My Black Babies Ch. 14


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I got up early enough to put the turkey into the oven, then made a nice breakfast to hold us until the turkey was ready at 2:00. The breakfast was leisurely and relaxed, and both of them seemed even more relaxed today than yesterday. I think it helped them to see how well Reed and I were getting along, and the fact he was fucking me every night, for now, they knew Reed wasn't being mistreated too badly.

After breakfast, we opened our presents. It was the usual sort of thing one got for Christmas. I got Reed a new Michigan sweater, his alma mater. They were undefeated and going to the College Football Playoff, against Alabama. I'd gotten him a new Brooks Brother's suit, and tickets for the final Giants regular season game of the year. I'd actually wanted Jets tickets, as I'd thought they'd be the better team with Aaron Rodgers playing, but both of the last two Jets games were away games, and the Giants were home games. The January 7 game was against Philadelphia, at least, and they were a good team. I'd gotten him two tickets, one for Reed and one for Alexander, since they both enjoyed football. Alexander knew not to make plans for that day so he could attend the game.

Reed gave me a new silk robe, a cashmere sweater, tickets to the Broadway play, Wicked, that I'd wanted to see, for Friday, January 19.

"Honey, there are four tickets here," I said. "Who else is going with us?"

"I thought perhaps Master and Savannah would like to go with us, Mistress."

"Is he free?"

"He said he was, Mistress."

I kissed him. "That's a lovely gift, honey. Thank you."

"I have one other gift for you, Mistress, but Joseph is bringing it tomorrow evening."

"Why is Joseph bringing it?"

Reed smiled. "You'll see, Mistress."


"Yes, Mistress." I kissed him again.


Reed had to work the next day. I had both Tuesday and Wednesday off. Tuesday to keep Reed's parents company, and Wednesday to bring them back to the airport. While Reed was gone, his parents wanted to know more about our new lifestyle. I suppose they thought it might be less embarrassing for him if I talked about it without him being present.

"Does his firm know that you're having a biracial child?" Emily asked.

"They do, yes. We attended a dinner function and I attended it as Alexander's date."

"How humiliating for him," Ethan said.

"It is, Ethan, but Reed knew he was going to be humiliated when he chose a black man for our baby's father. At that point, everyone knows that he isn't the father. He could have chosen IVF, or chosen a white father, but he didn't. I don't know that he craves humiliation, but he's certainly prepared for it. He said that he felt alone for a long time, because he wasn't sure if he was the only one who felt the way he did. Recently, however, two other senior partners became willing cuckolds. In fact, both of their wives and a daughter, are going to be black bred at a little show we're putting on, along with six other women. Reed has felt much better about himself once he knew he wasn't the only one who enjoyed being cuckolded."

"A show," Emily said. "You mean they're going to be having sex in public?"

"Yes, at a club in Manhattan. I'm unsure if it has a real name, but it's called Club Mocha by my Master. Most of the members just call it The Club. It is where white women go to have sex with medically clean black men who are chosen by the white women for their size and ability to pleasure a woman. The men vote on the white women who they want to be members. White men aren't allowed to be members, although they can attend with their wives, fiancés or boyfriends who are members. White men aren't allowed to have sex there at all, unless they're serving the gay or bisexual black members."

"Are you a member?" Ethan asked.

"I am. Joseph first brought me there when he was breeding me. After we asked Joe to be our bull, he brought Alexander and me there and we signed up for membership. After having sex with enough people to warrant being voted on, I got accepted by the black studs, and Alexander was voted in by the white sluts."

"How many people did you have to have sex with?" Emily asked.

"There's no set number. It's enough so that they'll recognize you enough to vote for you."

"How many did you have sex with?" Ethan asked.

"Uncertain. Reed asked that I be gang banged, and I was blindfolded. There may have been repeats."

"Reed asked that you be gang banged?" Emily asked.

"He made an announcement that anyone willing to donate $20 to charity, could have his wife, in my mouth, pussy or ass, until I called a halt or they needed to close the club. I was paid for twenty-eight acts of sex, five times by women, so men had me twenty-three times. It wasn't the only time I was there before they held the membership vote."

"You've had anal sex?" Emily asked.

"Black men like their white women to be three hole sluts. I was prepared for anal sex first, by using progressively larger anal plugs to stretch me out and accustom me to anal penetration."

