My Descent into Slavery Ch. 25


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"Let's go meet this young lady."

We were waiting outside of Burdine's when Sharon came out a little after five. I introduced her to everyone by first name only and when she asked what everyone did, I deflected for the moment, saying only that I'd just gotten my doctorate, and hadn't found employment yet, Master was in business, Trinity, Malcom and Frieda were academics and Francesca between jobs. Frieda and Malcom were married to each other.

She asked what Sahar did and I said she was my bodyguard.

"Do you need a bodyguard?"

"I've been kidnapped before."

"That sounds like an interesting story. I'd like to hear about it."

"To be honest, I don't like talking about it, especially around dinner time. It can easily spoil your appetite."

"How did you meet? Did you just hire her after you were freed?"

"She was one of the people who helped rescue me. I knew her from before then. She also helped me recover after my ordeal. I decided to marry her after she rescued me. She is very good at her job. We have room in our vehicle for you, and can drop you back here to pick up your car later, or you can drive to Kres yourself."

"If you can drop me back here later, I'd love to ride with you."

We went out to the big SUV and Sharon got in the back with Malcom and me. Otherwise it was the same as when we'd drove down.

"Why aren't you sitting with your wife?" Sharon asked.

"As my bodyguard, she's attended an escape and evasion driving class, and is best able to keep us all safe on the road. Sharon, I already informed the others how we met and why I invited you to dinner with us. I'm curious. Have you ever been with a woman before?" She hesitated a moment. "It's okay. I can safely say all the women in this vehicle are bisexual to various degrees. None of us are in any way prudes, or offended by things sexual. In fact, you're likely to learn things about us tonight as well. We're just being cautious until we get to know you a little better. Sharing a little will help with that."

Sharon nodded, then said, "I experimented a little in college. Went on dates with girls a couple of times. Met my first husband though, got pregnant and got married and dropped out before I finished school."

"You have a child then?"

"Had a miscarriage. Turned out I had a bad case of endometriosis, and couldn't carry to term. Had to have a hysterectomy. I'm a sports model now. We'd gotten married because I was pregnant, and Robert did want children. When I couldn't have any, we got divorced after a couple years."

I squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry. Does George not care if you can have children?"

"He does care. I guess we're temporary for that reason, together until something better comes along for both of us. Eventually, I guess I'll be old enough I couldn't have children anyway, and some guy who never wanted or already has children won't care, and I'll get married."

"What were you studying in college?" Master asked.

"Psychology," Sharon said. Boing.

"Where did you attend school?" Frieda asked.

"UCF." That's the large state college in Orlando, the University of Central Florida.

"Any desire to go back to school and finish your degree?" Master asked.

"I can't afford college living off my Burdine's paycheck. I'm staying with George, or I couldn't afford a nice apartment either."

"Are you wedded to Florida?" Master asked.

"Not really, why?"

"I happen to know of a large number of women," Master replied, "freed from human traffickers, who need psychological help overcoming their trauma."

"I don't have a degree. I can't help."

"I'll pay for you to get your degree, while you get paid for helping as an aide. It would be good on-the-job training for your degree. The job is in New York City," Master said.

"Are you joking? Please don't do that."

"Not joking. Extremely serious."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because Sahar and I are ex-slaves," I said. "We know the need. Let me finish our introductions. It might help you understand. This is my Master, Joshua. My sister submissive, Francesca. Frieda, a psychology professor from UF, her husband, a literature professor and Trinity, an engineering professor from the same school. I just got my doctorate in Psychology at UF, and I'm going to be working with the same women, as I was also taken as a slave. We'll tell you more, but for now, George can't know about this, not unless we feel it's safe to tell him."

"You say voluntary submissive. Is that related to your slavery?"

"No. I began studying voluntary submission for my doctorate. In the process, discovered I was one, and began submitting to Joshua. We began freeing enslaved women, one of whom was Sahar. I began to help them with their recovery under the guidance of my dissertation advisor as I'd already completed all of my coursework.

