My Cousin Jo and I Pt. 01

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My cousin Jolene comes to stay for the summer.
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Part 1 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/01/2015
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It all started when My aunt and uncle the twins Dee, Dorlene and Jolene comes with them to visit.

The eldest Connie 23 and Ricky 22 stayed home. The twins are 19 and a year older than Jolene is. Jolene and I are the same age, well most of the time. She 3 months older than me actually.

Jolene (I always called her Jo) was coming to stay the summer. Ricky was just three years older than me and was a half brother as was Connie. She was four years older. Connie had a boy friend to go out with and never around. They never seem to want to be around me anyway. Ricky always said I cramped his style, when I went to visit them at home.

Well I guess I did, as I had no knowledge of sex or women at all. He was a ladies man or he thought so.

Our family is catholic and very strict, sex is a taboo subject. We were told sex is only for married people to have children. So I knew nothing of it. I really never knew about their life style either as I was never there more than a few days.

But it had been 2 years since I saw her last. I was giddy waiting for them to show up. When they pulled in I'm not sure what I expected, but I was more than shocked when Jo got out of the car. My god she was as tall as me (At 18 I was 5'8" slender only about 130#, blond hair, and glasses.) Not to mention I think she out weighed me by about 20#, not a bit of fat on her. Talk about filled out she had huge tits that looked like small melons, shoulder length sun bleached golden hair, her face had filled out some too. Still had her cute pug nose with freckles across it and cheeks, along with those beautiful hazel eyes that seem to turn green at times. I could not get over how huge her tits had grown though.

I was freaked out also a bit saddened, she had become a woman. Not the tomboy I knew. She was wearing jeans and tank top, but that was the only thing that made her look the same. I was sure she had changed and would not want anything to do with me. To my amazement as soon as she saw me she ran up to me and gives me a huge hug. Smashing those huge tits on my chest. Kisses me on the cheek saying "How's my favorite cousin?" Still trying to catch my breathe and still a little shocked. "Great Jo, How are you?" "Much better now. "Smiling a huge smile at me.

Then she goes over hugs mom & dad. The twins come over hug me tell me hello. I walk over to hug Aunt Kate then shake uncle Bobs hand. Welcoming them both.

I help with their bags taking the twins to the spare bedroom and aunt Kate and uncle Bob's to my room. That left Jo and I the living room. At least till they leave Sunday. The couch for Jo, mom had dug out my sleeping bag for me. Mom said you two will just have to rough it in here till Bob, Kate and the twins leave Sunday. Jo looks at mom smiling "We'll make out alright till then, won't we Dick? Thank you aunt Nita."

My name is Richard and hate the name Dick. Jo is the only one I let call me that. I have tried several times to get her to stop, but I think it's her way of bugging me. One time saying you're the only Dick I like. Then giggling. I just said very funny. I really didn't understand her meaning at the time.

It was supper time mom had prepared a good meal for us. Knowing they would be hungry from the long ride. It's like 6 hours to get here. After supper. Mom, Kate, the twins cleaned up. Dad and uncle Bob go out back to play horseshoes. They both are excellent players. I think they both play better after a few beers. Jo and I went out on the front porch to talk.

We sat and talked of all the great times we had at grandpa's farm. She said how different it must be to live in a bigger city. I guess seeing how they live in a very small community maybe 400 people. They even live on an acreage. Big enough to have 6 horses, 2 milk cows, some chickens and 4 dogs last I knew. It wasn't a farm like grandpa's. He had over 400 acres, lots of cows, horses, chickens and pigs. Not to mention 2 great swimming ponds. We always had a great time there.

It was getting dark. I hear mom and Kate telling the twins it's bed time. Next it would be our turn. Shortly mom came out telling us its bed time. We ask to stay up longer so we can talk. "There will be plenty of time for that. Right now its bed time." Mom says "I dug out pajamas for you. Do you have some too Jolene?"

"Oh yes." says Jo, "Mom made sure I brought everything needed."

"You can change in our bedroom or bathroom."

"I'll change in bathroom." I say.

"OK by me." Jo says.

I get changed but pajamas feel weird. I never sleep in PJ's. I usually sleep in my briefs, but I knew I had to wear them and they are a really messed up pair with little bears all over them. Jo comes out of the bathroom, looking disgusted. I am looking at her thinking how hot she looks. A Kind of hot pink color and so tight on top she is almost popping the buttons.

"Mom!" She yells I hate this why can't I wear my normal night gown."

"I don't believe that would be appropriate around your cousin, My dear." Her mother tells her.

"OK, but this sucks." Looking at her outfit.

"I think you look fine." I say. She gives me this disgusted look. "Well how do you think I feel in these stupid things."

