My Daughter's Friends: Brooke


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"Okay," she said moments later when her warmth finally swallowed me whole. "But hold on, I'm not ready yet."

"Of course," I said calmly, although my shaft was ablaze. The way her ass rested on my upper thighs made me pulsate. I was so deep, so temptingly deep. "Take all the time you need."

She nodded. "I knew you'd hurt."

"I'm sorry."

"No... I like it."

For what felt like another few minutes, she sat there, her figure contracting, squirming, getting use to me. I could feel it all. As deep as I was, there wasn't a move she made that didn't tease me. But nevertheless, I kept still.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

She didn't answer. Whether that was because I spoke too quietly or she was in too much pain, I didn't know. After her pulses subsided though, she at least opened her eyes and looked down at me.

"Is it better?" I asked her.

Again, she didn't answer. Instead, she grinned then, with a flutter of her lashes, rubbed her hands up my pecs, lowered her torso onto mine and pinned me, her straddle tighter than ever.

I tensed. From here, her kiwi conditioner stormed my nostrils, her minty breath flooded my palate and her fervent heartbeat, which pounded like mine, drummed against my chest. Best of all, we were veiled in her hair, cut off from the rest of the world.

"Yeah, it's better," she whispered, so close our noses grazed. "I'm ready now. But go slow."

I nodded, giving her another few heartbeats before rising up into her.

"Oh god," she moaned.

I nearly moaned as well. "Does it hurt?"


"Good..." With a sigh, I retreated to the bed and started to knead her as gently as I could. Up... Down... Up... Down... Up... Down... However, this pace didn't last for long.

While she panted to my rhythm, she shut her eyes, leaned in and kissed me, her lips as soft as they were delicate. "A little bit faster," she murmured as her tongue slipped into my mouth and filled me with her cranberry taste.

Which I relished like I was starved.

Over the next song, my kneads became drives and my drives became bucks. To hold her in place, I ran my hands to her shapely ass, flipped up her nighty and grabbed as much of her as I could. Like a glutton. She was so soft. With each beat, I squeezed. With each beat, she moaned. And with the music as our metronome, we were soon smacking together so rapidly our lips couldn't stay locked.

"Oh god," she whispered, pushing off my chest and sitting up on me where she bounced, and bounced, and bounced to the sounds of our smacks. "Take off my gown."

In chills, I obeyed and fiddled with the yarn-like frills of her nighty until I clutched them. Then, keen to every curve along her figure, I undressed her and revealed her feminine traits one by one. First, her Brazilian wax. Then, her toned stomach with her naval piercing. And lastly, her balloon-size breasts, highlighted by the most suckable of nipples.

With another shiver, I stripped the scant fabric over her head and threw it aside.

"That's better." She panted as she bounced and bounced and bounced. "Now grab me," she said, seizing my wrists and pulling my hands to her bust. "Hard."

Regardless of how that sparked me, I obeyed again and let her breasts fill my hands like the supple cushions they were. For breaths, I reveled in her fullness while unknowingly, our smacks became vicious.

She sweated. I sweated. And during the next song, we both became slippery. Me: A puddle on a damp sheet. Her: A beacon who glistened in the incandescence. By this time, we didn't need the music. We composed our own, conducted by her veil of hair which waved out like ribbon with every splash.

But as ardently as she rode me, her breathing ultimately grew too frantic.

"I want to be on bottom," she yipped, placing her hands on my stomach for support. "Can we switch?"

This time, I didn't answer. Nor did I slow. Rather, I grabbed her wrists, pulled them out from under her and collapsed her onto my chest. Then, with a kick, I rolled us over, propped up on my arms and slapped into her.

"Oh fuck." She gasped through a smile. "Can't I catch my breath?"


From above, I drove myself into her, as hard as I could, as deep as I could. Fatigue be damned. Sweat be damned. She was insatiable. So thin, her stomach bowed from her hips to her ribs. So busty, her breasts nearly sprang into her chin. And so tight, her body beckoned my release.

Yet, even with her legs constricted around my hips, yanking me back after each of our splashes, I wouldn't let her taut figure coerce me to release before she did. No matter how sensually she moaned, how seductively she squirmed or how potently she spasmed, I would not lose myself to her before she lost herself to me.

Then I got my edge.

"Just like that," she whispered. "I'm close." In the throes of exhaustion, she then raised her arms above her and grabbed the lip of the mattress as if she wanted her hands to be bound, which gave me an idea.

As she continued to roll, I reached over her into the headboard's center cupboard and pulled out the end of a scarf, the other end of which was tied around a custom steel bar I had drilled into the oak just weeks earlier. Within seconds, and without slowing, I came up on my knees and shackled her feeble wrists in a slew of knots.

"What are you doing?" She panted, her eyes wide with excitement. "Are you tying me up?"

Again, I didn't answer. Instead, once she was bound, I wrenched on the other end of the scarf and forced her arms over her. Then, still on my knees and still driving, I pressed my left palm down between her breasts, licked my thumb and placed my right hand on her pelvis. There, my thumb snuck between her thighs and started to run circles amidst her silky pleats.