"In the process of freeing these women, we pissed off the human trafficking network run by an Interpol agent who was supposed to be investigating human slavery. He captured me in Algeria, and I was taken to Morocco to be trained and sold. I was rescued just before I was to be branded, by Sahar and a lot of other people around thirteen months ago. Slavery is not like voluntary submission. There are no rules, no safe words. You can't leave if you have a shit Dominant. As both a voluntary submissive, and a former slave, I feel uniquely qualified to help treat former slaves."

"Beth developed a survey which helps identify people with submissive or Dominant characteristics," Frieda said. "I was on the panel before whom she defended her dissertation. I took that survey and discovered I'm submissive. Francesca is a switch. I'm in submission to her until Trinity has been trained as a Dominant."

"Because Frieda and Trinity are new to submission and Dominance," Master said, "we were going to a BDSM club in Orlando after dinner, The Woodshed, so they can be exposed to different aspects of D/s culture. Beth will be giving her survey to different people there. We've managed to discover a number of human trafficked people that way. People who are nominally submissive, but are in reality, slaves."

"Why can't George know this?"

"Because I'm married to former US Representative, Miranda Ward of North Carolina. It still has the ability to harm her politically, even though she is no longer a congresswoman. She is also one of my submissives, as well as my wife. It's why she isn't with us now. She can't go to a BDSM club."

"And you trust me with this information, why?"

"Because you gave Sahar an orgasm in the store, indicating you weren't afraid of sexual experimentation," I said, "you've studied psychology, and are looking for a better life, which we're in the position to give you. You've got no reason to rat us out."

"Oh, wow. This is crazy. Like when would all of this happen?"

"Do you need to give notice at Burdine's?" Master asked.

"I should."

"We're remaining in Florida until July, so Sahar can finish this semester as an art student, and to attend a wedding," Master said. "You're welcome to move in with us in Gainesville at any time, and would go to New York when we leave. Make sure you have any transcripts or other documentation from UCF, so you can transfer credits. You'll attend college in New York, and begin work there, immediately. We have group homes set up for former slaves, both single and married, of which there are a few. You'd live in one of the group homes, so your housing is taken care of, free of charge. After you get your degree, you can continue working there or set up your own practice."

"Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening. Do I have to have sex with anyone?"

"You only ever have to have sex if you want to," Master said. "All sex is voluntary, although you will see a lot of it going on around you. There's a lot of sex involved in D/s relationships."

"How pissed off is George going to be if you move out?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. We like each other, but we don't love each other. We'd be married if it went that far. I don't think he'll be that upset. He knows I want more for my life than I have."

"That's how we'll approach it with him, that you've got the chance to finish your degree in New York and work in your field. You can choose whether or not you want to come to the BDSM club with us. We're not going to tell George about that."

"Are we still going to have sex tonight, and is George welcome to participate?"

"Yes to the sex if you want to, and yes to his participation if he wants to, but it will be late, probably close to midnight before we get done at the club. Does he have to work tomorrow?" I asked.

"I don't know. Sometimes he works on Saturday if things are piling up."

"Then it will be up to him. We're going to be staying at the Rosen Shingle Creek," Master said. "I'll get a room for you four, probably a room with two queen size beds so you can mix and match. Sahar is less interested in sex with men, but will on occasion. Beth will have sex with anyone. If you want to go to the club, we can say to George that we're discussing the terms of your employment and you can show up later. If you don't, you can check in with George and wait for Beth and Sahar to show up. We're at Kres."

Sure enough, we were. Sahar was pulling into the parking lot now. The restaurant looked upscale, but then Master usually spared no expense. It was fifteen minutes before George was due to arrive.

"Get to know us a little more," I said. "If you want to go to the BDSM club later, just ask me to go to the ladies room and you can tell me there, and Master can invite you to discuss your employment. If you don't want to go, it's fine. You may have no interest in going to a BDSM club. We're mostly going for Frieda and Trinity, but also to give out my survey to people there. We've already freed a bunch of slaves in Los Angeles after going to a club there."

"If you find any, what do you do?"

"Call the police. You don't see them now, but Master has some security people hanging about. They'll help if we need it. Sahar is wired up."