Looking at me seeing the bears and starts giggling, "Your right yours are a lot worse than mine."

"OK enough of that into bed with you both." I crawl into my sleeping bag. I tell mom, aunt Kate and Jo goodnight.

I'm lying on the floor, I can't sleep, the house is quiet except for dads snoring in the back bedroom. Then I hear Jo whisper "Dick are you awake?"

"Yea I'm awake." next thing I know in the darkness I feel a hand touch my arm. My eyes have adjusted a little and can see. Jo has crawled next to me.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure I guess." Next she unzips the bag and gets in with me. "Holy crap Jo if we get caught like this I will get the crap beat out of me."

"We won't get caught if we are quiet." She says. "What I'm not good enough to get a beating for? Don't you like me?"

"Of course I like you your my cousin. I love you. Hell I'd take a beating for you any day." With that she cuddles up closer rubbing her huge tits on my arm and side.

"I love you too." It is more than a little uncomfortable, worrying about getting caught. At the same time I feel my cock getting stiff by the second.

Jo says "Would you rub my back I'm sore from riding all day."

"Sure." I say trying to sound calm, even though inside I'm freaking out. I sit up and rub her shoulders down her back, she has no bra on, quitting at her waist. Making sure that my rigid cock doesn't accidently touch her. I thought if it did she might freak out. "Is that good?" I ask.

"That was great thanks cuz." sitting up and kisses me on the cheek. "I better get back to the couch, Night."

I was screaming in side no stay with me, but I said "Night cuz." Then she crawls silently back to it. I watch in the dim light as she crawls. I so wanted to reach out and grab that fine ass of hers.

I don't think I slept at all that night thinking of Jo's huge tits rubbing my arm and her fine ass crawling back to the couch. I still had a hard on when mom came in and said it breakfast time.

Jo says, "Let me change then I will help you." She grabs some clothes from her suitcase. I swear I saw a pair of red panties and bra. Then disappears toward the bathroom.

I got up rolled up my sleeping bag. Then started to fold up Jo's blanket from the couch. Then I caught a whiff of her body scent, bringing it to my nose for a better smell. The aroma of her on the blanket was heavy musky odor of her femininity. I wondered if she wet the blanket as there was a wet spot where the odor was coming from. It smelled a little like pee but then again not so much. I had tear my face from it, folding then placing it on the couch.

I went to kitchen to see if I could help. Jo was there helping mom already. She was wearing a pair of light blue shorts and matching loose fitting strap top. Her red bra straps visible too. Her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She smiled at me when mom wasn't looking. She had no makeup on but she was perfect without it.

Then I hear dad, Bob, Kate and the twins in the dining room. I decide I better go sit in there with them. We make small talk while waiting for breakfast to come. After we eat, mom, Kate and the twins do cleanup. Jo starts to help but mom says she has helped enough. Everyone else goes out back to sit.

I ask Jo if she would like to go for a walk. Sure she says then tells her mom where shes going. We take off and we talk about the farm. How great it was when we were there, how much she loved it there. Especially when I was there. I tell her I felt the same way.

As we are walking she bumps into me.

"Looks like somebody is happy to see me and has filled out some too."

"Huh?" I look at her with a puzzled look.

Jo smiles then I see her eyes drift to my crotch.

My cargo shorts were pushed out from my hard on. Just from looking at her breasts. I blush like a little boy embarrassed from her noticing it. "Oh dam. I'm sorry Jo."

"Don't be. I think I'd be insulted if you didn't notice. Lets me know you still care."

I tried to hide it. I was sure if she saw my cock she would freak out. Nearly 8" long and big enough my hand would not go all the way around it hard. I had saw other guys dicks and they were half my size. So I thought I was a freak and to keep it hid from every one.

Jo just giggles then starts telling me how good I was to her and made her feel special. I said it was easy to be good to her as she was special. At least to me.

"Ah your so sweet." she tells me.

About that time we run into a buddy of mine Calvin. We meet up with him. I can tell he's, eye balling Jolene's tits. "Who is this fine lady?" he says.

"This is Jolene my cousin. Jo this is Calvin."

Jo says Hi. Calvin's says Hello your self. We talk to him for a while. Telling him she is staying for the summer.

"Cool." hes says "Maybe we can get together some time."

"I don't know." Jo says "My parents are pretty strict when it comes to boys."

"Too bad but, I can see why." He comments staring at her tits.

Telling him goodbye, We take off walking again. He's standing there watching her ass as we walk away.

"Jo watch out for him. He's bad news."

She says "OK, but your not, well we will just have to see what we can do about that." Then giggles.

"No really I mean it." I tell her "He has told me he has did his sister, even asked me if I wanted to. She will do anybody I tell her to, is what he said." I then tell her "That's why I don't hang out with him a lot."