"Oh god." She arched back, tugging on her cuffs to no avail. "That's going make me cum."

Circle after circle, the pad of my thumb fondled her while circle after wet circle, she floundered.

"Don't stop," she whimpered.

From her messy hair scattered about the pillows to her toned legs now propped on the bed to brace herself, she was mine. Tied, pinned and soaked, she was all mine. And I was in no mood to see it end.

"I forbid you to cum." I growled.

Her eyes lit up. "What?"

"Don't cum."

"But I want to." She shuddered. "I'm close."

Relentlessly, I kept ramming myself into her. "I don't care. I'll pull out."

"What?" With a winch, she bit her bottom lip and huffed as if to try to breathe away the urge. But I only sped up, each splash faster than the one before it. "You'll pull out?" she moaned. "But Mr. Erickson-- Liam?"

Smack. Smack. Smack.

"Don't cum."

Every time she flailed, I held her down. Every time she contracted, I fucked her harder. Between my hand's caress and the scarf's restraint, she was helpless.

"But I'm going to," she gasped. "Please. Don't pull out."

"Then don't cum."

"Fuck," she yipped, trying to buck her ass into the air. "Slow down at least."


Despite the fire in my lungs, the sweat in my eyes and the swell of my own lust, I rebelled.

"Please." She wrapped her legs around my hips again. "I'm there. Don't pull out."

"Then don't cum."

"Fuck you," she cried. "I can't stop it." Her straddle tightened. "I can't stop it."

For seconds, I watched her thrash beneath me, unable to counter, unable to escape.

"Oh god." Her voice quavered. "Liam, I can't stop it."

As she rived, the bedframe banged against the headboard.


Smack! Smack! Smack!


Cum from me, my Asian Goddess.

"Liam!" Screaming out, she lashed into a fit of convulsions and began jolting about the mattress. "Don't you dare stop," she whined through the tremors. Like a ragdoll, her figure tossed and turned as if to try to flee me. But with each of her thrashes, I kept her pinned while she wrestled the bliss. "Oh god!" Her screams vibrated.

Splash after splash, I continued to ram myself into her and roll after roll, she took it.

"Oh my god," she moaned.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

But soon I started to slow. Without warning, it was as if my body couldn't take it anymore, my own need couldn't take it anymore. She was too vocal, too sexy. Too tight! I tried to huff it away but the air smelled of her: her sweat, her perfume, her passion. I panicked. Only half way through hers, and I was about to lose mine!

In the next breath, she opened her eyes, looked up at me and smiled through the pleasure. Then, with that familiar glimmer of passion in her irises, she constricted her legs, tightened her body and, though I fought to abstain, forced me to release.

Like a brute, I slammed into her as every daydream, every fantasy, every dirty thought this beautiful woman conjured in me since day one came surging up. And out.

"Fuck," I grunted, erupting into her.

My body shook. Her body shook. Amidst the euphoria, she grabbed my neck and pulled me down to her lips where the softness of her mouth swaddled me. Like a child.

For moments, between her cranberry kisses and her slippery straddle, I convulsed like a teenager savoring his first time.

And it was paralyzing.

The rest of our pulses faded beautifully. During the next several waves, until the very last one eased away from us, we swayed together, cocooned in each other's arms with our lips locked and our tongues in a swim.

She was ecstasy.

Part 23: Good Night

Once it was over, I untied the scarf and rolled off of her, lying beside her and catching my breath as quietly as I could. However, she didn't do the same. Although her phone's playlist seemed to prevent any awkward silence from settling in, she must've still felt uncomfortable, or ashamed, because after only a couple seconds, she got off the bed, picked up her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

She was there for a few minutes too. To be honest, I'd never had a one night stand before so I couldn't be sure if that was normal. But it didn't matter, soon enough, she came back out, grabbed her phone off the headboard and stood at the side of my bed, once more dressed in her lavender nighty, absolutely aglow in the incandescence. If only her would-be sex hair wasn't up in a ponytail.

"Well." She turned off the music, keeping her focus on her phone but looking up at me every now and then while she flipped through it. "That was fun. You aren't anything like I expected you to be."

"Oh..." I propped up on my elbow, faced her and grabbed the pillow next to me to cover myself. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She peeked up from her screen and smiled. "It's just... I didn't expect you to be so, barbaric."

I winced. "Did I hurt you?"

"No." She giggled as she raised her phone and used the camera to check her appearance. "Not at all."

"I'm sorry I got carried away."

"Don't be." She laughed again. "I'm glad you did. I've never been tied up before."

Whether I was surprised by her innocence or reminded of her age at that point, I kept quiet and watched her tuck back the loose strands of her hair, brush her eyebrows into place and flutter her lashes in an attempt to rid the 'I just had sex' look from her face. But it didn't really work. Her grin gave her away.

"But hey," she said a moment later, lowering her phone then crawling onto the mattress beside me where she leaned in and gave me a kiss. "I should get going."

"You don't have to," I whispered, inches from her lips. "You can stay."

"Oh really?" She kissed me again. "I don't think either of us wants Aubrey finding me in your bed tomorrow morning."

"No... Probably not."