"Look, I'd like to go to the club and check it out. Go ahead and include me in."

"You've got it," Master said. "Depending on how George responds, he may get invited as well, but he may not, so we won't say anything until we know."

"Master, to avoid the issues we had in LA, I'm going to be entering the results in the matrix immediately," I said. "I don't want to find out there's a real slave until tomorrow."

"Makes sense. If we do that, we probably don't want the police showing up until everyone has taken the survey, otherwise we won't get everyone done."

"Sahar can identify them to your people outside, sir, and they can question them as they're leaving. They should separate the Dominant and submissive, ask the submissive if they're voluntary, check for IDs. If the slaves are from outside of the country, they won't have an ID as they're illegal."

"I'll let Smitty know. How many is it likely we'd find?"

"I'd be surprised if we find more than one or two, sir. This is not like New York or LA with large international populations. There are a lot of foreign tourists, but this is a family vacation destination. Miami could possibly have a substantial number. I'd eventually like the survey to be given to everyone who works in massage parlors. A huge number of human trafficked females end up working as quasi prostitutes in massage parlors."

"Let's go inside, we can discuss this more at the club."

"Yes, Master."

We went inside the restaurant and Sahar and I waited with Sharon for George to arrive while the others went to our table. George arrived five minutes later.

He greeted Sharon with a kiss, and Sharon introduced us.

"How did you meet them?" George asked.

"I did Sahar's make-up job. We got to chatting. I've got some wonderful news," Sharon said.

"What news is that?"

"I've got an offer of a job in New York, with the opportunity to finish my degree."

George looked at me. "You're offering her a job?"

"It's not my job offer, but she would be working alongside of me," I said. "A friend is offering the job.

"Doing what?"

"Providing psychological services to human trafficked persons who've been involuntary sex slaves. They suffer from a lot of the same things that victims of rape suffer from, since they've essentially been raped for most of their slaveries; including PTSD, drug or alcohol abuse, promiscuity, inability to maintain positive relationships. We're here with some other people, including the one who offered the job."

"Before we do that, how did the offer of sex come up, and is it only with you two?"

"It is only with us two. My wife and I are very affectionate with each other and while Sharon was doing Sahar's make-up, I was looking for some perfume. I found something I liked and brought it to her. I put some on my fingers and put my hand under Sahar's dress to apply it to the pulse point on her groin. While I was doing that, I kissed her and inserted my fingers in her pussy. I fingered her for several seconds in front of Sharon. Then I pulled my fingers out and licked them clean. Since I didn't see a ring on Sharon's finger, I asked her if she wanted a taste.

"She looked around to see if it was safe, then did the same thing, giving Sahar an orgasm in the process." George looked sharply at Sharon. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Because she did that, she seemed like she might be a little adventurous, so I invited her out to eat and to spend the night with us. She said she had a boyfriend, so I told her to invite you."

"I can't believe you did that," George said.

"It was spur of the moment, erotically charged instant of temporary insanity," Sharon said. "Given what's happened since, I don't regret it."

"A woman?"

"I told you I dated women a couple times in college. I figured a woman was better than a man as far as you're concerned."

"Be honest with me," George asked me, "Are you only doing this to fuck my girlfriend?"

"Sahar is probably more interested in Sharon. I'm an equal opportunity fucker. I enjoy sex with everyone, and am probably more cock oriented. I hope I can fuck her too, but however it works out. The only problem is, Joshua wishes to discuss the employment opportunity with Sharon. Do an interview, let's say. It might be close to midnight before we can play. Is that a problem for you? I can guarantee you the best blow job in the world if you can wait. You can go to the hotel and check in, watch TV while you wait, maybe take a nap."

"That seems honest. Can't the three of us get started?"

"Since Sharon is going to be working alongside of me, I have a number of questions I'd like to ask, and Sahar doesn't fuck anyone without me present. She's a former slave herself and she doesn't trust her own instincts with people, but she trusts mine. She could end up hurting any men if I wasn't there."

"How badly could she hurt me?"

"I could snap your neck," Sahar said. "I'm her bodyguard. Beth has convinced me to break arms instead."

