled to the floor," Joe said. "I began CPR and had Vicky call 911. Finishing the phone call, she got the defibrillator which administered two shocks, which seemed to start his heartbeat. I've got nothing else."

"Do you work here?"

"No, but Vicky does, although it was her day off."

He glanced at my attire. "Was he exercising? Anything like that? What was he doing?"

I interrupted before Joe said anything.

"He was watching a movie which seemed to distress him," I said. "Mr. Astor is a lech who's been sexually abusing female staff members. He'd just watched a movie showing he got caught in the act, and was being informed that it needed to stop or legal action would be taken."

The lead looked at my attire again. "Just now?"

"A week ago. He was just shown the movie."

"Why was this other fellow here?"

"Moral support. He's the father of my baby, and my Dominant. We came to the office today, to specifically confront Mr. Astor about his misdeeds. As a former military and bouncer, I felt Joe could protect me if Mr. Astor became hostile when confronted."

"We need to get him to the hospital," the other fellow said. "I think he's had a brain aneurism or stroke."

"Right. Clear out of here, everyone. We need to move him."

They lifted Jacob on the cart and wheeled him out to the ambulance.

"Can somene tell me what went on here?" Rory asked.

Rory was the managing partner of the law firm. Jacob had made most of the non-lawyer personnel decisions which is why he had so much power over the staff.

"Sir, it appears that Mr. Astor suffered a brain aneurism while we were showing him some damaging information about his behavior," I told him.

"What kind of damaging information?"

"Mr. Astor has been sexually harassing women staff here at the firm for several years, sir, and not only women staff, but the wives of male staff. He hints that you can get raises and promotions much faster if you're 'nice' to him. He has told Abraham's and Roland's wives that their husbands could make partner easier, if they were 'nicer' to him."

"Come into my office, and you're certainly not properly dressed for work."

"No, sir, I'm not. I was off today. I had a doctor's appointment this morning and after that appointment, Mr. Vanderbilt came with me to confront Mr. Astor about the things that he's done."

"What's Mr. Vanderbilt got to do with this?" Rory asked when we reached his office.

"I'm in a submissive relationship to Mr. Vanderbilt, and he is the father of my child. As such, he feels he has a responsibility to me. He came with me to make sure he registered his displeasure for what Mr. Astor did."

"How do you know what Mr. Astor did?"

"He did it to me too, and I have the names of twenty-three women ready to testify in court about the kind of shit he's pulled. Four others didn't want to provide testimony because of the irreparable harm it would have done to their current relationships. Two of them had children with him, their husbands know nothing about. One is engaged, and one's marriage hangs by a thread, and public exposure would ruin it."

"Twenty-three willing to testify?"

"Yes, sir, although none of them really want this to go to court, due to the damage it would do to their families. They were hoping for a different resolution than a law suit."

"So how does this being 'nice' work? Nice how?"

"To have sex."

"Did he specifically ask for sex?"

"Not when the hints are first made."

"Then how do you know he's asking for sex?"

"I have something to show you."

I pulled out the movie made in our supply room, a room which he recognized. He saw us enter the room, and Jacob locking the door, and asking me to strip. How I gave him a hand job and Jacob saying blow jobs or ass fucking is what he expected for a raise.

"My God, the fucking gall of this man!" Rory said when he'd seen the whole thing. "Why did you do that? Why not come to me?"

"Sir, I've been able to resist Mr. Astor's advances since he first started making his suggestions to be nicer, because I'm financially secure due to my husband's income. Not all of the women can resist an offer of more money or a promotion. It came to a head for me when Mr. Astor saw me out having dinner with Mr. Vanderbilt during my impregnation. I believed that when he saw me with a black man, not my husband, Jacob thought he could blackmail me into having sex with him, not realizing my husband arranged it. I was able to shoot him down once again, but I knew it had to stop.

"The woman who took that movie, had to give Mr. Astor two blow jobs to get a raise she needed at the time. I figured it was time for Mr. Astor to be called into account for his actions. The only reason I went into that supply room with him, is so that movie could be made.

"The women in this firm had suffered his sexual harassment long enough. We were going to demand that all of the women be given five percent raises for what they've had to endure thus far, the broken marriages, or other relationship problems, and that all harassment cease at once, or that movie would be made public and Jacob would be made to suffer the legal consequences. It was during those demands he suffered his aneurism. I believe the women would be willing to go forward with a suit, regardless of what happened to Mr. Astor, unless they receive a pay raise. It's not necessary for me to have one, despite what happened to me, because I intended to leave the company when I was five to six months pregnant, roughly three and a half months from now."

"And you say two women have had a child with him?"

"They don't want their names out because their husbands don't know the children aren't theirs, but he gave them each $200,000 settlements for the children, so he believed they were his. One was during his first marriage, the other during his second. I have to ask, sir, has anyone notified Mrs. Astor of what happened?"

"Mrs. Thorpe called her. Was that money corporate, or his own?"

"I don't know, sir. I don't think the women knew."

"Why is this man the father of your child, and not Mr. Madison?"

"My husband is infertile, and he paid Mr. Vanderbilt to impregnate me."

