My Descent into Slavery Ch. 19


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Sahar laughed. "That one is mine."

"Does Edgar know we're all safe?" I asked Sahar.

"He knows, and he's informed Joshua his main bitch is okay."

I smiled at her.

"There is going to be a lot of bloodshed soon," I said to the two freed slaves. "If you don't want to watch, you may want to go into a cabin and wait until we're done. We don't have a lot to eat, but I can give you a protein bar if you like, and some water."

"Some water, please, Mistress." They took their water, but they didn't leave.

Roberta had stuck a knife in the arms and legs of her guy and dumped him over the side. She hadn't woken him up, so he'd probably drown before he got eaten. The motor was currently off and we were bobbing in the water. Shark fins began to appear. The man sent overboard took three or four hard jolts, shaking wildly, then he disappeared. There was a red spot where he'd been, which slowly broke up.

The rest were dragged together and and Sahar gave a shot to the first one. It was the one that Hibbah had taken out. It took three or four minutes before he started to wake up. He looked at his cuffed hands, his nudity, took in the grim faces of the women surrounding him, and started to whimper.

"This is what happens to slavers," Sahar said. "We've already been told you planned on taking a slave from our crew. We've all been slaves and decided that people who would own someone else don't deserve to live. You don't deserve to live."

He apparently understood English fine. "Please, I have a wife and children," he said.

"So your children will be raised to think enslaving other people is okay," Hibbah said. "I think not."

Sahar handed Hibbah the stingray barb who struck him ten times, hard, leaving his back and butt bloody. He screamed during his beating.

"I wish to study medicine." Hibbah said, "and the Hippocratic oath says that we're supposed to do no harm. You should have practiced the same philosophy. Help me dump him, Yasmine. The salt water will make his wounds hurt more."

They tossed him over. The sharks were already circling. He didn't last long.

One by one, the others followed, awakened, to understand their crime and their punishment. A former slave would beat him with the barb, and they'd be tossed overboard as food for the sharks. Soon, only three were left, the two armed men and Mark. Sahar severed their leg tendons so they couldn't kick and she awakened all three at once. They awoke in pain, screaming.

"Hello, Master," Kadina said. "It looks as if our circumstances have changed. I now have all the power, and you have none." She held up the stingray barb, dripping blood. "You're about to find out what pain feels like when you have no power."

"Please, I'll give you all of my money," he whimpered.

"They're giving freed slaves a hundred thousand dollars per year for their enslavement. I'm already rich beyond my wildest dreams."

"I can give you more," he groaned.

"There is no amount of money that will save you now. Your money is already forfeit. It will go to other slaves who are discovered, including the two you just purchased. They will live well on your money. Not obscenely well, but well."

The two slaves looked at each other. We hadn't explained everything yet.

Kadina handed the stingray barb to Ningsih. "Would you like to take revenge for all the pain you've suffered? The only rule is you can't kill him. I'm not done with him yet."

Ningsih took the barb and began striking Mark. She wasn't carful about where the blows landed. He was screaming.

Sahar squatted down next to the slave trainer. "You like to train young women to be sold, do you? Did you use your fingers to squeeze their breasts and push into their young cunts." He didn't say anything. "Of course you did." Sahar cut off one of his fingers and tossed it over the side. He was screaming.

"As part of my slave training, men like you shoved their cocks into my mouth and ass, and I was forced to swallow their disgusting seed. Have you ever had to swallow a cock? I think we should remedy that right now."

Sahar severed his cock and balls and shoved it down his throat. His screams were more muffled now. "Fatima, start the boat, it's time to go trolling for sharks."

Fatima started the engine while Sahar tightly tied a line around the man's upper chest. She didn't need help to toss him over the side. Fatima seemed to keep the speed at around five knots, slow enough the sharks could keep up if they were hungry. Apparently, many were, and since we were moving, we attracted others from the blood flowing in the water. It took about three minutes for his screams to end.

Mikee was beating Mark now, having taken over for Ningsih. A lot of him was unrecognizable now, except for his face, still relatively untouched. He wasn't screaming anymore, merely mewling.

Sahar asked me what I wanted to do with mine. "Just gut him and toss him over the side."

"Alive or dead?"


I might be more squeamish than Sahar, but he didn't deserve to die too quickly. She slashed his lower abdomen open so his intestines were exposed, then dropped him over the side of the boat. His screams didn't last for a minute.