He looked at her again. She smiled at him. She just didn't look that nasty, now with her makeup on. She didn't look dangerous until she knew she was going after you. Then the look in her eyes usually convinced you.

"After she was freed, she began training with ex-special forces types, so she could never be enslaved again. She has a natural distrust of men after her experiences. It's why she prefers women, and I don't ask her to have sex with anyone she doesn't want to, so it may be only me you fuck tonight."

"Okay. Let's go eat."

"Order anything you want. We'll foot the bill."

We found our table and I introduced George to the others. "This is Joshua Greenbriar, who offered Sharon the job, and our friend, Francesca. We also have three professors from the University of Florida where I just got my doctorate. Frieda, her husband, Malcom, and Trinity, their friend. I took classes with Frieda in graduate school. This is Sharon's boyfriend, George."

George sat next to Sharon, at the end of the long side, with Sahar seated at the end, and I sat on the other side of Sharon, next to Francesca, who was seated next to Master at the end opposite Sahar. The three professors were on the opposite side of the table. As soon as we sat, our waitress was there to take orders. Master ordered a bottle of Dom Perignon, and since they served primarily steaks, the Napa Valley 2011 Colgin Cariad Bordeaux blend, a 2006 Chateau De Beaucastel Chateauneuf-du-Pape and for those who couldn't drink a red, a 2018 Henry Fessy Pouilly-Fuise white burgundy. I, being pregnant, couldn't drink a thing.

Being pregnant, I did go to town on the food, however. The Maine lobster bisque, a warm bacon and spinach salad, (iron, you know), the 8 oz. filet with baked potato (potassium) and lemon garlic haricots verts (French green beans). I didn't skimp on the dessert either, getting the crème brûlée.

The conversation was fairly routine for people just meeting one another for the first time. Chitchat about the jobs, family, the area. George asked more about Sahar's slavery, which she didn't talk much about, except on the most general terms. Yes, she had sex, it was rape, she was taken as a virgin, wanted to die before she had sex with another man when freed, only started having sex with men again so she could spend more time with me. Was surprised when I offered to marry her, and deliriously happy to be married.

George asked Master about the job offer, I suppose to find out how genuine it was. Master gave him Lynn's phone number and told him he could call her and she could explain the set up of the group homes for ex-slaves and their families. The first one for single women, set up after dozens of women were saved at a slave auction in New York City. Then how another had to be set up for slaves who had children with their prior owners, and husbands if they'd gotten married.

I talked about the types of problems slaves encountered after they were freed.

"Even though some of the women married good men who cared for them and their children, they've found it difficult to refuse sex with others who demanded it. Several of them have been hypnotized to feel ill if they thought of sex with anyone but their husbands. One of the things I did was to refresh their hypnotic conditioning at regular intervals.

"Many slaves were brought into the country illegally, and had no ID's or passports. They don't initially speak English although they quickly learn to speak the language of their owners to avoid being punished. They can't read and write it, however. They don't have access to phones or computers so they can't contact their families or the outside world. When Sahar was freed, she spoke Arabic, her native language, and Portuguese because she was sold in Brazil. She had to learn yet another language, didn't know how to drive, how to use an ATM or debit card, didn't understand modern banking, checking accounts, savings accounts. She had to learn all of this after she was freed.

"For many of the young Muslim virgins, they're ashamed to contact their families after they've been freed because of what they've gone through, and that they're now impure and can never have a normal life. Sahar didn't even try contacting her family for a year after she was freed. Her father refuses to accept her life as it exists now."

"What kinds of problems have you had with her?"

"Me, none except getting her to tone down her violence, and to not kill people for simple stupidity, as opposed to evil people who harm women. She is an implacable foe if you intentionally harm the innocent who cannot protect themselves. We were riding in a car with two other women, and the ex-boyfriend of one, pulled up alongside as we were pumping gas. He tried to force his ex to kiss him. Sahar told him to leave her the fuck alone. If he hadn't let go of her, he would have suffered a broken arm minimum. She told him if he didn't quit bothering her, she'd cut off his cock and balls and feed them to him. He believed her and left."