Jo looks back saying "He's ugly as sin. Either she is too or he got a huge cock."

I am shocked by her response and don't know what to say. There is a strange tenseness between us as we head back home. Mom tells me she had a couple things for me to do. So I don't see Jo for a couple hours. After supper we watch some TV. Mom, dad, Kate, Bob, the twins go out back. Jo and I sit in silence watching TV. She gives me a strange look a couple times but says nothing.

About 10 dad comes in says bedtime and kills the TV. I go change into my PJ's and get clothes ready for tomorrow. I lay out my bag and crawl in.

Jo comes in starts making the couch up to sleep on. I can't help but watch her make the couch up. Her ass aimed right at me. One time looking over her shoulder at me smiling, I'm guessing she knew I was looking at her ass. "Good night all." she says.

I say good night, I hear goodnight back from every one. I must have drifted off as I was worn out after not sleeping the night before. Not to mention all the adrenaline of the day being with Jo. I think I had a hard on most of the day. I was glad my briefs could keep my cock contained enough it didn't show badly in my baggy shorts.

Anyway I'm waken by a hand on my chest. Jo asking, "You awake?"

"I am now." I mumble.

"I need to talk to you." sliding in beside me. Cuddling in close her breast rubbing my arm and side.

"OK I'm listening." Although it was very hard to do so with her tits rubbing on me. I'm getting hard again by the second.

"Remember when you said Calvin did his sister?"


"I don't know how to say this but Ricky and dad have been molesting me for two years."

"WHAT?" I almost yell. She puts her hand over my mouth.

"Please no one can know. You're the only one I've ever told. I hate it but I don't know what to do or how to stop it. It makes me sick every time it happens and wish they would die."

I'm just completely blown away with what she has just told me.

"That's why I wanted to stay here all summer. To get away from them." She begins to cry.

I roll on my side wrap my arm around her trying to console her. "I will do anything I can to protect you, you know that don't you." She still whimpering but shakes her head yes. Then puts her arm around me. Her head rests against my chest. I'm so ashamed as I am hard as a rock and so afraid she will feel it. She cuddles closer if that was possible. I mange to keep my cock from touching her, believe me that was a difficult thing to do.

I'm so mad I want to go up stairs with a baseball bat and kill uncle Bob. I say "How the fuck can he do that to his own daughter? Fucking worthless piece of shit and Ricky too. You should tell someone, the law."

"I can't he said the law would never believe me as he is in good with them there. It would kill mom and destroy our family too if I told her. He said he would tell her I came on to him and did it to get money from him."

"I would say the two of them have already done that."

"I was young and didn't understand why dad was doing what he was doing to me. Telling me he loved me and it was OK. Of course he was drunk all the times he did it. I have tried to get them to stop but they won't. Telling me that I really want it even though I say no."

"Well you will be safe here, at least for the summer. I would never let any one harm you while you with me. I'd kill them first. That's a promise." She kisses me on the cheek then says she better get back to the couch.

Again I can't sleep thinking of how she has been abused. I lay there listening to her sleep a small whimper coming from her occasionally. I feel terrible about how I had been thinking of wanting to fuck her my self. I and how much I loved feeling her huge tits touching me. How much I really wanted to touch and squeeze them too. I can't help my feelings but I do not want to abuse her as her father and brother had done. I loved her too much to do that to her.

Part 2 to follow.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
1 star

strict catholic my ass. the catalocs are the worst sinners of any religion .

1 star for that one s\catholic statement

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 7 years ago

This story desperately needs an editor, and significantly more time spent on proofreading in general.

That aside, it was on the way towards something, but then went towards creep-ville instead. The whole thing about Jo having been abused for so long might have ruined any chance of me finding this story erotic, especially because future abuse looms in the horizon if nothing is done to save her.

Until that is solved in some manner, any kind of sexy shenanigans are marred.

Moondog2010Moondog2010over 8 years ago
Nice story!

Glad to see you continued it. Don't listen to the haters. But of hosers! :-)

Comentarista82Comentarista82over 8 years ago
Enjoyed it

..although I strongly recommend an editor, like others suggested. The run-on sentences don't make it impossible, but they do make the reader stop at different times, and that hurts the flow of the story. An editor will eliminate those and help you keep your facts straight.

That said, I like the idea of the backstory with Jolene, although I didn't see the molestation angle coming--especially since she was still outgoing and didn't have an attitude shift because of it. I'll suspend disbelief for this first chapter and see where other installments go. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good Story, but...

It's a good story, but terrible grammar, def needs editing. Also, what kind of backward family has parents tell 18+ years olds that its bedtime at 10pm? Not very believable.

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