Mikee had stopped beating Mark. Kadina dropped down beside him again to speak softly. "When Angela found out she'd controlled an illegal slave, Mark, she offered herself to me. She agreed to a six month submission but has since offered herself to me for the rest of my life. I've marked her as mine. Think of how many willing women you might have had, instead of the unwilling ones. But of course, you couldn't beat a willing one the way you beat me. Almost no woman would have been willing to do that. You're a sick man, Mark, but as Beth would say, you're one stain on humanity we have the ability to clean up. Do you remember when you fucked my cunt with a gun? Of course you do. You don't have a cunt though, do you, Mark? Too bad. You do have an ass though. But I won't use a gun. Too hard to clean the gun up afterward. I'll use a knife instead, then you can say hello to the fishes, the way your friends did. The sharks will eat you and then shit you out, like the waste you are."

She jabbed a knife up his ass, thrust a few times. He moaned, not dead yet.

"Good bye, Master."

Sahar took his legs and Kadina his arms, then they tossed him over the side. There was thrashing in the water. He didn't scream at all.


Fatima opened the scuppers on the back of the boat and we thoroughly hosed everything down, flushing the bloody water off the deck.

"We'll take a closer look later," Sahar said, "but this should be sufficient to let the Thornhill's back aboard. Make way for the ship, Fatima."

As we made our way to the American Entrepreneur, I had further discussions with the two women. Ningsih had been a slave for three months, taken off a busy street in Jakarta. Men had stopped a van beside her, opened up the door and dragged her in screaming, then sped off. I told them they would each receive compensation for their slavery and they were welcome to stay in the United States, as we had powerful friends, or they would be returned to their homes.

"At the very least, you should let your families know you're alive. Are you Muslim, Ningsih?" Eighty-seven percent of Indonesia was, so it wasn't a difficult guess.


"You were a virgin when taken?"

Tears over flowed her eyes. "Yes," she whispered.

"Western men don't care as much about virginity as Muslim men do. Your life isn't over, no matter what you may think now. Mikee, are you Catholic or Muslim?"

"Catholic, virgin."

"I'm sorry. That's not the way you should have first had sex. You will both need counseling to deal with the trauma you've experienced. There are shelters set up for former slaves all over the world. You can go to one of those if you believe it would be helpful. They have counselors for you there, to help you, plus other people who will help you adjust to your changed circumstances."

"We will really have money for being enslaved?" Mikee asked.

"Absolutely. Everyone is getting some."

"Don't forget this money," Angela said, kicking the briefcase. "I don't know if there''s really a half million dollars in there, but Mark doesn't need it anymore, and I won't take it."

"That reminds me," Sahar said. "We need to come up with a story for these two."

"The best story, the one that explains best what happened to the others," I said, "is they were found floating on a life raft in the ocean with this briefcase of money. That the men got on a boat with a bunch of women who they planned to enslave, they started fighting over the women and the money and ended up killing many of the women and each other. During all the fracas, these two escaped. Due to the blood in the water, sharks bit the side of the raft, and they were starting to sink when they were found. They don't know what happened to whoever was left when they bailed. They can otherwise stick to the truth. Edgar can get drill them so their stories closely match each other."

Sahar hugged me and gave me a kiss. "Good plan."

The American Entrepreneur had continued on at a slow pace while we had our fun with the slavers and they knew we didn't need help any longer. They'd sailed for the three hours we took disposing of the trash, but we were the faster boat, and soon, Fatima steered alongside and we tied up. We removed to false registration markings from our boat and did a closer inspection to ensure we wouldn't leave any evidence behind, including all the tranq darts we hadn't used.

Hannah notified the Coast Guard that two women of foreign origin, apparently, human trafficked women, who had flown into Ensenada on a private jet and boarded a party boat with a bunch of hookers, were found in the waters about five miles off the coast and north of the city of Ensenada, and for someone to meet the ship when it pulled into Los Angeles. Edgar started going over the two slaves stories with them.

We introduced the two to William Thornhill, and said that he would make arrangements for anything they wanted to do once they were in Los Angeles, where Angela and Kadina were also living.

"Where are you going?" Mikee asked.

"I was just on a short cruise with my friends and we have to return the boat to San Diego. We've never met you because these two ships are not connected," I said. "To the best of your knowledge, the ship you were on, sunk, or left the area with whoever was left alive."

"Will we see you again?"