"A black man?"

"Something happened to my husband in college which has caused him to have an interracial cuckold fetish. A lot of the porn he reads or views involve black men and white women having sex, and the women becoming pregnant. It sexually excites him for me to have sex with black men. It's the reason he chose Mr. Vanderbilt for my pregnancy. That relationship has continued past the conception. I regularly have sex with Mr. Vanderbilt and other black men in front of my husband. What are you going to do about the women's demands, sir?"

"I'll have to meet with the other senior partners, but I'm reasonably certain their demands can be met. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than a lawsuit. Can I keep this video to show them?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't feel I want a salacious video of me, such as this, floating around New York. If the other partners need to see it, I'll be happy to show it to them, but it's not leaving my hands."

"Quite right. I'll let you know if the others need to see it, and please dress more appropriately in my office."

"Yes, sir."

We left, and both Brenda and Terry stopped us. "What happened?" Terry asked.

"Mr. Astor saw a movie he didn't like and had a brain aneurism."

"Is that like a blood vessel bursting in his brain?" Brenda asked.

"It is," Joe said.

"Rory, the managing partner, may want to speak to you both. I told him that Mr. Astor had propositioned both of you. He may want details, or he may have enough, but I thought I'd warn you," I said.

I stopped by Paula's desk to thank her, and Penny's to see her.

"I think that your movie of Melanie getting fucked, led to Mr. Astor popping a blood vessel," I told her.

"Are they going to fire me?"

"No, we never told anyone about that one. The only one anyone else had to know about was the Supply Room Video. That's all we showed them. The rest is our business only, so don't say anything about it."

Penny gave a sigh of relief. "Thanks. Hello, Joe. How are you doing?"

"Just peachy, cupcake. Don't think I didn't hear your little whisper while you were making that movie."

Penny blushed. "Oh, God. I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be. Just let Vicky know if you want to experience it first hand, instead of watching someone else." She got redder.

When we were on the way home, Joe asked, "Is that why you took over the conversation, so no one else knew about that movie?"

"I do understand the politics of our office, Master, and what was needed to get the results we wanted, without embarrassing Mrs. Astor further. She may have lost her husband, and public ridicule wouldn't have helped her. It was meant for Jacob's eyes only, and he saw it. I'd delete any record of it."

"I forgot to grab that fucking bill I made after he collapsed. I'm sure someone is going to wonder what the hell it was."

I pulled it out of my purse and handed it to him. "I remembered."

"Good girl. You're sharp."

"Thank you, sir. Would you like to come home with me and fuck me?"

"Don't mind if I do."

"Take a photo of your cock buried in my pussy and send it to your wife, Master. It's time Savannah is reminded she's a quean."

Joe laughed. "I believe she thinks about it all the time. She's desperate for sex every time I come back to the house, even if all I did was go out to buy groceries."

"Exactly how she should be, sir. Feeling desperate."

That's what Reed and Alexander saw when they got home, Joe's impressive cock fucking my married white pussy for the second time, right in the living room, bent over the top of the couch. When Joe finished in my pussy, Alexander took his turn in my ass, leaving a huge mess for my husband to clean up before supper. I think he ate a quarter of his daily caloric intake from cum alone.

Before Joe left, he told the three of us to be ready to go to Club Mocha on Friday at seven. The last time I'd gone there, I was trying to get pregnant and Joe was the only man who fucked my pussy. I was pregnant now, and it didn't matter. I remembered the huge guy at the door who said he'd like to fuck my ass. Mike, I think his name was. Would tomorrow be the night? After Joe left, Reed got to fuck me with Bruce, while his toy pegged his ass for me. While he couldn't really have an orgasm, his locked up cock dribbled a lot of cum from his pecker.

Seeing that, I decided it was time for me to peg Reed's ass myself. It had been a couple of weeks since I'd done it. I didn't use 'Bruce', because I hadn't really been keeping Reed's ass stretched like mine was, but I did use the other ten inch phallus on him. Alexander uncaged his cock, and Reed had to suck his boss' dick while I fucked his ass. Both men climaxed at roughly the same time, so Reed got a good orgasm out of the deal, even though he had to swallow Alexander's cum to receive it.


I did dress more conservatively the next day at work, although still without bra and underwear, but my top was opaque and had a halter type inner lining that helped keep my boobs from bobbing too much. Things were the most normal that they'd been in weeks, without Jacob hanging around. The incident yesterday was a hot topic of conversation around the water cooler and in the break room. Around four PM, an email was sent out to all of the female employees, (not just the ones on the list, which I hadn't provided), saying that they'd be getting a five percent pay hike. It included me, which surprised me a little.

Paula stopped by my desk after the announcement to thank me, knowing the part I'd played in it.

"Have you heard what Jacob's condition is?" I asked her.

"He's in a coma. They believe the damage to his brain was extensive, and may leave him with permanent functional damage, even if he regains consciousness."

"Mr. Astor was an asshole, but I'm not sure if this was the result I was looking for. How's Mrs. Astor doing, do you know?"

"I talked to her this morning. She's distraught, but not devastated. I heard they'd been having problems."

