My Descent into Slavery Ch. 19


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Sahar put Angela on the treadmill with a twenty pound pack and told her to run five miles. She could slow down, but not stop. Of course the Slave Trainer kept distracting her. Since Dawud wanted to see Kadina fight, she was put on the mat with Chaney. Chaney was an ex-Seal, not the largest of men, but he definitely wasn't a pushover. Kadina got put down about seventy percent of the time. She got Chaney down the rest. She'd never have beaten him when she started.

"Are you slacking up because her parents are watching, Chaney?" Sahar asked.

"Fuck no." He got off the mat where Kadina had put him.

"Just checking."

"Why does she fight men?" Safiwah asked. "She is getting beat up."

"Because Kadina can already beat all but three of the women regularly. She can't get good fighting worse opponents, only better ones. All of Joshua's crew are ex-military, trained fighters. She has to be able to win those fights more than half of the time if she's going to take on most men and hope to survive."

"Do you fight the men too?" Dawud asked.

"Almost all the time," Sahar replied. "We have a Marine sniper woman aboard who fights Mixed Martial Arts. I'll fight her."

"Do you beat the men?" Safiwah asked.

"The ones who haven't seen combat, I beat regularly. The ones who have, about half of the time. That's about the best I can hope for with trained men who out muscle and outweigh me when I don't have the element of surprise. All of these men know what I can do, and they don't fight me like a woman. They fight me like another one of them. That's enough Kadina. Take a break. Maahnoor, get out there and fight your husband. No kissing."

Henderson and Maahnoor got on the mat and squared off. Kadina got off, and Sahar tossed her a towel. "Good job, bitch. Take ten, then on the gun range while you're exhausted. Let's see if you can still shoot when your heart is pumping. Beth, you join her, cover the right flank. I want to see you work as a team. A dozen bad guys and five slaves. Set it up. I want to hear you talk to each other. You've already lost the element of surprise. They know you're coming."

That's what I dialed in. Now since I was taking on seven myself and Kadina five, you'd think twelve would be about what we could handle together. If they came at us, seven at me and five at Kadina, it might work that way, but it doesn't. Sometimes, eight guys might be facing her and me four. Kadina could get overwhelmed quickly, and then I would have eight or nine on me, above my normal success rate at this level. You never knew what was going to happen.

We managed to take out eleven, but we both died and we wounded a slave. I hoped we didn't end up with twelve opponents. Though that was without Sahar and Ethan, so maybe we'd do all right. I definitely didn't want to die yet.

Ethan and Sahar went next and they took on twenty with seven slaves and they got through the damn thing with only a wound. Maybe we would survive. I didn't think Mark would have twenty bodyguards. He struck me as being fat, dumb and happy himself. He didn't know what was coming.


When we broke for lunch, Sahar gave us the rest of the day so Kadina could spend more time with her parents. We showered and put on more in the way of clothes. Safiwah seemed to be less embarrassed by Angela's constant nudity as if she was getting used to it. Perhaps like going to a nudist colony and your head being on a swivel the first time you went, then becoming blasé about the whole thing with more frequent visits.

I had washed Angela's first Slave Trainer and gotten Kadina a second one. She whined when it was put on, quickly receiving a quick twenty swat spanking to her bare ass for her complaints. She would receive a few more swats over the course of the afternoon as she complained rather frequently as orgasm after orgasm passed her by. Dawud appeared amused by her discomfiture, and the frequent swats to her bare ass. He didn't understand what Angela was saying but, quickly grasped how frustrated she was.

Master had arranged a barbecue for lunch, although he was still in business meetings. Both parents consulted with Kadina about what to put on their hamburgers, as they'd never had one. What Kadina eventually did was take one cheeseburger and one hamburger and dressed a quarter of each in four different ways, then had her parents take a bite of each one. They both ended up liking cheeseburgers, Dawud rather plain with only onions, mustard and ketchup. Safiwah liked hers with lettuce and tomato and mayo added to it. They also had potato salad and Cole slaw, both of which her parents tried and liked.

This was the first time the men and women weren't automatically separated by the table as everyone grabbed some food and ate wherever. The Arabic speaking freed slaves made the effort to speak to both of Kadina's parents. None of the men were too forward with the women, nor the women too flirtatious with the men. They were well trained in dealing with the different cultures Master had business with.