"If you don't go back to the Philippines or Indonesia, you probably will. I have good friends in Los Angeles we like to visit on occasion, and a special interest in freed slaves. I have a survey, I'd like you to take, but it's not converted to your language yet, so it will have to wait."

Those of us who'd left from the Port of San Diego, returned to San Diego. We took our time. I fucked Bill while Sahar had sex with Evelyn and Regina. I needed permission to fuck him, but Sahar had no problem giving it. There were no restrictions on my orgasms, so I had plenty. From San Diego, Bill flew us in a helicopter to Los Angeles, where Leo picked up Björn and Fatima so they could bring the ship in. We stayed in Bill's home while waiting for our ship to get to LA.

We never heard a peep about the men who disappeared off Ensenada. The men who'd flown the private jet into Mexico were questioned, and they confirmed there'd been eleven men and two women on board, but denied knowing anything more, just being hired for the trip. Mikee and Ningshi were allowed to keep the money they'd been found floating in the life raft with. Mark's home in Indonesia was raided and police found evidence of his human trafficking activities. Los Angeles Sheriff's Deputy, Marcia Evans was contacted about the likely death of wanted suspect Mark Spagnoli. Although I'm sure she had her suspicions about his death, especially since the crew of the American Entrepreneur had found the other two slaves owned by him, she never asked us a single question. Sometimes, you're better off not knowing what you might suspect.

Since William, Evelyn and Regina all vouched for the presence of Sahar, Kadina, Angela, and me on the boat he'd hired out of San Diego, and that they'd never witnessed a single thing they'd consider bringing to the attention of the police, it died there.

Marcia asked me once a few years later if I ever wondered what happened to Mark. I paused what I was doing.

"Nothing I'd lose sleep over," I replied. "I imagine if he's never been found, the sharks probably got him. His two slaves said there was a lot of blood in the water when they left the boat."

"Although the occasional prostitute gets killed, there's no record of a whole bunch of them disappearing at once."

"They were probably from Mexico or somewhere else," I said. "If they were really looking for other slaves, they probably figured it was better to snag them from some third world country."

"I'm sure you're right," Marcia said, keeping her real thoughts to herself.

"How are Mark's old slaves doing?" I asked.

"Kadina is an electrical engineer. Mikee is in banking. Ningsih is a college professor of Sociology, specializing in Human Trafficking. They're all relatively wealthy, Bill helping them to invest their money."

"Good for them. I know Kadina and Angela are married. Do you know about the other two?"

"Ningsih is married to a nice Muslim man and has two children, a boy and a girl. Mikee is still single. To tell you the truth, I think she's more interested in women."

"Brianna has a whole bunch more interested in women," I said, "so not much of a surprise she would be too."

She smiled. Since I was licking her pussy at the time, I smiled back and kept licking until she screamed.


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MikePaulWritesMikePaulWrites9 months ago

If it ended here I could be (almost) satisfied, but I'm happy to see it continue. It's been a great ride.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Have some reservations about taking justice into their own hands but can fully understand in theses circumstances. Always thought I could be a benevolent dictator but they say absolute ower corrupts so perhaps not. Another great instalment but as you say it looks like the end.


Cindy1001Cindy1001over 1 year ago

For me, as someone who believes in the rule of law, this was a more difficult chapter to read. Okay, it turned out to be a rescue as well (and I had no problem whatsoever with any aspect of Beth's rescue), but it was planned as a revenge operation. And still, within the concept of this amazing story, I think that these men deserved everything that was dished out to them.

How to reconcile the rule of law with vigilantism and frontier justice? Basically I feel that a developed society would go down if it were to accept vigilantism in the long run. And you must accept that justice sometimes is inadequate (based on the concept that it is better to let nine guilty men go free than one innocent man locked up). But if the inadequacy of justice were to expand beyond what is acceptable, theoretically I would have no problem with vigilantism kicking in and I could see the need for that. The problem however is that with vigilantism each man decides what is acceptable - or not - and in a democracy the majority does.

But that dilemma does not need to be solved for this story, as usually I enjoyed and loved it.

CrosfyreCrosfyreover 1 year ago

Love the stories but stuff like this is completely unrealistic : four hours a day in physical training, two hours shooting and four hours in unarmed combat every day. It can’t be sustained for more than 2 days. By the 3rd day you would be so sore you couldn’t move.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Justice served.

Tess (uk)

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