Were they problems that we created when we informed her of his infidelities? Or had there been something earlier that we only exacerbated? I decided I needed to see how she was doing. I don't know how much she loved her husband, but this could be a bitter pill to swallow.

"Melanie, this is Vicky. I wanted to call and apologize for what happened. I wanted Mr. Astor's behavior to improve, not that he should almost die."

"I know. It's not your fault. It's probably mine more than anyone's. I heard he saw the movie."

I decided to lie to her. "Mrs. Astor, it wasn't your fault at all. The only movie Jacob saw was the one of me. We were explaining what he had to do to make it up to all the women here in the office when he collapsed. We never got to your movie, and it's now been destroyed. I guess it was just his time."

"Thank God! I felt so bad. I don't know what I was thinking when I married him. I knew he cheated on his first wife. I was one of the women he cheated with. I thought it would be different with me because I was younger and prettier than she was, and he could be satisfied with just me. I guess a leopard doesn't change his spots."

"I'd say you're right. It's probably not even the sex for men like him, as much as the conquest, and bending women to his will; making them do what he wants. I'd say he probably had some deep seated issues that you weren't responsible for. It's probable that none of it was your fault, so go easy on yourself."

"Thank you, Vicky. It's kind of you to say so."

"Listen, I hope everything turns out well for you, no matter what happens going forward. Let me know if I can help with anything, okay? Anything at all."

"I appreciate that. I'll keep it in mind," Melanie said.

That evening, Alexander was insatiable. He fucked me four times, once in the ass, making Reed lick and suck his balls each time he fucked me, then clean up after us. After Reed was sent to his bed, Alexander wanted me to suck him off.

"What's got you so horny tonight, sir."

"I know what's going to happen to you tomorrow night at Club Mocha."

"Are you allowed to share that information, sir?"

"No, but it's going to be awfully humiliating for Reed. I'm not sure how you're going to react. Joe wants to push you, hard."

I held up Alexander's cock so I could wrap my lips around it. As I gently sucked his black prick, I thought about that. What was I willing to do for Joe? When he was breeding me, he'd been a gentleman, but had pushed me, to see how far I was willing to let him push. As it turned out, I was willing to accept a lot of pushing. I'd accepted a rather public fucking at the window of our hotel room, being fucked while they delivered room service, and accepting two men in my body at the same time. I wanted to try three, and wondered if I was going to be airtight.

Since then, I'd had a double penetration, and had my face painted with cum. Theoretically, I had the right to refuse anyone at Club Mocha. All I had to say was "Meatballs", and whatever was going on, had to stop. What if Joe told me not to use the safe word. I'd accepted him as my Bull and my Master, but those were decisions granted by me, and could be withdrawn. But did I want to withdraw them. Maybe if it was too grotesque, I would. I certainly wasn't letting anyone piss on me, but Joe didn't strike me as a man who'd enjoy water sports. I did trust him. On the whole, he was a good man. It's why I enjoyed him so much, not just for his big dick, but for everything he brought to the table, including his wife.

"You're drifting, slut," Alexander said. "Pay more attention to my dick."

I pulled off momentarily to respond, "Yes, sir," then renewed my efforts on his cock. It was nice not having to concentrate on getting all of his cock down my throat. I'd done it enough times, that my throat had stretched, and the technique was second nature. Since he'd cum four times already this evening, it took substantially longer to extract his cum than I was used to. My jaw became sore before I felt his ballsack flexing and knew his salty treat was on its way. I gently sucked as he orgasmed, gathering all of his tasty cum, as he pulsed into my mouth, swallowing all of it.

"When you lost concentration on my cock, slut, were you thinking of what Joe had planned for you tomorrow night?"

"Yes, sir,"

He reached down and grabbed my pussy, pushing a couple fingers up my sheathe. I spasmed immediately, quite a strong orgasm considering how much I'd cum already.

"It seems like wherever your imagination went, it had you excited, didn't it slut?"

No sense in denying the obvious. "Yes, sir."


Around three on Friday, Penny approached me.

"Could you arrange for me to have sex with Joseph?"

"You know I can."

"Can my boyfriend watch?"

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," I said.

"About six months, now."

"And he wants to watch, or you aren't going to tell him ahead of time?"

"He wants to watch."

"How does he know about Joe and watching?" I asked.

"I've told him about you and Reed, and how you're now submissive to Joe and Reed can't even fuck you any more."

"And that's something he's interested in?"

If it was, he was very much like Reed. Surrendering his girlfriend's pussy to black cock only, but we'd see.

"He's not sure, but he wants to watch once to see how he feels about it."

"Given the circumstances, Joe's wife and I might have to watch. How do you feel about having us watch you fuck her husband?"

"Why do you both have to watch?"

"It's not a breeding job, and he's not protecting me from my white lecherous boss. His wife is the female equivalent of Reed and would be humiliated by watching her husband fuck some other horny white slut. I'm her cuckcake and need to torment her while she's watching."

Penny laughed. "I guess that describes me to a tee. After watching him with Melanie, I had to get me some of that dick. Can we do it tonight?"