Angela was standing at Kadina's side, begging to cum again.

Dawud said to her, "al-rakwa ayha el-abd," and Angela knelt. Then he said, "kin hadia ayha el-abd."

"He just said, 'Be quiet, slave.' Another good Arabic phrase to learn," Kadina said. "If you speak again without permission, I will punish you."

"Does that mean 'ayha el-abd' is 'slave', Mistress?" I asked, noticing the similarity in the two phrases. Abd sounded like abdu

"Strictly speaking," Sahar said, answering for her, "only the word 'abd' is slave. But there are many variations of slave, such as servant, enthralled, bound, slavery. The other words provide additional meaning. The name Abd is in a lot of Arabic and Muslim names. Abdul means servant of God."

"Our Abdul was anything but," I said. "He was more a servant of the devil."

Kadina was translating for her parents.

"Who is this Abdul you speak of?" Dawud asked.

"He was the chief lieutenant of the man who enslaved Kadina and Beth," Sahar explained. "He was about to brand Beth when we found him."

"What happened to him?"

"I branded his face multiple times with the hot iron he intended to brand Beth with, then, I cut off his cock and balls and stuffed them in his mouth so there would be no virgins for him in heaven. He was still alive when I did so."

Safiwah covered her mouth with her hand again. She'd be better off covering her ears around Sahar.

"Was Abdul the man who branded you, Kadina?" Dawud asked.

"Yes, father."

"Allah khayr." I recognized that phrase from before. God is good.

"Then Khayr is 'good', I asked.

"Technically, khayr is all kinds of goodness, not good," Sahar said. "Allah khayr would be God is all kinds of goodness, or is all goodness, but it would be translated as good."

"What other names begin with abd?" I asked.

Abd khayr would be servant of all kinds of goodness. Abd al-ala would be slave of the high. Abd-al-alim would be servant of the all knowing, Abd-al-bari would be servant of Allah, Abd-al-hakim would be servant of the wise. Then there are the variations of Abdul, like Abdullah, Abdalla, Abdas, Abdelilah, Abdell, Abduallah."

"What does Mahmoud mean?" I asked.


"Another misnomer for a despicable man. Arabic seems like it would be a tough language to learn," I said.

"Worse to read and write. All western languages are based on the Roman alphabet. Arabic has it's own alphabet, and it's very complex. The nuances of slave might mean you would see the word written in seven or eight different ways, all meaning roughly the same thing, but not exactly the same thing."

"What does Maahnoor mean?"

"Glow or light of the moon, or moonlight."

"What is the meaning of the tattoo on Angela? Does it mean sex slave?"

"Strictly speaking, it would mean a slave for sex, el-abd lemmarce al-gans." Al-gans sounded like algensi.

Dawud was listening to Kadina translate again.

"Since she is a sex slave, is she any good at sex?"

Kadina blushed as he asked the question and Sahar laughed when she heard it, then translated for me.

She answered him while Kadina blushed. "Kadina screamed her pleasure so loudly the first time she used her new slave for sex, the whole ship heard her. I thought she was being hurt and was about to go to her room and kill whoever was hurting her. Beth told me it was a scream of pleasure and I shouldn't embarrass Kadina by busting into her room while Angela was nestled between her legs."

Of course, Kadina blushed even redder when Sahar gave her explanation, and Angela smiled a gentle smile when Sahar told us what she said. Safiwah covered her mouth again, but she was smiling when she did it.

"Had they not had sex before?" Dawud asked. "Did she not know what it would be like?"

"Before Angela served her Mistress, Beth gave her lessons on how to pleasure her better. Angela was a good student. I thought only my wife was capable of giving such pleasure."

Safiwah put her hand on Kadina's arm and squeezed it.

"Will you tell our family and friends that I am dead?" Kadina asked.

They looked at one another briefly. "We will tell them that you are not dead, but have been vastly changed by your experiences, and choose not to return home."

"Will I ever be able to visit home with Angela, or must I leave her in the US?" Kadina asked.

"We will carefully explore the reactions of your loved ones, particularly your brother and sisters," Dawud said. "If they do not reject it out of hand, we will see. Perhaps some of them would choose to visit you."

"I am grateful, Father, Mother." Safiwah squeezed Kadina's arm again.