"Has Reed, uh, had sex with you in that way?" Emily asked.

"Our Master occasionally lets Reed have my ass. He's more frequently used a strap-on with me, than his own cock. Master occasionally makes me black cock only, so Reed has to use a black strap-on dildo to have sex with me, rather than his own white cock."

"Tell us more about the show you have planned."

I told them all about the show, nine white women, fertile, and seven men, all black, participating, and that each of the women was anticipating being impregnated by one of the seven black men, although one wife would only be impregnated by her live in black lover or white husband. The show would go over three days, and be essentially, one vignette, performed two times, a slave revolt on a southern plantation. The sexual participants would each receive money for their participation, the women the most to help them raise the child.

"I can't imagine having sex like that, for an audience, people you don't even know," Emily said. "Being publicly bred in front of your husband, fiancé, or something."

"It was surprising to me. I had a hard time wrapping my head around Reed wanting me to have sex with another man. You could tell from Reed's porn what drove him. Black men having sex with married white women, having children with their black lovers. I read a lot of things about cuckolds to try to understand him. What I've learned has influenced the way I treat him, because I want him to get satisfaction from what we're doing.

"But he's not alone in what he feels. Each of the white men involved in a relationship with the show participants, knows his partner, wife, or daughter is going to get pregnant with a black man, in front of him and a lot of other people he may or may not know. I think most of Reed's office, the senior management anyway, is going to watch two of their fellow wives be bred in front of them. How humiliating, but they're aroused by it. They'll get money to help raise the resulting child, but that's not why they're doing it.

"The women like surrendering to a Dominant black male who will fuck their brains out, and the men like watching it happen."

"Is the sex that much better?" Emily asked. "You know, with a black man."

"I obviously can't speak to all black men. The ones I've had sex with have generally been chosen for their physical endowments, and ability to satisfy a woman. The sex I had with Reed in the past, was generally good. He used to give me an orgasm almost every time we had sex, about half of the time, orally. He recently underwent some training to become a better lover, and it's been wildly successful, as you could hear the last couple of nights.

"The sex I've had with my black lovers was five or six times better. I often climaxed from vaginal stimulation alone, five or six times per act of sex. During my breeding, Joe had sex with me nine times in one day, and I lost track of the number of orgasms I had during that day. Well over sixty times. Not only was it the size of his genitalia, but he knows what to do with it. Every woman who's had sex with him, has raved about the sex. The same with Alexander. They're just that good. When Reed says he takes joy in my pleasure, he sees me climaxing that much and it makes him feel good that he can give that to me. I guess that makes him unselfish. I admire him for his ability to look past who I'm taking pleasure with, and accept that he's responsible, because he's allowing it."

Emily nodded thoughtfully.


Reed was home at six. I was dressed to the nines, with one of my sexiest, but still somewhat modest dresses. It had a slit on the front going halfway up my thighs, and a deep plunge, exposing the sides of my breasts. minus the usual underwear, while he'd be wearing his new suit. Joe and Savannah arrived at 6:30 and Reed introduced them to his parents. Both Emily and Ethan were impressed by the black couple, and the cuteness of their two children when they saw pictures of them.

"Master, have you got Mistress's other Christmas gift?" Reed asked.

"Indeed I do," Joe said.

"Would you like to give it to her now, sir?"

"Are you sure, cuckold?"

"Yes, Master."

"Strip, slut," Joe told me.

I suddenly realized it was my turn to be embarrassed in front of Reed's parents, and Reed was in on it. He'd had to admit that he was a cuckold whose wife was carrying another man's child. I had to admit that I was that man's slut. It didn't take me long to come to a decision.

"Yes, Master. Could you please unzip me, Reed?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Reed undressed me and all I was left with was my watch, garter belt and stockings, the QOS tattoos on my arm and ankle, my 'Bred Black' tattoo on my stomach, and my hotwife anklet. I was otherwise bare in front of my in-laws.

"Kneel," Joe ordered, and I dropped to my knees in front of him, with a quick, "Yes, sir."

Savannah handed Joe a collar from her handbag, and Joe put it around my neck. I heard it lock.

"Is this the biometric collar Reed said he'd look into, sir?" I asked.