Of course, I didn't mean for her to spend the night. I only wanted her to lie with me for a while longer. Would that have been so bad?

Before I had the courage to speak, she crawled off the mattress, turned around and raised her phone into the air as if to check her appearance again. But rather, in a torrent of clicks, she snapped off a stream of selfies with me obviously in the background.

"There." She spun around and faced me. "Now I can post our night together."

My eyes shot wide.

"I'm kidding!" She laughed. "I just wanted something to remember it by. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone. But then again, I could use these photos to blackmail you."

I shot up. "What?"

"I'm kidding!" With another grin, she then scampered to the door, twirled around and leaned against the knob like a pinup. "You shouldn't be so tense, you know that?" In the following blink, she opened the door a crack.

"Wait," I blurted, surprised she was leaving me so quickly. "Before you go, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She shrugged, leaning back against the door and shutting it. Thankfully. "Anything."

"Why did you come up here?"

As if shocked by the question, she stopped cold and stared at me for some time. By the look on her face, she was either contemplating a hard truth or an elaborate lie. "That's a big question." She brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Is it okay if I start at the beginning?"

"Of course."

"Are you sure? It's kind of a long story."

"That's fine with me."

"Okay," she whispered as she fidgeted into a more comfortable position against the door. "Well, to start, I really like sex. Actually, I really like getting off. But I don't like doing it myself. When I was younger, I did. Or I thought I did. But after I let my first serious boyfriend do it for me, I realized, even though it was kind of awkward, it was a lot better." She paused, her eyes now on the floor. "Anyway. As I grew older, I started wanting it more and more. But over the course of this year, it got harder for me to get because the guys got selfish. Not only that, but they were assholes about it. It wasn't fair. I had to give this one guy like three blowjobs for every one time he'd oral me."

I cringed.

"It was bull shit. And I really like oral." She paused again. "But anyway. I figured my first time wasn't going to be with one of these high school douchebags so I started dating this college guy. But he wasn't any better. A dorm bunk is no way to lose your virginity by the way."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine." She shook her head, her eyes still on the carpet. "I dated two other guys from the U over the next couple months but it still didn't make much of a difference. The second guy was terrible in bed and the third, well, he was okay but it turned out he was cheating on me."

I cringed again. "I'm sorry."

With a shift from one foot to the other, she smiled and folded her arms. "Thanks. It's not so much that I cared about the other girls as much as how he threw it in my face. I wasn't even looking for anything serious but he still pissed me off."

"Can I ask who that last guy was?"

"It doesn't matter." She shrugged it off then met my gaze. "But anyway. I guess you could say that I've been looking for someone to give me what I want without the drama. Maybe that's a bit selfish of me but I can't help it... That's why I came up here. After you helped me with math and bought all that stuff for us, I knew you were too sweet to be an asshole and too patient to be selfish... Plus, after what happened on Thursday, when my hand grazed you, I knew you wanted me too."

I blushed, dropping my eyes to the damp sheet.

"You don't think I'm a slut do you? I swear, except for you, I've always tried to wait a least a couple weeks before--"

"I don't think you're a slut," I interrupted her. "You don't think I'm a creepy old man do you?"

"Oh god no." She laughed "You're only thirty five. That's far from old."

While her giggles filled the space between us, I lifted my eyes back to hers and for a handful of seconds, we just stared at each other, the room accented by the lingering aroma of sweat, alcohol and lily perfume.

"But hey," she said a moment later. "Now I really have to get going. Thanks for the great night. I look forward to doing it again."

"Again?" I perked up.

"Well yeah. If that's okay with you."

"Yeah," I tried to say casually. "I would love that."

"Good." She smirked. "There's some other stuff I want to try though. Maybe next time, I can tie you up."

I shivered then gave her a nod.

"Good." She winked at me, opening the door fully then backing up to the threshold with her hand on the knob. "And thanks for listening too. I haven't really shared that part of me with anyone before."

"Of course. I'm always here if you need me."

"Thanks." She laughed. "Good night, Mr. Erickson."

"Good night, Ms. Chang."

With that, my Asian Goddess gave me her last smile for the night then slipped into the darkness and shut the door behind her, leaving me with the fading patter of her bare feet as she skipped down the hallway.

The End

=====Author's Notes=====

If you liked my story I would greatly appreciate a five star and a favorite. Also, this is the first serious project I've ever let anyone read so your comments, good, or bad if constructive, are welcome.

Thanks for reading!

Tidbits: Word count = 24.5k / Time Commitment = 10 weeks

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NursesNurses26 days ago

Great story. Definitely a five.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

All these years later and no follow up?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

5 Stars on a great read . Keep the stories coming

billdaviesbilldaviesabout 1 year ago

This was just superb. Great, believable characters, well-paced storytelling, building tension then the just beautifully described sex with Brooke. Bravo sir. You have a gift, please use it... a lot! Can't wait for more.

All the best

Bill in the UK

sweetzebrasweetzebraabout 1 year ago

What an unexpected delight, being told an actual story that takes its time, detailing thrills, surprises and emotions. Well meaning characters and a positive outcome which all really suit me right now. Thank you, sir!

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