Angela was begging to cum again. Kadina gave her a stiff thirty swat spanking. Ten for begging, ten for not having permission to speak, and ten for being annoying.


For supper, Pierre prepared Peruvian dishes. Kadina's parents and Master were leaving again tomorrow. Kadina spent many hours talking to her parents. I didn't know what they spoke about, only that it must have been very hard, because they were all frequently crying.

I spent as much time fucking Master after supper as I could. Sahar gave me time alone with him. I learned later she spent the time with Hannah, Angelique and Delphine.

"When will I see you again, Master?" I asked as we recovered from our last bout of sex, after I'd cleaned his cock for him and he'd cleaned me.

"Edgar will let me know when he thinks you're ready to leave. I'll check on you then to see how you do on a real exercise, before giving you permission to go. That will probably be in the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico someplace. Figure two weeks or so, based on your training thus far."

"If Mark has more slaves, what are we going to do with them, sir?"

"It's been confirmed. He has two more slaves. He purchased one two months ago, and the other a month after that. We saw two substantial purchases from a suspected human trafficker in Indonesia."

"Will the trafficker be taken care of?"

"He'll be arrested after your raid. We don't want to tip Spagnoli off. We can't leave the slaves there. You'll have to bring them with you."

"We don't speak Indonesian, sir."

"Translation app. Best if you don't speak at all. Type what you want to say and let the computer voice speak for you. You don't want them to see you so they can give descriptions. Edgar thinks you should tranq them, cover their heads and only have one person speak to them. Ethan, I suspect, as they'll expect men made the attack. Don't give any personal, identifying information out, including the fact you were former slaves yourselves. I don't want a record of any women being involved. Edgar will give you details. You'll want to torch the place afterward, get rid of evidence. We've gotten some firearms to use. It won't be what you're used to, so you'll need to practice with new mockups. They'll be flown into Panama and Leo will pick them up."

"I'm sorry I'm so much trouble to you, sir."

"I live for trouble like you, Beth. My life would be so much worse without you. If you didn't want to help, you wouldn't be you."

I cuddled up next to him and went to sleep. Sahar slid into bed later and cradled me from behind. In the morning, she licked me while Master fucked me. Heaven on earth.


We said our goodbyes right after breakfast. With their departure, I pulled Sahar and Kadina aside.

"Mark has purchased two slaves. Master has confirmed it," I told them.

"We need to accelerate our training," Sahar said. "We can't leave them in his hands any longer than we have to."

"Their virginity has already been taken, if they were virgins. They've already been branded or tattooed," I said. "Does another week or two make that much difference?"

"What do you think, Kadina? How often will Mark beat them?"

"Not severely if they're compliant, but regularly until they learn English if they don't speak it. I was paddled a couple times a day at the beginning. He won't break skin if he thinks they're trying. He only did that for intentional disobedience."

"Fuck!" Sahar exclaimed. "I hate leaving them in his hands. I hate it with a burning passion."

"Running in there half cocked and getting killed won't be good for anyone," I said.

"I know, damn it!"

We went to the gym, and I was naked again save for a sports bra, with Kadina's parents gone. Sahar asked Roberta if she'd take over the training of all of the freed slaves but Kadina and me. When Roberta agreed, she began to drive us relentlessly, harder than ever. We cycled between exhaustion running, lifting weights, then the gun range, then back to combat, gun range, physical training, gun range, in half hour increments. I was dripping wet and ready to collapse by lunch. Kadina was worse off than me. She did collapse.

"We can't keep this up, Sahar," I said. "This is too much."

Sahar was bent over, panting. She'd driven herself harder than anyone.

She looked at me wearily. "I know, fuck it, I know."

Angela came up to us. "Mistress Kadina, may your slave speak?"

Kadina gasped, "Kneel and speak."

Angela knelt down. "Mark Spagnoli just texted me. He wants me to call him at ten tonight."

"Text back you'll call."


What did it mean? Was Mark coming to get Kadina, sending for her? If he was coming to get her, that would make our job easier. We wouldn't have to assault his home in Indonesia, although we'd still need to free the slaves there. Or maybe he could be encouraged to bring them. After we showered, we got Ethan and Edgar to join us in Master's' cabin and had food sent there. Angela was with us, because whatever was decided, she was a part of it now, if she was talking to Spagnoli later.

We told them both that Angela was going to call Mark Spagnoli later, and we needed to know what to say to him.