"It is. Apparently, Andre obtained it for him when he was learning to be a better submissive. Tell me, slut, what does a white bitch like you do when she's kneeling before her black Master?"

"Suck his cock, Master?"

"Get busy."

Without looking at the others who were undoubtedly watching me, I extracted his big black cock from his pants. I heard Emily gasp when she saw it. I sucked Joe's cock, managing to get all of him down with about every other thrust of his cock into my mouth. I looked up at his face adoringly, the perfect submissive slut, until he blasted the contents of his balls into my mouth. I swallowed all of it, almost drowning in his cum. I ensured his cock was clean, then tucked him back into his pants.

"Good, slut," Master said. "You can get dressed now."

Both Reed and Ethan had erections. Without his cock cage on, Reed's erection was quite evident. Emily seemed to be breathing faster, as was Savannah. Only Joe and I seemed mostly unaffected, although I'm sure my face was red. I stood up and put my dress back on, and Reed zipped it up.

Emily had to say something. "I thought you were exaggerating about the size."

She didn't have to say the size of what. Everyone knew what she was talking about.

"All of my lovers have taken to drinking a half cup of pineapple juice every day. It makes their semen much sweeter. Master was the one who told me about that. Let me touch up my lipstick, and we should leave."

We headed to the La Grande Boucherie, and Master had me ride in his car in the front seat. He told Reed to stay behind him. He put Savannah in the back seat, also watching the white slut. Then as he drove with Reed and his parents following behind us, Master had me sucking his cock, my head bobbing up and down in the front seat. I knew Reed would be erect. I wondered about Ethan.

I heard Savannah moan. I lifted up and said, "Don't touch yourself, quean." She groaned and I went back to business on her husband's cock. I managed to extract another load of cum from his ponderous balls. I cleaned him off and tucked him back in his pants.

"What are you doing, sir?" I asked when I sat back up.

"What Reed wanted us to do," Master said. "We're spending the night at your house tonight."

"With you in my bed, Master?"

"Where else?"

"Will quean be joining us, sir?"

"She'll be sleeping on the pull out sofa with Reed. He assured me that he has some new oral skills he'd like to share with her."

"He does. He's gotten very, very good. It's likely he'll make quean scream. I do almost every time he licks me now."


"Do you know what he's trying to accomplish, sir?" I asked.

"Not sure. I'm enjoying it though."

"Would he be trying to turn his father into a cuckold, Master?"

"You'd have to ask him."

We met Alexander and Melanie at the restaurant. Introductions were made to the two new folks. I think they'd briefly met Alexander before when they visited Reed at his job, shortly after he'd made junior partner. Of course, Melanie was also pregnant, though slightly less far along than me. When we were shown our table, the seating order had been predetermined. I was seated between Alexander and Joseph. Melanie was on the other side of Alexander, but Emily was on the other side of Joseph. Beside Emily was Reed, then Savannah, then Ethan, who was next to Melanie. It was boy-girl all around the table, but not seated with our partners.

Alexander said, "The meal is on me, please order what you wish. I feel I must repay Reed for the frequent use of his wife."

Another reminder I was a slut for black cock to Reed's parents, and not the sort of thing that a gentleman like Alexander would normally say in front of Reed's parents, or his own girlfriend. I suspected it was something else that Reed had arranged, and again, wondered why. Had he decided he was going all in on describing his fetish to his parents, or was it something more. Melanie didn't seem surprised to hear him boldly proclaiming he bedded me regularly, so was she in on it?

La Grande Boucherie is a French cuisine steakhouse. Alexander ordered a bottle of the 2014 Louis Roederer Cristal at $800 a bottle. He was about to order two, but I reminded him that Melanie and I couldn't drink. The men also ordered some cocktails, and Savannah and Emily had glasses of wine with their dinner.

"I understand your husband recently died," Emily said. "Is the baby his?"

"No, it's either Joseph's or Alexander's. My husband had a vasectomy and when I found out he was unfaithful to me, having had a child with another woman during our marriage, I decided to take matters into my own hands. He suffered a brain aneurysm before he found out I was pregnant."

In reality, when he found out she was inseminated by two black men when she was fertile, though even Melanie didn't know that had caused him to burst a blood vessel in his brain. Now, I knew she was in on it. She was admitting to being knocked up with her own black child, without the need to do so in front of relative strangers.