"I've never really thought in terms of being a criminal mastermind and Sahar is more of a bull in the china shop kind of person. She doesn't plan, she acts. We need a couple of devious fuckers to tell us what we need to say to him."

"And you think I'm a criminal mastermind fucker, is that it?" Edgar said.

"We both know you took care of Tadeo, Rodrigo and Francisco," Sahar said, "and didn't get tripped up by the cops, plus you planned the whole assault on Mahmoud thing. We need that kind of planning. You've started planning the Indonesia assault. You're exactly the fucker we need."

Edgar grinned. "Yeah, I see your point. What are you going to tell the bastard?"

"As close to the truth as possible without telling him he's going to die," I said. "For one thing, we don't know if he's heard anything about what went on. He may be keeping tabs on things in Los Angeles, know that slaves have been freed and slave owners arrested. Apparently, they all knew each other. For all we know, he's even been keeping tabs on Angela, although he likely doesn't know she's submitted to Kadina, because she hasn't been home since that started."

"Right. Let's start chatting about the back story, what you're going to say to him when you call, and see if we can't get him coming here. If he does come to the States, or anywhere near here, do you want him arrested?"

"No fucking way," Sahar said. "That mother fucker is dead."

"Then we don't want to do it in a first world country with top notch police forces," Ethan said.

I looked at Angela. "Angela. We're talking about murder here. If you don't want to be a part of it, you'll just say you don't want to give Kadina up, and to go fuck himself."

"How do I tell him that?"

"Tell him the truth. That you've fallen in love with her and since she's a voluntary submissive, she's chosen to stay with you, and doesn't want to go back to him. It's what he told you she was. As far as he knows, you still believe it's true."

She looked at Kadina. "I'll do whatever Mistress Kadina wants me to do."

"I want to kill him."

"Then that's what I'll do," Angela said. "I meant it when I said I'd do anything for you."

Kadina kissed her.

We spent the next nine hours talking about what Angela was going to say to Mark, and twenty different variations based upon Marks likely responses to anything we told him, breaking only to eat some more. It depended on what he said he wanted, and what we wanted him to do, based upon what he wanted. If we had to leave him in Indonesia, we could work with that. We already had a plan to deal with that option. Getting him out in the open was our top priority, and getting him to bring his other slaves was the second highest priority. We had ways to delay meeting. (Angela was on vacation out of the country, and Kadina was still in California because she didn't have paperwork. Sticking as close to the truth as possible.) The last two hours was just drilling, getting Angela to respond naturally to anything Mark might say.

According to our info, Mark was thirteen hours later than we were now, equivalent to the Eastern time zone in the US, except Peru didn't recognize daylight savings time, so New York would have been fourteen hours behind right now. Calling at 10 in California would have been nine AM Indonesian time, but it would be eleven AM instead. He might be getting antsy.

At ten PM our time, Angela called, putting the phone on speaker so the six of us could hear. We'd been warned to be absolutely quiet. You could hear the ship's diesels in the background, but that fit in with our agenda.

"Hi, Mark, what do you want? I haven't heard from you for half a year."

"I want Kadina back. You're two hours late in calling."

"Not from where I'm calling off the west coast of South America. It's ten here, and I'm not giving Kadina back."

"Why not? She's my submissive."

"I've fallen in love with Katie and she wants to stay with me."

"Is Kadina with you?"

"How could she be. You took all of her ID's with you, or at least left them locked up in your house. She can't go anywhere outside of the country with me. Can't even get on a plane without an ID."

"Where is she then?"

"With a Dominant friend in LA who appreciates delicious submissives. She's looking after her until I get back."

"Who is it?"

"She doesn't like her name bandied about. Suffice it to say, she's in good hands, licking lots of pussy, staying in practice for when I get home."

"I need to talk to her, confirm for myself she wants to stay with you."

"You can't talk to her now. Not until I get back to LA."

"When will that be?" Mark asked.

"The ship doesn't get back for ten days. I suppose I could cut my trip short and fly home."

"Why don't you do that?"

"Why should I? I've already paid for the cruise and flying home and I'd miss half of my trip and I would add to my expenses. You haven't even called to talk to her for six months. What's the rush?"

"I have a whole bunch of clients who want to be entertained, if you know what I mean." Yeah, we all knew what you meant, asshole.