"Alexander has been keeping me company during Jacob's debilitation and after his death, since the child might be his." She laid her hand on Alexander's hand. "He's been a great comfort to me, both in and out of bed." She leaned over to kiss him.

What was Reed doing? He had to be in on this. I couldn't see all of this happening in any other way.

Alexander also ordered the Plateau de Fruits de Mer, an appetizer tray with oysters, clams, shrimp and lobster for six, plus caviar for whoever wanted it.

It got even more obvious when Alexander ordered the Côte de Bœuf Pour Deux for him and Melanie, and Joseph ordered the Chateaubriand Pour Deux with Bordelaise sauce for him and me. It was like I was Joe's date for the evening, and Savannah and Reed were the outsiders, like Emily and Ethan. Reed got the Salmon Rôti, Savannah the Filet de Bœuf, Ethan got the Entrecôte Grillee, an Australian grass fed ribeye, and Emily the Magret De Canard Á L'orange, duck breast with orange sauce.

During the dinner, both Alexander and Joseph frequently took advantage of the slit and plunge of my dress to caress a breast, which everyone could see, or go between my thighs and caress my wet pussy. Both Emily and Melanie could plainly see their hands under my dress, and everyone heard me climax on their fingers, twice, once on each set of fingers. Each time, I was told to lick their fingers clean. I was treated like a total slut in front of everyone, and felt like one. At least they weren't obvious about it when the waiter was present, but a couple off the nearby tables got a show.

My pussy was soup, and I'm sure my dress would reveal the depth of my arousal when I stood up. No one said a word, either cautioned not to say anything, or in the case of Reed's parents, perhaps too shocked. Or perhaps they expected Reed to say something about his wife letting two large black men fondle and finger fuck me in the restaurant. His wife certainly didn't object, although her face was flame red for half the meal.

At one point, Joseph got up and went to the men's room. Reed got up and joined him. When they returned to the table, Joe said to me, "You wouldn't mind driving your in-laws home, would you? Reed is going to ride with me."

"No, Master."


We had dessert and Alexander paid for it all, and the meal was close to a couple thousand dollars.

As we got into our cars, Joe quietly said to me, "Follow me."

"Yes, Master."

I expected Reed to sit in the back seat and for Savannah to ride in front with her husband. Instead, he got in the front with Joe. Ethan was riding in the front with me, and the reason for that became clear. Reed's head was bobbing up and down over Joe's seat, just as I had done. I glanced at Ethan. He was staring at the other car as if he couldn't believe his eyes, and perhaps he couldn't. I checked the rear view mirror and Emily had seen what was happening as well. She didn't take her eyes off the car ahead until Reed sat upright again. No one spoke a word. I didn't know what to say.

When we reached the house, Reed immediately went to his room and returned naked, with his cock cage on. Joseph told me to lock it and give him the key. I did. Then he told me to strip, and I did. Then he told me to remove his clothes, and I did. Joe was standing there in all of his physical perfection, hard, muscled body; long, thick cock; heavy, cum filled balls. Emily and Ethan were staring at him, Emily more directly, Ethan more surreptitiously, almost sideways, watching Emily, her interest in the man in front of her, more directly.

"Are you ready to serve your Master?" Joe asked me.

"Yes, sir."

Joe took my hand. He looked at Emily. "You're welcome to join us if you ask your husband's permission first."

Emily looked at Ethan. He nodded.

"Ethan, if you're allowing Emily to fuck me, you need to undress her, and place her hand in mine, and ask me politely to take care of her for you."

Ethan's mouth probably felt as dry as mine. Neither of them protested that she was stripping in front of her son. Given what had happened tonight already, perhaps it didn't make a difference. Ethan undressed her, then took her hand and placed it in Joe's other hand.

"," Ethan said.

"I'll take really good care of her. Please retire to your bedroom. I'll send Emily in there to join you when I'm done with her."

Ethan nodded, and Joe led both of us to my bedroom. Joseph took care of Emily first, beginning with oral sex to prepare her for his cock. She was relatively quiet. I heard her, but I don't think anyone else did. When Joe penetrated her, it was another story.

"You're so big. Oh, fuck! You're so big. I've never had anything this big inside of me. I'm cumming. You're so deep. No one's been that deep before. I'm cumming again. Oh, God. This is amazing."